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Gunung Lumut

Biodiversity Assessment 2005 The .naturalis contribution to the MOF / Tropenbos project in the Gunung Lumut Protection Forest

Editor Jan van Tol

Contributions Eulàlia Gassó Miracle, Rienk de Jong, Erik J. van Nieukerken & Jan van Tol

February 2006 National Museum of Natural History | Naturalis | Leiden | The Netherlands Version 4

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Gunung Lumut Biodiversity Assessment 2005

The Naturalis contribution to the MoF / Tropenbos project

in the Gunung Lumut Protection Forest

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Gunung Lumut Biodiversity Assessment 2005


Summary ................................................................................................ 4

Introduction ................................................................................................ 5

Acknowledgements.......................................................................................... 2

Impression of the area and results ....................................................................... 8

Methods ............................................................................................... 10


Odonata (J. van Tol) ..................................................................... 12

Some impressions of the Gunung Lumut Protection Forest

(E.J. van Nieukerken)..................................................................... 15

Butterflies (Lepidoptera) (R. de Jong)................................................. 15

Annex 1 Itinerary .................................................................................... 17

Annex 2 Positions of localities ..................................................................... 23

Photographs by Jan van Tol

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Gunung Lumut Biodiversity Assessment 2005


Four entomologists of the National Museum of Natural History Naturalis, Leiden, The Netherlands,

joined an expedition for a biodiversity assessment of the Gunung Lumut Protection Forest,

situated in the Pasir district of Kalimantan Timur (Indonesia).

The area was investigated from two camps in the protection forest and a subcamp on the slopes

of Gunung Lumut. Special attention was paid to Lepidoptera and Odonata, and to a lesser extent

to Coleoptera.

The area proved to be diverse in geological conditions, in vegetation, and in forest disturbance.

Water types in the area included a variety of streams, from small seepage areas to rivers of 20 to

30 m wide.

The results of the entomological studies were satisfactory, although dark weather greatly

reduced activity of butterflies and dragonflies on many days. The total number of butterfly

species observed is about 160, and the total number of dragonfly species about 45. An estimate

of the number of species of moths has to await study of the material by specialists.

A preliminary evaluation of the species lists reveals that the ecosystems in the study area are

relatively complete, although presumably influenced by previous logging activities. Species

composition is rather typical for lowland rain forest in Borneo, including most of the common and

widespread elements. The area yielded none or very few species with extremely small ranges

(endemics of SE Borneo), although data of the region above c. 800 m are scarce.

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Gunung Lumut Biodiversity Assessment 2005


Four entomologists of the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, The Netherlands, joined

the Gunung Lumut Biodiversity Assessment. Field work for the assessment was organised by the

Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia and the Indonesian office of Tropenbos International at


The Rapid Biodiversity Assessment was executed in the Gunung Lumut-Untir-Beratus extension

area in District Pasir, East Kalimantan. According to the proposal, the area of protection forest

covers almost 42,000 ha of relatively undisturbed dipterocarp lowland forest. The assessment

was carried out by a variety of organisations, such as the Primate Research Agency, local

community groups (PEMA Pasir) and Indonesian and Dutch institutes.

The main focus of the assessment was on the Telake and Kendilo watershed areas of District Pasir.

The objectives were to promote the management and conservation of Gunung Lumut Protection

Forest by increasing awareness among local people and wider public about the natural heritage.

This should be accomplished by

encouraging local stakeholders, particularly the local communities, to take active roles

in conserving and managing the area,

promoting partnerships between relevant stakeholders, contributing to the improvement

of the management plan for the Gunung Lumut Protection Forest,

support the establishment of this area as a Biosphere Reserve that reconciles economic

and social development and enviromenment protection.

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The assessment team included scientists from the Netherlands and Indonesia for vertebrates,

insects, plants and fungi. The scientists were assisted by a group of c. 20 students of the

Agricultural University IPB at Bogor, and local porters and guides.

The Naturalis studies focused on insects, with special attention for moths, Microlepidoptera

(Erik J. van Nieukerken), butterflies and larger moths, Macrolepidoptera (Rienk de Jong) and

dragonflies, Odonata (Jan van Tol), while Eulàlia Gassó Miracle was joining the team as observer,

replacing Kees van den Berg.


The Naturalis team gratefully acknowledges Tropenbos International, especially the team in

Balikpapan, for careful preparation and co-ordination of the Assessment. We are also grateful to

the IPB students for enthousiastically working with us, and to the local people from Mului and

Rantau Layung to guide us through their forest.

Photo by Jan van Tol

Entrance of the Mului base camp

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Topographical map of central part of Gunung Lumut Protection Forest

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Gunung Lumut Biodiversity Assessment 2005

Impression of the area and results

The area proved to be diverse in geological conditions, with both granite and limestone present.

The forest was selectively logged up to 600 m altitude about 30 years ago. Although the open

structure of pristine rain forest is lost at lower elevations, both flora and fauna seem to have

recovered to a reasonable extent. Vegetation above c. 600 m is largely undisturbed.

The following collecting methods were used during the assessment: butterflies and dragonflies

with insect nets, several families of microlepidoptera by searching mining larvae, dragonfly

larvae with aquatic net, moths and various other groups of insects by setting up light traps.

Lepidoptera were sampled in open and dense vegetation at various elevations, up to the top of

Gunung Lumut at 1200 m. Dragonflies were sampled between 150 and 450 m in all kind of aquatic

habitats, from seepage areas to the larger forest streams. The dark or even rainy weather on

various days negatively influenced the results of the study of butterflies and dragonflies.

The results proved to be satisfactory. The number of butterfly species encountered is more than

160. The knowledge of leave-mining moth-families, such as the Nepticulidae, in Southeast Asia is

still poorly developed, and significant new observations were made. Dragonfly diversity was less

than expected, both the number of species and the number of specimens was lower than usually

encountered in other parts of Borneo. It is unknown whether this has to be attributed to a

seasonal effect, to remaining effects of logging, or to the geological history of the area.

We suggest to carry out a short assessment for the same insect groups immediately after the

rainy season to reveal seasonal variations in species composition of the entomofauna.

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The outlet of the Nango stream in

the Prayan river. The Nango stream

runs over limestone rocks, while the

Prayan river cuts through alluvial

soils and granitic rock.

Anaksungai Sepu

Roadside vegetation near the Mului

base camp

Photos by Jan van Tol

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The area was studied for selected groups of insects from 11 November until 3 December 2005.

We used the following methods to obtain our data

walking along forest trails and roads, while collecting butterflies using insect nets of c. 30

cm diameter,

walking along and through forest streams, and along standing waters, while hand collecting

of dragonflies using insect nets of c. 30 cm diameter,

searching for leaf-mines of Nepticulidae and other leaf-ming Lepidoptera, and rearing the


aquatic insect larvae, such as Odonata, were collected using an aquatic net (Davis net),

setting up during the evenings white sheets with 160 Watt mixed light, or 16 Watt blacklight,

for collecting moths and other insects.

The insects were mostly preserved dry using silicagel, but tenerals, very small species, and DNA

samples of selected species were kept on 70 or 98% ethylalcohol.

Lepidoptera and other insects were collected around the basecamps of Prayan (Rantau Layung)

and Mului, the 'flying camp' on the slope of Gunung Lumut, near old Mului village, and also along

trails between Mului camp, the flycamp and the top of Gunung Lumut. Odonata were collected in

the vicinity of the basecamps. A full list of the localities with altitude and longitude/latitude is

presented in Annex 2, while Annex 1 presents the itinerary of the participants.

Specimens were preliminarily identified in the field, using names obtained from the literature

(partly available in the camps), or from knowledge of the scientists. Identifications of the

material should be confirmed in the Leiden museum by direct comparison with preserved


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Gunung Lumut Biodiversity Assessment 2005

Collecting Odonata. Local helper

Pudel (left) and IPB student Santun

Moh. Pamunkas (right) assisted in

the study of dragonflies of the area.

Insects at light. Aldults of

dobsonflies Corydalus (Megaloptera)

came to light, while larvae were

found in currents of the streams in

the area.

Insects at light. Examples of moths

Lepidoptera were set immediately

after they were collected. Most

specimens, however, were kept in

plastic boxes with chlorocresol.

Photos by Jan van Tol

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¶ Odonata by Jan van Tol

The area proved to be rather diverse in aquatic habitats. We encountered (a) larger, open

streams, (b) half-shaded forest streams, (c) smaller, fully shaded streams, (d) trickles and

seepage areas (shaded), and (e) standing waters. As already explained above, the Protection

Forest was selectively logged below 600 m about thirty years ago. Larger trees are, however, still

present near the streams, since no logging was allowed on the banks of streams.

A preliminary list of the species encountered per habitat is presented in Table xx.

Densities were generally low. Usually, temporary territoria of dragonflies and damselflies are

taken within minutes after a holder of a territorium is collected. We have seen several examples

where the territorium was not taken for many days after collecting a specimen.

Species of the genus Vestalis were common along all streams. Remarkably, all specimens were

males and no single female was seen during the full period of field work. For several groups with

many representatives in Borneo, such as Drepanosticta and Coeliccia, only one species was found,

which is very unusual.

Photo by Jan van Tol

Neurobasis longipes, female.

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Gunung Lumut Biodiversity Assessment 2005

Table 1

List of Odonata species per aquatic habitat (preliminary results)

Sequence of species following Lieftinck (1954)


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Devadatta podolestoides


Libellago semiopaca

Libellago stictica

Rhinocypha aurofulgens

Rhinocypha humeralis

Heliocypha biseriata


Euphaea impar

Euphaea subcostalis

Dysphaea dimidiata


Vestalis spp.

Neurobasis longipes


Rhinagrion sp.


Drepanosticta rufostigma


Elattoneura sp

Prodasineura sp.


Coeliccia cf. nigrohamata


Pseudagrion perfuscatum

Argiocnemis rubescens


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Gunung Lumut Biodiversity Assessment 2005

Heliogomphus sp.


Indaeschna grubaueri

Anax guttatus / panybeus


Chlorogomphus sp. ?


Macromia corycia


Lyriothemis biappendiculata

Cratilla lineata

Orthetrum glaucum

Orthetrum pruinosum

Orthetrum sabina

Orthetrum testaceum

Diplacodes trivialis

Neurothemis fluctuans

Neurothemis ramburii

Trithemis aurora

Trithemis festiva

Onychothemis coccinea

Zygonyx sp.

Zyxomma obtusum

Pantala flavescens

Rhyothemis sp.

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Gunung Lumut Biodiversity Assessment 2005

¶ Some impressions of Gunung Lumut Protection Forest by Erik J. van Nieukerken

The moth fauna is quite rich, but detailed information is only possible after preparation and

identification of the material. Blacklight collecting gave sometimes better results, especially for

Microlepidoptera. The number of different sites for light collecting was probably somewhat

limited. Setting up automatic light traps in several places in the forest would be a good option

for a future expedition of this kind.

The fauna on Gunung Lumut at 650 m was quite different from the other camps, while also the

fauna of Mului and Prayan basecamps showed many differences. The two nights collecting in the

forest yielded probably the best results, and species composition was certainly very different

from the other sites.

The leafmining fauna of Indonesia is vertually unknown, so that comparisons are not possible. For

Nepticulidae and Heliozelidae several new hostplants, including new hostplant families, were

noted. The families Tischeriidae and Heliozelidae are probably recorded for the first time from


¶ Butterflies (Lepidoptera) by Rienk de Jong

Observations were made from the camps located near Rantau Layung at the junction of the

Sungai Prayan and the Sungai Seranum, and along the road to Mului. The first location was visited

for nine full days (13-21 November 2005), the second location for ten (23 November to 2

December). The two locations differ in altitude.

The camp in the vicinity of Rantau Layung was located at an altitude of 160 m, and field work

was executed between 150 and 230 m. The altitudinal range at the second location was much

greater, from the Mului River at 255 m to the top of Gunung Lumut at 1215 m. However, few

observations were made above 670 m (flying camp of Mului) due to time constraints and

unfavourable weather conditions. Apart from the difference in altitude, it appeared that in the

Mului area disturbance of the forest was less than in the Rantau Layung area.

At both locations the available time was insufficient to get a reliable estimate of the total

butterfly diversity. Four to six new species were added to the list every day, and the increase did

not slow down during the visit, indicating that there were many more species around that were

not yet observed. Nevertheless, the difference in butterfly composition was more considerable

than could be expected by chance only. Below a list is given of the number of species per family.

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The numbers are approximate, since many identifications are preliminary only, and must be

checked by examination of the genitalia in the museum.

Table 2

Number of species per family for Borneo as a whole, for the two locations separately, and the the

two locations in the Gunung Lumut Protection Forest together.

Borneo Rantau Layung Mului Total GLPF

Hesperiidae 214 11 15 23

Papilionidae 45 10 10 14

Pieridae 42 18 11 19

Lycaenidae 377 17 25 34

Riodinidae 16 1 5 6

Nymphalidae 238 37 50 69

Totals 932 94 116 165

The table clearly shows that (a) the Mului area was richer in species, even if we keep in mind

that the locality was visited for one day more, (b) there are large differences between the

families in the number of species observed relative to the total number of species known from

Borneo. Particularly the Lycaenidae, with less than 10% observed, are underrepresented. This

may at least partly be due to their incospicuous appearance, partly also to their being more

restricted to particular habitats, and partly to chance as well, since particular attention was paid

to the Lycaenidae. It is unclear to what extent the time of the year may have influenced the


Less obvious, but also visible from the table, is the difference in composition between the two

locations. In the Rantau Layung area 49 species (165 – 116, 50.2%) were observed that were not

observed in the Mului area. Reversely, the Mului area yielded 71 species (165 – 94, 61.2%) that

were not observed in the Rantau Layung area.

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Annex 1


All dates 2005

Abbreviations: EG (Eulàlia Gassó Miracle), RdJ (Rienk de Jong), EJvN (Erik van Nieukerken), JvT

(Jan van Tol); Bpn (Balikpapan), Jkt (Jakarta), GLPF (Gunung Lumut Protection Forest).

6 Nov EJvN,JvT Leaving for Singapore, with National Herbarium colleagues Peter

Hovenkamp, Niels Raes and Ferry Slik

7 Nov EJvN Arrival Singapore, continues to Balikpapan, meeting with

Tropenbos staff, stay Hotel Mitra Amanah

JvT Arrival Singapore, continues to Jakarta, and to Bogor

8 Nov EJvN Meeting in Tropenbos office, shopping for equipment, sightseeing


JvT Stay in Bogor

9 Nov EJvN One-day trip with NHN staff to forest remnant Wartonokadri

(Samboja) and educational bear centre north of Balikpapan

JvT Bogor to Jkt, meeting Hans de Iongh. Together to LIPI office to

collected letters for police, and SOSPOL. To MARBES police, and


10 Nov EJvN Organisation for departure to field, shopping, meeting RdJ at


RdJ Singapore to Balikpapan

JvT SOSPOL permit not ready. Hotel, Jkt airport, Bpn airport, hotel

Mitra Amanah to meet EJvN, RdJ, botanists and Indonesian


11 Nov EJvN, RdJ Meeting Tropenbos office, leaving for GLPF Mului basecamp

JvT Attending meeting in Tropenbos ofice, fetching EG from airport;

JvT and EG to Benakutai hotel

EJvN, RdJ Collecting at light Mului basecamp

12 Nov JvT, EG Shopping in Bpn; dinner with Hans de Iongh

EJvN Field work near Mului basecamp

Collecting at light (poor results due to moon)

RdJ From Mului to Prayan camp

13 Nov JvT, EG To Mului base camp by Kijang bus; JvT continuing to kampung

Rantau Layung; collecting of some dragonflies in river near village

EJvN As 12 November

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RdJ Collecting butterflies along Prayan river; setting up bait traps in

forest around Prayan camp

14 Nov EJvN, EG Setting up Malaise traps, field work near Mului basecamp

No collecting at light due to rain

JvT From kampung Rantau Layung to Prayan basecamp; collecting Mului

and Seranum river

RdJ Collecting butterflies along Prayan river

RdJ, JvT Collecting at light near Prayan basecamp

15 Nov EJvN, EG Field work near Mului basecamp

Collecting at light near Mului basecamp

JvT Odonata from Sungai Lepapo, a right-bank tributary of Prayan


RdJ Collecting butterflies along Prayan and Seranum rivers

RdJ, JvT Collecting at light near Prayan basecamp

16 Nov EJvN, EG Tidying up material, packing, checking traps, some collecting


No collecting at light

JvT Odonata from Prayan river

RdJ Collecting butterflies in forest at higher altitude near Prayan camp

RdJ, JvT Collecting at light near Prayan bascamp

17 Nov EJvN, EG From basecamp to Mului river by car, climb to Gunung Lumut flying

camp at 650 m

Collecting at blacklight flying camp

JvT Odonata from Sungai Nango, a left bank tributary with limestone

cascades; also some Odonata from Sungai Prayan.

Banjir in S. Prayan in late afternoon.

RdJ Collecting butterflies along more remote part of Prayan river

18 Nov EJvN, EG Field work between GL flying camp at 650 m and pre-summit at

1200 m

Collecting at blacklight flying camp

JvT Sungai Seranum (Prayan too high to wade)

RdJ As 17 November

RdJ, JvT Collecting at light near Prayan basecamp

19 Nov EG Working near flying GL flying camp

EJvN Climbing to 1050 m, staying overnight in tent

Collecting at light at 1050 m site (rain)

RdJ As 17 November, continued to illegal logging camp

JvT Sungai Lepapo (Odonata); morning hours sunny.

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Rain in evening, no collecting at light.

20 Nov EG Fieldwork near GL flying camp; packing of specimens with EJvN

EJvN From 1050 m site to flying camp; preparing and packing of


No collecting at light

RdJ Collecting butterflies in forest around Prayan camp and along

Prayan river

JvT Sungai Seranum (Odonata); rivers still high after rain of yesterday

evening. Also small tributary (Odonata).

JvT Collecting at light near Prayan basecamp.

21 Nov EJvN, EG From GL flying camp to Mului river, and from Mului river to Mului


Collecting at ML light, Mului basecamp with good results

JvT Sungai Prayan (Odonata), and Sungai Lepapo (Odonata). Sun very

late, rain from 14.00 h.

RdJ Collecting butterflies around illegal logging camp (see 19


RdJ, JvT Collecting at light near Prayan basecamp

22 Nov EJvN, EG Preparing large number of specimens collected previous night;

packing Malaise traps and material.

JvT, RdJ From Prayan basecamp to Kampung Rantau Layung, and further to

Mului basecamp.

EG, RdJ, EJvN, JvT Collecting at ML light near Mului basecamp (stopped early because

of heavy rain)

23 Nov EJvN Packing, tidying up

EG Field work near Mului basecamp

RdJ Collecting butterflies along road near Mului camp

JvT Anaksungai Sepu (Odonata)

Collecting at light near camp, but moved to camp after start of


24 Nov EJvN, EG From Mului basecamp via Rantau Layung village to Prayan


Collecting at ML light at Prayan camp

RdJ Collecting butterflies along Mului river from old Mului village


JvT Sungai Mului (Odonata) from old Mului village downstream.

Rain from 13.30-16.00 h.

No collecting at light.

25 Nov EJvN, EG Field work near Prayan camp

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Collecting at ML light near Prayan camp.

JvT Anaksungai Sepu, with Metro television crew, overcast so very few

Odonata up to 11.30 h.

Collecting at light near Mului basecamp; flysheet erected near

crossing of Anaksungai Sepu and road (all collecting at this site

from 25 Nov – 2 Dec).

RdJ Collecting butterflies around Mului camp in forest and along forest


RdJ, JvT Collecting at light near Mului basecamp

26 Nov EJvN, EG Field work on ridge with good forest SSW of Prayan camp

Collecting at ML light near Prayan camp.

JvT Pool along road near Mului basecamp (Odonata), after rain up to

10.00 h.

RdJ As 23 November

27 Nov EJvN, EG Field work along Prayan river, stopped by heavy rain,

Collecting on limestone rocks near camp

Collecting at ML and blacklight near Prayan camp

JvT Anaksungai Sepu (Odonata), little activity due to dark weather

from 10.00 h.

Small tributary of Anaksungai Sepu, near road (Odonata).

Pool along road (Odonata, 14.30-16.00 h).

RdJ As 23 November

RdJ JvT Collecting at light near Mului basecamp.

28 Nov EJvN, EG Preparing and sorting / tidying material (breedings) in Prayan camp

Collecting at ML light near Prayan camp

JvT Sungai Sepu (Odonata); rather cold and mostly overcast (morning).

Small tributary of Anaksungai Sepu, near road (Odonata)


Mului village (Odonata) (c. 17.15-18.15 h)

RdJ From Mului camp to Flying camp; collecting on the way and around

flying camp

29 Nov EG Collecting near Prayan camp

Collecting at ML light in Prayan camp

EJvN Walking to ridge in forest 1 km S of Prayan camp, staying overnight

in tent

Collecing at blacklight near campsite.

JvT Tributary of Mului river (Odonata), and Sungai Mului (Odonata)

RdJ Collecting butterflies from Flying camp to Summit of Gunung Lumut

(clouds, wind, rain), return to Flying camp

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30 Nov EJvN, EG Packing Malaise traps and material

Collecting at light near Prayan basecamp (prepared during night)

JvT Sungai Sepu, near Mului basecamp (Odonata), pool along road


Collecting at light near Mului basecamp.

RdJ Back from Flying camp to old Mului village; collecting along path

through old village

JvT Collecting at light near Mului basecamp.

1 Dec EJvN, EG From Prayan camp to Rantau Layung (late departure due to rain);

from Rantau Layung to Mului basecamp in afternoon

JvT Anaksungai Sepu (Odonata). Overcast until 13.00 h.

RdJ As 23 November

EG, RdJ, EJvN, JvT At light Mului basecamp.

2 Dec EJvN, EG Field work near Mului basecamp; packing and sorting for return to


JvT Sungai Serari, tributary of Sungai Mului upstream of old Mului

village (OdDeconata); Sungai Mului (Odonata)

RdJ Collecting butterflies along path through old Mului village

3 Dec EG, RdJ, EJvN, JvT From Mului basecamp to Balikpapan (Hotel Benakutai); sorting of


4 Dec EG, RdJ, EJvN Balikpapan, rest, checking material, data entry, discussion on

export of specimens

4 Dec JvT Morning: shopping Balikpapan, e-mails

15.00 h: leaving for Tanah Grogot

5 Dec EG, RdJ With botanists to Tenggarong

EJvN as 4 Dec

JvT Meeting with Vice-Bupati and Forestry officers to report on results

of biodiversity assessment; return to Balikpapan

6 Dec JvT Preparation of presentation for workshop; preparation of

specimens for shipping to Bogor

EG, EJvN With botanists to Wanariset herbarium at Samboja, to forest

remnant Bukit Bangkirai with canopy bridge

7 Dec EG, RdJ, EJvN Tropenbos workshop; packing

JvT Workshop Balikpapan (Hotel Benakutai), presentation of the

preliminary results of the zoological component of the biodiversity

assessment of the Lumut area

8 Dec RdJ, EJvN Balikpapan to Singapore, sightseeing Singapore

EG Balikpapan to Jakarta, from Jakarta to Singapore

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EG, RdJ, EJvN Singapore – Amsterdam

JvT Balikpapan to Jakarta. Fetching boxes with specimens from Bogor

herbarium. Meeting with Dr. Peggie at Zoological Museum at

Cibinong. Stay in Bogor.

9 Dec EG, RdJ, EJvN Arrival Amsterdam

9 Dec JvT Meeting with Mulyati (director) and Peggie to arrange loan of

insects; sorting and pre-identification with staff of museum

(Microlepidoptera by Harry Sutrisno, Odonata by Pudji); butterflies

had to remain in Cibinong for identification.

10 Dec JvT Morning: Kebun Raya. Afternoon to airport.

11 Dec JvT Arrival Amsterdam.

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Annex 2

Positions of localities

Locality Latitude Longitude Elevation

Villages, camps

Rantau Layung (kampung).....................................01°27'12"S 116°00'00"E 150 m

GLPF Prayan basecamp ........................................01°36'35"S 115°58'45"E 160 m

GLPF Mului basecamp..........................................01°27'04"S 115°59'54"E 383 m

GLPF Mului Flying camp .......................................01°24'S 115°58'E 500-670 m

Collecting sites

Sungai Nango, junction Sg Prayan ...........................01°36'24"S 115°58'18"E 170 m

Sungai Lepapo, junction S Prayan ...........................01°36'37"S 115°58'29"E 170 m

Sg Mului ..........................................................01°25'49"S 115°57'40"S 267 m

Anaksungai Sepu ................................................01°26'37"S 115°59'56"E 401 m

also ...............................................................01°26'44"S 115°59'57"E 402 m

Sungai Sepu .....................................................01°27'18"S 116°00'11E 398 m

Serari river (junction Sg Mului)...............................01°25'55"S 115°57'43"E 247 m

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