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Page 1: Guide to: ODwyers Crisis CommunicationsDwyer's... · 42 JAN. 2010 Crisis Communications 1.10 O’Dwyer’s Guide to: AGNES HUFF COMMUNICATIONS GROUP 6601 Center Dr. West, Suite 100



Crisis Communications1.10

O’Dwyer’sGuide to:



6601 Center Dr. West, Suite 100Los Angeles, CA 90045310/

Agnes Huff, PhD, President/CEOAnna Jerden, Vice President

Located in Los Angeles, ÁgnesHuff Communications Group(AHCG) is an award-winning,full-service public relations, crisismanagement and marketing firm.Since 1995, the firm’s vastlyaccomplished communication andcrisis program strategists havebeen delivering best-in-class serv-ice for clients in most majorindustries. Combining reputationmanagement and brand equitybuilding with crisis response pro-tocols, the firm’s executiveexperts are widely regarded asfirst-rate communication coun-selors. The AHCG specialty crisis

management practice is well-established and credited as a pio-neer among aviation communica-tors, with the firm’s principalresponsible for innovating avia-tion disaster response protocoland management systems thathave been widely adopted by theairline community. AHCG’sdefensive management andmedia-based programs enableclients to withstand adversitywhile facing public scrutiny andemerge intact from challenges,risks and threats. Convertingcrises into opportunities, AHCGimproves clients’ long term repu-tations both professionally andonline. Several of the firm’s pro-grams have been highlighted inprofessional reference materialsincluding the Thomson Reuters“Inside the Minds” businessbooks as well as the ReedLogicleadership CD-ROM seminars,which are sold widely in the U.S. AHCG brand protection and

reputation enhancement serviceshave benefited EVA Airways,Singapore Airlines, USAir,Federal Reserve Bank, Princess

Cruises, Xerox Corporation,Philips Semiconductors andWorld Airways among others. AHCG is a founding member

of the PR Agency Network, withaffiliate offices in Boston,Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles,Miami, New York, andWashington, D.C. and provides oncall crisis response and manage-ment services.


Worldwide Headquarters700 12th Street, N.W., Suite 800Washington, D.C.

APCO Worldwide’s team of cri-sis and issues management profes-sionals provides clients with thehighest level of strategy and sup-port when they need it most. Madeup of professionals from diversebackgrounds including industry,journalism, the law and media, ourcrisis team includes individualswho have themselves experiencedand effectively handled criticalcrises before joining APCO. Bybringing together best-in-classstrategists and forming a global,around-the-clock team committedto client service at the local,regional, national and internation-al level, APCO helps clients suc-cessfully navigate crises and pre-serve their reputations. In additionto our crisis communicationexpertise, APCO offers clients afull range of strategic communica-tion and public affairs services.



1776 N. Pine Island Rd., Ste. 320Plantation, FL 33322954/[email protected]

Orlando-Tampa-South Florida

Don Silver, Chief Operating Officer

Boardroom Communications isone of Florida’s top PR agenciesoffering statewide coverage. Thefirm’s experienced staff of public

relations professionals and formerjournalists routinely handle sever-al high-profile crisis projects andpublic affairs campaigns eachyear. Examples include: investi-gations; hostile takeovers; litiga-tion; product recalls; criminalcharges; safety compliance; acci-dental deaths; project approvals;legislative campaigns.Whether you’re developing a

crisis communications plan orresponding to an urgent threat,Boardroom’s trusted and respectedteam will help you evaluate the sit-uation, mitigate the risks and dealwith your most important audi-ences, i.e., media, employees,stakeholders, customers, govern-ment and others. We immediatelyconsult with your executives toassess the situation and develop anappropriate strategy. Our teammonitors traditional media, blogsand social networking sites andhandles all inquiries. Call or emailus if you are faced with a “Bet-the-Ranch” situation where a capable,seasoned team can help guide youto a satisfactory resolution.


140 East 45th Street, 30th Flr.New York, NY 10017212/

Brunswick is a critical com-munications firm. With special-ists in key financial and regula-tory centers in the U.S., Europeand Asia, we are the only firmthat offers a seamless, interna-tional team to deal with the glob-al news cycle, investor universeand regulatory authorities. Ourbusiness meets the evolvingdemands of the global market-place, where effective, timelycommunication is integral tosuccess and often survival.Brunswick helps clients protecttheir valuations and reputationswhile achieving business objec-tives. Critical communications isa proactive exercise betweenclients and the firm. We partnerwith clients to make a valuableand visible difference in achiev-ing results.


135-137 Main Street Madison, NJ 07940973/635-6669Fax: 973/

Donna T. Pepe, President & CEO

Communications Strategies,Inc., (CSI) a leading independentPR agency specializing in strate-gic communications, has a corecompetency in corporate and cri-sis communications. Havingspent more than a decade on thecorporate side as a senior-levelPR executive for a major pharma-ceutical company, our founderhas a clear understanding of theunique challenges corporationsface in today’s environment,whether it is handling productrecalls, manufacturing and FDAissues, negative clinical data andpublications, boycotts, backlashfrom press, advocates, investorsor competitors, CSI is ready tohelp neutralize the impact andturn around the situation whenev-er possible. We are clear-thinking and

show grace under pressure, cut-ting through the myriad of con-cerns and working with the inter-nal teams to quell the crisis.CSI…because experience mat-ters, especially when you have acrisis.


14 Walsh DriveParsippany, NJ 07054973/

1065 Avenue of the Americas28th FloorNew York, NY 10018212/938-0166

Thomas F. Coyne, CEORich Lukis, PresidentJohn Gogarty, Senior VP

Coyne Public Relations hasestablished itself as one of the

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leading independent full-servicepublic relations firms in thecountry representing an impres-sive collection of internationalcorporations, top nationalbrands, high-profile events andfirst-class organizations. Noagency possesses a better combi-nation of unbridled creativity,limitless enthusiasm, strategicapproach, impeccable integrityand client service than ournationally-recognized firm. Coyne PR’s teams of PR pro-

fessionals have extensive experi-ence developing, executing andsupporting crisis communicationplans for clients in the followingcategories: Electronics, Energy,Entertainment, Executive leader-ship, Health care, Restaurant,and Travel.


808 State StreetSanta Barbara, CA [email protected]

Los Angeles: 310/395-9510Chicago: 312/239-6444Washington, D.C.: 202/580-8930Santa Barbara: 805/963-5929

John Davies, CEORobb Rice, EVPLisa Palmer, SVPTaylor Canfield and MichaelWong, Practice LeadersJoshua Boisvert, DirectorMark Saunders, Senior StrategistJolene Griffith, ControllerPia Dorer, Marketing ManagerCaitlin Steele, Office Manager

Davies redefines crisis. To mini-mize damage, we quickly resetstrategy, redefine your message,and manage your messengers. Weprotect your brand integrity by get-ting your story out quickly andconcisely. Winning today is tieddirectly to your ability to rapidlyreach out, engage others, and do sowhile everyone watches. We’veturned more than 450 crises intonon-events — often transformingthem into opportunities. There's notime for a learning curve when cri-sis threatens. To prevent a crisis ormake it a win, we’re standing by 1983, Davies has consis-

tently ranked among the fastestgrowing strategic communicationsfirms and places in the top 25nationally.Davies offers public affairs

expertise across multiple indus-tries, with five specialized practice

areas — Pharma/Biotech, Energy,Mining, Real Estate & CrisisManagement. Clients include topnames in 44 states, includingFortune 100 clients.



MetLife Building200 Park Avenue, 26th FloorNew York, NY 10166212/922-0900Fax: 212/[email protected]

Robert L. Dilenschneider,President and CEO

The Dilenschneider Group,headquartered in New York andChicago, provides personal serv-ice to a limited and select numberof clients. The Group has provenlinks in all major world capitalsand in all major U.S. cities.The firm brings to clients a

level of communications counseland creativity and an exposure tocontacts, networks and relation-ships that are not available else-where.The Dilenschneider Group pro-

vides access for clients to thefinest communications profes-sionals in the world, with experi-ence in fields ranging from crisiscommunications to mergers andacquisitions and marketing, gov-ernment affairs and internationalmedia. Since its founding, the firm has

provided timely and thoughtfulresearch on the important issuesof the day. Send for a copy of ourbiannual Trend Report.


U.S. Crisis & Issues Mgmt. Practice200 East Randolph DriveChicago, IL 60601312/[email protected]

Harlan Loeb, Executive VicePresident & Director

As the world’s largest inde-pendent public relations firm,Edelman maintains 51 officesworldwide and employs 3200professionals engaged in all keypractice areas. Since 1952, ourmission has been to provide pub-lic relations counsel and strategiccommunications services thatenable our clients to build strong,

lasting relationships with theirstakeholders, influence attitudesand behaviors, and effectivelyengage in an increasingly com-plex, yet connected, world.In the face of game changing

reputational risk, clients turn toEdelman’s Crisis & IssuesManagement Practice for ourexperiential intelligence, subjectmatter expertise, and provenapproach to protecting their mostvaluable asset. Our team is com-prised of a network of seniorcounselors and staff from eachoffice that are completelyfocused on preparing for andsolving critical business chal-lenges that impact our clients’brands, reputations and businessoperations. With backgrounds injournalism, law, public affairs,labor relations and a range ofindustry-specific disciplines,Edelman’s crisis and issues coun-selors can immediately mobilizerapid response teams anywhereto help clients manage both inter-nal and external efforts.Whether it’s a natural disaster,

product recall, high-profile liti-gation, financial distress, laborissue, environmental issue orNGO attack, Edelman has builtan award-winning capabilitygrounded in strategic insights,sound counsel and exceptionalexecution. For more informa-tion, visit


1936 14th Street, Suite 210Boulder, CO 80305303/875-0983 [email protected]

Filtrbox helps brands usesocial media to communicatewith customers, partners andprospects. The Filtrbox socialmedia monitoring and engage-ment platform monitors the webfor relevant conversations andhelps brands gain a relevantvoice. Understand the impactsocial media conversations arehaving on your brand, measurethe effectiveness of your cam-paigns and engage in the conver-sation in real time all from aneasy to use web interface. Ourunlimited use model empowersmultiple departments across yourorganization. Marketing, cus-tomer service, product develop-ment and sales can all reap thebenefits of having better cus-tomer relationships at an afford-able price point.


330 Townsend St., Ste. 119San Francisco, CA 94107415/392-1000 Ext.

Founded in 1988, SanFrancisco-based Fineman PRunites large-agency talent, smallagency responsiveness and strate-gic planning. Practice areasinclude brand PR, crisis communi-cations, issues management, com-munity relations and multiculturaloutreach.Fineman PR is nationally

renowned for its expertise andhigh profile work in crisis commu-nications, offering battle-testedexperience and strategic skills toguide companies through con-tentious times. Agency PresidentMichael Fineman is ranked amongthe nation’s top crisis counselors.Given the urgent nature of crisiswork, agency representatives areavailable 24 hours a day, sevendays a week to act on any situa-tion.High profile crisis work has

included: the Avian Influenzathreat for a large poultry producer,attacks against clients by animalactivists, a college falsely accusedin the Santa Barbara fires, commu-nity relations defense against thedissolution of a healthcare district,mitigating a book smear campaignagainst a spiritual organization, the1990s Odwalla food safety inci-dent, re-opening a Berkeley radiostation closed by staff insurrection,redemption of packaged saladsaccused by media of high bacteri-al counts, and, most recently,refuting allegations against aTruckee, Calif. rental housingdeveloper after a tragic explosion.


200 North BroadwaySt. Louis, MO 63102314/

John Graham, ChairmanDave Senay, President & CEOBen Kincannon, Co-chair,Litigation CommunicationsCounsel

Fleishman-Hillard provides afull range of crisis communica-tions services to clients, and itsworldwide team of experiencedcrisis counselors is available


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around the clock to assist compa-nies in dealing quickly and effec-tively with problems and to preventdifficult situations from escalating.The team has handled a broad spec-trum of crisis matters for compa-nies in all industries and in loca-tions throughout the world.Government investigations, whitecollar crime, high-profile litigation,financial improprieties, productrecalls, product contamination, cus-tomer injury, employee injury, lay-offs and redundancies, discrimina-tion, union activity, and campaignsby activist groups are a few exam-ples of the types of matters wherewe have provided assistance.Our crisis management team

works closely with the client’s sen-ior management and legal team tomanage an issue in a way that pro-tects the company’s reputation andits brand. We work to contain theissue, minimize its impact on theoperations of the company, limitcoverage by both traditional anddigital media and maximize under-standing of the company’s positionand actions by its target audiences.Critical first steps include:

Identification of a close knit onsiteteam and establishment of effectivecompany reporting channels tocontrol the gathering and dissemi-nation of information in the compa-ny; Confidential and privileged dis-cussion and review of the facts;Calculation of worst and best casescenarios; Preparation of mediaholding statements for differentscenarios; Development of detailedQ&A documents for client’sspokespeople; Implementation ofongoing monitoring of traditionaland digital media and regular situa-tional assessments; Outreach asneeded to key stakeholders; Settingup customer crisis hotlines to han-dle complaints effectively; Briefingof all customer facing staff on howto handle queries; Developmentand execution of a comprehensiveonline communication plan; Othersteps as required.


875 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1708New York, NY 10001212/730-4807 (New York)310/569-5602 (Los Angeles)

Gourvitz has extended its out-standing broadcast PR expertise

into cyberspace, and now offersplacement, production, post-pro-duction and distribution forInternet Media Tours. B-rollpackages and satellite mediatours remain core services atGourvitz, along with standardand high-definition productionand post-production services.


2841 Berkshire RoadCleveland, OH 44118216/

Bruce Hennes, Managing PartnerBarbara Paynter, APR, Partner

Hennes Paynter Comms. is theonly agency in Ohio focusedexclusively on crisis communica-tions. Since 1989, the firm hasserved corporations, governmententities, nonprofits and smallbusinesses that are “on trial” inthe court of public opinion. Thefirm also offers media training,crisis drills and litigation commu-nication support services.Managing Partner Bruce

Hennes is one of Ohio’s best-known crisis specialists andmedia trainers. He is an in-demand speaker at law firms, uni-versities, bar and trade associa-tions on the subject of crisis com-munications. He also trains gov-ernment, safety, education offi-cials to communicate effectivelyduring extreme crisis situationsthat threaten public safety. Barbara Paynter has 20+ years

experience helping big-nameclients resolve crisis and reputa-tional issues. She heads up thefirm’s SWAT team of battle-testedseasoned professionals. In 2009, Hennes Paynter won

the coveted “Best in Show”award from PRSA Cleveland forits work with another agency onthe national peanut butter recall.



140 East 45th StreetNew York, NY 10017212/

Joele Frank, Managing Partner

No two crises are the same;each requires its own communi-cations strategy. Our generalapproach to crisis communica-

tions and issues managementinvolves determining the mostdesirable, or acceptable, busi-ness or institutional outcome;identifying the needs and vul-nerabilities of key constituen-cies — especially customers,employees, regulators, share-holders (if appropriate) andcommunities; developing con-tingency plans for possibleevent scenarios; reinforcingclient procedures and trainingclient personnel; and managingor supporting implementationand feedback thereafter. Wework closely with a client’smanagement team and its otheradvisors. Quick response, 24/7professional support, and expe-rience in delivering on both thebig and small details distin-guish us as a valued counselorand collaborator when a compa-ny needs help the most.


150 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 3800Chicago, IL 60601312/565-3900Fax: 312/[email protected]

Kim Blazek Dahlborn, Presidentand CEOMary Moster, Senior VicePresident

L.C. Williams & Associates(LCWA) has successfully guidedclients large and small throughsome of their worst-case scenarios,including product recalls, lawsuits,industrial accidents, labor relationschallenges, natural disasters, healthcrises and more.If a crisis occurs, we are immedi-

ately accessible to provide onsitecounsel from experienced seniorpractitioners on response strategies,message development and commu-nications tactics. We provide “armsand legs” implementation to con-duct the necessary outreach toexternal and internal audiences. Advanced planning is an essen-

tial part of any crisis managementinitiative. LCWA’s experiencedprofessionals help identify mem-bers of the crisis management taskforce, establish a control and mon-itoring system, and identify impor-tant impacted audiences. Using themost probable scenarios, we thentrain appropriate spokespeople —including preparation for mediainterviews — to handle a variety ofcrisis situations.



1251 Avenue of the AmericasNew York, NY 10020212/575-4545Fax: 212/[email protected]@[email protected]

Lisa Linden, CEOSteven Alschuler, PresidentLloyd Kaplan, Chairman

When a high profile crisis hits,the future operations of a business,the survival of venerable institu-tions, and the careers and reputa-tions of leading individuals can allbe on the line. Whether sparked bylitigation, government investiga-tions, financial issues, scandalsinvolving senior executives, envi-ronmental hazards, regulatory orpolitical scrutiny, bankruptcy or arange of other issues, an organiza-tion’s communications strategycan play an important role in theoutcome of the breaking crisis —enabling it to disseminate key mes-sages and support its operationsduring the crisis and beyond.LAK’s approach to each situa-

tion melds our experience in legaland business issues, media rela-tions, targeted and internal com-munications, politics and commu-nity relations, and our extensivetrack record as strategists for com-panies and organizations in myriadindustries. Our clients includepublic and private companies,national associations, prominentnot-for-profit organizations, high-profile individuals, healthcareinstitutions, law firms and propertyowners, among many others.


499 Park AvenueNew York, NY 10022212/[email protected]

Rick Wise, CEORichard Wilke, Senior Partner,Business DevelopmentKathleen Hatfield, Partner,Corporate Communications

Lippincott is a leading brandstrategy and design consultancy.Founded in 1943 as Lippincott &Margulies, we operate globallyfrom our offices in the United


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States, Europe, Asia and theMiddle East. At Lippincott, we use the

power of brand to address a fullspectrum of business situationsincluding repositioning forgrowth, driving successful merg-ers, expanding business defini-tions and creating spin-offs.We work across all aspects of

brand building from brand assess-ment and positioning develop-ment to logo and identity design,environmental branding andbrand activation. Lippincott drives brand and

business success by helpingclients to craft and deliverauthentic stories and inspiringexperiences. Our recent clientsinclude American Express, DeltaAir Lines, IBM, Infiniti, JohnsonControls, Mashreq, McDonald’s,Meredith, Samsung, Sprint, Valeand Walmart.


600 Luckie Drive, Suite 150Birmingham, AL 35223205/[email protected]

Brian Pia, SVP & Director

Luckie PR is the 9th–ranked adagency–owned PR operation inthe United States, according The firm createsbrand marketing, brand allianceand brand protection PR 2.0 pro-grams for national consumerbrands with exceptional results inthe fast-paced digital age. LuckiePR team members have helpednational companies through sev-eral major crises by minimizingdamage or turning bad situationsinto positive ones:Spearheaded crisis communi-

cations for a popular consumerproduct during its settlement of aclass action lawsuit and FTC rul-ing over older advertising andlabeling.Helped a fire hydrant manufac-

turer through a national recall.Strategist for a major health

insurer’s response after they weresingled out by President Obamain a speech to Congress.Helped a national manufactur-

er through an employee andretiree protest that resulted fromchanges in health care benefits.Helped a national restaurant

chain through a health scare.Managed the PR crisis involv-

ing a Division I-A college foot-ball coach’s decision to discusscoaching opportunities at othermajor universities.


IPREX Member16 East 34th StreetNew York, NY 10016212/508-9662Mobile: 718/[email protected]

Steve Seeman, Vice President

What typically goes wrong intoday’s crisis communications? Social media, the great newaccelerants of crisis, commandeerpublic opinion. Organizations are outflanked

during the crucial first 24 hoursof crisis, where reputation is wonor lost.Technical authorities, key

spokespersons in many moderncrises, fail in their crucial role aspublic spokespersons.These “risks within the crisis,”

which determine outcomes, arewhere Makovsky + Companyespecially trains its energies andexpertise. Stevie Award winning2009 “PR Agency of the Year,”Makovsky brings 30-years ofexperience to crisis communica-tion. We’ve addressed high-levelissues like ozone depletion, foodtampering, product recalls andfinancial misfeasance, all with acommitment to integrity. TheHolmes Report lauds our abilityto “translate technical issues to abroad audience.” Makovsky hasa dedicated division in newmedia. Our senior crisis execu-tives, with 20+ year tenures withthe agency, are noted authors onthe subject.


1675 BroadwayNew York, NY 10019212/468-3893Fax: 212/

Olivier Fleurot, CEOPascal Beucler, SVP, Chief Strat.OfficerIsabelle Chouvet, CEO, EmotionFabrice Fries, Pres., FranceTrudi Harris, Comms. DirectorAnders Kempe, Pres., EuropeSophie Martin-Chantepie, HR Dir.Peter Miller, CFOGlenn Osaki, Pres., Asia

John Rossant, ExecutiveChairman, PublicisLiveJim Tsokanos, Pres., Americas

MS&L Group is the PublicisGroupe’s flagship public rela-tions, public affairs, financialcommunications, social media,branding and events network. In today’s world, clients need

more holistic and more effectivecommunication with global reachand access to digital and socialmedia capabilities. Clients valuea greater consistency and integra-tion of all forms of communica-tions to enhance their brands’awareness and attractiveness.MS&L Group is designed to meetthese expectationsMS&L Group combines the

collective scale and expertise ofMS&L Worldwide, PublicisConsultants Worldwide, JKL,Winner & Associates, TMGStrategies, PBJS, Relay, CapitalMS&L, Hanmer MS&L, CarréNoir, SAS, Masius, and PublicisEvents. Clients benefit from a full and

enhanced suite of PR capabilitiesand events experience able toresolve any communication issuein any part of the world. Otherkey assets of Publicis Groupe canbe leveraged as needed and par-ticularly PublicisLive, PublicisMeetings, Emotion, Freud, aswell as Kekst and Company.MS&L Group employs more

than 2,500 people operating in 50countries and offers best-in-classpublic relations, corporate andfinancial communications, repu-tation management, publicaffairs, social media, digital andlive events management.


31420 Northwestern Hwy., #100Farmington Hills, MI 48334248/855-6777 Ext. [email protected]

Michael Layne, ManagingPartner

Marx Layne professionalshave years of experience han-dling crisis communicationsissues. We are frequentlyretained by leading law firms tohelp them guide their clientsthrough the media frenzy thatoften erupts during a company’smost trying times.Critical issues from industrial

accidents, death on the premis-es, food-borne illnesses andenvironmental pollution, to

boycotts, strikes and corporatefraud have all been expertlyhandled by our senior execu-tives.During crisis events, Marx

Layne crisis counselors are on-call 24/7/365. Our team mem-bers are experienced in workingwith legal advisors, policedepartments and municipalitieswhile keeping company execu-tives apprised at all times of thecrisis situation as it unfolds.We also train company

spokespersons in the develop-ment of key speaking points anddelivery of messaging. Usingthe latest media technology, werespond rapidly, whether thecrisis occurs in Detroit or in anyother region of the nation.From privately held entities

to Fortune 500 Companies,Marx Layne has a twenty-yearhistory of successfully develop-ing proactive, comprehensivecrisis communications plansthat are in place before, duringand after a crisis.


1420 State Hwy. 206, #100Bedminster, NJ 07921908/

MCS Healthcare PublicRelations, celebrating its 25thanniversary this year, has aquarter-century of experience inpreparing our healthcare indus-try clients to effectively com-municate during a crisis. Thetimely dissemination of criticalinformation is integral to main-taining the trust and confidenceof regulatory authorities andstakeholders who can influencethe future of your company. The crisis planning team at

MCS is led by Todd Forte, exec-utive vice president, who in his25-year career has developedcorporate and product crisiscommunication plans for thecommercial nuclear powerindustry, Ciba-Geigy andNovartis Pharmaceuticals, andvarious MCS pharma companyclients. Learn more



LIPPINCOTT�Continued from page 44

The February issue of O’Dwyer’s willprofile PR firms that specialize inEnvironmental PR & Public Affairs. Ifyou would like your firm listed contactEditor Jon Gingerich at 646/843-2080or [email protected]

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STRATEGIES1020 19th Street, NW, Suite 200Washington, DC 20036202/

Scott Sobel, President

A business or reputation cri-sis can be a company-ending orcareer-ending event. This tip-ping-point moment can also be atime for redefinition and a ful-crum for rejuvenation. Youcan’t learn how to handle crisisfrom reading concepts from atextbook. You can’t handle cri-sis by being complacent oroverly cautious. You have to beprudent but sometimes aggres-sive. Decisive actions need tobe taken with a cool, profes-sional attitude by experiencedcounselors who are not afraid totell the boss, “Houston, we havea problem.” MAC Strategiescounselors are on a mission forour clients and support theirlegal, personal and businessesgoals. When the “crisis man-agers” are worried, they call us.Award-winning crisis counsel-ing, public and media relations,voted the best in D.C. and inter-nationally.




Kristen Pulsifer, Vice President

Modern Health Comms. helpshealthcare and wellness compa-nies achieve business resultsthrough targeted, strategic com-munications. Blending compre-hensive experience across thehealthcare industry with a pas-sion for prevention and well-ness, our expertise spans a widerange of medical technologies,disease states and complemen-tary approaches to improvinghealth and well-being.Services include: Social

media and public relations,Crisis communications/issuesmanagement, Marketing com-munications counsel, Corporate

positioning, Special events,trade show and conferences,Collateral materials, Web sitedevelopment, Branding, mes-saging and positioning, andStrategic communications plandevelopment.Modern Health Comms.

offers the same experience,thinking and creativity of bigagencies, yet without the bigagency price tag. As a virtualagency, we bring together theright mix of talent to best serveeach client’s needs and goals.Expensive overhead is eliminat-ed and the savings are passed onto our clients.


711 Third Avenue, 17th FloorNew York, NY 10017212/[email protected]

Montieth Illingworth, PresidentArthur P. Garner III, ManagingPartner

Montieth & Company is aspecial situations communica-tions and management advisoryconsultancy. Based in NewYork, NY, the firm providescounsel on corporate and finan-cial communications, investorrelations, issues and crisis man-agement, litigation and regulato-ry actions. The firm’s clientsrepresent an array of industrysectors across multiple globalmarkets and jurisdictions.Montieth & Company hasadvised on a wide variety ofmatters including securitiesfraud, minority shareholderactivism, CEO transitions,restructurings, regulatory andlaw enforcement issues andactions, investigations andM&A.In 2009, Montieth & Company

launched Litigation Outcomes(, a prac-tice group dedicated to providinglitigation communications andadvisory services and solutions. Litigation Outcomes supports

clients through the entire lifecycle of litigation from strategyformulation through to appeal.It focuses on minimizing therisks posed by litigation to anorganization and its reputationand helps clients achieve strate-gic outcomes both in, and out-side, of the courtroom.


101 Federal Street, Suite 710Boston, MA 02110617/951-0000Fax: 617/[email protected]

Richard E. Nicolazzo, ManagingPartnerJoe M. Grillo, PartnerLinda Harvey, Client Services Dir.Maria Basescu, Robert Hughes,Maxene Lieberman, J. PeterRizzo, Deborah West, Sr.Consultants

Nicolazzo & Associates is anationally-known, award-win-ning strategic communicationsmanagement firm that provideshigh-level professional counseland services to a diverse, nationalclient base. The Company, a bou-tique organization founded morethan three decades ago byRichard E. Nicolazzo, practices aproprietary counseling modeldesigned to leverage an organiza-tion’s core strengths and buildbrand and enterprise value.The Company, which special-

izes in strategic communications,crisis management and publicrelations, has decades of experi-ence providing counsel to lawfirms, CPA firms, managementconsulting firms, and other organ-izations that encompass the pro-fessional services marketplace.Representative major clientsserved include Ropes & Gray,Foley Hoag, Williams &Connolly, Palmer & Dodge,

Edwards & Angell, Weil Gotshal& Manges, Bain Capital, ArthurYoung & Company, Coopers &Lybrand, Deloitte, Ernst &Young, Peat Marwick Mitchell &Co., Caturano and Company,Nortek, Children’s Hospital-Boston, Tufts Medical Center,and MetLife Healthcare.Current Clients: Caturano and

Company, Donoghue Barrett &Singal, Nortek, Inc., LibbyHoopes,Old Mutual Asset Management,Premier Technology, SaintsMedical Center, VRF Holdings,Weil, Gotshal & Manges.


1101 West River Pkwy., #400Minneapolis, MN 55415612/

Paul Omodt, VP

As a multi-specialty communi-cations firm with offices inMinneapolis and New York City,Padilla Speer Beardsley offers ateam of seasoned crisis and criti-cal issues counselors who provideour clients with the best strategiesto effectively mitigate, manage,and navigate a crisis. Our servic-es include executive media-coaching, spokesperson training,consumer/opinion research,employee communications,social media strategies and com-munity relations. Our 49 years of experience

help you tell your story clearly,coherently, and credibly. We are


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Modern Health Communications Co-Founders, Kristen Pulsifer andBarbara Kowalski.

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available to help any time of theday or night. Call 1-877-PR-ER-911 for immediate assistance.



One East Wacker Drive, Ste. 2450Chicago, IL 60601312/558-1770Fax: 312/

Dorothy Oliver Pirovano,President and CEO

Protesters are attracting mediacrews outside your gates, yourboard chair has been accused ofsexual harassment, a new studytrashes your miracle drug. Eachsituation could be your organiza-tion’s undoing.For all of our 47 years, PCI has

been helping clients managecrises. The core principlesremain the same. Assess the situ-ation. Communicate clearly andhonestly. And do it quickly.Those first few hours can makethe difference between a crisisthat is contained and soon forgot-ten, and one that becomes part ofyour media boilerplate. We con-tinuously adapt these tried andtrue principles to a world inwhich good news and bad, factand rumor, travel at lightningspeed, disseminated by anyonewith a laptop, cell phone, blog orTwitter account.

We are always on call to coun-sel clients in crisis. And, whenit’s calm, we help our clientsavoid, anticipate and prepare, sothat if a crisis does strike, itbecomes the type that is soon for-gotten.


470 Park Ave. SouthNew York, NY 10016212/

Steven Cody, Managing PartnerEdward Moed, Managing Partner

Peppercom is a mid-sizedstrategic communicationsagency that provides clientswith crisis communications andcounseling during a crisis aswell as in-depth workshops thathelp companies understand howto effectively handle a crisis ifone should occur in the future.Peppercom’s proven propri-

etary CrisisRx programinvolves a diagnostic tool thatsimulates, tests and preparesclients in all aspects of crisistraining and measures specificbehavior characteristics.Peppercom’s program goesbeyond communications andinvolves the client’s entire man-agement team, ensuring thateach person understands whathe/she is responsible for duringa crisis.Peppercom is ranked among

the top 20 largest independentPR firms in the U.S. byO’Dwyer’s. In addition to coun-seling numerous clients througha crisis, Peppercom has con-ducted crisis workshops formany companies — fromFortune 100 corporations tosmall businesses — as well asconferences.


1800 West Loop South, Suite 800Houston, TX 77027713/

Phil Morabito, CEO andPresidentSusan Gramatges, COO

Pierpont Communications isa nationally-recognized fullservice communications firm,providing expertise in publicrelations, investor relations,public affairs and marketing toits diverse client base.

Pierpont’s impressive history ofsuccess in crisis managementspans more than two decades,assisting clients of all sizes inthe prevention and managementof brand-threatening situations.Successful crisis manage-

ment begins with preventionand preparation, not reaction.One way Pierpont ensures itsclients are prepared for difficultsituations is through proactiveplanning and expert execution.When a crisis breaks, our teamof professionals works quicklyto minimize reputation damageand maximize control over thesituation. However, our workdoesn’t stop when the crisis isresolved; one of the most criti-cal elements of crisis responseis working to leave behind astrong, positive brand reputa-tion.With experience managing

crises involving the President,Fortune 500 companies andbudding entrepreneurs, Pierponthas the unique skills to navigateany communications need.


Owned by Omnicom75 Varick StreetNew York, NY 10013212/601-8000Fax: 212/

Gary Stockman, CEOJulie Winskie, President,Americas, Chief Client Officer

The world is an unpredictableplace, but hard-won reputationneed not be the first casualty offortune. With proper prepara-tion and expert guidance, yourgood name can be protected andeven enhanced in times of cri-sis. At Porter Novelli, we think

the best way to manage a crisisis to prevent it from ever hap-pening in the first place. Ourcrisis planning and responseteams bring deep knowledgeand best-practices insight acrossevery sector. We develop com-prehensive, custom-tailoredissues and crisis managementprograms that use IntelligentInfluence to find the optimalmix of communications toolsand techniques to get people tochange their attitudes andbeliefs about your brand in acrisis. We: uncover and priori-tize your organization’s fullinventory of risks and vulnera-bilities; introduce clear process-

es for intercepting and neutral-izing emerging issues beforethey become bigger problems;train spokespeople and put sys-tems in place so you canrespond quickly and effectivelyto any situation; and, use realis-tic, live simulations to test theplan and expose personnel toconditions of escalating crisisstress. Our experience includes

global product recalls and safe-ty issues, environmental disas-ters, data security breaches,workplace accidents, govern-ment investigations, litigationand unanticipated executivetransitions. Whatever the situa-tion, our response teams arewith you 24/7, every step of theway.


1140 Route 22E, Suite 200Bridgewater, NJ 08807908/

John Lonsdorf, PresidentScott Marioni, Vice President

Managing your reputation isJob One. R&J Public Relationsrecognizes that a balance sheetof tangible assets is only onemeasurement of a company’ssustainable value. The intangi-ble assets — including the cor-poration’s values and principles— can help to shape a positiveemotional response that stake-holders feel each time the com-pany’s name, people or prod-ucts touch their lives. R&J Public Relations has a

highly successful, award-win-ning track record in the devel-opment and implementation ofeffective crisis communicationplans that minimize damageand safeguard clients’ reputa-tions among key constituents.R&J’s approach to crisis com-munications is based on thebelief that preparedness, trans-parency and rapid response arethe keys to successfully navi-gating unavoidable crises, andweathering their potentiallydevastating effects. R&J has managed crises for

clients ranging from divisionsof multi-national conglomer-ates to regional market leaders.A particular area of specializa-tion is in representing hospitalsand healthcare institutions inlabor disputes.



PADILLA SPEER �Continued from page 47

Terry Hemeyer, Executive Counsel,Pierpont Communications.

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Worldwide Headquarters 301 East 57th StreetNew York, NY 10022212/

Ed Harnaga, Corporate AdvisoryGroup, Issues/Crisis Team Lead

Ruder Finn is a privatelyowned, full-service, globalagency that specializes in build-ing, shaping and improving repu-tations through strategic commu-nications. Our CorporateAdvisory Group specializes inmanaging issues and crisis com-munications for corporate, finan-cial, non-profit, trade associationand other clients. Our servicesspan a full range of issues supportfrom proactive to reactive and weexcel in conducting full spectrumrisk assessments which help ourclients identify and prepare forissues before they arise. Weknow how key stakeholders’ per-ceptions influence our clients’reputations and our provenapproach — focused on commu-nicating transparently, consistent-ly, credibly and rapidly — helpsmaintain the confidence of stake-holder and ultimately safeguardsreputations. Our experience

includes regulatory/legal, finan-cial, corporate, and activistactions — most recently involv-ing consumer product regulatoryscrutiny, shareholders activistactions, and high-profile civil andclass action litigation. Our clientsinclude leading Pharmaceutical,Consumer Products, Technologyand Financial companies.


630 3rd Avenue, 9th FloorNew York, NY 10017212/

Sard Verbinnen & Co. pro-vides strategic crisis, corporateand financial communicationscounsel and services to clientsspanning the globe, includingFortune 500 corporations, small-er public companies, financialand professional service firms,privately held entities and high-profile individuals. With officesin New York, Chicago and SanFrancisco, our firm has signifi-cant experience advising clientson a broad range of high- andlow-profile crises and special sit-uations, including civil andcriminal litigation, regulatoryinvestigations, product recalls,

data breaches, earnings warningsand restatements, executivedepartures, bankruptcies andother sensitive matters. We recognize that all crises

are inherently unique, and ourexperienced senior professionalsare prepared to quickly assess,plan for and address each dis-tinct situation. Our team worksdirectly with clients and theirother advisors to build a strategiccommunications protocol forboth internal and external audi-ences and ensure that crisisresponses are consistent, accu-rate and timely. We also havelongstanding, close relationshipswith journalists, financial ana-lysts and the investing communi-ty, which is integral to effective-ly helping clients managethrough a crisis.



140 Second St., 6th FloorSan Francisco, CA 94105415/[email protected]

Sam Singer, President

One of the nation’s leadingcorporate reputation and crisiscommunications strategists,Singer Associates handles region-al, national and internationalcrises and reputation manage-ment issues.Singer was voted to the 50

Most Powerful People in SanFrancisco List by San Francisco’s7X7 magazine, which wrote:“Singer’s nickname — “TheFixer” — says it all. If your repu-tation, fortune or political futureis at stake, he’s the man you callto convince the public, the politi-cians or the judge that you’re inthe right.”The agency handles bankrupt-

cies, litigation, indictments, legalmatters, food safety, environmen-tal, healthcare, construction, landdevelopment, union, corporatecampaigns, and as providingservices to high-profile corporate,entertainment personalities andathletes.The San Francisco Chronicle

wrote: “For Singer, kicking upsome dust and taking some flakare just part of what goes with theterritory as one of the — if not the— premier mouthpieces and spindoctors for companies doingbusiness.”


177 Milk Street, Suite 610Boston, MA 02109617/695-9555Direct: 617/933-5012Fax: 617/[email protected] missionrecognition.blogspot.comTwitter: @CrisisBostonPR

Helene Solomon, CEOE. Ashley McCown, President

Based in Boston, SolomonMcCown & Company providesstrategic communications and crisismanagement services to mission-focused businesses and organiza-tions. We leverage all of our assets— our strategic thinking, consider-able experience, successful alliancebuilding and commitment to results— to help clients achieve the recog-nition, definition and protectionthey need to meet their goals. Webelieve that at the core of advancingan organization’s mission is protect-ing it. Crisis management is a defin-ing strength of our organization.Our nationally-recognized seniorteam of crisis managers comes fromjournalism and politics. We havedeveloped crisis plans for corpora-tions, institutions, and mission-focused organizations, and haveplayed a key role in many sensitiveand complex issues including thoseinvolving public agencies and non-profits, public health issues, labornegotiations and strikes, bankrupt-cies and business failures, accusa-tions of sexual harassment andabuse, state and federal investiga-tions, and workplace violence. Weexcel at working with in-house andoutside legal counsel and corporatecommunications teams to devisecommunications strategies to dove-tail with the legal strategy.



400 Madison Ave., 14th Fl., Ste. DNew York, NY 10017212/616-3601Fax: 212/

Peter V. Stanton, PresidentAmy E. Calhoun, Man. Dir.

How companies react in the



Stanton Communications, Inc.’s Peter Stanton, President; and AmyCalhoun Managing Director .

�Continued on page 52

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Mergers & Acquisitions

Crisis Management

Investor Relations

Corporate Positioning

Proxy Contests


Litigation Support

Management Successions

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first minutes of a crisis can makeor break hard-earned reputations. Stanton Communications, Inc.,understands and helps clients nav-igate myriad contingencies. Weprovide anticipatory planning thatestablishes a strong course ofaction for prudent decisions andconstructive action.As a national public relations

firm, we provide crisis manage-ment, corporate counseling, andsophisticated public affairs andmarketing programs among otherservices. With offices in Washington,

D.C., New York and Baltimore,Stanton Communications is com-prised of leading professionalswith experience across a variety ofindustries. They ensure round-the-clock support and effective man-agement of delicate and difficultsituations.


200 S. Broad St., 9th Flr.Philadelphia, PA 19102215/790-4100215/790-4339Fax: 215/

Steve Albertini, Executive VicePresident

For more than two decades,Tierney Communications hasprovided strategic counsel on themost sensitive reputation and eth-ical issues — the kind that canredefine the image and position-ing of an organization, company

brand or executive. Clientsengage us to work across thespectrum of management com-munications and operationalissues. Tierney has worked with lead-

ers of Fortune 500 companies,start-ups, major universities/ edu-cational institutions, culturalorganizations, labor unions, nichebusinesses, and governmentalagencies. Everything from envi-ronmental disasters to laborunrest to securities fraud to thetakeover of one of the nation’slargest public school districts —Tierney has been there.Our goal is to help client

organizations be prepared tosolve problems, manage the spot-light, learn from missteps, andavoid future crises. We can func-tion as spokesperson, or asbehind the scenes and transparentas you like during a crisis situa-tion.


510 Maryville Centre Dr., Ste. 320St. Louis, MO 63141314/

At one point or another everyorganization faces a crisis. A cri-sis can happen at any time. Fires,recalls or accidents can put yourbusiness squarely in the mediaand public spotlight. The Vandiver Group’s (TVG)

Threat Assessment is a quick andeasy tool to assess your organiza-tion’s threat level. Developed byour crisis communications team,this free assessment asks a fewshort questions to help determine

your risk level. The assessmentcovers everything from your cri-sis communications plan to ifyour leaders and spokespeoplehave been media trained and havetheir messages ready to deliver inthe most appropriate way.The assessment calculates your

threat level and suggests ways tolower your future threat level. Itcan save you time, money andfrustration. During a crisis, TVGworks quickly to get accurateinformation to the media, paysattention to details, and uncoverspotential hazards before they cancreate problems.


1025 Vermont Ave., NW, 12th Fl.Washington, DC 20005202/

Dan Solomon, Chief ExecutiveOfficer

Virilion is a full service interac-tive agency that for more than 12years has helped major organiza-tions and institutions transformtheir ideas and issues into resultsthrough digital media. With a solid foundation in

online and new media, Virilionunderstands better than most howquickly a small issue on a blog orsocial media site can blow up intoa full-scale communications crisis.What sets Virilion apart from

other firms is its ability to helpclients anticipate and mitigatethreats to their organizations andbusiness models. Identifyingissues while they are still over thehorizon helps clients managetheir business risks, capitalize onopportunities and favorablyimpact their bottom lines.Marshaling digital media

across the spectrum, Virilion’sconfidential efforts have helpedset the record straight for clientsin finance, food & agriculture,health care, government, andsports & entertainment.


Washington3535 Factoria Blvd. SE, Suite 400Bellevue, WA 98006425/957-6100 Fax: 425/957-7717

New York1185 Avenue of the AmericasSuite 1750New York, NY 10036212/371-5295 Fax: 212/371-5202

Blake Cahill, SVP of Marketing

Visible Technologies helpscompanies like Autodesk,Boost Mobile, Microsoft, andXerox listen and learn whatconsumers are saying aboutthem online and enables indi-viduals to manage and protecttheir online reputations byhelping brands to engage in theright conversations with theright influencers at the righttime. With real-time businessinsight and response poweredby the industry-leadingtruCAST technology platform,companies build relationshipswith customers, bolster theirbrands and grow revenue. Tolearn more, go online


919 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022212/[email protected]@[email protected]

Micho Spring, Chairperson, U.S.Corporate Practice and WeberShandwick – New EnglandPeter Duda, Executive VPLance Morgan, ChiefCommunications Strategist

Weber Shandwick helpsclients promote, preserve andprotect reputation and brand.Working closely with our

clients, we anticipate and pre-pare for shifts in public andstakeholder opinion that couldaffect a company’s ability toachieve its business objectives,and proactively help them man-age change and crisis situations.We have a proven track

record working with a widerange of clients in complex andsensitive areas of crisis and rep-utation management such ascorporate positioning; productand drug recalls; labor negotia-tions and campaigns; litigationsupport; legislative and publicaffairs; mergers and acquisi-tions; bankruptcies and restruc-turings; employee communica-tions and management transi-tions.From comprehensive issues

audits to real-time integratedcrisis support, we work to estab-lish the right context forstrengthening corporate reputa-



The Vandiver Group: Donna Vandiver, President & CEO; Kelly Ferrara,Executive Vice President; and Amy Crump, Chief Financial Officer.

STANTON COMMS.�Continued from page 50

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tion through a dynamic, ongo-ing dialogue with key internaland external constituencies. In anew communications landscapewith a vast array of channelswhere crises can take hold, ourexperts access an unparalleledrange of resources across prac-tices and geographies. We coun-sel clients in all aspects of cor-porate branding, positioningand communications. Industryexpertise includes advertis-ing/marketing/media, airlines,automotive, biotechnology,financial services, food & bev-erage, pharmaceuticals,telecommunications, education,health care and technology.


1625 Eye Street NW, 6th FloorWashington DC, 20006202/

Xenophon Strategies hasmanaged communications forclients during hurricanes, majortransportation accidents, regula-tory and congressional hearings,

product recalls, and widely pub-licized legal proceedings. As afull-service strategic communi-cations firm specializing in pub-lic relations, public affairs andcrisis communications,Xenophon represents Fortune500 companies, the federal gov-ernment, trade associations andnot-for-profit organizations. Xenophon’s crisis profession-

als manage communicationsbefore, during and after crisisevents. The firm’s servicesinclude building crisis commu-nications plans, trainingemployees, drilling responseprotocols, managing mediainteractions during crisis situa-tions and monitoring broadcast,print and online news through-out the crisis. Following crisisevents, Xenophon guides execu-tives and spokespersons throughinterviews, congressional hear-ings and regulatory testimony. The firm maintains a 24/7

Crisis Communications hotline,which allows current andprospective clients to reach sen-ior managers within minutes,and welcomes the opportunityto respond to inquiries:708/237-6422.


200 Park Avenue SouthNew York, NY 10016212/[email protected]

Barby K. Siegel, Chief ExecutiveOfficer

Zeno Group follows a disci-plined approach in times of cri-sis: act immediately, maintaintransparency, promote yourcounter message aggressively,and make certain that every pos-sible communications channel iscovered. We have handled highstakes crises for a wide range ofcompanies in categories underfederal and state regulatorymicroscopes helping to protectbrands and reputations.We recognize that as new safe-

ty standards are placed on firms— and as more is expected (evendemanded) by consumers — theneed for thoughtful, real-timestrategy during times of crisis ismore paramount thanever. Recently, we worked withtoy manufacturer Zhu Zhu Petsto defend their flagship productduring the midst of the holidayshopping rush after an erroneoussafety claim was levied.Working with radio, TV, printand online channels, Zenomoved swiftly to defend thecompany, by leveraging positiveindependent safety test results toput consumers’ minds at ease. Zeno Group understands that

while a crisis can never be pre-dicted, the key to success is care-ful and thorough preparedness. Through our stakeholder-driv-

en planning process, we identifyand prioritize the critical stake-holders and communicationschannels that need to be engagedor leveraged, providing CEOsand management teams with themost effective tools to engagetheir customers, partners andemployees to resolve a crisis.


400 East Mason Street, Suite 200Milwaukee, WI 53202414/276-6237Fax: 414/[email protected]

Evan N. Zeppos, President

Zeppos & Associates, peer-ranked as Wisconsin’s top crisiscommunications firm, hashelped clients across theMidwest and U.S. effectivelycommunicate about foodrecalls, construction and indus-trial accidents, legal threats,protests, environmental inci-dents and more. The firm’saward-winning team — sea-soned experts who have workedboth as reporters and communi-cations counselors — collabo-rates with C-level executives,attorneys and operations staff todevelop and implement theright crisis communicationsstrategies. Zeppos &Associates also helps clientsbefore a crisis to design com-munications plans and trainstaff to work with mainstreammedia, social media and otherkey audiences should the unex-pected occur. �


Zeppos & Associates' senior account team includes Evan N. Zeppos,president; Kris Naidl, executive vice president; and Brian Knox, vicepresident.


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