Download - Greenvolution web version - Gain Green · idle land in the country into green landscapes, anticipating to saving more native trees and gaining greener earth at a greater scale. Here,


GREENISSUE 1, oct 2016

Hello Eco-Warriors,

Go Go Go Green…! It’s the 10th month since the incorporation of Green Afforestation International Network Sdn. Bhd. (Gain-Green). We are excited to share with you the happiness of witnessing deforested land turning green in such a short period of time. And we are glad that we have opportunities to convert more and more idle land in the country into green landscapes, anticipating to saving more native trees and gaining greener earth at a greater scale. Here, we are pleased to present our first bulletin to you - eco-warriors who are always with us in catching up the green steps and ready for greenvolution!

This issue mainly covers the latest development of our recent projects. It serves as a record of how far the company has been progressing, locations of the greeneries that will be expecting, number of trees in the process of planting, projects that have been planned and things that are new in the company or industry.

Also cover in this issue, let’s have a peek on our super Paulownia baby under RevoTropix Paulownia of the Month section!

“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in” – Greek Proverb. Let’s work together to save our native forest from further destruction and to lead paradigm shift to wood usage gained from sustainable timber supplies via afforestation.


Happy reading,

Gain-Green editorial team






Project 1: RevoTropix Paulownia Research Farm Our research farm at Rembau, Negeri Sembilan was the first place we started our afforestation project on Malaysia’s ground. Starting from 35 acres, the total land allotted today in the surrounding area by the locals for RevoTopix Paulownia is approximately 100 acres. Research and development activities are constantly carried out including those on the trees, nutrient as well as farm management and system. Stringent inspection and quality control are among our major monitoring aspects. We are glad to have our Farm Manager and plant specialists who work very hard in managing the farm and maintaining healthy growth of Paulownia. We also feel grateful to receive tremendous support from the local leaders and community that have constantly encouraged a steady development of plantation.

We are excited to see the uniform growth and size of our RevoTropix Paulownia at our Research Farm in Rembau, Negeri Sembilan. The plant tissue culture technology is proven to produce superior quality clones over traditional propagated plants.

Project 2: Lojing, Gua Musang, Kelantan The second RevoTropix Paulownia plantation plot is nestled in a tranquil hill village residing in the Gua Musang constituency of Kelantan, Malaysia. It is located right next to Cameron Highlands in Pahang, along the Second East-West Highway 185.

At the height of 610-1500m from sea level, with temperature 18-25OC, Lojing is definitely a lovely site for RevoTropix Paulownia. A plan for 4000 acres is in proposition with the first plot kick starting in September 2016 at the scale of 300 acres. The lands have been well plowed and piping system is in the progress of construction, all in all to create well maintained facilities to ensure healthy growth of Paulownia babies. A nursery is well prepared to welcome the arrival of 60,000 seedling to start their new lives and they are future big saviors to our Mother Nature!

On 2 August 2016, the first batch of 525 young Paulownia plantlets arrived in Lojing and this will be followed by more and more batches. Expect to see more greenery covered with Paulownia soon in this deforested piece of land.

Project 3: PilinPilin in Negeri Sembilan will be our next spot to establish RevoTropix Paulownia plantation. Kick starting in September 2016, this land will be the home of about 4500 RevoTropix Paulownia trees, which are estimated to save 540,000 trees in nature forest.

Project 4: Perbadanan Kemajuan Pertanian Selangor (PKPS)28 June 2016 Discussion has been carried out with Perbadanan Kemajuan Pertanian Selangor (PKPS) in forging collaboration in RevoTropix Paulownia projects. We foresee the collaborative projects will make the company grow stronger towards realization of our vision in leading afforestation and sustainable logging.



This is our RevoTropix Paulownia of The Month, a 7-Month baby with the height of 23.5ft. Such amazing baby...


n Li















Kelly Ng

RevoTropix Paulownia Million Tree Challenge Campaign

20 April 2016Gain-Green collaborated with two strategic partners – and Yayasan Bina Upaya Darul Ridzuan in rolling out the campaign of “Revotropix Paulownia Million Tree Challenge” with the aim to plant one million RevoTropix Paulownia trees in Malaysia to save nature forests and reduce carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere.

Million Tree Challenge is a “Gaining Greener Earth” initiative undertaken by Green Afforestation International Network Sdn Bhd (Gain-Green) to inspire Malaysian and overseas eco-warriors to sponsor and plant one million RevoTropix Paulownia tress across unused lands of Malaysia.

We are excited to have support, participation and funding from individuals and corporates to our RevoTropix Paulownia Million Trees Challenge. We target to reach 1 million trees in 5 years, beginning from our launching date on 20 April 2016. To date, we received support and commitment to plant 128,042 trees, which we expect to save 1,536,504 trees in nature forest, utilizing 512,168 acres of unused land, and to absorb 5,626,165.48 kg of CO2 ! Bravo!

We invite participation from all eco-warrrior to support planting a tree via mystartr online crowd funding platform. Accept Million Tree Challenge now!

Together, let’s gain a greener earth!



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Be one in the million

The launching of Million Tree Challenge Campaign, collaboration with two strategic partners – and Yayasan Bina Upaya Darul Ridzuan.

PRESSMillion Tree Challenge Campaign Featured in Sin Chew Daily

Million Tree Challenge Campaign Advertised in Sin Chew Daily on 19 April 2016

Million Tree Challenge Campaign Advertised in Sin Chew Daily on 20 April 2016





Video of RevoTropix Paulownia Million Tree Challenge our team to become Paulownia eco-warrior, support us now! Trees Make it Right, Gain it Right!

Music video of Gain it Right

The Launching News of “Million Tree Challenge” Featured in Sin Chew Daily on 22 April 2016

Deforestation is clearing Earth’s forests on a massive scale and has endangered the primeval forests, including those in Malaysia. Stopping and preventing logging activities doesn’t seem to entirely solve the problem. The attraction of hard cash, the need for land conversion, or in the absence of sufficient alternative economic development, illegal logging activities had become irresistible lure for the local communities, where protection laws are often flagrantly violated.

Nevertheless, globally, demand for timber could never stop. To feed the gap while endeavoring every effort to protect the forest, a sustainable timber plantation with methodical management, fast growing and regenerate ability is an alternative.

The founder of Gain-Green, Mr. EL Law is a successful biotechnology and biochemistry entrepreneur. To him, successful commercialized paulownia plantations may not only save forests, but shall lead a paradigm shift in the agriculture industry in Malaysia.

Paulownia is fast growing with the ability of producing quality wood as a replacement to forest trees. Mr. Law may not be the first person to plant Paulownia trees in Malaysia, but is the first who successfully grows Paulownia in large plantation scale. “Paulownia does not require intensive manpower, and does not require re-planting upon harvesting. Paulownia trees regenerate even faster and bigger as the roots are well grown and extended.”

Compared to decreasing prices of rubber and oil palm in recent years, Paulownia trees may gauge the price of USD300-USD400/ m3 at the age of six. Averagely, a trunk may supply 0.7 m3 of timber wood.

Mr. Law has always been questioned regarding the suitability of growing such subtropical species in Malaysia, a country which possesses tropical weather. “We have successfully ‘trained’ the trees to skip the dormancy with the application of biotechnology,” says Mr. Law. Under the dedicated care of Gain-Green, paulownia trees not only successfully grows in Malaysia, but seems to have grown better and faster. Gain-Green’s plantation farm has recorded to grow a 7- month-old Paulownia tree with 22ft in height and 5cm in diameter. Mr. Law expects these paulownia trees to reach 30-40cm diameter after the 6th year.

Gain-Green planned to plant 500 acres of Paulownia every year. He expects the expansion shall be accelerated should there be any involvement of investors and government bodies.

Mr. Law met up with experts across the world for professional advice before he started the planting of Paulownia. Through his leadership and innovative market planning, Gain-Green is directed to creating multiple values in our society. Carbon credit is one of the values in their milestone list and the Company is cooperating with Yayasan Bina Upaya in planting one million of Paulownia for helping the poor and community development.

Our Paulownia Stories in Sin Chew Special Focus on 9 June 2016



CEO of Gain-Green, Mr El Law was on a business trip on 7 July 2016 to Japan and brought back precious gifts from Japan counterpart, Mr. Ogata. Thanks to the fine, straight grain, light weight, and extremely easy to work characteristic, Paulownia serves as a sacred symbol in Japan and its flower pattern is used as one of the government seal of Japan.

7 July 2016Japan Visit

10 August 2016Gain-Green Visited by Ministry of Defence Malaysia (MINDEF)

Group photos with honourable guests from Ministry of Defence [email protected]






n Li















Kelly Ng

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