Download - Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Page 1: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Graduation Exam Review

Page 2: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Alabama Stuff

• Mobile was 1st settlement in Al. (French 1702)

• Becomes state in 1819

• Montgomery was 1st capital of the Confederacy (Civil War)

Page 3: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Winston county remained neutral during Civil War

• Battle of Mobile Bay – North captures port of Mobile from South during Civil War

Page 4: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• B’ham known for steel• Bessemer Process-made steel

production less expensive & more efficient

• Booker T. Washington founded Tuskegee Institute

• George Washington Carver researched peanuts

Page 5: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Al. Constitution of 1901 limited blacks right to vote

• Battle of Horseshoe Bend-War of 1812, Jackson defeats the Creeks with help from Cherokees

Page 6: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Fort Mims – Red Stick Creek Indians massacre 100s of settlers at Fort Mims (1813)

• Boll Weevil – Bug that destroyed cotton crops, caused farmers to diversify (peanuts, soybeans, etc.)

• Black Belt – area in AL. of black, fertile soil

Page 7: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Tenant farmer – poor, pays rent for land

• Sharecropper – poor, pays a share of the crop for land

Page 8: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• William Crawford Gorgas- Panama canal & Yellow fever

• W.C. Handy – famous jazz W.C. Handy – famous jazz musician from Al.musician from Al.

• Tuskegee Airmen -African American fighter pilots in WWII

Page 9: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

The Crusades• 8 Holy Wars (1096-1270)

• Christians in Europe fought toregain HolyLand fromMuslims

Page 10: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

3 Ways the Crusades Helped Europe

• Encountered advanced Muslim society (increased knowledge)

• Trade (increased demand for Asian goods in Europe)

• New Technology

Page 11: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.









1543 GLOBE

Page 12: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

The Italian Renaissance“Rebirth”

• From 1350- 1600

• A cultural awakening

Page 13: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.


• Change in the Church’s way of practicing Christianity

• New form of Christianity- Protestantism

Page 14: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Martin Luther• German monk• Justification by

faith• ML formed the

first Protestant church

Page 15: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Columbus’s Voyage• 1492 - Columbus

crossed the Atlantic Ocean

• Landed on San Salvador in the Caribbean

Page 16: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Causes• Quest for knowledge of the


• Wanted newtrade routeto Asia

Page 17: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.


• Conquest of Native Americans & est. of European empires

• Columbian Exchange

Page 18: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

















Page 19: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Death of many Native Am. from disease

• Slavery

Page 20: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Spanish in the Americas

• Conquistadors explore Conquistadors explore the Americasthe Americas

• Conquer Native Conquer Native AmericansAmericans

• Est. coloniesEst. colonies

Page 21: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Force Native Force Native Americans to work Americans to work on plantations on plantations && in in minesmines

• Spain is getting Spain is getting richrich

Page 22: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.


• Ponce de Leon- explored Florida- searched for “fountain of youth”

Page 23: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

•Vasco Nunez de Balboa- discovered the Pacific Ocean

Page 24: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Ferdinand Magellan- first to sail around the world (3 years)- dies in battle before returning home

Page 25: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Cortes- conquered the Aztecs in Mexico

Page 26: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Hernan de Soto- landed in Florida & explored much of southern U.S.

Page 27: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

St. Augustine• 1st permanent European

settlement in N. Am.• Built by Spanish as a fort

to protect gold shipments (1565)

Page 28: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

English ExplorersEnglish Explorers• John Cabot - 1st known John Cabot - 1st known

Englishmen to cross the Englishmen to cross the AtlanticAtlantic

Page 29: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Reasons for English Reasons for English Colonization of Am.Colonization of Am.

• A base for attacking A base for attacking Spanish ships & citiesSpanish ships & cities

• To find the Northwest To find the Northwest PassagePassage

Page 30: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• New markets for goods

• Overcrowding in England

• Religious freedom

Page 31: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

RoanokeRoanoke• 1st English settlement in 1st English settlement in

the New Worldthe New World

• Began by Sir Walter Began by Sir Walter RaleighRaleigh

• Colonist disappearedColonist disappeared

Page 32: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Jamestown• Jamestown was the 1st

permanent English settlement in the New World -1607

• Founded by the Virginia Company

Page 33: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Led by John SmithLed by John Smith

• Settlers suffered from: Settlers suffered from: disease, starvation, harsh disease, starvation, harsh winters, & Indian attackswinters, & Indian attacks

• Began to grow tobaccoBegan to grow tobacco

Page 34: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Est. 1st representative Est. 1st representative assembly (House of assembly (House of Burgesses)Burgesses)

Page 35: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Plymouth ColonyPlymouth Colony

• Founded to escape Founded to escape religious persecutionreligious persecution

• Protestant “Separatist” are Protestant “Separatist” are persecuted for wanting to persecuted for wanting to purify the churchpurify the church

Page 36: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Mayflower brings the Pilgrims to Am.

• Land at Plymouth Mass. - 1620

• 1/2 die in 1st winter

• Feast of thanksgiving

Page 37: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Mayflower Compact – agreement signed by Pilgrims before they land on how they would govern themselves

Page 38: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

British Colonial PolicyColonies have great

freedom in early 1700sBritish gov. rarely


Page 39: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Colonial legislatures gain power over local affairs

Self-government develops

Page 40: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Middle Passage

• Transfer of slaves from Africa to America

• Ships were overcrowded

• Unsanitary & hot

• Many die from disease

Page 41: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Great Awakening

• Series of religious revivals

• Idea that anyone could have a personal relationship with God

Page 42: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Church membership grew

• Led to growing belief in equality and democracy

Page 43: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Causes of Fr. & Indian War

• Traditional rivalry between England & France

• English Colonists Westward expansion

Page 44: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• French relationship with Native Americans

• Control of North America

Page 45: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Results of the War• British win

• France gives up all land east of Miss. River

• Increased tensions between England & the colonies

Page 46: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Colonist feel they no longer need England’s help

• England wants to “regain control” of its colonies

Page 47: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Stamp Act

• Taxed almost all paper products

• Colonist protest & boycott British goods

• Stamp Act is repealed

Page 48: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

The Boston Massacre

• Mar. 5, 1770 – 1st death of the Am. Rev.

•A large, angry crowd yelled insults & threw snowballs at a squadof British soldiers

Page 49: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Soldiers open fire killing 5 people in the mob

• Crispus Attucks, a former slave, is 1st person to die

• “Massacre” further increases tensions in the colonies

Page 51: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Townshend Acts• Tax on certain imports

• Not a direct tax

• Colonist protest & boycott again

Page 52: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Tea Act

•Tax on imported tea

•Colonist protest by holding the Boston Tea Party

Page 53: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Intolerable Acts

• British attempt to punish colonist

• 1st Continental Congress is formed to deal with the British

Page 54: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Lexington & Concord

• 700 British troops leave Boston for Concord

• Paul Revere, William Dawes, & Dr. Samuel Prescott warn militias

Page 55: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• 70 armed militia meet British at Lexington

• Shot is fired & Revolutionary War has begun

Page 56: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Battle of Bunker Hill• 1st major battle of the war

• Patriots occupy Breed’s & Bunker Hills overlooking Boston

Page 57: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Ideas Behind the


Page 58: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

The Enlightenment• Philosophical movement

throughout Europe in the 17th & 18th Centuries

• Emphasis on reason as the most important human ability

Page 59: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

John Locke• Believed that all

individuals possessed certain “natural rights”

• It was the responsibility of government to protect those rights.

Page 60: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Thomas Paine• Wrote “Common Sense” • Asserted that the Am.

colonies received no advantage from Great Britain

Page 61: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Jean Rousseau

• French philosopher – wrote “Social Contract”

• The ideal gov. was centered around the willof the people

Page 62: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Baron de Montesquieu

• French writer – “Spirit of Laws”

• Idea of separationof powers in gov.

• Executive, Legislative, & Judicial branches

Page 63: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

2nd Continental Congress

• Met in Philadelphia - May 1775

• Delegates divided over independence

Page 64: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Learn Olive Branch Petition has been rejected by King George III

• Issue Declaration of Independence

Page 65: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Declaration of Independence

• Written by Thomas Jefferson

• Issued July 4th 1776

Page 66: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Defined the basic principles on which Am. gov. & society would rest

Page 67: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Battle of Saratoga• Surrounded the British

surrender their entire army

Page 68: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Huge Am. victory

• Turning point of the war

• Convinces France to join the Americans

Page 69: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Valley ForgeValley Forge• Winter camp of Am. army

1777-1778• Winter camp of Am. army


Page 70: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Army lacks adequate food, shelter, & clothing

• Many die from disease & exposure

• Army lacks adequate food, shelter, & clothing

• Many die from disease & exposure

Page 71: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.


• Washington & Lafayette - combined Am. & French

• French fleet traps British by sea

Page 72: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Surrounded, British surrender on Oct. 18, 1781

• Battle of Yorktown ends the fighting

Page 73: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Treaty of Paris (1783) gives the U.S. its independence

• Miss. River is W. boundary

Page 74: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.
Page 75: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

The New Government• Wanted a republic• Est. the Articles of

Confederation• Articles were too weak

& did not work

Page 76: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

National Gov. is Weak• Cannot collect taxes

• No executive branch

• No national courts

Page 77: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• States print own money

• Fight over trade & other issues

• 9/13 maj. needed to pass laws under the Articles of Confederation

Page 78: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

James Madison• Known as Father of the

Constitution for his work framing the Constitution

• Madison, Hamilton, & Jay wrote the Federalist Papers supporting the Con.

Page 79: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

The Great Compromise• Created two houses

• Senate - states would have equal representation( 2 per state)

Page 80: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• House of Representatives - states would have representation based on pop. ( 435 members today)

Page 81: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Executive Branch• Carries out the laws• Can propose laws• Can veto acts of Congress• Appoints Supreme Court


Page 82: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Legislative Branch • Makes the laws

• Can impeach the President & federal judges

• Can override a veto by 2/3s

• Creates lower fed. courts

Page 83: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Judicial Branch• Interprets the laws• Can declare acts of

Congress unconstitutional• Can declare executive

acts unconstitutional• Appointed for life

Page 84: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Opposing Views• Federalist - Support the

Constitution, want a strong national gov.

• Anti-Federalist - Against the Constitution, weak national gov.

Page 85: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Federalist View• Constitution will give the

gov. enough power to solve the country’s problems

• Bill of Rights will protect citizen’s freedom

Page 86: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• System of checks & balances will limit President’s power

• Country is too large to be dominated by one faction

Page 87: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.


• Led by Washington & Hamilton

• Favor a strong central gov.

• Favor the British

Page 88: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Jeffersonian RepublicansJeffersonian Republicans

• Led by Jefferson

• Favor a weak central gov.

• Favor the French

Page 89: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Election of 1800Election of 1800

• Adams vs Jefferson

• Jefferson wins & Jeffersonian Republicans win maj. in Congress

Page 90: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Election proved to Americans & the world that power could be transferred peacefully

Page 91: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

John MarshallJohn Marshall

• Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

• Strengthened the power of the federal judiciary

Page 92: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Marbury v. Madison - establishes the principle of judicial review

• Judicial review - allows fed. courts to decide if state & federal laws are constitutional

Page 93: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Louisiana PurchaseLouisiana Purchase

• Jefferson is President

• Purchased from France for $15 million

• Doubled the size of U.S.

Page 94: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.
Page 95: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Lewis & ClarkLewis & Clark• Commissioned to explore

the new land gained in the La. Purchase

• Made maps & gathered info

Page 96: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

The War of 1812The War of 1812

Page 97: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Causes• Americans feel British are

encouraging Indian attacks

• British interference with Am. trade, especially with France

Page 98: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• The Chesapeake -Leopard affair

• British impressment of Am. sailors

Page 99: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Jackson defeats Creek Indians at Horseshoe Bend

• Fort McHenry & the “star spangled banner” by Francis Scott Key

Page 100: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Treaty of Ghent Ends the war of 1812

• Restores all pre-war boundaries

Page 101: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Inventers• Eli Whitney-Cotton Gin &

interchangeable parts (South becomes dependent on cotton) Cotton is “King”

Page 102: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• James Watt invents 1st steam engine

• Robert Fulton invents the Clermont (steamship)

• John Deere invents Steel Plow

Page 103: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Barbed Wire - patented by Joseph Glidden- changed fencing practices - open rangesdisappear

Page 104: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Mechanical Reaper – invented by Cyrus McCormick, makes harvestingfaster &easier

Page 105: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Monroe Doctrine• Implies the U.S. has

exclusive rights to the Western Hemisphere

• Prevents colonization by any European power

Page 106: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Andrew Jackson• 7th President

• Champion of the common man

• Replaces over 2,000 gov. workers with his supporters (spoils system)

Page 107: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Closes Bank of the U.S.

• Supports states taking over Indian land

• Indians are forced to move West - Trail of Tears

Page 108: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.
Page 109: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Plains IndiansSpanish introduce the

horse - has a huge impactAllows them to hunt


Page 110: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Many tribes become nomadicDependent on

horses-hunting, fighting, & transportation

Page 111: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.


Native Am. Reservations

Page 112: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Causes of Imperialism• Social Darwinism - survival

of the fittest• Religion-have the right

to go in(convert to Christianity)

• Need new markets for goods

Page 113: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Spanish-American War• Cubans revolt against the

Spanish• Yellow Journalism in U.S.

angers public (Pulitzer & Hearst)

Page 114: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• U.S. wants a war:- economic factors, a pro U.S. Cuba would be a new market

Page 115: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

- military wants to show its power- humanitarian factors, help

the people of Cuba

Page 116: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• T. Roosevelt sends battleship

• USS Maine blows up• 260 Sailors killed

Page 117: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

China• Europe & U.S.

interested in trade

• U.S. proposes Open Door Policy

Page 118: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.


• Investigative journalists who exposed government and business corruption

Page 119: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Ida Tarbell- exposed ruthless methods of Rockefeller

• Upton Sinclair- The Jungle exposed evils of the meat-packing industry

Page 120: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Election of 1912• Taft (Republican)• Wilson (Democrat)• Roosevelt• TR forms his own political

party (Progressive or Bull Moose party)

Page 121: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Taft & TR split Republican votes

• Woodrow Wilson as a Democrat wins the election

Page 122: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Women’s Rights• Seneca Falls Convention -

1st in U.S.• Susan B. Anthony,

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, & Lucretia Mott – leaders

• 19th Amendment - vote

Page 123: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Causes of WWI

• Nationalism –devotion to one’s nation,desire to unifyinto one nation

Page 124: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Imperialism - est. political or economic control overother countries

Page 125: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Militarism – building up of the military for war, use force to settle problems

Page 126: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

•Alliance system

•Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Page 127: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Wilson’s Peace Plan• The Fourteen Points -

attempt to eliminate future wars

• League of nations - world organization to preserve peace

Page 128: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Treaty of VersaillesTreaty of Versailles• Germany disarmed &

stripped of its colonies

• Also paid reparations, admitted guilt, & agreed to allow France to occupy Rhineland.

• Germany disarmed & stripped of its colonies

• Also paid reparations, admitted guilt, & agreed to allow France to occupy Rhineland.

Page 129: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

The Red Scare• Wave of anti-communist

panic swept US in 1919-20• Palmer Raids- bombings in

8 cities prompted a series of raids targeting Communist, Socialists, & Anarchists

Page 130: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Harlem Renaissance• Large African American

community developed in Harlem New York

• Harlem became famous in the 20s for actors, artists, musicians & writers (Langston Hughes)

Page 131: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Marcus Garvey’s “Back to Africa” movement

Garvey MovementGarvey Movement

Page 132: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

The Dust Bowl

•Years of drought in the Great Plains

•Strong winds created dust storms that filled the air

Page 133: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

•Everything is covered with dust•Crops are ruined•Many farmers leave to search for a better life

Page 134: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.
Page 135: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

The Bonus Army• WWI veterans march on

Washington to get bonus paid early

• Hoover orders Army to clear camps

• Tanks & tear gas were used to drive the veterans away

Page 136: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• The incident caused many Americans to regard Hoover as heartless & uncaring about the American people

Page 137: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Franklin Roosevelt• Elected President-1932

• Nation hopes he will end the depression

• Program called “New Deal”

• Fireside chats-used radio to explain the New Deal

Page 138: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• More than any other president, FDR expanded the size of the federal government & enlarged the powersof thepresidency

Page 139: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.


• Operation Overlord

• Allied invasion of the Normandy Coast of France

Page 140: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• Victory for Allies• Began pushing

Germany back

Page 141: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

Rosie the Riveter

• Representsthe Americanwomen whoworked in warfactoriesduringWWII

Page 142: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

The Atomic Bomb• Am. scientists led by J.

Robert Oppenheimer developed the atomic bomb(ManhattanProject)

Page 143: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

• On Aug. 6, 1945, the Enola Gay dropped Little Boy on Hiroshima

• Then Nagasaki

Page 144: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.

The End

Page 145: Graduation Exam Review Alabama Stuff Mobile was 1 st settlement in Al. (French 1702) Becomes state in 1819 Montgomery was 1 st capital of the Confederacy.