Download - Getting Healthy


Getting Healthy Vol. 2

Amanda - Walk every day this week for at least 10 minutesJenny - Longer individual workouts and a total of 200 minutes for the weekCecy - starting the day with a more complete and nutritional breakfastMom - cutting back on the caffeine and increasing the duration of workouts

Congratulations to everyone for working so hard. Here are some of our successes this week! - Jenny met her goal last week of working out at least 163 minutes! - Cecy kept track of her food for the week in a food journal and worked out for 40 minutes on three separate occasions! - Mom increased her exercise and maintained her weight loss. She’s down 4 lbs. from her “cruise weight”!





Recipe of the Week: Bruschetta

What you’ll need: 2 tomatoes, diced 3/4 tsp basalmic vinegar1/4 cup diced onion 1/4 tsp olive oil1 Tbsp minced garlic (1/2 clove) 1/8 tsp salt1 Tbsp fresh chopped basil 1/8 tsp pepper1 Tbsp shredded parmesan cheese (optional) 1/4 loaf of french bread, sliced and toasted

Directions1. Combine tomatoes, onion, garlic, basil, cheese, vinegar, oil, salt, and peper in a small bowl. 2. Refrigerate at least 2 hours3. Slice bread thinly (the thinner the slice the less calories) and spread out evenly on a baking pan. Toast at 450 degrees for 2-4 minutes or until slightly browned. NOTE: you may brush the bread lightly with butter to add a little more crisp and flavor.4. Add bruschetta mixture and serve immediately.

Recipe makes 2 servings. Bruschetta mixture (without cheese) is 47 calories.vInvidual toasts (without butter) range from 10-15 calories depending on size.

Rewarding YourselfThose (like us) who habitually reward themselves with food for a difficult task or a job well done are faced with an additional challenege when trying to postively reinforce weightloss. Here are some suggestions for rewards that don’t involve calories, but might still make you feel like you earned something special!

Short Term Rewards - catching a movie - trip to the park or beach - e-book or book at the store - cute accessory - grooming (haircut, color, etc.) - take a day off from fitness

Long Term Rewards (for hitting benchmark goals) - short trip - spa treatment - tickets to a live concert or vent - small piece of jewlry - new clothes shopping! - sign up for a class