Download - Geekcamp ID 2015: Programmable Music

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By Asep Bagja Priandana/@bepitulaz

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Who Am I?

CTO at Organizer at

Also a farmer wannabe at my private greenhouse and seasonal bedroom musician.

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The Usual Way To Play Music

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The Programmer’s Way

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A Lisp implementation on top of Java Virtual Machine

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How is It Looks Like?

(function-name argument another-argument and-whatever-argument)

‘a-symbol:a-keyword“a-string”[a vector]{:a map}@atom;; a comment

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Clojure’s Sample Code

;; Function definition(defn simple-func [a b] (let [result (+ a b)] (if (> result 10) true false)))

;; Calling a function(simple-func 5 8)

;; The result is true

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Open source audio environment using Super Colliderengine for Clojure programming language.

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LET’S MAKE SOME ((( NOISES! )))Hello World!

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Sample 1:Frequency Modulation Synthesis

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Sample 2:Play The Sampler

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Sample 3:Create Sequencer

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LET’S ((( JAM! )))Thank you and …