Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Ruby and Rails by example


Old presentation updated for Geek Camp Baguio May 2012

Transcript of Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Page 1: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Ruby and Railsby example

Page 2: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)
Page 3: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Ruby is simple in appearance,but is very complex inside,just like our human body.

- Yukihiro "matz" Matsumoto,creator of Ruby

Page 4: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Example 0:Hash / Dictionary

Page 5: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

// Using C#

using System;using System.Collections;


Hashtable openWith = new Hashtable();

openWith.Add("txt", "notepad.exe"); openWith.Add("bmp", "paint.exe"); openWith.Add("dib", "paint.exe"); openWith.Add("rtf", "wordpad.exe");

Page 6: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

# Using Ruby

openWith = { "txt" => "notepad.exe", "bmp" => "paint.exe", "dib" => "paint.exe", "rtf" => "wordpad.exe" }

Page 7: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

# Using Ruby 1.9

openWith = { txt: "notepad.exe", bmp: "paint.exe", dib: "paint.exe", rtf: "wordpad.exe" }

Page 8: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)
Page 9: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)



Page 10: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

// Using C#

using System;using System.Collections;


Hashtable openWith = new Hashtable();

openWith.Add("txt", "notepad.exe"); openWith.Add("bmp", "paint.exe"); openWith.Add("dib", "paint.exe"); openWith.Add("rtf", "wordpad.exe");

Page 11: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Example 1:Hello World

Page 12: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

puts "Hello World!"

Page 13: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Example 2:Create a Binary Tree

Page 14: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

class Node attr_accessor :value

def initialize(value = nil) @value = value end

attr_reader :left, :right def left=(node); @left = create_node(node); end def right=(node); @right = create_node(node); end

private def create_node(node) node.instance_of? Node ? node : endend

Page 15: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Example 2.1:Traverse the Binary Tree

Page 16: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

def traverse(node) visited_list = [] inorder(node, visited) puts visited.join(",")end

def inorder(node, visited) inorder(node.left, visited) unless node.left.nil? visited << node.value inorder(node.right, visited) unless node.right.nil?end

Page 17: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

def traverse(node) visited_list = [] inorder node, visited puts visited.join ","end

def inorder(node, visited) inorder node.left, visited unless node.left.nil? visited << node.value inorder node.right, visited unless node.right.nil?end

Page 18: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Example 3:Create a Person →

Student →College Student

class hierarchy

Page 19: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

class Person attr_accessor :nameend

class Student < Person attr_accessor :schoolend

class CollegeStudent < Student attr_accessor :courseend

x = = "John Doe" = "ABC University"x.course = "Computer Science"

Page 20: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Example 4:Call a method in a


Page 21: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)



1.upto(10) do |x| puts xend

Page 22: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Example 5:Find the sum of the

squares of all numbers under 10,000 divisible

by 3 and/or 5

Page 23: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

x = 1sum = 0while x < 10000 do if x % 3 == 0 or x % 5 == 0 sum += x * x endendputs sum

Page 24: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

puts (1..10000). select { |x| x % 3 == 0 or x % 5 == 0}. map {|x| x * x }. reduce(:+)

Page 25: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Example 6:Find all employees

older than 30 and sort by last name

Page 26: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

oldies = { |e| e.age > 30 }. sort { |e1, e2| e1.last_name <=> e2.last_name }

Page 27: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Example 7:Assign a method to a


Page 28: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

hello = { |string| puts "Hello #{string}" } "Alice"

Page 29: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Example 8:Add a "plus" method to

all numbers

Page 30: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

class Numeric def plus(value) self.+(value) endend

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Example 9:Define different

behavior for different instances

Page 32: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

alice = Person.newbob =

alice.instance_eval do def hello puts "Hello" endend

def bob.hello puts "Howdy!"end

Page 33: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Example 10:Make Duck and

Person swim

Page 34: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

module Swimmer def swim puts "This #{self.class} is swimming" endend

class Duck include Swimmerend

class Person include Swimmerend

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Page 37: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Example 0:Make a Twitter Clone

Page 38: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

$ rails new twitclone$ cd twitclone$ rails generate scaffold tweet message:string$ rake db:migrate $ rails server

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$ rails new twitclone$ cd twitclone$ rails generate scaffold tweet message:string$ rake db:migrate $ rails server

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Ruby on RailsISN'T MAGIC

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Ruby Features

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DynamicObject Oriented


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Software Engineering

"Best Practices"

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Page 47: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

= Productivity

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= Magic?

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Page 50: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Rails Example:Demo a Twitter Clone

Page 51: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Authentication – DeviseAttachments – Paperclip

Pagination – KaminariTemplate Engine – HamlUI – Twitter Bootstrap

Page 52: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Ruby Resourcesmain site


Page 53: Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

Rails Resourcesmain site


Windows Installer

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Thank You For Listening!

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me: | @bry_bibat