Download - From SAP to app using rhomobile

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Mark Teichmann, Info AG

From SAP to app using Rhomobile

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Mobile Application Development Platforms

=> Suite of products and services that enable development of mobile applications

Typical Features

• Cross-platform support

• Middleware for Data Sync, Security, App Provisioning

• Graphical Editor / Code generation

What is a MADP?

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Mobile Application Development Platforms

• Antenna Software

• Appcelerator

• IBM Worklight

• Kony Solutions

• Rhomobile

• Sybase Unwired Platform

• Syclo (will be merged into Sybase Unwired Platform)

• Verivo

• …

Overview of well known Vendors


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Components of RhomobileSource:

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Mobile ProcessApproval of a Purchase Requisition

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Live Demo

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Livedemo continued…

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Livedemo continued…

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Components of Rhomobile

• Design mobile apps using Ruby and Eclipse

• Synchronize data with backend systems

• Build apps for all platforms in the cloud





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• Open Source Framework for building mobile applications

• Ruby MVC

• Rhom Database Object Mapper


• Rendered in native browser app

• Available for Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Phone

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Rhodes Framwork ArchitectureSource:

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Ruby MVC• Mode


• View• Cont


• Model

• View• Cont


• Model

• View• Cont


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• Easy data handling

• No database schema

• No data migrations needed

• Data model extendable by code

Mini Database Object Mapper

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Rhom Example CodeAdded Property get_banfpos_list to the model

Built-in Sync functionality

Model is easily expandable

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Usage of Workflow.get_banfpos_listSource code of View index.rb

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<li><div data-role="collapsible”>


<ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" >

<% @workflow.get_banfpos_list.each do |pos| %>

<li data-role="list-divider" >Position <%= pos['bnfpo'].to_i %>

<span class="ui-li-count"><%= pos['menge'] %></span>



<p><strong>Material: <%= pos['matnr'] %></strong></p>

Source code

Corresponding View

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RhoConnectData Synchronization with Source Adapters

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Source Adapter for Workflow object

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SAP Business Workflow One-Step PR Approval Workflow

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SAP Objects

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RESTful Controller

SDN blog by Uwe Kunath

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REST Service in SAPTransaction SICF

rest_result = RestClient.get("#{@base}/sap/zrest/banfdemo/workflows/#{current_user.login.upcase}").body

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Workflow document in Browser

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Workflow document stored in RhoconnectRedis based NoSQL Sync Server

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• Git Repository for your source code

• RhoHub Editor for working in the Cloud (optional)

• Build app for different Mobile Platforms

Build native apps for all platforms

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Example iOS Build

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RhoHub Editor

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RhoGalleryApp Store in the Cloud

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Lessons learned

• Learning Ruby is straight forward

• Implementing SAP backend needs manual work

• Documentation of Rhomobile could be better and more up to date

• Good support via Google Group and @adamblum (CEO)

• jQuery Mobile slows apps down -> jqMobi is possible but much manual work needed

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MARK [email protected]


Thanks for your attention!