Download - [Framing the Artist] Sushil Soni: The Pied Piper of Pichwai

Page 1: [Framing the Artist] Sushil Soni: The Pied Piper of Pichwai

Deeply spiritual and very passionate about art, Sushil Soni comes from a family involved in the Pichwai tradition of painting. As someone who is a

master of Pichwai, Sushil Soni has made a name for himself by experimenting with various medium and techniques and giving it his unique


In our latest Framing the Artist series, Artflute's Sridevi Padmanabhan talks to Sushil Soni about all things art.

Page 2: [Framing the Artist] Sushil Soni: The Pied Piper of Pichwai

Calendar Image

I Began By Copying


I began by drawing copies of

Shreenathji and Ganesha as I saw

them on calendars and wedding cards.

I didn’t know anything about art

as a career but I was fascinated by these

mythological figures and had a deep

reverence for them.

Page 3: [Framing the Artist] Sushil Soni: The Pied Piper of Pichwai

...Then Came My Training

By the time I was about 15 years old, I was keenly following my curiosity. I wanted to know everything there was to know about miniature painting. From the intricacies to the rich detailing and the use of colours, I soaked it all in. And it only made me hungry to learn more.

Detailing in the works

Page 4: [Framing the Artist] Sushil Soni: The Pied Piper of Pichwai

I Wanted To Go Deeper & Deeper

Ghanshyam Das Nimbark’s works

I then did a degree in drawing and painting but I

knew I was looking for something else. Mastering

different miniature techniques and gaining

more experience became my next goal. I approached

the National Award winning artist, Ghanshyam Das Nimbark in Jaipur and

he took me under his wing.

Page 5: [Framing the Artist] Sushil Soni: The Pied Piper of Pichwai

Though miniature is part of my family tradition, I began absorbing various other styles from him. From the styles of Mughal miniature to other techniques, I enjoyed

working with him.

Sushil Soni in his wotk space

Page 6: [Framing the Artist] Sushil Soni: The Pied Piper of Pichwai

It was at that time that he had been commissioned to

work on The Oberoi Amarvilas in Agra which was in the process of being

built. I stayed with him in

Agra and we created a gold background for the ceiling with colourful Mughal-

style flowers on it.

Sawan Jhoola painting by Sushil Soni

Living in Agra and Travelling As An


Page 7: [Framing the Artist] Sushil Soni: The Pied Piper of Pichwai

Living in Agra for over a year, it was a big project that I worked on. We travelled to various places and created artworks.

In one of his workshops

Page 8: [Framing the Artist] Sushil Soni: The Pied Piper of Pichwai

It Was Not An Easy Path

I struggled quite a lot to get my art noticed. I did not have any connections in the art world and it was through word-of-mouth and sheer grit and hard work that I got to where I am today. I still remember how happy I was when I got my first commission. I was paid to create a painting depicting the various seasons through the year. The industrialist who commissioned it was extremely happy with it.

Ideating in a Workshop

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Where I Am Today

From a boy who began by copying photos of

deities from calendars, it is almost

unbelievable for me to see the transformation

in my art today. I had never even conceived

of a career as an artist, leave alone being able

to support my family as an artist.

Sharad Purnima Utsav

Page 10: [Framing the Artist] Sushil Soni: The Pied Piper of Pichwai

Experimenting with subjects and techniques is something I really enjoy now. I break down traditional subjects into smaller vignettes and turn them into contemporary paintings. The two artists who continue to inspire me are Ghanshyam Das Nimbark and Shrilalji Joshi.

Shrinathji Praktya Leela
