Download - FOR SALE - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: 103 Fort Street, Honolulu. his paddle and then lift it on high


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Uusiness (Ifix&s.i

business tifir&s. imtrtistnunts. SIGHTS IN BANGKOK.

Graphic Description of WTiat ChIas:o'sv

fiaieitial AdvertiserEx-May- or Saw in an Oriental City.

Bangkok is entirelv different from allG. P. CASTLE.Walker & Eedward, J. B. ATHERTON.S. N. CASTLE.

other eastern cities I have seen. ElsetoS IW Sundaj-s- .

where the houses are compacted togetherso as to cover as little siiace as possible.GVSTLE & COOKE,itioss :

LEWIS & CO.- -


Importers, Wholesale and RetailDealers in

Groceries and Provisions.

and the people massed as in hives. This

Contractors & Builders city, however, with its oU,UUU peop.e,covers more crround than Canton, withShipping and Commission Merchants,mouthlierits 1,000,000. There are but few streets.but they are quite broad. Hie canals runin everv direction, and are so numerous--IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN- -

in Advance.

Brick, Stone and Wooden BuildingEstimates Given.

Jobbing? Promptly Attended to.' 76 XING STREET.

that the Siamese are proud to eall theircapital the Venice ot the east, nousestZTlce Houie Uoods a Special tysi

181-t- f Grerieiral M!excliaiiciise. rroiect over these canals, with own balUVW.UIAN


Honolulu. H. I. conies, and both sides of the river tor sixA V

Bell Telephone No. 2. or more miles are lined with floutingP. O. Box 43.--ALSO, AGENTS FOR- -Sll'tf houses, used not onlv for residences, but

for business.Kohala Sugar Co.,Grove Ranch Plantation,jMiartf GatPeonle do their shopping in boats, andR. Halstead's Plantation.

A. 11. Smith b Co., Koloa, Kauai, while a woman sells to her customer inHaiku Sugar Co..

Paia Plantation,Papaikou Sugar Co.Park Beach Hotel

B. LEVY & SON,Importers, Wholesale Dealers and

Commission MerchantsIn Foreign and Domestic


open view for all houses liave openG. F. Blake's Steam Pumps.UWERS & COOKE,

fronts her lazy husband Iishes, sittingUnion Tire and Marino Insurance Co., of San Francisco. unon a box of eoous, and his children

bathe and swim around the house. InOpposite Kaplolanl Park, Waiklkl. Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.M.orStoLewers4Dick8on)

hu.I Dealer! lu Lumber

Kinds of liuiWiiij? Materials.rowing or being rowed about there wasnever a moment that I could not seeMl

The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.

The New York and Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Fiancisco.

somewhere... a bather; and just at sun- -A gTKEET. Hopolola- - iiL down all the common world seemed am

Finest Bathing Place on the Islands. Dr. Jay ne & Sons Celebrated Medicines.HON'OLULU MARKET, phibious. The panoong is retained on

when in the water, and is then eitherexchanged for a drv one or left on to

We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds inour line, and make a specialty, in packing allkinds of fruit for long distance markets.

Hawaiian Island patronage will receive specialattention.

528 and 530 Sansome St., San Francisco.P. O. Box 1742,

E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu,118-6-m Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & WilsonKtiicrt to William McCandless.)

.Dealers in drv. Rivers and canals are always rilledElegant Rooms, gas and water in each,Extensive Grounds, well shaded; bv freight boats, forty to sixty feet long;SEWING MACHINES.

tf by small peddler txxits; by canoes oi auThe Table is supplied with the bestfajljuftn Street, fish Market.

,.urrinonler8 carefully attended sizes, from ten feet, barely holding athe market affords. man, up to 100 or more feet, with fifty or

ws Vurnuhwl to vessels at short EIONEEE more paddlers moving in state with some

Billiard Room and Bowling Alley high official. I saw one long canoe withnearly 100 rowers. Each one would dipG--o "W EST & CO,

No. 103 Fort Street, Honolulu.Attached.J. ALFRED MAGOON, Steam Gundy Factory his paddle and then lift it on high acurious sight thus to see nearly 100 pad-dles in air at the same time. There aro

:ornev " a "-- awJ New Pianos, New Organs, New Parlor Sets,best routes of travel, for scenery and curiosities;

also current rates for horse hire and guides on.A t 1 S

AN Ditfquite a large number of small steambarges in the city. These dart alout veryrapidly. In fact, all boats seem to do so,

ii Jlerctant Street, Honolulu.iue oiqer lsiauas. ISTEW TABLS

)Y VAILLANCOURT ASHFORD, MB .A: K 3U H :"Y - for the tide runs very swiltly, and ooatdRnaooa anil nrrinaca trill lA fnrniflhfld at sT)e-- New Dininsrroom Furniture. New Bedroom lurmtnre,Eroincr with its current move in the chan- -Hn.1 raten for Axcurainna. Busses and baeeatre - . it' i T" 1 r .1 a,. L"

JNew Ticture Mouiaings ana rrames, raseia, xracK.uics, .tu.Solicitor, Aseut to Take while those going against it stick towagons will meet every steamer. Special rates. . . i in iror permanent Doaraers. a waguutjiits wui uo the eddies. Tins makes the river a veryprovlaea for tne use ot guests at special raies.

lively one, especially toward the cool otfirftt.-pla- ss TTnholsterer iust from the States, whoItkuoHleUsuieuts, Etc.

U Capitol BuikUng, adjoining Generalfust Office. 27-3- m ....

I I u uo. vv I' J j the day.C. N. ARNOLD, PROP. thoroughly unaerstanas an oi tne iaiest iasnioua ui ma nue ui wu.Trees abound throughout the town.

30-l- m LamlDrequins a Specialty.M T. WATERHOUSE, along the streets, along the canals andabout the houses many of them of goodforest size. Looking down from a highpagoda one can scarcely realize oneself in

it. nonisr.Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker.

Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam.

71 Hotel Street.Both Telephones 7-t- .



We have in our emplov as good a Piano Tuner and Polisher as ever did work the heart of a crreat citv. lhe ordinaryFILTER PRESSES.lipoiter and Dealer in

IEEAL MERCHANDISE.5o .SU yueen Street, Honolulu. Itf

of this kind here. house is almost entirely lost in the massof green. Here and there one peeps out,:o :

Furniture and Mattresses of all kinds made to order and repaired. Lambrequins looking cool and shaded, liut tne loity.Paauhau Plantation, )

Hawaii, March 9, 1888. ( snow white nacrouas, the tall, steep rootedCornices and Cornice Poles and Picture Frames made to HACKFELD & CO., temples roofed in tiles of many colors.Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran

Wfl bavft the exclusive Acencv for the VERY BEST GUITAR made in thisHal Commission Agentscountry, of Native Woods, equal to a Martin !

cisco. . .

Gentlemen We have used two of your red

Filter Presses this season. Theyare convenient, easily handled and are workingentirely to our satisfaction. I can recommendno improvement on them.

Very respectfully yours.(signed) A. Moore,

Manager Paauhau Plantation.

wr. Fort Queeu Sts., Honolulu. Itf

We have Just Received an Assortmentof Fine Japanese

Fancy - GoodsSUCH AS

All of Our Goods Sold on the Instalment Plan.BEAVER SALOON,

G. WEST & CO., 105 Fort Street.f ret. Opposite W ilder A Co.N,H. J. NOLTE, PROPRIETOR.

H-- i Luncbea Served with Tea, Coffee,These Presses are being carried in stock in

Honolulu and are sold at the very low priceof SG50.00 in Honolulu to meet the demand,A consignment is now on the way.

ltisdon Iron & Loco. Works,82 12342m San Francisco.

. water, Winger Ale or Milk.,Ya f rom 3 a. ui. till 10 p. ui. FOR SALE !

Japanese Green Tea, put up in fancystraw-covere- d boxes; just the thing forpresentation.

Paper, Silk, Satin Screen and HangingPictures.

Handkerchiefs of Japanese Silk.Blinds made of Split Bamboo.Variety of Bamboo Articles.

ters' Ktquisitea a Specialty. Itf

R. W. FRAZER,I Vna oirorv MOQfTl tUIOtl . . EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE,UltlANT TAILOli, Boxes and Fa covered With beautiful

many of them m gilt the beautiful uioskturrets of the palaces, the gilded royalwat and cenotaph, and the white palacesthemselves, make the city from an emi-nence look like a vast royal garden, withprincely palaces and oriental templesnestled among ornamental tropical trees.

The wat is a sort of monastery, withits temple and kiosk and lodging houseof the priest within a single inclosure.There are a great many of these in tho2ity, and many of them of 'Vonderfulrichness. Some of the temples and pa-

godas are made up entirely of gilt andglass mosaic, in small pieces inlaid incement walls and flashing in the sun-light like mountains of gold and dia-monds. The royal wat makes the looker3n feel that Aladdin's lamp is close by,revealing to him scenes of fairy yonderrather tlian scenes of actual reality, Itis within and without its several templebuildings and its five or six lofty, roundpointed pagodas made p of gold andyems. The gold is of burned gilded pot-tery in email squares of an inch, bril-liantly glazed; the gems of glass of dif-ferent colors and set like rose faced dia-monds, sapphires and rubies. Lookingupon the pile of these buildings, coveringseveral acres, just as the sun goes down,with a gentle breeze causing the thou-sand tiny bells which hang to cornice,frieze, and projecting point to tinkle, Ialmost felt as if I had been carried off by.some flying genie and gently droppedupon a scene of oriental fable.

Unfortunately all of the temples, pago-das and kiosks are of brick, stuccoed

colorea straw. '

Taie for hats, etc., made of colored5,1 K!ag and Alakea Sts., Honolulu. --And Just Lauded lu Flue Order.straw. . . .... ,

iorr TTonlw'irft of all kinus.cbirge, good workmanship and a

Silk Crepe and Satin Cloth, for cover--

METROPOLITANBarrel Shooks and Heads,

Ax Handles,Pick Handles,

Hoe Handles,Canal Baarows,

Nests Trunks.

inn- - chairs, tables, doors ana wmuuv.Different kinds of Porcelain and LacGffiHANIA MARKET.

Galvanized Barb Wire,Galvanized Cut Nails,

Galvanized Cut Spikes,Galv. Clinch Boat Nails,

Iron Cut Nails (asat'd)Horse Shoe Nails.

quered ware, etc., etc.WCPP, PROPRIETOR.. . .rrt Street, Honolulu.

p. MUTTON AND VEAL.I rb SaasRo-- o Pork. Etc..

SAKURAI & Co.,Next door to Castle & Cooke,

p08-l- m King St., Honolulu.CompaMeatShipping served on short ny,

Second-han- d Iron. Safes.Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, White Pine Lumber,

Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum,Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing,

Metalic Paint, FireClay, Marble Dust.

1U V


fcteam Engines,- - - -

--. ..


Established v.lTlO. 81 KINO STREET, Electric" Kerosene Led Castings,uK &m of eTGry description made to

. Mlttetltirtn mi1 in nVifnc' hlaV. Insurance effected upon every description of "DownerV Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil,Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each).

Plaster, Rosendale Cement, Portland Cement,Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns.

with Portland cement, and the gems andgold planted into it will last only for. ashort time. Many thousands of dollarsare required each year to keep the entirefabrics of beauty from tumbling intodecay. A change of dynasty will bringquickly the glory of Siam's capital intoa heap of debris. Carter Harrison inChicago Mail.

property at current raies v l)"""-- -Itf

Total Sum Insured in 1885 ..327,333,700

ROYAL Claim's arranged by the Local Agents and paidSALOON.with promptitude ana --noerauiy. Gr. J. WALLER,1'D,u aa Merchant Street

ra! the Management of

tion of tne Aocai inuuuia ..,o

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.

lm . , Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

Cumberland Coal.Straw Wrapping Paper, 20xSOin., Grindstones,

Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black,Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, 3-pl- y, Ox Bows,

Franklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks),Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches.

MANAGER.8tock a Tarietv of th hst Wines.i . anil i. . . . . , .

t -- i "--o vuia risers n n nrauc ni ai''KUgs, THOMAS LINDSAYHas Removed His Manufacturing

ndSce l's."ei ItfAl H. RASEMAN,

t Sashes, Blinds, Doors, and Five Extension TopHand Carts, Baby Cairiages,

Carriages the best ever cr isigned to us--and a First-flae- s Carriage.BHST3DEH, rv Es; aisimeiiJewe WHOLESALE AND RETAIL' - uii Blank Book

aoafacturer. x . C. BBEWER & CO.Street toFrom Nnnannret, (Up stairs) Itf

Russia's Permit to Live.Every citizen must have a permit to

live in the country. These permits areissued annually upon the payment of afee. If he wants to leave the country or50 from one to another he must notifythe police, for that branch of the govern- -

ment must know where each inhabitant ,

of the vast empire sleeps every night. Inthe provinces the rigid surveilance is re-

laxed, but at St. Petersburg and Moscowand other places visited by tourists thereis a constant contact between the sover-eign and the subject that is disagreeableto both. The police grant permission to

o and come readily. There is no inter-ference with travel nor with trade. Sub-mission! submission! that is all. No onesan get a ticket at a railway station norDn a steamboat without showing a permitto leave; no hotel will entertain a guesttill he shows his passport. One cannotsjo anywhere or do anything without thoconsent of the authorities, but it is easilyobtained, and costs forty copecks for thestamp that appears on the documentabout fifteen cents. Cor. Chicago Times..

Thomas Block, King Street.U' G.!CRABBE, HERSBUTCParticular attention paid to repairing....... ... cea v - . '


Ghxocei?ies, Provisions and Feed.BAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

JAMES"CABTYGRAINANDthe P. C. A.r vr f-'- next door to

Oftice, Merchant Street.. . Ko v.tom nrittfi anrl Ptirntic. Fresh CalLforn'aSire Hacks Nos. 18, 37, 66, 75, 180ET Honolulu, f

e It chine. Iiland orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PostofSce Box No. 416A!l "WAGONETTE HO. Navy Contractors.

! tr m il Telephone 204, Mutual 590.203-t- f

',J tfMUU folic. SUtio.,


PLANTERS IN COUNCIL.33n Slutljoritt).



Col. Spalding's report on manufactureof sugar being next in order, it was readby him, the reading of it occupying sometwo hours.

Afternoon Session.Meeting called to order by President

Baldwin, who stated that His Excel-

lency the Minister of the Interior hadbeen invited to be present to confer withthe planters regarding the labor ques-tion.

Minister Thurston expressed the viewsand plans of the Board of Immigration,so far as they have been determined,and gave such information regardingPortuguese and Japanese immigration aswas sought. This meeting having morethe nature of an executive session, theparticulars of the debate have not beenprepared for publication.

The President then appointed the fol-

lowing committees for the coming year,the list including three new committeesrecommended by the report presented inthe forenoon :

Labor R. A. Macfie, R. D. Wal-bridg- e,

W. H. Rickard.Cultivation J. N. Wright, Chas.

Koelling, O. Unna.Machinery G. C. Williams, R. Hal-stea- d,

R. R. Hind.Legislation A. S. Hartwell, S. N.

Castle, C. R. Bishop.Reciprocity H. M. Whitney, P. C.

Jones, C. M. Cooke.Transportation W. Y. Horner, W. E.

Rowell, A. Cropp.Manufacture Z. S. Spalding, H. P.

Baldwin, O. Isenbeig.Live Stock E. H. Bailey, J. H. Paty,

A. S. Wilcox.Forestry E. C. Bond, G. N. Wilcox,

H. M. Whitnev.Fertilizers T. R. Walker, H. F.

Glade, J. B. Atherton.Varieties of Cane W. II. Rickard,

Chas. Notley, Chas. Koelling.Fruit Culture W. W. Hall, J. K.

Smith, Warren Goodale.Coffee and Tea W. H. Purvis, L. A.

Thurston, W. H. Rickard.Tobacco F. A. Schaefer, V. Knudsen,

W. O. Smith.Ramie W. W. Goodale, B. F. Dil-

lingham, W. R. Castle.Mr. Williams moved a vote of thanks

to the President and Secretary, whichwas carried.

On motion the meeting adjournedsine die.


Supply Company." This subject of

labor lias up till now been one of themost conspicuous in the deliberationsand work of the organization. The diffi-

culties to be encountered in getting laborhaving become greatly reduced, as wellas methods and co-operati- on with theGovernment systematized in that regard,the corporation has come to find its occu-

pation largely gone. It was thereioreevident that without securing more workto do, the company would for lack of

exercise speedily pass through all thestages of fatal decline. With the expan-

sion of the association's effort a newmethod of raising the requisite funds hasbeen adopted. The system of assess-ments, had developed into virtually avoluntary taxation, for although the dueswere enforceable by virtue of charteredpowers, there seems to have been adelicacy on the part of the execu-tive to collect them from individualmembers. Under the new systemplanting and milling concerns, desirous

and most of them will be so to sharein the benefits of co-operati- on for com-

mon ends, are required to pay $25 perannum to the association's treasury. Asthis is but a trifle to any of such corpora-tions and not a personal tax, thereshould be no such thing as arrears fromthat source of revenue. Again, every-body who pays the annual fee of $5, nomatter whether engaged in sugar pro-

ducing or not, will be admitted to all theprivileges of membership. The sugges-tions made by the committee give someidea of the elasticity of the new functionsof the organization. ' There is room inthe company now for all who think theycan make two blades of grass grow wherebut one grew before, or do anything topromote in any way the industrial lifeof the country. If the Planters' Com-pany becomes what it ouy;ht to be underits new lease of life, it should do wellwhat the Royal Hawaiian AgriculturalSociety has but indifferently performedand faintly attempted. There are ques-

tions which neither of these societieshave given much if any attention to, butwhich have the most vital bearing uponthe future of agricultural enterprise.Within the hour that pen has been putto this article, a small landholder in thesuburbs has called our attention to sucha question. It is that of insect pestsupon vegetation, and this man'3 experi-ence to be related, we hope, by himself

is one of jnst those things calculatedto be of great service when disclosed tosuch an organization as the new agricul-tural society, there to be intelligentlydiscussed.


H. Mel!, to,BEST--

Feiice Wire,

Galvanized Bucket,

Bost Coir Hatti12

G. W. Macfarlane k







Handkerchief, Toil




eiraicr v"Piaru man any otherPreparation, and is lookedhave once experienced the pleasure of iu 1a necessity of elegant and comfortable ml

For Sale


And Dealers in Fancy Goods!

119 1240-l- y

Just --A.rrived.

Ex Bark."C. K. Bishof

fnrirHTwo of those well-know- n



King and Betbelitrt

Kx fc6 Coranna

From Liverpool,

A Fresh Supply of


Bottled by M. B. Foster k Sons, Loon.'Kby W. E. Johnson & Co., Liverpool; M

CHAMPAGNEOf Benj. and Eng. Perrier, ChaloM-fn- r

Of Joseph Perrier Fils & co.,cnaiuuOf Veuve Amiot, Chalons,

3TFor Sale by

Ed, Hoftschlaeofer & f1


150 1 203-t- f


ART MilMessrs. G. Vf. Macfarlane 4 CJtt


nounce a grand exhibition of

tVTTXTti -

OIL PAWater Colorf,


Gravured f

Which will be offered for

at their Salesrooms (up-- s

On Friday, October Ij

London, Munich. J' AT ceDtr'Paris, and other


Thelinest Colletto these

Ever broughtit

inVra to 4 p m. daily- -



G.W.MAC119-- 1

Second Day's Proceedings Heading ofKeports Committees AppointedAdjournment.

Meeting was called to order by Presi-

dent Baldwin at 10 a. m. The followinggentlemen were present: Messrs. Bald-

win, Glade, Schaefer, Spalding, Smith,Horner, Jones, Cooke, Goodale, Hal-stea- d,

Geo. C. Williams, Walker, Whit-ney, Hall, Bond, Knudsen. Among theguests were His Excellency the Ameri-can Minister, His Ex. L. A. Thurstonand others.

Secretary Smith read the minutes ofthe last session which were approved.

Secretary Smith, from the committeeto which was referred the matter of re-

organization of the Society, read the fol-

lowing report :

To the Stockholders of the PlantersLabor and Supply Company :

Your committee appointed to considerand report upon the subject of the

of the Company present thefollowing report :

After consideration and consultationwe have arrived at the conclusion thatwe cannot recommend any change in theorganization of the Company, for we be-

lieve it better that the organizationshould be maintained as at present es-

tablished under tho charter of incorpora-tion ; but in considering the objects ofthe association and promoting its effici-ency, we have concluded to make recommendations upon several points.

The first relates to thoe stockholderswho are in arrears in the payment of assessments.

The second to the method ot securingfunds necessary for defraying current expenses.

And third to the extension of the workwith the object of encouraging the developmcnt of agricultural products to whichthe Company has not heretofore givenspecial attention.

First We recommend that stockholders in arrears for assessments heretoforelevied be restored to all the rights andprivileges of stockholders upon theiragain taking active part in the affairs ofthe Company, and hereafter paying theirproportionate share of the current expenses. That all such stockholders soengaging be discharged from liabilityunder past assessments.

And that greater efforts be made toencourage all the smjar planting andmanufacturing interests of the countryto combine with the company in seekingthe common good. These interests willnot only be thus benefited, but the welfare of the whole country will he conserved.

We submit herewith an amendment toArticle IV. of the By Laws, providingfor the restoration of delinquent stock-holders, in accordance with the foregoingrecommendation, which we trust will beadopted.

Second We recommend that for thecoming year no assessments be leviedupon the shares of stock, but that an an-nual membership fee be paid as follows:

Each plantation or mill interest topay $25.

Each individual stockholder to pay $5.About $1,500 will be required to pay

the present liabilities of the Companyand to pay the running expenses duringthe year. And if all the plantationswhom it is reasonable to expect will co-operate, and the individual stockholderswill bear this light expense the financialneeds of the Company will be providedfor.

If this plan is adopted the contributions will not be in the nature of stockassessments, but merely a3 annual fees.

Third We recommend that three newstanding committees of three memberseach, be appointed from among thestockholders, to investigate and report atthe next annual meetingupon the follow-ing industries, namely:

1. Coffee and Tea.2. Tobacco.3. Ramie.We believe that attention should be

given to every agricultural product whichmay tend to develop the resources of thecountry. Ana we trust that careiui research and thought may be bestowedupon each of these subjects.

We further recommend that the Boardof Trustees resume the practice of hold-ing stated quarterly meetings. We be-lieve that such regular meetings producegood results.

And that the Board of Trustees takeinto consideration the advisability ofholding an agricultural fair at Honolulu,during the coming spring or summer.And that they be authorized to take suchaction in the matter as they may deembest.

We would also recommend that Art.V. of the By Laws be amended so as toadmit of the annual meeting of the Com-pany being held during some monthother than October incase it should seemadvisable so to do.

In conclusion we desire to express ourappreciation of the beneficial resultswhich have been attained by the Planters'Company, and our belief that with con-tinued effort very much more may beaccomplished in the future for the per-manent prosperity of the country.

Respectfully submitted.Honolulu, Oct. 30, 1888.


Amend Article IV. by adding at theend thereof the following:

" Provided, however, that nothingherein contained shall prevent the com-pany from restoring to any delinquentstockholder all the rights of a stockholderwithout paying past assessments. Suchrestoration shall only be made upon atwo-thir- ds vote of all the stockholderspresent at any duly qualified meeting.''

Amend Article V. so as to read :" Article V. There shall be an annual

meeting of the stockholders of the com-pany in each year on such day, and atsuch place, in the city of Honolulu, asthe Trustees of the company shall di-rect, and of which meeting the Secretaryshall give not less than four weeks'public notice to all stockholders. Otherand further meetings may be held atsuch times and places as the said Trus-tees may direct, or upon the call of theSecretary issued at the request of theowners or representatives of one quarterof the capital stock."

Respectfully snbm.itted,H. P. Baldwin,P. C: Jones,J. M. Horner,II. F. Glade,W. O. Smith.

Honolulu, October 30, 1S88.The amendments proposed were sev

erally acted on and with some altera-tions adopted.


Finance Department.Honolulu, II. I., 18S..

Fer SteamerMr

Tax Collector District ofSir: The Bond filed by you having been

accepted, your Commission is herewith en-

closed.By this Conveyance the Finance Depart-

ment send forward to your' address theTax Receipt Books and Dog Tags for yourDistrict for 1SS8.

Your attention is directed to the Tenderyou may accept for Taxes in accordancewith Law. You may receive any sum notexceeding Ten Dollars ($10.00) in UnitedStates or Hawaiian Silver Coin.

For any amount over Ten Dollars youwill receive only Gold Coin. All HawaiianCertificates Deposit above the denomina-

tion of Ten Dollars are equivalent to GoldCoin, and you will accept them accordingly.

Yours truly,

Minister of Finance.l.B-3- t llMlMt


Pacific Commercial Advertiser.

Be just and fear not:Let all the ends thou aiui'et at be

Thy Country'8, thy God's, and Truth's.


One of tho most convincing proofs thatcould be olfered of the strength of theReform party, and of the hold it is sup-

posed to have on the people is found intho eagerness of aspiring politicians andwould-b- e leaders in public affairs to beidentified with that party, and to be re-

garded as prominent and influential inits councils. This was very noticeableat the last nominating convention. Menwhose personal character and habits,whose political and social affiliations, toay nothing of their known and openly

expressed opinions, forbid the idea of

their feeling any particular interest ingood government, or having any realsympathy with the avowed principles of

the Reform party, rushed to the front,and busied themselves with organizingcaucuses, getting up tickets, and pullingwires for the election of themselves andtheir friends to the convention, with analacrity which could hardly have beenborn of regard for the public weal. "We

do not criticise the general compositionof the convention, which was unques-tionably sound, the great majority of thedelegates being good men and true, whowere fairly representative of constituentswho believe in reform, and who haveworked earnestly for its accomplishment.But there were some men there, andcutting rather a conspicuous figure atthat, who, whatever the "regularity"of their credentials, were in realityas much out of place as theeditor of the Advertiser would bein a political pow-wo- w at the Palace.Now human nature is about the samewherever we find it. Politicians in Ha-

waii are no more anxious than they areelsewhere to identify themselves with alosing cause, or to struggle for promi-nence in a party which has accomplishedall it is ever likely to, which has outlivedits usefulness, and is about to vanishaway. These people's words may bebrave words, certainly they have been,in many instances decidedly bitter ones,but their acts give the lie to their wordsas flatly as the lie was ever given any-where. The may denounce the reformmovement as a farce and a fraud, theym.iy abuse the Ministry and the Legislature, they may say the whole thing fromtop to bottom is "rotten," which adjective, by the way, is one of their favorites,and they may declare that the next general election will see the Reform partywiped out ot existence. At tne sametime they show by their conduct thatthey consider a recognized standing inthat party to be not only a proper, but anecessary thing for gentlemen havingpolitical aspirations, and the control ofthe party organization essential to thesuccess of their schemes and the grinding of their various little axes. This isone of those cases in which actions speaklouder than words.

An enlargement of scope, although onthe basis of the original organization, hasbeen resolved upon by tho PlantersLabor and Supply Company. The essential thing being the functions of theassociation, it was not necessary to incurthe inconvenience of getting a newcharter, with all the consequentialtrouble and expense. What is important has been agreed to, in the resolutionto enlarge the field of operations. Thefact is, moreover as Col. Spalding statedto thv. convention that this departure issimply a return to first intentions in theincipiency of the company. It was thooriginal purpose of those who started theinstitution that its objects should com-

prehend the promotion of all agriculturalas well as manufacturing industries inthis Kingdom. A scarcity of labor hav-ing, however, become a paramount con-

cern with those interested in our leadingstaple of sugar, the procuring of an ade-

quate supply of plantation help gave onecf the principal objects, as well a3 partql the name, to the "Planters' Labor and

Absolutely Pure.For quick raising, the Royal Baking Powder is

superior to all other leavening acents. It is ab-solutely pure and wholesome and of the highestleavening power. It is always uniform instrength and quality and never fans to makelight, sweet, most palatable and nutritive food.Bread, biscuits, muffins, cake, etc., raised withRoyal Baking Powder may be eaten hot withoutdistressing results to the most delicate digestiveorgans. It will keep in any climate withoutdeterioration.

Prof. II. A. Mott, U.S. Government Chemist,after examining officially the principal bakingpowders of the coiitatry. reported:

"The Roval Baking Powder is absolutely pure,for I have so found it in many tests made bothfor that company and the United States Govern-ment.

"Because of the facilities that company havefor obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, andfor other reasons dependent upon the properproportions of the same, and the method of itspreparation, the Royal Baking Powder is un-doubtedly the purest and most reliable bakingpowder offered to the public.

"Db. HENRY A. MOTT, Ph. D.,"5 1221-l- y U. S. Government Chemist.


Mr. W. M. Giffard will act for our firm underpower of attorney,

WM. G. IRWIN & CO.Honolulu, Oct. 23. 1988. 128-3- w


Mr. Frank P. Hastings will act for our Bank inall matters of business.

CLAUS 8PRECKELS & CO.Honolulu, Oct. 23, 1888. lU8-3- w

Notice to Creditors.pHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN DULYI appointed and qualified as Administrators

with the Will annexed of the estate of SamuelGardner Wilder, late of Honolulu, deceased,hereby notify all persons having claims againstsaid deceased to present the same, duly authen-ticated, with the proper vouchers if any exist,even if secured by mortgage, to Wm. F. Allen,Esq., at the bank of Bishop & Co., Honolulu,within six months from this date or they will beforever barred. A. F. JUDD,

W. F. ALLEN,Administrators with the Will annexed of the

Estatefof S. G. Wilder, deceased.Honolulu, Oct. 11, 1888. 1240-5- t 120-l- m



Broiled Steaks and ChopsMoraing and evening. Also,

Hot Dinner from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m.And best Coffee, Tea and Chocolate in town.

124-- tf


Dining EQoms

Is the Best Restaurant in Honolulu.First-clas- s Coffee. Tea, Chocolate and Cocoa

at all hours.

A. Knll JVTeal, 25cts.Which includes a variety of food only

to be had here.Board by tlie Week, - - $4.50.

S3T Civil and attentive waiters and first-clas- scooks employed. Give us a trial.

123-3- m C. CHUN HEE. Prop.

Tlie Liverpool and Lon-

don and Globe


Assets & 40,000,000Net Income 9,079,000Claims Paid 112.509,000Takes Bisks against Loss or Damage by Fireon Buildings, Machinery, Sugar MIIIh, Dwellings

and Furniture, on the most favorable terms.

Bishop & Co.1188-6- m l-6- m

For Hongkong & Yokohama

Tlie Nippon Yusen Raigha's AlSteamship

"Tafetsago Mara"BROWN, Commasdeb,

Will be due here from Yokohama on or aboutthe 13th of November, and will leave for

above ports, positively, on

NOVEMBER 17, 1888.

ChineBe passengers for Hongkong will betransferred at Yokohama by first steamer leav-ing that port.

3T For Freight or Passage, having superior accommodations, apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co..

Annual MeetingWaihee Sugar Co.

ANNUAL MEETING OF THE WAIHEETHE Co. will be held on MONDAY, Novem-ber 12, 188S, at the office of C. Brewer & Co.,Queen street, Honolulu, at 10 o'clock a. m.

13U-t- d J. O. CARTER, Secretary.


'riends and the public generally that hehas purchased the Blacksmith and Carriage Shopformerly conducted by . Morgan at Nos. 79 and81 King street, where he is now prepared to doall kinds of Carriage Fainting and Trimming,Carriage and Heavy Wagon Work and Generallilacksmithing with promptness and dispatch.Satisfaction guaranteed. 131-- tf

Boat For Sale.THE BOAT SAVED FROMthe wreck of the "DunnotarCastle," and sold at auctionto the King, has been re

fitted, coppered and decked over by Mr. Rolland,and is for sale cheap for cash by

92-t- f - E. R. RYAN. Boat Builder.


furnished front room; also, a small suite ofrooms suitable for a small family. 132-l- m

XT. J. OEDWAY,BANJO INSTBTJCTOB,Will receive a few pupils on the Banjo. Leaveorders with E. Lycan at West & Co's 123-t- f

For Rent or For Sale.

PLEASANT COTTAGEMA la Perfect Order.A few minutes' walk from the Post Office.

Apply to



I IVl PORT ESGrocers fc Provisiou Dealers.


Pianters' Monthly.

THE FOLLOWING IS THE TABLE OFof the number for October :

Our National Finances.Hawaiian Trad Statistics.With Our Readers.Electric Sugar Refinery.Coffee Cleaning and Curing.Letter From France on Diffusion.Vegetable Resources of the West Indies.Prompt Collections One Element of Success.Selection of Steam Boilers.Spice Trade of New York.Land in Hawaii.Sugar Making in Arizona.Night Transplanting.Sugar In the United States.Fruit Auctions In Chicago.Why Weigh Cane?Sugar in Florida.Dr. Wylie on Sorghum Sugar.Remedy for Mosquitoes,

1ST Subscriptions received bv th niwinivGAZETTE ro and the Newsa year; foreign subscribers 83.00.

121-- 2 1 1242-l-t


We do not hold ourselves responsible for thestatements made, or opinions expressed by ourcorrespondents.

That Prisoner's Death at Hanalei.Mr. Editor: In your local . items of

last week you note the report of thedeath of a prisoner named Mahoe, in theHanalei lock-up- .

The man was found dead in the cell inthe morning. An inquest was held andwithout calling for any medical testi-mony, a verdict was given of death fromopium.

The man was buried and the matterpassed over with the slight notice thathe died at Hanalei.

The questions arise : Did he die fromopium poisoning? Was it taken withsuicidal intent? Was it given himmaliciously by some one else? Whywas this" man (a prisoner) under remandon a charge of burglary allowed to roamaround the country so as to allow him toobtain opium?

The keeper of the Hanalei lock-u- p isnotoriously slack in his duties, and sev-eral prisoners have escaped while underhis care to say the least very suspici-ously. The man is still retained in officeand nothing said or done.

This should not be. But until there isa radical change in the administration ofthe affairs of the Police Departmentin Hanalei no one can hope for betterthings.

The responsible head of the policeshould be a man of some energy and not

0 a mere iijzure kept in office bv privateinfluence.

Hanalei.Hanalei, Kauai, October 2G.

A Local Grievance.Mr. Epitor: In your paper of Oct.

23d I saw in the " Educational Notes,"tenders wanted for a new school house,Kaanapali, District of Lahaina, Maui.I think those public notices should begiven out so that mechanics who resideon the other islands would have time topresent estimates and thereby be able tocompete with their Honolulu brothers inall public improvements.

One large school house has just beenbuilt in the same district, but by whatform of contract we fail to know ; possi-bly by the same form of contract thatone of the road board men had in build-ing a stone wall round some land he hasjust bought, and that we understand wasa company concern. I will tell you allabout it, by and by how much "moneyit cost the public. Mechanic.

Lahaina, Oct. 27, 1S8S.

Mill Feeders A grain.

Mr. Editor : Will you kindly allowme a few lines of your valuable space tosay that I have no intention of enteringon an extended argument on the meritsof feeders for ler mills whether pat-

ented or otherwise, but that: my objectand intention in asking you to insert theletter of acceptance from Mr, Cornwellwa3 to .refute the statement made by in-

terested parties, that mills as manufactured by the Risdon Iron Works would.not feed, lhe work done by these millsspeaks for itself to anyone who will takethe trouble to go and see, and shouldMr. Young visit the mill at Waikapu hewill probablv be as much surprised asthe owner was. J. N. S. Williams.

Honolulu, II. I., Oct. 30th.



127- - tf AGENTS.

I ; ; i


:! I '

DAILY PACIFIC COMM 421 B 18.' o .a. J I

LOCAL AND UEflEKAL. A THREATENING aitiE. ildmtisHnfnts.SVdtcrtisemcnts.

oav, Oct. 30.



Popular Millinery House, 104 Fort Street,jST. S. SACHS, - Prop.

A Fine Assortment of



With materials and edgings to match ;

NEW SHAWLS and SCARF SHAWLS, cream light blue and pink;

osiexy, Corsets,v All Sizes and Qualities;

Ladies' Jersey Vests, Silk and Merino, at Special Low Prices!55


ljatest Style Hats and Bonnets,TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED.

60-2- W




Pancy and. Staple X)xv G-ood-s,

Fancy Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Millinery,

Will be sold at Greatly Reduced PricesWe will offer the biggest Bargains in Dry and Fancy Goods in this country.

Our $5 Hats will be sold for $2.75 ; our $6 Hats, $3.75 ; our $3 Hats, $1 .75 ;

our $10 Hats, $6; $15 Hats, $8.75.


Boy's Fine Straw Hats only 25 CentsOur Linen Lawns Take the Cake! .Trice our xviDDons :

Our Stock of Ribbons is Complete and you may expect Bargains.

X7"WTe MUST and we WILL sell in order to make room for New Goods.


CHAS. J".61-- tf

Cool and clear at midnight.

Clmrcli services this evening.

Judge Dole sits at Chambers this week.

Tii ere were nine entries on the chargelist for yesterday.

The Inspector-Genera- l of Schools hasflitted to windward again.

Judge Bickerton, accompanied by hiswife, and several attorneys left for theWaimea Circuit Court by the Kinau.

Messrs. C Brewer & Co. are paying adividend of $2 per share upon stock ofthe Hawaiian Agricultural Company.

At the monthly meeting of St. An-drew's Church Association on Thursdayevening, Captain Mist will continue his atpaper, "Some Christian Warriors."

His Excellency the American MinisterResident attended the Planters' meetingduring the forenoon yesterday, and inthe afternoon Minister Thurston waspresent.

ItThe Seventh Day Ad ventist Conference

of the Pacific Coast passed a vote ofthanks to Mr. N. F. Burgess, late ofHonolulu, for providing a mission vesselfor the South Seas.

A Portuguese woman deserting herhusband was discharged in the PoliceCourt, or rather her case was not enter-tained, as the law was charged at lastsession so that the. offense of conjugaltruancy is no more a crime.

Mr. Thomas K. Nathaniel favored ourlocal editor's house with a serenade bytelephone on Tuesday morning. Hegave an imitation of tne milk-shak- e,

sang to the guitar, and made altogetheran interesting musical performance. of

Judge Dayton told a frequent offenderfor drunkenness on Monday that he didnot want to see his face again for threemonths. The man was run in again lastnight, having only 30 cents in his pocket.When arrested the previous time he had$40.50.

The rainstorm on Monday was one ofthe heaviest that has visited the city forsome time, llie li'litninsr tlurint? theevening was almost incessant, in thesoutheastern horizon, the wind at thetime blowing fresh from the mountain.About 9 o'clock the wind changed tosoutheast, and blew increasingly till 1

or 2 o'clock in the morning, accompaniedwith heavy rain, which fell to aboutof an inch in depth.


A Large Tarty and a Very PleasantTime.

Notwithstanding that the sky threat-ened a tempest of rain, a great manypeople responded to the invitation ofCapt. Graham and officers of the U. S. S.Alert, for a party on board Tuesday af-

ternoon. Among those attending wereHis Majesty the King, II. R. II. PrincessKaiulani, with her father, Hon. A. b.Cleghorn, and Miss Cleghorn, II. II.Prince David Kawananakoa, His HonorChief Justice Judd and Mrs. Judd, HisHonor Judge Dole and Mrs. Dole, HisExcellency Geo. W. Merrill, UnitedStates Minister, and Mrs. Merrill; MajorJ. H. Wodehouse, British Commissioner,and Miss Wodehouse ; Mr. Alee, ChineseAgent; Mr. K. W. Laine, Mexican Con-

sul ; Mr. F. P. Hastings, U. S. Vice-Consu- l,

and Mrs. Hastings; Mr. J. H.Soper,Marshal of the Kingdom, ana ijrs.Soper 3 Hon. V. F. Allen and Mrs.Allen, Capt. Wilson oi ine u. o. d.-

Brooklyn, Capt. JNicolls ot n. a. iu. &.

Cormorant, Capt. Acland, it. in. ; v.api.Mist, II. N., and the Misses Mist; itev.Geo. Wallace, Kev. Alex. MacKintosnand Mrs. Mackintosh, Dr. Kimball, Mrs.A. Fuller and the Misses luiller, 31 rs. J .

O. Carter, Prof. 31. 31. Scott and Mrs.Scott, Mr. and 31rs. J. v. strong, 10-irpt- hor

with manv British and Americannaval officers and a host of society peoplefrom town. . . ,

The decks were finely canopied anddraped with flags of all nations. blowers and foliage were tastefully disposedwhere they gave the best euect. Jjanc-int- r

was maintained with the most precise system on the main deck, a printedorder being posted up, as wen as eacndance conspicuously bulletined, musicof a first-clas- s order was mrnisnea Dy

the full band of the U. S. S. Brooklyn.Refreshments of the finest quality wereserved on tables in the Captain's and of-

ficers' mess-room- s. Captain Grahamand the officers of the Alert were ex-

tremely solicitous of the enjoyment of

their guests. The dance was kept upwith animation until 7 o'clock, tne ciosim hoar in the invitations. All whoparticipated in the event appeared to ap- -

:l v,nn?iirpreeiaie ii vcijr uw.jA Longlost Prisoner Found.

On March 21, 1887, Judge Lyman sen-

tenced a Chinaman named Ah . Ko at

KOliaia lopay mci An with one dav's imprisonment at

hard labor. In default oi payment u

was sent up here to work out his fine in

Oahu Prison. When the steamer touched

the wharf on arriving, the prisoner gavethe officer the slip, disappeared in thecrowd, and was never seen again by theauthorities until yesterday. A nativeofficer from Kohala .who brought

from there the othersome prisonersdav, spied Ah Ko on the streetyesterday and caught himr De-i.,-oi.- ni

TTonkins still had thea LA L V A't.LAl o i K-.- x mnr.,n,1nmmittimus,

. .enuorscu


- -

- ,rk r7 1 1 1 1 1 ' i iinii iot the escape uj " - -

Marshal's clerk, and the identity of theman was clear. He was lodged in a cell

to await further proceedings.


lUiaforc. iueiit of the Deflers of Law.

A resident of Ewa district is authorityfor the sUtement that the recalcitrantlener and his confederate


have been' ... t

ioined byi don dare-dev- u cwuu)D.They are fully equipped with firearmsan 1 have tue evident intention of mak- -

Incipient Blaze in Hopper's Kice Mill-Sli- ght

Damage Done.About 6:40 yesterday evening the gen-

eral alarm sounded for fire discovered inthe attic of Mr. J. A. Hopper's rice millon Fort street. Smoke had been seencoming from that quarter for ten or fif-teen minutes previous, by parties return-ing by boat from the Alert reception andby Watchman Haageson at the Hono-lulu Planing Mills. The latter sent inan alarm whenever he found that it wasnot escape steam but smoke out of thebuilding which he saw.

All of the fire brigade was commend-abl- y

prompt in getting the apparatus onthe ground, Engine Company No. 1 andits olunteer Boys getting the honor offirst water. The four engines were soon

work, three at street hydrants andthe China at the harbor. Their streamswere played on all the sides of the build-ing outside, preventing anv chance ofthe fire spreading if it should break out.The tire was all in the attic of the mainbuilding, showing at the ridge outsidebefore water was got on by the firemen.

was put out from the inside by the millhands, who from previous drilling wereable to find their hose in the dark. Thefiremen left the place about half an hourafter arrival.

Very little damage was done by thefire, its food being a little woodwork andrefuse of rice grists. There being largequantities of rice and paddy in the mill,some damage must have been done bythe water. Its extent could not be as-certained until daylight. There is insur-ance on the property.

The origin of the lire is not definitelyknown, but it is supposed to have beenthe heating of a journal. Mill dust isalmost as inflammable as gunpowder,and under certain conditions as explo-sive. As the building is of brick, withclose iron shutters, a very small degree

combustion before closing time might,in the confined atmosphere, very soonhave produced the results seen. Withmore ventilation the fire might not haveoccurred, but if it would have had madequicker headway.

Chief Engineer Wilson came from hisresidence at Waikiki, about three milesand a half, in fifteen minutes to the fire.

The monthly meeting of the Board ofRepresentatives of the Honolulu FireDepartment will be held on Thursdayevening.


Drink Moxie at the Elite."Horn's genuine Butter Scotch.Genuine Butter Scotch (Horn's) for

coughs.Magazines at Graenhalgh's, 10G Fort

street.Ladies glace trim Cotton Shoes at

Fishel's.Horn's Butter Scotch, the best lubricator

for the throat.Get your newspapers at Graenhalgh's,

100 Fort street.Milk Shakes at Tahiti Lemonade Depot,

28 Merchant Street.Good goods, at low prices, can always be

found at tfachs' store, 1U4 fort street.New novels, bv the most popular au-

thors, at Graenhalgh's, 106 Fort street.Extra Fine Cream Cakes and Eclairs

every Tuesday and Friday at the Elite.Just onened.afine line of French Kid

Shoes for ladies, misses and children, atFisheFs.

ill tin wpII hv fnlliner at Fishel'sand see his new stock oi French Kid Shoesand Slippers.

Tr rnrpf and Under Wear go toSachs' store. There's where you will findwhat you want.

Fnr stvlish millinerv co to Sachs' store.There vou will always find choice goodsand latest styles.

W. II. Graenhalghhas all the papers andmagazines upon his counters lor sale atSan Francisco prices.

It has been proved by unanimous verdictthat the San Jose Lager Beer on draughtat the Royal Saloon is the best.

Irritated throats and annoying coughsklv relieved bv the genuine Butter

Kmtrh. onlv to be tound at the PioneerSteam Candv Factory of F. Horn. Plentyof testimonials.

A more complete stock of Dress Goods,nnt. hp disnlaved than that now ex

hibited at Sachs' store, 104 Fort street. Itcomprises all the new shades, plaids andfancy striped goods.

The Pinnppr Steam Candv Factory. Bak--

d Tre Cream Parlor is the only establJcfimrnt in Honolulu that can afford tosell the best Ice Cream at $2 per gallon, andno others can.

F. Horn. Proprietor.


Subscribers to the Daily Advertiser orWeekly Gazette, who do not receive theirpapers promptly by the carriers, are re--

quested to give immeuiai uut 3

nr otherwise to the Gazette office.-

teiepnone numuer oo.

Diyideiid Notice.

DIVIDEND OF TWO DOLLARS PERA hft stockholders of the

Hawaiian Agncunurai VT;,.V "u ce of c. "i-SK-;

L.D.per G. H. Robertson,

Secretary pro tern.Honolulu. Oct. 31, 1888. JS


mT-T-- l T IT 4 Q COMMENCEDA TR? M. Jt'Z-"?m7Cno- : Cutting andlL the Dwin"r; nrtaMrtreetFitting, at her residence, No f XJ u -

iv. I.lo.the Hotel. The patronage oir- --IS stjectfully solicited Satisfaction gnaran--


NOTICE.atttpti OCTOBER 1 1883. CHU OEM

authorized to sign the firm name.V 7 is alone



IN ASTI'AK1;- - sneak English.a, quu

white rrpa

& Underwear



in order to make room for New Goods.

in all Departments

each ;


"bv JSTonrishing"

more than Food is required.

3 5T

of MALT with the Least PossibleAlcohol.

:o:- -

& CO., Agents.


TAXES, 1888!

Tax Collector's Nofe

District of Honolulu, Island of Oahu.


Comes all the way on ICE fromSt. Louis.

-- ) Awarded Wherever Exhibited2- A

--ttjSIa fcJ- - Sip5Ef

ll CENuSmAi 1 h

For Sale on Draught, at

30-- tf

Tlie EisdonIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,

San Francisco California

W. II. TAYLOR PresidentR. S. MOORE Superintendent

Builders of Steam machineryIn all its branches.

Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & Boilers,High Pressure or Compound.

STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete.with hulls ot wood, iron or composite.

ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when advisable.

STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs constructed with reference to the trace in whicnthey are to be emj loyed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinerymade after the most approved plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogethf r, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and "WaterPipes made by this establishment, rivetetl byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork being far superior to hand work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PaclncCoast of the Home Safety Boiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation orcity works' purroses, built with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otherpump.

J. N. S. Williams Honolulu.Room No. 3, upstairs, Spreckc.' Block.

41.3m Agent for the Hawn. Islands.

CHU ON & CO..Importers and Ialers In

Chinese ft Japanese Goods


Have constantly on hand Silk, Satin,Crape, Grass CJoth, Embroidered andHemstitched Silk and Grass ClothHandkerchiefs, Silk and Crape Shawlsand Scarfs.

A great variety of Chinese and Japa-nese Tea Sets, Vases, Bronze and Lao"quered Wares.

Ivory, Sandalwood and Tortoise ShellCard Cases, Paper Cutters, Fans andJewelry Cases.

Gold" and Silver Jewelry, setting withTiger Claws, Cats' Eyes and Amber,such as Scarf Pins, Earrings, Bracelets,Necklaces, Etc.

An assortment of. Chinese and Japa-nese Nick-Nack- s and Curiosities too nu-merous to specify.

Chinese Matting a specialty.Ebony and Marble Furniture in sets

Tables, Chairs and Settees.I i full assortment of Flower Pots, Aiti--

V lal Flower Baskets, Lacquered andBamboo Goods, Etc.

New Goods received by every steamer.The public are respectfully invited to

inspect our goods. 11 --3m

The Bit. H. Hackfeld

Has Just Arrived with a

Cargo of


H. HACKFELD & CO.129-l- w . '

pt1 Oct. no.

M;iui ami

Kauai, atfor9 . r.;- - ,n

for KilaucalWbell.

... V.,rr.? taT.... for bm Fran- -

andfor iaui

for Hainakua, via




.i...uiiTn I'orts.. ..mi r . .i'.rl li 'i' ... . l'.rit 'ilnnit)ia':'"r.-.-'-- ,

.1 .man.V')t; r:ihain.

San Francisco.i

;f Liverpool.'t.i?ers Hongkong.iuricaii.


x ,,..-.l-u r( nil."" ,

;u, :,v S:m Francisco.-- .p:,tle.

.;'"er;J . u Port Tnwnsenrt.V..11 1 I. "

li C4. i - -

ted from Foreign l'ort.s.Where from. Due.

;,:.uro Caiiao.


1 .Oct.1. I VlllvP

.Yokohama o

Feb 20i:, ,sf nn..lluinboldt . . .V 10

I't Townseiul . .Nov o03

an Francisco. Nov (i3 15San Kranci-co.No- v

Ir Uy Francisco.N.)V 10

teuton. Sunul ...A ct 10,.S;m 1-- rancisco.Oct lf

Itjr liremen Nov 27

t anamio 11- - 20i San Francisco.Scpt 25

Kurcka bept 30'FUH'Cfan F ra 1 ici sco. S;e i t 10

San r'0.t'pi. 30very,

Liveri'tM.l IK'C 31sure4

',nv York IHc 25Mateu Ind'n ll'iigk'K.Dt--c 31

Hongkong Oct 31



A and Hawaii, per stmr Kinau,is Honor AsM'te Justice 11 F

and Mrs Ittckerton, Ashfordi Harrison, Hon A Rosa, Miss Ai. Hon L) H Hitchcock and wife.

J A Palmer and wife, C:.ffC Achi. Hon K 11 Bailey, Cr, AT Atkinson, W A Whiting,

tdwife, Hon H V Baldwin, J Sj, J M Ken. Rim Cha, Y Alau, E.d about deck passengers.

per stmr Mikaliala, Oct 30'..Mathl wife. Mrs J Kamio, Rev J.ari wife, Mr Lesser, Mr Schein-- :

Ir Kalauui, 4 Chinese, and SO::ri:ers.

si Francisco, per bark C I Bryant,-- SCurjw, wife and child, Miss A

Treirloan. L K Stephens, Thi F smith, J 1 Angelini.".eaandllanalei, per stmr !Wai-:-MrMnl!- er.

SHiri'lM; NOTES.

ientine Y. II. Dimond is being

H. :.op

'Mvy Wmkil-- 'ud

nun ..v. J V ;!ani'JiitiVi? th s morning for windward'American barkentine W. H. Di- -

i'.'c'i'e vvitli .i rvirrrrw rFr -- i nee for Saa Francisco.

Am; Turner ufter unloadingive tor Manila by wayvi ith Chinese steerage pas- -

flatter place.ftuV1,-,,0'lfre-- has been docked

lUnlo;ul her cargo ofrr MsHsif she has been badly

J--wVa"e hither a portion, of.; are carried awav.

!Unoan bark Daniel Barnes has',bart.7 ""ic laill ...i e ...V.

's-viS- i'fat,ons for a voyage to-- uinee teer ige passen-leav- e

xCeii'ect she will" about

Snbtak C- - D- - Brvant, Cap-- :5 r t,?ber 3(Jl, for "San Fran- -

KPIK 1,1,1 irut UAI.l.nn- -

. C!alue' $53,273 20.

0uft.t Chambers.Tt'EgDAY, Oct. 30.

Vk.V0n- - Before Mr Jn at.WI'olice Justice Day- -llosil far

l 7 ' v Asiilord lor re- -':h 1 10r lie; on Novem- -

lielore Mr. Justice:7F-Ii-

r l,7 ,natterof the estate ofi. pet:.(' U1 aimea, Hawaii,

.e. jftnof administrator for

'in i'in nr htn representing

anl , UllS mattpr infarmallvfrori T H,e doi hearing

I1 Ifi t...,1Ue?,iav.JI ,1.1. ' NnwmW. . , . l.'i.


TollIC Conrf

Tuesday, Oct. 30.'Cgree, twentyV

s ni.C: 11 cosls n 40. Pris- -

at,'"' ptrap from G. K.

hXl nn ' Ah Keang and AhNJ terA.aay, two middle

.'eu iueach and first and last

C1 13 discharged f!3anMnt,

a a, 'Mil 'tol:i ty in Reforrr uiorv

II JlJtlprison for Bimiln'- - con- -A Will

'oter Uls tiDae ai the



; i i

5 I .

i .:if 1


i ;i i' t

ti l

EALT HJtg Best JVLaintained

FOODIn this Climate something



SUPPLIES THIS WlISTT.Contains ALL the Nutrient Properties

Amount of



Book and Job Printing Establishment

27 Merchant Street, Uonololu, II. I.



Purchasing Agents.

Sole Agents for

Simpson's Top-o-C- an Brand

Diamond Orearnery

BUTTER.CELEBRATED BUTTER ISTHIS finest quality, made upon the

Danish and American systems combined.Packed in hermetically sealed tins, andwarranted to keep in hot climates.

26 and 28 California St,


PAYERS IN THIS DISTRICT ARETAX notified that the Taxes for the cur-rent year will be dne and payable at the office ofthe undersigned, No. 38 Merchant street, thiscity, on the FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. D.1883. Office open from 8a.m. to 5p.m. daily.Any person desiring to pay his taxes before theabove mentioned date can do so at the collec-tor's office as above Indicated.

3TA11 amounts remaining unpaid after theFIFTEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER NEXT willbe liable to an ADDITIONAL TEN PER CENT,and costs of collection.

CHAS. T. G CLICK,Tax Collector, District of Honolulu.

Honolulu, Not. 55, 1333. 131-C- t 1242-3- t'' -

; - ' -r,- -.

det'erate resistance to the au--.4 wharf. - . 123ins auntil December IS,tliorities. Oct, 23, 1BS3.



(Serurol .:Sl6x)rtisntntsMvcrHsmrats.

XjETW"XS & CO. Australian Mail Service. TO THE PUBLIC B.E.EHLERS. un Line of--Have Just Received ex S.

On account of the extreme dull times, which hasnow lasted for several months,Mariposa," LADIES', uAwxiitimjirj's v andFOR SAN FRANCISCO.

m STOCK OF HARNESThe new nd fine Al steel steamaMp m cotton --JBathing Suits-A- (li

N. Z. Smoked HaddockAND

Ifew Zealand Potatoes3-t- f


Ladies' Black Diamond DvOf thw Oceanic Steamship Company, wlJJ be dueat Huiiwlulu from Sydney auJ Auckland

on or about--o-

X&"In future Mrs. E. G. Small will be prepared to do Cutfi and

N5TO" Uas accumulated" so that it is too large for the Store-- S, v .:v;:5 . that 1 keep: I have therefore come. to the conclusion

Sydney Stock and Kellegore SaddlesAT SYDNEY PRICES. AND ALSO, MY

READY-MAD- E HARNESSAt Reduced Prices for 60 days only.



174 Tfclf lhvli 00. ,ov. 18th, 1888,r Pioneer SMrt Factory, of HonolupISTo 17 Emma


Street.o ISiiffar Plant For Sale.

Aud will leave for the ab-jv- port with malls andpfcrtaeiier on or about thai date.

For freight or paa'e, having 8UPKKIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Win, (j. Irwin & Co.,AdKN'fS.

The undersigned begs to inform the public of these islands that hasureuieut. Directions for self-measureme- nt will be ivPn ,n , ,Dakhr fThe Entire PUnt of the

STAR MILL CO. White Shuts, Over Shirts and Night G 0i

As my Harnesses have stood trial here for ten years, it is of no use to me tomake any comments on mv class of work. Only, I will say, they are made outof the very best of material, and by the best workmen in the Kingdom, andsuperintended by myself.

With this guarantee, I will give vou a chance to buy Saddles, Saddle Bags,School Bags, Riding Bridles and Martingals, and Riding Leggins of all kinds, andHarnesses at reduced prices. All parties ordering from the islands will have triesame benefit as those here.

gJ-- With this assurance on my part, will you come and look for yourself.


A fit eruarantHed hv making a amnl Shirt in . ., jFor Sydney and Auckland, uiuer. Island ora r SoKohala, is ottered for sale. The machinery lbin perfect working order, and consists ot

The new and flue Al steel steamahlpOne 20x43 Mill with Engine, Tradh-carrie- r,

1-4-A- - MELLISBell Telephone

55"ALAMEDAOld Corner Harness Shop.

11S-2I- U

etc., complete.One pair of hoilera, Gx'-iO-.

One Double Etlect, 6 and 7 ft. Pans.One Vacuum Pan 6 with Blake Pump.Three Weston Centrifugals and Engine.

Together with the usual assortment of Clarinei'Cleaning Pans, Coolers and other Machine!usually found in a well appointed Mill.

Alio, a number of

O'ulllorniu ami Island Mules,

WING WO CHAN & Co, NUQXFOt the Oceanic Steamship Company , will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about


And will have prompt di3patcn with malls anH34ener8 for the above ports.For frebjht or paae, having SUPERIOR AC

Cane Carts and General Plantation Implements.

Delivery will be given after next crop has



COMMODATIONS, apply tobeen harvested, aay about July 1. IbbV.

For further particulars apply to

Joh.ii Hind,Win. (j. Irwin & Co.,


NEW GOODS;Suitable for Christmas ami New Years Pr



Manager Star MillKohala, Hawaii.

Of the Latest and Prettiest Designs.


JOS. TIZSTKEPi, 113 Nuuanu Street, opposite Emma Hall

IMPORTERS AND DEALERS INFamily & Shipping Butcher


Waltham Watches, Elgin Watches, Etc., Etc.At Exceedingly Low Prices.


A Special Line of Alarm Clocks at $1.75 Each.

Chinese & Japanese Goods,

Citv Market, Nuuanu St. Fire Crackers. New Designs In Cups and


Something new in Honolulu;

Extension "Veranda ChaiiEbony and Marble Dinin groom Sets,

Matting in ail variety and colors,Silks, Satins and Pongee,

. Silk Crepe, in all shades;Mantel and fleart

Best Oolong Tea, Choice Manila Ci

Sauceed, Tea, Cigars, and all kinds of Fancyuooud --o-Prime Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb,

At Ororttly Reduced Prices.Dairy-fe- d Pork and Cambridge Sausage,

fresh every day.

gjEF' These Goods have all been personally selected in the States,thereby a choice selection of the Newest and Latest Designs.

Sample packages of Goods sent to any part of the Kingdom.Having every facility requisite for. a first-clas- s Jewelry 'Manufacturing Estab-

lishment, we feel confident that wre can manufacture anything that may beItegular shirmeiits by every steamer.Corned Beef and Pickled Tongue alwavs

on hand and put up in quantities to suit.required in the Jewelry and Silverware Line. 116-l- yBOLOGNA SAUSAGE A SPECIALTY.

POST OFFICE BOX NO. 255. oWatch Repairing and, Engraving in our well-know- n manner.iPGT"N. B. All meats delivered every

morning within a radius of three miles GOMES & WICHMAN, Fort Street.106P. O. Iiox 342.of the city.

My prices are as reasonable as any UHACH!bwhere, and all orders attended to withpromptness and dispatch. 114-l- m


OF TETE TJISriTJED STATES.Beware ot Imitations,Ms First AioiE the Leading; Life Assurance Companies of the World,





Which are being put upon the market.In Outstanding Assurance, in New Business, in Surplus, in Total Income,

in Premium Income, in the annual Increase in Surplus andAssets, in the Percentage of Assets to Liabilities,

and in all other Important Respects.THE GENUINE BUHACHI

884,478.901 85.soldonljby ASSeiS. JJCC. Ol, XOO,LIST 01' OFFICERS:

Outstanding Assurance. $483,029,562

It having come to our notice, that an inferior,

quality of Gin, purporting to be J. J. Melciiers''''Elephant" Brand, is being offered for sale in

this market, we have to

Catition tlie 3?nblicThat we are the Sole Agent3 in the Hawaiian isl-

ands, for the said Brand, and that every genuine

bottle bears our " Sole Agency " label.

W. C. PEACOCK & Co.,

Sole Agents for J. J. Melchers'

Schiedam, W. Z.

New Business of 1887 138,023,105P. C. Jones. Jr President and ManagerJ. O. Carter Treasurer and Secretarylion. W. F.Allen Auditor

Benson, Smitli k 18,104,2551,748,3798,88,432


127 1-- 2

Surplus (4 percent. Standard)Increase in Surplus during the YearIncrease in Assets during the YearTotal IncomePremium IncomePercentage of Assets to Liabilities


lion. C. R. lJishop. lion. II. Waterhoi;seSold Agents In the

A Careful Study of the above Proves Conclusively that the Equitable Societyis the most rrolitauie and Secure Lire Assurance

Company for- - intending Assurers,HAWAIIAN ISLANDSFOR THE ALEX. o. CARTWEIGHT,



Hardware Company, L'd.


t7 Have Just Opened

New Lines of GoodsWhich will repay inspection.

94 1236-6i-uand Mfg. CcvSTOCKTON, CAL.

73 auU2tfThe Life Insurance Company JOHN "NOT"of ISTew "yorlv.

Wna. G. Irwin.Claus Spreckela' '-. 5W"- - r

In th3 Salesrooms on the second floor are I T Asset over $11,000,000. 3" Net Surplus over S3, 000,000.CLAUS SFRECKBLS & CO.,many ar'xoie entirtjy new to thin market.-- O-


rr - - mii -

Age, 30; amount of. Policy, $10,000; term, 20 years.Draw Exchange on the principal parts o theworld. .. . ,

The Annual Premium will be. " 9301.80.

Special Goods at Special Prices!

Household! Goods in large varietyComplete Lines

Hardware. AgriculturalImplements, Etc.

Plantation Supplies, Kerosene Oil ofbest quality.

0 1238 Tacino Hardware Co., L'd.. Honolulu

WUl receive - depoalU, on- - opea account, maja The-2- 0 payxBeatftJili amount to...w 0,030 OOAt the eHd of that time the Company will return to the holder in cash.... 5r7QQ OOcollections and conduct a general banking and

exchange buslne&s.Thus the $10,000 Insurance will have been secured at the net cost for20

years of only 336 00Deposits bearing Interest received lq.. their Sav or $i.t3 ior fri.oou i nsurance per year,or if the Cash be not drawn the Policy will become paid up for . . . . 10,050 OO

.Infrs Department subject to published rules andreculatlods. 17oc3tf

These results are not estimated, but are fixed in a Positive Contract, the full facto the.Policy meanwhile being payable iiuthe event of the death of the assured. ThereLOVE'S BAKERY HONOLULU MAEKET.

Stoves, llahges and nousekeepins Good

Plumbing, Tin, Copper; and Sheet Iron

is no forfeiture 01 payments on discontinuance ot policy alter three years, a

Cash or. Paid up Value being Guaranteed by the Terms ofjo. 73 Nuuanu Street. ' . (Successor to "Wm. McCandless.)MRS. ROCT. LOVE, . . - Proprietress.! the New York Law.

No. 6 lueeu Street,-- Fish Market, llo--

Every Description of Flain and Fancy I uolulu, 11. I.

Bread and Crackers,For examples at other ages, and' also on the 10 and 15 years' plans, write or apply

at the Office of the Agent. ", , , .KQTE- - The-Ianhattan-'s is the simplest form of policy in existence, and Incon-testable after 5 years, this feature having beeiM)rigmatedniover 20 years ago. 1876. GEO W. LINCOLN

--FRESH- Choicest Beef, Mutton, Pork, Fish


Always Kept on; Hand.JOHSr H. PATY, Ast.

SP--tf 1235-t- f

Soda Crackers-- A N D J

Saloon BreadAlways ou Hand.


1m land Orders Promptly Atteudttdto.172-3- M

Family and Shipping orders CarefullyAttended to. The Weekly-Gazet- te and Daily PC. Advertiser 75 and ,77 KinR Street;

i .Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at shortnotice. 'MI

' ; i ?

Are the Finest Advertising Mediums in the IincUoiu. S3Telephones ISTo. 12 Cell Telephone Ke 370.