021' KT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa:...

' mr o - '" ' ' ' j"t!'.-lIH- it f 1""HM I i, mwXM WW Wlli il H yi iW' 1 IoIaW'II irt fir 1 WJrTWimWL, iLii m WLflb IU iils, H.. W&JWMsn If. i 1 i wrwwww wwwww sJwww ? 4& VOL. XXXY1I, No. K HONOLULU, II. T., TUESDAY.JANUAHY 28, ,1i)02-SEMI-WE- EKLY. WHOLE Ni. 2354. XA I 4fe NEW TRIAL SMALL FARMING AT COLONY OF WAHIAWA ON THIS ISLAND. i KAMALU IS ' IN 1 ON AGAIN The Plantation Will Not Accept a Cut. The second trial of the Honolulu Plantation Co. case will begin on Mon- day, March 3d. The defendants yester- day refused to accept the cut In the verdict suggested as an alternative by Judge Estcc and the court Immediately ordered a new trial. It will bo neces-war- y to call a special court term for the purpose and a. new Jury will be summoned for tne same time. This ac- tion was decided upon only after an I exciting fight In court over the refusal of Judge Estce to allow defendants' ex- - cnntlnna tn thn khIIh.. ....!.. I... i.i... ' "be recorded. When the matter was called up In the afternoon Judge Sllllman, appear- ing for the Honolulu Plantation Co., nsked leave to file a bill of exceptions to the ruling of the court as given on Saturday, ordering a new trial unless a reduction of $30,000 was accepted. United States Attorney Dunne ob- jected to the filing of the exceptions on the ground that there was nothing to except to, until the defendants had sig- nified their Intention to accept or le-je- ot the orfer of the court. Judge i:stee refused to allow the ex- ceptions, holding that as far as the record showed the defendants might till accept the reduction suggested. "There Is nothing for us to do," added T Mr Dunne, "until the three days 'I amed In the decision are up, and It Is) known whether or not the defendant Intends to exert the option given by I the court. Until then there Is nothing far the court to do." I "I wish to deny emphatically that the . defendant Intends to accept the op- - 'f ." replied Mr. Sllllman. "I protest s""i nun ot me court mmt reiterate that the defendant has ot agreed or assented to the court's eclslon." 'The defendant crtced for a new trial as well as plaintiff," replied Mr. Dunne. 'Ton cannot except to the order of the wrt, then, ordering a new trial. It Is taply a question of money whether r not you ore willing to accept the prion of the court, and you have no rht to except to anything else." "That la a misstatement of facts," rolled Sllllman. "It Is an error to say that we asked for a new trial, we slm-Ttf- y were within our statutory rights In xceptlng to the verdict of the jury, nd giving formal notice of Intention to move for a new trial." "There Is nothing here to except to," aid juuge Estee. "and I can't allow the filing of the exceptions In this court." "r want to except to the court's rul- ing upon the motion for a new trial," replied Mr. Sllllman. 'The court has stated several times that there Is nothing before It to ex- cept to," said Judge Estee. "Then I tender this bill of exceptions to the clerk for llllng." said Mr. SI1U-nm- n, suiting his action to the words. "I can't file It unless by order of the court." replied Mr. Mallng. "The clerk refuses to file It." said Mr. Sllllman, picking up the papers again and turning to the court. "I can't help It," replied Judge Ks- tee: "you will have to settle that with the clerk." "I ngaln except to the ruling of the eourt, and extend to the cleric the ex- actions." "I can't file It In open court," ugaln refilled the clerk. "t now ask leave to file this refusal U accept the suggestion of court to re- mit a portion of the verdict." "Tou may file that,' the court order Hie following ls the form of refusal. 'tRafilril -- -. , . . tlon PANT. r Its Attorneys, "HATCH B1I.LIMAN." THE EXCEITION3 'X ask that the case be set for trial." ied Dunne as soon as the paper "VThat timet" asked the court. "Vir earliest time possible." "TTell, it can't be within twenty days. will set It down for the first Monday h March, the third." "f aslc leave now," Interposed Mr. ifllman, "to except to the decision of 4k Hurt." Mr. Silllmaa then began reading to the bill of exceptions. wlch he yainly tried to have ine recoru Derore. exceptions were as follows: W.w comes the defendant, the Hono-lit- a I'lanUtloa and exespta t decision ana order of the court 'p th plalntlfTa motion for a now 4rtal. said decision was tiled on atnrdity, the Kth day of January, A. D. IMt. upon the followlnr "I. That Jd declelon U contrary to Taw. ''i. That said decision Is In contraven- tion of the Seventh Amendment of the oeistltutlon of United States, which that no fact tried by a Jury kail be otherwise In any eurt of the United States than accord-la- c to the rule of the common law. WILL SHIP WATER FROM HAWAII'S UNDERGROUND - RIVER AND GROW SI$AL PLANTS UPLANDS ly ROM beneath the crater of Mauna 1 Loa there will bo sent aoroFH m seas to the people of all land healing water which will be dfstrlbu by a company to be soon. The plan is to take the from the underground river, known Puna as Kawalakekua, export have it on the mnlnland. The fame of the waters of the warm springs of the Puna districts has been great during many years. In fact, It Is a icgenu 01 me race or Hawaiian kings that when the ailments of the body overcame the allis of old they betook themselves to the spring known as Watwelawela, a neighbor of the un- derground river, and' there they wele healed of rheumatic affections through bathing, and their systemic ills cuied by drinking of the waters. This le- gend has come down to the Hnwnllan of today and even now there Is a fame attached to the waters of the springs, which draws to the side of the stream scores ot the native residents of nearby districts. Analyses of the waters, made here and at the coast, show that there nre In them nothing of vegetable matter. and little of nny salts but those which from the very Ilrst have been prized In I.lthla waters. In a comparison of the Kawalkekua wnter with other well-kno- mineral beveiages It was found that there were very few points of dif- ference this local product and the French Vichy, nnd that the only the tho an f..i tried by a Jury. "j. That said decision Is hosed upon an erroneous assumption that the ver- dict of Jury should lie bit and a now trial granted presiding Judge that the verdict Is not accordance with tho preponderance of thn "S. That Paid Is based upon an erroneous Interpretation of certain written received in evidence this to wit, the tax of the Honolulu Plantation Company for the years 1MK) and 1901. "7. That tho etatement of facts con- tained said decision and on hlch the same ls based ls Inaccurate Is not on Impartial review and summary of the evidence proceedings bad the tilal of cause. That presiding Judge i VIEW OF A. PINEAPPLE FIELD. (Courtesy of riant Fruit ON THE . nddltlons made by nature were thiunuthnm nnA ,n i.... i .1 ... '' the which add to the value of the water. The water Is" warm audit VerV . "Ll m!W,e full of mineral salts. The .r.r:m,.e..n"nT,e8 underground they say. by ,n t o ,1(T Ictnd ted' " "" ' ;m" ... I . I". ... L Y.r "ver or. "otcr of ,h.e a"- - ns " w" PPoi'lo." who visit the volcano. l:' U,1U U,B Knon "i nays gone uy. Is round ha f a ,r I Owing fact i iiittr. " ",l u,tro ls very result has been that there have come mlli. nnnr..r th rnii.,i ,..i c i ....7. . .. .' .."e water t? the men here who have developed way visible. It takes a gulue .0 'find Tn n T' V ""j ISS '" ""."J in T.ZirV: ,nce ,he wnter, "' Prlng nnd the entrance Is through! connection with the volcano bVt t and ""A :riZ nhZ.rr. J ., J1,"I 'ft",.'h'c.h. La1- - t ' heat, which causes . .. iiac iiilv lri'i. 111 nil niiiriii 1 nn iiiikn,iin nr 11.. - .1. . . men In the scheme moved at once, and of fortyVflve The openmg- - ho -- V Z" "Z "w.nulJ,."r" " 11. Xj. i liiiiimR wont nvor in iii ori n.t.innn n it .. i . a here secured from the Lyman", a lease a flowing river from fifty to miles away, In a direct Tt line t"Z "ho of .00 acres of land, covering the site one hundred feet wide, nnd moving! olnt nt whclMhe H fou d H of the spring and he shaft to the un- -, with a barely perceptible motion. The a theory the water comes Into derground river. There was obtained, walls are precipitous, once the opening, the broken strata t the summ of e also an option on 2300 acres more, the! Is left and the depth of the stream Is mountain, and hops down o ,n1n ,on ,,,e " ffat that no line carried by living 1. here It I, heated and which Mr. represented being lams when he made his exploration1 the salts which are to grow sisal. This only half the was sutllcient to fathom It. I n(1 fee ling through however, for while the surface of the' The water Is perceptibly warm, main one fc? ari nto e oTr. ,"" y :en' 1. "Z " .."!!t .?:!"!' ern main stream. "K caven " -- ....... iiiw.ii k minn, 11IC JllUlVL'II idea Is to devote the principal portion who live about the spring told Williams ... i.ik iiiivimiin mo promoters to that often they swam In the dlrec me mniKeting or the water. There will tlon of the heart of the mountain for e iiowung none lor the water here, as about a mile and that at that distance it will be much more profitable to ship the wnter was ste.-uuln- hot. They had to San Kranclsco In casks, and there not been able to go nearer to the vol-aera- te and bottle. j cnnci on account of the In The well WnlwelnweJa spring the same way swimming toward the has been known as a hot spring, good .sea there Is a compartlvely cooler area for muscular affections, for genera-- 1 found where the waters become It is located about half a mile cled with the sea. It Is tlm.i fm.n t),(u from the beach In Puna, something underground river, which Is described like twenty-fou- r miles from HIlo, and from the narrative of Williams, that about two miles from the Puna of the Knwnlakekua water Is to be tn- - the HIlo milroad. The exposed basin lten. where the spring comes to the surface Not the least of the plans of the fti,la illMln rlmH ii.'tToinrriri-- i tirviimiiit' i,flur which Mnul News latest the following Investors Klhel will hlch many read with Interest: dny spent riding through the Klhel Plantation levelatlon thoe have not kept touch with "There 2000 acres 'of growing much large nnd any grown central Maul, none that does not look fairly well. the mttoon there will of Hawaiian Co.) degrees. discovers opening niln-tlon- s. , 1110 iava me water Hows the On way there Is have been a break In the forma tion ami the water Hows, mo surraee moment and then i sight again. this the over said '""J bcen would ,iaV(, lnvi.Htcd the plan the company which will be composed Williams, K. llankey Cecil Ilrown, control the lands nbout the river that am- bitious explorer may drill through the lava crust and tap the river above the point where they have the opening, thus get the railroad, which mauka of the snrlncs. th.tn nre they. There will complete 18 SOIlletlllllir llki. 11V liv nn.l Iu t 1 . ... . . .. - ... . .. T a If Is so Is : ' ' ' "" " '" "- - .11 inu sue 01 gnnizai on mIs tilt! Wllt.'r frilm r,n.. - u il... .n,ln ....i , . . . """."" Ulljn. 1 lie - ' ,.,w.... ... iMiiihn ,i own', i.jr l;i. n i.m Dm SS -- !' hih!, jiuiixui.iii.il nnu .."" iL'iiiiiiii- - when returns adduced truth, of In date In to In of being ns os cane nnd of In- - be to to this of ot to no closer to be utv drifts to develop of vwvn which there seems be an Inexhnust- - q.,4j.. 7 Ible i.umt.s will furnish Boyd, Presents Be gallons per' rcacning through water, ports HIlo District. lower a latter cash, "' I 4 ' .r Is . to C '" i ' " " ' . i , ri rw'i' A 'I'll iv ' ... . vji .1111 ni in ..---- - -- ...,. ft a In in tl f 01 i j Is a I It i on , It a It or- - A H . as as as It u on as .. re- - of I I a Executive n dally cane I it unci Is ISoyd V"" a It near which rorll. " " Is It , as a n a ! '" to to jn- - "mn rlKht 7m" on place, thorough ir., f,.r .r- - iusu 4 J t . IU lllill . . ' . ., au will prove wor" he factor 45,000 i, he to n,,out n . on , . " "f and in a ., . cane as n Mr. had able within two or three years, at of the office Zre PostoN M,M K,llen statps nt first six excep court least 8000 be hn Uono her In attempted to interrupt when finally and crops 25,000 'f the that she had the Estce turned Court This venr's i. ..rn.In.i . . , millinery goods lad rapher Reynolds "Vou , new the' varM ' T 'f,f,r od"' . cmS strike " KllUnn have Is Company, ken " . . bB course It was a ponderous nnd upon udvice of uttorneys eml" ' Jke ,0 cai",""d -- ne held them Klh" not He . ""T t three th.at b prZ Ung ? f ' , T be .nir about two " Plantation is BnoJwn an for u,e'"- - This court a w" dim- - right, limits and '" C0U'J complied with, ,,n of Miss retain- - and flu,i prove the permanent later exceptions When this ls of Maul ed possession by a Hearing of Further Testimony Has Begun. The Sugar Company was taken up morning by Judge Immediately upon the opening of court. tried In every way to delay or to have the case thrown out of court, but theso F. W. Hankey for respond- ents, were overruled by Judge Hum- phreys ns fast presented, and often before the were- - given an opportunity to ask for such No additional was offered by the ntiii upon rerusal ot oouit to otherwise of the case, the respondents began the Introduction of testimony. Their prlifclpal aim to that stockholders hnd been aware of the fact that the respondents to chin ge promoter's fees, mid the that in t, they denied that they knew of nny on the Virt of defendant, to take cash well ns stock for their promotion of the As the case was called for hearing, moved that amendment to the complaint be from the files on the that It been tiled after the case was decided, the court no Jur- isdiction to allow an amendment after the matter had been arose to but said that he did understand the motion of respondents. Humphreys; re- marked that It was plain enouch to him. nnd forthwith denied the Hankey then moved that the complainants be required to the entire again, as Court had thu court, and this consequently was a new trial. Stewart, In reply, quot- ed from the Supreme Court ordering the taking of additional evi- dence, nnd the court this mo-tlo- n also. next moved that th amendment bo dismissed on the that presented an entirely new Is- sue, but this motion was In th same by tho court. The complainants here that they had no testimony to Holmes, an Kenerul attorney ij tho was then upoH; the stand to show that been made by Estate upon Hustace, and Foster for the from the lenso of tho lands, which stood In their names. was objected to, and the testl-mon- y was not Hitchcock was by re- spondents, but was not In court, nnd Mr. Itobertson for respondents asked for nn order compelling the attendance of all tho This thn court also denied. I, H. Dee next called ques- tional at length upon tho transaction to his purchase of stock. He stated that made his purchases the representations of Frank nnd with the knowl- edge that Frank Hustace was bo at the head of the He also of deal between Cohen Dilling- ham, by which tho was to re- ceive $5,000 If succeeded in Foster turn over his to Dil- lingham. Foster was to have In pnld-u- p stock and $10,000 In but for reuson this deal of the ground for r"'1 KO trough. Dee that of cnrrli-i- l out he not a)y lnoney Jn lMe gtwki quantity, From uui ii.o outer nana lie eonll-denc- e In HitHtace, and It he to head tho that tho stock. Dee admitted that the respondents to something for promoting the but know how much, Ho know, however, that they were to be given no cash, and did learn what the fee be tho prospectus Issued. K. Mott-Smlt- h was called In afternoon to testify to the rwnli Portion of Verdict." """ TttrtttttttHHHf ii7UiU rilhwed Foster but was no Now comes the defendant. Honolulu That Eald decision In ,. T !. Mutation Company, and of Fifth Amendment of the'KlHFI I TTl DDfHF A LwUh lL'rk "ll,nff hu.l '.'call Yl f SurTn&Wffr0 m,t&Sn,WWte "0 PFRMANFIMT I mUlN C I -- A lCK .n'T;.1' lhu retu "f -- -:-. uo'heccar 2J '"r: ....' s -j- .jh-- tr" ViL o",.' !X; AGAIN. Mr. read. I stenographer had put se Company, grounds: the Incorporated distributed between ?th, of Ihsuh aside the bellt'eH evidence. decision documents in case, and and upon said I. the renderlnr visited, Jilt ! ?" voicana and warmth. known end svn- - n.i i... THE con- - "A who Its development. are cane at Klhel, fine eluding cane, and uviMLLiiiiii. had hea. n,,t out and and Mr ad- -' EXECUTIVE are run to tho llow twenty millions believ- ed tno vyesterday the the the some was was did he was was the waTm-i- ? approximately He suld that he had puichused It Lgan and while under- - muou mat uiey were promoting thu In way. ho knew of the fees were to, Tor their In that other of the were called ii.ij. ..n present noout millions The Council held brief nnd t"'" "hhiicu to tne same general state are poured the Klhel unimportant hel6n yesterday T' (bids. The coal by the pumps Superintendent ant, ,",",?' ,.he Uefond- - very expensive Item, but by July of tho Makoku tract HIlo, nneVK"fU.P,I'V1 proposed to oil substituted for )" Pfni'l settlement. Part of jZ greater V. ''m,1") "ternoon roal which result In sav- - '"'" ,"vlll'1 lnto loWn lots. '"'-- ' ni, lm V,'iSlt,on', opt ons ing of at least ''04r,lon 1,u "tt-i- l homesteaders. SX BmfLJ f' nV0 lhB &-aw- "TiJirn "' th0 In! s,n"llng that all "'owlni.-Hin- t work pruvemeni. the tlmp that they nnd his knowledge of golnir stendllv Jl. were to Tf..e ih. Kill machinery an Important of the bridges been enmr.i....i t"ey did. He said that had In his usefulness. Mr. Jack a,ra 'econd will be ready by the end nt ',' '""I'osal shares of tho now. henrt lnnn la nna ,,t mn, of tho month. Tho ron.l will r... stock! Which had airreed idnno. said decision did not exercise lemildls. 1300 nert'" mllletl 'luring tho pres- - perlenced cultivators the 1st- - fr traflle. In to of the errocn'cre: .utW .InS Tl XTZ S S KT motion for new as fast water to his skill and' energy! 'So ..oT, Sllllman finished the that nnd an Injustice Ions, though the acres will In cultivation flee are ?MCBr wn the statements of 021' police removed Judge to Stenog- - year .. and therm and ,he Mil? of "aie-- . Th? s,,e will out whatever you ta- - "Work belnTnushed at "While of the of the excentions Mr did IvTh. haVC and she ed against ,nllllon Ve lnvolc'- - the nsetUnL-thlnaK- e f?i, fl,rth,r- - extreme nil up to Its natural not be acc0,nt the Inrush of wa- - will one of consl""tly Klllean the bill of ,er. money until relieved done, and Intend makers court I'tUVl Kamnlo coss Humphreys Respondents motions by complainants action. the dispose futther be the complain- ing though complainants pai soon up Mr. Ktiicken ground had and had adjudicated. Mr. object, not Judge motion. Mr. present evidence Su- premo reversed decision Mr. Hankey treated announced" Mr. lltuhop put demand hnd1'" the EgAn rents due Kamalo Th! miestlon allowed. II. I... called complainants. was and leading up Kamalo ho Foster, to and he having options received $100,000 dipping had because he bought were get not not to un- til A. demand declines A from and he company they receive work connection. Several complainants over morning map wA have for fuel, will f. onchalf. p"inH rnru-nr.- i receive one has ,Ile cane nnd response question P said tant tne hS reading and yielding ordered: Puunene KraCt'fl" kn,Sht" her 30fOOt required "UI?k ,,ol"r"' trIn1, unJ evidence pininuus, npp?ared intended admitted Intention project. Hankey Magoon McCants overruled ground manner. present. Estate, Bishop through company. told company company, Foster, nothing nine presented r""'1 nromoiei's 0,iVm,d crant.n, uecn paid the first assessment upon the shaies, and retained tho money until the company was Incorporated. "When did you finally turn over this money to tho company?" asked Stcw-a- it on n. "I don't remember the exncf date;" replied the witness. "I virtually took It out of one pocket and put It in tho other, for I was elected treasurer of the company." The court was adjourned at this Junctuie In the trial, to be opened nt 9 o'clock thfs mornlns. r 9 it

Transcript of 021' KT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa:...

Page 1: 021' KT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/4424/1/... ·  · 2015-06-02nd giving formal notice of Intention to move for

'mr o - '" ' '' j"t!'.-lIH- it f1""HM I i,

mwXM WW Wlli il H yi iW' 1 IoIaW'II irt fir 1WJrTWimWL, iLii m WLflb IU iils, H.. W&JWMsn If. i 1 iwrwwww wwwww sJwww ? 4&




The Plantation Will

Not Accept aCut.

The second trial of the HonoluluPlantation Co. case will begin on Mon-day, March 3d. The defendants yester-day refused to accept the cut In theverdict suggested as an alternative byJudge Estcc and the court Immediatelyordered a new trial. It will bo neces-war- y

to call a special court term forthe purpose and a. new Jury will besummoned for tne same time. This ac-tion was decided upon only after an I

exciting fight In court over the refusalof Judge Estce to allow defendants' ex- -cnntlnna tn thn khIIh.. ....!.. I... i.i... '

"be recorded.When the matter was called up In

the afternoon Judge Sllllman, appear-ing for the Honolulu Plantation Co.,nsked leave to file a bill of exceptionsto the ruling of the court as given onSaturday, ordering a new trial unlessa reduction of $30,000 was accepted.

United States Attorney Dunne ob-jected to the filing of the exceptions onthe ground that there was nothing toexcept to, until the defendants had sig-nified their Intention to accept or le-je- ot

the orfer of the court.Judge i:stee refused to allow the ex-

ceptions, holding that as far as therecord showed the defendants might

till accept the reduction suggested."There Is nothing for us to do," added T

Mr Dunne, "until the three days 'Iamed In the decision are up, and It Is)

known whether or not the defendantIntends to exert the option given by I

the court. Until then there Is nothingfar the court to do." I

"I wish to deny emphatically that the. defendant Intends to accept the op- - 'f

." replied Mr. Sllllman. "I protests""i nun ot me court

mmt reiterate that the defendant hasot agreed or assented to the court'seclslon."'The defendant crtced for a new trial

as well as plaintiff," replied Mr. Dunne.'Ton cannot except to the order of the

wrt, then, ordering a new trial. It Istaply a question of money whetherr not you ore willing to accept theprion of the court, and you have norht to except to anything else.""That la a misstatement of facts,"

rolled Sllllman. "It Is an error to saythat we asked for a new trial, we slm-Ttf- y

were within our statutory rights Inxceptlng to the verdict of the jury,nd giving formal notice of Intention

to move for a new trial.""There Is nothing here to except to,"

aid juuge Estee. "and I can't allowthe filing of the exceptions In thiscourt."

"r want to except to the court's rul-ing upon the motion for a new trial,"replied Mr. Sllllman.

'The court has stated several timesthat there Is nothing before It to ex-cept to," said Judge Estee.

"Then I tender this bill of exceptionsto the clerk for llllng." said Mr. SI1U-nm- n,

suiting his action to the words."I can't file It unless by order of the

court." replied Mr. Mallng."The clerk refuses to file It." said Mr.

Sllllman, picking up the papers againand turning to the court.

"I can't help It," replied Judge Ks-tee: "you will have to settle that withthe clerk."

"I ngaln except to the ruling of theeourt, and extend to the cleric the ex-actions."

"I can't file It In open court," ugalnrefilled the clerk.

"t now ask leave to file this refusalU accept the suggestion of court to re-mit a portion of the verdict."

"Tou may file that,' the court order

Hie following ls the form of refusal.'tRafilril -- -. , . .


PANT.r Its Attorneys,


'X ask that the case be set for trial."ied Dunne as soon as the paper

"VThat timet" asked the court."Vir earliest time possible.""TTell, it can't be within twenty days.will set It down for the first Monday

h March, the third.""f aslc leave now," Interposed Mr.

ifllman, "to except to the decision of4k Hurt."

Mr. Silllmaa then began reading tothe bill of exceptions.

wlch he yainly tried to haveine recoru Derore.

exceptions were as follows:W.w comes the defendant, the Hono-lit- a

I'lanUtloa and exesptat decision ana order of the court'p th plalntlfTa motion for a now4rtal. said decision was tiled on

atnrdity, the Kth day of January, A. D.IMt. upon the followlnr

"I. That Jd declelon U contrary toTaw.

''i. That said decision Is In contraven-tion of the Seventh Amendment of the

oeistltutlon of United States, whichthat no fact tried by a Jury

kail be otherwise In anyeurt of the United States than accord-la- c

to the rule of the common law.


RIVER AND GROW SI$AL PLANTS UPLANDSly ROM beneath the crater of Mauna1 Loa there will bo sent aoroFHm seas to the people of all landhealing water which will be dfstrlbuby a company to besoon. The plan is to take thefrom the underground river, knownPuna as Kawalakekua, exporthave it on the mnlnland.

The fame of the waters of the warmsprings of the Puna districts has beengreat during many years. In fact, It Isa icgenu 01 me race or Hawaiian kingsthat when the ailments of the bodyovercame the allis of old they betookthemselves to the spring known asWatwelawela, a neighbor of the un-derground river, and' there they welehealed of rheumatic affections throughbathing, and their systemic ills cuiedby drinking of the waters. This le-gend has come down to the Hnwnllanof today and even now there Is a fameattached to the waters of the springs,which draws to the side of the streamscores ot the native residents of nearbydistricts.

Analyses of the waters, made hereand at the coast, show that there nreIn them nothing of vegetable matter.and little of nny salts but those whichfrom the very Ilrst have been prized InI.lthla waters. In a comparison of theKawalkekua wnter with other well-kno-

mineral beveiages It was foundthat there were very few points of dif-ference this local product andthe French Vichy, nnd that the only


tho an f..itried by a Jury."j. That said decision Is hosed upon

an erroneous assumption that the ver-dict of Jury should lie bit and anow trial granted presidingJudge that the verdict Is notaccordance with tho preponderance ofthn

"S. That Paid Is based uponan erroneous Interpretation of certainwritten received in evidence

this to wit, the tax ofthe Honolulu Plantation Company forthe years 1MK) and 1901.

"7. That tho etatement of facts con-tained said decision and on hlch thesame ls based ls Inaccurate Is noton Impartial review and summary of theevidence proceedings bad

the tilal of cause.That presiding Judge


(Courtesy of riant Fruit

ON THE. nddltlons made by nature were thiunuthnm nnA ,n i.... i .1 ... ''

the which add to the value of the water. The water Is" warm audit VerV. "Llm!W,e full of mineral salts. The.r.r:m,.e..n"nT,e8 underground they say. by ,n t o ,1(T Ictnd

ted' " "" ';m" ... I . I". ... L Y.r "ver or. "otcr of ,h.e a"- - ns " w" PPoi'lo." who visit the volcano.l:' U,1U U,B Knon "i nays gone uy. Is round ha fa,r I Owing fact i iiittr."",l u,tro lsvery result has been that there have come mlli. nnnr..r th rnii.,i ,..i c i ....7. . .. .' .."ewater t? the men here who have developed way visible. It takes a gulue .0 'find Tn nT' V ""j ISS '" ""."J

in T.ZirV: ,nce ,he wnter, "' Prlng nnd the entrance Is through! connection with the volcano bVtt and ""A :riZ nhZ.rr. J ., J1,"I 'ft",.'h'c.h. La1--


'heat, which causes. ..iiac iiilv lri'i. 111 nil niiiriii 1 nn iiiikn,iin nr 11.. - .1. . .

men In the scheme moved at once, and of fortyVflve The openmg- - ho --VZ" "Z "w.nulJ,."r" "11. Xj. i liiiiimR wont nvor in iii ori n.t.innn n it .. i . a

here secured from the Lyman", a lease a flowing river from fifty to miles away, In a direct Tt line t"Z "hoof .00 acres of land, covering the site one hundred feet wide, nnd moving! olnt nt whclMhe H fou d Hof the spring and he shaft to the un- -, with a barely perceptible motion. The a theory the water comes Intoderground river. There was obtained, walls are precipitous, once the opening, the broken strata t the summ of ealso an option on 2300 acres more, the! Is left and the depth of the stream Is mountain, and hops down o

,n1n ,on ,,,e " ffat that no line carried by living 1. here It I, heated andwhich Mr. represented being lams when he made his exploration1 the salts which areto grow sisal. This only half the was sutllcient to fathom It. I n(1 fee ling throughhowever, for while the surface of the' The water Is perceptibly warm, main one fc? ari nto eoTr. ,"" y :en'1. "Z " .."!!t .?:!"!' ern main stream. "K caven

" -- ....... iiiw.ii k minn, 11IC JllUlVL'IIidea Is to devote the principal portion who live about the spring told Williams... i.ik iiiivimiin mo promoters to that often they swam In the dlrecme mniKeting or the water. There will tlon of the heart of the mountain fore iiowung none lor the water here, as about a mile and that at that distanceit will be much more profitable to ship the wnter was ste.-uuln- hot. They hadto San Kranclsco In casks, and there not been able to go nearer to the vol-aera- te

and bottle. j cnnci on account of the InThe well WnlwelnweJa spring the same way swimming toward thehas been known as a hot spring, good .sea there Is a compartlvely cooler areafor muscular affections, for genera-- 1 found where the waters become

It is located about half a mile cled with the sea. It Is tlm.i fm.n t),(ufrom the beach In Puna, something underground river, which Is describedlike twenty-fou- r miles from HIlo, and from the narrative of Williams, thatabout two miles from the Puna of the Knwnlakekua water Is to be tn- -the HIlo milroad. The exposed basin lten.where the spring comes to the surface Not the least of the plans of thefti,la illMln

rlmH ii.'tToinrriri-- i tirviimiiit'



Mnul News latestthe following

Investors Klhel willhlch manyread with

Interest:dny spent riding through the

Klhel Plantation levelatlonthoe have not kept touch with

"There 2000 acres'of growing much

large nnd anygrown central Maul, none

that does not look fairly well.the mttoon there will


Hawaiian Co.)



niln-tlon- s.

, 1110 iava me water Howsthe On way there Is

have been a break In the formation ami the water Hows,

mo surraeemoment and theni

sight again.



'""J bcen would,iaV(, lnvi.Htcd

the plan the company whichwill be composed Williams, K.llankey Cecil Ilrown, control thelands nbout the river that am-bitious explorer may drill through thelava crust and tap the river above thepoint where they have the opening,

thus get the railroad,which mauka of the snrlncs. th.tnnre they. There will complete18 SOIlletlllllir llki. 11V liv nn.l Iu t 1 . ... . . .. - ... . .. T a





: ' ' ' "" " '" "- - .11 inu sue 01 gnnizai on mIstilt! Wllt.'r frilm r,n.. - u il... .n,ln ....i , . . . """."" Ulljn. 1 lie- ' ,.,w.... ... iMiiihn ,i own', i.jr l;i. n i.m


SS-- !' hih!,jiuiixui.iii.il nnu .."" iL'iiiiiiii- -










ofbeing ns os cane

nnd ofIn- -be





closer to


drifts to develop of vwvnwhich there seems be an Inexhnust- - q.,4j.. 7Ible i.umt.s will furnish Boyd, Presents Be

gallons per'




ports HIlo District.





"'I 4 '.r

Is .to C '"i

'" " '

.i ,

ri rw'i' A 'I'll iv ' ... . vji .1111 ni in ..---- - -- ...,.










Is a




on, It



or- -

AH .








..re- -

of I



Executive ndally cane I itunci Is ISoyd V""a It near which rorll. " "Is It ,

as a n a !

'" to tojn- -

"mn rlKht7m" onplace, thorough ir., f,.r.r- - iusu 4 J t . IU lllill . . ' . ., auwill prove wor" he

factor 45,000i, he to

n,,out n. on ,

." "f

and in a ., . cane as nMr. had able within two or three years, at of the office Zre PostoN

M,M K,llen statps ntfirst six excep court least 8000 be hn Uono her Inattempted to interrupt when finally and crops 25,000 'f the that she had theEstce turned Court This venr's i. ..rn.In.i . . , millinery goods ladrapher Reynolds "Vou , new the' varM' T 'f,f,r od"' . cmS

strike " KllUnnhave Is Company,ken " . . bB course It was a ponderous nnd upon udvice of uttorneys

eml" ' Jke ,0 cai",""d -- ne held themKlh"not He . ""T t three th.atb prZ Ung ?

f' , T be .nir about two " Plantation is BnoJwn an for u,e'"- - This

court a w" dim- - right, limits and '" C0U'J complied with,,,n of Miss retain- -and flu,i prove the permanentlater exceptions When this ls of Maul ed possession by a

Hearing of FurtherTestimony Has

Begun.The Sugar Company

was taken up morning byJudge Immediately uponthe opening of court. triedIn every way to delay or to have thecase thrown out of court, but theso

F. W. Hankey for respond-ents, were overruled by Judge Hum-phreys ns fast presented, and oftenbefore the were- - given anopportunity to ask for such Noadditional was offered by the

ntiii upon rerusal otoouit to otherwise of the case,the respondents began the Introductionof testimony. Their prlifclpalaim to that

stockholders hnd been aware of thefact that the respondents tochin ge promoter's fees, midthe that in

t, they denied that they knew ofnny on the Virt of defendant,to take cash well ns stock for theirpromotion of the

As the case was calledfor hearing, moved that

amendment to the complaint befrom the files on the

that It been tiled after the casewas decided, the court no Jur-isdiction to allow an amendment afterthe matter had been

arose to but said thathe did understand the motion ofrespondents. Humphreys; re-marked that It was plain enouch tohim. nnd forthwith denied the

Hankey then moved that thecomplainants be required tothe entire again, as

Court had thucourt, and this consequently was a newtrial. Stewart, In reply, quot-ed from the Supreme Courtordering the taking of additional evi-dence, nnd the court this mo-tlo- n

also.next moved that th

amendment bo dismissed on thethat presented an entirely new Is-sue, but this motion was In thsame by tho court.

The complainants herethat they had no testimony to

Holmes, an Kenerul attorney ijtho was then upoH;the stand to show thatbeen made by Estate uponHustace, and Foster for the

from the lenso of tholands, which stood In their names.

was objected to, and the testl-mon- y

was notHitchcock was by re-

spondents, but was not In court, nndMr. Itobertson for respondents askedfor nn order compelling the attendanceof all tho This thncourt also denied.

I, H. Dee next called ques-tional at length upon tho transaction

to his purchase ofstock. He stated that made hispurchases the representationsof Frank nnd with the knowl-edge that Frank Hustace was bo atthe head of the He alsoof deal between Cohen Dilling-ham, by which tho was to re-ceive $5,000 If succeeded inFoster turn over his to Dil-lingham. Foster was to have

In pnld-u- p stock and $10,000 Inbut for reuson this deal

of the ground for r"'1 KO trough. Dee thatof cnrrli-i- l out he not

a)y lnoney Jn lMe gtwki


uui ii.o outer nana lie eonll-denc- eIn HitHtace, and It

he to head tho thattho stock.

Dee admitted that the respondentsto something for promoting

the but know howmuch, Ho know, however, that theywere to be given no cash, and did

learn what the fee betho prospectus Issued.

K. Mott-Smlt- h was called Inafternoon to testify to the

rwnli Portion of Verdict." """ TttrtttttttHHHf ii7UiU rilhwedFoster but was noNow comes the defendant. Honolulu That Eald decision In ,. T !.Mutation Company, and of Fifth Amendment of the'KlHFI I TTl DDfHF A LwUh lL'rk "ll,nff hu.l '.'call Ylf

SurTn&Wffr0 m,t&Sn,WWte "0 PFRMANFIMTI mUlN C I --A lCK .n'T;.1' lhu retu "f-- -:-. uo'heccar2J '"r: ....' s -j-.jh-- tr" ViL o",.' !X;




stenographerhad put








of Ihsuh




documentsin case,


andupon said

I. the renderlnr


Jilt !






svn- -

n.i i...

THEcon- -


whoIts development.

arecane at Klhel,


eluding cane,








Mrad- -'



llow twenty millions












waTm-i- ?


He suld that he had puichused ItLgan and while under- -muou mat uiey were promoting thu

In way. ho knewof the fees were to, Tortheir In thatother of the were calledii.ij. ..n present noout millions The Council held brief nnd t"'" "hhiicu to tne same general stateare poured the Klhel unimportant hel6n yesterday T'(bids. The coal by the pumps Superintendent ant, ,",",?' ,.he Uefond- -

very expensive Item, but by July of tho Makoku tract HIlo, nneVK"fU.P,I'V1proposed to oil substituted for )" Pfni'l settlement. Part of jZ greater

V. ''m,1") "ternoonroal which result In sav- - '"'" ,"vlll'1 lnto loWn lots. '"'-- ' ni, lm V,'iSlt,on', opt onsing of at least ''04r,lon 1,u "tt-i- l homesteaders. SX BmfLJ f' nV0 lhB

&-aw- "TiJirn"' th0 In! s,n"llng that all"'owlni.-Hin- t work pruvemeni. the tlmp that theynnd his knowledge of golnir stendllv Jl. were to Tf..e ih.Killmachinery an Important of the bridges been enmr.i....i t"ey did. He said that hadIn his usefulness. Mr. Jack a,ra 'econd will be ready by the end nt ',' '""I'osal shares of tho

now. henrt lnnn la nna ,,t mn, of tho month. Tho ron.l will r... stock! Which had airreed idnno.said decision did not exercise lemildls. 1300 nert'" mllletl 'luring tho pres- - perlenced cultivators the 1st- - fr traflle. In to of the

errocn'cre: .utW .InS Tl XTZ S S KTmotion for new as fast water to his skill and' energy! 'So ..oT,Sllllman finished the that nnd an InjusticeIons, though the acres will In cultivation flee are ?MCBr wn the statements

of 021' police removedJudge to Stenog- - year .. and thermand ,he Mil? of "aie-- . Th? s,,e

will out whatever you ta- - "Work belnTnushed at "While of theof the excentions Mrdid IvTh. haVC and sheed against ,nllllon Ve lnvolc'- -

the nsetUnL-thlnaK- e f?i, fl,rth,r- - extreme nil up to Its natural not beacc0,nt the Inrush of wa- - will one of consl""tly Kllleanthe bill of ,er. money until relieveddone, and Intend makers court


Kamnlo coss


motions by



futtherbe the complain-




soon upMr.

Ktiicken groundhad

and had

adjudicated. Mr.object,



presentevidence Su-

premo reversed


Mr. Hankey



Mr.lltuhop put

demand hnd1'"the

EgAn rentsdue Kamalo


allowed.II. I... called


was andleading up Kamalo




he havingoptions





were getnot

not to un-til




and he

companythey receivework connection. Severalcomplainants

over morningmap wA

have forfuel, will f.

onchalf. p"inH

rnru-nr.- i receiveone has


cane nnd response question

Psaid tant tne hS



ordered: Puunene KraCt'fl" kn,Sht"

her30fOOt required

"UI?k ,,ol"r"'trIn1, unJ

















company. told









crant.n,uecn paid the first assessment upon theshaies, and retained tho money untilthe company was Incorporated.

"When did you finally turn over thismoney to tho company?" asked Stcw-a- it

on n.

"I don't remember the exncf date;"replied the witness. "I virtually tookIt out of one pocket and put It in thoother, for I was elected treasurer ofthe company."

The court was adjourned at thisJunctuie In the trial, to be opened nt9 o'clock thfs mornlns.



Page 2: 021' KT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/4424/1/... ·  · 2015-06-02nd giving formal notice of Intention to move for





." w i -



The United SocietyMay be in a

Fight.Upon the decision of n meeting of 4

the leading merchants of the Chinese T.colony will depend whether or the 'Iolllcers of the United Chinese Society. K

whose tenure Treasurer Wright decides , 't-is Imperfect, will make a legal fight for Tplace. In other words, they want toknow whether or not they have anybacking before they go Into the ring.

treasurer Wright. In the pjutcIso oflagal authciUy over the society, lastSaturday ordered that there be heldanother meeting for the purpose ofelecting officers, on the ground that thelast meeting was not In accord withthe law. This decision was reachedafter a long consultation and hearing.The protestants against the methods'which have been ruling In the pastwere present, and through their attorney, L. A. Andrews, presented the factsof the meeting. They showed that

of "r euieruiuiiiieiii anvoted being members socle-- j harbor, during of guests these thing so ruling

t trlluliiAa writ-- , Mil

gully chosen.Attorney General had rendered

an opinion recommendingbut Treasurer Wright found In

charter of tho a clause glv- -ttlf- - fit lilu ripi.iliinnaiinr



wns the '"!' one.far his


thetllm fl.r.

tor of Interior, vetoelection of when olll- - out that there was not

not suitable in his for menopinion. wns clause which hefollowed making his decision thatthe recent election was void, Indi-cated In his letter printed below.

When decision was made therewa-- s consternation In the camii of theMow Wongs, nnd contldence In that ofthe supporters of Consul In thesociety. Possession Is nine points, andthe attorneys for majority party,Atkinson & Judd, told the ofllclals that

seemed reason for their seeingIn welcome

mako vevsel, after comingfight control. seemed to inrh

decided tInn otThe sloti aBnst motion

there of afterearly onmatter.

As the matter now the affairsof the In a terrible tangle,for that there Is noof new trustees electedthe purpose of keeping the board filled,nr oi resignation old

looklho nrfllievenieen ago. snouid bo

found to onlythe original

country. The others have irnnn lipfiirnsurvivors are Goo Kim,

original vice who ,

C. Wat whotreasurer, and Cheung,

would secretnry, YlmChit Sam, Wong Wong

Idling, Wong Kwock, Fal,Sun L. Ahlo.

trustees overof society ago.

The of the society elected retnelr afllllatlons, as given

Y.,,v. ...... , ., x

nsslstanttreasurer; assistanttreasurer; Wong Chee, of

How officersdisproves a Wong raidon the society.

at the bottom of th


bo19 believed ovi.n If

for admission ofoers, theiaKe ot society




parents of SedgwickIn the





"' iii m u . xi. .. .. rr-- m--- . -i- ,. ,. ,, ....- I

w is M 'jemmr y-- v-- v -- m ii-m m m ,u , - ,


WAY TO SOUTH4444fM444-i4f4f44--.-fff-



f averdict


court andagree

'not thatwill accept aof visitors a call round, which will make the ship's ofTi- - and a dinner to the ofneers. The to for their

to the trim cers acquainted with local '

will the Saturday's In Ustatc lands.French cruder Protct, the (lag- - must receive with trip, to a visit ir. Tne In the

ship the South Pacific which, during ten nmi a to trlaI at lengthfloating the pennant days.nr .. - ii. wunt ..lti v... i ,. ... .. r - - - ."' " ,re u ' " anilI .,., , . , , ,. ,inuuui l uu. i.u.iij. at LOVf " s B nmi

1 ..lll 1.. jl.l.. ttni1n llh ,M 4 t. n Hb 1 ,.Mi ( ... .. b i - III I ... .

no men ' i 10 i""' i " "v mime nothe the the per- - this the

flint ln



of theof

Is the ofthe and it was

for wasthe the to B0 for Ulc to

the of amen ' dull the and









the out thewere for theand the

of thethe of tho

the Protct thethe

It, theor not the to the

them, nnd If so, to and soon heru for the , ,,. ,i.r ,,., ,,

tmrtv wlilnti


'the there






all clpjlthey uuimn

fleet, drivebroad luncheon there. The





thought however,Honolulu


tlonarles whom conditionalceremony Museum, Moanalua revluttei1

swallow-tal- l evidence

inHn.. Vmn "aiiioii, Interested, while that defendantniiiuiuii) irim uiviietl muir HIS country Mirinn.il.

there record who paying nccirau una win sistent."having been here olllcers, arranged stated



1900, under commandCommodore Germlnet.

only visiting dayship, although also let-

ter day crew, thereright n,uch flehtscers take en-an- y

olllcers Joymentolals women



""-- ' Duwas cane

or be


society are

any for

me or ine



who made trip ship.There some ward-room, French Consul,

spent much afternoonwith commodore olllcersship.

When showed har-bor, hoisted United Hagsaluted navy station's

whether merchants would eleven timesstand behind very



to thatIn

r,mpnbe be

men In

liebo Lt

be withUm





lh- -'

the be

tfmnun mug.




theiimi, aim



thethe for


thelng, will one


The corral nt willsoon bu thl.ig of tile The

which tho rr.il nndh.ivu r.oti- -

Ili'd tintone of Al, Is for urpo.se's andvice Kee un. .il.."" "'"j


It Is

r,. m,




the It Isthat new corral

bui...t i....

are that crew uu mnnvago a style to turn1 the It on of theto a old for of the

Goo to ask nd,lf are n- -Bome of the other ,' of


favor n'miojanco






'merest Bishop

ship a



only Tho



naii? Doing after a date there guiueu testimonysomething way

a which Wainlua, thought, lc,aseJects here. lowed perhaps a 1ZThere There

when called Sunday next' concluding court said

There been a there a massfact, Cathedral.

meat men, said ,

than some these functions,.... .... . ... .1 . .


semi-publ- ic reception,


they harmony

consider connectionin tours, other facta

division, well they much their ' circumstances,commander ship. walking while port, possibly

Capt. prnc- - stated,a commodore covered, There , verdict case,

navy. lieutenant Crouzet, make .

who division, Pall "neitherremainder other have walking

r Tantalus, thereh (if miiiTihnru tf !. ' 111 n ,.

iKidy, paid Paymaster Dlvl- - walk fields Honolulu advanced bothafternoon Thursday I commander with start Surgeon Denis. additional proposed there made

Friday week came after called upon Captain IT"ule n. party visit Pearl Har- - Plaintiff, lengthyth(l'r Oovernor Captain Volsene, executive Lieutenants inlany whole

which determine ' .. . , testimony holmlf


reason recordbeing



theretwelve fifteen

China. Thepresident,

Nlm. would


Anln, Thesegiven

The this

inandmere no ........ Tor nrmv .,.


ruun- -




tun .i.,Ity, Is

tho aswill thatcase,

the ........men






naval Hlshop Pana- - Ulscuit,







Is leasof

the Is usu- - and


It in

made PanIs Pi4.




lie ," """

the Is In

ceremony iiume, engineers uuyomari, jieur, reuruury opinion thatbecome acquaint- - Veldilene; Havel Lerrier, su"h Sens Therst0 S1H renderedcity surroundings, llesson, Caubrlere made tlio Marquesas, Jury excesslve conformity

there parties under weeht evidence.Kwim ofL,.,. principal Interpose Judgment

,J, ?Al U,c. Punchbowl. fceln stay opposition Jurymade. The Pressing

society vUlt den, undiscovered them. enthua.,nyearsdone,



have controllong


Mohican, reserved property ilefi.iulnnt.complete assiduously,


ijuartermaster WilliamsonHowlgimmdpresident: Klin.

secretnry: ChunHon,




morn- - There nnhnrnyet, town


rroHuiit loratidO.K.

Wong,u..or..l,. ""''J

tong, Kang






compliance withvacating



ward deslriMpeculiar buslnesi Captnln Merry agreedsociety. When became HU"'c'"t land Waiklkl

quorum it reservation!lrm" proposed

merchants come ,' or

for the set, will bo "e "ns by thoon her In the of and the tnx nnd the

of one of the to It Is fol- - for.tIheof ca by

Is of for the exaggerated, and far inthe one of the is of and of anywas In her she It Is on In the

so will beIn out of the at the

of 3S0 are be the Is iurnot more 30 of the crew of two of the.......... mi...



f In


of of

nor Is


J""" ""-- me are the InIs as and as of "In of all

In of the Is to In the be nrone'rlvL. Is ure the will be "'"' hns

of In our at as this mo In theIs SI. will the

Is the of the to An- -and the of his Is com- - will to

t. of and will be sev- - "rj'tho flu TT1PM


and It yes-- j slJo and his and forhis It is nml the the

of this 1,u andsoon and the are toot the of the Includ-declslo- n,

tno of the



of l.auinonler, irnT .v. ..1.1..........n.. Muy nereinese ui lm ", j,

' I am of the thej Midshipmen ston of by

cd the nnd and at and inwere of are the will to Is. tne of

Ihi-- a nn.i a f- - n. the In this not" of ' " the " of by?, and a by the ot ' for lt ls an ex-- ul

to he of the nnof the the ..f the all of ., Ion be a f..r

willof the




.......,.""""'-.- "........... Ulli,





was this no iii., .,..' of the ifand this the as for run out of at

aof tlio Ian J cc

uru attheby are:

.... ...",r a thaoythe and

on theill., ..r i... ui

decree EstepKstnti) cas.e, and

will placodays.




willand are nnJ were was the

by Wash- - er:U B"d aSinn runner can man who ." was

vnnrhas over

etidget of the tho use

wns the the... the corral

Iaterrecords made,


Old "...""Consu




for with



thapay tho

open will



paid prlu- -func- -

courttheir then









doubtIT if


which value


i"1"1- -

whofact new

whose that Island well beforethat least, to end. rLIum'on

Hag party whichwhom i

tour tlenivilnn r..np,

nnmc.m consuiora- -vision to reasons

that either thatashore

Dole, recordoffered


'b":with which

There which the Thisunloved colony court would

Bllp where will,turns opin- -lohands would



plans vMininchines work


them, nooded othernrr,.,,,....,.,!.,Vnnivi, under


di'r signed by Judgetlio the flag rais-ing withinfew ..

Hill the

. . will 1lthe ', '" ,, "'" thewere was ' 10 a

. i , l. ,


' . "ithe i

i ' the'

the j

the and n .innJ

a the hia win,

"a ! will n"'1

-. some oiago, but was and this ' I

the la in- - t,i ..thethe "K" will



tho. . -- " in.... ,





this will










'i ii . ...itll

the 'I not







Judrrticnt-o- f

forof this

the jdalntiff forand

In dnys the bythe K?l!;s, '" luestlon are held, the of thisthe first '.hZ r,!1''"0 "J'"0" to niodincatlon of

boxing Saturday In that particular, thefeatherweight, the out

' in nccoulanceIn and refereed nm

naval sev- - Schweitzer as assignee I

respective departments fur-mlnut- e bouts by ot Miss1Kept name The re-- i " !

there imnmvf,n.

hard the"avultrustees,

of Kimremovlnif

suits were: IT. S. S.


nelp nt work. ... wlu new be nna nerDcn, twopresidents took same as n ,,,," , 'n.tn- - S. S. Mohican,

there i,rP"fU uss ur.iw.tho ,..,,....





mi"i iiieuiueraiiiii wiucn wns ,':, ""i of HonoluluAn the men 'Jyu of uJ ?iTw U w"" Honolulu

Klmfol.0Th'etc.'s.on' that !', '" KtS 'wumlnis CaulHeW


S. S. Mohican

years, was wrong, upset whenever requested "nirof noCil J'ox boxed

to old trusl an"" ,vr.0pos Mn,b"tees, or fluht to ,,.. J Kcn.1 '". '? no The show to nnrt .

roll, which voters H ejected that ?," loci'!It ls alleged Ka 'n McCarthy,was Instructing to Captain intends to

s?:'uiciiiiivisHip, "ami. uio reservation asn KAKrnothing rtiiiiiplng ground, the BALL

Of trustees then, IntendIt said, who side of 'fav lilmsclf further '

against Wongs. ''oard fence extended soU

must establishedsome








entirehulldlnir rnmm'in.innt


.-- ...,

Po to- -




1 .I.- -. . v .h.uukii himvu,iii,i;it:ij jcsioruay

an....ti......,.t,sfnnnlni- -

withcuuuinuercu Honolulu

atof Paymaster Hall Insuff-icient

lacking)than remalnlnr

hindertaking- - possession







Kal- -






The d'the


butDee nnuner and said that nnaii

the twoand In this Thewns and

mnde over Mr.bill waa

andof the


and theseni The case






1 1 nrrWILL H




to from

Harbora ruling

1 Strainer.DIM,

three 3 Kitchencourt. It

stay son,estating that


whilecourt that

reserved days with largelyfinished f L(nv returns

supply curslon from

oulcers hotel principal olllcers. muchship company talk a shown.

arranged thatfore. complete celebrated militarychange that

there Consul



withmay them with

Luiiiumiiuaiii s

French Pacific devote time achances trial might

Hernaud, rank farllytlcally

tramp morning.staff u"e

i.nin.n. tou. .?olllclal Consul ofllclalterday visit. The

should shipMerry oHlcer;



it ior a

a.i. it.



....and filed

vihuh iiwhuiikto

ufterJun- - discussion ship

...i,.uCo"- - Waiklkls

framers of Cow Just comnon-atln- ,,






unarry,officers began nmount verdict


Frenchomcersaffairs olllcers amount


have been olllclal made thoseolllclal except







uLn miflLjB

Pearl Harbor CaseiSMusi Be Tried






would have a toIn


Ha t .... tin Ain- ..... ... w, . i. uiof as

of everyA question of ownership in

goods shipped an made nto ' " '" "

, in madej time, heard court three date

There n great crowd at ',ayA filing with clerk court astables to witness ''nMvo COnsCnt

many days. verdictWhen Klllean ,e'Ury n

"Denver Smith of therewith. Otherwise aauthorities bout. There nnmed


refereed a period stock takingiiuuunu quiet. ousiness



Mohican drew JacksonHonolulu.

Mike Franciscofeated "Kid" Dooley York.

'.course, from




pecu-- , uonsaives defeatedliar Z John Andrew- -.Tre SW r0fthouomof Gd "aZT'LTT, ?XyWUh Ca",P

entireffalrs there must Jlmn,J

eitherustahlNh vn...7u.v.a?..llCl.1'

rhlp from may theplon.""8 1,lbltlo roundsknown. onicl.ils Smlt

passed Merry",r,vr:a,r.

..mciiuiM.- -




encloso resen-niin-

n....,..lnn IMT.fl Th,n..nl.
























Dow- -





examlna- -









shall partMon- - briefs



pensatlon damageschlr;lotor then

local Thiscustom house


came CompanyUd" trial

theirdone lurmer


-- ;""

hard came



court that from

fromnousoheld must iviihin


War- -



Kim hive

ii- - Hi

eventually The evidence InMontano. The ar- - lane et H

concluded Inauo"? ifst $ T n rnoo.

c.ude5lt0L oralIn house pending ?wl"0B",l came faI1"

settlement of K opening courtcompany. Tho owner f Inability of plaintiffs tomerchandise Mr. Mon- - s,10w nn Individual damage oftano. latter to than The court to

ns some " 'is submitted,were a trifle of season. The :a- - m n ,,,- -backwould Into

sold of-fer regularly accepted,

to Montano.The Including cus-tom house charges, etc.,

cases taken to storeon Hotel street.(,.

Peck draymen, gave themsccono. paidcharges, nsked that

to store.








returned verdictcourt

Judgment haveentered accordance therewith.

defendant remitsIn fituU)


certain eastern motlonbusiness election

District from hereof


JBcntbusiness several

approved aftcr

society's locution


society, J'ickreversion



offeied Macfnr- -


iolca l -- "mlUednialned custom

Klllean throughbocnlISO

offeredobjected refused

goods questlc finally

Invoices mergedmanner.



Friday. Mnnlnnn






















with statedpast months

of cheap licensesprofits In enormous

according to testimony adduced

receive on eachof beer?" asked Judge

"Forty-fiv- e dollars," replied Dee."Whnt does each

costs V.Z0 on mainland, or$10.00 here Honolulu."

"Klllean Company." ' 1 n aom,tte" that sold beerto Montano " half cents

biore. xnrougii nn error of nn office "'mo costcontractor of Mlss cieeh- - wlo time drayman to take ll mean a of

omce DillinghamThe1,1'11:, of olllcers champion ?nso ,0 of Miss Klllean. a barrel If as cheap J'

ui me socieiy is in names " .,"' '" "'" ouiiuing p, in uakland High School, Hllo Is to1;"' m-- me nome-urewe- d beer, said.of trustees, of so- - '".m. ' J t?1 3k,0,,d'- - have basketball added to i.i! n dc"'erel elsewhere than Peacock Mr. Llshmanelety never been trans- - M?1'"l"u ?."t' io commander of games. Miss Cheek been at,',a..stor?' on investigation Macfarlano & r. mnferred. The fact Is stated that at ' " m?,stcr, engineering persistent In f?.1 ,ml Possession of Miss m,meeting referred to s,,a'.,a .'J11 ,otIu'r 0,,lcers tho among Hllo young "dies until Kl",a- - I'k & endeavored to TnInnn m, "tan",

had thirty-thre- e votes, C, lUarte" '" cw material enough been obtained to xbut refused possession. .TV'" story otonly seven The society ,s nrnl,nii .. . .. complete success. a cooch Mr,t Montnm "s'1 thnl c- - sice brewing of

been In hands of present , 0M w. .' Mv?1 Cheek ?ln,ten,s b0 lur"0'l to him. Miss be"Jectors until 'recently, they HonoluUi even' n. mnlnV,lnCl1 '"Equals on game as saying that lt

as Society takes a fnr..tM,.ut ' u,.. i, .!..''' to be K.,i,,i ... .. :..'.,.""..." through VI ATlflMI-- ll UCflCeach



The offoreign en







new for Hi,.

Tmrt nf -- "I'l"'". , . moport



, .

proceed Tahiti,



cotnple- -





.He went Miss9" "pertained.' uniforms replevin suit.Place, l?l'rcliased, soon "re the a

lis below. have P enSiire wl,nessing a ,





with Kaapa,









take same

Miss began.refused


tiuiiiiiiiLa nrmi tiati innrns lr acrossof

'" command

Hono- -


ivy b0,

1 una r.r .1 -sitr vine liiis tABtHDepartment, It ls

nmi oy me Plan-tation Company lease.

to Judgment obtained, as

the appropri-ation. However, thaState un- -

coal, an ex- -










held three a at

as as have completed

principalEast, to

April May.


Davidfound case

the Honolulu

I the aj newthe is

given days totr.e the

yes- -



mony dls- -...........iAT the




be- -the Jury the


testimony: but

several allthe


i' inai wasIlls onethe

the theplantation.

Do a

. i -will



iin.i urn



1 -





tho the




the hadnot to exceed this

therefore the

Verdlpt . .the sum full


a firm, mtu denied.the snirm the

the the

theby thl--'ren,

the months r,His

of deot



Ja V.


be bethe

bo .Inn

tIEfor sale, was the case ofuougnt & Co. W.

for con- - .treasurer,Brier.

and there will nogoods Th Case ncarathe the nt

of thothem to

the $2000. allowthe price, of the theout own- - ' Larry


one the was

On worn&


tne wns mark







un-i-, iiuuu




"It thethe

thecom- -




by A. A. al. vs.w,is

"e betne

of the of



lion ir..i andnis loss tor the six

these was about$1000. The are


do you barrelSllllmnn.

barrel cost you?""It the

ed but orders hewere to the the a glnss.

"""u Deer ten cents.will the the

now thowin """" nuer inaithe old and not the ,!?,' the the list i?' Mr. and ofand this has tho Iro- - has aml and ininthe the was tl,e

the of Co. themen won getnowand the ,ho has $ ", ""l1 the

votes. has u ashUru ' lhe thl. Prlmothe the overami ball fewand now ,V the and the

the later, i.on-nr- , '




wlm tourthe


ll,i-..,.- -.iTotia




but ami thethe

rtrrmvilimuiil. iiiiiiiitj vi'irhin


1 lunii





The willsoon

Theythe In






to Kil- -

the had






atthe his


--m r m v ivi mm

A m a nfllnA rt u. atii-i- (in iin nrrnvco tt.if , "" I.... " - - 11 11 nr. 11 . '. - " ii w i 11 iuis. n

- -.


. ..?. in, u uiiiPrendcrsast. merchant, Annotto Hay, the numerical Tot"the?West India The Mt J',1.

pains in the chest indicated an derstood President Itoosevelt ls Inproachlng pneumonia, which favor of Increasing nresentHeme- -' extensively the

cofd VorrSpmonYaSofdbvn SXff IU"-!-K

dealers nnrt Ari.vrtmt. Tl.nin om.7h "Z.'lf"". "?u ,n . PPines."" niucn dramuo., Ltd., agents for I. corps.upon




FlameTwo llurner Stove.

1 Kettle.1 Soup Pot,2 Saucepans.1 Fry Pan.1 Coffi-- Pot.1 Tea Pot.1 Kitchen Spoon.

,i l Kitchen Fork.1 jiuciiuii luuic.





Another Outfit

1 Jewel Wood Cook Gtove.i atovo1 Granlto Iroi2 Granlto Iron Saucepans.1 Granite Iron Soup Pot.1 Granlto Iron Fry Pan.1 Granite Iron Coffee Pot.1 Granlto Iron Tea Pot.1 Granlto Iron P.ako Pan.2 Granite Iron Ilrcad Pans.1 Granite Cake Pan.1 Granite Muflln Pan.2 Granlto Iron Plo Pans.1 Granite Cake Turner.1 Granlto1 Granite Iron Dipper.1 Granite Iron Pan.2 Granlto Iron Kitchen Pans.1 Granite Iron Cullender.1 Kitchen1 Kitchen Fork.1 Grate.

You can both of nVwoutfits displayed complete Iniiirgo mreet window.

Wo to partskl iiiu iy

to Manoa Valley,Head amade nvery other day.

IW.W. Gimond&Co.lM LIMITED



At Home,At the Club,At Your Receptions,

and at all

Social Gatherings,



LIMITED.! Ajenta for the Hawaiian Islands.

Orders Solicited.rkphon Main

Olaa Assessments.THH 17TII AND 18TH ASSE9S-ment- s,

of COo each, now bearingInterest at the rate of 1 per cent permonth.

THE 19TH ASSESSMENT 214 otfOc per has been called, todue and paynble November 20th.

Interest will charged onunpaid ten (10) after tha

are due at the rate of 1 per centper from the date on which suchassessments due.

The above assessments will be nav.f'o'n t"e by" Cap aln Merry Mau1 at one 'clerk wns told would further loss lneln" me or the B. P.

all naval "n basket ball I? l residence dollars he as!,n" ,7,4taBeJ?Wa!L?.u"d(,.1jii, tne new tne ma he

"esldes ofathletic Co. the,s' ""rgcon. subject '" duringwho navy

object-- I were a1'ora As nd

Uo re'erva-I- n basket huare ,' Coast,

Hl11 cntlnuo ,, hi












sold u &niVilTreasurer Olaa Company, Ltd.nonoiuiu, T. If., July 2iJl

Seattle to Honolulu,The New York Commercial says edi-

torially:Two men now ln"iokohama.

engaged in promoting trade therens the point of semi

home word prompt delivery otgoods Is a essential In establish

commercial connections betweenthe Northwest and the Here-tofore a. rather Indifferent steamship

10 that some years back 'been display. Tho AinrinAe A.i '" aounaformed, Miss Cheek pnntnin . year's time a , ,riT, T&Z?jJ& captaVn j' SJlA. , W1

conforXwItryX Xa "V'tL '7'" "Sfu "ad "?'m nf" a time ago my daughter c.urtt'aer&ff'ia'JS: ZnlZlSZX? V"

ssri--EiiiHyisiss smmmmssss ssiiisis?To

rainy city



h n n Lriiiiraa&v



United from


singers returnconcert ap-

pearand do not expect Ho-

nolulu before






ob- -







fnr bv

"- - ft






ror twelvc

ob- -ngaln.



rltiAiintioiv u irnno.tho oils .. .'..:'.v nuvi" kiiiip.i

.. " n.jo oeiorestrengthJamaica. Islands. a thousand

np- - thatof thedoBbyCtaberlaln'.CoBh are used

,ne"- """ nas maae aH. that

I'urltan Hlue WlcklessOH







see thnour

deliver allana De-

liveries Moanviu.i, ana uiamond



ofshare, be

be assess-mentssame


removal playerSugar

20, 1901.




my attention for vessels, with lam out for force 400 tne Pa- -


t "











being along





enrlV nrnsnprt n anna.!.service to Honolulu and Manila, andmost of the Chinese and Japaneseports, would doubtless be established,with numerous ships of the claim nowbuilding at New London for the Hillinterests In the Northwest. Regularityof sailing and arrival dates, alongwith speed, would then give our drum-m"- s'n the Orient a better basis ouwhich to solicit trade.



Page 3: 021' KT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/4424/1/... ·  · 2015-06-02nd giving formal notice of Intention to move for


(i t bees:

Secrets of TradeAre Told in

Court.(rrom Saturdays dally.)

The secrets of the llqugr traffic InHonolulu were bnrcd before Judge H3-l-

yesterday In the trlul of the ensaof Mucfarlane & Co. et al. vs. W. H.Wright, Treasurer of the Territory ofHawaii. According to the testimonyadduced at the trial, the sale of Usermade In the States hns fallen o(T oer10 per cent since the Honolulu Urevv-er- y

began business. The use of theamber liquid In the city hlir Eat de-creased, however, for the figures glcnby Manager Hocking showed a corres-ponding Increase In sales of the localbrew ery.

Plaintiffs' clnlmed that this was duenot so much to competition, as to theIssuance of licenses for JMO for thebale of the home brewed beer, wherethey were compelled to pay $1,000 forthe prl liege of selling beer mnde else-where than In Hawaii. Defendantclaimed that the falling oft In the busi-ness of complainants was due to bene-ficial competition, and the fact thatthey sold beer for J!j cents a glass,where defendant was willing to take umuch smaller pro lit. Judge Hstee saidthat he could nut interfere with nnylawful competition, and would takecognbince only of the constitutionalciuestlon of whether or not the law un-

der which the cheap licences were is-

sued was In lcstrnlnt of trade. Therrogrths of the trial was tediouslynlow, and It Is doubtful If the case willbo concluded today. Little testimonynas Introduced but what was objectedto. nnd the esamlnntlon of the bookst.1i U.li defendant Insisted should be putiin evidence consumed seeral hours.

V II. Wiight, the defendant in thesuit, was the Hist witness called bythe plaintiff. lie said he had Issuedtwenty-fh- o beer licences at the $230rate since Jul 1st, and admitted alsothat a verlnl lcqucst had been madeupon him by complainants for thesame kind of a license, which he hadrefused to gle. Defendant objected tothe introduction of the books, andplaintiff then began to read the namesof each licence holder, to show thelocation In proximity to the pi tees ofbusiness of complainants The couttInterrupted the leading, however, uponobjection that It was not material.

"I think It Is material," said com-plainant's attorney. "Here a man hasa business already est ibllshed, nndyou put aiouiul It a cordon of thesecheap saloons which Injure his tinde."

"The court can't take cognizance ofany net within the discretion of theTreasurer. He is the Judge of wherethe saloons shnll be located, I take It,"replied Judge Hsteo.

"Wo don't claim he is abusing hisdiscretion."

"The court can't interfere with com-petition, or say that because of the es-

tablishment of that one siloon, someman Is making a grenter prollt thansonic one else."

Mr. Sllllman stated that the locationor those saloons had nothing to do withthe case.

"Well. If the damage Is admitted,"iatd plaintiff's attorney, "then theie isno use Introducing nny evidence It Isonly a question of law."

"The court has already held that thedemurrer was not good," replied JudgeKstee, "nnd that the complnlnants haewhown they were damaged."

Plaintiff contended that It did makea material difference where thesetwrenty-nv- e saloons were locnted, asshowing the effect upon their business.Judge Ustee stated that he could takecognizance only of the fact that thelicenses were Issued In the Territory ofHawaii, and It did not make any dif-ference whether the saloons were lo-

cated In Honolulu or nt Walklkl. Thereading of the licenses was consequent-ly not continued.

The witness further test I lied thatthere were probably twenty-IK- o whole-bale- rs

and dealers' licenses Issued byhim. Including quite a number whowere not parties to tho suit.LIGHT ON imEWEKY BUSINESS.A. A. Hocking, president of the Ho-

nolulu Brewery, was then called byplaintiffs, and from the beginning theiewas a fight on part of defendant toexclude his testimony ns ltnmaterl.il.

"In what quantities have ou beenlirewlng beer at your breweiy sinceyou started on this license.'" asked Mr.Kobertson on direct examination.

11 r. Sllllman objected. "That's a nliething," he said, "to be Inquiring Into'the private business of a man In acourt of Justlc Next thing I suppose

ou will be asking how much moneylie has been malting "

"That's just what we Intend to do,"ictorted Mr. Dunne '"These liquormen don't think It to be a ry nicething to have their business tut down30 per cent "

Mr Hocking .vns unable to answerthe questions without a lefeicnce to hisbooks, and was tseused until after thonoon hccss, so (hut he might producehis reeoids in court.

W C Peacocl of the dim beailngIlls nnimr, was the next witness Hotestified that tho company of whichhe was the head furnished beer to foursaloons, and that they were compelledto pay a $1,000 license for each of them

"Our business has been materiallyInJuied by the sale of 1'rlmo beer."said the witness. 'Our salts fot thesaloons mentioned for the months ofMay, June, July and August were nlmost three-fol- d vhat they were forSeptember, October, November and De-- c

emher, and this decrease I attributealmost entirely to the opposition ofthese chcup saloons."

The question In that form was ruledout, though answered later In prac-tically the same words. "The courtcannot Interfere with trade," saidJudge Hstee, "and has nothing to dowith competition, the sole question Isthe constitutionality of this law. Thebeer may hae been higher or a dozenother things may have affected It."

"That's Just It," rejoined Sllllman;"these gentlemen charge 25 cents aglass, and don't want to cut theprice."

AKTEKNOON SESSION.Treasurer Wright was recalled at

the opening of the afternoon session,nnd noted the limits In which licensesmay be Issued In Honolulu, and a listof alt licenses In the Territory was In-

troduced In evidence.



(Special to Ilia Advcrtlcr)ritANClSCO, Jim. 1C --Claus

SAN recent activity In tholighting market of San I'rancisco,

lms brought him nga'n prominently bo-fo-

the cast, wh'ch has large InterestsIn California stocks.

Spreckcls has within tho past towmonths won a great lctory otr the oldgas company here, tho Ban I'ranciscoGas and Hlcctrlc Company, which he,with his Independent Kltctrlc and l'owerComp-iny- . bus been lighting for hevcratyears p ist.

Tho New York Commercial, a greatbusiness dally of the metropolis, has thofollowing to siy of Sprickels, wh'ch willbo Interesting to the readers of the Ad-

vertiser, us It deals with his career InHawaii:

Claus Spreckels was known a few )cirsago as the sugar king of the SandwichIslands. Toda he Is the sugar king oftho West. 1'ust 72 )cnra of nge, ho 1st

still active, aggressive und orglnntlng.Ho llltlded In Charleston, S. C.. HftJ- -two jenrs ago, coming from llnnovcr,German. He was not educated, andspeechless In English. He worked In agrocery in unariesion. in cigntecumonths he owned it, and in ISM movedto New York. There he sold butter andtgg3 for some months.

In 1SJC ho took his family to San Tran- -clsco, and opened a giocery stoic. Moneywas pietiliiui, goni was ueing uug ouiof the earth In great misses, anaSpreckels whs worth JjO.lKW In n tewcirs. Jio mignt nave rcureu; instcau no

bought a brewerj. He sold It out forJlOftiO soon. When a grocer he hailwiuuKOL iiiueii ui uufciu, iiwh u u""h'an Interest In a local rellnery. Ho man- -

aged It will and soon owned It entlrelv.lie put In ntw imthlncry and made It aprosperous compiny. finally ho partedwith It at a Mr; hUh price. Then howent to Germ in) and stuillid Migar andsugar beets. He woiked as a laborer forwages nt Magdeburg for s'x weeks andm ulo lilmtlf familiar with every prac- -tlcnl Item of the lndtistr) Ho learnedilmt has in ido him the mastur of the

buslncss In the I'nlted States.He returned to Callfornli and built the

CallfornM sugar rellncr)-ll- rst a iiiuowooden structure. Within three jcarsthe building was enlarged four times,

, ... .1. ,.1 nt (lin fillll. nnVO fill ill!- -UUU 111 llie l V - v". f

mi'iisn bilck nlant was up, turning outM) tons of sugir a day. Spreckels wasnow rich, but there were liuce otner re- -

Untiles In Sm Pranclsco. He rot themall, ilthcr by purchase or subsidies. HeInvented new processes which reducedthe t mo of making hard biignr fromilin n wicks to twentv-fou- r hours, andho introduced Into the American marketfor the tlrst time the cube and crushedMigai of todav. Then ho went to Ha- -

wail, nnd made himself the owner of thoIslmd modiict ot Micar cane. This wasIn when tho tlrst reciprocity treaty Is niigrj, und he Is often mud. He is n was presented the board, andbetwirti Knlakaua and Uncle Sim lighter nwnv back. Several of his much discussion as to the probn-ndmlttl-

Hawaiian free of sons interested with him In somo of Llllly of putting through the roadnan neon Mgnc-- mirccnen luuuu i,uwnnes of land, cons'den d worthless. Hedug a cinal fourteen feet wide and threeleCl UCl'p lO UUI1U IMlUl-llliei- piercedthirty tunnels through solid rock andgot water to his dtsert at a ost offW.000.

Ho conquered Hawaii, lndustilally, andbecame the greatest factor In tho up- -bulld'ng of l.itist Territory of tho Unit- -id States

He returned to C illfornla, nnd In 1SS3

was thu unquestionable sugar king of thoP iclllc Co ist. Then tho sugar trust gotafter him The octopus offered him $1,- -KO.tviO for his Interests. Ho wouldn't sell, I

nmi the light was on. l or a whl'oSpreckels was at a decided ills i ivantage.Ilio trust had numerous prohu on Itsbuslnes In the Eastern States nnd couldfill In California nt a loss Spreikelsv ent to Philadelphia and built tho larg-est and most complete rcfimrv in theworld, at i cost of $0,000,000 Ho then flv- -cd prices In nil the Eastern markets ofthe trust, nnd became a vrv thorn laIts side Then the trust mnda terms endoini-in-ri- ki oi toy CO itwithout furtliir friction.

Meanwhllu he had established a steam- -miip service octween rsan i rancisco anilHonolulu and had got a practical mo- -nnpoly of the freight nnd pissingertrnde. He bought largo tracts ot land In

The second witness was ManagerHocking, the Honolulu Hrewery,who tcstlllcd from his books the out-put of the brewery s'uee it wus openedIn July. The figures showed .i materialint lease In the business of the firm,which plaintiffs c'.ilmed was evidencethat hcy were being injilied b) the

of cheap licenses for the saleot Prlnio Mr Mucking testified thatthe output In July was Dl'j barrels,

, In August It wan $11 bar-lel- s,

In September iiG'J batrcls, In Oeto-b- ei

1.12J barn Is, in November 1,010barrels and In December 1.0M bands

W. C Peacoik iih then rciul.ed, andfrom lilsi books ttstllled the dccrc.ibeit. sa os which bad been tjuffeicd byhis ftur saluuiis during tho last siirunth'i of the ) ai The figures givenby him showed a loss In tales of ion-.Ideii-

moro than one-ha- lf The. itncus adniitte'J that during this time

nm- - nf the sulooi t had alsu been sell-!:- .r

1 liino beer.Is it not a fact," asktd Mr. Sllli-mn- ii,

' that moie beer Is consumed Inhe summer thin in the w Intel

months''"'I suppose )oii are about light,"

the witnessL 11 Dee, u'vm one of tho compl iln-en- ts

was the Inst vWtness of the after-n- ion He that he hud made

t pplicntion for a l2M dealer's license,art been refused by the Treasure!. Hesaid thnt, since the establishment thePrimo brewery there had been quite ashortage In his beer sales The flrstsix months of last )onr ho had dispos-ed of 3,703 gallons, but aftei June 30th,and far the last lx months of the year,while the cheap licenses were In force,his total sales had aggregated but 1.S90

"ullons. Mr Dee lad not concluded histeMimony wnen court was uujuurncuuntil 9 o'clock this morning.-

Thomac Squaro BanefUtsd,Thomas Square has taken on a more

piepossesslng appearance during thepast week than for nbout a )ear past.Several trees have been cut down, lowhanging limbs lopped off and the fourgreat banyan trees surrounding theband stand nre being subjected to ndeal of trimming. Many ot the lowerlimbs have been removed and branchroots which took up much space awayfrom the central roots have been takenaway. This has resulted In brighteningthat section of the park and one cannow obtain at night a fairly clear viewthrough the park from street to street.

r Mrvnrvtf ttt4m t v,I


w mm 6

MMiA44AtAAMi.AAA4- -- -

Southern California and began to developbeet sugar. He planted thousands ofrros m l)eet, nmI t,rtctC(i one of tho

largest crushing plants in tho worldSil.nas. costing over $1,000,000. SpreckclsBtril. the farmers free sugar-bee- t seed,and ns a result thousands of acres for--merly b.nren aro now growing beets.

Meanwhile he had taken up battle withtne southern Pacific Itnilroad. Hothought freight rates were too hlgU'fromthe Sin Jonqu'n valley, and he built thop ln jonquln Valley Railroad. The Svntaro lms now bought this, and all thoKiocKuoiuers mauu a prom,

spreckels put up the highest nnd finestolllco building In Sin Pranclsco. Rack(,f u the Sin Pranclsco Gas and HlectrloCompany had a power houe and lmuredbl tek hoot Into the window s of Sprtckelb'KUjoc-n,- cr Spreckels sent a polite notetn Joseph Crockett, presldmt of thocompan). nsking him to abate the nul- -sance Crockett told Spreckels he'd dous he pl ased. Within n ear and a hnlfSnrcekils snent 13 000.000 on a new elec- -tuc light plant, lie gave San Pranclscon service icpial to nny In the country,now lie Is to put up nn immense, gas,nnl. Crockett's company's market VTil- -

iu. has ,oiiu down $13,000,000 to $7,- -Pftl IVtl t ...Inn Cnnmbnl. ninlfnD Pflrt lin.W),V', J HIJ Ul'll-,.v-- .llt.ov. 'rc., 0r suirar d illy. Ho controls tho tn- -

tiro Mig ir trado of the coast, and has fcomany oilier Intensts that it would taitoninth spico to enumerate them,

Claus Spreckels Is of medium height,rcmpictl) built, nnd dresses neatly. His

v 's are elear ard )oung looking, nndhii skin Is rosy with health. Ills roundhead is covered with a thick growth of

now white He has tho movementsot a man of forty. He has a pronouncedGerman accent, and has a good deal ofttoulilo with Htigllsh. especially when ho

mi i in ii--Snreckels has a mngnlflcent residence

In the fashionable pnrt of San franclsco.He ves quietly, preferring his own homoto those of others. Ho belongs to thePnc'llc-Unlo- tho lending club ot Ban .

1 rf.ttnlh.nn nnd (a much esteemed by hisfellows tht re. He has never nlTcctcd ).

Ills wife, tho choleo of his youth,was a domtstlc. He and she are stillhappy with each other. Ho Is not nhportsman, nor does he caro milch forHunters, r icing or public pleasures. Hishi art Is In h's business and ho will dloworking.

Spreckels hns always been known ns aman of honor, whose word was nil thatwas necessary. He has dono much forSan Pranclsco nnd California. His gen- -i roslty hns provided a $03,000 music standfor Golden Gate Park. Jle used to havea great love for Hawaii, but when nn- -ncntlon took plnce, against his bitter.limosll'on..,,. .. , he withdrew..- - .. entlrelv fromany Interest with the Islands, except thonecessary connection made by his sugarbusiness He was n great friend ofJving jvaiaKana ior many years i natdusky monarch made him a knight. Lat- -or lie had a row with Knlakaua, and toldmm to tnite nacK ins tine. uprecKe-i-s isrot n church-goe- r. When ho dies theWtst will have lost n master


TVIIIi,,. Ihn llrrlilu l.n.nlni, nil nli.ht Inlt- - iihn tjiii.itui, u.a iitkH.the band stand nnd tho heavy foliageout of the way, there Is less chance fornight prowlers to lurk within the so- -crecv of their shadows and frightenP issors-by- . I


Stockholders of the Hawaiian Sugar i

Company, nt n well attended ineetln-;- .

)esterday afternoon, approved of tlie(trust deed prepared nnd authorized theIssuance of $700,000 of bonds. This n

wus taken nfter most careful con-- ,

rlderatlon of all the matters which aosurrounding tho affairs the p'anti-- .tlon. I

The trust deed Is one the mostelaborate which has boon drawn In theIslands, for the reason that the pur-poses of the bond Issue are set firthut great length. It Is provided tintthe money which Is to be receivedthe sale of the bonds w 111 be used only i

In the perfection of the water su p ) j

of the mills, nnd that there shill be nsales of the securities for other pur-- jposes than betterments directly In linowith this end. j

It Is the opinion of the Ftoekholdenpresent, and who have follow eil thmatter closely, that there will bo lessthan a half million ot the bonds sold.and that all this money will be obtaln- -cu in tne oun rrancisco timrKet. itiwas announced ns the Intention thedirectors to refuse to offer nny thesebonds here, so that the local marketmay not be disturbed by any furtherdrawing upon it for funds for tho com-pletion of plantation work..

Rapid Transit Extension.Work upon the Walklkl extension of

the Itapld Transit road will bo putunder wny In earnest on Monday morn-ing. The preliminary work gettingthe qunrry and roads therefrom inreadiness hns been accomplished, andthe task of ditching and tracklajlngwill be inaugurated by Contractor Mc-K-

with the opening of the week. Thework probably will occupy thretmonths' time.

n NT in in1s



Bishop Estate isi

Aiding McKinleyCommittee.(From Saturday's dally)

Options were given by the trustees ofthe Bishop estate jesterday, coveringtwo plots of ground for ninety dnvs'time. The plots selected bj the sub-committee of tho ofllclal body werethose nt Paw an, at the end of Klngjstreet nnu at jvanni, just one oi wiuKamchamcha Girls' school.

"While there are no figures given outIn the transaction it Is known that theprices set upon the have beenmnde low enough to penult the com-mittee to see Its wn clear at once toitrnppnil tilth tli. mitliinf i nt fnmtalm lh mn,nrlnl nn.1 n. ..nil tlmf Mm- 7 ., , ' .."?V ''r .?. V

shouldaml committee, $25,000,be sufficient to carry through theproject. In each of the lots of groundchosen by the composed

Governor Dole. J. A. McCandlessand C M. Cooke, there are ten acres

The price set upon the Kalihl plot Ismuch In excess that fixed for thePawaa piece. The members the subcommittee, some whom fancied theWalklkl site the more. hne asked fornnd obtained the Ilgurts upon the tilling

this site, ns would be necessary If U '

should be the one chosen. Theie ate'Brett depressions, some moundsrock nnd other Irrtgularltles In the M.r- -face of the land. There will bo neededat leist a foot of soil over the highest1points land, nnd It Is undcrstoo 1

mat the pi Ice set for the filling Isabout J1000 nn acre. Accoulltig to onoof those who should know, the price '

V """'""Jiii,i i,e- - the IJIshop nstate ,io.ft,lJ "1,ru vpeul illy when lie

1S7C, to thereKing from uns

Migir duty ate of


















uponland would permit the filling of thoWntklkl plot upon this basis, nnd thentho rlce '

,,,, ot uo bow, tn t., nr ...i. -- .,, ...... ,,....

It is probable that there will be await made for the Gaelic mnll In thehope that It will bring to the committeenn option of puiclinso upon the Spreck-els' lot nt Punahou and Wilder avenue,and this would give three great sitesfrom which the selection Is to be mnde.

Another matter which was givengreat consideration In the meeting oftho trustees of the estate was therrnntlng of a right of wny through thelands of the estate for tho proposedTantalus electric rond. Tho matter

Alter long consideration the matterwa invnn ...,.i, ,i,i, ...,.i i,- -projectors of the line notified that thrdtcls,on ,N0U,d bo mnde ,ater. .

Na.ivB for Mohican.Captain Cow den, of the trnlnlng ship

Mohican, in tho course of a conversa-tion with Captain Merry, the comman-dant of the naval station, stated thathe Is desirous of enlisting a numb"-o-f

Hawaiian bo)n and giving themtraining nn board his vessel. CaptainMerry Is enthusiastic over the matte-- ,anu hopes that the opportunity will bgrasped by many native boys who arcsundecided ns to what particular carterthey shnll follow, now thnt the Ciiw l

has arrived for them to be doing some- - I

thing for themselves Cnptaln Merry)m3 n great opinion of the Ilawalliuis.,o nii ! ,i,ii, ...... inunwi i, uiiva iiiiuni inn i v. i t 'Cowden furnishes a unique chnnce for,, , ui,,.. io ,... ,.., .n.i of

, .



R,r ,Jo,M'. !n?,,.lnB,.pa,"t"r, of. Ul,Rodford St. M. E. Church, Cumberland,Mil.. U. S A.. s.i)s: "it affords megrent pleasure to lecommend Chamlinrlnln'u fhnlnr.i ntnl Tlliirrlii(n '-- -- - " -

V(Plllni V II. IV.) IIQrrl If fl II I Iftinil- - fllll'trs who have never known It to fall "For sale by nil dealers and druggistsHcnson, Smith &. Co, Ltd, ngentu forH- - I.

rMr. Mnrston Campbell Is back from

'Hawaii. I


Tho Nest familv

than any other-"- .

Magnite Cold I'uint

John Deere PIowh.Oliver Chilled Ploti.Distillate.California Powder Work.Howe Soalet.


A Talk of htrreitto tho Young by

O.o Wno Has Hal Boh Dad

nnd Good Fcrtun.

"Success rnrely, If ever, conies untilafter many failures," until Mr llmoryT. Hubbard. "The failures wu do notlifnr of, but the successes make menfamous."

Mr. Hubbard Is a man' who, nftermnny failures, nt last achlcTod succorsand he talks Interestingly about II. ItuIs a trained nurse nnd masseur, livingnt No. 139 May street, iMnnJcua, Cul.To a repot tor he sild:

"I had almost given up hopo, butfinally 1 attained that for which Isought liealt). Something over tenjears ago I underwent two surgical

nnd as a result my nervoussystem broke down. I became all rundown, weak and exhausted. I couldnot sleep, was constipated, my Hveivvns bad and my blood very much outof order.

"In the latter part of ls93, after firedoctors had been treating me for asmany jears without doing me nnygood, I saw an advertisement In thepaper and began taking Dr. Williams'Pink Pills for Palo People. When Ihnd taken hnlf the second box I foundI was getting better, nnd 1 kept on un-til 1 was cured. I always keep the pillsby me. and whenever a long, hard casehas caused me to feel run down, I tikethem to brace me up. Drj Williams'Pink Pills for Pale People did wondersfor me and I nm confident thty w HI doas much for others who were troubledas I was.

lew people are better qualified tol, mc"ts ot " than?, T" ,

lilt.' liUIKVJM UUIPL', 1111 JUlll 'l lAI'Vil..... .. .,I.. !.!., a !. ..i.. ..I" ", n "". h' '''Inconstant at endaneo

'"nll3 I'atleut, day and nlgit, oftenand months at a time: he"I ?

",,1tho iol I'lm-w- of P.ery case

," """, ,.,' , ,, , , , .

hundreds of cares he has cnied for, alecommeud.Uloti of a medicine by a111 VJIL ullltl I 1 ftllllrn 1A44 . ..IhI.I

the leniedy himself. Dr. AVIlllntns'Pink Pills for Pale People will not onlycute enses Klmllnr to that of Mr. Hub-ba- t

il but, containing ns they do, nil theelements necessary to give new life andrichness to the blood nnd remre shuttered nerves, theythuvo proved elllci-clou- s

In a wide i.inge ot diseases Theare bold by all dealers or will be sen'postpaid on receipt of price, fifty centsa box, six boxes, two dollars nnd fiftyfonts, by addressing Dr Williams Med.icluc Co ' Schenectady ' N T




In re Dissolution of the Pcoplc'a Icemid Refrigerating Co., Ltd.


established and existing un-

der nnd by vlituo of tho Inws ot thuTcrrltoiy ot Hawaii, has, pursuant Inlaw In such cases made and provided,duly filed In this olllco, n petition forllie dissolution of tno said corpotnllnn.together with n certlllcate thereto tiu- -.. .nruu' aH rcl"lrcd law.

Now, therefore, notice la hereby glv- -en to any and all persons that havei....,,. or ar0 nou i,,.rni, ,, iIn nny man- -

"or I'llsooer In said corporation,that objections to the granting of i.ildpetition must be filed In this olllce onor before March I, 1902, and that anyperson or persons desiring to bo heardtheieon must im- - In attendance nt theOI'lci' "f t- - undersigned. In tho Capl- -to1 "Ulldlng. Honolulu, nt 12 m. of saidday to (show cause, It any, why wildnnililnn l..iiT.l n t.n .n.i.tii.l'"'" """ !" HI h.,.iin.w

WILLIAM H. WRiailT.Treasurer of the Territory of Ha-

waii.Honolulu, Jununry 4, 1902

23IK Jail. 7, H, 21, 28; Feb. 4. 11. IS, 25;March 4.


mi?Mwhine Mario.

more extensively ueul v ,.TJi

and Spray Puinpn,

Hnll'i Safei.Albany Compound.Silex CementMichigan StoveKilfly and

rin imiTiin t.it.euLn run

GIBBSAutomatic Sewing Machines

Agents forThe Galena Lubricating Oils, for liulroati use

ueuri nn ',l,"i per cent of the ol theUnited stater..

The Oil Co 'a Lubricating guaranteed toeivo tho bent

Lullrirating OUb




1ILOOI) from all liupiirltle fromwhatevur uuu arising.

For Bcrofuln, Scurvy, Eoiema. 8kln alllrotl JjlnpfiBts, Dlnckheadf, l'lmplei andHorr of nil klndi, It la a uvvcr UUlmj npermanent curr. 1,

Cures Old Bores.Cures Bor.'s on theCures Bore Legs.Cure tllnrkhrad or l'lmploa o lFoco.Cures Bcurvy.Cures UlcersCnrt.s ltlooil nnd Skin Utiifme.cres (llandular Bvvclllnga.Clours the Iilood from all Impure ipjittor.

Prom whntever cuuao I'lulnit.It Is n real l)pcl(ln far Omit n,1 Hhui.miitlc pains.

u removes tne cause rrom th uloo4and HonesAs this Mixture In plensnnt to the Uate,

and Trarrnnted frco from anything Injuri-ous to the most delicate constitution olcither sex, tho Proprietors solicit suffererto rlve It a trial to test Its value.



FROM ALT. PARTS or THE WORLD.Clarke'; Dlood Mixture I sold In bottles.Is X each, and Ic cases rontalnlns l

times tho quantity, lis sufficient to effeola permanent cure in thi treat majorityof caeca By ALf, CHEM-IST and I'ATKNT MEDICINE VflND-Olt- a

throughout the world. Proprietors.THH LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DKUO COMPANY, Lincoln. En- -Und. Trade mark "HLOOD M1XTCRH?'


CAUTION. Purchasers of Clarke'sClarke's Rlood Lllxtuie should see thathey get tho eenuine article. WorthlessIrritations and substitutes are som&Umespnlmed off by unprincipled vendors. Tiwords. "Lincoln and Mldlaud Coun'JteDriK Comianv, Lincoln. England," aron tho Government stamp, ana"Clarke's World Famed lllood Mlxturo'blown In tho bottln WITHOUT WHICHNONE ARE GENUINE.


Tim H. Davies Co.(Limited.)



Norllicrn Assurance Company,OF LONDON. FOR FIRI3 AND

LIFK. Established 1838.Accumulated Funds .... S,975,0M.

British and Foreign Marine Ins, Cc

OF FOR MARINECapital L00e,tO

Reduction of Rates.Immediate Payment of Claims.



Castle & Cooke,HONOLULU.

Commission Mrcliants.SUGAR


Tho Kwa Plantation Co.The Watalua Agricultural Co., LtCThe KoliaU Bugar Co.The Wnlmea Sugar Mill Co,The Fulton Iron Bt. Leal.

Mo.The Standard Oil Co.The Giorgo 17. blake Steam Pamra.Westpn'a Centrlfugali.The New England Mutual Lift

Co. of Ooiton.Tho Aetna Fire Insurance Ce. u

Hartford, Conn.Thft Amurance C. of lycrt.


Co. XJ jA 8

Fort and Merclmnt StrcotB, nnd iJclliol Street, Honolulu,

Dealers in Hardware and General Merchandise,



exclus-ively raihuyn











fl i T -l


wimk:iWLmM;imt &

V,. T.isw4i.'-r-MflC- k IssVA



Page 4: 021' KT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/4424/1/... ·  · 2015-06-02nd giving formal notice of Intention to move for

wwnrws. 4lr .?.. ktM W ..Jrt M,-- - dW-?"- -r- -

..nit ik, ii i Aim i,.iam.Aiu '.'ft IlitC KKMI WIMtKI.V.


aumtiatt&ictfeBalerrd t the Postonlce of Honolulu,

II. T., Bccond-clai- s Matter.SEMI -- WEEKLY.



cuiiscniimoN ratics:Vtr Month I .f"Per Montli, Foreign 75

Per Year S.CO

Per Vcar, Foreign 6.W

-- Pajitlc InmlaHy In Advance.




The vegetnblo seeds received by theCommissioner of AKrlculture are forfree oisiriuuiion. and ii" one win "refused any who calls at Mr. rnyiorsolllcc in the basement oi uic .i"."ibuilding.


The Intention of Secretary Shaw notto lose his hold on the Iowa voterswhile shelved In the Cabinet appenrs In

the press notice that he cats pie threetimes a day.

So far this has been nn unusuallycool and pleasant winter and one which

has seen little of Konn storms. ThereIs plenty of chance jet for nn eccen-

tric temperature, but what Is past is atleast secure and for this, much thanks

Canada threatens. If trade conces-

sions are not made to her, to adopt theAmerican tariff. Let her. The nextthins she will have to deal with Is anannexation party at home, whose num-

bers and lnlluence will Krow every timea Canndlan casts up his accounts.

. t-

JudglnK from the fnte of the Volcanoand the nppronchlnir fate of the

the business of attacking thevested Interests of Hawaii Is not pre-

cisely lucrative. The money lost In

Ve undertaking, nil told, would makea handsome fortune for the man whocould find it.

fThe President of the llontd of Health

Is to be congratulated on the promisednuccess of his efforts to redeem Kevvnio,

The place is a fester-spo- t, the eradlca- - ,(1 ,,,lrtnllv appins In thattlon of which has been a topic or active standard puhllintlon, Thiums

between the Hoard of Health . vvnllun Annual, fmm which we quoteand the Public Winks Department torjiiic time past.

It will not be long before the trolleycars, bearing the pioneer ling of theHapld Transit company, will reachAValklkl. Work on the extension Is tobegin this week. Before a great while.Judging from the state of the com-panv- 's

business, the stockholders willfeel like grldlronlng the entire city andIts suburbs.

This Is the birthday of KmpernrWilliam of Get many. It Is nn eventwhich, more than is usually the caseIn the careers of modern rulers, Is

worth celebrating. The average Euro-pean King Is not of much nccount saveby Inherited position nnd the powerthis kIncs him; but the Knlser Is a nat-

ural leader of men a sov erelgn man In

a sovereign place. As such he deserveshonor nt the hands of the citizens of arepublic which selects Its Picsldents bymerit, ok well as fealty and devotionfrom men who acknowledge his rule.

The coinage bill which the Home Ruleorgan fcays was handed by DelegateWilcox to n friend for Intioductlon Is

actually the bill which William Hay-

wood prepared and llled through Con-

gressman Hill of Connecticut. Mr. Hillis the representative who, on his visitto Honolulu last year, spoke of Wil-cox ns a man "utterly without lnllu-ence In the House " That Is the sortof a friend for Wilcox tho Home Rulepaper now claims. As for the Hnwall-a- n

delegate, he could not ilinvv a billto save his neck. All he ever drew InCongress was his mileage nnd salary,and he had to have help about that.


Captain Merry, n qualified Judge ofmatters maritime, speaks In n hopefulway both of the Condor nnd the Sheri-

dan. Touching the rumor about theSheridan, it Is stated thnt special edi-

tions of San Tranclsco evening paperscontained It, but nobody on the Ven-

tura seems to have had Interest enoughIn the matter to buv a paper and bringIt along. We are surprised, If news of

this character was current In SanFrancisco befoie the Ventura sailed,that the Advertiser heard nothing of Iteither from Its Associated Press con-

nections or from ltsjspeclal correspond-ent. Of course the tale may be true,but so far It hos not been presented Ina probable gulce.



One trouble with the volunteer sjstemof raising armies Is to get men Intothe ranks after popular enthusiasm hascooled off We found It so In 1SC3 nndthe bounty system, to be shortly fol-

lowed by the draft, had to be adoptedto keep the battle line full. Tens ofthousands of the professional patriotswho have done politics since the war

ere either bribed or dragged Into thearmy and the more strenuous the na-

tional crisis was the more force hadto be applied to them. England, Itseems, Is Having an Initial experience

drilled civilians. Is needed de- -fend country. our war

fought volunteers, Itwas tw'p years before either Bide got ona basis. Had either party meta army regulars it would have

victories Its credit.country to be safe from inva-

sion in these times must beby soldiers svho know business;not by civilians who the businessof to learn.


' It ill lli'HM-- f t'ln nil I i'i t'veil n It l iil ! JuMiri ihe iii nil n

if i Ity nd c.mnty In Ma-

tt .iM u h n olli v .u'd moani,.a. in of the miml pi'illou kind In

Ihii1 It wniltl put lhi power tasa- -

it.n anrt rilatninwrnrnt Into the Itchinghail-I- of thnt iart of our pi.lynealanrun- - la iiunllfti 1 t. l . pub-- 1 nii. ami woai naei n, oe- - -- ,,t.rhll i of city and roillit) rule forc:ruil ami alien wiiln.

(utKlile reailvrn should theproblem local herepreaentK wholly foreign thr(mmr pralilmu on the mainland Thf-it--.

It In the mere question of Kit In Aiw-r-- .

leans liv lilrth. descent anil naturalisa-tion the tlrst two clnses being In anmlorltv over till n chame to rule under rlKhtK which they are qualified tonxerrlse Here It ineaiiH the delivery of

nubile nnd to n larre extent theptlate InteifKts SOOT white oeri nnun or perhaps 1000 mime andtvp r,ters of Intolllnenre andtonstlti the owners of the property anil the business of the llnwull- -

an Islnnds, Into the hands of the le-- 1

graded and Irresponsible section ourPolvneslnn race whom Congress fo premntiirelv enfr.im hlsed. The mainlandInstance means n rough averagegood government, mnrkril with spur id-

le eases, In the great cities, of ma-ladministration, the local Instance, onthe other hnnd, means nn t ndU"--s chainof bad government, based on the Ideathat a public otllce Is ,i public graft

Observe the conditions Congress hasput the majority vote of Hawaii In thehnnilh of men who, ns n geneial thing,cannot talk Himllsh, whose characterhas had a moral trend, who arenotoriously unthrifty, who nie mon-

archists in sympathy nnd would like tobe In politics, who hate white nun nnnd especially Americans; whonothlntr about the ki ieni e of irnvorn-men- t,

who are removed by hutmore than a generation from savagery,and who are led, not only by their owndemagogues, but by the worst class ofwhite uirpct-baggei- These peopleform what Is known us the Home Utileparty. They elected to Congress a n

less than lliieeve.irs ngo, proffiied In w riling his serv-ices Agulmldo, and has been adismal fillure In olllce, nnd a legisla-ture which made the most pxtrnoiilin-- n

i y reiord known to the hlstoij of i

American What that iee- -

The r publican minority of both housesdid will In sivlng the country from anumber disgraceful measures Per-Hliti- nt

effort wns nude to saddle thecltv with a llftj-jen- r franchise In favorof the Tranmnj Compunj , attempt wasmade to legalize gambling, and to revivekahunalMu, compulsory vaccination wasnpe.iUd and a reduction of dog taxirndo a pd me.isuie. An net to createcountlis and municipalities, drawnnnd Imdlv conslilued In the lower housewas passed by them for the toiinund, but that body pissed It dctlantlvwith all Its crudities, because the minori-ty did not like It as It stood Much

was fi It by them nt the himieiiiih with ii pockci vein" lor iiom- -leuiers ana a ceriiiin loreicn cienitntiihoped thereby to "curtail the governor'a

by placing nppolutmcnts andIn the hands of native voters

organised to put down the power of thewhites."

Practically the whole session was tak-en up with childish wrangling. Desirablemeasures for the promotion ofment and public welfare wero ntKlectedor studiously blocked In committee, asIn the ease the tnensure and

itlon bills, expecting thereby toforce an extension of the session whichhad been refused them on the groundthnt "the methods of the present sessionhad been so wastful or both time nndinomy with little to show lor n largeexpenditure or public funds."

At the close the legular term theywero Immediately cnlled In special ses-sion to consider the appropriations, nndthe same Inability to conllnc themselvesto the duty were called for wasmanifest The time limit expired beforethe net was throiiRh Its third readingand tho session hid to bu extended

dis for this purpose, finally ad-journing July 25th, nt an expenso to thocountry Jl'i.OeiO for Its term ofdas and J.7,000 for Us thirty extrasession; far exceeding the most expen-sive previous legislature known In theseislands, which wns in lC when II1.9SI H

was required to elefray tho expenses ofIts long session 123 days.

The Home Rule legislators are theleadets of the people rrom whoe rankscity and county oMlclnls would be ta-

ken. Officials or such nn oilgln wouldno be qualified to on publicbusiness than were the freedmen ofthe South In i construction times. Theirpolicy would be to multiply patronage,Increase tuxes nnd taboo white men,snvo the carpet-bagger- s who are Inwith for the spoils. Investmenthere would stop, business would behurt and In the end the white peoplewould be compelled, was the casewith white people In the SouthernStntes, to matters In their ownh uids To such predatory v lolcntends to such losses nnd destructionand misrule the proposal at this timeto have city and county governmentobv lously tends

Public duty demands that the sub-division otllclal responsibility heieshall aw nit the growth of a tesponslblevoting innjority In no other way cantho future of Hawaii redound to thecredit of the expansion pollej of theUnited States, nor even of civilizationItself.


vigorously, and a lluld made Itand sent to Tahiti has nearly, It ls said,

a young leper to health andutrength

Science believes thnt every bane, savedeath, has Its antidote. The thing isto It. Scores diseases. Includingsmallpox, can be prevented or relievedby Borne remedy once a secret of na-ture. Perhaps, In Tua-Tu- a, we atlast found the medicine before whichthe leprosy will pass among the

similar to our pwn. She wants volun- - The statement made on good nuthor-teer- s,

some for South African hervlce Ity, that the Tua-Tu- a, an anti-lepro-

and others for a home guard, but as .shrub, his almost cured an advancedthe glitter of the military life has worn case of leprosy In Tahiti, bhould haveoft during the last two nnd ns the careful notice of the Hawaiianenlistment demands some self-sac- Board of Health. The Tua-Tu- a wnsflee, the young men will not enroll. Ho sent here by the botanlcnl section offar the call for volunteers Is unanswer- - tho Agricultural Department with aed and conscription may take Its place stor) to the effect that It was highly

It Is when war begins, the' valued In South America as a specificcankers of p. long peace, that volun-- 1 for the moBt dreaded of human mala-teerln- g

booms; but that Is the time dies At the Planters' Experiment Sta-wh-

a trained army and not an un- - tlon In this city the shrub Is growingmob of to

the In civilvolunteers and

soldierlygreat of

had few toFor a

It defendedtheir

havedisciplined fighting


Iwiatmmin- -

know thatof



iiaii-na- -









lnlf-whl- te who,

to who






of loin





of sixtydnvs


more carry







find of




only after

i n "ir fldh Ik hi-l- r t K K ntntt ntun I' the vil in anril ntiil ti

llnnHinn inland in i.ittiiular .

WuhIiI II Hilt ln IhiiIIIi ti h- -p l '

r tin.-- patient at Kallhl. whu ar..MM t try th rvmly. until an

ivrlmmit In their cure han hailwue, im, dm may iw tielel fur It?Kucr-e- In the meaure would lie one oftB RohtevnentK to rank high among

ttmt mny comi, ,,, ,0nir meillealIwrf In the twentieth century.


In Its first lHue the INHnoerntle nr- -- . .

km,. The npmnainan. pmpwexi to naveMr. Damon for Oovernar nnd on Kat- -

ttrlii It eatne out for Dr. MeOrew foriv..e r,,r ti.teL-ni-B in fo..r-r- . t

O. Carter has been nnmed, nnd we feelat liberty to niMtnie that before The

i,o!(esman H n month old. It will havethe olllcei llllert with Demoirats or

lne m-- 't superior kind.Hope lles eternal In the numan

breast, and the happy facility withulilili the third nart turns from def,.nt to anticipation proves the fact.Certainly, when everything Is said, thatputty puts Its best foot nnd its bestmen foiwnrd. It Is not for mortals tocommnnd success, but they mny do


better by deserving it, nnd n ticket sugar direct from several Kauai platita- -

mnde up of men like Messrs. Damon, tlons to the coast.McOrew. Isenbrg, et ill., has nothing iJrtvvci & Co. give notice that theexcept Its Democracy, to apologize for sblp 1 I" Chnpmnn will leave Newlint does It not stem n pity that such Yoik on or nbout Apill 1, 1302. Ship-me- n

should be wasted on n third par- - pers will please take notice,ty when the emergency in these Is!- - Mr It. Ii. Spnulding wns an incom-nnd- s

Is of a kind to demand the union Ing in the Into Island boatunder one local political banner of e- - f"m Kauai. Mr Spauldlng goes toery citizen who has the well-bein- g of Southern Europe In the near future.Hawaii at heart? I Piofessor Koebele, the entomologist,

Had tie Democracy ns the mlnoilty Jetuineil by the Klnnu from IIIlo ontolne.1 l.nn.ls with the T.et.uhlleans na

innlnrllv .f the tttn In I'lOl). Wlleo-- :

rolllil linv.e linen lio.nl en for Colltrress'His was not a majority but a plur.il- -Ity succc-- s. There was a chance, also.to capture tho LeglMatuie and tnirvon public business In a decent, orderlynnd productive manner. Hut adherenceto national party forms In local mat-tor- s,

cost us two eais of progress Topiove our belief in sound money on theone side for which wo could not vote

and In Ifi to 1 on the other also nn Itenton, Mis. Muv nnd sevcial membersIssue no i Hired of this Tenltnry could of the Honolulu Muiphy Club tookpossibly affect at the polls, we penult- - part.ted the worst part of , tho Tcnllorlal, The Hawaiian Planters' Associationlectointe to control our local ndmlnls- - has established an agency on Smith

ti.itlvo affairs Thnt wns neither good stieet, near Hotel street, where Japnn-nnilil-

r.nr M.nl business, nor nod ese laborers are being enrolled for.....sense. It wns tne wotst wo could uofi.r s The unv would nothave ben Cleveland's or Hoosevelt's,for they. In slmilnr position, wouldhave been llrst to Insist on a union ofnil honest men for honest government-Hu- t

It wns our way, Republicans andDemocrats mine, ami see wnai we are (a,ec,Hm by captain Lake, of thegetting for It. 'police force, and then given a severe

The Advertiser docs not attempt to tei,t in hnndllng the reins,say what course the Republican party Governor Dole is preparing to callwill pursue, owln to the number of r spee lal election In the Fourth Districtmen In Its councils who nre theie to foi Repiesentntlve to succeed the latedo Home Rule jmlitles. But It holds Aichib.ild ailllllan. Tho call will ptob-thn- t.

If every man who believes In de- - ably be Issued within a few- - davs.veloplng this Territory along American Seven boys were arrested yesterday onlines, nnd In mnklng politics pure nn.. suspicion of complicity In a burglaij

... .... ... ..... . .

PUD C deserving, SIIOUIU VOIP,',',, ,r?', ,,,, ,,,,.,h."" j..i...iuiiv ui..--. ...i.u ..wv

would cany the Legislature (atul Incase of a vacancy win a Congressional


sent. Tho census of tho respectable






nt nor anyThe one of

which Mr. Whltcomb ofOld hnd

when, In nboyhoodof which Bill answeted:

no at all.pi j was satisfied."

ever a case raiselu matter of

wns piesented by

the rest treeand

served some businesswho theteby


But tactics not pbills. a great

their graves-"t- he


i may a run flubTr.- - hi aavvral Uttwra IMk

for WulMudrUr I' T It Water ramc

from IHIo. the lath.The marine railway at llealanl

lnthu- - la l Infc repaired.Holdlem ami aallnra wet

lit Pt.ii.-n- r the Hatunlat.The llonolulii Howling were

'tieneil 111 building Aid.ken streoU Saturday.

There vffir llfty-sl- x arreetnilat anil 1iLm Itt.irnlmr l.rioiilutfM l.t l.i.

"j,; $ wliicwii. 1

Wnrk lh(. Wnlklk, xlonson of theTransit imtd In tieglii

all m ratifrementR huMnK been com- - i

There l talk In of n ofp,io, basket bull nnd baseb illunder one miinui;tiiient for Held uuy

i,umr ireiiiiiwiim.)n...... ............- -snowrt ine secure eiiet'i ui re- -

eeiiiA team from the V. S

Miililrnn was Punahou. 8at- -

afternoon, by the Housei,. jj 1

The Globe Nnvlgatloa Comp.mv Is saidlo ,, ,ucotlatlnir for to earrv

aiiir.iay w a or oeneiicmi lauywill be liberated nt once.

Captain llovverS of thePatrol and Confident Agency, has;Is- -it ii.i1 t nn Tin if r Of ilu rrll Is r

,nttSt C()mnluU. Ilsl llre nKirmThe Business won the league

ill game at the Men'sChrlstlnn Association Saturday even-ing, from the Intel by13.

An at Ewa plantationtill for u recreation Mrs

... ir

Nell, old ofKauai, tbeie Sunday night.

leaves two hons. He wus atone time engaged In

Kuuul.Japanese in want

nre put thiough a vigorous

.. Ii.nl. inu fnrr.tT.IMf.ri nt n (.hlneui. Rtnrd""- - -- "" ' " - ZIn A lot canned stuffwas stolen, ns well ns some and(3D cash.

The llnnnce committee of the Hawaiisent

February 7th.Papeis will be llled today by

Hawaiian Tinmwajs Company, per-fecting Its appeal the Circuit,from the decision of Estee, who

the patsol vvngon. They were hilarious,nnd the vvngon went through

streets they amused themby "Just the

to Mother.""Baby Dean," the girl stowaway who

weais soldier clothes, nnd who camehere transports diningSpanish war, nrrlved the Kllpatrlck.

wns turned oft nt Honolulu, someone Camp having piom-Ise- d

look afterhave been to the

of the nnd

ropolltnn Meat Company will be opem- -cd this The buildings willbe nn upon onesstanding present In Iwllel, and

Bonid of hasthe company remove.

has telephone, electric lighting and electric

companies they must filetnt. government Inspector detail

one by the accident, only a sud- -

white men and .espectable native Evangelicalnnpral for VundsTo help

wnllnns. the revelation or small nu- - ,,,,, sock.ty Tlll. treulnt-l- s signed bymerlcnl support shown the recent j Atherton, Theodore Richards andfailure of two organs white Job, p, Jones.chasers, the of good citizens Civi, 8eIAce examinations for mallwho have gained n vote since a year rn,rt.rs, will be held nt the High Schoolngo last fall nil these things nre nun 'on Febiunry Sth. must be

looking Into by those who want, made to A. It Ingalls, thethe npxt election, to do whnt Is best not later than 4 o'clock p. m.the Terrltoiy.


The Honolulu Republican, which was refun(, to enJon UHe of thu 8t,eetsstinted nbout a and a half ago, uy Honolulu Rapid Tianslt

quietly nvvuy nnd was burled ji.my.on S.ittudny last. Besides owner jackles from the Mohicannnd his stuff there were mourners' ..ken to stntlon Satutelny In

the funeral, one sendflowers. occasion remindedthnt Joshua"The Homestead," In mind

nnswer to the Inquiry ofchum nbout "complaint"

Collins died,"There waien't complaint Ev.

bodyIf there was or

business pros-pects, business nchlevements, etc.. It

that the unlamented



very muchstreet











IIIlo who be-come









Superintendent Boyd




,,Kyear the Com-

passedthe TIlree

the nollcedid



,heet which has now gone to Its nut- - membersof U.emy 'and"nnvV:"ror

ural was hardly a fortnight , tne ,oceptlon be given the Gei-ol- dbefore It began of Its man consulate this noon. In celebration

circulation" Later It used the adjec-0- f the anniversary of Emperor Wll-tl- e

"enormous" In six months' time Ham's birthday. Everybody IsIt piogranimed a "Republican build-- ! attend.Ing," be constructed bo that the The Flrst congregational Church of"great machines" used turn oft the St. Louis Is endeavoring locate a"multitude of could be seen former member, Oliver who Isfrom the street a with tliou-- , supposed hnve been Honolulu asands of squnre feet for the "art room" of years ago. So far, no traceand Ilttlngs generally. All this "f "" "" l "ntl Tu ls be"tlme lleveel that he has gonethe Republican's actual paid clr- -

'New Zealand.dilation, employes declated, wasabout three (worth J2.'". per Bids for the construction of newmontli. less nii wninm. to m.iv ..hoe-si- . slaughter houses Knlllil by the Met- -

of the going of- -llclals others at Washington or topeople the other Islands. These tac-tics to delude fewmen ndveitlsed and wast-ed every nickel put In, the threehundroel clicul.ttlun being no meansexclusive. the did ly

Theie vv as deficit so tha




ettr- -

ltapld to todny,

pipit d.union









19 to


the lumber busi-ness





to NinthJudge





Inv Issued


which Health








bourne. It"large



to In

foulul- -

Japan oras

ntedition to




1 iu iuiuc-uhi- i r now coniesses maps showing the location all polesto a personal loss of over J10 000 which nnd wires, before March 1st. Thehe fondly hopes to get back by running' companies are nlo ordered removehis Job olllce the honored name of all poles or wires not In use.the Into Robert Orleve Even at thel j.ocai insurance agents are workedtime when the Republican, through over what they say Is anshady deal with the Home Rule Lcgls-'o- n the part of Mainland companiesluture, got a large amount of public! write Insurance over their beads.printing without bids nnd Its own 'the Hawaiian district, where they areprice, even then the monthly e'ellclt. ns supposed have exclusive agencies,a disgusted stockholder tells us, wasThe Honolulu Board o

ston tnls competition, have agreednever less flmn W. reglgn Ule nBcnCy of anyOne may easily Judge from the fnte tnat rites Hawaiian insurance at less

in uie iiepuuucnn nnei us congener, tha the local rotes. Such aVolcano, how small the numerical, nation ns proposed, the United States

strength of the white faction1 Attorney has held beIs. While the Journals whleh.ful.

represent good government and the m .. ..D ,,,. v 10 r,ir,commercial needs of the Islnnds have bound punahou last aboutbeen growing stronger month by month' dinner time, met with an accident be-nn- d

year by year, the Journals of the tvveen Pllkol and Keaumoku streets,opposition faction have had to let two One of the axles of the car broke, andout of their three accepted organs go1 the vehicle had to be abandoned. The

the wall, nnd the other Is In such passengers the car were compelledout' and ,ne car was tnrown ottunfortunate shape that It dare not let Bet

the newsdealers tell of Its sales. AH t'f ono 8l(le f the road' ,Therjh,!T05wSS.VSS.

wnicn the Itepubllcan and the Volcano. ,h ,n i... h.rr,. ti.. urna nnwent to leading pn- -pers" to the last.







illunlim lltir



D' nn residentDe-





on theon






H- - an



to nttalking


topapers" Buxton,






a'Up attempttoIn


tot(J company--

combl-th- e

anti-Dol- e District to

to evening

to onto

den Jar as the car was stopped.

Itching SkinI)htrrst by tlay nml ii'jjhtThiit'n tl'p ii:i) litiiit of tlioio

who lire ) iiiifortiinttc ns to heafllictol v.nh L'ciemu or .!i tlicum

ami out'..ir(l nppliaitnuis tlu notmru. 'j''iey tain't.

Tito Miurce of the trouble is inthe btnoft muku tlmt pupe nndthis Mulling, burning, ituliing fckin(iibiinso will (liippoar.

' I wns If len with an Itrliln; on myarms which proved very dlsngrecnble. Ieoncludtd It was salt rheum and bought a

bottle of Hood's Sarsapcrilln. In two diysafter I bexnu taking It I felt better and Itwas not long before I wr. cured. Havenever bad any skin dlenso since." MiibIda K. Wviih, Cove Point, JId.

Flood's Sarsaparlllaand Pills

Rid tho blood of till impurities andmitp nil oni tinn. TnVp tbein.


LYLE A. DICKEY. Attorney nt Lawand Notary Public, P. O. box T8S. Ho-nolulu, II. I., King nnd Bethel Sts.

II. HACKFELD & CO . LTD. Genera.Commission Agents, Queen St., Hono-lulu, H. I.

F. A. QCIIAEFER &. CO. Importersnnel Commission Merchants, Ilonolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

LEWERS & COOKE. (Robert LeweraI J. Lowrey, C. M. Cooke.; Importer3 and dealers In lumber and building materials. Olllce. 414 Fort St.

HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO Macninery of every descrltlon made torder.

The Famous Tourist Route of theWorld.

In Connection With the Canadian-Australia- n

Steamship LineTickets are Issued

To All Points in theAUnited Stateand Canada, via Victoria and


MOUNTAIN RESORTS:Banff, Glucier, Mount Stephens:

nnd Fraser Canon.

Empress Line oi siecrr.ers ircm vorccuver.

Tickets to All Points in Japan, ChinaIndia and Around the World.

For tickets and General informationapply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD.Agents Canadian-Australia- n S. S. Line,

Canadian Pacific Railway.


OF HAMBURG.Capital of the Company and

reserve, relchsmarks 6,000,CMCapital their reinsurance com-

panies 101,650,001

Total relchsmarks 107,650,01

North German Fire Insurance C

OF HAMBURG.Capital of the Company and

reserve, relchsmarks 8,S9l,OOICapital their reinsurance com-

panies 35,100,001

Total relchsmarks .. .. 43,830,001

The undersigned, general agents ofthe above two companies, for the Ha-waiian Islands, nre prepared to InsureBuildings, Furniture, Merchandise andProduce, Machinery, etc.: also Sugaiand Rice v lis. nrd Vessels In the har-bo- r,

agal ' io r damagt. by Are onthe most favorable terms.H. HACKFELD & CO., Limitftf

Castle & Cooke.LIMITED.


AGENTS. . .AGl-N'li- FOR

Rolond Mutual lire Insurotice Gi


En Life Insurance Company


Down AgainIn prices ls the markst to.dour and feed, and we folioIt closely.Send us your orders and tkt)trill b nild at the Iowmmarket prlco.The matter of I or 10 eeaunpon hundred pounds(oed should not eoncra rias much as the quality, apoor feed ls der.r at any prlt

We Carry Only the BestWarn you want the Beat Hajreed or Grain, at the RlfPile!, order from


Miss Horner of Hawaii Is the guestof Mrs. Austin.

ManiDura - Bremen Fire insurance Co

The undersigned buying been ap-pointed agents of the above tompmiyare prepnred to Insure rinks nvlnlfire on btone nnd Brick Building amion Merchandise stored therein on themost favorable terms. Tor particularapply at the olllce of


German Lloyd Marine Insur'cc CtOr BERLIN.

Fortuna General Insurance CiOF BERLIN.

The above Insurance Companies haveestablished a general agency heie, andthe undersigned, general agents, nrenUthorlxerl In. tnba .rlalsa nimln., .....v..w ,ono U(,uilia. Ulldangers of the sea at the most reason- -uuie ruies aim on tne most favorabUterms.

F. A. SCHAEFER & CO.,General Agents,

General Insurance Co. for Si a,River and Land Transport,

of Dresden.Having established an agency at Ho-

nolulu nnd the Hawaiian Islands, theundersigned general agents are authori-zed to tnllP Het.a ncrnlna. v.n .l..of the sea at the most reasonable rates"" ui cue mosi lavorauie terms.P. A. SCHAEFER & CO.,Agents ior the Hawaiian Island.







1 known to positively btopthe hair falling out.

s IT CURES s-i n

g Dandruff, Baldness, andb Alt Diseases of the Scalp, w

J, by destroying the microbe "f

p or parasite which causes uSail a




Pintsaand Quarts i





pi sole agents. 2&


The Bank of HawaiiLIMITED.

Incorporated Under the Laws of thaRepublic of Hawaii.


OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS.Chas M. Cooke PresidentP. C. Jones Vice PresidentC. H. Cooke CashierF. C. Atherton Assistant Cashier

Directors Henry Waterhouse. TomMay, F. W, Macfarlane, E. D. Tenner,J. A. McCandless.

Solicits the Accounts of Firms, Cor-porations, Trusts, Individuals, and willpromptly and carefully attend te allbusiness connected with banking en-trusted to It. Sell and Purchase For-eign Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit

SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.Ordnlary and Term Deposits received

and Interest allowed In accordance withruleo and conditions printed In paaabooks, copies of which may be had ooapplication.

Judd Building, Fort Street

CLARKE'S B 41 PIUSr.TPains in tha back, and all klndrad com-plaints, Frea om aUrcury. FstaMltlirlupwards af M yaaxa. In boxes) s.v to.each, of all Cfceailsta and PaUat Medi-cine Vendors throughout tho World.Proprietors, Tho tlaoola and MaSaaCount! Drug Oesapaajr, TlaiDa. as.

Page 5: 021' KT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/4424/1/... ·  · 2015-06-02nd giving formal notice of Intention to move for



METChinese Are Form-

ing HighbinderUnions.

YUP3 other tlmn Hie merchantSEE have organized n tone, anil

now the only element needed for

the sturllnB of a. highbinder war,to the most npprosed plans i

the Tacinc Coast celestial, Is a causefor action and some neio on the partof the actors. While theie a-- e some

merchants who lollee there It no oth-

er purpose behind the Yl Yee Tone,which opened Us quarters at Mauuakaand Hotel street last evening, the mem-

bers of the tons say it Is simply a ben-ellcl- al

association.The Yl Yee Tons starts out with a

room on the third floor of the luiltlii-- .

nt the place named, and the adJolnliiKbleeping and card rooms, which go tomake up the most nppioed club. Themembership Is principally of cooks andsome of the workers of other tradps,though the domestics piedomlnate.They are, according to their ownwords, bound together to take care ofthe sick or poor of their race. Themembers who were enjojlns them-selves at the club yesteid.iy denied thatthere was any oath or pledge to makethe fight of a brother a general one,and they Insisted that It was only thebeneficial plan which was thought ofIn the bringing together of the SeeYup young nien at this time.

The tons staita oft well, though thefact that theie a,ie few of the memberswho want to say anything about theorder rendered It Impossible to get holdof names or numbers. One member es-

timated that there imp 100 men In thetong to statt It off, and that the fur-nishings are all paid for, as are theexpenses of the Inauguration of thaw ork.

There Is a second meaning given tothe tong by some of those who eryeagerly deny that theie Is any Inten-tion to create a highbinder society outof the Innocent nppearlng beneficialleague. It Is contended that the realreason for the organization Is that thecooks and house bos of the city oredesirous of forming a labor union onthe basis of the other labor unions ofthe city, and the form taken has beenthis tong. That It Is composed onlyof the See Yup boys Is said to meansimply that the Sam Yups have now ntong, known as the Fook Lum, whichIs composed of the laborers from thethree provinces. Just as the new body isof those from the four.

The organization of this tong has re-

newed a rumor that there will bo nrtregular reorganization of the UnitedChinese Society, but a splitting up of theChinese of the city Into tongs, for thopurpose of taking care of the verysame objects which are aimed to beaccomplished by the United Society.This course has been talked of for sometime and the opponents of the consulhave threatened It as the last resort.There are several trades which mightbe organized Into tongs In case thecourse Is decided upon, and these wouldleave to the merchants tho same oldSan Francisco problem of keeping thegood will of all tho tongs by payingthem to keep tho peace.

Among the Chinese who discuss thamatter of the tongs getting a footholdhere, there seems to be a general Im-

pression that In the absence of meansof getting away from the Islands In ahurry, there will be little done with thehatchet. 'While members of the YlYee Tong say they are all good boys,others dwell upon the fnct that thereIs too great danger of being caught toInduce any of the tongsmen to takeup a battle. It Is alleged among ttuconservatives, however, that the con-clusion of the differences between theBow Wongs and the Consular partywould mean rather a fight than apeaceful ending.

The ins of tho United Society willhold their meeting with the merchantssoon, and there should be little timelost In bringing up their contest overthe Treasurer's decision.

Auction Salo of DelinquentSugar Stock.

ON SATUItDAY. rKimUAUY 8,1902. at 12 o'clock noon, at my oales-roo-

5 Queen street, Honolulu, I willtell at public auction, by order of theTreasurer, Mr. Elmer K. Paxton. thefollowing certificates of stock In theOlaa Sugar Co.. Ltd., unless the nine-teenth assessment, delinquent January20, with interest and advertising ex-penses, 'Is paid on or before the dayand hour of sale at the offices of theB. F. Dillingham Co. Ltd.. Stangen-Aval- d

building, Honolulu:Cert. No. Names. Shares

207 W. L. Wilcox SO723-4S- 7 Norman Watklns 8

1025 Louis S. Gear 251053 John A. Palmer 61267 W. F. Howard Pr. 10H36 Won Yook 41442 Mrs. Emma L. Crabbe 251490 Mrs. 8. L. Williams 2515S7 John I. Sllva 2517.17 Mrs. H. C. Austin 19

, 1975 J. L. Wheeler Jr. 2

ELMER E. PAXTON.Treasurer.

Honolulu, January 27. 1902. ,






nitllAKY'S war KaiserWilliam II, esterday received


the felicitations of his subjects re- -

siding In Honolulu on the occasion of Ilc8t reBnrd for tht. Gurman i:,I)0iorhis forty-thir- d birthday, though Hls( The guests were conducted thioughImpel lal Slajestj's consul, J. F. Hack- - the lower Hours of the building in thefeld. The new and magnificent Hack- -' CniL "'V"'., tho wo,k "lmost

finished. The Inside or the main nf- -feld building was formally opened. for)lLU pre,cntB H,)U.1U,,, .Amv., of ,.tho first time and to the guttural, teilor denotation nnd the vlsltms were"Ilochl Iloch! der Knlser," from thothroats of the Emperoi'8 faithful sub-jects, the consulate was dedicated, andHis Majesty's health drunk. From 12

until 1 o'clock hundreds of people pass-ed Into the building and congratulatedConsul Hnikfeld, who was assisted Inhis pleasant duty by Alexander Isen-ber- g.

The reception was held In thelooms in tho mauka end of the build-ing, the entrance being on the Queen-stre- et

side of the edifice. In the anteroom the consul greeted his guests andInvited them to rtartake of ohamnnirne. I

which was passed around by the cler-- 1

leal members of Hackfeld & Co. Thetoasts were always directed toward afine large plctuie of the Kmpeior,which hung on the wall opposite thoentrance, wherein the Kaiser was de-picted In full Admiral's uniform, stand-ing upon the bridge or the Imperialyucht Hohenzollern. The picture wasdraped with malic. Upon a table weresalads, cakes and sandwiches, andnear the center were two large cakesupon which were tho Imperial arms and


the Imperial and Prussian banners aln, Vlz.tvuna, Consul for Prance,fiosting From this room the guests r. A Sehnefer, Consul for .Mexico, Hwere Invited Into another but smaller Focke, acting Consul for Chile, I" Aroom looking out upon Queen street, Schaefer, acting Consul for Austria-whor- e

cigars and cigarettes awaited Hungaiy. It F. Langc, acting Consulthose who desired them. for Belgium, L F AIvart-7- , Consul foi

Among the first arrivals were mem- - Spain; H. W. Schmidt, Consul for Swe.bers the Consular corps and the, den and Norwnv; MIkl Salto, Consulhealth the heads of Germany and for Japan: Wcl Pin, Consul forPrance were drunk by the two local China; H. M. Holt, Consul for therepiesentaiives, consul Hackfeld forii,rrYinn ......nnil Pniiciil A ri,nn.,nHn ,.!...........j w.i iu, t I6M)UIIII 1UIrrnnnti Governor Dole and Ob'nsul

wero"lalsoYangthe corps,



The articles of incorporation of Pa-cific Heights Electric Railway Comranvuero with Treasurer Wright yesterday. Though tho articles givo Inklingof Incorporation Is thought to

forerunner of thn nronostvi rlpetrlnrailway to Pall.

Tho purposes of tho company briefare:

DUrchasn tlm PnHflc iTclirhiarailway.

acquire rights way for the cxten-slo- n

of that railway to Nuuanu andto Mount Tantnliw nlsn in npoints In the district of Honolulu as mayuo ureiuua expeuieni

To If possible franchise forthe conduction nrwimttnn nf

road as may thought advisible Insuch streets or In the district ofHonolulu as may approved by theGovernor and the Superintendent of Pub-lic Works.

To establish and maintain power plantspurposes of tho company, for

nrnilllftlnn.. rt Afa4.l....... . .ii.i." w .w.t pum wit-ter power as may desired.






In A.

ofof Yang



Frnnce nnd Germany would remain onthe filendly peace footing as at pies- -

f"1' ConHUl Y'1" W"' ")rou ""

loud In their praise handsomelyfitted steel aults with their hugedoors and complicated mechanism camein for shaie of Inspection, The newChamber of Commerce loom was alsogreatly ndmirecl.

During the cntlie reception lioui Cap-tain Uerger and the Hawaiian Handplajed Inspiiltlng Oeiman selections,and were applauded at the conclusionof each number. The following pio-gra- m

wns tendered.1. "Die Wacht am ilhcin."2. Overture (.label.)3. Selection, Geiman Marches.4. German Tattoo.r. March, Including "Die Wacht

Itheln."6. Germnn MelodiesT. "Ilfich Soli I.eben "

Among those present were Govern-or Dule, Secretary A. O S Hawes,

Dole and Colonel J.Super of the National Guanl of Ha-waii.

W. II. Hone Consul for Great I'.rit- -

Netherlands.Mnlor Dai is. Pnntiiln Klnlrnr rvir.cnlM

f cv.fTo furnish to others for hire electriclight and powerTo substitute any other power for elec-

tricity.To acquire renl estate and to establish

hotels and provide pi ices of amusementalong the lines of tho road.The compiny Is capitalized at JlK.ono,

wth privilege, to Increaiui tho stock toll.OOO.tCO. Tho principal portion of thestock, 1240 shares out of 12S0, Is held by

H. Deky, In exchango for his tothe Pacific HcIrIuh Railroad. Tho Item-Ize- d

statement or tho property transfer-red Is given, putting Its value at 1125,000.

Directors for the car are J. IJ.Atherton. l. Castle, H. p. Baldwin,A. A. Young, C. B. Desky, and JosephG. Pratt, who have elected tho followingofllcers: K. Dehky, president; V. M.Hatch, president; Joseph o, Pratt,becretary and treasurer; A. A. Young;auditor.

Each of the above nampd directorsholda hhare of stock In the now com-pany.

NEW WHOLESALE FIRM.Articles of Incorporation were filed yes-

terday by tho Wlnr Wo Luns fordialing In merchandise. Including tobac-co. The capital stock Is given at 115,000.The property and business of the com-pai- i)

In given as 126,181. Goo Wun HoyIs president and-Qo- o Woo secretary.

f Pierce, Dr. McAdory. LieutenantWei Pin, for China cock, Lieutenant Davis and Lieutenantpresent, the former toasting the Em- -' Behr, nil of artillery U. S. A.,peror. Consul Vlzzavona gave a Camp McKlnley. Captain Williamson,bilef toast expressing the wish that'fQ. M D.. S A., Captain J, P. Mer- -



It, the boa


To .lutriTo


obtain annrt anAh

a boroads


for thethv ..iK


VU- -





C. title





ry, commandant of the Naval Station,Captain Coudcn of the training shipMohican, and Captain Rodman of theIroquois

A.' S. Cleghorn, D. P. R. Isenberg, J.A. Kennedy, J. P. Cooke, Wr.iy Taj lor,J. O. Spencer, Y, J. Lowrle, J. Hopper,C. 1) Dole, J. A. I Kissinger, Murk Rob-Inso- h,

W W. Hull, W. O. Smith, L.Ahlff, Cajituln IltuKaw, Hetbeit Moss-nn- n.

Inspector of Rolleis Kehneis,Julge Whiting, .1 G Rnthvvell, CSchmidt J. L Ituckwell, Piancls Nich-ols, T E. Wall C M Cooke, P C.Jones, L AThuistcin. P L Unogs,Andlow Itinvvn Di Cojpei, S L Ruin-se- y

Geoige D ivies, T, ('live Davles, J.A Gllinuii, S M Damon, II A. Allen,W. M Girtard, .1 II Atherton, AliustonCainpbell, A. L C Atkinson, CaptainPuller, F. M. Hutch, T K. Lansing, PM Swnnzy A G.utley, J. A McCand-less- )

E T. HlaKe. I'aul It. Isenbcig,Poslmaster Oat, L T. Kenake. J. W.Short, George Angus, E. It Adams, O.C. Tiaphagen, Di IIofTninnn, E. ItMitli, J. Tain McCieu. Albert Runs, J.O. Cartel, Di. Einnisuii.J. F. Humburg,(' Du Rol, Captain Koteiizen, CecilDrown, Adolph Waldau-Reltl- g, FiedDamon, J. O'Connor.

The ship Agnes was the only Gormanl In poit, and the German colors

flaunted fiom evoij ard, ratline andmast. The Piench ciulser Piotet wnsdecked out In German colois, and withthe P. S. S. Mohican Hied salutes Inhonor of the Emperor. The U. S. S.Iioquols also displaced colois.

As the newh of the reorgan-ization of the German Emplie leachedHonolulu In 1871, the present Consulatewas oignnlrod, with T. C Heuck as thelepiei-entatlv- e of the German confed-eration. Refnre that time F A. Sehnefer icpresenieci tne Prussian govern-ment In Hawaii. J. C. Plleuger was thefirst consul of the German Empire. s

connected with Hackfeld & Co,and the consulate has remained withthat house to the present day. J, C.Glide was also a consul up to 1S83,when II. F. Glade took charge andturned the office over to J P. Hack-feld In 1S94.

M-H- 4-- f-- f 4-- f-f


It Was SUcucsca Lost Nint atMoutiuif of Mastnrs.

A meeting of the executive committeeof the Master Uulldeis' Associationwas held last night In the Elite build-ing rooms, nnu the proposed Hullclers'Exchange was fully discussed. Promwhat took place It looks us though the'Change will be a permanent featureafter the meeting of the builders, to beIn Id "n Pebruaiy n. The 'Change hourhas been scheduled rrom 12:S0 to 1:30evf dav In the buslmss veiek. Ti luanticipated that the Builders' Ex- -cliange win start in with nbout "B orICO inenibers, including the presentlncmbershlo of thi. MiimIup Ttiillili.ru'Apsoclntlon. i:very one who has pro- -

caisly belonged to an exchange else-- vaere Is most cordially Invited to

with the, local exchange.'T'

Judge Estee jesterday appointedTrunk L. Hatch, deputy clerk for thoUnited States Court. The new deputy, u, avtt jl wuwiv-iu- iiaiuil, CI1U wen I

knoivn San Jose, Cal , attorney, andceme to the Islands but a short time' I



January 15 -- M J Pavno nnd wife toM i" Peiii-i- Jr. one-hal- f Internet InIt P 3783. Kill Kt8, KoUm, Kuunl.Cmnldenllon, JIW

Tin Oahit College to i: o Keen, lot4 IiIih k 10. College Hills tract. Ilono-lu'i- i

onlut Consideration, Jl,0?0,.1 A Anthem and wife to A A T

Ai'lliou, Intel est In piece of land cor- -r Queen nnd Kimhuiimnii htreets,

Honolulu, Onliti. Consideration, Jl.A A T Atithon (widow) to M 8illinium it Co . Ltd, pliev or land

em ir Queen nnd Ktiiihumanu streets,IIiim) tilu O.ilui Consl.lenitlon, 150,000

L 11. Anthem nnd wife to A A. Tnthon, Interest In piece of land cor-- nr (.Miecn mid Knnhiimnnii stteeta,

Honciliilu, Oahu Cmislderntloii, Jl..loiiuai) ltl E. M. Iknlka to It

I lie. Interest In grants SS2 and lis,Mniioa Honolulu, Oahu Consideration,JK

W R Castle, Tr., to V. Rapose, por-- ta R. P 5700. Kill S521R, Kukuau 2,

1 1 Ho. 1 law ii II. Consideration, J200.Januaiv IS AUau, by iccelver, to J.

! e'emnkule, npnnn .17, It. P CC9I,Kul l.i;i, Kuilua, North Kiinu, Ha-waii Coiisldcratlon, 11,020

M A J Chaiiibcilaln to Tis On.huCollegi,NiiiiitIoii R. P 1911, Puunhoti,Honolulu, Oahu Consldeiatlon, J5.000.

S M PoteiiiKIn nnd wife to M. doFiellns. lot 11. Mock R. Villa Finnca,Hllo. Hawaii Consldeiatloii, J300.

Meridian, Pond As Co.. by tuistces,to E K Atheiton. lot 10. blcek 12, Col-lege Hills trnct. Honolulu, Oahu. Con-sideration. 11,700

P M Pond nnd wife to E S Ather-ton. lot 10. block 12, College Hills tract,Honolulu, Oahu. Consideration, Jl.

Knmnkahalkull (w.) to Mis Kin, In-

terest In giant 15S0, Mnhalula, Kona,Hawaii. Consldeiatlon, J25.

A. K Kekal and wife to J. A. Ma-goo- n

petition upillia 2. R. P. CSS, Kill.l'JT Kapiliunn. Honolulu, Oahu. u,

$1,500.20 P. If. Mahoe and wlfo to

.1. P Martins, six ncies In hul land ofI'lumalu, IKimnkualoa, Maul Consld-eiatlon, $10.

Knnuiimo (k ) to D. Ifcvilu. ct al , por-tion Kul 239.", Alcamal, Hilo, Hawaii.Consideration, $10.

K UatMipa and wife to J. Coiren, 3ncics land. Nleule ,'n Unit, Hawaii.Contldci niton, $lr0

Kuuuknl (k ) to J Cjrieln. poitlongiant 4091, Ahualoa, Hainakua, Ha-waii Consldeiatlon, J30.

R A Drummond nnd wife to J. J.Diiinimond, jilece of land, Nnhlkti,Koolaii, Maul Consideration, $100.

Junniity 21 L llaumiinn to Hoohokn(W ) et al, poitlon R. P. 4051, Kul. 9128,Knlllilwal, Hnnalcl, Kuunl. Consider-itlo- n,

$.'Win C Achl and wife to E

et ill , lot 34, block 3, Puu-n- ul

tiaet. Honolulu, Oahu Considera-tion. $211.

If English and husband to II. Hlrch,one-ha- lf R. P 6175. Kill. 11J2J, Kutnll-liiih- l,

Wnlehu, Maul. Consideration, Jl.II. N. Hire li and wife to Mrs. K. Eng-

lish, iipana 25279, Kul. 4149, Walehu,Maul. Consideration, $1.

Kahlkl and )ui'baiid to M. Jlnelra,iiimnil 2, R. P. 4103, Kul 5020, AValhee,Maul Consideration, $370.

List of deeds filed for record, January25. 1902:

FlistPaity. Second Party. ClassTrs. Oahu College C. R. Hemen- -

way DJanuary 27

O. Kalialvaulla A. de B. Madelios DKnalhue John de Rcgo I)Kiiknola Akana DN. A James E. D. Lance DEst. S. Kalwaola John A. lluck D

The old street curbs on Nuuanustteet, between Vlneard and Schoolstieets, are being replaced by new onesof stone.

Judge Estee and Clerk Milling leaveat noon today on the Klnau for Hilo,where they will hold a three dajs' ses-sion of rcdei.il Court They epect toreturn net Saturday,

Professor Koebele, the governmentc ntoiuologlst, has about 2,000 ladbugsfoi geneial dlstilbutlon. Tim Austra-lian blight, which has been attackingtin alligator pear and guavn, yieldsreadily to the hulybug. The blight Isnot dnngerous, and Is expected to dis-appear soon.


Honolulu, January 1502.

FAME 0? BTOUK. Cptl Vl lilll Ait


0. Browo? A Oj . 1.CU0 0CC la. 1CSN. Bnchs' DryQoodi

UO I.K1 bo (noIB. Kerr Jc Co., Ltd VOOUiO


tita ismfxti II '

lUw. Agrloaltnrikt (In l,uuu,uwnw. e;om. n nug uo ;,li,750HtwRllau Eaj&r Co. 2,cec,ooo i6l MHonoma iaUonokkk., 2,K0 WW

Iimkn too.ron 't ...Kkhnka tmtto II'J??!KIHotl'UD lie LI.... 2,HO,CC.1 "Jl liKlphaln IbV VW lOisKolcm WO.GOJ ICO

MoCrrdcH.Uo.Lt.... I.5J0.OU1 0OsDUttngtrLo S.cU",' 0' 81Onomct l.UJU.UW 22uokila IMJCW (OIHuiyt (Jo. I.Ur ) U2.6O0 tl

" 1'ild up I t.tMflCB ln uOlovulQ 160.000 HOV dM.hD Bsg.I'ltn.,t)r (,000.000Fnrlfio CWUJ "216Hi 7MUXI 1JPepnoroo . 7&0.U0U 170flOUCi! . 'J,(KjO,000 MlHoueer Mllll'o. Al.. UO.UW 63AklnlUA Kul on ... lJUC0 IIIJV.llnkf rou.rooWiirnuJo 131vrlm . . , , I'IOon

tJnutamr Co

rtllrterS. fi. Co'ntor.Iilar.il S. H. Uo wo.cw

eou.ucx 100



HiwRlUaBleelncuo MO.CW 07Hon Up Tr Ar.a.Cr ":MmnrlTelepbeoeCo (9,0000. Ii.dk L.L'i i.coa.ooc "to


Sf,wJ?,TtlPesntUlloE. B.Co.lperot 10Olion. R.T. A L. Co pt 1WIw PluntBtlon ( lie.O. B. L.. Co , 1C(0un Want, t01 Pl?.'f.e..:. iui

Ag. Co. t p, c 'ioi

BALES.Morning Session Fourteen Klhel, 111.Afternoon Session Blx Klhel. 111.60.lletvreen Hoards One hundred and

nlnety-tlv- o Mcltryde. ti; (1.000 Walaluabonds. 10t; six If. , T. b L. Co. J95.

Tim uirnifigcmifi'.illtA....l.f..t . , .klC hminim rcihiiici, lb wiKfH rtho n; pro'uli f c onsifntpV

tlnii, wliit li lias Vllletl rt'r)"ijK'npIo Unn war itml jx!j,llIfi ti eotrtiliusl, IL tells ofpa 'i I i In id, mho limp ,

vr. ,iK tl i.iats, lironnlilti,nnd pin in mnl.i. Do n '

V :iiff r niiulliir il.iv. It's uslcs, f r tin res a urn in tit utul

s.ifo c uri A euro for frci.li cftlclsunci nl I iuMs, easy cnilglis an'il'IiarclI'llllgllS

Ayer'sCherry Pectoral

It often cures a f resli cold In it slnglonifjlit, nad II misters chronic coughsand ImmililtU in a sliotl. time. Con-

sumption N certainly prevented, andruled, loo, If l.il.cu In time.

If nil body tells jmi that coiisnmjwlion cannot bo cured, tliuyain eorlalulymistal.en, for vo havo tlmiisauih oftheso cases lonortcd to us, nlisolutclyciiicd, and no mltako about It.

Put up in l.ugo nnd small bottles.Avoi'n Cherry Pectoral Plaster placed

dliectly over tlio tender, aching lungIn a great aid to tho Clicny Pectoral.

Prt?tmi I) Dr. J. C. tjc- - Co . Let ell. . U. S.

DRUG CO., Agents.


Should be In the pocket of every

wcaroi of a Watch.

Many yeura handling of Watthticonvinces us, that price conslderoa,tnElgin Is the most satJ'fuctaiy of Aie.crlcnn Watches.

Cased in

NfcUlc, Silver, Gold Filledand Solid Gold.

We have a full line and sell thtnj 'at

right prices.ELGINS reach us right.ELQINS reach you right.Elglns stand for what Is right In tm

keeping and lasting; qualities, and thatIs why we are right In pushing tsElgin Watch.


Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,USIITKD.

Firo and Marine Insurance A'gts.

AGENTS FOR THE)Boyal Insurance Company of Liverpool,Alllunce Assurance Company of Lon-

don,Alliance, Marine and General Assuraa

Cf T.f f nf T lintnnScottish Union Natlonnt Inauram

e.uuipuiiy oi cainDurgn,Wllhelma of lladgcburg General Inur- -

nnce Company, v

Associated Assurance Co., Ltd., of Mu.nlch and Berlin.

MetropolitanMeat CompanyNO. 507 KING ST.


Shipping and Famili



I. J. WALLER, Manaitr,

8klIn.haentdlalnate, V"& t0' H,1,,

MaTJXshlCn"3 PM,


KEW YOKK.LINEKegular line of Packets SailioRfrom New York to Honoluluat regular intervals.

For freight rates apply to ,

CHAS. BREWER & CO.,n Kllby tt., Boeton,

C. BREWER & CO., LTD. 'Honolpl u.

Students on the Protat,The bluflints of the St. Ixiuis College

will pay a visit to tho French enil.u- -I'rotet this afternoon. Tho lnd m k.accompanied by their teachers, and' lllhe Riven a speclaj exhibition of tV0 work-'- "

'ini?s In parts of the ship. Thero will be ,

a rehearsal of the Catholic band lhaoenlnff, and on Thursday cvnliiFuiha..iband will give a serenade to the 4htp;slfeolnp out In a tus;.


Page 6: 021' KT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/4424/1/... ·  · 2015-06-02nd giving formal notice of Intention to move for






Wahiawa ColonistsPrepare for

Future.farming In Hawaii was

SUALL a decided Impetus at anmeeting 01 Wahiawa

ntnnit K.aturday cvcrlr..? at which

lh 'Turmnr!' Institute Of Hawaiito npjioim nn uumniiiii.-e.--

required In organization of furtherInstitutes. It Is Intended to formbranches In nil parts of the Territory,nnd this work will be up Jmmcdl-Instltut-


T)e (,t.cr urltton Goveimr Dolewn) rpa, nt nlcellnK j,y jjrs t.KcjBtt(tji j,ls expression of conn-farm-

,n the qman fnrnier was heartilyret.eUo(1. A e0t0 ot thinks wis tender.e( nJJ(, Oocrnor nas nnhonornry ,llember.

PORAGE CHOPST prcimreil jy Jnrod ,.

gj oj c,n,,s- - n,i r,a(i

... .......- -

was formally launched. .Tared u. amiwi,director of the Agilculturalatatlon was unanimously elected I'res- -

Ident and he Is empowered to appointcommittees who will nrrange further

to be held In all parts of theTerritory. An Interesting fenture of

the mVtlng was the reading of a letterfrom Governor Snnford II. Dole, warm- -'

ljr commending the efforts of the smalland saying that the future or

the Islands depended upon the growthof a farming elass In these Islands,though predicting that this growthmust of necessity be slow.

visit to thi: colony.The following Honolulu people drovp

out to the Wnnnvvn colony rraaj u.euSaturday: Mr. T. P. Sedgwick, assist-ant director of agriculture, and MrsSedgwick, D. L. Van Dine, ProfessorHlgglns, Mr Krauss and Mr. Austin.Saturday the members of the pai tywere shown over the district by IlyionO. Clark nnd others of farmers ofthe community, and were both siir- -

prlsed and pic iscd ut the success vvhlrlihas already been attending the effortsof the Calif ornli colonists. IP to thepresent lime tne vvnnnwn uinnc--

hau been laboring under n greatnamely, lack of water,

and hie b n entliely dependent,upon rainfall, there being no Inlgatlon.Now. however. ery satlsfnctoiy nr- -

rancements have been made with the,. . , . , .,.. , r,n i I.I..I. ,l.rt

farmers of Wahiawa will secure all thowater needed, nnd tho greatest diffi-

culty will then be done away with. Intwo weeks time they expect to haveitnter in nbundance for every purpose,and at less expense thnn any farmingcommunity In the Territory I

The colonists have also had to con-

tend with the ncldlty or rawness of thonoil, and It hns cost In the neighbor-hood of fifteen dollars per aero to putIt Into condition for successful cultl- -

tatlon. The great distance from theirmarker with accompanjlng bad roadsla also n serious drawback, but If grao-in- g

was done, particular In two otthe worst gulches between Wahiawaand Honolulu, It would be a greit helptowards marketing their produce Inthis city The ravages of Insects Isalso a great problem, the methodswhich prove effective In other countriesbeing of little practical use in Hnwnllowing to cllmntlc conditions Year.s

go the tract now occupied by the Wn-lilv-

colony was a great sandal woodforent. nnd ns late as lhTI It was stillenvejed with these trees I'p to thetime tho colony took possession It hadbeen used as a stock ranch, and It re-quired a great deal of time and laborto clear the Innd for planting. If thofarmers receive the proper encourage-ment In Honolulu they will attempt tosupply the entire market with freshvegetables The one trouble In thepast has been that thelrsupply of prod-uce could not be continuous becauseof lack of vvnter, but the Irrigation

to n fine field datrjing.SUCCHSS WITH PINEAPPLES

The eiop of the colonv Is thepineapple, and a givenover Industry, which beingconstant!) The present conditions there not the shipment green fruit, and arrangements

been for on ex- -'

tensive scale Hawaiian andCo hns plants In one

plantswere all very

with nppearancethe Invitations

by colonists doubtaccepted many

...c was ne.u inhome Clark, was bynearly every the colony. It"was have the fTTeetlng

made this impossible,hospltnllti was gladly

was opened with prayerbefore

severulgiven. The piano

by the MIssjs vocal

WWt,' jM.n,-- ,ir

Mon by Mr BrdgMck nl thi HnglnRof "America," by nil the tnrinliT Kit'thr niprtlnc nn nlr of Infonnnlliy whichII In th" intention to rtiltlvntP nt nil thoInstitutes to be held In the future

Mr Sedgielrk the meetingpropvr, by n brief outline of the workIt Is Intended do In these Instituteslie illil not think they nhouM be tooformnl hnve innny olllcers, but


takenby Smith.


hp P.nn,i


,,1(? elected

,Tornf.e by







It wns better to have lens mnrhlneryana ","lv practical exchnnge of views.All thnt Is needed lit n plnce where allcou,d come together nnd relate theirpxperle-nre- give farmer thobenefit both nnd surreiscs.He wanted all the farmcri to tuke part

to help organize the head of thefarmers' Institutes, hoped that thefirst branch would be formed at W.vhtnwa.

The Partners' Institute which beat the head of all branches In the Ter-ritory wns then organized by the elec-tion of the following otllcers:

President Jnred G Smithnt T. 1" Scdgtvlrk.

Secretary Treasurer D L- - VanDine.

Mr. Smith was unnble to bebecause his attendnnce at anotherngrlculturalmceting and his regretswere presented by Mr. Sedgwick. HehnSi howecr, consented to asPresident. Uy vote, the rresldent was... ., ...

., ,. D, . n,i.dltl ni to the Interest the program

Mr. Smith dwelt upon the Importance!forage plants to agriculture and the

extension of their cultivation. Ho saidthat the clover plant was thp best forthis purpose 1IW lUIHlllVII very entertlnlnK,y Ul0 hMory ,)f various forage,,,jnK aaImT tlmt t,,e nunifa was cul- -

that,, by the nomans at Last twollllm,rC(1 Jcar, berore tho comrm,nco- -

met of ,,, ctllHtlan era, Healso to their feeding value, tho compar-ison of the use of fodders Inlatlons and Its fertilizing aluos

The of decadence In the agri-culture a country Is maiked by thedecreasing acreage deoted to tho,.. 'n,n m,i,in" .11 " ""hv ,.ti.. i.u jut......tlon of forage crops," said tho speaker,"and their use upon the wherethey are grown, becomes, then, onothe best agricultural Hut Ingrowing nnd feeding tho forage crops,as In nil branches of farm Indus-- Itiy. It Is necessary to use those plants,which will give the leturnH forthe lenst given outlay In the shapefertilizing elements removed fiom thesoil."

most and Importantplant Is nitrogen according to Mr.Smith, nnd leguminous crops are there-to! e the best for cultivation. Alfalfa,be ins, etc., are the most ofthis the paper, Mr VanDine re id: "There Is opportunity for agreat .saving by Americanand hence a gi eater profit, Ifous crops can be extensivelysubstituted for thoe les feedingand fertilizing value. There are le-

guminous crops which jield as heav-ily ns the better hay glasses and whichrequire no gi eater care attentionThere Is ns wide a range of v.ulotlesadapted to all the vnrtng conditionsi f temperatures, soil climate. Ifby u-- of clovers, sny, hoan,m ti lies, cow peas, and v civ itheans. the ( ost of producing pork, bei f,mutton, nnd ibeesecould be lessened by ever so little, theaggregate gain to wholepopulation nnd the at largewould be enormous."

ruTum: plans.It was decided at the meeting to hold

that time

nn.MAP.KAiiLi: cuui: choup

A Little Pov's Life Snvd.1 have n few to say legardlns- ' " "' , L"".""..,"1.?7;1, c'annot prJ.i '".t enough.1 1

OUKi,t a bottle of It from A. K. Steere,Goodwin, S. D . U S A. and

Ltd. agents for H. I...'JOHN DOIV IN

Port-n!n- o jears ngo toda) died tworHt'ves In the ltfal professionrr ., ...1 - , ..- - ... .. - .

Those nam- .el,., i,P..ed In crlmlniil proceedings as pledges to

A curious lncldi nt happenedat tho trill. In 17:4, of Units l(ou-snr- lfor tho murder of his wlh. Among otherpleas In bar to and abati ment of the

he pleaded "that tin re were nosuch ptrconn as John Doe and ItlelinrdItoe." To this It was repliedwcro two such perronn In ex. onea weaver, tho other a roliller, and thisfact was sworn to Till, legal fiction wnabolished on October 21 is':. LondonChronltle.

problem Is now solved, and there vvlll.nn Institute every thiee months, thebo no further difficulty on that score, place of meeting to be chosen by theBecause of the limited market each President. At the next meeting defin-nia- n

will bo forced Into special faim- - lie papers will be read along lines toIng, and this Is already being done to bo announced later. The financial side

extent. of the Institute Is not to be consideredThe alligator pear Is doing well and for the present, but this will also bo

the peach trees nre also In line condl- -' taken up soon, and nn ffort will betlon Prom experiments made by tho made to extend the work ns nndcolonists It has been found that toma- -' .is i.ipldly as possible. The Wnhlawatoes, egg nnd peppers could be funnels will doubtless prep ire to par-ma-

staple articles :or shipment to the tlclpnte In the ngrlcultural to becoast The stock there appears to bo held In the drill shed on July nnd nndoing well, nnd there Is nlso thought Institute will be held In Honolulu at

be for

principalhuge acreage Is

to Isextended

do permitof

have made canning anThe Prult

Plant f.0.000







hlock, and harvested last jear 0000 I got home with It the poor baby couldpines of a very superior qualltv Their hardly breathe. I gave the medicine usoutput this year will be between 20000 directed every ten minutes until heund 30,000 pineapples The Hawaiian ''brew up," and then I thought MirePineapple Canning which wns Kolng to choke to death Wecently organized, has already planted nd Jo pull the phlegm out of lit,

on lt,intiSsBnr JiMS;an even larger sclae A third companv ot cough medicine, my bov would notIs now being orpanlz'J there, which Is be on earth todaj Joel Demont.as the Tropic Prult Co. nnd wood, lown Por wile by nil dealerswhich has over 300 acres and will set nnd druggists llenson. Smith x. Co.out 100,000

The visitors muchpleased the of thefarms and hearty

the will nobo times In the future







Mr Sedgwick was given samples of the V IHe e"and h.rt noe. I'oreua,soils for ana ysls. part of which are their connection P.opc ,ybe forwarded to Washington nnd part .had brcn hiuI peculiar Ifwhich be added to the collec- - Smith wished to eject Jones, n

ut the experiment Station came John Don, thp plaintiff, and JonesTHE INSTITUTE. was compelled to In the legal com- -

mi. t. ....... ..v.... . .... . ... If,,y by becoming lllchard Hoe. the dc- -iH.muiu, vwiicn meof Mr. attended

member ofIntended eo nt

the schoolhouse, but the lack of light-ing facilities nndthe of Mr.accepted.

The meetingand the actual business wastransacted enjovablenumbers were duet

Clark and selec- -
















The valuablefood

valuablesort. Closing




wool, milk, buttci

tho farmingcountry



of whin








to, withextensive

of will Smith




--effct. 'f -Vfi-W-- te ,




Honolulu, Jan. 21, 11)02.

To tho Farmers' Institute, Gentlemen:

It is with great pleasure that I have learned of your inten-tion to organize a Kunnern' Jnsiitut upon 11 permanent bairIt in an cnlerprio which, if pernevcringly conducted, cannot failto be of great benefit to the farming intcret-t- s of tho Tenitory indNtinction from htigar plantint; intcre.tp. Your success willdoubtlis Blimnlate the formation of similar asgociations inother parts of tho island".

I notice in tho newspapers pome doubt expressed as to thepracticability of profitable farming in tho Territory. I have nodoubt on the subject: and it is by such organizations as farmers'institute", intelligently nnd enthusiastically earned on, that thebticcess of divor-ifie- d agriculture will be most effectively promoted.

I recognise the probibility that general farming hero mustdevelop slowly. Individuals hre and there will succeed Ixkmuhc

of intelligent and skillful cultivation of the soil and a rarcfultitudy of the maiket". Farmers' institutes will promote such fcultivation nnd such study of the markets amongst the wholefarming fraternity.

1 need hardly remind you of the extent lo which our polit- - Jieal future depends upon the growth of a fanning class in theso T

living on, and making their living from their farms.If we fail in tbis, and the agiicultural work in the Territoryshall be confined to large estates cultivated by a floating element --fof cheap laborers having no interest in the soil, the prospect of X

building up a citizen population of it conservative and intelligent -

character will be poor indeed. f1 wish to call vour nltcntion to the intention of the Govern- - I

nient to hold an exhibition of agricultural, horticultural andHor.il products in the mthith of July of this year, atid to inviteyour membeis lo compete in such exhibition.

1 wish your enterprise all success.Very sincerely.

PANFOItD n. DOLF.r 4 - M

sSUGAR:- 4- -

The Washington Star has the following,

Senator Dietrich of Nebraska, whennsked today for an expression on thequestion of the United States aiding



American Their



fffThus far, disposition seems

lroicci theirent. threatened,

clear reduction

There conflictingsettled

hearings subject'soon commence,

supposed, said,Committee,

rm:icE bihde,

Arrlval Hawiu,fta CBiobrlUe8

m"u,' I'"1"0"01'' "eiievoconsiderable

domain.Intention upon Prcsl- -

Hoosevelt and ask him personallyInfluence their cause.

oimer Queen LUIuoknlanl Wash-ington she accompinyrelatives

that sheriff

!1,a,t3 tM" mindbrought

,tl,,.e1,1" Sufh rourso nersistentlvfavorably both

morals mater'alMaul

New Oil Vessel.SAN PltANCISCO. Jan

Company Los Angeles,having built Oakland largestfour-mast- barkentlue ever

Plans call craft

government by reduction prudent pionounced make-o- ftnilff tobacco and sugars, will commend legislation to

bate sugar nnd tobacco plantcis, protected Industry thiscountry. Some rock-ribbe- d pro- -

There strong sentiment being tectionlsts that committee nowworked by sugar trust and opinion reduction tariff

tobicco Interest that older ban sugar undo dlsnd- -

laid Cub should make large vintage one, tho contraryupon raw sugar tobacco, for the general welfare.

aiding Cuba concerned attitude tho western delegationsseems to the not, therefore, constiucd threitcngovernment has been most generous split republican The

nnd, Piatt nmcudmenl tlslon renehed Wnjs and Meanshas practically plncod disposal Committee expected biscd upon

Cuba niniy nnd our navy, sound pilnclples public likelythat amendment having ngieed put tho Indorsement westerndov. nny insurrections, nnd protect dilegntlons, expla'nnblo to

against anj foreign This, constituents.'naturally, compels United The Michigan delegation, meetinggovernment consider extin held lute esterdiy afternoon, adoptedchnrge keeping stnndaid the following resolution:our niniy anil navy. "That we, tho Mlchlgin members

n:V WOULD IIIJAP UHNCrrr. thn House Representatives"As benefiting Cuba by making Stntes Congress, unitedly

material lediietlon upon sugar, endeavors sustain sugarthat sugar trust and industry Mlch'gan throughout

planteis will reap tho benefit, United States, thnt will resistthan Cuban people attempt calculated Injure thisSomo advocating that dustrv."

rebate should be given Cubanplanteis upon bugais Imported tothis country. I am opposed that, be-cause itbUe would find wayinto tl.e .and., ot sugar i ust

it,to nsi. ,

Is and. I









r4 -

to be to,e mm. uue wmo i

If bo It Isa... i u

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toIt Is It Is


u, eya

Is to cnll

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of Islands

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of Is

rt ., i - it .,., i.. .. 1.11. i I

non or te- - up,


to ofot

' Is a ofCu- - a on

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So as Is It 'I he otme Is to a

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iwilt. II will KelklJ .(ill ii 11' 1111; '

beit sugar Industiv of fils country. GtncoRO.has bein undertaking to l """ 10 Princeseason by selling sugar1,.

in localities beet sugar Kawannnnkoa. accompanied partyIndustry Is now established at of relatives, passed through Chicago

below cost of pioductlon. today en route to Washington to urgeK:r;l 'n " ingress topioduct. Is 9.1 per cent. In ther .""nrd them crown lnnds ot Havvnll.word", In selling refined1 he lands prlncMirnr. of Is fot tho relatives claim n.s belonging toterlal and mil J7 for th leaning. I nP1 f,v,nll' "V" lsT ,,,le Vn,occ,u"

favorable li proposition l,et' ground of Hawaiian Islands.'make icbate upon bUgnis nanr?, nluoUnt 'nl,'lo"s of l,olla";cos fioni Cuba, w hither be J5 CO thc', ual zo, that Congress will

cent, but Insist that It shall bo not recognize their light to thetumid over to Cuban government.to be usM by and not turned ovoi

the planter-!- , Is belli advocatedi .1...1... ... i.o ,i.i,..art.i .,u

nie.uilug" that lebue must apply toall kinds of sugai, Including the relined product.


KHS."A nlinte given to planters Cu-

ba would not only be nn Injustice to thogrowers of sugar and tobacco In this




ountr, but would wngo an Injustice lo gone to work in to Ho-a- ll

other n itlons producing and no'niu of of Maulwith ns


onto that Mc-tur- e,


do Now Cuba In- -pendent nation.

States have no right pa ITountyor rebate of particular Indus- -

tiles or thatDietrich's stnte

beet factories wcro builtgiven deal of study,not only United States, In for-- e

countries, vherc beet Is pro-duced. as Senator Diet-rich went to aciiunlnt himself

conditions pertaining to Indu-stry

TO SUCAItSevernl western Stato delegations In

Ilouto nro pnii irlng to defensive against possible threatened Inroadsof foreign sugar producer upon

beet sugar Industry.present e (Torts moro In

n line-- ,

to a don'tholler they but

to make a neces-sary

Mlili'Kan and CaliforniaInltlnttve, those exten-sive!) Interested In growing

others, Wisconsin, NebraskaI nd Kansas probably

4- -

- f

the.uiii-i- j uivy nu

interests or constltu- -they not

made thatv.u..L... ........growers.upon mis point, winch will

mi; .,,-- , miMiu -- '""ttresult of tho on

not to hetho and Means with


mat u!x" G,a1nl,t,, portionofrptlielr old


Innow and will

White House.

Vagrants on maulNow the high tho

"3 '""nrlKi district nngibpar, every

.r1loar ,Qt agrnncy

pursued react verywie anil lute-rest- s

Maui Now

TheUnion Oil

at theon

the Pacific Coast.ai

the Cubanri likely

h nnybaid tho

are ofthe tint of Cu-

ban withoutany but

duetlnn andfar

that United StatvSthin the ranks.

tho by thothe

our policyreeelvf of tho

nnd easilypowers

the Statesthe


ot thoUnited

law my best the beetopinion the nndfew andlather tho anv



Tho trust .Inn Davidtlilt the pastthe where the by a

pilcesway the

theJ100 worth of which the nnd his

5M that raw ma- - theu"

,nm the to theand tobac-- ,

It ot'per




the of

has earnest ridsugars vagrant", the sheriff




eon that



w'th tho


aj-e- nature

tpbefore are

loud outer)

theStates being moro

wll join forces.

.w m.uinro claims

la the


Qf at
















deep. It Is Intention toIt ns a first-cla- ss oil carrier, nnd Itwill have capacity 15,000 barrels,which Is conslelerably more than halfa million gallons.

The of. the will be madeup of .ten bulkheads, withhatches. A complete electric plant,with storage furnish ener-gy heavy pumps used In loadingnnd discharging cargo.

Interesting feature newIs It v;ilt be rendered

emptying of severalbulkheads screwing ofcov


IN mWhat Has Been Do-

ing on ValleyIsle.

.,,,,maui, Jan. 25. Last Ma--,,,k.iwm, i.iinmrv Knrii.iv t...i.i .w


JMTccesful meeting In months t0 a"d ' kaow thnt tno P1,ls "0 a.

"".succtssful both In rgnrd the large valuable medicine kidney com-- T

number of people In attendance, nnd plaints and especially for a lame back."Interesting and vUuclous entertain- - Is there anything stronger than

."'"nt. .homo testimony? Tho following areThe large nnd pretty parlors at tho some of the results and Indications or

rcMdence of Mr. and Mrs. D. O Llnd- - kidney disease: Pain In the back, aX'rny, of Pala, were filled to overflowing ,,l.w.th MaUawao and SprecKelsvllle peo- - YnW?n"n&m?,d5B

pie, wno applauded number ofthe following program:

Piano Polo Miss Clara Ixiwrle.r.irce. "Truth," with the following

enst: "Putli," Miss nva Smith, "Mrs.Worldly," Ml-- Cooledge; "HridBet,"

o. Aiken, "Mr. Timmer," D. c.Lindsay; "Mr. Twaddles," D. Morrison '

'ir- -

Duo, nnd Mandolin-- """...,

Mrs. George Wilbur... Ma .Vrnttv Mnlilf.n ' .,

.- .....w, ..,! H.U..., .au.i. v- -roooin.

The Inst mentioned wns rendered bydouble qunrtet, consisting of Mrs. 1'.r. Haldwln, Misses CooledRe, Kn nnd

Kthcl Smith, Messrs. Lindsay, Aiken,Mcl.ane and Morrison. It was sung incostume, and crented much amusement,

POLO GAlir.During Saturday nftcrnoon, the 18th, '

a, large number of Wnlluku nndKpreckelsWlle peoii'e, drove in carriagesto Kahulul, to nttend the first pologame ever plajed there, nnd a special

(tinin brought the Mnkawao peoplefrom Pain. Owing to the Inexperienceof the Walluku plivers It was decided

, to divide up the Mnkawao nnd Wal-- !luku fours, Messrs. L. Tdmpskynnd W. O. Aiken, of Mnkawao, plajlngwith Mcsrs. Ault nnd L P. Crook,of the Walluku club, Messrs P. P.

.Baldwin and D. C. Llndsav, of Malta- -'wao, with Messrs W. II. Coinwell Jr.nml .T.wTri.rn nt WntllllMI

A ,,cnvy--

hnower tlurin!T hie early nf- -ternoon iendoiod the andy groundoly Hi0ppy nln sllppeiy. Despite this

advantage a most exciting contest I

placethe score stnndlng C goalsin favor of Von Tempslo's siae

untu ono of pr,,ors (Aiken) vvas'' ,,0rinnnently disabled being Inthe pe liv a Inrrp ball uf sanel

a ponj's hind foot. After this mishapthe were considerably changed,Messrs. Weller, Geoige Cummlngs andothers plnjlng.

TEACIinnS' MEETING.Monday afternoon, the 20th,

tencheis nttended the monthly meetingheld In tho Makav!to schoolhouse. Theleading of acts from the "Mer-chant of Venice" pioved most Interest-ing, us well us the lesson dm botany,by D. D. Ualdwln.

the afternoon of the 21st ' thestockholders ot the TelephoneCompnnv held their annual meeting ntPala Planntlon nndthe following otllcfis: II. P Ualdwln,president D. Lindsay, vice presi-dent: i: 11 C.arle, treasurer; S.Nleoll, ficrctary, nnd W. O. Aiken, au-

ditor. The report of the tie.ihUrerthe most favoinblo one ever pit"-cnte-

The compmy hns been p.ajlng l1 perrent per month dlv idends since lastApt II, and the nintket ofstock is quoted at pjr Miarc, be-ing par.

CIIUUCH TRUSTEES.riililnr? nvpnlncr nf the 22d the

church soc!et of the Pain Foreign'Chuteh held their annual meeting anddec and the following of--

II. P. Ualdwln, presidentbo.'"l of tiustces, D. C. Lindsay, y,

V.". S Nleoll, treasurer, and It,P. Engle, nudltoi.

Mil. LOWHIE'S P.ESIGNATtON.Last week witnessed some changes

In of the Hawaiian Commercial nnd Sugnr Companj's plantation,geneially known as Spreckelsv llle.J. Lowrle resigned position as man-ager, and was succeeded by II.Ualdwln, the president of the company,who felt It was his duty to the direc-tors nnd stockholders to give per-sonal supei vision to bo largo and Im-portant an enterprise as that ot thePuunene bugar estate; especially In a

so grnve ns tho one occasionedthe icslgnntlon ot a mnnnger ot

such well known nblllty ns Mr. Ivowrlo.H D. Ualdwln will retnnln ns assist-

ant Manager. Fiank P. Ualdwln,head luna of Pala plantation, will bi-co-

head of Camp 1 section, ntSpteckelsvllle; other two headlunas, C. Cluistolfetson nnd II. Ander-son, retaining tlielr present positions.

Mr nnd Mrs J. Lowrle nnd MissClara Lowrle, who depart today forHonolulu, will bo missedpeople, as they have always manifested keen Interest In social ofthe Island, nnd have frequentlymost enjojable toclnl affairs.

Wns cnuseu uy ncuie pneumonia unu.apoplexy.

James Alalia was a half-cast- e, ofChlni-s,- . nml Iliiwnllnii descent, born

'and bred In Mnkawao. an bon- -,.ut uiirlirht In business elenl- -lugs, nnd universally respected In theMukawao community. left conslderable property. A w Idovv nnd threelittle daughters survive Thefuneral tinik plnce from the MakawaoCatholic Church during the afternoonof the 23d.

C5LHE CLUB." iv tvnuih ii irn: txiii, tuu nv- -

tob.ireo which wo nre tridlng. It lioild at once follow the work, so far TVMI-'- J'"-"V-- ul.au.would ccrtnlnlv l.u resented by oa- - Miul Is concerned Special instructions

lions ' should be Fent each of his deputies' On the 2Jd, James Alann. thirty-thre- e

turning th's rebnto into and to the pol'co them to round up cars of ago, died very suddenly attreasury the p.oplo of tint Island will "cry vagrant Maul, and lr tho Makawao home. sudden. In fact,tuke the icbponslblllty for Its uxpendl- - are willing to go work at once, Ills demise, Dr. P.

and. if thej deem It directly ,lu" should bo put to work the gov- - Conkey made a post-morte- m cwamlna-nl- d

the of tolncco and sugir, ' ornmenl Nothing leads to crime so read- - tlon on the 23d, nnd declared that deaththo so

hold that thoeither

to an) tho

Mr. is where thesugar Insthe n great

In the butIgn sugar

long ago 100




thoof throwing out picket

nHrmish They want,' hurt"read)

are taking

beet sugarthan und



yet of the





.- -

for a


.....rthamelm Glee chargethe build



power, willfor

theAn the

thatby the

and up theers.

innnyto for




'Toll fmm




tooklo fii

bv bitand








value tho$20 $10


tedfleers'- -

the staff







much by Maul

a the life

He wasninn. hli



the hisIdlers



?: Club, under the of







letln andquartets) most excellent, nnd wasmuch appreciated by the audiencepresent. Trlday the sing- -ers gave a at Maunnolu Semirary. In honor of the girl students.

PERSONAL.It Is reported that P. A. Alexnnder.

head luna nf Hamakuapoko, will soonberomc head luna of plantation.

Mr. and Mrs. Mistguests of Mrs. sett, of Makawao,

Weather Very cool and dry.


Anil llic Utlrcti Ik on Ihu hpot lo(..tiiilliiu It.

Tho reader of tliU must conttdo twoI ui pur Lint point flrt, that which fo-llow, haWtig taken place in Honolulu,au easily bo lnetlg;Ucd and proved

to bo uue; scvoud, there U a vast dif-ference between opinions publicly

by a resident ot lluuuhilu InHonolulu local papers and tho oplu-lo- ns

dally met with In the same papers'columns which were originallyIn or Montana. Head the fol-lowing:

Mr. S. Hanoland, of this city, Is &

Custom House guard. Ho writes:"Having been afflicted with nn achingback for somo time. I urocured a suo--

'ply of Dopn's Backache Kidney Pills& Holllster & Co.'s store, and used,i,m The results wore most satisfac- -

w....., uv. "'-- . ".,(resuess leenng, Temper lrritabio,.sparks before tho eyes, sounds in theears, throbbing of temples and ears,headache, nervousness, palpitation ofthe heart, heavy feeling In tho back.fainting spells, cold extroinlties.rheumatism, bad taste In the moutli,

Pediment In the urine, etc. It you haany of these symptoms they, should ue

'taken In time. '. fc.,.......itnnn'n ."..a.AH tiiii" iJntivuuiiB rvmuey jriua liraFold by nil druggists and storekeepersat CO cents per bos (six boxes $2.50) orwill be mailed on receipt ot price bythe Holllster Drug Co.. Ltd.. Honolu- -

, wholesale agents for tho Hawaiianrounds.







I Newsk

For the Ladies i

When a lady wants a real prettypleco of furn'turu the knows byexperience that wo will give herbetter valuo than nny other deal-er, and sho knows we advertiseonly new goods. Wo seldom men-

tion an thing about bargains, be-

cause stock Is to excellentand the prices so cheap that woould hardly make them cheaper.

If at any wo should hintthat an thing wo offer Is some-thing extraordinary In tho wayof a bargain ou may depend onIt to bo bo.

Hero Is something handsomennd the price Is ns low as suchan elegant pleco ot fumlturo canbe sold. It consists of a goldenoak

China Closetwith glass shelves and mirror ofbest quality In back. Tho closetIs highly polished nnd will pleasethe most fastidious taste.

We have some other pieces ofdining room furniture of unusualbeauty In

Director' Tableswhich aro extra long and willseat fourteen or fifteen people.They como In golden oakchairs to match.

I J, MOP? & CO.Leading rurnlturo Dealers.

5 Coiner King and Bethel Streets.


Dies Unannounced and Its Flaco isTaken by a Bulletin.

The Republican, n morning spa-pe- r

published for something moro thann year by Judge A. S. Humphreys,censed to exist Saturday. The deathwas unannounced, nnd the end camethrough Inanition. It is understoodthere will be proceedings on the partof the majority Mockholder to fore-close under debts owed him, so as towipes out the stock of those who trust- -lngly Invested with hits.

paring for a Sunday Issue.There to havu been a meeting of

' stockholders of the Robert GrievePublishing Co., Saturd ly, but no .stock- -holder other than the majority oneshowing up, he adjourned himself forthirty days.

T. A. Lloyd has elected treasur--.er of the Elks' society, to Oco.

1Ashley, resigned.


Prof. Chnrlcs King, gave a concert at! Uetfore the Republican wns decentlyPala Hall. The musical program ren-- , burled the staff had gone to the Uul-der-

by the sixteen singers (four that evening paper was pre- -was

On morningconcert

PalaHerbert ure









Page 7: 021' KT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/4424/1/... ·  · 2015-06-02nd giving formal notice of Intention to move for



Another Tender to'the Bishop

Estate.(from Saturday's dntl.)

Thr eheck from tho Un'tcd States totin! Iilaliop Kst.itu In nf the lam!londcmneil for tlio Pearl llarlior mnl(..atlon lias been withdrawn and Insteadtlio nmount, 5:,T37.tO, in Bold will betenderi-- today. Tills Is to bo ilono Inorder that there may bo no question ottho Intention ot the United States, uponappeal, to tako tho land. That amountor money In cold will make a ratherformldablo package. Estlmitlns anounco or cold as worth s'xteen dollars,the total weight of tho coin to bo offeredto tho lllf-ho- Kst.itu will bo about twohundred pounds.

Tho tender will be made today omclal-l- y

lb tho lllshop Estate, and not to Unit-ed States Clerk Malins. ai had been donowith the check previously. Captain Mer-r- v

has requealid that a meetlnt; bo heldof tho trustees of the Illshop Estate "at

hlch ho will make a formal tender ottho gold. Tho trustees hao agreed tomat hlin todm, thouRh the offer will notbe accepted. Tho transcript of cv'deneuIn this easo Is now beliifr prcpired forsubmission to tho Ninth Circuit Court ofApjtals at San I'raneKco.


Wado Thajer, trustee In the bankrupt-cy matter of C. T. Amini, Ins filed Inthe United State- - Court an oltih of com-promise with Hlshop &. Co for theirclaim of $1300 It appears tint Amanupt'd to UIsliop A. Co tho sum of JSOO

within four months of the date of fllliiRthe bankruptcy petition, but under thobankruptey act such pimetit Is llkgal,In tint It Is a discrimination againstother creditors. The trustee was prepar-ing to sue for tho recovery ot thisnmount when a compromise was suggest-ed. Bishop &. Co. agreeing to piy backISM ot tlio amount collected, and relin-quish all further claim against the bank-rupt. Trustee Thaer advises that It Isto tho Interest of thu cnditois to acceptthe offer.

Tho commission appolntid Thursday touppralse tho property of J. T. Schneider,bankrupt, filed their report jisterday,plue'ng upon the estate a alue of J2C0O

A NEW CITIZEN.Francis J. Uehr, a former Mibject of

Ilmperor Wllhelm of Germany, took thoath of citizenship before Judge Kstco

jiwterday His qualifications were con-sidered excellent, In th it they consistedof discharge papers showing three years'kervlec In tho United States Army InCuba, and tho Philippines, and also acommission In the army as lieutenant.Tho Court considered tho dOLUmcnts suf-ficient proof of tho willingness of theuppllcnnt to fight for his adopted coun-try. Lieutenant Uehr Is now stationed atCamp McICInley.

CIItCUIT COURT.Tho Dcgroaves divorce case was bofore

Judgo Humphreys yesterday afternoon,on .i motion by tho wlfo for temporaryalimony during tho pendency of tho suit.Kvldenco was Introduced by the defend-ant to provo tint she was destitute andwithout mctns of support, but tho Courtlid not believe the showing sufficient. "Ido not think this 1 idy Is entirely desti-tute," Judge Humphreys remarked, "andIf hjio Is not well endowed with thisworld's goods she h is excellent credit atany rate, for she sueneded In runn'ngmi a bill of $27M against her huslnnd forboard and lodging. However, I will or-

der an attorney's feo of fifty dollars tobo paid by plaintiff, also ten dollars foinecessary comt expenses of defendantThe motion for alimony Is denied."

Mr. Stewart then biought up tho nftll-latc- d

proceeding, John Stephenson vs.John Uegreaves, and Insisted tint thebill of particulars filed by plaintiff wisliiHutllcli nt. He held that the complaintMt out that Stephenson was entitled topay for board, washing and lodging otdefendant's wlfo and tho bill of partlcu-lir- s

simply gavo a lump sum per monthMr. Pitch replied that ns plaintiff's hook-keep- er

had not bcn presint all tho tlmoho was unnblo to comply further withtho order, or tell cxictly what tho wom-an ato every day, or tho exact cost ofher washing nnd clothing. Tho Courtfinally allowed tho bill of particulars tont mil, and denied Stewart's second mo-tion.

THE 8II.VA ESTATE TIGHT.Another squahblo was begun In Circuit

Court jesterday over tho estate ot JoseAntonio Da Sllvn, 11 motion being filedfor a modification ot tho order of JudgeOear giving the entire estato to thowidow. Tho motion Is m ide by Jaclnthndi Sllvn, who claims to bo n sister ofthe deceased; and calls also for an orderto fix the fee that should be paid to TomFitch, as attorney at tho former trial.Tho petition si ts out Hint Pitch has al-ready been given a retainer of J150, andalso charged 3) per cent upon JIjO nndupon some real estato belonging to heirsof deceased.

Tho estate of da Sllvo. has been abonu ot contention cvir since his death,and there have, been claimants from twoor three different places. Tho aftldavltmado by th's latest clilmant Is as s:

"Kingdom of Portugal, Island of M --

do Ira, City of I'unchal.'T, Jailntha da Sllva, residing In the

City ot Tunchal, Island of Madeira, be-ing duly sworn, depose and say as fol-lows:

"My name Is Jaclntha da Sllva. I amthe sister of Jose Antonio da Siva, whodied at Honolulu, Hawaii Territory, Unit-ed States of America, Intestate, on orabout tho 13th of November, 1900, Tliero'atn no sisters other than myself, orbrothers, or descendants, of sisters orbrothers, or father or mother, of JoseAntonio da Sllva aforesaid now living.

"And further I say not."JACINTHA (Her Mark) DA SIMM."Subscribed and sworn to before mo

this 12th day of November, 1M1. T C.James, U. S. Consul."

THE BROWN WILL..The will of the lata Frank Brown, with

a. petition for the appointment of II. M.von Holt, was filed yesterday. Tho valuenf the. estate Is given at 3j00, and Mr.von Holt was appointed executor uponSlvlng a bond of 300O To Wm. H. Wee.sou of Kupu, and Ions In tlioi mplo of Brown. Is given the hor?e andw.igon used by the Hawaiian Wine Com-pany, nnd Joe P. Ditto, nlno an employe,l bequeathed a silver watch. An appll-eatlei- o

tuts tx-e- made by the administra-tor to cloi-- out the business of the Ha- -


POSTMASTER GENERAL HENRY C. PAYNE.Mr. 1'iyiie, who recently succeeded Cliarli Emory femttli ns tl o ru nf the pmtiifTieo

department, is i nauvu oi aias.acliuiictts, but lias i ns; in en a les.reiit ot Wisconsin.is clout!) identified w itli a number of corporations mill is j lid to lie a uiUliouairef


frC H Tv $1 If flv D'- - insj "s.j :m i; n- - km iui vn if i

V MWd at A

..markets have demonstrated that there Is little fear here ottho sugar Industiy, and although there hs been some

flurry over the low price of sugar In New York, hero nnd In SunFrancisco prices have ruled firm nnd the people whoso Interests htive beenof the largest, huu gone on their way without any changes In their Invest-ments, nnd certainly none in their feeling tovvnrd the future of shnres.

The business of the week has not been large cither. There has been asmall action In Hawaiian sugar, and a large one In Ewa, the lntttr not beingfairly reported In the doings of the stock exchange, for while thu brokersadmit sales and purchases whleh muit run up to 600 or even more shares,the exchange list fihows only about 200. There Is no accounting for thetrend of Evvn, which Is not strong at 2J.23 except that the realizations aremade In this- - stock, owing to Its being one of the few from which tho In- -

estor may take a profit when foicad to get hold of some money to meetassessments, or to pay Interest.

O.'iliu showed up csterdny with a few sales nf 05, which was a disap-pointment to the friends of that stock. This- Is regarded however as- onlyii sporadic lluiry, nnd not as an Indication of downwind run in the plantation.The stock opened the week as firm at 97.50, but the pressure has been quiteheavy, and the tesult was the softening of the shares under the pressure otm it of cash.

The reports of a probable bond Issue for Kind, hael a benelldal effecton that stock, and where it has ruled, and now rules at 10, there have beenHhiues sold a point above that figure and there will bo nnother dollar eatlyIn the week, according to the say ot the old holders of the stock.

Again the favorable reports from Olaa had the effect of procuilng annddltlon.il dollar for a small sale, the rnte now ruling being 6, and thebelief is that there will bo even a higher rate before thu end of the coming

eok.There was a sale of Hawaiian sugar at 2S, which showed about the

samu figure ns before the meeting of the stoekholdcia to consider thematter of the bond Issue for the Improvements whleh ate to be mnde Inthat property. It Is understood that thero will bo nothing done there exceptIt lie ntjsoluloly for the Improvement of the property. The tiust deed ishald to bu so diawn that tho money received from the bonds will be onlyllghtfnlly used when It Is applied to the water or mill ptojects, which willinsure a dlicct and certain leturn to tho stockholders. Another strong pointabout Hawaiian Sugar Is that the directors of the company will not oftei thebonds hero, but will tiy nnd sell them on the .Mainland, so that there willbe no further draining of the market here of ash. Tho Fame Is said tobe the plan In the matter of the Klhcl bonds. While the majority ot the IssueIs to go to the ngencj foi the puipose of meeting the overdraft of the plan-tation, theie will bo no s ties heie for the lear that there will be a gieatcutting down ot the money supply of the city.

All the nieiianllle stocks and the bonds are quiet, and there Feems to bev.rj little chaiKo that there will be any activity soon, for the renson thatthe matket lias too muen sugar to ainoro ior tne present.

REAL V -- TATE.The tiansai tions In leal estate dm ing the week past have been few. and

fin between, tlie prices remaining the same. There Is an ndded inquliy,but nothing has been done to show the renson why the people ntu lookingaround for bonus now, as the number of rentable houses In the city Is

The greatest giavlty of the situation rests rathur in thu factthat many owners ot good real estato have been Inclined during the recentpressuie to let houses, which ate of the best quality, to Orientals, which It Isfeared by many agents will do much to ruin certain localities as lcsldeiieedlstrlets.

The holdeis of icul propcitv have not jet felt any pressure for lowerrates. It Is said, and It Is a fact that (M-ep- t at forced sale there is notnow a piece ot property In the city which may be had except at the prleeswhich have been asked In the past. There is no tendency to lowir rateseither, for the extensions of the Rapid Ttanslt Company, and the fact thatwoik upon the Walklkl load will begin net week, have combltnii to makethe greatest inquiry tend toward the subuibs In fact, there Is not, In thegossip of the hlteet, any comment upon down town property nt all

The making of the plans for the extension of Hlshop street, and thotransfers of tho stilp of Emmeluth propcrtj to Peacock, have added some-

thing of Inteust to thu status of that pioject, anil there'" Is a chance thatwithin the coming week theie will bo something In the way of developmentswhich will show Just what is to be the clmi.icttr of those buildings.

Until there W an easier money maiket thtru promlsis to be a very littledoipg in the matter of the building of the down town districts, niiti thebanks seem to realize this, and there aie rumors that some substantial loansoil real estate will be consummated poon.

w'alan Wlno Company. The bulk of tho all tho ditches had been cleaned andestate Is left to Mrs. Brown, deepened, which saved the district from

Stipulation In Judgment nas ueen meu serious uamage uy ene receni aiuriuIn the caso of Prank Godfrey as trusteefor Thomas Metcilf vs. Antono J. Lopez,lis pivment to defendant of 200 plilntlftla allow e'd to tako possession of tho Ma-n- o

land sued for.. .


The question of the Kewalo drainagewas considered at the meeting of the



anil tne Kona-Ka- u asRvprntlvn ...,. .... ... ...."' Ul...ll Works,are1JUJ ucviuvm u'pouring into the Treasurer'solllce from the school, polllevies, and the last report ot the audi-tor showed the balance still In the

at the end of tobe sufficiently for presentot the Territory. The of theKewalo sewer has been nearly com-pleted, and it will be ready long beforev.ork on the sjstem is began.In digging the trenches workmen have

a number of springs,of them with a steady of

water several inches In

CAMPBELL'S REPORT.report of Marston Campbell upon

the results of his ree'ent trip to IHIowas also read at the meeting. He re-ports that two of the bridges in NorthHIlo in place when be left, andtho work Is still being pushed forward.He commends very highly the work of




- . m m m .. .





JJHEWKR & CO. COMPLAINletter fiom C. Brewer K. Co. was

read, claiming that the collision betweeu the bark Andrew AVelch andCotton Bros.' dredge was due to thealleged Incompetency of Har-bor Master Marx. The company pro-

tested that the damage, amounting to$121.75, was not due to them. Themutter being investigated,

RAILROAD AGREEMENT.The agreement between the govern

tvin'ment Jt.utroau,Council vesterday. and ,. , ....' ."IT" - , !,mlir1nl,n,lpntlul" u ouperiiiieiicieiii;."'"." - -- S" ,'.. ".'.. . Vv;, I Public was approved,

u asteadily

and dog

treasury Decemberlarge needs



unearthed largesome flow





LIQUOR LICENSES.The application of Macfurlane & Co

The Myrtle boathouse, which was tohave been moved on Friday morning,Is doing: business at the old stand.Just as operations were about to com-mence, some of the supporting beamsbroke, and the work of wasIndefinitely postponed.

P. J. Cross, of the Inter-Islan- d

Telegraph Company, aald yes-terday that he expected to reopen the

telegraph system withintime. Negotiations the loan

North Hllo road board, of which needed to flout company beenMr. Walker la chairman, that almost completed,



A Yc ung .WaitressTakes $150 in

Cash.(Prom Saturdnv's duly.)

Through the medium ot n marke--d

coin a local proprietor of a bakery nmiIce cream parlor discovered vestcidnymorning who has been reducing Illsrevenues for tho past six weeks. Themarked coin was watched from thetime it was laid on a counter, until itwas covertly thrust under a pair ofscales on the candy counter nnd finallyslipped Into the purse of a young Hawa-

iian-Chinese girl who nets as n wait-ress In tho establishment. The girlwas confronted with the evidences ofher guilt, nnd the purse gave up thetell-tal- e piece of money. A confessionwas wrung from her, from which it de-veloped! that not only had she takenthe fifty cents, but In the sl weekstime she had been emplovcd she hadtaken altogether $150 belonging to theproprietor. Pcnilng th it she would bearrested, she promised to jny J50 todav,$50 tomorrow nnd the balance sometime during next week. On her pi util-ise to do this no warrant was obtainedfor her nrrest.

For several weeks Mr. Luttcd of theNew England Bakery has been losingheavily from his dally receipts. Kvcrynight the cash was counted andlthe Items on the ensh register addedup. theie a wide discrepancy Inthe totals, Suspicion fell on the votinggirl, but during this time, even withthe cloest watching, there was noth-ing done by her, or rather seen done,that would Incriminate her. On somedavs the nmount rnlsslni? unnlil bo In'the neighborhood of $10 or $15. Thenet day It would be double. ManagerLutted scratched hlsjiend and wonder-ed. In tho meantime the joung girlwas cujojlng life on $1 a week silary,which was her compensation, nt a diz-zy pace. On her afternoons off dutyfrom the Htore she was generally seenhandling reins behind a spiritedlivery horse nnd the buggy In whichshe sat was the best to be had. SheInvited her friends nnd was quite afamiliar figure on Walklkl road and ontho down-tow- n streets. During thistime she purchased In the neighbor-hood of six or seven fine dresses, to-

gether with shoes and hats. When notworking evenings, nt the store she wasat the Orpheum, and alwavs thotickets.

On Wednesday Mr. Luttcd marked aqunrtrr and laid It near tho candy register. A visit shortly after to the placod'selosid the fact that tho quarter waimissing. In his hauto to pin the truth Mr.Luttid did not give the girl time onoughto get It Into her purso. Ho found Itunder the cash where It hadbeen slipped, pending tho tlmo when Itcould be safely taken out. Yesterday afternoon tho oung lady cnsbler sold abox of candy and received n plccoIn p iv nunt. She carefully marked thosllvir coin and laid It on the counter. It remained thero for some tlmo.rinallv It disappeared, nnd It was notto be found In the register till. Whllothe girl was In the lunch room, tho cash-l- i

r found tho money under tho scales.She allowed It to remain there. Finally,to give thu oung girl a chnnco to putIt In her purse or pocket, tho cashierwent up stairs On her return thu coinwns gone from Its plnce of concealment.The cashier told tho baker of tho coin,describing the mnrks made upon It.While nil three wero together in tho'alcsroom, the cashier suddenly inquiredwhere, the hnlf was wh'ch she hadlaid on the counter. The waitress spokeup quickly:

Oh, I haven't tnkm 111 I had a centswhen I came 'here."

She opened her purse at tho suggestionof thu baker, and the latter picked outa piece nnd examined It. Thamarks as described bj tho cashier werothere. Lutted was Informed, nnd un-

der his questioning tho girl downand confcsKid that uho had taken aboutJlri0 Hho bilged that bo not

and upon promU'ng to pay backin tin ce equal Installments, wns allowedto di part. Her father Is said to bo awill-to-d- o Chinese.




No s( ttli mint of tho affairs ot thoInUr-lRl.m- il Ttlegiaph Company, orthe WlruIesH Telegtnph Company, as itIs better known, has been reachedwhen by the company can go aheadwith the transmission of messages asfot mi rly. When the annual meetingwas held, about two weeks ago, astatement wns made to tho stockhold-- i

rs that a local firm was Investigatingcompanv s resources. In bo far its

Its electrical paraphernalia was concern! d, with a view to advancing suf-ficient cash to enable the plant to u.

Thu negotiations are still pend-ing It is also stated that anotherfirm of financiers has asked to make aninvestigation with thu Fame end Inv ievv, and the ofllci rs now hope forearly relief.

One of the ofllceis stntid jesterdaythat with $1,000 ready cash with whichto Install its operators, runcw the elec-trical batteries and n place the oldHilt, u trwuuneos nnlllil nirnln lie sent.

for a transfer of their saloon license ManftK,r CroHH mlH manufacturedfrom Walluku to Kahulul, was refused. ltubtB wnIlh ork try satisfactorily.

A wholesale license granted to j tm. m,tt batteries wen- - forwardedWolters. Waldron &. Co. some time since to the othi r Islands

1 " jwhiru thu companv 's stations are lo- -

Boathouao Btill There. cated, but nt that time a. heavy delicti




wireless a.

short forthe the have

j statins













bad to Uh met, vvnicn cirnineu metreasury, and there wus no way Inwhich the stations could be properlyput In shape. Thus matters stand atthe present time.



W. t Williamson, of Amheist. Va ,U. 8. A., says: For more than a yearI suffired from lumbago. I finally triedChamberlain's Pain Halm, and it gaveme entire relief, which all other reme-dies had failed to do." Bold by alldealers and druggists. Benson, Smith

i S: Co , Ltd , agents for II. I.


111 --l HANDS

P m Red

Air ! R01l2ll


VA XL vrsTX Soak the hands onY ki tiVmmfl rcl'" lnK 'n a strong hotVj?i vvi creamy lather of

Por sore hand.rcd.rough hand!,ItUilnst, burningpalms, and pain-ful finger endswith .harleRnails, the CUTI-CUK- A

treat.mrnt Is simplywondcrfuh


IStfoDry, nuil nnoint ficcly with CirncunA,tho great Bkin cure nnd purest of emol-

lients. Wear dining the night old,looso kid gloves, with finger ends cutoff nnd holes iu the palms.

Comploto Extornnl and Intornnl Treatment for Evory Humour.C'titii.ltlni? of CUTli lilt A. Sovr. to 1c line tlio Mn of cruris and fcnles nnd poftcn Ui

Dili kciu ilrtitlrlo, GllTIont A Ointment, to lnt intly nllin IU Mug, Inflnninntlnn, and Irrltt.111111,111111 koiiIIio nnd hell, nnil CtmcmtV KIhuivi vt, touxil nnil rUiiliM! tliu blood. AHIMll I. Si t Ik ofti n Milllclcnt to i mil toitiirlnic, dUUgmlng luiuiniirM, Willi lm of litlr,when nil i lu fiilln. Atit. tie tmt U.Tovvnm Co . Svilni'y, V S.W. bo. Afilrnn depot:I.i nnon l,TH. npelimn. " AH iiIhiiiI the SUn, lliui'lK.nnd llalr,"free. J'uttkh DnuaASH ( III. VI. I ot'p , Solo Prop , lturloll, U. h. A.


For street, for cliuruli, for business wear tho Patent IdealKid i- - tLo mutt enlisi'tictory; hap nil the beauty of patent lumberwith the wearing qualities nnd comforts of kid.

$4.50 Buys a Pairof lien's Oxford. Not hot on the feet. New (tnck just artived



f Unlcs you have the best of ammunition. Poorcartridges nro an nggravution, a loss of time anda dnmper to

Wo have just received an immense block, con-

sisting cf

40,000 CARTRIDGESIf you are a hunter come nnd let us eell you

tho ehfllH. Then, if you don't get the gamo

the fault is yours. 'Jbese cartridges are fresh

and absolutely tho beat in town.

E. 0. HALL & SON, Ltd.Ehlers Block, Honolulu.

Pacific Mail Steamship Go.

Occidental & Oriental S.S, Co.

and Toyo Kisen Kaisha.Rteamera of tha above companlei will call at Honolulu and leave thU port

n or about tba datea below mentioned:FOIt CHINA AND JAPAN. FOR RAN FRANCISCO.



For general lnfonnatlen apply to P . M. S. 0. Co.


H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd.

Page 8: 021' KT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/4424/1/... ·  · 2015-06-02nd giving formal notice of Intention to move for



akhivi:i)Friday, U VUil .L U I

Mr, Wnlnlrnle, Pitts, from Hlotl. nt111 n in., wllh 3,(i.i0 hairs sujwr I CK2Rt- -

IMtckiiKP sundries.Hlr. MhuI, Bennett, from Hawaii

Pnturilny, Jnnunr) ISV ft A T. Kllputrlek, Rogers, from .

&J tt t. fcf smi 7.

a a T,,,.ii., t..... f,.., e..Ml, ' 1 "' a imtlxi-- lipniix I" y

Sir Klnati, Freeumu, from Hllo ninlay pollHlr l.elum, Xnpitlii, from MhuI ami

Mnlol.nl purls.Kroreli cruiser l'rnlel. I'ommodoro

lturnnud, from Hnn FrnnrlsroSir. Hntintcl, Green, from Knhulul,Sir. Nnenu, PedcrHon, from Kiikul-lmel- o,

.Willplo, Honuknii, I.iilmliia nmlKnnnnpall.



whole Dr ' KOimp.KauaiI sh( c formerly ,,, oflmrtSfSunday, Janunry 26

Str. Claudlne. Parker, from Maulports.

Str. Walaleale, Flit, from KauaijMirts. .

departedTrlday, January 24






It Is toon


for Hamilrl and Ka- - tllc botanist of the Department ofa. m. at Washington, twenty-liv- e

Schr. i:cllisc, Townscnd, for Maul hour tun-tu- a. or anti-lepro- shrubsand Kona, Hawaii, ports; p. m. The were In tli experimental

Am. N. Castle, ior .m station grounds, thrhid In thisKranclsco,


Saturday, January 25.

Gaso, schr. Ecllpe, Townsend, forl.ihalna, Klhel, Makena, Kallua,

and Hoolunn.Am. sp. Charles E Moody, Rasmus-8Pi- i,

for Tort TownscndS. S. Hjndes, Oorllek, for San Fran-clsc-

la Kahulul.Am. schr. Robert lowers, Underwood,

for Port Gamble.Schr. Allee Klmbill, Garland, for

KaUal ports.Sunday, January 20

U, S. A T Kllpatrick, Rogers, forGuam nnd Mnnlla; 5 p m

Am, sp riorcnce, Spker, for b.mFrancisco.

Monday, January 27

Str Ke Au Hou, Mother, for Annhol.iland Kllauen, 6 p in.

Str. Leliu.i. Niipala, for Molokal, 5

P m.Str. Noeau. Pcdcrson, for Maul and

Hnmakua ports. fi p. in.Str. James Makee, Greene, for Ka-

li ia; G p m.Schr. Malolo, Mokl, for Ilnnalel tn--

Knllhlwnl, p. m.I $

Maui ShippltiR.VV-el- hi Port Kahulul sc.hr

i James ltolph, Edw unison, fiom Nuw-.mistl- o;

conl.' Arrivals Jnnuary 19, str Mnul, l!en-tne- t,

from Honolulu, with slvty PortoUluan lnborers, Jan 22, str. Claudlne.It Japanese laborers, Jan. 24, str.H armlet, Greene, from Honolulu, with

pit Japance laborers; 24, str. str.Kalulanl, Dower, from Honolulu, Jan.R. str. Claudlne, Parker, from llnna

Departures Jan 17, Am bkt Qulek- -tpp, Mellln. for Tacoma, with 307 tons

rerap Iron; Jnn IS, Am bk W HKUnt, Johnson, for Mnkawell, to load

i ingar; Jan. 18, Am. str Kureku, "Wce-tio- n,

for Tacoma, with US tons scraphron: Jan. 19, str. Maul, Heiinet, forHawaii ports, Jan. 22, str Claudlne,Parker, for llnna; 23, str Hanalel,

i Oreen, for Honolulu; Hr. bk Antlope,Murray, for iM&i smith, In ballast;Jan. 24, H S. Kalulnnl, Ilower, for Hu- -elo; 25. str Claudlne, Parker, forHonolulu.

Hiln Shipping.Charteis for Hllo Am schr Allen A,

Grays Harbor, Am htinr. Hnterprlse.Traiidsco, sp T.ills of C'bde, San

Prinrlppo bk Hndeilck Ohu, S.mPranclpro, bk St Catherine, San Traii-tlse- o

Vessels In Port Am bk Annie John-so- u.

Williams, Am bk. Amj Turner,Warland, Am. bk Celon, Wlllnr; Am.sp Marlon Chllcott. Nelson, Am bk.Martha I) i Is, McAllmnn, Am bkSantlntto, IiiKalls

Ai rived lfi. Am bk Santiago.liiK.ills, IS i1iih from Stn I'rnnclscu,MO tons coal for Waiakea Mill Compa-ny, 250 tons toal foi Iur llowr Com-pany

Tho First Sugar.HILO, Jan 23 Cleared, Janunry 21,

for San Kranelseo, American ship Mar-ion Chileott. Nelson; 19 in crew, pas-sengers, with enrgo of sugar, coffee andgeneral merchandise, as follows:



Hides and skins 1.135.10Gene,rnl merchandise 1,720

Total value .... .. JS5 279 32The Chllcott took awn the Hist of

thl reason's crop sugar

Trnnsportl Bcrvioo Pays,




partment $500 000 since begin-ning war In the Philippines, nnd

Treasury Departmenttlm of J300.000 in shipment

f to theMr, adds that "to llrlgadier Gen-n- l

O'car Long, S A.. duefor the present efficiency of

the service. He performed dutylost thoroughly, and with rure

f ev,, ......1r., ... u npe'uiui

had to rigged up.anticipated that will

In the biller atwill pi

'stows and tnken ashore ft, i lhns Kcllpse consldeulrtady.


; dv



IHM fur nfT Tahiti hns minttc

I n it cured of Ills 'lie. Willi UicJuli n of (he nntl-lfr..ii- hruu, theiiih tun, the having i n tnt;from plants linitlKht frmn Hulh

l" Honolulu, nml In theexperiment iitatlon nt Miiklkl The slin-l- e

thai u euro has lieeneffected. kicked up hy the heurtfe tprnteKtatliins gratitude from the

and mother of the hoy thosewho wero linti uintntal In making lilm

again. duetn


the Honolulu Hoard of Health, andMIc Tetilra Henry, a Uarhir In thepuhllp schools, who wan onie a residentof Papeete, Tahiti, that the treatmentwas begun the boy lies than a jcarago.

More than two ear ngo "Hr WMawell, the fornur ilhictor ofHawaiian Planters' Kxperlm' ntallion, tieeled from Frederick tollle.

Schr. Twilight, Anllhlwal; 8 frlctiltiirc

3 plantedlik. S. nnd









Sta- -

climate. The Department of Agrlcultuie originally received the plants fromVenezuela, whence they came with theassurace that the Juices from the oddplant had been used to treat leprosytheie with The midlenl stnff

the local Hoard of Health made nnextract fiom plants I.pers weretieatcd at the Knlihl receiving station,and much progress wns noted by Dr("amp, who supervised experimentsJust when seemed to arrive nt aeiitlcul 'stage In the prone ding, therewas nn interruption by the removnl ofthe patients to Moloknl, where lh v

were out his hMiss Iletirj told nn Advertlsir re-

pot ler yesterday evening the story ofthe suteess the treatment the Tn-- h

n boy. She nlso told the elam-oiou- s

ieUcsts natives ofthat country had made for the extractthat they, too, might cleansed of thetaint. She wns enthusiastic over thoInleqt noun Nh, hml ror'nKf,! fmm Tn.

Ihltl, but desired above lse thnt Dr.Camp should be given full credit forwhat had been accomplished.

'.My attention was first to thetun-tu- n plant," said MIbs Henry, "byleading of It In Advi rtlsei Itme then Hint the priest who had takenthe tumble give such detailsof a cure effected and known to him,and send the snme on authori-ties at Washington, was slnceie. I be-

lieved Hint there wns n possibility oftua tun curing persons affected withthe diead disease, and I went to MrI laughs at the Government Nursery toask for some of the nnd1 wns told go to the experimentalstation of the Hawaiian Planters'

There I was Informed thatDi Camp could prepare the i xtractnteessary for the experiments. I hawhim, nnd he kindly consented to makea quantity for me to send to Pa-peete. I got some branches, seeds androots, ana Camp told me how totrent them. Under his direction Ipounded leaves and sieds nndyoung branches until they became apulp The extract was n sort of gum-my oil This I gave Dr. Camp, whoboiled nnd liquid thus derivedwas placed In alcohol, sealed up In atight bottle nnd then stieped It Is nthin liquid, and evaporateswhen exposed the air of averv beautiful gieui hue. nml givesa purifying- odor that innkiM one almostfeel that It will ihaiisi whuteveitouches

"My sister, Mrs Walker, who reshleiIn Papeete, had written me a younglrprr boy, about fifteen jtars of nge, whowag In n bad waj lie was affectedare ninny of the lepers The dlcavo ladsttneked him tho nose, walehbeeomo stopped lip That organ thenswelled nn abnormal sl7e. Tho lid's

nnlls had nil come off and the fin-gers became d'storted anil the cordswore, course, stiff Dr Camp gavo me

bottles of the Tu i extract, per-haps about a quart, enough to last abouttin eo months, nml with them I stnt

details the method of treat-mi- nt

The medicine and directions werogiven the parents and the suggestionwas made them that the boy be segre-gate You know Hint In Tahiti 'heydo not segregate the lepers, It only

recent jears that the blood disci -- owith which m.in the natives therowere afflicted, was diagnosed leprosy.u .'was ........ ec7eina, or someXT" ,. .n-- o, , (Kitinejina ougnr e,o , iu,iai imga '''!"" sucli malady. The directions wero tint

UliKaiau hugar u.uuu nags u.wv.eu no i)0y should be given doses of thoI'epeekesi Sugiit; Co, 4,750 medicine twice n day, commencing with'bigs.. . . COC 20 fifteen drops Just after breakfast and

Coffee . l.iBJ.f.0

. . .




supper Tills wns be taken a spoonsllghtlj diluted wltii wntei '1 bo treat-ment was begun nnd It continued forfour dis, when It produced all thofvirplouw of eholcri morbus When theboy became so nfTected the treatmentwas Biispciidol for a week, vvlilrh period

then prolonged week, the.extract had been acting too powerfully

him After that tho boy better.able stand tho treatment, nnd In a fewmonths an Improvement his hcall'iv iq linll, , nla.. A, lnu, ei.n.. . 1IA .......

Mltiiig tn the Now Pacific l.mplie, V.uhlng the experiment began scoId Worlds Work of January, Geo thT thP cure was coming The nose wasHamlin Pitch says that expetlence has reduced size, and tho ondelnonstrated that a transport service lingers was e lice keel The lullsconducted by a commciclal compiny growing, the eouls the lingers werewould be as Impossible as a contiact loosened, and tho last reports sent me bycommissary for the entire nrmy. The tho fuller stated that the nailstransport service has more than p lid bad grown out ag-il- and that there wasfor Itself Hnch transport saves tho now only a slight amount mucus fromgovernment between J100.000 nnd J110,- - Hie nose. Otherw'se, If one did not know

00 on a single trip, these figures be- - that the boy had been a leper, he wouldIng based on the contract rate not ba suspected of having had any

the government by commerelnl c lso which could play such havoc withlines. Tlie cnrrvlng of the innils free tho human body There Is now only aof charge has saved the De- - H1Bl nt llio ends of the fin

fully theof the

the was sparedexpense the

money outlying possessions".Titch

P U Isthe credit

has hisgood

-- r.i.i,i srowtackle has be


Anier-i- 't







of of




the struck











(was number ason was





pumiussgurs and on the feet, a dropslial symp-tom, and l)r Camp Feiit a medicine toregulate this. The father has writtenme regulirly about thei condition of hisson, nnd my sister glve me her opinion

the progress which the remedymaking She overjoyed with whathas seen,

"Thero are other ostites nnd somwhite men thr leho have een whthas been done for the bin. and thn h.applied for tbe mime remedy, and 1 hHTlorwarueu u There WHS a Wash wnmnn

EcllD' BlK Load. .1 "P""'' ' suppo-e- d, by Inocu.latum, becaufe the trouble commenced lm

Tti xusoline schooner Hellpse hss, her fingers The Joints be,-a- rloughlnrinqe Friday, been trying to load a big Jf She asked for the was

Poller for the Kona, Sugar Company, given her, and she hs Uen steadily Im- -"Jia hlch to be delivered at Kallua. i""'k dub in under treatment

i Xhe. boiler weighs thirteen nnd one-ha- lf ,U,V ,"x moninsturn. nil 11k ml,ornmo aliuna mnkr ' ln responn to from Panrl)t a, mailer of extreme difllculty to get J '" "J1 anJ feds from the. shrubsIt aboard. The boiler Is ln two pans, tw'" ' J:I'erlment Station

nr piece of which stands about seven K.roun', nr,a m' .! r lias been quit.ku . i "uiTiiniui

tin .i... ",,w..u... ,,,b luc iiiiii'iiuieTj,It is

much trouble baexperienced unloadingKaijua.' It have to b ..i

delayed a'i







la ofwhich




branches seeds.to



quicklyto It







as to


d.as Is


asto lie






ofIs nti


Is na

in rnlMnr tho shrulw whirhremaikably fat She Is nolle.

gardener, and she is doing all she canto propogate tho shrubs and the nativesare Just ius Interested as she I senttwo gallons of tho medicine on the last"ienmi-- to Auckland, whence It will be' rwnrded " e of the steamers run- -'

t port and Papeete' ' ' ' "r t rcqu t fr-r- Ta- -

MStE, , mrWQ



, . rrra

Tua-Tu- the Anti-Lcpro- Shrub.


hltl for assistance In procuring a medi-cine that would stay the ravages ofleprosy, 1 went to Illshop Willis to gethis remedy He referred mo to Dr Mlti-mur- a,

the Jnpancso physician, and hnsent some medicine to Inst severalmonths H was at that time that I firsthi aril of tho Tua-Tu- a and thought itwould be a surer remedy than any otherof which 1 had heard."

Surgeon General Wymnn of tho UnitedStntes Mnrliio Hospital Service, hns beengieatly Interisttd in the outcome of tnoexperiments In his statement to tho lo-

cal board of health ho said his attentionhad been called to the shrub by state-ments of cures It was alleged to havoeffected In Venezuela, the most notableof which was that of the treatment ofa nephew of the priest. The priest term-ed the shrub the Tua-Ti- n, or 'Tra'lejon1'urgo," on account of Its purging quali-ties The prli st said tin d illy treatmentwis limited to two ounces of tho fluid,which proiliieid convulsions nnd agoniz-ing cramps It was said that tho moreviolent thee results, the better wero thechances of the pitlent for n recovery

The plants nre grow'ng profusely atthe Hxpcrlment Station, and can bo seenfrom the llnpld Transit car line. Theyhavn grown so fast that In order to pre-ve- nt

them spreading nil over the prem-ises tiny have been pruned liberally. Theshrubs grow to a hi Ight of about thrcfee t The color of stems nnd leaves Is ofa purplish green The branches nro sel-dom regular In their growth, sprcadlncout In a gn cried, haphazard form. Th?leaves are soft, somewbnt fuzzy on thounder side, nnd the edges nro prettily or-namented The flowers grow In bunches,each Ilower bo'ng tiny nnd tinged with ndeep purple. The seed nnd the leaf pro-dur- e

tlii oil or poison. When dry tilssenls burst with a riport eimllar to1 apistol shot.



Meetinga to Bo Held for Hou of AllNutionalllos

Owing to the fact lint there will beno meetings nt the Central Unionchurch In l'ebruury the proposal tochange the date for the all-da- y temper-ance meeting hns been abandoned at' Jthe oilglnal date, Tebruary Cth, will 'beobserv ed i

The plnn Is to hnve the morningmeetings held simultaneously In all the

ailous churches of tho sevei il nation-alities While there will be one massmi i Ing fir the Hngllsh sp. aking peo-

ple, there will be Chinese, Japanese,Portuguese and Hawaiian n.ee l.igs

The same couise will be followed Inthe evening. While tho pilnclpal ad-

dress will be made by W K Castle,at the Y. M C. A., theie will be moe't-Ing- s

In a number of churches Just usdining the morning. There Is eveiyIndication of n large gathering of thepeople

Through btoninars to Kilo.1III.O, Jnn 23 It T. Guard, mnnn-g- ei

of the Mntson Line, bus iceeivedi.iotlee that the steamei Untei prise willsail from San rinnil-i- on n date that

'will bring her into Hllo haiboi nboutl'cbtu.aiv 2S Captain William Mat.sonsavs that he will come down with theUitcrprlte on her first tilp, and whilelure hopis to meet shlppeis and pios-pecti-

shippers of bananas and otherproducts The Knlerpil'-- lias In en llt- -

,teel up In No 1 style. She will have;accommodations foi from foui to sixthousand bunches of h in inns CaptainMatson states In his letter that he liashem intcivliwed by many of the SanI"rancieo dealers on the propectlveimpoitauce of Hllo as a supply pointfor their tinele, and will bilng withhim on the Hist trip a San Kranclscodialer who will buy bananas on theSplit

J Ivnncovlch x Co, nnd I. G Sreso-ilr- hex. Co, prominent Sun Piancisco

wholesalers and commission merchants,nie making Inquiries with a levv toruptuilng the Hllo supply of fruits.The former firm hns placed an orderwith It T Guard for 500 bunches ofbananas, to be shipped on the first return trip or the Enterprise Two orthne other firms have solicited Mr.Guard for conslcnments.

Captkln Matson also write that thepeople here should rest asnured thatthe Knterprlse Is on the Hllo run totuy, and that no one should hesitate

about golnK into business that depepdsfor success on a first-clas- s steamer ser-vice blwicn Hllo and the Coast.

Pi fay but few applications haveteei received for places In the training;ship Mohican There aie at presenttour vacancies to be filled On whiteman and one Hawaiian have so farpassed the required physical examina-tion and been accepted, but the latterhR .filled to again put In an appear-,an- c

Young men between the ages ofe!j;htern and twenty are eligible

J The Hoderkk Dhu, of the Mat3onLine, will Mle.w the Falls of Clyde,sailing from 'Pi s o The next after theRoderick w. b the sieamer Hnter-- 1

1 !s


p ' exhlb II m of ftuitH, VPRi'tnbiPI plants under the tiust.l is of tho

i mmiMiiine r of Agtli ulltiro and Per-- e

stry will b held during the pi on I

uf. k of July This much hns been dsettled by Commissi mT Wray

Tuyliir. nhii, during the past vvpk hasiid a ponfreneu with tJjvernor I) ,leii th suhjert. The exhibit in will

it place in the drill she!. p.!,... slonf r the use of that building havingI hi most wlltltiRly granted by Capt.

llllieinson and Col. Jones The Terrl-- trial band under Capt ltorger will of

' urse take part nnd do the mus! atI "n rs.

The Intpntlnn Is to open tho exhibi-tion on a Monday, so us ti give IslandI eople the opportunity to lew It onthat nnd the following day, when mostof the Island steamers sail. It Is ex-pected there will be many competitorsfrom the other Isl inds. The object ofthe exhibition Is to stimulate the agri-cultural Industtles In this territory.

The prizes to be offered will no doubtbe handsome diplomas of a tropicalnature unci unique In design. In someInstances second prizes will be given.Kvery thing possible will be done by theCommissioner to make the exhibition acomplete success. Alri'ady much in-

terest has been developed among farm-ers nnd others who intend to ho exhib-it i- -s The Judges will bo selected lateron.

So far the- - prlye list Is as follows,though subject to correction and addi-tion


Mangoes, alligator pears, pineapples,bananas (three kinds), flga, watermel-m- s,

muskmelons, cherlmoyas, eugenlas,pohas, mountain apples, papaias, bre idfruit, strawberry guava-s- , bweet guav-a- s,

Hawaiian grapeg, Hawaiian grownstrawberries, Hawaiian raised peaches,limes, lemons, Hawaiian grown or-anges, tocoanuts.


Cabbage, cauliflower, celery, rhu-barb, sweet corn, benns, table beets,tomatoes, carrots, turnips, ladlshes, onions, chill peppers, okra, yams, sweetpotatoes, dry land taro, wet land taro, I

pumpkins, squnsh. I


Hawnllan coffee. Hawaiian paddy,Ilnwnlliin , ln, Iinbt ttinltn tll.l u rt all. '

gar cane, honey.DIVISION I.

Hawaiian raised hay, soighum, Euln-- 1

ea grass, buff.ilo grass.DIVISION C.

Ilcst collection of potted palms, bestloulu or native palm.


Hest collection of Hawaiian (lowers,collection of cut How era, colleotlon ofroses, collection of carnations, collec-tion of orchids, collection of nsters,


Hest six lllm.n lels, best six carna-tion lels, best six malic lels, best col-lection of lels.

Close on to fifty crates of gardentruck such as cabbage, squash, cauli-flower and rhubnrb came on the KInnufrom It. II. Longs truck farm at Wat-me- n,

Hawaii. It was sent to Mills'produce store, Alakea street, and everything was sold an hour afler thesteamer got in port. They tan growfine vegetables tu Walmea.


Dallemaync, French ConsuJ General litSan Francisco, is here for the purposeof investigating the dlsnster to theFrench bark Henrlette, which capsizedIn Astoiia harbor about three weeksago The Consul General, on his re-turn from Astoiia, will proceed to Pu-- gi

t Sound cities and other northernpints Mr. Dallemayno has madesearching inquiry while here Into thocharges prefenoil by French ship cap-tnl-

of crimping at this port.eS fi vt

roitT SMITH. Ark. Jan. 16 Thosouth-boun- d Kansas City Southernpassenger tiain was held up last nightat 11 o'clock, hnlt a mile from Splio, I.T by seven ninskod men. The expiossand mall cars were entered. The localsife In the expiess caie was opened,hut nothing secured from It. The lub-bers tiled to open the thiough safe,but failed. The n they entered the mallcar, but it is said secuicd no leglster-ee- l

mall except a. package containing $3.

v'ICTOK, Colo, Jan. 16 A desperatebattle 40A feet under ground betweenore thlevts and olllcers and employes,occurred In the great IndependenceMine, cm Uattle Mountain, this inclin-ing Hetween fifty and soventy-flv- u

shots were exchanged between the op-posing parties before tho plrntes finallygained the upper hand The manage-ment has been aware that rich sylvan.Ite deposits In the mine wero beinglobbed, the stealings amounting tothousands of dollars a month. Thethieves were delected In Hie act oflooting a rich scam They escapedthmtigh underground workings con-nected with an adjoining property.


WASHINGTON, 'January 15. It vvtvsreported today that Secret iry Hay hadadvlsid Senator Lodge that It would h"a grave affront to China to enact anexclusion law running beyond the lifeof the present treaty, which la popular-ly supposed to expire December 7, 1904It may be stated with authority, how-ever, that there is no truth in this re-port In the first placo the treaty withChina does not expire in 1904, but willcontinue for anotner ten years unlstfone of the contracting patties gives no-tice of Intention to elenouncn It. ThUnited State hns received no Intima-tion from China of such intention.

Superintendent Iloyd said yesterdaythat work on the Kewaln ditch can bacommtmed without fear of hindrance,as the right of way la prastlcally as-sured. He has secured a light of wayfrom King, near Knplolanl, to Wal-man- u.

The short strip from Waimanuto Iintwnl Is still required, but fromthe Istter street to the sea, the need-ed land has been already given to ths;ov eminent. Woik will be. commencedon the government right of way, andin the meantime negotiations for theremaining portion will bo completed.At the snme time the government landsat Kewnlo nre to be tilled In, under anold contract with Cotton Brothers.

In a day or so Capt J, F. Merry andthe pther olllcers of the' naval stationwill vacate their old quarters for morecommodious olllces in tho new building,which Is adjacent 'to the present sta-tion.


Wr""rMei - aw-m-'

x.T"ri"'.T""'VTLJ I'r'n whlrli will lisj J 1 1V.AO Ailrnellml very Wnltinn.

Hill Order Dcprtm;nt for thosj Lhlng out of Honolulu.

Fen thcr-s- t Itch JlrnliJ, 6 yards in piece, per piece,6. 10, 15, 20, 23 cents.

Shell Hairpins, In boxes of a dozen, 25 cents perbox.

Amcrlcnn Hairpin Cabinets. S cents each.Warren's Fcntherbone Collar Forms, 20 cents

' 'each.Wood Darning Halls, r. cents each; with sterling

silver mounting. 2" cents each.Spool Hasting Cotton, 200 jnrds, warranted, two

for 6 cents.Trcnsurc S ifety Pins, 'equal to the best Imported.

C cents per dozen.Garter Webbing, pure clastic, 10, 121.4, 15, 20. 2J

centn per ynrd.ninety mils needed to take rust off your needles,

6 cents each.Hngllsh Hairpin Cabinets, very fine quality pins,

10 cents each.Rtiay Lock Pins. ery pretty shell, 10 cents each.Darning Cotton, Coats' fast black, 5 cents a bnll.Improved Darning Ball, with Hprlng attachment.

25 cents.Curling lion. It cents ench.Barbour's Irish Linen Thread, 200 yards, 10 cents.Aluminum Thimbles, 0 cents ench."The Comfort" Corset Hose Supporters, 25 cents

per pair. '

WHITNIY & MARSH, limited.Mall Order Dept. Box 171. Honolulu, Oahu.

-- :o:



.(30WS'KA GOOD TOP BUGGY, $100.00


Material, Iron Horse Shoes.

PACIFIC VEHICLE AND SUPPLY CO.Day Block, Beretania Street, Honolulu.


Q. N. WILCOX President J. P. HACKPELD, Vice President.E. SUHR, Secretary and Treasu rer. T. MAT, Auditor.



We Are Prepared to Fill All Orders for



FertilizersALSO, CONSTANTLY ON FAND: rn "'


SALTS, ETC., ETC., ETC.Special attention given to analysis of soils by our agricultural chemist.All goods arc GUARANTEED ln avcry respect.

vVor further particulars apply to

DR. W. AERDAM. Manager PaClflC GuO olid FerllllWr COmPaDJ


IS THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY OENDINE.Coughs, Colds, Asthma and BronchHi3.

DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. Vice Chancellor SIR W.PAGE WOOD stated publicly in court that DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE wasundoubtedly the INVENTOR of CHLORODYNE; Hint the whole stoiy oftho defendant, Freeman, was deliberately untrue, and re regretted to say IIhad been sworn to. See the Times July 18, 1SG4.

DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE ia a liquid medicine whichassuages PAIN of EVERY KIND, affords a calm, refreshing sleep WITH-OUT HEADACHE, and INVIGORATES the nervous system when exhs'Jst-e- d.


The General Board of Health. London, reports that It ACTS as aCHARM; one dose generally sufficient.

Dr. Gibbon, Army Medical Staff, Calcutta, states: "Two doses completelycured mo of diarrhoea."


DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE rapidly cuts short all at-

tacks of EPILEPSY, SPASMS, COLIC, PALPITATION, HYSTERIA.IMPORTANT CAUTION. The Immense Sale of this Remedy has given

rlss to many Unscrupulous Imitations.N. B. Every Bottle of Genuine Chlorodyne bears on the Government

Stamp the name of the Inventor, DR. J. COLL' BROWNE. Sold in bottles.Is IVid. Is Id and 4s Cd, by all chemists.

Sole Manufacturer, J, 7, Davenport, 5! Grmt Russell St., London. W. C.

Improves Your HealthTho wonderful tonic properties of the beet imported

hnpi combined with absolute purity make

PRIMO LAG BRthe. best tonic for mind nd body. Order a capefrom Brewery.

Telephone Main 341.

Page 9: 021' KT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/4424/1/... ·  · 2015-06-02nd giving formal notice of Intention to move for


VOL XXXVII. II. T., JANI AllY 2. UHltf. HKMI-W- KI KLY. WHOM-- : No. 2354.


In with Section 5S, Act. LI, Session Laws of 1896, the List of is hereby and the Taxes forthe AND as Real Estate, Personal Carts and Drays, Dogs, lucome Taxesassessed and unpaid for 1901, with 10 per cent, and the cost for as the Law


Ftnt Division, Island of OAhu, Dis-

trict of Honolulu.

An Tim KceAustin Publishing Co., Ltd.Ah Chew BrothersAdams, K. IIAneko, Ikuwa (w)Amerlcnn Power & Water

CompanyAqular, Ant. doAngus. MrsAylett, L. J -

AkntiaAkn.no, JohnAh On CoAh LinAki. Mary AApo, J. AAh KoonAh KulAh KinAlapal, HenryAlapal, ElonaAlapal, KaleAlapal, Samuel ICAlapal, LilyAna (k)Aona, A. KAona, MichaelAchl, Wm. C Jr.Aneko (w)Ah NgeeAh KauAh TourAh KwalAh Sam -Ah SingAh I -Ah Seu -AralAkihlloAchl. Wm. CAholo, Mrs. JasAuld, Mrs. WilyAlmoku (w)AlllkapeknAnohullAh Pa.u, LAbreu, Antone .


13 70

2011 DO

3 no)33 50

8 201 60

50 0019 20

7 2013 70

2 30

31 3033 50

71 io50

2 70

16 SO

4 908 20,

13 704 908 20

53 S553 30

2 70C 55

28 00

'57 7005

7 205050

12 6050

8 2090

'4 90.15 50

3G 001 603 257 65

11 CO

26 908 206

6847 10

131 9337 90

7 1072 0043 9311 60

1 702 706 007 208 20

11 SO

11 50


ir131415171819102122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849 Akana

Ayau, C. Ksi Aukum62 Ah OnG3 Ahana, W. W54 Allnn. Est. of Annie55 Amana, M. C56 Aikue, E. P57 Ah Chong58 Ahlo, Tony59 Andrews, Lorln60 Aklma61 Annie62 Ah Shong63 Auld, Agnes64 Ah Nam65 Akwal. D. L.66 Abernathy. JC7 Ah Sing68 Arncmann, Carl L.

May 22 50

69 Ah In, minor, by L. AlLeong

70 Ah Fook71 Akal72 Amlmotn, Y73 A. Leong, T. -- -74 Auld. Jim75 Andre, John76 Apa, Mrs. II. K77 Amalu, M. P78 Amana, Miss Akena79 Ah Keau, Mrs80' Alnoa, Georgo81 Aylett, n. W .....82 Andrews, Thos.8S Anderson, O. W84 Anderson, A. W85 Arnold, Mrs. Cecelia86 Alapal,87 Austin, Franklin88 Akana, Y89 Asamura, KDO Arlta91 Achl, W. C, trustee92 Ader, 13.

93 Ahlm4 Ah

95 Ah Kun. ',96 Arlta "97 Ahla 5 80

98 Allau, Mrs. Mary 15 90

99 Aea, John 23 50(

100 Aea, Lydla -- -101 Aea. Joseph 59 55

102 Ah l 00

103 Ah 11 50

104 Ah Nee "00105 Ah Kum ll 50

106 Ah Sam " D0

107 Ah Wal 1" M

108 Ah Pak. C " 50

109 Ah Night 20

110 Ah Keao s -111 Ah Hee 8 20

112 Aral 1150113 Awa, Wilson 1150114 Apana 13 70

115 Andrews, E. II 95

116 Bailey's Honolulu CycleLtd

117 BlBhop, O. R118 Brown, C. H119 Barboza, Bent120 Bell, Henry131 Bell. John122 Branco. Manuel Vlelra

Olaf .

124 Barker, Geo125 Becker, Peterim Ttei-ker- . Mrs. Hunnah



accordance following Delinquent Taxpayers published, comprises DelinquentFIRST DIVISION DISTRICTS indicated, including Property, Carriages, Personal,

remaining penalties Advertising, provides.







1119 30







. 00

. 25
















and Emmet










1088 5045 60

8 201 SO

20 3040 5037 90

1 7055

31 30




Husky, Miss 170 263

liarrott, Est. Moses, Julia 269

llarrctt. Adrax 17 20 270

How Ke, Y 7 10 271

Blshnw. Alex 17 10 272Ilourgcs, Joaquin de 7 10 273

Baker, J no. A 7 10 274Hryant, Henry 20 40 275Maker, Ester 17 00 576ltarrcnaba, J. II 12 30 277

lluck, Strarns 4120 27S

Booth. C. W 4 70 279

Brown, E. D 7 20 2S0

Keeker, Adeline, by W. A. 281

Kalae, Gdn 9 30 2S2

Ilotelho, Frank .9 40 2S3Itoytt, Josephine K. 47 50 2M

146 Urown. C. H 10 40, 285147 Baker, Mrs. George -- . 1 0

148 Bent, David . 7 JO;149 Bryan 7 10 287

150 Becker 1 "0 288

151 Baker. Robert II 7 "0 2S9

152 Brazil. M. A J j 290

153 Blart. II. O 9 50 291

154 Berry, F. J 8 80 292

155 Burnett, Ellen M 47 23 293

156 Brede, Sr. W S3 60 294

157 Butterfleld, J. A 90 70 295

15S Baker, Mrs. Katherlne 6 00 296

159 Buchanan, W. M 26 90 297

1G0 Brown, J. C 33 501 298

161 Brown, Mrs. C. H. 121 50 299

162 Brown, J. F. ....152 S3 300

163 Brown, A. M 232 GO 301

164 Bieckcnrldge, Elmer .. S 20 ?02

105 liarras, Frank William .... 7 20 303

1C5 lScckinau, II. J 1150 304

167 Borges, J.Ianl. Uapoza ....... 3 90 305

163 Baptist, Joe Govea. 7 10 206307

169 Campbell, A. N 6 00,170 Correa, A. O 8 20 308171 Collins, C. It 49 53 209172 Campbell & Pettus 105 00 310173 Campbell, II SO 311174 Cnmiirlnos, D. 0 23 60 312175 Chinese Beno. Society (by I 313

Chang Chow) ....... 44 50 314176 Cockett, Mrs. C B 7 10 315177 Chock Sing 89 60 310ITS Ciirty, .lames 159 45 317179 Curtwrlght, Daisy 110 50 318ISO Cook, Mrs. Hannah 55 50 3191S1 Colburn, Mrs. J. F 23 00

1S2 Cooper, Mrs. IC W 8 29

1S3 Coney, W. II 3 40320

181 Corrielro, Manuel G 14 80321

185 Coordelro, Jose -- .... 2 70322

186 Cabral, Manuel 8 20323

187 Cravalho, Marie 0 2 70324

1S3 Chinese Y. M. C. A. 110 50325

189 Qhun Sang. 2 95326

190 City Mill Co.. Ltd. 413 65327

191 Colburn, John F. 558 75328

192 Chun Sack 8 20329

193 Clilng Wo 13 70330

191 Chaney Minors 1150S3t

193 Crabbe. C. L 65 60332

196 Cavaco, Mrs. Curblna J. ... 14 45333

197 Chew, Man Y 35 70334

1US Chong Chan 17 53335

199 Chee Hlng Co. .... 7 63336

200 Chong Wo Chan ;. .. 11 50337

201 Cordes. Gus 31 95338

202 Correa, Joe 15 90

203 Costa, Joe de 8 20339

204 Camacho, J. C 2 50340

205 Chew Gun 9 85341

206 Chlng Lum or Leong See 342(w) 18 10

343207 Chlng On and Ylm Chin 344

Quong 55 60345

20S Colburn, Mrs. Marcus 34 70346

209 Cruz, Annie de la, 65 95347

210 Cruz, Husto de la 8 20348

211 Cher Fat W 50349

212 Chew Hung 33 70350

213 Chung Fook 19 20351

214 Choy Sang 2 70352

215 Chinese Hospital, Trustee of 77 50353

216 Chlng Lum 192G 354217 Chong Mok Seu 6 00

33518 Chew Seu Co 19 20

356219 Chong Fat 2 15

357220 Chow Yee, alias Tuck Sing 3 90

358221 Crowder, John C 34 60

359222 Colto, Ant ' 360223 Cambra, Marlon de 1 60

3C2224 Choy Lee I60 303225 Chong Kee y 100 364226 Chung Dang Ho 11 50

365227 Chee Kung Tong Society .. 46 70

36622S Chee Wal Hoon 46 70

267229 Chlng Shal 55

368230 Chun King Kee 90

369231 Chew Chong 7 50

370232 Chlng Lan Sing ;.... IB CO

371233 Clark, Mrs. Jane, and Mary

Buckle 1" W231 Chun Fat 9 30!

236 Cutter, F. J 22 50 393237 Chong Kim 3 80 37523S Chang Hong 13 151

239 Coelho, Ellen E. 7 65 376240 Chlng Ling (w) 7 20 377241 Chew Wo Chong Co 30 30' 378242 Chung Hoon IS 70 379213 Correa. M. M 8 --'0 350214 Concordia Benefit Society .. 12 03 351215 Chun Yan U 50 352216 Cropley, W 11 50 383247 Cabral, Joe Barbosa 12 60 38121S Chaves, Manl. Cabral l iO

24S Chang See (w) 73 10

230 Cummings & Co., W. C. .. 19 75

231 Chang Wong Chap 24 70

252 Chang Kim 96 75

233 Chlng Shal and Kan WingChew 18 10

254 Cunha, Mrs. Zelda 57 70

235 Camara, J. M 8130256 Camara, Mrs. J. U 42 S3

257 Carlyle, Robert A 30 20

259 Clapham, Mrs. J 83 60

261 Coniwell. Mrs. W. H $5 71

262 Camacho, A. C II ti21 Cathcart, J. W IMIS5 Coruro, M "TrusK-e- " .... 2 70

Chin Gun Bon .... 4 45

Chlii Juck Jon Sat, HockTnag Trwtcr J

Clark, Joe 37 90Cjws, Clins 15 90Chnse, C. I) 9 S3

Costn. M. F. clc 6 65

Costello, Mike 11 59

Collins, J. J 11 50

Clark, John 1150Chock Ing 11 50Choy Chlng 11 50

Cut Chong 17 00Cluing Sing Long 1160Chung San 8 20

Chew Quon 8 20Cummings Est., Clurlsa .... 176 95

Cabral, Mnml, J. 7 20Cravalho, Esturo I 30Cornwoll, W. 11 33 50Chung ling 9 SO

Dunbar, Mrs. K. 52 20

Dunbar, WllUam 8 20

Davidson, T F. 8 20

Day, P 11 50

Drew, Edward 7 iO

Dement, Cbus. 9 40

Dick, Chong 9 40

Devauchelle, Elisabeth K... $30Dalyamaru 1150Duncnn, Sarah H. 31 30Denlsh, Augistino de 2 70

Dol 4 90

Devauchelle, Mrs. U M. ,. .. 8 20

Dower, J. J 1150Dodd, Mrs. Grace 4140Davis, Mrs. S. B. 62 20

Downey, J. T 3 SO

Davey, Frank 13 70

Dobson. 11 1150Davis, J 1150Decker, Airs. F. M 26 43

Evnns, JIarry L 78 70

Ehrllck, S 12 30

Estrella, Francisco da 1 CO

Ellis, C. L 8 20

Edward, John 14 90

Kbcrlcln, Geo 10 50

En FooTt 1150Ella..- - 7 20

Edwards, James 170Ellis, Victoria 8 79 70

Enos, Joe 1150Esona 1150

Fisher. "Will E 70 00

Fook Siiu Tong 33 50

Foo Kee Chan 18 80

FreituR, Manuel F 15 90

Fook Kee, M 22 60

Ferry, Kninoa 160Fernandez, Man 8 20

Ferreir, J. do B 11 50

Freitas, J. de - 2 60

Ferrelru, C 10 15

Fernandez, Vincent 22 60

Fook Sun Yuen Co 31 30

FalKee'Co 12 60

Fo Kam 7 10

Fernandez, Lot P 43 95

Freltns. G. de 13 25

Fuso & Co 2 15

Fugunadu. 1160Fuller, Robert Lapaela.

"Minor" 13 70

Fyfe, D. K 9 C3

Farrant, Wm 7 65

Foo Wo Fill Kce .... 3 23

Fujil, J. 11 15

Frlel, E. B 136 40

Fernandez, John 19 75

Fernandez, Mrs. Mary 13. .. 20 40

Freitas, Francisco 9 53

Foster, Geo 7 20

Fernandez, F. 11 50

Farla, C. 28 00

Futodo, Jose 9 40

Farias, Manuel 11 50

Fong Kee 10

Folsom, Mrs. B. It 8 20

Fernandez, Mrs. Antone.... 33 50

Flguerra, Joao 10 40

Ferrelra, M 32 93

Freeman, Mrs. II .4120Frlas, M 3 23

FuJIoka 3 SO

Fernandez, Mr. Manuel ... 1 70

Fook Wo 10 40

Fong Kee 12 03

FuJII 29 30

Fernandez, M 9 30

Fernandez, J 9 10

Frlefl, H. A 8 20

Fugce 11 60

Funada 8 20

Ferrclra, Marion J 8 20

Fernandez, Anton A 00

Grant & Co., Murphy 33 UGeer, Evans Co., J. A.

Byrne, Mgr. 11 6

Gow Chong 147 90

Oray, C. B 8 75

Gomes, Manuel 17 05

Gomes, Jose .. 17 00

Gonwilvc-H- , Manuel 2 70

Guerrero & Richards 9 30

German Bakery 20 85

Gandall, Thos CS 70

Goo Dow Chong 8 20

385 Gaspar, Manl. Itodrlquea .. 21 55

386 Guerrero, Joe 7 20

3S7 Goo Ark 8 20

3SS Goto, S 4 13

3S9 Gaver, A 9 85

390 Gouvela, Gonsalves Fernandez 7 20

391 Gomes, Mrs. Christina 25 SO

392 Goo Sing 14 fO

333 Godfrey, Frank 25 SO

394 Gono 4 80

395 Green, Mrs. R. J GOJi394 Gear, Geo. D 6 70

397 Gall, J. C. 2 70

398 Grace, A. 1150;399 Grtn. 8 , 11 50

400 Graham. J 8 20

401 GonfculvcB, A 1. .50402 Graceo, A. 1160403 Goo Sing 1150444 Quano 8 20




Hawaii Land Co., Ltd 191 10

Hee Chan 275 SO

Hopp & Co., J 61 S5

Hop Hong 19 20

Hop Yuen 61 00

Honolulu 1'cstnurant 3 25

Hawaiian Abstract & TitleCo., Ltd 55 50

Honolulu Investment Co.,Ltd 61 00

Holt, 13. S 11 30

Hutchtngs, Est. J 63 50

Howard & Train 2 70Hnltfey, Mrs. Lahapa 33 70

Hammnn, D. 0 13 15

Hart, Mrs. E 220 50

Hawaiian Bazaar 3 80

High, C. B., Dr. 13 70Hop Wo Co. 1150Hlrano, II 13 70

Halenkala, Mrs. E. K. 53 30

Hayrelden, H. T 17 00425 Hlng Chong 17 00426 Hart, Mrs. Haleakala 83 00437 Holt, Jr., John D 61S 70428 Hugglns, A 11 50429 llarrub. E. L. 1160430 Henrlques. Lucy K 41 20

431 Holsteln, E. C IT 75432 Hendriqucs, Manl. Gomes .. 8 20

433 Hitchcock, H. R 79 SO

434 Harris, S. J 17 00

435 Hopkins. Mrs. Rose 65 50

436 Hookaa,Kcknhuna (w) .... 30 20437 Hitchcock. Mrs. II. H 70 80433 Hall!, Georgo 1160439 Hookano, S 3 SO

410 Holt, R. W. and George II.Holt 55 50

441 lllrose, J 23 SO

112 lllrnl 9 30443 Hnrlguchl 24 70411 Hnmnila 108 30445 Ilao, Nellie 4 45416 llao Roma 1150447 Hind, R. R 63 83419 Horn Kce 6 15

450 Hop Loo Yuen Co 12 03451 Hoshldn 2 15

452 Hiram, John 26 91

453 Hllbus. Capt. J 30 20454 Hurbottle, Edwin 8 20

455 Hanhco, Hen 8 20456 Hurbottle, Isaac 39 55

4534594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794S04S14824834844b54 SO












Hop Hlng Kl 11 30

Ho Young 1150Hop Kee Co 87 40

Hlrlshl and Komlshl 99 50

Horlta 63 20

Hiram, J. K 32 95

Hoke, J. C 10 60

Hale 3 93

Hoaplll, David K 4 60

Halull, Kalehua 12 70

Humphries, Hon. A. S 175 93

Henrlques, Edgar 28 00

Ho Plo 45 60

Hung Sam 35 70

Holanl 4

Hutlon, Wm 1

Hansen, Joe 7

Helm, Paul 7

llao, W. N 1

Hop Wo Co 13

Hop Kee 9

llynshl, T 1

Horlta. T. 39 00

Hate.oka 7 10

Holt, Mrs. Hanakaulanl .... 1 70

Hllo, John 7 10

Ilataoka 8 20

Hiram. Solomon 1150Harrison, J. II 9 40

Hlng Chong Co 6 00Herrlck, C. F 20 6!

HerriCk, Mrs. Alice- - 68 70

Howard, Geo. A 44 ii0

Holt, Chris J 55 60

Hop Hlng Co 14 23

Huul (w) 3 SO

Hookaea, Est. Pualokw .... 28 00

Haupu, Malalhl 6 00

Hopll, S. W 8 00

Holokal 1 50

llarbottle, Mrs. Isaac 13 70

Helland. F. 9 30Homef, E. F 17 63

Harklns, M. 19 20

Harris, Mrs, R. 160,Hong, F 11601Hlgashl ....- - 8 20'Harrison. It. N It 60

Illona. T - 11 50

Hou Sing Co 3 80

Hip Wo Tong 1150,Hoo, Jr., John, et al S 30

Imperial cigar Store, C. C.Eakln, M.nnger .... 12 50

Imhoir, Mrs. Halna 3 25

Iviamoto. IL 19 24Ishimaru 1 60

Iwamura 30

Ishlzaka 8 20Ido S 24Imanaka, I 22 SO.Ikeole, John, "Minor," by

John Hiram, Gd'n. .. 19 20Ilae, Dibble 17 00Iwasakl 17 10

Innls, Frank 17 SO

Ishlzakl 107 20

Ito ...... ...... . 2 70

Iwata 13 SO

Iwannka 8 20

Ishimoto, T 8 20

Illkealanl, "Liilll" S 20

Ill, S 9 30

Iwasakl, Chas 10 40

Ideokichl 8 20

Isemoto 8 20

Illpaka 10 CO

Iona, Jr., 8am 11 50

Jarrett, Walter 31 ?0

Joseph, Frank 10 40

Jam Wah Co S 85

Joy, Est. Amalla 2 15

Jelllngs, David 13 70

Jarrett. Wm 8 20

Jesus, Mrs. GuUhermlna da 6 00

Johnson, Christopher 67 03

Johansen, Ben 11 50

615 Jmld, C. II516 Junes, Mngaret D495 Johnson, Mrs. Fanny II.

116 10

1 CO

74 20

517 Kerr Co., Ltd., L. II 1909 S3

MS Kerr, L. B ES 50519 Kim Tnl 15 25650 Kwong Fat Chan Co 37 90631 Kum Hoy 160632 Kukea (w), (W. L. Wilcox

agent) 39 00553 Kabul, Mary 69 SO

531 Kwong Mow 78 60555 Kitalc (w) 6 00656 Kwong Chong 39 0)557 Kahalau, Trustee 33 50653 Klllcan, Miss M. E. 39 00659 King, W. C 69 90660 Kennedy, Mrs. M 9 4

661 Kanlkau, Joe 9 40563 Ke-poo-, Robert Kaapua..... 9 40563 Kauhnne 170564 Kahue, Mrs. K S 6556S Knlauokalant. D. K. U 1556S Kuamoo. Jack 3 80667 Kahlnakua I 40

568 Kaulua, Henry 7 20669 Kualoa. 170670 Kahaamlnut. Heary 35 7

571 Kalelopu. A. & 7 10

672 Klemme. II 13 70

573 Kwong Chee Kee 3 80

574 Kaakau (w) 35 70

6T5 Kalnoakupuna, M. (w) .... 10 95

570 Keuml, Mrs 3 90

577 King, Est. or J. A 99 GO

578 Kmnakani (w) 35 70

579 Kuuliaue, Kapcka 13 70

5S0 Kuli'lo, Est. of 13 70

SSI Konnlnl, S 6 00

6S2 Konake, Louis T 3 90

5S3 Kiilumi, Est. Win 62 20

nsi KnJii (w) 1 CO

r.s5 Klshlmoto 17 00

BS6 Hiinlnu 103 30

587 Kane, S. K 223 15

BS8 Kuao, Ernest K 20 40

689 Kuwait, Millie 1160M'O Knhokliln'.c, LelhUlU 3 SO

nju Kmiewuhiue, Est. of 30 S3

692 Kuhoohull 1170593 Kwong Wo 2 70

691 Kidder, Chas. A 17 10

695 Ko.ilownl (k) 8 20

596 Knhnokleklc, Kanlnlu (w) . 41 20

597 Ktiloimiuiuhi and Kiimalo .. 9 30

593 Kenho and Klhl 33 50


























Kiilapoepoo, 8 14 25

Klnil, J. l 32 95

Kule Iokepa 35 70

Kalawaia, J 10 40

Knmiikaokalanl. J 10 40

Koawnhawiill, Annie 44 50

Kfiilll (w) 8 20

Keallna, Samuel M, Jr. .... 14 C3

Kalanl (w) 3 15

Kalnna, Mahoe (w) 4 90

Kuknhl, J. I, 4 90

Kanoliomauna and Kallleha 2 70

Kwong Wo Sung Co 11 10

Kum You 13 70

Koon Sang 11 60

Knl Din 8 20

Kwong Sing Chnn 4 90

KVkul, Abraham 5165Kanae, Esther Ku 48 80

Kanclhalnu, 8. B 40 63

Knlanlhuln, Jr. 10 40

Kuaanalewa, Est. of 1150Ko.mu, Mrs 2 70

Kuinukoa, Moelkl 20 30

Knla, George 8 20

Kolcka (w) 3 80

Ktmokeo, Kapualel 3 90

Kekahuna 22 50

Knnle, Kopaea 10 40

Kopaea (w) 63 20

Knuanul 1150Kwong Chan 8 20

Kum Lung Co 11 60

Kum Yau 12 60

Kee Yau 7 10

Kawakaml 1150Kurumltsu 11 30

Kurllmra 2 70

Kckullono (w) by J, II. Ha- -kuolo 80 80

Kala (w) 3 90

Kane, Benjamin K 10 95

Kupahoul, Kealohn 13 70

Kaaua, Pllpll 17 00

Kupuaa 36 25

Kaoo 160Kninoa 7 10

Kalkoo, J. K. 17 00

Kaholoholo, Luukla 7 10

Kallma 11 60

Keau, J 8 20

Kahaunaele, Mary 6 00

Kahelc, Iokla 9 30

Kaulla, Jas. K 44 50jlvalliwm, st. :uKauanoano, W. M 15 90

Kaulelokulu 8 20

Kanahele, Ham 11 50

Kaalalll, J. W 8 20

Kauakahl, Kauai 12 70

Kanae, Capt. J 9 95

Kuahlne, Mrs. PoklKealakat, Trustee for D.

Kaeo ,

Kapllinnul, K ,

Kinney, WmKualmoku, Mrs. LKwong Yee ChongKl Loo CoKwong Hip Chong CoKong LeeKwong Fook Lung '.

Kwal Fong, Wm. YKodii, Nlshloka, M, and Na- -

kashlma, 8KatsuklKurolwaKekuul, Mrs. HuuKawnlkumuole

2 70

3018 05

4 9019 2011 50

0 3089 0377 5023 0020 30

77 5013 7013 70 !

7 1033 50'

10 40 j

13 70'

19 20

Kiilelhuia, Wm. KKealakat, W. IIKnnoe. Hose

17 Barret, Est. M. A., by V.. V. Kulolkani, Wm 8 40154 10Kellett, Jr., Trim128 Brazil, J. and M. .. I "3 Kaulukou, J. L. K minor.

129 Borges, A. C. 7 10 by J. L. Kaulukou 33 43

134 Uarette, Maria. WTO Kumukahl, B 19 20

























Knlapahla, Knlua 32 A9Knhula 14 90Kalclhon, S. W. A 14 25Knonohl, Beckry 8 20Knnowa, J. H 37 90Kaluawni 14 25Knlua, G. K and Lllika- -

Innl (w) 22 60Kcanahuun, Lulka 9 85Kaunnmano, J, K 65 50Kcmahulunc 7 10Kamollllll, Robert 13 70- -

Kcholwal, J. W 22 60

Kaohele, K 12 05Kahunahana, David 8 24'Kuluamanl (w) S 84Kalaukoa, John 171Keawc, Chas 4175Ktnncy, Lovell 1 70Kauhane 1(44Kaluna, Est. of W. B CBS.Kapcna 11 64'Kulllnu, K. A 18 7Kapulc, Debora and Poolant- - 4 90- -

Kulkaht T CS

Kahookaumaha, J. H; 3 84Kalaklcla. J. 8 14 R

Kau pa, Mary lt'24-Kanralakala, Moke 16 45Kenho (w) 8 20Keaho (w) 8 24Kahahawal, J. P. 67 15Kaluka 2 70Kaulukou, Mrs. Annie 41 20Klin Wo Yin 17 00Kalawc, J 14 54Kuiiumoaun, Sam 19 20Katnou, L. Wnlolama 8 00Klnllau 7 20Knuhnaha.'i (w) 170Keohumu 160Kiipoo, .1. II 8 20Kiiulkaulhea 7 10

Kuhoolulu (w) 3 80Kiiulnul, Mary 3 80

Keopuhlwu 8 20Klin Wo 11 69Kum Sing 11 50Kumakiihl'ipo 4 90Kami 170Kahoaano 7 20Kukono, Solomon 9 40

Kcoln, Oltva (w) 8 3

Kalaluhl, Tom 6 00Knlelelke, L 8 20--

Kamanuwa, Est. or, "HenryMaul Agt." 30

Kapute, Hunnah 170Keoneula, K 10 60Kclekoma, Abel 4 90Kamanuo 10 60Kapaealll, C. K Trus 3 80

Kuanul 22 50Kuackstev, Chas 8 20Kaus, Alfred 6 55Kookoo, C. Lul 14 ISKum Yet II 60Kawaguchl 1150Klshlmoto 2170Kiillimal, W. II 20 7R

Kaplolaui Est., Limited .... 339 60Kiilkaluahiiolo, Est. or .... 173 29

Kcohokiilole, A. II. K 11 50)

Kalialao, Mrs 160Kcohokapu 720Kola, Jacob 9 30'Kealohn, John 3 80

Kanukal, Elena 22 50

Koo, J 1 70Kalolo, Sam 9 40

Kealohn John, alias JohnBull 0 10

Kelllan, Ulunlohu 170Knhlapo, Solomon 2 79

Kaapa, Mrs. 8. K 13 50

Kan Wing- - Chew, Trustee . 19 20Kusunukl 13 70Kamunoulu, Joint K 29 10Kane, Henry 15 45Kelllan, Moses 9 59Kamai), Lucy 4 34Kauhl, Pale 9 20Kapuhu, Klnt (w) 169Kapohlll (w) 1150Kulml, Loklnahama (w) .. 14 35- -

Kahau, P. H 25 25Kahelo (w), Est. or 9 30Kahau, Knpela (w) 8 20Kamaka 8 20Kauwe, Mrs. S. K 5 45

Knncmorl 2 79'Kahalewal, Mrs. A. 8 24'Knmal and Papallna 28 00Keaweamahl, Mrs. C 24 90Kin Wal, H 75 30Kellett, Annie 27 6$Kua, Mrs. John 17 00Kinney, C. B COOKing, Geo. W. It 8 24Kluegcl, Geo. T 41 14Korrattl, R. J IS 34Kalll, Mrs. Lucy SO 84Knluuawa, John C 04Kea, John M 20 89Kolomoku, Hiram 55 54Kalelalll, Mary 24 70Klemme, Emll 3134'Klllklnl (w) 1J 70'Kawamoto 8 24Kaae, John 14 8

Kalwl, Mrs 9 6S--Kahulepololel (k), Hnliaka,

(w), Kealaka (w), andKannaaua (k) 6 04"

Kun Chin 17 10

KoJImura 13 70Kaaha, Hiram 42 95Kukuli (u) 4 00Kun Chung 9 83Kam MIn 19 20Kokl 2 70Klilchl Kanashlga 23 60Kuto 1535Kalua, Mele 24 70Keau, Malahta 3 80Kulmlcwal, Solomon 13 70Kaco, S. K 6 00'Kalama, John ,.-- , 8 26Kanoa, John TJJKauhane, James 10 14

Kloula, S. K B 44Kalllkoll, p a laKalaloa ,,.. H 1

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I gfe iwcfcttlW',," j wr mniwtHHnMti"u




















Kannulu, J. ItKoll, DavidKnnuhn, C. KKemoheKlllnnhcKalrla (v)Knhlllna, J. AKnpulc, C3. IIKaoull, Mrs. ami children.KelekomtiKnhana, KapulpKelle. WmKnplhpKnha, MrsKtilnilmokii, Lulkl14tcikta. SolomonKeklpl, SolomonKwong San CoKeamn, Mrs. J. nKnhalewnlKekua (w)Kahol. Est. of Hannah ..Kaannann, SKckoa, S. M

Karrattl. Mary A

King LungKum ChouKing ShouKlchennmcKcnuraKurlhnruKndownkIKalllchuKalana, JoeKaolhanaoleKawamotoKaune. SamuelKelllaa, KkekelaKwong Ylck WnlKonr NeeKwong YeeKerr ft Co., H. LLewis, Estate of James..,Lam Chew KeeLeone ChongLum ChlngLee WalLaa, WilliamLevey, MrsLun Chong CoLunlng, Mrs. M. M

Lyons, T. ULook Tong Sing--

Lahalna (v)Lau YuenLeo ChuLcfnlves llrosLucca. J. A

Look Hop CoLin Wo Chan & CoLum Yip

20 40 99225 90 9932 35 99417 00 993

9 10 9963 SO 9975 SO 99J

23 GO 1932 70 10001 70 1001

13 7040 33 1002

9 30 ,ool19 73 ,00".22 SO IMS

2 1"' 10071 60 loos

14 :3 100323 tO 1010

S 20 ion11 35 1012

9 303 SO

1 GO

3 SO

11 5011 5011 5011 3011 5010 40

8 2011 5011 GO

11 CO

g 208 245 001 70


11 506 00

C28 5017 00

3 70S 00

22 GO

41 203 70

4S 15163 40

11 GO

7 2011 CO

55 CO

790 30G 00

11 CO

77 CO

23 00175 93

Lum Tat ... .. 45 GO

Leo nt; Hoong Chill "Ml- -

nors" 9 30

Lee Knu 7 10

Lokal, Kst. of Murea, Mrs. 11 50

Lam Hoo Chin 29 10

Lee HI Knlp CO 00

Ling Sine Jan 12 60

Lucas, Win 10 40

Lucas, fleo 54 10

Look See ami Walter Akann 2S 00

Look Wo Sing 53 90

S97 Lee King Fook (w) I GO

S9S Leong Slice (w) 11 20

893 Lum Chung G 33

900 Lee Tit 1 90

901 Lam Kow 13 10

902 Lai Ting ami Ylm Quai 110 30

903 Lin Yee Tong Society 73 30

901 Lahela, Ollwu 32 40

905 LIUIs, Frank 12 70

SOC Lee rhew 15 90

907 Lee Kal 13 70

90S Lee ('hunt; Sing II 50

S03 Lam Lining 9 30

910 Lee Tong 18 20

911 Lam Tong 8 20

912 Loo Qunl 11 50

913 Lew Kcau II 80

914 Lane, Lot K. C 30 20

91S Lane, John C 10 SO

916 Lane, lllchanl C 13 70

917 Ioknna, P. W. 17

918 Lee Tong, Mis. Lizzie 30

919 Le.mg Duck, Chlng Lumand Wong Cliee IS

920 Leong Kau anJ Wong HlngChow 22 50

921 Lam Kam Chin and YlmSee Hock 17 00

Lin Hop Co 11 CO

93 Lum Chin 47 80924 Lew Shan 8 20925 Lin Shcn Chow 22 CO

92C Lam Hong 3 30927 Leong Man CJiew 11 SO

923 Loo Joe 01 75929 Luce, K&t. of Mrs. E. 1'.... 132 CO

930 Luce, Kst. of W. S 33 CO

931 Lewis, i:. H 1G 10932 Lelaloha (w) 1 70933 Long Dick 17 00934 Louis, N. Jesse S 70935 LemoK, J. M 62 2093G Lee Shin 3 23937 Lawelawo, J. A 22 CO

933 Llmajiehu, K. . :; so939 Love, James 335 20910 Lee Kang Slim fi 10911 Lee l'ow no 03942 Leong Fook 10 109)3 Llghtfoot, J 90 70914 Lone, Giovanni A 60 50945 Lovejoy, Kst. of 33 CO

915 Lambert, Mis. ltoslnn 'J 00947 Lincoln and children, Mrs.

G. W 43 70148 Luke S.inB Wal Co C2 S3919 Lee Chong 22 CO

950 Loo Chit fc'.uii 310 70951 Luklinila J 75952 Lewis. Cluis 24 70933 Lau Slice (w) ! 200 20954 Lu 1511a S 20953 Lucns, M. F 10 4093G Lemolre I G 00957 Limn, J de and H, Martins G 00958 Lima, Gustlnn (w) 1 90959 Lee Sing Co 11 25SCO Lima, Kst. of 13 709G1 Lewis. F. J 11 509G2 Leonard, C '11 509C3 Lopes, A 11 5'J!9G4 Lee Chuck U CO

9G5 Lam You 11 CO

9CG Lau Chong 11 CO

9G7 Lee Ing Choy 11 CO

CS Lee Tim S 209G9 Luahlne, Sam .. 7 20970 Llao Wons 21 10

971 Llm Fat 11 50972 Lemon, James G 00971 Llm Shin 11 CO

974 Lonomalkalhonun, K. G. . 3 SO

975 Lin Hop Chan Co 17 Of.

976 Monsarrat, J. M 61 55977 Mow Chan 8 20978 Molteno, Chas GOO

7 Masuda, T 1719 25SSO Mithuka. W. M 322 90181 Meek, Mrs. H 7 10982 Masuda, Y. ". 2 70983 Mahlal, Kalml (w) GOO984 Mork Shoon 13 70985 Mills, Jos. n 7 63SMS Martin, Geo. A 24 70987 Macdonald, J. W 70 35988 Monsarrat, Mrs. E. J. ..... 300 89989 Murray, Dr. H. V 19 20990 Matthews, Solomon 3 8091 Mee r Co 3 to

Mnkalmoku 5 10

Mitchell, Albert 9 40

Muller, George . 17 00

Marques, Vlctorlne 6 55

Medelroi, Antone 7 20

Mc'lln, Mrs. G 3 90

Manuka, Kltela. 7 20

Mahulona, Mrs. Lala IS 10

Mahoc, Lulka (w) 8 20

Myst'c Lodge No. 2 KnlKhtsof Pythias 31 CO

Myers, It. I' 9 30

Maullnwa, Kst. J. ... 33 CO

Marshall, Mrs. II. A. 1 90

Mcu CheoiiB 13 70

Mnkaena, Mrs, N. S iO

Mokuahl 7 10

Mornshlka 2 70

Mahelona, Solomon 91 70

Milter, C. K 11 50

Murphy, A. K 35 70

J !t 301013 Montelro,1014 Maullawn, Lahapa 21 70

1015 Muolo, Ulalla101G Morris, Antone1017 Murakami101S Mahlkl, Solomon1013 Madclros. Kst. Jose C. (by

M. G. Sllva) 12 S3

1020 Medelros, Mary Jose G 00

1021 Mcdclroi Joe Fernandez .. 10 33S 20

1022 Mutsu1023 Mahelona, Kst. Joseph .... 7 10

1024 Mitchell, Pllplllanl 7 10

1025 Mallelaulll 17 00

102S Monli, Antone de Sauza,... 9 30

1027 Mam, Jr., J 7 20

1021 Marques, Ant. Gomes 7 10

1029 Martins, John 10 95

1030 Ming Hymn, C 7 20

1031 Mok King 11 50

J 51 201031 Hani,1033 Meheula Solomon 9 C5

1034 MototUBl ' 8 20

1033 Manoa, (w) 3 80

1036 Makalwl, Jack 8 409 :to

10J7 Moana1038 Matsuo, S It CO

1039 Mahone, James 20 30

1040 Mossman, Mrs. T. It S3 00

1041 Manuwal, Pnkala 18 10

1042 Mahlalmoku (w) 7 10

1013 Makunole (w) G 00

1011 Mlura K 20

1015 .Man Kol 8 30

1046 Mlnton, Win. M 142 50

1017 Monsarrat, W. T 11 50

1018 Monsarrat, Mrs. C. C CG CO

1019 Murray, T. H 82 00

1030 Murray. C. F 15 90

1051 Mead, ltoyal D 2 'i0

1052 Moahewnole, George 19 20

1053 Mow Sans Wal Co 32 95

1051 MurashlBe 37 35

1055 Morlshlma G 15

1050 Mnna, Sam 3 80

1037 Maikham, Geo 34 15

IP33 Makninal, Jessie I. 247 70

1053 Mow ClionB Co 1 70

10C0 Mow Sing Yuen Co. 31 30

10GI Mlrvon, Uoso 1 70

1063 Jinn Wo Jan Co... G 00

10GI Miyamoto . . 11 20

10G3 Miyamoto, N. 1 90

10G7 Mlkaele, Mis. 23 GO

1063 Meyer. Win. 29 10

1063 Mny, Frank . 9 40

1070 Mendoncu, L. 17 00

1071 Mlyachl . . . . 13 70

1072 Matsumoto, K, 9 30

1073 Matsuzuml. . . S 20

1074 Mlamoto, O. 11 50

Mata H 50

1076 Manila . . S 20

1077 Matsuoka . 11 CO

1073 Mltii 8 20

1073 Miitsunioto . 11 CO

10S0 Matsuffuuiii S 20

10S1 Murakami . 8 2010S2 Morlta . . . 11 CO

10S3 Morltu No. 11 CO

10SI Matsumla 17 00

10S5 Mlzuha 11 CO

10SG Murota 2 70

10S7 Makalll, Kekahuna 8 20

10S1 Monis, Joe 103 15

10S9 Maunakea 11 CO

1090 Malle, C. H 200 701091 Monlz, J 15 901092 Muiidon, Georfie 13 'i0109'! Man Sing Yin Co CI 20

1091 Makakou 2 701095 .Mao, Kst. of C 6310SC Mnma 1 CO

1097 .Mokuli'htm (w) 1 CO

1093 Mint SIiib G C3

1099 Mito 11 GO

1100 Martin. C S 22 751101 MacMlllan, Mrs. II 2 70

1102 Morse, rapt. II. G GOO1101 Medelros, A. S. anil wife.. 3 251101 Malnae, Luukla 2 701103 Malle, George K 13 CO

hog Meyer, A. W 90 7ft

1107 .Montan.l. A. A 2G6 40nos .Matsumoto 7 15

not Martins, Manuel 11 501110 Mlku, Manuel 11 50

mi Man Sing 17 00

ni2 Man Chong 11 Co

1113 Man Sing 11 CO

mi Matsuo 11 CO

1115 Matsuda 11 CO

11 16 Matsue 11 50

llll Murai 11 CO

111S Matsumoto 11 CO

1119 Murlta i b 201120 Masuflmi S 201121 Matsumoto S 201122 Mlnkn S 20112.1 Miirasnkl S 201121 Mnhuka, John 31 151123 Mahnulu, 1). S. and P.iea.. 4 351126 Mnlk.il, Mary Ann 13 701127 McChcsney ,fc Sons, M. W. 214 20112S Mci.ain, Mis 2 901129 MoKonzie, 1) 92 901120 McGrath, I S 201131 McKeugue, L. M. 110 CO

1132 McAllister, J. W. 7 201133 MiGiiiiv, Jock 39 101131 McChesney, Wallace 1CU10

1133 McNIchols, Gilbert . C 001136 McSlocker, Nannie i 151 501137 McQueen, James 23 20113S McChesney, J. M 65 401139 McLean, Alice 1 601110 McDonald. J. L 11 501141 McGowan, T 11 501112 Mr-Gul-l . .1. W 10 40

1113 Niagara Fire Ins. Co. (II.M. von Holt agent).... 16 15

lilt Noar, Isaac, agent 206 751145 Notlcy. David 7 201116 Needhain, Win 12 Oli

1147 Nee Kee 8 20HIS Naelmluu 101143 Nahooluwa, David 11 5011C0 Nott Jr., James 4 901151 Nullko (w) 1 GO

1152 Neves, Ant. Fernandez ... 28 00lira Namahoe, W. P 13 00list Naopala, Capt IS 701155 Nakulnn, Kmma M 250 60115C Namakakapu Kelupalna1157115S1159



(w)Namakalrle (w)Ncne See CoNahulna, KcU or, .. K Ka-

ne admr.NakanlshlNlaotniya ,

1162 Nawaa, Joseph 20 331163 Napahuckolu (w) G 00

1161 N.ikamura R 20

1165 NIhlmoto 8 20

11GG Nnhaolclua 3 SO

1167 Nnone, Lllla 21 CO

HGS Xnkaumano 7 10

1169 Ng Chan 12 03

1170 Nnkanlshl 17 75

1171 Nose, T S 20

Nlshiokn 5 20

1173 Nnkamura, I 6 65

1174 Nakanlshl, Y. ., 23 IP1175 Xotley, Mrs. Kmma 63 20

1176 Nut. J. II 83 W

1177 Nnpahulehua, Kuallko . 8 20

1178 Nott, Thos l.t'101173 Nobrlga, Sylvano 136 23

11S0 Nnlolna CO 00

1181 Nahonlewn, David 3 SO

1IS2 Nobrlga, Mrs. Kosa da.. 1 70

11S3 Nnahu, Lokc 14 SO

1181 Naone, J. K 19 20

11S5 Nicholas, Alex 10 03

11S6 Nleman, Herman 19 73

1187 Nakashlma and Koda ... 41 30

11SS Nakabayashl 33 50

1189 Naone, D. K 40 10

1190 Naopala 7 20

1191 Nakuina, J. Kawl 7 20

1192 Namaielua, J S 20

1193 Neal, Nicholas 64 85

1191 Nunes, John A 33 So

1193 Nlau, Maria (w) 14 so!

1195 Nabara C 00

1197 Nagao S 20

119S Norton, H. II 66 50

1193 Nichols, Dr. A. D 143 05

1200 Norton, Chas. II. W 17 00

1201 Nakamura 61 00

1202 Namalumalu (w) 1 C0

1203 NIshlRiichl 2 70,1204 Nomura & Co 31 85

1205 Newby, Louis 4 35

1206 Nlkl 8 20 i

1207 Nakahnra 8 20

1208 Nakamnrl 8 20,1209 Nneole, D 9 30

1210 Naehuelua 1 60

1211 Napahu 11 GO,

1213 Naknmoto 7 75

1211 Nl 170,1215 Naal, J. and wife 1 60

1216 Nawahl, Mrs. Joseph ... 11 CO

1217 Nobrlga, J 8 20

1218 Nakauwa 11 CO

1219 Nomura 8 20'

1220 Naknmura 8 20

1221 Nybtrom, Geo 9 40,

1222 O'Luso Publishing Co. . 6 00

1223 On Hlng Co 69 25

1221 On Tai, C 20

1223 Orpheum Company Ltd. S25 30

1226 Otremba, F. N S 20

1227 Onl, S. II 17 00

1223 Okl, K 26 90

1223 Onhti Lumber ItulldlngCo., Ltd 1 60

1230 Ozawa, T 1 550 40

1231 Oyama, G :3 GO

1232 O'Sulllvnn, Kst. Mary SO

1233 On Kee 70

1231 Opulauoho, W. II. .. 63

1233 Olio, K SO

123G Oda 50

1237 Olivelra, Jose Flta .. Go

123S Oya 20

1233 Olivelra, F. C 73

1210 Onokea, Thos 00

1211 Olivelra, Joe Corea . 50

1213 Olivelra, Joao V de . 70

1211 Olivelra, J. Kosa ... 40

1215 Okada GO

1216 Olroy, Max 50

1217 Oploplo, Kst. of 50

12 IS Ottnianii, Walter . .. 40

1249 Ozakl. Y 20

12C0 Okasakl alias Okada 70

1251 Okamoto, S 40

1252 Ohltn. II 20

1253 Okuu, I'llkot 20

1251 Otsuka 40

1255 Oda GO

1256 Ota 40

1257 Okllabelntato 20

125S Otuskn 60

1253 OMilno 20

1260 On Lung 70

1261 I'aclipco, Frank S 20

1262 Pacific Cycle & Manufac-turing Co., Ltd, ..."..... 99 05

1203 Piescott, L. F 57 35

12GI Pennsylvania Fire Ins. Co.,Wilder & Co. agent.... 5 10

12G3 People's Kscpress Co 20 30

1266 Pilwl () 10 401267 Perry, Manuel S 51 6012Gb Pang Chong and C. Q. Yee

Hop 33 301263 Patrice, Jule It 8 201270 Pnvheco, Mr". Julia 2 701271 Plluger, Henry C 2 701272 Pcntfion, J 7 201273 Paahao, S. W 3 f.01274 Peabody, Lucy K 291. "51273 P.ilau. K. W 19 201276 I'olpe (w) 4 90I27S Pllpllhml 2 701279 Poiry, Ant. Lawrence 33 4512S0 Pachet-o- , F 6 00I2S1 Paoaokalanl, Win S3 -- 012S2 Picpoe, .1. M 11 .SO

12S! Pak'knluhl, A. K 23 25

J12M Pedro, Tom 13 9512S3 Pedro, Sam 30 2012t Paak.iula, Ju . ... IS 2012S7 Peter, John 2 15

12vi Perrelra, Mis 7 2012S3 Pan Lin Yong Co G 001290 P.ialuhi. S 43 601291 Pun, Snml. K 42 301292 Piendergast, Mrs. Klennor

K 107 20129.1 Pttkuahlui, Mak.iim.inoa .. 11 30

U291 Pllianul, Klena 21701293 Pueo, Kst. of 9 301296 Pelaul (w) , 22 501297 Pohakahl, Dan 12 CO

129S Poomanu (w) 3 SO

1299 Plllpo, Louis 15 30

iroo Palkull 17 551301 Phillips, Antone 79 701202 Paelc. J. K 9 301303 Paaoao (w) 9 301201 Ponte, Manuel Francisco do 7 201305 Ping Cheong 3 401306 Pnlmu, Miss D. K 23 SO

1307 Paele, Mrs 3 23130S Ponte, Manl. de 7 201209 Pestana, Joao 7 201310 Pcrrclrn, Manl. de Sllva S 201311 Pollkapu, T. C 20 301312 Polikapu, Dan 8 10

1313 Punmano, Lepeka 9 301314 Prosser, James 39 001315


17 SO 132519 20 13!U 90 1327

1323 80 1329

21 '40 1330

t 20 13S1


Pavao. ManlMachado ....Perrelra, ManuelPakele, James ItPlo, JohnPuaklnainu (w)Feters, SPowell, Mrs. Mary '..

Pang ChongPang TuckPaunlnl, G. P.I'ahunontPauPaahaoPeople's. Ice ft Refrsr. Co...Parker, Samuelrawaa Rlr UijlPeter, B. R

10 407 20

13 1511 50

2 90

7 201 70

312 8517 IB

2 909 307 20

17 85196 39

248 00

290 M4 (3

1332 Pang Chong and Lau now.1333 Paarilanl, Abraham1334 Pnty, G. W.1335 Pa la1337 Paahao, Kapeka.133S Palkull, Mrs. L.1333 Phillips, Manuel1340 A1311 Pug Nee, C1342 Pa Lock .1343 Pinto, Mrs. Adalalde

17 0017 00

2 701 054 304 35

11 CO

11 CO

11 CO

11 CO

2 70

1341 Qunn ChonS 46 70

1343 Qulnn, K. W 13 70

1346 Quong Fook Tal ... 28 00

1347 Qual Kee 9 30

13IS Quong Sang Lung .. 1 70

1313 Qulnn. Job S 11 50

1350 Itoe, M S3 00

1351 Robinson, Isaac J.. S. K.Ka-n- o gdn 30 20

1332 Rafael, Jaclntho . .. 9 40

1333 Rosa, Joe 7 20

1354 Rlchnrd, Joseph . .. 124 05

1333 Robertson. Mra. Jas W.. 74 20

1336 Itodrlgues, Ant. de .. 13 15

1357 Robcllo, Frank 2S 00

133S Rapo-- , J 4 90

1359 Rnmao, M 2 SO

1360 Rndrlgucs, J. A G 00

1361 Rozar, Henry Antone 3 SO

1362 Rego, M. A 20 30

1303 Rodriguez, Joe 8 20

1364 Rego, M. A-- and G. P. Ilrll- -

hante 10 10

1303 Rawlins, Marlon S32

13G6 Rocha. Est. Marian .. 7 T5

1367 Rapoza, Manuel . ... 7 10

1365 Jtapozn. Francisco J. 1 70

1363 RodrlgU'.-R- , Joe 17 00

1370 Rodrlgues, Antone , .. 11 CO

1371 Rosa, Mrs, Marl.i .... 21 70

1372 Rowland, Mra. Helen 220 CO

1373 Rawlins, Manuel . ... 21 40

1374 Robello, Frank 7 20

1375 Rosa. Mrs. IlPlnu N. 61 55

157G Relst. Mrs. Annie .... 52 20

1377 Rlnnle. Jolnl 41 CO

1378 Ran lino, J. F 3 SO

1373 Rynn, P. F. 11 50

1350 Rooney. H 11 CO

1351 Rodrlgues, Antone . .. 11 50

1352 Seaman's Club, A. F. CookoTrustee

1353 Sun Yuen .'

1354 Sam Hop Ken1355 Shlmamoto, S1356 Shaw, Miss Roslna1357 Smith, Mrs. A. K 22 50

13SS Sinclair, Mrs. A 8 20

13S9 Searle. J. It 7 20

1390 Smith. Mrs. M. K 2 70

1391 Shunk, Mrs. J. It 1 70

1392 Smith, Est. of J. W 1G5 50

1393 Sllva, Joaquin 20

1394 Sllva. Manuel 1 GO

1393 Souza, Maria F. da i GO

1396 Smith, Alexander 30 20

1397 Smith. W. II 13 13

1395 Spencer, Geo 11 CO

1399 Sam Kee 22S 15

1400 Shlng Kee. C 8 20

1401 Sam Kee 4 90

1402 Sum Hop Co 55 CO

1103 See Wo Yuen 20 40

1401 Swares, Manl. S 17 00

1405 Sam Wo Co 30 10

HOG Sun Kee .'1107 Sam Sing1403 Shou Chong1103 Sherwood, Isaac1410 Speckman. W. Dllll Sllva, Manl1412 Sllva, Mnnl. de i:1413 See Wo Yuen Co 34 15

1414 See Ark In Co 19 20

1415 Sarasuye , 3 SO

1416 Sims, Kst. of Kate E 62 10

1417 Sllva, Sam. K 33 73

1113 Strauch, Fanny CO 00

1419 See Wo Yuen Co 21 93

1420 Sam Hop 11 50

1121 Santos, Jennie 35 50

1422 Sing Chan Co 101 10

1423 Shuen Lung 13 70

1124 Shi Tal Co G 00

1425 Salto 10 10

1426 See Wo Co 10 CO

1127 Sung ioo Co 25 80

142S Sheldon. Hlla P 17 001429 Steven. John 13 701430 Shlmnda 8 201431 Sasngawa S 201452 Suknmoto 8 0

112'! Souza, Joaquin de 7 101421 Shoon Lee S 201433 Sing Wo Tong 11 CO

1130 Sun Yan Wo G 001437 Sing Kee S 201133 Shlng Kee 19 731140 Sun Wo Fook Kee 33 501111 Sun ChunB Kwok IIo 23 051112 SIiib Chong 7 101113 Sin Young IS G3

lilt SuvumaBO, It 9 301115 Suglninto & Co 3 231446 Sharratt. Mrs. W. F 15 331117 Spencer, Kealoha 23 SO

HIS Sam Sing In Co C 001413 Sllva. M. I 15 451151 Sominer, G 2 701132 Sanders, M. II 8 201453 Sllva, Kst. of Jose Ant 11 501151 Souza, Mrs. Mary E 1 701153 Souza, Mrs. J, E 2 151135 Sllva, Manuel J 8 201437 Sclienerman, Mrs. Nettle ,. 13 701153 Sllva, Manuel 11 601439 Sun Choy Slug Co SO 3014C0 See Chlng 2 151401 Sen Sup 20 901462 Suyohllo 8 20146.! Stone. Sam 11 501461 Smithies. Goo. K 17 651465 Stnr Soda Woiks Co G7 I.1466 Sing Chong 1G 15

1407 Sing Hlng 7 101463 Susumago S 201163 Sea. Mrs. Maria L 33 501170 Sllva, M. J 31 S31471 Stone. Mrs. M. U 19 201472 Spillner, A 10 2)1173 Sanford. Knilly 271174 Swlnton. Sarah 671475 Smith, Frank 1031476 Shaw. S. W 91177 Summcrwelt, A 7147S Schlemmcr. Mrs. T1479 Sllva, M. F140 Sing Lee Co1451 See Wo1452 Sllva. Mrs. Amoy1453 Sing Kee1454 Sunter. A1435 Souzn, M. C1456 Sllva. Robert H1457 Sllva, J. A., Trustee1455 Souza, J. R.1439 Sllva, Amoy et al1490 Rcntt, J. Florence1491 Sllva. John1492 Shlmota1153 Souzn, Manl. de Rego1494 Stanford. S1455 Sllva. F1496 Sue TftI1497 Sam Sing149$ Sakal1499 Saknta, Dlf-- Sharratt, W. F1681 Sllvu. B. G. de1S2 Sctt, F. J ,





Hlng Chong

Traders Insurance Co,von Holt agent

Thomas,Takakuwa,Tripp, Rosalie

Hop ChanTim WoToilofscn, OlafTrue,Thompson,Teves.Tong SingTuck ChongTarn QuongTal LoyThompson,Tsan NamTong Hop YuenTong KeeTal SungTnBnwn,Talbot, NuelaTexclra,Tuck SingTen YipTsumurn,Turner. ChasIlmnteo, Rev.Tlbbltts, Mrs.'M.TsubataTamlnakaTanlTong Sung

Tuck SingTong Man ChanTom SanTong LockTnsakaThocne, Wm.Thocno, TheresaTomlzo,Tewksbcrry, Mrs.Tain PongTung Sing Co.Tarn WillTongTnnaka,TnrumotoTaylor,Thornton, W.Tnnnka,Tong Sing WnlTonouweTsen SingTremble, GeorgeTurner,Tavares,Tuck YuenTnl SungTong YauTornklchl, OtaTobln,Tong HongTnknlinshlTanaboTubotaTennkaThompson, Capt. W....

United Chinese SocietyUpapaUaua, GeorgeUnion Electric CompanyITlunnliole,Hll, Mole Kahoaka...Umemoto1'ncn, JimUml, Mrs. TulewlallllUhlau, AlexIllukou, Mrs. AnnieTTlbrleht,Ung Ling




































Vivas,1590 Vlclra. Henry. 3371691 Velera. John Sllva1592 Vlcker.

Victor.1631 Vlelrn, James

Vlelra.Vlelrn, Mrs. AnnaVoeller, Mrs. PaulVlelria. VlctorlneVan Glescn,V!"-r- a.

1601 Wnrthlnglon, Ltd., Henry

Wnverloy Club, Gearpresident

V.'lng LoyWong KwalWaller, lb.Tt

iroo Wong SalWing Mow ChanWaters

1C03 Wong Kee1610 Wing Chow Lung

Wing1612 Wnterbury, Mrs.

Walla. David1614 Wright. W.1615 Winston, US

Warren,Wing Sing LungWing Man Yuen

1613 Wing Sun Hlng1G20 Wlddelleld, list, Mrs.

Woodward, EddloWong TalWilcox, W.

1621 Welsbarth, CaptWentherwax,Wong CheongWilliams. Mrs

1G23 Wing Wo ChongWo ChanWood, Kmma 20Wallace, SamWahlneWallace, Chas

1631 Wing Get Chong 501633 Wo Keo163G Wong Hani

Wong Yee Chan 301633 Wnl Chew 501633 Wal Huy 20

Wul Chun'Tong1G11 V.'lng Wo CO

Wong Chock See (w)1613 Woo Sluing1641 Wong Shin King 110

8 757

26 431220 S322 50

7 1012

3 SO


10 4020











O. I

. .

II,M. ...

K. 1)


C. F.J.





M. A



CoTal Sun Co

















E. E

1 167111 CO



13CC J 1G77

S8 5011


111 3011 1GS3

2 7010 40 1GS7

'SO 1GS3

6 ,

3 S'l , 1G91

157 10 1G331 CO 1694


2 70r,

3 SO 1C37

17 '017 01 lf.D9

. S 1700G m noi

1702. 10 1703. 11

. 10 15 not


G 00. C 00 1707. 42 CO 1703. 1G5 CI 1709

13 79 1710.

. 75 1712SO 171320 1714

. 10 1713

. 3 20

. H CO 1717

. ' 7 20 171

. 6

. 30

. Kk20

. 27


. 41 55

. 360 172G

. 63 1727

. U 50 1723

. SO 1723

. 21 SO 1730

. 10

. 34 '13 ,

. 70

. 50 ! 1731


. 11 ;

. 12 CO, 1737

. 8 20 1733

. 7 1733


1711. 1712. 11 50. 23 SO 174 1

. G

. 23 00 1710

. 1747

. 13

. 33 50












15S3 . 17. 3 ?.:. 8

15S6 . 11 5115S71CS3 31

15S3 J. MSr

10.1. A 10

1693 J. A 1278

1693 r. A 71530 61597 20159S S 101693 J. II 291600 J

It 97 301602 A. V.

11 501601 Co 120 40160 1 lO.'O SO

1605 C, ,1 43 40

Kee 201607 123 701603 & Co 60

Hee 17 00Co G3 80

1611 Lee 11M. A 11 60

1613 26 90W SG 30

E. C 201610 II 9 401617 Co 101613 GO


of A. G 001621 :.. 701622 9 S31623 L S63 10

1 701G25 C. W 43 931626 . 2 701C27 70

30 SO

1G29 16 431G30 K 13I Gil 7 201032 4 1)0

1633 12 15Co

2 7017 00

1637 911

81640 2S 00

Co 221G42 G 00

11 50et nl 60



G 00


11 50


810 01




0512 60











30 20









5 204


14 63

S 55838



65 172210





17321 17H3




4 90


4 90.10











Wing Sing 11Wlnam, C 127Wong Sin King et al 77Walwalole, Mrs. Kachu.... 22Williams, Henry 31Walwnlole, D., minor 2Wo Hop Co 74Wing Sing Yin 23Wing Wo Lung 11Wong Chut Yee 13Wong Hop Yin Co 35Wahlneplo 12Wilson, Geo 7Williams, John 7Wilkinson. W. II C3

Wo Hop 8

Wllburton, Mrs. V. 2Wing Lee Co. 26Wahlneallaau, J 11Wing Chnr.g 6Walker, Mrs. UIanhe C. .. 203Wagner, Wm 17

Wilson. C. R 9Wing Tal 24Wit Kee 13Wright. Catharine A 65


Whiting, W. AustinWright, J. TWilcox, IU ,WWalker, Capt. F. DWalktr, Chns. DWahcaWallace, John '...Wong CheeWong TuckWong Yau Kee CoWing Sing CoWo Hop In CoWatson, MrsWinter, CharlesWo Sing Wn!Wing Wo KeeWong Shee (w)Wing SangWnlklkl Reach x.o., Ltd....Wright, ThomasWilson, J. RWallace, AdelaideWinnm, C-- , TrusteeWnlnnlkn. JuliaWilliams. F. JWatatane

Xavler, John

Ylng Nlng TongYuen Wo CoYee Sing Tal CoYuen WoYee ChongYee Hop, C. Q. and Chang

Wnl FatYew ChongYoung HungYoshlokaYoung See ChetYnmamura and Takahashl.Yamnoko, OYomenYoshlnaYoshlnaga and Higashl ...YoshlnaYee ChanYau SingYlt Chong CoYee Sing KeeYee Wo alius Leo SingYee Wo Chnn CoYuen Sing LungYoshlknwaYoshlmotnYong ChongYong Yau, Leong Kau ot alYee En, CYeo Hop CoYee Chew FanYee ChowYoshimotoYoung, JnincsYeo Wo CoYee Hop, C. QYnninmotoYoshlmuraYamamotoYeo KimYiiu PoonYou ChenYau KutYlck LeoYamaneYnmnstaYeo KeeYamatoYamataulYeo Hop & CoYamane, TYee Kee

Zenvp, N. IIZablan, R. P


79 79

52 2057 70

2 7015 3G

2 798 307 10

15 350 10

8 7S14 25

6 0030 29

6 69G 00

81 35G 00

176 B9

1108 20

2 70CS 25


7 20

27 4365 0351 15

7 1024

50 006 00

15 33

S 201133 CO

8 208

502 708

1111 CO

17 00263 CO

11 CO

2 7013 70

3 8023 GO

3 SO

31 3313 70

9 408 20

1011 CO

28 004G 70

3 303

14 909 30

11 5011 30

8 20CO


11 503 90

2 7011 CO

G 30

9 4023 63


Income List of Delinquents.


1 Aynu, C. K 2 67

2 Andrade, Jno. S 18 10

3 Adams, W. D 7 11

4 Asbahr. Louis F 9 53

5 Andrade, Louis 11 80G Awnnn, G 10SS7 Andrews. Lorrln 23

8 Avery, J. D 21 70

9 Aylett, R. W 10 20

10 Anderson, A. T 1 JS11 Asche, Julius 217012 Amwcg, F, J 110 50

Achl, W. C 333 CG

II Anwick, A. K 6 66

15 All Tim Keo 4

16 Austin Publishing Co., Ltd. 2S 45

17 Ah Nee 53

13 Ah Chong, L GOO

19 Ah King, T II

20 IJalley's Honolulu CyclcryCo 25 SO

21 Hlalsdell, William 17 93

22 Hartlctt, Charles G 4 79

23 linker, John A 15 90

21 Roadie, Irwin It 4 90

23 lllesMne, Chas. V '4 90

20 llorg, F : 4 9027 Bell, W. II 18 10

28 Rcnnett. W. E 310329 lllart, II. G 37 48

30 Rlrkmoyer, Henry 33 CO

31 Drown, A. M 15 64

32 Brown. J. F 43 81

33 Blouin. R. i: 54 02

31 Bonner, Geo 4

Brown, Frank 300 47

20 Bruhii. W. C 11 CO

37 Bulck, W. A 14 80

33 Carter Jr., O . 27 89

Camara, J. M 8!40 Cathcart. John W. 44 CO

41 Crawford. Wm. II 12 38

42 Chang Suck You 22 50

43 Cape. Harry 9 JO

Carty, James 83 64

Chnn Leong 51

4G Chnn Hoy 52

47 Chan Tong 10 53

43 Campbell, G 10 67CO City Mill Co., Ltd 264 53

01 Chin Lum 82 70

02 Cobb, IL D. M 1 0

63 Collins. C. R 41 49

54 Choy Chin 4 11

63 Colburn, John F 23 07

Chock Park 22 60

67 Collins. J. R 3 11

Copeland. J. T 2 98C9 Costa, M 5 27

Condon. B 1 08Gl Chong Hong Kee 67 31C2 Chun Kwock Ming 22 6063 Chun Chong 22 0064 Cruz, H. de la 4 9065 Chung Kong 20 74

Chun Yung . ..! 4138

67 Davidson, M.68 Davis, David II. ..69 Davey, Frank . ..70 Day, II. J71 Day, P. D

Dankcy, P. II73 Davidson, T. F. .,74 Delaney, James J,75 Drennon, Geo. W.71 De Cew, C. A- - ..,77 DIckerson, Chas. .

Dillon. P. F.79 D wight. S. C. ,..,80 Dow. A. W. ..81 Dobson, II. Z.82 Dower, J. J. ..


S311 CO

11 50


23 00




1 GO












J.39 38

4443 10








4 908 37

IS 104 79

18 397 10

44 604 904 904 904 901 03

23 284 34

22 28

5 79

Page 11: 021' KT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/4424/1/... ·  · 2015-06-02nd giving formal notice of Intention to move for

S3 smelly, Yf. J 15 46

S4 Doyle, C. A 4 30

M Duncan, It. M IS "0

16 Du Boise, T. P 4 30

ST Evans, Geo. S 1 M

XI Enert. F. G .... 2 70

i Eberllng, Geo 10 18

fl Kon, C 5 6"

91 Funs Ken 10 52

it Pol Kcc !l sa

93 Perandez, Lot P. 8 61

M Perrelra. Frank 4 90

S FJadcs. Jas. H 10 "1

S Friet, B. H 1 3

97 Flnley. M ?

SI Pong Chen ;Pons Tons 10 ''

109 Fons Seo i JJ -101 Fook Sau Tong 4

IBS Fulton, John U "00118 Fu Tuen Lung - 90

101 Fuller, It. M 10 1Si

115 Gandall, Tom 61

Fred "l "106 Ganzell,101 Greene, John S 1160108 Geer. It. C f111 Gregory. Jas 1- -111 Green, John Jay 20 it111 Green, Joseph - J

113 Green. II111 aill. Edward S -- 1 30

114 Gltt. William JHi Gilbert. William 10"11 ariinths. J. E 4 43

llf Gorman, II "50118 Gs Man Chung 9 9- -

9 00119 Got Sing

Ml Harrison. J. H 10

Edmund 41 4U122 Hart,123 Harrl3, Albert E CO

125 Harris, W. W M 21

M6 Hayselden. II- - T 92 90

lT Hakuolc, James II 8 CI

1M Harford, II. K 90

Ml Hawaii Land Co.. Ltd 33 Rj

1SI Heinebcrg, J. A 44 50

131 Herrlek. C. F " '

13S Henshall, Geo -- 3 906 .0Chan131 lleo

ISi High. Dr. C. B "24138 IHnkels, W. L JO"W Hirase. J MM131 Hop Kee "

1! Hop Hlng Lung i '141 Hop Sing I 1

111 Houghtalllng, Geo. S 9

14S Holland, W. 11 2

141 Holt. E. S "141 Ho Lue "DO

145 Holt, Hanakaulanl . I

148 Holt, C. J 24S8147 Hogan, J. J111 Hoong, Yin "

149 Iflhlhara, S J "151 Isulsakl. I b

m Johnson, W. II f30IBS Johnson, C .

153 Johnson, It. Stuart .

154 Johnson. E. . " W

15i Johnson. Edward -Ul Jones, Henry M ;" "

1 ,iJ167 Jack Wing

US Kamanoulu, J. K

li Kane. S. K "

Ml Kaplolanl Estate, Ltd 63o

ltl Kalsan, I -MS Karrattl. B. J -

m Kaapa. David W"1(4 Kan Wing Chew . " j... 4133KalclpuaIK Kanoa. Estate111 Kea. J. M J 10

187 Keen. E. G. - J?181 Kellett Jr.. P. ? "111 Kelker. John W171 Kelly, It. S 4r -1W Kee Kan ; '171 Klltean, Margaret L. "1TI Klllcan Co.. Ltd., M. E y- -174 KlmTal ?

'170 Kldd, Alex171 King. W. C

'"177 Kin Wal, H " 'Mg Kolomoku. Hiram "H9 Kohn. M. M

180 KonK Lung J" "

1B1 Kumamoto, T ' -J "1U Kub Chong

"18 Lane, John C

K4 Lam Chlng Chin J"IBS Lam Hang "

"186 Lam Ylt187 Lawrence, David ""IBS Lau Sau189 ' Lam In Chew J

191 Lam Leong "in Larscn. W "ltt Lancaster, M "

m Langton. W. M

194 Langfleld, Mrs. L 1- -J -

IK Leo Kun Yau "111 Leo Chu nJ"197 Ie Ping Yuen -- ?ll Leo Wa Chung "191 Leo Tat San iJ

Lycett. W. B J 90

M Leong Young - J"tOS Leo Chong " ;MI Llghttoot, J . i'M4 Loo Chin -SOS Lore. W. P. JWl Lol Koon Chock -MT Lol Koon Chan "J;0I Lol Ban ;--

Ml Loy Hock Lock 10;;--111 Loo Joe 'I111 Loo Chit Sam - l"Ml Lum Chlng 'fHI Lucas. J. A Jfl111 Lucas, George115 Lum Chew J- -118 Lum Yce Sing -117 Lunlng, Marlon M J J"Ml Lum Tock J "'

111 Martin, C. H "l!l Maxwell, W. C 7 10

I!l Mahone, George D 41 ia2 Marshall, M. T 2 10

S "5 09121 Mahelona,124 Macfarlane.II.lt 4j CO

125 Martin. P. C128 Magulre, A. T 1 M

1ST Mariner, J. A 6 22

128 Man Sing, Y "00129 Mahoney, H. J 2 12

130 Macklnney, P. W 40 10

131 Mew Tal 6 8S

155 Meheula. S 20 49

231 Mlntpn, W. M 8127S35 Mitchell, Wm H 50

8 Miller. W. E 10 "3T Mltatnura, Dr. M 50

2S8 Mills. J. It 4 91

1S9 Miner. F. L 9104148 Moore, A. H " 50

211 Morley, Joh 2

24! Monsarrat, J. M K 74

141 Monsarrat, E. J 2 58

244 Monsarrat, W. T. 26 75

M Morris, A. U 1! '924 Mosher, F. .' ' llMX Moon. C. H 7 10

341 Morris, Joseph' 'J 1

941 Mrebead, Mrs. M 27 15

-- r ii' V;1t


230 Moy Hop. 12 94251 Murray, T. B 4 63232 Murray, Chas. P. ... no OO

213 Muller, Hobt. G. O. . 12 S2254 McAllister, J. W. .... 10 IS235 McGrow, John Tarn 16 IS236 McNIchol, Duke .. 11 50

MdDonald, John W. ., 53 7723S McKec, J 11 50239 McGavln. J 22 50

200 Nakookoo, John K. ., 2 06261 Naukann, Job262 Nakabayashl, U 2 33';263 Ng Lai 10 52

264 Kg Jan 10 62

263 Xawal, Jos 1 31

266 Needham, W. W 4 79

267 Ns Kee 10 52

26S Norton, B. H 5 57

263 Nntt Jr., Jas 22 00

270 Ng Kong 10 32

271 Nunes, J. A 1 57

272 Nunes, Ed 4 90

273 Ng Quon 10 52

274 Oahu Carriage Co., Ltd. ... 37 37

275 Owens, P. J 22 50

276 O'Brien, F 6 22

277 Oberwlmmer. It 20 S3

278 On Hlng & Co 16 56

279 Oahu Lumber and BuildingCo., Ltd 373 OS

2S0 Palolo Land nml Improve-ment Co., Ltd 312 23

2S1 Parker, E. II 13 90

2S2 Pang Chong 41 89

2S3 Pachcco, M. C 4 90

2S4 Pengclly, W 2 04

283 Pedersun, C 17 32

2S6 Prescott, F. G 10 03

2S7 Prescott. L. F 38 OS

2SS Perry, M. 8 30 SO

2S9 Penfleld, T. J 7 10

290 Peterninnn, F. II. J 2 59

291 Perry, S. P 11 50

292 Plnkhum, W. E 1 S2

293 Plckard, J. W 94

294 Powell, J. V.. 2 63

293 Podmore, Robert W 9 19

296 Poepoc, J. M 8 &6

297 Porter, George 4 90

298 Poulos, A 1 SO

299 Po Wo Tong 5 63

300 Pun, Sam K 11 74

201 Pmdy, J 2 01

302 Pierce, S. E 34 3S

303 .Qutnn. E. W. 65 62

201 Ituymond, A 4 no

303 Heed, F. II 11 50

206 Held, II. C 30 11

307 nichanl. Jos 1 1 00

303 Itllry, W. It 10 SI303 Hlchardson, J. 11 10 so

310 Snbln, W. P. 7 10

311 Sang Kee 14 47

312 Sakn, It 10 40

313 Self, Louis 2 15

314 Sherwood, Isaac II. . 8 42

315 Spencer, George 2 00

316 Spencer, G. W 10 IS317 Stephens, C. S 4 90

SIS Sclilemmer, M. 20 30

319 Rmlddy, Jos. J 2 93

320 Smithies, G. E 2S 65

321 Stirling, Con 67 02

322 Sllva, P. 10 66

323 Slmoes, M. G 4 14

324 Sing Hlng 1 32

325 Sing Kee 12 02

326 Slmcrson, W. K 91

327 Sims, W. H 22 60

32S Swlnton, M. T 7 10

i9 Spring 2 73

330 Shlmamoto, S 79 29

331 So Young 6 13

332 Stone, A. J 4 90

333 Schoenlng, J. W 17 31

334 Scott, F. J 11 50

333 Stroup, T 5 95

33G Sun Choy Sing Co. .. 11 66

337 Taylor, B. P. 3 30

33S Tarn Bong 11 60

339 Trimble, George .... 'X 7 54

340 TImmons, L. D 7 10

342 Thompson, Frank E. 10 20

343 Tom Leong 22 50

341 Thompson, J. E 10 18

343 Tong Fat 8 S6

340 Tullett, A 11 03

217 Thrum, P. W 11 17

34S United Chinese Society 1150

343 VIvlchaves, Mrs. II. K 16

350 Vivas, J. M 37

351 Van Glesen, J. II 4

332 Victor, J. A 6

353 Walker, J. S .31354 Walty, II. T 26

355 Wyman, W. A 12

356 Watson, J. B 4

357 Warren, Harry 7

35S Weill, A 0

359 West, C. P 4

360 Wee, Y. M "261 Weatherwax, C. W. 12

362 West, J. II 39

363 Wilcox, W. L 61

364 Wright, John 22

363 Whitney, G. M 22

366 Wlnam, C 1

367 Wilder, W. D 1

368 Winkler, Otto 2

369 Wilkinson, James II. . 4

370 Wright, Benjamin H. .. . .29

371 Wldemann, C. A . 15

372 Wright, J. T . 14

373 Wright, W. W . 35

374 Windrath, It 4

375 Williams, O. It 23

276 Willis, C. J 11

377 Wise, J. II 33

37S Williams Estate, J. It 36

379 Wing Mow 79

3S0 Worthlngton, II. It 44

3S1 Wond, Geo. H 4

3S2 Wong Wal Hym 13

383 Wong Wal Kong 13

3S4 Wong Ah Fong 13

3S5 Wong Low 23

3S6 Wong Fook 42

3S7 Wong Kwal 449

3S8 Wong Yee 20

3S9 Yce Sing Tie 33 66

390 Yee Hop, C. Q 7 21

391 Yee Wo, alias Lee Sing 3 41

392 Yee Sing Kee 6 12

393 Yee En Kee 23 40

394 Yee Hop & Co 158 19

395 Young, Wlllfam 4 90

396 Zablan, Benj. P 4 90

ls'9lsso1SS1JSS-- 11SS3

Ewa and Walanae DelinquentList.

1752 Annua, Ch 18 101753 Amce, Est 2 SO

1751 Ben, Hoaheo .' 7 20

1735 Chapel, A. II1756 Chong Sang Wal ....1757 Cornwell, W. H175S Camara, J. M1739 Culburn, J. P 67

1760 Helcnlhl, Jim 1

1761 Holt Est. It. W 4661762 Hul, S. II 131763 Hopu 4

1764 Hookano (w) t 3

1763 Henry Whnrton 3

1760 Hill, Est. W '...1767 Haw. Cemetery Assn. 135

li C3 liana Mohomoho .... 5

1763 Haw. Banana Co. ..j,

1770 II, John, Est. 651

1771 John Pae, Trustee .. 30

1772 Jarrctt, Wm 11

1773 Knannnna 7

1774 Kala 6

1775 Kapu 1

1.76 Kaluna (w) 7

1777 Kalelkal, A 9

177S Kunhewa 8

1779 Kawatpto 6

1750 Kaalauka 2

1751 Kananault 17

1752 Kallaa Est 3

1753 Kauklul 7

1754 Knpule, U 11

17S3 Kalanyi 12

1756 Kane, S. K 31

1757 Kanahcle, J 19

1755 Kuhla, Wm S

17S3 Knlkalnahaole, Est.. 21

1790 Kalkalnahaolc, Oplo 2

1791 Keliiokamoku 9

1792 Kaauuoa1793 Kamakee1791 Knnnannn, J. K. ..1795 Kuhalahala1796 Keaka1797 Kukllehu, John179S Keama. J. E1799 Keamoku, W1500 Kekua, Est1501 Knulualaloha, Est. .

1502 Kahlamoe, 11. K. ...ISO:! Knaloanu1S0I Klni1S0S Kalual

1S07 Loo Choung1S0S Lrlnloha1503 Lewalna Kapu1810 Lakekaua

1S11 Mnninl, P. J 9 40

1812 Mahelona. P 11 60

1513 Mnninl, S 7 10

1514 Mnluloa 2 15

lSlfi Mnnoanoa, James ... 8 20

1516 Mlleka, Est 2 70

1517 Molteno, Chas 11 50

1515 Manuahl 8 20

1519 McCarty, G. J 9 40

1520 MeGlflln 12 60i

1821 Nolopl 1 60

1S22 Napahuelua 9 85

1823 Naeole, Nul 22 03

1824 Naheana, M 12 60

1S25 Nichols, A. E 2 70

1820 Naea I 55

1S27 Puluole 7 20

1S2S Pollkua, Wood 14 801823 Plpi, W S 20

1830 Plnao, Est 4 90

1531 Patzlg, C. C 50 00

1532 ltols, II. G 11 CO

1533 Steere, F. E 36 00

1S3I Spencer, Henry ... 2 70

1S33 Search, J 2 701S36 Sang Wo Sang .... 159 651837 See Hop Wal 17 10

183S Tong Rang Wal ... 44 60

1539 Terrelra, J 3 70

1540 Wilcox, W. L 7 10

1541 AVlng Fat Co 20 20

1S12 Wong Ming Found 2 701843 Wallace, Jackson . I 401811 Warren, L 9 40

Delinquent Income Tax, Ewaand Walanae.

397 Antonsen, 11. . . 18 75

398 Courtney, B. B, 2 26

393 Gilbert, Lee .... 4 90

400 Herring, C. A. . 10 42

401 Morton, F. ... 18 10

402 Mulholland, J. 1 3S

403 Muller, C. ... 36 43

401 Sthulcr, II. ... 2 26

405 Seathum, J. P. 23 05

406 Warren, I 18 10

Waialua District.

1S43 Ahlo, L .'... 1 CO

1S46 Aehee 41 051847 Allna 33 SO

181S Aklna 7 101S43 Al, D 2 13

1830 Alea, Mrs. D. M. 1 601S51 Al Lelaloha 1 S3

1S32 Beck, Est. of M 2

1S33 Chong Chow ... 4 001851 Catholic Mission 3 60

1855 Cox, Andrew . .. 27 SO

1S36 EhU, Est. of 5 501S57 Ehu, Est. of 2 70

1S5S Herbert, Allan .... 1 00

1859 Holt, It. W 23 SO

18C0 Holt, Est. of It. W. 814 75

1S61 Hull. EBt. of Mary. 3 80

1862 Haalou, Keklpi .... 10 10

1863 Holloway, T. L. ... 17 20

1865 Houghtaillng, Geo. 2 70

1S66 Ikalla 2 15

1867 Inoino 2 701SCS lata, Isaac , 6 00

1SC3 Klol 3 83

1870 Kahclahela. Mrs. E. .. 5 C5

1571 Knlamakee, Mrs. S. H. 17 001572 Jtauatnana 2 701573 Kapu, J. N J 25

1874 Kahili, Est. 4 90

"p Kawalkumuolc, Mrs. Lokal. 7 101310, Kahnl, Est 4 351S77 Kaplolanl, Est. 9 01S73 Kali a I and Kualll 7 10

Kauhl, W 7 20Kumann, Kaolclo 12 15Klltn, Est. .., 3 80Konohlkl, Est 11 50Kelllkaapunl, Lclaloha.... 13 S3

1SSI Lahapa, Wnlhe .... 4 901SS5 Lelenuna, Est 3 231SS6 Lane, P. C :.. 5 701SS7 Lonokacho, Est. ... 6 00"S3 Luka, H. Caroline 3 23

1SS3 Mallo 3 251S&0 Maunnloa, Kale! 5 451591 Mahaulu, A. S 7 931592 Mahu, Mrs. Pahukoa 4 901593 Manuel, Antonc 3 SO

1S91 Nnkulna, Emma M. 4 901S93 Nnkalownlu 2 701S96 Naolwl, D 42 001S9S Nakea, Est. of 3 SO

1S99 Nallmu, Est. of .... 10 651900 Pal, Mrs. Kelno .... 5 451901 Pnkele, J. B 3 231902 Pedro, A. It 6 001003 Paolo 1 601D01 Pohakahl, Est. of .. 5 201903 J'enoieno, Est. of .. 2 701906 Plkal, S 10 40

1907 Boblnson, M. P 9 30

1903 Sum Hop Wal 2 451903 Savldge, Wm 1 601910 Soloniona 2 .01911 Sylva, Manlnl 3 23

1912 Thompson, Est. of T. T,. 1 601913 Tal Loy 2 15

1914 Wainiea Land Co CO 631913 Wond, W. S 6 001910 Walmalu. Polna 9 3019ii Wood, Edgar 15 551915 Waialua Beach Hotel ... 11 05

Delinquent Income Tax, Waia- -

lua District.

407 Cox, Andrew . 1 6040S Clarke, T. ...... 1 05

403 Hunter. W 2 20410 Hundorp, C 1 70

411 Onnlston, A. M.. 1 SO

412 Wood, Edgar ... 65 0.

Koolauloa District.

1919 Alowa 1 601920 Aklna 6 001921 Ahupuaa, Puhecmlkl 52 701522 Apuakchan 5 401923 Ah Song 3 14

1924 Alkue, 13. P 6 40

1925 Booth, Mrs. C. W. 7 10

1926 Chlng Sung, Wal Co... 40 211927 Carter, Mrs. M. D. ... 28S 73

192S Fuji 35 37

1929 Glbbs, Est. ...'. 5 45

1930 Hop Lee Wal Co 37 03

1331 Kapena,. Est 10 801932 Kanaloa 2 701933 Kaluhl, J 10 401931 Kahal, Mrs 8 101933 Kcohokul 3 201936 Kalwlhaona 4 K

1937 Kahanupaa 6 401933 Kupau, Joel 12 o:

1933 Kalawala, II 4 301910 Keau, Jno 15 201911 Kwong On Chong Co..t. IS 001912 Kaoholo 36 001943 Kuluwalmaka 11 501914 Kallieha, N. et nls 23 401945 Kauka, S 8 101915 Kalpo, S 5 401917 Kaoao, B IS 101918 Kalokahaku 2 701919 Kuowa 4

1950 Kalanukapu 71931 Kaaukal, Mrs 131952 Knpall, S 331953 Kamollllll 141951 Kapaole, Est 91355 Kauahlkann, J. M 221956 Kalona, Est 12 001957 Kanamu, Est 85 9S1953 Kancuml 6 451913 Kaapu, S. K 9 001960 Kutala, D. K 2 70

1901 Lau, Est1962 Lee Cheung1963 Lutora, Joe1904 Logan. S. W1960 Lum Nln Quong Co.1967 Leong Wo Ylck Co...1963 Mahoe, Est1963 Malkai

1970 Naneo, Est 18 901971 Nakl 5 891972 Nee Hop Wal Co 7 87

1973 Paukcalanl, J 11 CO

1971 Paulo 3 231973 Paulo for Nalnoaclua 2 70

1976 Sung Lee Wal Co 21 23

1977 Tal Kong 14 C2

1978 Tong Wo Sing Co.. 20 20

Delinquent Income Tax List,Koolauloa District.

113 Frendenberg. F. 8 99414 WInslow. M.D.. II. E 7 S7

District Koolaupoko No. 1.

1973 Ah Sin No. 1 1 SO

1980 Ah 81.1. No. 2 2 151981 Ah Hop . 11 701952 Ah Pau or C. l.ai Young... 24 10

1953 Cummins, T. P 20

19S5 Ellis, Victoria or Mrs. Buff- -endeau C5 c:

1081 Isenberg Alex 2 70

t9S7 Holl Mell 15 2019SS Hong Kong 4 901983 Hiram, Mrs. II. 6 00

1990 Kahoeka, John1331 Kane, S. K. .10 05

1992 Kalllhauna, Est1993 Kellct, Mrs. A19D1 Kawalhoano, Mia. ..1995 Knmnkanl ,1996 Kcawe, D. W ... .' .1937 K!noau193S Knlll, Sam1999 Kekal, Abraham ..."2C0O Kalawala2C01 Kaapa, Win2002 Knchu2003 Kamaka (w)2001 Kuallko2005 Knannna2006 Kalnukoa, John . ...2007 Lau Estate200S Laahla, Annie

2010 NohokulaC011 Naone, Kapol LUIa ..2012 Nunes, Mrs. Peter ..

11 802 707 60

48 006 00

10 903320






2013 Pamawnho 92011 Plho, Mrs. Maria 31

2015 Wiley, Sophie Kohuole 42016 Watson, D 6

1017 Yim You, Mrs. Kelelalr

District Koolaupoko No.' 2.

201S Alohlau, Malkai . 32013 Ah Yau . 6

2020 Bery, James . ... 2

2021 Chang Kong ... 6

2022 Hoopll, Mrs. . . 32023 Hoaplll, Mrs. M. a2021 Hoplll Jr 1

2025 Halcnknla, Ed . 22026 Hop Sing Wnl

2027 Isaac. Mrs 4

202S Kaumnna 22029 Keonc Jr. 1

2030 Knllll, John 72031 Kalawala Estate . ., 2

2032 Kalml. Mrs. H. K. 32033 Klnohua 22031 Knlokolanl2033 Kapu, Joseph 62036 Kcnla 1

2037 Koon, Estate of J. .. 3

203S Kelllmnhlal, Henry . 6


2039 Kamaka 32040 Kaulana 22041 Kukahlwa 32012 Kalolopil, A. S2013 Keopulupulu 132011 Kwong Sung Will . .

2045 Kwong Yee Sung , 13

2016 Lee Kin 1

2017 Lowenbcrg, A 11

2C4S Mlleka 4

2049 Malama 4

2030 Mil, Estate 4

2031 Malta, H 112032 Macdu 1

2033 Mann, Mrs. M 1

2054 Nuunnu 1

2055 Paukenho 1

2056 Pellka and Wela 72057 Palkull, W. E. .., 3


































205S See Wo Will 45

2053 Turner, Charles 8 75

2000 Wong Hoon 11 CO

2001 Wnlkane Land Company .. 115 702002 Wulanlta 13 70

2003 Ylm You, Mrs 90

I hereby certify the foregoing to bea correct list of the delinquent taxesand taxpayers for the First TaxationDivision.

(Signed): JAMES W. PItATT,Assessor First Division.


Tax Omce Fourth Division,December 31st, 1901.

The following list of Delinquent TaxPayers Is hereby published ns requiredby law, and comprises tho DelinquentTaxes for the Fourth Division and Dis-

tricts indicated, Including Real Es-

tate, Personal Property, Carrlnges,Carts and Drays, Dogs, Personaland Income Taxes assessed and re-

maining unpaid for 1901 with percent penalty and the cost for advertis-ing as the law provides.

Delinquent Tax List FourthDivision.

Aknna 41

Akana & Co ItAka, Lukela 3

Blake, Chas 7 51

Bcrtleman, II 2 92

Bertleman, F 3

Blrkmycr, Henry . 0

Brown, Wm 8 20

Fernandez, Jose M, 19 03


, PlllpoHul o Huluela

Iwamoto 12

Kanawal 2

Kaimana 6KurnshlgcKcnnaonaKnhaolcalli 3Kaklna, 2

Knehuwahanul (w)Klllklna (w)Knaloa, Louisa

























709 8521




3 233 80

KapcaKaplolanl Estate

Lan Tal . 17 44

Mnllolo Estate 4 90Mlka, Henry 7 10

Owe 4 57

Plkao 4 35

Puall 6 37

Plllkai. T 3 SO

Sam Sang Val Co. 11 83

Smith. Mrs. II. ... 2 92

Ukauka 12 60

Delinquent Income Tax Lift,Fourth Division.

Ilclirens, llud a 15llock,Aug. ....: , 3 6$

Couson, W.U. .' 3G 68

Eliasnen, 0 4 00

OiW.E 11 500iJ-- 0 10 07

Hollinsliead, W. 0 17 09

"." A 7 43.

Jncintho, August 8 86

Mnhoncy, J.J jq 18Marlins, J. D , 19 42AIcKeelinic, J. P. 17 09

l'ierco. E. 23 33

I hereby certify the foregoing to ben correct list of the Dellmiuent Taxeiand Taxpayers for the Fourth TaxationDivision.

(Signed) E. E. CONANT,Assessor 4 th Division.

Mrs. Lclnnd Stanford Is determinedthat the university at Palo Alto, Cal.founded In memory of her son, shall boone of tlio greatest educational Institu-tions In the world. The magnificent TnMulial, that wonderful memorial tomb atAgra, In India, cost JlG.000,000, but this I

lesj than the endowment of tho Stan-ford university. Tho ono monument Ubut a mnsterplcco of beauty, the otherIs the source of education and Inspirationto higher achievements for the countloMthousands In the yenrs to come. Mrs.Stanford has Riven her ;ntlro time anaattention to her son and to her husband,who bequeathed to her this trust of af-fection.


J. A. Fillmore, who has resignedtho position of manager of the Pa-clll- e

KVbtem of tho Southern l'oclflcrailway, after almost a lifetime of meri-torious service, will be paid H.0O) a monthby the company till tho end of tho yearand a pension of J500 a month thereafteras long as ho lives.


I wish to preach, not the doctrlno ofIgnulila ease, but tho doctrine of thostrenuous life; the llfo of toll and effort,of lanur nml Htrtfn tit ,,.n.,ni. i. 1.1 .

est form of success which conies, not toin., umii wno uosires niero easy peace,hut to tho man who docs not shirk fromhardship, or from Miinn mit ...... ...,.- -" ..., uiiu niiu.out of these, wins tho splendid, ultimate

1,D'"'CU nt l" Hamilton Club,Chicago, April. 1S39.

A Port Jcrvls, N. Y., paper says thatwhile getting rnllroad ties near thatplace Abo Morehouse was bitten In theleg by a rattlesnake. A doctor was atonce sent for. When ho arrived thebandages were taken off, and as soonas the leg wns bared a swarm of mos-quitoes lighted on It. In a few minutesthe ground was covered with dead atkldying mosquitoes. They had suckedtho poison of the wound and savedMorehouse's life.

Ono of th- - church3 'n a little West-er- n

town has a young woman v- - Itspastor. She was ca"iu to the duor ;fthe parsonage one day, and saw therea young farmer ofthe German type. "Dey say der minis-ter llfed In dls house," he said. "Yes,"replied the fair pastor. "Veil

to kit mcrrlt!" "To got married?Very well. I can marry you," Bald thominister, encouragingly. "Oh, but Igot a girl alreaty," was the disconcerting reply.


A law will soon go Into effect In Norway giving women the voting power Inmunicipal elections. Heretofore, since1895, tho women have had the right tovote on matters affecting the local reg-

ulation of the liquor trade.

President Angell, of Michigan Univer-sity, announces that an Instructor In for-

estry Is soon to bo nppolntcd. Not onlytliu problem of how to preserve forestsA FORESTRY COURSI1 AT ANN Alt-I- s

to ho considered, but tho further andmoro vnluahlo Information, In certainsections, of how to create new forests, Uto be taught. It Is expected that thochnlr of forestry will attract tho sons offarmers In particular, since the profes-sion Is ono more easily comprehendedIn Its primary Instruction by them thanby boys from the city, and because highrewards nwalt tho graduate fully trainedand competent In theory as in practice.

-Irrigation is being urged as India's

means of salvation. Hallways maycure famine by bringing relief to theneedy, but a well organized system ofirrigation Is the only certain preven-tive.

The food value of sugar Is a subjecton which the doctors disagree. The ,

fact that children who eat sugar arepale and have bad teeth leads Dr. VonBunge to condemn this food, and toconclude that Its lack of Iron and limemakes It lets desirable than otherfoods. Professor Leplne, on the otherhand, finds that theie Is very little ironnnd lime In any of our food. He showsthat the French, using about a third nsmuch sugar per head as the English,have no better health than the Eng-

lish and Americans, and concludes thatthe Increased need of dentists Is theonly hnrm that can come from usingmuch sugar.


Manager "Up careful not to make theplot of our novel too complicated."

Author "Why not?"Manager "Well, you know before It Is

dramatized tho plot will all havo to b

taken out." Judge...CAUSE OF EMBARRASSMENT.

Rev. Br. Orerr, rector of St. Barthol-omew's Episcopal church, New York,who has Just declined tho office of bish-op, has often an experience that doesnot come to many clergymen. His con-gregation Is composed In the main ofvery rich people, and when ho makes aaappeal for charity of any sort, ho Is surto receive a number of blank checks,with a request that he All In suchamounts as ho thinks would 'bs right.Ho declares that he sometimes feels verymuch embarrassed as to what he shoulddo.

Page 12: 021' KT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/4424/1/... ·  · 2015-06-02nd giving formal notice of Intention to move for

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BooKDinders id Flint" Engravers

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w Hawaiian Gazette, (Semi-weeki- y) - 5.00 a

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