Download - Flowgate Allocation Method Examples of Proportional Curtailment of FIRM PTP and GTL Minneapolis, November 10-11, 2010.

Page 1: Flowgate Allocation Method Examples of Proportional Curtailment of FIRM PTP and GTL Minneapolis, November 10-11, 2010.

Flowgate Allocation Method

Examples of Proportional Curtailment of FIRM PTP and GTL

Minneapolis, November 10-11, 2010

Page 2: Flowgate Allocation Method Examples of Proportional Curtailment of FIRM PTP and GTL Minneapolis, November 10-11, 2010.

Proportional Curtailment of Firm PTP and Firm GTL – Problem Statement

• Provide equal treatment of FIRM Point-to-Point (PTP) Transaction impacts and FIRM Generation-to-Load (GTL) Impacts during a TLR event– Flowgate allocation does not “downgrade” FIRM PTP and GTL transactions to NON-FIRM– TLR curtailment of FIRM contributions requires the issuance of a TLR-5 or higher– FIRM contributions are NOT curtailed in TLR-3a, TLR-3b and TLR-4

• Allocations are based on forecasted/reserved (Expected) FIRM usage of flowgates up to but not exceeding the flowgate limit– Expected FIRM usage is determined in the Day-Ahead and Hour-Ahead– All Expected FIRM contributions to the flow on the flowgate are included– The total Expected FIRM contributions does not exceed the flowgate limit:

• BAs and TSPs are allocated FIRM limits to their contribution on the flowgate that equals its total Expected FIRM contributions

– The total Expected FIRM contributions exceeds the flowgate limit:• BAs and TSPs are allocated FIRM limits to their contribution on the flowgate proportional to their

contribution• FIRM contributions are placed in two curtailment buckets – LAST TO CUT (LTC) and FIRST TO CUT

(FTC)– Nomenclature:

• PTP transactions: FTC = 7-F LTC = 7-FC• GTL: FTC = 7-FN LTC = 7-FCN

– FIRM contributions in FTC and LTC are determined in real-time based on current system conditions

– LTC: FIRM contributions in the LTC bucket are those that do NOT exceed the Expected FIRM usage of the flowgate for FIRM PTP and GTL impacts

– FTC: FIRM contributions in the FTC bucket are those that exceed the Expected FIRM usage of the flowgate for FIRM PTP and GTL impacts

Page 3: Flowgate Allocation Method Examples of Proportional Curtailment of FIRM PTP and GTL Minneapolis, November 10-11, 2010.

Proportional Curtailment of Firm PTP and Firm GTL - Example

• Flowgate limit: 800 MW• Allocation:

– All Firm PTP transactions– Firm GTL up-to flowgate limit

• Total Firm PTP allocation: 520 MW• Total Firm GTL allocation: 800 – 520 = 280 MW• GTL allocation ratio: 280 / 480 = 0.583

– GTL allocation = (Firm GTL Impact ) x (GTL allocation ratio)

Entity DA/HA Firm GTL Impact

DA/HA Firm PTP Impact

Firm PTP Allocation


Firm GTL Allocation


Firm Allocation


A 0 150 150 0 150

B 160 120 120 93.3 213.3

C 160 0 0 93.3 93.3

D 120 200 200 70 270

E 40 50 50 23.3 73.3

Total 480 520 520 280 800

1,000 800

Page 4: Flowgate Allocation Method Examples of Proportional Curtailment of FIRM PTP and GTL Minneapolis, November 10-11, 2010.

Proportional Curtailment of Firm PTP and Firm GTL - Example

• Flowgate limit: 800 MW

Entity Firm Allocation


RT Firm GTL Impact


RT Firm PTP Impact


Total Firm Impact


Over/(Under) Allocation (5)=(3)-(1)

Last to Cut 7F+7FN


First to Cut 7FC+7FCN(7)=(4)-(6)





A 150 0 160 160 10 150 10 0 10

B 213.3 120 80 200 (13.3) 200 0 0 0

C 93.3 80 0 80 (13.3) 80 0 0 0

D 270 80 190 270 0 270 0 0 0

E 73.3 30 50 80 6.7 73.3 6.7 2.5 4.2

Total 800 310 480 790 (10) 773.3 16.7 2.5 14.2

Page 5: Flowgate Allocation Method Examples of Proportional Curtailment of FIRM PTP and GTL Minneapolis, November 10-11, 2010.

FTC and LTC Calculations• TLR 5a requires curtailment of 10 MW of FIRM transactions after exhausting all

NON-FIRM curtailments– 10 MW of relief will be provided pro-rata from 16.7 MW of FTC (7-FC and 7-FCN),

using the existing TLR pro-rata formulas• Total 7FCN Curtailment: 2.5x10/16.7 = 1.5 MW• Total 7FC Curtailment: 14.2x10/16.7 = 8.5 MW• Individual 7FC curtailment: 8.5 MW distributed pro-rata among all 7FC transactions

– 773.3 MW of LTC (7-F and 7-FN) are not curtailed

Entity Last to Cut 7F+7FN



7FCN Curtailment

7FC Curtailment (*)

7F+7FN Curtailment

A 150 0 10 0 10x10/16.7 = 6.0 0

B 200 0 0 0 0 0

C 80 0 0 0 0 0

D 270 0 0 0 0 0

E 73.3 2.5 4.2 10x2.5/16.7 = 1.5 10x4.2/16.7 = 2.5 0

Total 773.3 2.5 14.2 1.5 8.5 0

(*) Assumes all PTP transactions with the same TDF

Page 6: Flowgate Allocation Method Examples of Proportional Curtailment of FIRM PTP and GTL Minneapolis, November 10-11, 2010.

Proportional Distribution of Under-Allocated Amounts to Over-Allocated GTL/PTP – Issues To Be Resolved

• Sum of all LTC (7-F and 7-FN) in Real-Time can be smaller than the flowgate limit– Only the over-allocated entities/transactions are “penalized” for over-

allocating• Remaining of flowgate limit can be reassigned to over-

allocated entities/transactions so that LTC equals the flowgate limit– Reduces the FTC bucket size– Distribution Proportion Options:

• FIRM limits of over-allocated entities/transactions• Real-Time over-allocation impact• Real-Time impacts• Other

– If TLR-5 cannot be resolved with curtailments from FTC bucket, may need to curtail pro-rata the LTC bucket• Entities/Transaction that do not over-allocate may be curtailed (see next


Page 7: Flowgate Allocation Method Examples of Proportional Curtailment of FIRM PTP and GTL Minneapolis, November 10-11, 2010.

FTC and LTC Calculations with Reassignment• Total RT Impact < Flowgate limit

– Reassign all FTC to LTC

• TLR 5a requires curtailment of 10 MW of FIRM transactions after exhausting all NON-FIRM curtailments– 10 MW of relief will be provided pro-rata from 790 MW of LTC (7-F and 7-FN), using

the existing TLR pro-rata formulas– All impacting GTL and PTP are curtailed, even for entities where RT firm GTL and PTP

are below the allocation

Entity Last to Cut 7F+7FN



Reassigned LTC 7F+7FN

7F+7FN Curtailment

A 150 0 10 160

Pro-rata between firm GTL and PTP

for all entities

B 200 0 0 200

C 80 0 0 80

D 270 0 0 270

E 73.3 2.5 4.2 80

Total 773.3 2.5 14.2 790 10