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Film Magazine Front Cover Analysis

This Magazine Front cover by the well

known film magazine ‘Empire’ is based

upon the film ‘ The Hobbit’ in which

they have chosen to feature a key

character to dominate the film

magazine poster as he plays a

significant role within the film. The

masthead is the traditional font and

colour that Empire commonly uses

within all their Film Magazines which

helps to maintain their brand identity.

The use of the colour red within the

masthead entirely reflects the

character that dominates the film

magazine cover as he has the potential

to murder, red being the colour of

blood, death and evil. During the

duration of the film ‘The Hobbit’ the

character on the front of the magazine

cover sets out to find ‘the ring’ which is a key part of the film as finding that

ring makes him so determined that he would kill and harm just to find it,

presenting a clear correlation between the colour red and the character on the

front of this issue of ‘Empire’.

The colours used within the Film Magazine appear to be quite dark, dull and

mysterious which could reflect the genre of the film but also the action and

narrative within it, appealing readers who have seen this film making them

want to read on within the issue. The background image appears to be set

within rocks or a mysterious dark setting which again links to the film as this is

where this creature is based or lives in displaying a clear link to the film all

throughout the film poster.

The use of sell lines have not been used on this particular film poster maybe

due to the fact that the main image dominates the majority of the front cover

that sell lines were not even needed as ‘Empire’ want their main focus to be on

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the image. Not every issue always have sell lines, due to something else on the

front cover being the main idolised significance. Beneath the main image

towards the bottom right the name of the film is presented in white with a

different typography to the masthead to show the contrast between to the

two fonts and colours but also the use of colour white may show that even

though the character’s facial expressions show an evil side to him however the

use of the colour white may show that there is good within him also,

demonstrating a clear contrast between the dull, dark colouring of the film

poster and the white typography.

The sky line at the top of the film magazine states ‘5 COVERS TO RULE THEM

ALL’ giving the audience the insight that this magazine is a sequel of five other

issues allowing the audience to want to read them all appealing to the target

audience automatically as the target audience of ‘Empire’ love films in which

this particular film may be a favourite of theirs, therefore they would be willing

to buy the rest of the sequel. The sky line at the top of the magazine front

cover is a pun as the words ‘RULE THEM ALL’ relates to the film as the ring the

characters are searching for is what will eventually ‘rule them’ displaying a

clear similarity and symbiotic link between the magazine and the film in which

they are promoting.

Empire makes a clear use of camera within this magazine front cover through

the medium close up of one of the main characters. This use of camera has

been used effectively through the pointing of his finger creating direct address

with the readers but also through the facial expressions as his eyes almost

glare right through the camera exemplifying the direct address but also gives

the magazine a mysterious theme not only due to the colours in which have

been used but also his positioning as he looks like he is ready to pounce again

emphasizing the mysterious mood which has been created but also could allow

the readers to feel on edge.

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