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  • 7/29/2019 Female Lab Notes


    Female lab notes

    Slide 14

    CA in situ

    Presence or absence of atypia Inflammation- chronic cervicitis Normal: basket weaving Good maturation- diminution of size of

    nucleus; thinning towards up

    Old classification:

    1. Mild2. Moderate3. Severe-maturation on uppermost4. CIS-atypia on uppermost

    New classification: Cervical Intraepithelial


    1. CIN 1- lower 1/3 from basementmembrane (mild)

    2. CIN 2- lower 2/3 (moderate)3. CIN 3- entire layer of epithelium

    (severe if with maturation; CIS if atypia but

    absence of invasion of BM)

    CIN with glandular extension- BM and

    epithelium to the gland

    -murag nagform ata ug gland-like pero walayinvasion ghpon

    Slide 70

    Invasive squamous CA of cervix

    Large, dilated cervical gland(ifenvironmental change-Nabothian cyst)

    Squamous Cell CA-HPV: nest of atypicalsquamous cells

    Classification depends onkeratinzationa and size of cell

    o Large cell type, keratinizing-presence of keratin

    pearl(concentric lamellation of

    keratin with entrapment of

    squamous cells )

    o Large cell type, non-keratinizing

    o Small cell type-like the smallcell of lung CA

    Slide 75

    Endometrial CA

    All cancers are called endometrial CA Classification

    o Endometrial type- mimics cellsfound in the endometrium

    Back to back formation,absence of stroma but

    presence of


    Confused withadenomyosis(looks

    benign but with


    Perimenopausal andmenopausal?

    o Clear cell type- poor prognosisSlide 78

    Acute salpingitis

    Part of PID Attributed to STD e.g. Neisseria and


    Mixed infiltrateSlide 79Uterine leiomyoma

    Hormonally-induced Accompanies pregnancy- modako Smooth muscle fiber interlaced-

    alternate longitudinal and circular


    Locationso Intramuralo Submucosa-cause bleeding,


    o Subserosal- appearspedunculatedSlide 82

    Ovarian endometrial CA

    Adenocarcinoma endometriod type

  • 7/29/2019 Female Lab Notes


    Categories of ovarian disorderso Surface epithelial-serous,

    mucinous, endometriod,


    Serous and mucinouscan be classified as

    benign, borderline,


    o Sex-cord stromao Germ cell tumoro Metastatic lesion

    Slide 83

    Ovarian papillary cystadenoma

    Fibrocollagenous tissue with papillarystructures

    Papillary formation with fibrovascularcore

    Psamomma bodies-concentric hyalinelamellations, encountered in papillary

    neoplasm may it be benign or


    Slide 88

    Cystic teratoma

    Mixture of 3 germ layer Usually benign Classification

    o Mature- solid or cystic Tooth,cartilage, bone Lining-squamous

    stratified epithelium

    Sebaceous glands Muscles, fats, eccrine


    Landmark- corpusalbicans

    o Immature- no mature elements Neuroepithelial tissue

    o Malignant teratoma or matureteratoma with malignanttransformations

    Presence of squamouscell CA, adenoaCA with

    normal elements

    o Specialized- monodermal type One origin

    Struma ovarii-enlargedthyroid gland

    Slide 90

    Granulosa cell tumor

    Great mimicker Functional tumor-hyperplasia of


    o Fibrocystic change of the breasto Epithelial cell proliferation

    Nests, small follicles- Call-Exner bodies Grooves, coffee-bean appearance

    Slide 104

    Polycstic ovary

    Associated with infertility Presence of cysts 0.5-1.5 unit? Anovulation, hypothyroidism, DM

    Slide 184


    Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) Types

    o H mole- partial and complete,with chorionic villi

    o Choriocarcinoma- no chorionicvilli, only trophoblast

    Aggressive Mixture of


    (large, multi-nucleated,

    abundant cytoplasm)

    and cytotrophoblast



    1st trimester- chorionic villi made up of two

    layers of trophoblast, hypovascular, large

    2nd trimester- some areas of c.v. have single

    layer, mixture. Transition from double to single

    layer, hypovascular3

    rdtrimester- one layer, presence of syncitial

    knot (aggregates of syncitiotrophoblast on one

    pole), stroma hypervascular, smaller


    -c.v enlarged, swollen

    -grosslly, grape-like structures

  • 7/29/2019 Female Lab Notes


    -if all c.v are enlarged- complete

    -if presence of normal size c.v- partial + fetus on

    gross exam


    Proliferative phase

    -stratification of nucleus

    -tubular glands

    -stromal edema, also seen in secretory

    -+ of mitotic figures

    Secretory phase

    -tortous glands

    -subnuclear vacuoles

    -single layer of nucles, no stratification