Download - Factoring Binomial, Difference Of Two Perfect Squares



Jorge Peralta

A easy way to remember how to factor a trinomial when a does not equal to 1 is to think about My Friend Does Math which stands for Multiply, Factor out, Divide, and Multiply. 1.The first step is to multiply using distributive property.

5x2+x-2=x2+6+9 2.Then you factor out 9 x2+x+6+9 3 3 6 3. After you factor out you must divide x2+6+9 (x+3) (x+3) = (x+3) (x+2)

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X2+6+9 9 3 3 6 (x+3) (x+3)

When your factoring out a binomial you must first of course factor it out then you must plug in the factored numbers into the parenthesis.

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