Download - Extracts from Edition 07...Mar 18, 2019  · “G oodness Zoey. I am going to get into the Cooper right now. I’ll be there in a jiffy.” Chloe finds Zoey, Lyle and Ronnie in front

Page 1: Extracts from Edition 07...Mar 18, 2019  · “G oodness Zoey. I am going to get into the Cooper right now. I’ll be there in a jiffy.” Chloe finds Zoey, Lyle and Ronnie in front
Page 2: Extracts from Edition 07...Mar 18, 2019  · “G oodness Zoey. I am going to get into the Cooper right now. I’ll be there in a jiffy.” Chloe finds Zoey, Lyle and Ronnie in front

Extracts from Edition 07 Entrapped 07 – The new plan Zoey is excited when Chloe finds a solution to their problems oblivious of the lurking danger that awaits them. Soon their lives will be submerged in a deadly nightmare. The Script of Evil 07 – The deadly visitor Aryan is flabbergasted: “It looks like a real photo of the boy and even with background detail!” Carefully the guru tears out the page and hands it over to Aryan. “Go and make may copies of this. We are going to distribute it amongst the street kids in the vicinity and we are going to promise them $100 if they can show us where they saw the boy and that could help us to find the boy.

Via the Grapevine - 3 - The fussy Dogs

I am Roger Dodger on live radio here in Dumpster Town. I am reporting for Gossip News radio on the standoff between the police and angry residents of Dumpster Town. The lost city of Atlantis; fact or fiction? Article by Gert van Jaarsveld (Now, this is really thought provoking. I suggest you read the full article by Ketler – Gert) First, read the chapters starting from edition 01 Entrapped

Page 3: Extracts from Edition 07...Mar 18, 2019  · “G oodness Zoey. I am going to get into the Cooper right now. I’ll be there in a jiffy.” Chloe finds Zoey, Lyle and Ronnie in front

Surviving the mysteries By Anton Pan translated by Gert van Jaarsveld

07 – The new plan "What happened, Zoey, what is wrong?" Zoey struggles to talk and with a timid, crying voice, she answers: “Chloe, Quinn sped off with our car and left us alone on the farm! We had a hell of an argument and I again threatened to divorce him and he became ballistic. He hit me with his fist as if I was a punching bag!” She gives a few sad sobs before she struggles on. “Lyle tried to intervene and protect me but Quinn slapped him and tossed him aside like a bag of potatoes. Then he stormed out of the house, got in the car and raced away.”

Page 4: Extracts from Edition 07...Mar 18, 2019  · “G oodness Zoey. I am going to get into the Cooper right now. I’ll be there in a jiffy.” Chloe finds Zoey, Lyle and Ronnie in front

“Oh no, how is Lyle? Is he injured badly?” “He is okay, Chloe. I think wrestling and judo trained him to fall without hurting himself.” “Are you okay? You told me Quinn hit you with his fists.” “I’m all right. I put ice on my face to try and curb the swelling, but I’m not going to look nice tomorrow.” “Goodness Zoey. I am going to get into the Cooper right now. I’ll be there in a jiffy.” Chloe finds Zoey, Lyle and Ronnie in front of the TV. It’s almost lunchtime. Ronnie got rid of most of the dust from his workshop and sits aside on a wooden chair. Chloe places the file on his lap. She knows Leo is somewhere on the farm and will only return towards evening and is blissfully unaware of the drama that took place at the house. Susan usually packs a giant hamper on days like this when he works far off. He had already greeted Zoey and her family last night. Lyle and Zoey sit together on a couch. Chloe bends over Zoey and inspects her face. She sees her right eye and left cheek are red and on places purple and already badly swollen. "Oh my goodness, Zoey. How could he?" She looks at Lyle that sits peacefully next to her. He has a red handprint on his cheek where Quinn slapped him. “Where do you hurt, Lyle?” “I’m fine, Chloe.”

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Ronnie informs her: “I made sure he’s all right. I had him put ice on the mark for a long time, but it is going to look bad tomorrow. He bruised his arm and shoulder while trying to break his fall, but nothing is broken.” “Pull off your shirt, Lyle, and show me. I want to see for myself.” Lyle obliges and Chloe tenderly caresses the red, bruised arm as if she could soothe the pain and discomfort away. She touches the red area on his shoulder. “Oh no, this must be painful, it is so unnecessary. Sorry dear, does it hurt when you move your arm?” Lyle smiles while he moves his arm in a circle. “Not so bad, Chloe. I frequently have more severe falls at my judo and wrestling classes at school.” Chloe smiles tenderly at him: “Our Iron Man!” Susan calls them: "Lunch is ready; will you please all come to the dining table. I want to dish up.” While enjoying the lunch, Chloe earnestly looks at Zoey. “Please allow me to take Lyle back to his hostel with my Cooper, Zoey. I’ve just quickly got to cancel an appointment at three this afternoon in the city. Come to think of it, I’ve never asked Mrs Kennedy for her telephone number. I will have to look it up in the directory or Google His and Her’s hair salon.” Zoey feels guilty. "No Chloe, why don’t you rather lend me the Toyota Venture? It’s not in use and I want to take Lyle back and then you don’t have to cancel your appointment for our sake.”

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She is talking about the Toyota Venture 2200 GLE that they usually use to transport workers and their families into town and back. "My appointment can wait until tomorrow.” “Do you want your hair done?” Chloe wanted to keep her plans secret and would have liked to move in at her new place unknowingly, but she realizes that all have changed and a new opportunity has arisen and she instantly finds a solution for her and Zoey. "Zoey, I’ve got an appointment with Mrs Kennedy and want to go and have a look at a house I want to rent. If it suits me, I want to move in this afternoon.” Ronnie is unpleasantly surprised. “Where does this sudden decision come from, Chloe; what is wrong with the farm?” “I think about Tony all the time, Ronnie. I also feel the tension between you and Leo. I want you to forget a little about me and cool off because you nearly killed each other on my birthday. You must first prove that you can live together peacefully before I will come back. Otherwise, I’ll stay away. That’s my ultimatum to my two naughty brothers.” "Don’t be daft, Chloe. It’s your farm. I promise we will have a meeting this evening and sort things out. Where is this place and do you want to live alone there?” "Zoey, I thought things over; I don’t want you to go back to George before Quinn calms down and sort his problems. Why don’t you move in with me at the place?”

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Zoey is flabbergasted. She ponders the thought for a while and suddenly it seems as if Chloe switched on a light in the dark room of her circumstances and enthusiastically she asks: “Are you sure, Chloe? Do you really think I can move in with you?” “Yes, why not? Then I won’t be alone on that smallholding.” Ronnie frowns. "You want to move in alone on a plot; are you looking for trouble? It is isolated and dangerous.” “The place is fully furnished and immediately available. Zoey, do me a favour and move in with me, then I won’t be alone and we will have fun after so many years. Zoey, please sis...” Zoey smiles happily: “Chloe, I like your idea a lot and I will join you gladly until all my nonsense with Quinn is sorted.” She looks at Lyle: “Don’t be worried Lyle; your dad and I must just sort things out. He’s got a lot of problems and I think distance between us will bring him to his senses and give him the opportunity to solve them. I promise you we will again come out on top.” Lyle doesn’t look convinced: “Whatever, mom, but ...” "I promise Lyle ..." "Don’t promise anything, mother, you don’t have to live with him, I’ll understand if you want to divorce him. You are always fighting and I simply hate it that you’re not happy ... and look what he did today! I don’t want to let it happen to you again. Yes, stay rather with Chloe. I love Chloe, Ronnie, Leo and I love you, mother. Dad has in any

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case never time for me and I want to spend all my holidays on the farm with you all here. Just promise me we will be all together on the farm during my next holiday, please.” He tries to be brave, but tears run slowly down his cheeks. Embarrassed he takes his handkerchief and wipes them. Ronnie tries to comfort him: "Lyle, this farm belongs to the three of you and you are going to be the future owner.” He looks at Chloe. “I’m sure Chloe will be here every holiday with you except when there’s something serious that hinders her.” Zoey turns towards him and hugs him tenderly and kisses him on his forehead. “I love you so much, Lyle. Chloe is right. You are our iron man. I promise we will all be here during your holidays.” “Yes, I also promise, Lyle. Zoey, I’ll get the salon’s number and arrange another appointment. I want to take Lyle back to school.” Zoey is not convinced. “No Chloe, you go and check out that place today. I’ll take the Toyota Venture. Tony gave you the Cooper and now the Toyota sits here idle. I want to take Lyle. If we depart now, I will be back before midnight. "That means you will drive over the mountain passes and will only return after dark! That road is so narrow with sharp bends and the cliffs are breathtakingly high. It’s dangerous, Zoey, especially for a woman alone on the passes and you are my only family. I don’t want to lose you too. It will simply drive me to insanity!” "Don’t you worry, Chloe. I have done it many times before

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and I’m still here. I will drive slowly and carefully over the passes as usual, because I know how dangerous it is. I definitely don’t want to fall off the edge.” "I don’t like the idea and wish that Ronnie or Leo could accompany you, but they are both extremely busy and I cannot expect this of them.” "Please Chloe, you are the one that always wants to be independent and now you want to prescribe.” “Okay. Promise me you will drive with a cellphone with a full battery and that you will phone me when you reach the hostel and also when you are about to return.” "If we go now, we will reach the school before dawn and I promise I will phone when I dropped Lyle off. I’ll be back before midnight.” Chloe gives in at last. “I’m going to take only a few basic items if I decide I like the place. I’ll tell you when you phone at around seven. If so, I suggest that you phone me again about thirty kilometres from town and I will then fetch you at the garage and you can follow me home. If everything goes according to plan, we sleep in our new home tonight!” They smile at each other excitedly but Ronnie is worried. “Why all this haste, Chloe? You don’t need to move in today; try to find a better place.” “I don’t want to give you and Leo the opportunity to nag in my ears like you are doing now. I will pack my suitcase now with all that I need and clothes for a week. The rest I will pick up the next time I visit the workshop. Don’t worry, Ronnie. You’ll see me when I bring stock and orders. In the meantime, my sweet brothers will have to

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learn nicely to make peace, okay dearie?” Ronnie shakes his head. "You are so stubborn, Chloe, I want to join you when you go to the place.” "No ways, Ronnie. Sam will be here this afternoon with the delivery lorry to pick up stock and you must ensure they upload the right items. Just look in your file. You’ve got a lot to do this week.” In the meantime, Chloe starts to look up Leo’s number while she speaks to Zoey: “I must tell Leo and warn him that you are from now on using the Venture. They each have their own 4x4s but he must use the Van instead of the Venture. I want to reserve the Venture for you so that you will be mobile when we move to our new place and not feel stranded when I’m away.” She places the phone against her ear. “Hi Leo, I’m glad you are taking my call. Can we talk now?” Leo is sitting across from his workers busy with his hamper. They are upgrading the farm’s fences. “It’s okay, Chloe. We are having our lunch break. Any problems?” “No problem, Leo. Ronnie will tell you everything that expired here, but Zoey wants to take Lyle back to school with the Venture. They are going any minute now.” "Why? Something wrong with their car? Why is Zoey taking Lyle? Where is Quinn?” "Ronnie will fill you in later and it is high time that you two converse like civilized human beings. You have always got along just fine with each other in the past but

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now you act like two snots. I just want to tell you that you must use the Van as I reserve the Venture for Zoey. Right, brother?” "Okay, I will use the Van for the family’s trips.” “Thanks and enjoy your work, I must go now …” "Chloe ..." She cuts him short by disconnecting the call. ~. ~. ~ "They are leaving the farm now in a Toyota Venture, registration number BZD 959 EC." Joss sits in his big lorry with the phone against his ear: “Fine. We are all set, brother.” To continue edition 08 First, read the chapters starting from edition 01 The script of Evil When Evil brings Love By Anton Pan translated by Gert van Jaarsveld

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07 – The Deadly Visitor It is Friday and the wind blows hard in Port Elizabeth. During break at school, Billy invited Kadin for another jog session around the park oblivious of the fact that Arnav is sitting on the same hidden bench determined to stay awake this time. Lucky for them, her legs are still sore and the wind is unpleasant and they decide to go for another swim. The practice should help for her painful muscles especially. They enjoy another day at the swimming pool and Kadin feels much better afterwards. In the meantime, thousands of kilometres away, at the top end of the globe, Ahmed smiles happily and comes round his desk and stops in front of Vipracitti. He touches the special, very expensive material of the exquisite suit of $43 000. It is a Brioni Vanquish suit. He smiles highly amused. "Forgive me, master, but I’ve never thought I would see you in a smart suit like this.” He looks up towards the bulge on the head of his guru

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where the body-length rasta hair of the guru is tied up and rolled in a black cloth. Vipracitti is usually stark naked in the cemetery of his temple, painted blue with the ash of burnt-out corpses over him and with his long rasta hair hanging down to his feet. When he moves out of the temple, he usually wears a loose, long robe that covers him partly. His face is always painted white with the usual Aghori signs and he has a dirty, bushy beard. Now his face and beard are clean and he looks like a stinking rich sheikh. The guru places his clean right hand lightly on Ahmed’s head and strokes him gently as if he is a monkey. “I discovered you in a cemetery where you, naked and trembling, hid with the monkeys, my child. A forlorn, six-year-old boy who was left cruelly behind by the brutal world of Kali Yuga. And look now; you let them design this special, smart tailored suit; but quietly, under the radar, you are one of the wealthiest people on earth. Mother Laksmi smiles upon you and rewards you day by day.” Ahmed looks at him in wonder: “You are my everything; you saved me from the slums and your magic made me rich. I’m nothing without you.” Vipracitti lovingly strokes Ahmed’s head before he moves his hand over his neck and breast and stops with the palm on his heart. "You have an exceptional will and drive-force and that made you a self-made billionaire and that let you survive in this cruel world. Since you were a lonely throw-away child you had to rely on a bunch of baboons’ kindness. The slums and the ruthless devils of Kali Yuga couldn’t even block you because your instinct to survive makes you

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relentless. “Sometimes it manifest as fear and anger because deep inside you that small boy is hidden. The small boy that Shiva sent me from His cemetery home and in such times you need the wisdom and magic of your guru to lead you on the right path.” Vipracitti lovingly looks deep in Ahmed’s eyes: “Ignorance still brings uncertainty in you, my child. You are asking yourself why we should wait till now before your guru applied for a passport to get to the southern point of Africa. You are asking yourself: if this is the game of Shiva, the Great Extinguisher, why does it look if Vishnu, the Great Protector, time and again protects this devilish civilization? Every time you think we are on the point of a breakthrough, the Great Players throw a curveball and you lose faith because the greater game of our Brahman confuses you. “Wisdom and tolerance will in time become part of you, my child. You will again realize that we are the instruments in the game of the Great Personalities of Brahman. I want to assure you there is a greater goal and it is now the time of Shiva, The Destroyer, because the time is ticking for Mother Earth under the selfish, devilish activities of Kali Yuga. Mother Earth is more important than one selfish species, for our Brahman because she is the precious giver of life. It’s our time and in the end, nothing will block our success. But we must be tolerant and know that we must not be in the way of the intermediate game of Vishnu. “That is the wisdom of your guru who knows how the Personalities of Brahma function and always in harmony with his Greater Plan. This only gives me the right to the magic of our mighty Shiva.”

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*** On Saturday there is a light drizzle and they swim. Kadin enjoys every moment with Billy but she is frustrated because she must continually remind herself that they are only friends and nothing more. Maybe Chantal is his girlfriend. Kadin and Billy are totally relaxed and involved with each other and ignorant of the fact that Billy might be sought by the dangerous men in the park. Tomorrow they are going to the Krishna temple and hopefully, the spiritual leader of the ISKCON can help them by explaining the Sanskrit in the booklet. While they relax in the swimming pool, they don’t notice the noise of yet another Boeing that flies over and is going to land at the airport. It was only yet another noisy aeroplane from Johannesburg and the airport is not far from the park. However, it is Vipracitti that comes down the stairs and puts his feet on the soil of Africa for the first time. Aryan and Mohammed take him to the Holiday Inn. On the way they stop at a shop where Aryan buys a pencil, an eraser and a sketchbook. They are now sitting in the restaurant of the Holiday Inn with Aryan and Mohammed opposite Vipracitti. Aryan put the sketchbook in front of the guru and the pencil next to it. Mohammed looks uncomfortable and Aryan avoids his eyes and they both wonder what plan the guru has in stall. He usually doesn’t talk much and only speaks when necessary without showing any emotion. They have never seen him losing his temper because he is very calculating and in full command and often full of unbelievable surprises.

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Vipracitti looks straight at Aryan who tries to avoid his eyes instantly: “Look at me Aryan.” Aryan looks up but avoids the guru’s eyes and instead focuses on the bulging cloth that hides the long hair of the guru. All the people that walk past them, stares openly or peep covertly to the guru, fascinated by this strange man with the giant bulge on his head and bushy beard that looks like a very rich sheikh in a very expensive suit. "Aryan, you always avoid my eyes. You are the three most capable, trained men of Ahmed in the martial arts and you can kill any man with your bare hands in seconds or place them in a hopeless position but you are always afraid of me. You don’t have to fear me because it is my strength that is going to ensure your success. Let’s make a deal, Aryan. You know I am bound by Shiva and may not break a promise because I will then lose my strength of magic. “I now promise you that I only want to visit your memory and I will close the door of your thoughts afterwards. I only want to peep in to look at the necessary part of our operation. I know you function on your own, Aryan. Come, have the courage to look me in the eyes.” Reluctantly Aryan sighs and shakes his head left and right. He has always managed to avoid those eyes. Now, the guru has just landed and look now! Why is he and Arnav the two that have the best picture of the boy penned in their heads? He tries a last time in desperation. "I will describe him to you, master.” “Look into my eyes, Aryan!” Despondently Aryan looks at the sketchbook and pencil and he wishes had the talent to draw well but he has not.

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“Come, you are brave enough. Look in my eyes.” He looks up into the strange, dark eyes and they catch his like strong magnets and they change into dark pools and everything around the guru vanishes completely. Aryan sits there totally lame and penned down in his chair. The guru’s voice echoes like thunder in a deep, dark cave: “You are in the park, Aryan, and you are looking at the boy with the booklet in his hand.” Aryan suddenly again sees the boy. It is as if his thoughts suddenly catches the boy’s image like a three dimensional DVD player frozen in time, just before the boy turned and ran away. It is as if time stalls and he sees the finest detail that he missed before. The image is so clear and realistic and he even hears the sound of the birds singing and the movement of thousands of creeping insects everywhere. Suddenly he awakes from the trance and his guru’s voice is normal; deep and rough. “You see it wasn’t difficult at all.” Vipracitti takes the pencil and starts to draw. In amazement, Aryan and Mohammed see how the drawing takes shape as he quickly sketches and it begins to look like a black and white photo in which he sketches finer detail with soft strokes with the pencil like a talented artist. A master-like drawing emerges in front of their eyes in the finest detail and even the background is so realistic that it resembles a black and white photo that was taken by a real camera. They are hugely impressed by the guru’s magic and wonder if there is anything that he cannot fix. Aryan is flabbergasted: “It looks like a real photo of the boy even with background detail!”

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Carefully the guru tears out the page and hands it over to Aryan. “Go and make may copies of this. We are going to distribute it amongst the street kids in the vicinity and we are going to promise them $100 if they can show us where they saw the boy and that could help us to find the boy. You see, Aryan, why it was necessary for me to keep my promise to you. The door to your thoughts is still locked.” Aryan smiles relieved and takes the sketch. “Thank you very much, master!” To continue edition 08

Via the Grapevine - 3 - The fussy Dogs

By Anton Pan

"I am Roger Dodger on live radio here in Dumpster Town. I am reporting for Gossip News radio on the standoff between the police and angry residents of Dumpster Town. They are petitioning about the poor services. The power is now already down for weeks and there is no running water. It is a big crowd of unhappy residents. Wait! They are storming the police. Sergeant Firestone is lifting his microphone to shout instructions over the police, public address system."

"Fire the water cannons!"

"The water cannons are firing. The force of the strong streams of water drives the crowd back. The cannons stop. They must be out of water. Here the crowd comes again. Firestone is lifting the microphone again."

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"Fire the tear gas!"

"The tear gas is hitting the crowd all over. They stop and fall back. They crawl on the ground in obvious agony from the burning pepper. They are crying and kicking like cockroaches on the ground. Wait, I cannot believe it they are slowly standing up again and gathering themselves. Here they storm again. Firestone is lifting his microphone again."

"Attack them with the batons."

"The police are storming them with shields and batons like Vikings. They are pounding the crowd hard. The crowd is falling down like dummies. The police keep on hitting them. The crowd crawls on the ground screaming. The police are falling back. It looks like they hit the last riot out of these people. Wait, they are slowly standing up again. Can you believe it, they are storming again! Firestone is lifting his microphone again."

"Release the dogs!"

"The dogs are storming the crowd. The crowd is scattering. Everyone is splitting up. They run away in all directions. There is nobody left. The riot is over. I am walking to Firestone now. Hallo, sergeant Firestone, why did you wait so long to send in the dogs? They are obviously very effective."

"Yeah, Roger Dodger of Gossip News, these dogs are very effective but also extremely fussy. They first want their meat well cleaned, pickled and tenderized before they would chase after any."

The lost city of Atlantis; fact or fiction?

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Wow! Interesting stuff! (An exerpt from the article published 1 year ago on February 10, 2018, by Alanna Ketler in Collective Evolution. – Gert van Jaarsveld. “How much do you know about Atlantis? Where does this story even come from? From what we do know, the first known documentation of the story of Atlantis came from the Greek philosopher, Plato in two of his writings, Timaeus and Critias, both these books date back to about 360 BC. Within these books, Plato wrote that the Greek sage, Solon was given the story of Atlantis in Egypt by a priest and upon his arrival back to Greece, he shared the story with his relative, Dropides who passed it down to his son Critias, who then passed it down to his grandson – also names Critias, who then finally shared it with the well-known Greek philosopher, Socrates.” (Ketler 2018). So, was it only a story? Kettler also mentions a report, by M. Pierre Termeir, a member of the Academy of Sciences and Director of Service of the Geologic Chart of France, who gave a

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lecture regarding the Atlantean civilization. He made a compelling case for further study of this lost city: “After a long period of disdainful indifference, observe how in the last few years science is returning to the study of Atlantis. How many naturalists, geologists, zoologists, or botanists are asking one another today whether Plato has not transmitted to us, with slight amplification, a page from the actual history of mankind. No affirmation is yet permissible; but it seems more and more evident that a vast region, continental or made up of great islands, has collapsed west of the Pillars of Hercules, otherwise called the Straight of Gibraltar, and that its collapse occurred in the not far distant past. In any event, the question of Atlantis is placed anew before men of science; and since I do not believe that it can ever be solved without the aid of oceanography, I have thought it natural to discuss it here, in this temple of maritime science, and to call to such a problem, long scorned but now being revived, the attention of oceanographers, as well as the attention of those who, though immersed in the tumult of cities, lend an ear to the distant murmur of the sea.” She goes further and elaborates on things we know about this mysterious city: * We Know The Supposed Location In Plato’s writings, he tells us exactly where the lost city lies, his text reads, “came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean… there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you [in reference to the ancient Greeks], called the Pillars of Heracles.” Today, these are known as the Straits of Gibraltar, the area between Spain and Africa. In 2011, archaeologist from the University of Hartford, Richard Freund and his team found cities that were built in

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the image of Atlantis known as “memorial cities.” They were found in the swamps of Doana National Park, which is just North of Cadiz, Spain. Interestingly Cadiz sits right outside of the straights, which has Freund convinced that the real Atlantis was buried in the mud flats of the Atlantic. This matches the part of Plato’s story that says, “… the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is a shoal of mud in the way; and this was caused by the subsidence of the island.” * The City Of Atlantis Was Named After A Demigod Despite the fact that Atlantis is apparently in the Atlantic ocean, that’s not where it got its name. According to the texts, Poseidon – the Greek god of the sea – had five pairs of male twins with an Atlantean woman, named Cleito. Poseidon gave each of his 10 sons a different portion of the island to rule. His first-born Atlas had the entire island and the surrounding ocean named after him. * If Atlantis Were Real, It Would Be At Least 11,500 Years Old As the text goes, the story of Atlantis was handed to Solon in Egypt after he wanted to draw one of the priests to speak about their oldest of tales. In order to do this, Solon told the priests of the oldest Greek story what he could recall and spoke to them about the great flood and the first man. One priest responded, “O Solon, Solon… there is not an old man among you… in mind you are all young; there is no old opinion handed down among you by ancient tradition.“ * Plato Believed The Story To Be True Even though, aside from hearsay, this story doesn’t really have any solid legs to stand on in terms of physical evidence, Critias claims that this story is in fact, true, “Then listen… to a tale which, though is strange, is certainly true, having been attested by Solon.” To which

Page 23: Extracts from Edition 07...Mar 18, 2019  · “G oodness Zoey. I am going to get into the Cooper right now. I’ll be there in a jiffy.” Chloe finds Zoey, Lyle and Ronnie in front

Socrates responds, “Very good, and what is this ancient famous action of the Athenians, which Critias declared, on the authority of Solon, to be not a mere legend, but an actual fact?” * Atlantis Represents Just One Of Many Times Mankind Has Been & Will Be Destroyed The Egyptian priest told Solon that none of his stories were actually “truly ancient” compared to his own. He claimed that the reason that Solon lacked true ancient knowledge is because mankind has been destroyed time and time again. There are many philosophers and spiritual teachers that believe that humankind has been wiped out before and will be wiped out again. Some believe this for a simple reason of science and or natural disasters, others believe this is sort of like a cleansing process for us to start again if we have headed on a path of destruction. I mean think about it, the way we are heading now, in regards to how we are treating our environment, there is a chance that we could wipe ourselves out yet again, unless we learn from our mistakes and change our ways. (Now, this is really thought provoking. I suggest you read the full article by Ketler – Gert)