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Evaluation: Question 3What have you learned from your audience feedback?

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Identify who your target audience is?

○ The target audience that we chose for our film trailer are between the ages of 16-21. The reason for this is that some of the scenes may not be suitable for those of younger age. The main target audience are those who are interested in watching supernatural/horror movies and enjoy the thrill of the movie plot.

○ People that live in areas such as London are also the target audience as, normally, supernatural/horror movies are mainly set in America in the suburbs. However we have subverted this convention and we set our trailer in an urban area - East London.

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Types of methods we used…

○ The types of methods we used were qualitative and quantitative.

○ We used primary and secondary data. The primary data that we collected was the questionnaire/survey however the secondary source that we used was

○ We also used sources such as Wikipedia to gain a maximum knowledge of who are consumer profile would be.

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Audience feedback

“You could change th


background image on your

magazine fro

nt cover to

something mystical” -J



“I like the way how you have constructed the plot of the trailer to show the narrative - Kevin Escobar

“I like the way you made the candle image visible on top of the model's image” – Amy Miranda

“The trailer makes we want

to know what happens

making me want to watch

the movie if it was ever

made ” – Freddy


"I liked the way you used blood splatter for your banner in your magazine, makes it link to supernatural/horror genre” – Jessica Correa

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Questionnaire reply’s (examples)

What is your gender?

Do you like watching supernatural horror movies?We asked 9 people what gender they

were and 4 females and 5 males. This showed that there was a fair amount of people who was answering my survey based on my chosen genre.

Four out of the nine people wo answered my survey stated that they do not like watching the genre as they prefer other genres and they are too repetitive. Other five said they liked the genre as it interest them and it’s good for the imagination.

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How often do you go to the cinema in a month?

We asked our audience how often they go to the cinema because we wanted to have an insight of how often people go. My findings showed that there was a significant amount that people went to the cinemas 3-4 and 5+ a year which means that if the movie appealed to them they would go and watch it.

When do you expect to see a horror movie release?

This question was asked to give us a rough idea of what release date we should put on our trailer and poster. The majority of the answers were on Friday the 13th. However, some people also selected whenever which was a problem as it didn’t help us pick when the release date would be.. Bringing all our findings together we said “This October” because it would be much more suitable.

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What do you expect to see in a supernatural horror film?

These responses helped my group think about what kind of scenes we could include in our trailer as it is what our target audience would want to see in a movie.However, some of the responses were too vague so it didn’t give us a clear idea of what they meant and how we would include it.