Download - Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

Page 1: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

Evaluation linked to strategy

A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium,

October 24, 2013Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute &

member of the Kinnect Group

Page 2: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” Winston Churchill

Page 3: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013 3

Some common thinking about evaluation• It’s time consuming• It’s expensive• It’s produces long reports that

are hard, and often boring, to read!

• It doesn’t necessarily provide us with answers to the really important questions we have

• It’s something we feel we have to do – but would rather not!

It’s just not that useful!

Page 4: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

What is evaluation?It is the systematic determination of the quality, value or importance of something (investment, project, initiative, program, organisation

etc) in order to take action

It is underpinned by the collection of information / evidence about the inputs,

activities and outcomes of something i.e., a project, program, initiative or activity

Its key purposes are to determine how well something is doing or was done, what its value is or was, and

if it is worth doing more of itTrust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 5: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

Evaluation measurement

• May 2003 Harvard Business Review "The High Cost of Accuracy." Kathleen Sutcliffe and Klaus Weber.

• They concluded that "the way senior executives interpret their business environment is more important for performance than how accurately they know their environment."

Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 6: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

‘Results’ and ‘Performance’ • Mainstay of private sector and

increasingly important in social/public / philanthropic sectors

• In the public / social / philanthropic sectors - measurement is often considered to be one of biggest challenges…

However….• Establishing what results are to be

achieved – and what performance actually means is probably one of the most difficult aspects of managing for results or outcomes Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 7: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

Measurement & results • Private sector results – ‘the bottom line’

reasonably straightforward • Social / public sector / philanthropic results or

outcomes are different – not as straightforward

• Linkages between various levels of results are not always known and measurement is often very challenging

• We often do not control outcomes …but we do seek to influence them

Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 8: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

Some challenges

• Unpredictability of initiative direction and likelihood of emergent ‘unknowable’ outcomes

• Many changes that are difficult to measure e.g., resiliency, equity, etc.

• Lags between interventions, activities and outcomes

• Difficulty in sorting out the extent to which changes have been influenced by our initiatives

Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 9: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

Common responses

• Tail wags the dog: Only do what can be easily measured

• Miss the parade: Evaluate only those ‘easy-to-evaluate’ things and miss the rest

• Sink the ship: Try to evaluate everything extensively and end up capsizing along the way under the volume of effort, for very little return

Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 10: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

Defining performance, quality and value

• For good evaluation, we need an explicit way of defining performance, quality and value for ourselves and for others

Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 11: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

Performance & ‘goodness’ = values • E- valu - ation has three components

Descriptive facts + values + evaluative (what so) conclusions and action

(so what?)

• Values get us from what so to so what

See E. Jane Davidson, Evaluation Methodology Basics, The Nuts and Bolts of Sound Evaluation, Sage, 2005 Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 12: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.


When the ‘values’ step is transparent and explicit, then it is more likely to expect:• Genuine evaluative conversations about:– what ‘success’, performance and ‘goodness’ looks

like– what constitutes ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ programme,

organisational or strategy delivery and performance looks like

Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 13: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

Values in evaluation?On what basis will we decide or demonstrate to ourselves and to

others that something we are investing in, or doing is high

quality, valuable, worth doing, or important to pursue?

And on what basis will we determine ‘how good is good’?

It is values that we look to help us make these judgments. When ever we remark or comment on how good something was, or how well something was done, we are drawing on our values to make evaluative judgments about the quality and value of things.

Where will we get the criteria to make the judgments we need to make?

Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 14: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

General guide for deciding how ‘good’ performance is (E.J. Davidson, 2010)

Performance Descriptors for Key Evaluation QuestionsExcellent Performance is clearly very strong or exemplary in relation to the question.

Any gaps or weaknesses are not significant and are managed effectively.

Very Good Performance is generally strong in relation to the question. No significant gaps or weaknesses, and less significant gaps or weaknesses are mostly managed effectively.

Good Performance is reasonable in relation to the question. A few gaps or weaknesses, but none that are considered serious

Adequate Performance is inconsistent in relation to the question. Some gaps or weaknesses. Meets minimum expectations/ requirements as far as can be determined.

Poor Performance is unacceptably weak in relation to the question. Does not meet minimum expectations/requirements.

Insufficient evidence

Evidence unavailable or of insufficient quality to determine performance.

Page 15: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

Many other rating options possible

Excellent Highly Effective Self reliance Expert

Very Good Consolidating effectiveness

Wellbeing Professionally experienced

Good Developing effectiveness

Recognition and belief

Fully competent

Adequate Minimally effective Awakening / awareness

Emerging expertise

Inadequate In effective Untapped potential Qualified novice

Poor Detrimental In crisis Not yet qualified

Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 16: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

Mercalli Intensity Scale (1906) for earthquake impacts

Page 17: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.
Page 18: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

An everyday example: How valuable was the last consultation about my son’s aspergers? • My criteria (values) for judging

the quality and value of a consultation:

– The extent to which I have confidence that GPs and specialists are working collaboratively around his care

– The extent to which I have a clear idea of my son’s progress and future options

– The extent to which Patrick is respected and included in the consultation

– The extent to which GPs and specialists demonstrate an interest in Patrick’s wider life and context

– The amount of stress involved in seeing specialists and GPs

Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 19: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

If the consultation was excellent?

• I would have total confidence that my GP and the specialists were working together, and had full and shared knowledge of Patrick’s condition and his developmental progress.

• I would leave the consultation with a thorough understanding of son’s progress and feel confident that there were practical future options that I and my family can use and are relevant to us to support his development.

• I would feel that Patrick was being respected and included by everyone, that his feelings and point of view would be taken seriously

• Being able to see the key specialists was a straightforward experience.

Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 20: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

My criteria and the dataEvaluative Criteria The Data Importance


The extent to which I have confidence GPs and specialists are working collaboratively around his care

The appointment system certainly didn’t indicate that there was any formal collaboration, it was clear that prior to the appointment, there had been no contact between specialists, although once together, everyone worked well


The extent to which I have a clear idea of my son’s progress and future options

The discusion was very productive and it was agreed that using the data from the recent cognitive testing, as well as other best practice, guidelines for Patrick’s teachers would be developed


The extent to which Patrick is respected and included in the consultation

Patrick was engaged and talkative with the group. The GPs and specialists encouraged him to lead discussion and he reported that he enjoyed the experience


The extent to which GPs and specialists demonstrate an interest in Patrick’s wider life and context

The group were very supportive of finding ways to translate clinical and psychological findings into everyday language for teachers.


The amount of stress involved in seeing specialists and GPs

This has not changed since we have been in the system. This requires my organisation for the consultation to work effectively


Page 21: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

What was the value / how good was the appointment ? Overall = Pretty Good

Criteria Awful Mediocre OK Pretty Good Great

The extent to which I have confidence GPs and specialists are working collaboratively around his care

Extremely Important

The extent to which I have a clear idea of my son’s progress and future options

Very important

The extent to which Patrick is respected and included in the consultation


The extent to which GPs and specialists demonstrate an interest in Patrick’s wider life and context

Somewhat important

The amount of stress involved in seeing specialists and GPs

Not so important

Page 22: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.


Evaluative reasoning – the critical component for evaluation of strategy

Intelligent, well-informed and open-minded human reasoning is what is required to go through the systematic process of reaching judgements about quality, value and


Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 23: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.


Evaluative reasoning

• Evidence does not “speak for itself” • Arguments and reasoning are needed to

connect evidence to judgment • “think slow” vs “think fast” (Kahneman)• “how do you know?” • “discover not impose”

Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 24: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

Evaluation linked to strategy – it’s all about learning

• Strategy - cycles of sensing, venturing, learning, and re-visioning

• Ongoing attention to strategy should focus on learning and adaptation

• Learning in real-time & adapting• Evaluation + evaluative reasoning

& thinking for reflection = learning and use in decision making Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013


So what?

Now what?

Page 25: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

What capabilities do we need? Organisational attributes

Leadership that takes ownership and responsibility for learning

High levels of awareness of context, and changes in the wider environment

Willingness to balance development and innovation with a commitment to testing reality – being prepared to expose ideas and practice to tough feedback

Inquiry, questioning and mindfulness – a willingness to explore, dig deeper, interpret data, make sense of feedback

Openness to taking risks and the courage to face the possibility that some things may not be going so well, adapt and keep going

Preparedness and perseverance to co-create the future, collaborate and trust

Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 26: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

Demand CapabilitiesAptitudes, attitudes and skills that enable organizations to commit to and engage in evaluative thinking and practice

Supply CapabilitiesSkills, knowledge and

experience that enable organizations to produce

high quality evaluative information

Structural CapabilitiesInstitutional, management,

process and resource capabilities that support the production and use of evaluative information.

Organisational Evaluation Capacity

Evaluation Capacity and Capability

Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 27: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.

Linking evaluation & strategy• Preparedness to lead and commit to, and hold yourselves

accountable to outcomes or key results • Make measurement of outcomes thoughtful, meaningful

and credible• Clear articulation of dimensions of quality, value and

importance are in your context• Commitment to reasoned evaluative thinking and

interpretation of information about what is really going on• Use the results for reflection and learning - and model for

others serious use of results.

Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 2013

Page 28: Evaluation linked to strategy A presentation for the Trust Company MBS Symposium, October 24, 2013 Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute & member.


For more information: Contact Kate McKegg, Director of The Knowledge Institute Ltd (a member of the Kinnect Group )

Email: [email protected]