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European Renaissance


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Words to know




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Renaissance• (REHN-ih-SAHNS) means rebirth.

In this case the rebirth of art and learning.

• During the Middle Ages, Europeans suffered from both war and plague. By the year 1300, they started to question the structures of medieval society.

• Educated people started to reject medieval values and look to the classical past for ideas

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Renaissance Europe

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Italy- Home of the Renaissance• The Renaissance began in

northern Italy around 1300.

• Italy had 3 advantages that fostered the Renaissance– Thriving cities– A wealthy merchant class– The classical heritage of Greece

and Rome

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Does it say ITALY anywhere on this map?

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•NO! There would be no unified country known as Italy until the late 1800’s.

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New trade routes• New trade routes lead to the growth of

large city-states in northern Italy. (a city state is a city which is governed on its own, it is not part of a larger country).

• Northern Italy was urban while the rest of Europe was still rural

• Where did these new trade routes come from?

• What is the difference between urban and rural

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The Bubonic Plague• The bubonic

plague struck cities of Europe, killing 60% of the population.

• As a result, laborers could demand higher wages and shrank opportunities for business expansion.

With limited opportunities for business expansion, wealthy merchants began to pursue interests such as art.

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Florence• was one of the

most powerful city states. It collected taxes and had its own army.

• Because it was relatively small, a large number of citizens were involved in politics

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Life in Florence• Merchants were

the wealthiest, most powerful class in Florence. They dominated politics.

• Merchants did not inherit social rank, they had to earn it in business.

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Cosimo De Medici• The most

powerful family in Florence was the De Medici family.

• The De Medicis made a fortune in trade and banking.

Cosimo was the wealthiest European of his time.

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Classical Heritage• Wealthy merchants such as the

DeMedicis aided the Renaissance by supporting the arts.

• Renaissance scholars looked down on the art and literature of The Middle Ages, they wanted to return to the works of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

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Humanism• The study of classical works led to humanism, which focused

on human potential and achievements.

• What does that mean?

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Secular life becomes the norm• Rather than

showing their faith by wearing rough clothes or eating plain foods, the church became more worldly or secular.

• Instead of salvation, they were concerned with now

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The Renaissance Man • A “Renaissance Man” was a man

who strove to achieve in every area of study.

• A young man should be charming, witty and well educated in the classics. He should dance, sing, play music and write poetry. He should be a skilled rider, wrestler and swordsman.


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The Renaissance Woman• Upper class women were expected to

know the classics and be charming. • Women were not expected to seek

fame. They were expected to inspire art, but rarely to create it.

• Women were better educated than women of the Middle Ages, but had less influence than medieval women did.