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Page 1: Ester Boserup and Boserupian Theory By Spencer Gifford.

Ester Boserupand Boserupian Theory

By Spencer Gifford

Page 2: Ester Boserup and Boserupian Theory By Spencer Gifford.

Who is Esther Boserup?

> Born in 1910 in Copenhagen Denmark

> Died in 1999

> Studied Economics and Agricultural

Development at the University of Copenhagen

> Made important contributions to early

feminism, and worked at the United Nations

Page 3: Ester Boserup and Boserupian Theory By Spencer Gifford.

Why is she relevant in Human Geography?> Related to Population (Chapter 2, pages 66-68)

> She made important adjustments to Malthusian Theory

> She adapted the theory to adapt more to societal changes and advancements

> Her model is more advanced than Malthus’s

> She wrote the book

“The Conditions of Agricultural Growth: The Economics of Agrarian Change under Population Pressure.”

Page 4: Ester Boserup and Boserupian Theory By Spencer Gifford.

The Boserupian Model

Page 5: Ester Boserup and Boserupian Theory By Spencer Gifford.

How does it apply?> She looked at things with more nuance than Malthus

> She took a more sociological approach

> Considers societal & sociological advances

Page 6: Ester Boserup and Boserupian Theory By Spencer Gifford.

Her Model compared to Malthus’s

Page 7: Ester Boserup and Boserupian Theory By Spencer Gifford.

What about LDC’s?> Boserup’s theory applies to them too!

> In LDC’s, basic technologies such as Land Fallowing, and fire use allow for the necessary amounts of food to be produced to keep the population fed

Page 8: Ester Boserup and Boserupian Theory By Spencer Gifford.

Works Cited

Wikipedia contributors, . N.p.. Web. 18 Sep 2013. <>.

N.p.. Web. 19 Sep 2013. <>.

N.p.. Web. 20 Sep 2013. <>.