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Page 1: EOCH 13th Annual All-Class Reunion Nov. 20, · EOCH 13th Annual All-Class Reunion Nov. 20, 2010 Volume 12 No. 1

EOCH 13th Annual All-Class Reunion  Nov. 20, 2010

Volume 12 No. 1 The Newsletter of the East Orange Catholic High School Alumnae Association Spring 2010 

EOCH 2010 Caritas Award Winner Maureen Balsamo 

Mould ‘70 

Inside Class Notes………..….…7- 14 Class Reps ………….….…...6 EOCH Stuff ………...……..14 In Memoriam ………...……..3 Reunion sign up ……….…. 15 Scholarships ...………….... 4,5

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Our EOCH Alumnae Association’s 13 th

Annual All-Class Reunion will be held on Saturday, November 20, 2010, from Noon to 4pm. The reunion will be held at the Galloping Hill Caterers in Union, NJ (conveniently located by NJ Parkway Exit 138). This is the weekend before Thanksgiving. We hope it is good timing for those who will be coming home for the holidays! Our reunion will feature a brunch/lunch similar to other reunions, with terrific food and a cash bar.

This year’s reunion honors our 2010 Caritas Award Winner, Maureen Balsamo Mould (EOCH ’70). Maureen will provide us with an inspiring presentation. We hope you can join us! (See article about Maureen.) This year’s reunion also honors the classes of 1965, 1970, 1975 and 1980.

Please remember to use the registration form at the end of this newsletter to assure your reservation. We negotiate terms with the reunion location owners in advance, based on the number of attendees. When we cannot get an accurate advance count, the result is a crowded room and a possibility of meal shortages. Call us if you have any questions -see class rep phone numbers on page 6. We want everyone to attend and we will do whatever we can to accommodate you - but we really do appreciate your help in registering in advance.

We needed to increase the cost of the registration of the reunion for the first time in over 10 years. This increase is due to the charges from local caterers. Please be assured that any net proceeds from the reunion are used for the print- ing and mailing of our newsletter, and to support our scholarship fund. As in prior years, an increased fee applies to those who do not register in advance, so we hope you will register early!

We hope to see you on Saturday, No- vember 20 th , for our 13 th reunion!. Please see the Galloping Hill website for directions: http://

Please note that there are a number of nearby hotels for those who need ac- commodations, including the Kenilworth Inn (, and the Crowne Plaza in Clark (http:// 

Read the note from Virginia Daire Loewe ’64 

our 2009 Caritas Award Winner 

on page 5...

Most of us enjoy being encouraged, entertained and enlightened. If you’re ready for such an experience, Maureen Mould, also known as “OOCHEE” the Clown, will not disappoint you.

Founder and Executive Director of Ka- leidoscope Konnections in 2004, a non-profit organization, its mission is to offer creative and fun presentations that teach and encourage.

Maureen is an award-winning humorous toastmaster speaker. She enjoys sharing some of her own life challenges with a humorous flair. After losing most of her eyesight at the time of her daughter’s birth, she claims that after 30 years she still can’t figure out what’s legal about being blind so she’s re-diagnosed herself as “illegally sighted.” “I have some sight; it’s just illegal for me to drive,” Maureen claims. As an insulin- dependent diabetic for over 52 years, she notes that the very worst complica- tion of diabetes is “Hardening of the Attitudes.” Whatever life sends her way, she tries to model how to “laugh for the health of it.” Continued on pg. 3

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A note from our newly elected President: Kathy Ford Ludwig ‘74

Dear EOCH Alumnae,

Greetings to you all!

Not long ago my pastor emphatically stated during his homily that the three most important things in life are family, friends and faith. That sentence touched my heart and as I started to compose this letter it also reminded me of this wonderful association.

Whenever I think about being a part of the EOCH alumnae all three words come to life. Even though we may not all know, see or talk to each other daily or weekly, we all are part of the EOCH family. We share the common bond of having attended this great high school immersed in Catholic values and prin- ciples which helped mold us into the women we are today. We attended classes (some more memorable than others), ate in the cafeteria, exercised in the gym (OK maybe not as rigorous as we could have) and were taught by the incomparable Sisters of Charity. We survived challenging phasing projects, arduous term papers, the periodic table, Latin, seemingly endless sum- mer reading (at least 15 books) and my personal favorite, dissecting frogs in Biology. And let us not forget the wearing of our pastel summer uniforms. Truly, we are all sisters in spirit and in God’s eyes. EOCH has brought me the gift of friend- ship. Not just during the four years I attended but especially in the last eleven years from attending the reunions and most recently being a Board member. I may not see or talk to these women everyday but the bonds of friendship have been culti- vated and grown.

And lastly - faith. Where would any of us be without the faith that we developed through our parents, family and friends? Would it have grown to be so strong within us, without being nurtured by the sisters and priests who taught us during school? This faith continues on through our daily lives and is embraced in the Association. One example of our Faith is the EOCH scholarship program. Our desire to encourage other young women to experience a great Catholic school education is rooted in the scholarships we are able to extend to the schools taught by the Sisters of Charity.

Please remember that the faith in EOCH began with an ambitious dream and a modest $250 start that was the beginning of our school. The dream came alive and continued for 20 years until circumstances beyond our control closed our doors. Our faith began again in 1998 with the creation of the EOCH Alumnae Association and continues to thrive with the involve- ment, dedication and commitment from so many of you.

I hope you will be able to join us at our next reunion. It is always a pleasure to see a classmate, a sister, a friend.

Kind Regards, 

EOCH Alumnae Association Members Meeting—January, 2010 at Mother Seton H.S. Clark Left to right seated: Denise Nimeth Bellog ‘70…… Pat Tobia Polizano ‘70…..Janice Martin ’66…..  Donna Mariani Feulner ‘69….Sr. Eileen Bradshaw. Standing: Donna Anzana Faraone  ‘73 ...Charlotte Cikowski ’64... Kathy Ford Ludwig ‘74...  Maureen  Farrell Stella ’66... MaryAnne McDonald ’75 

Donna Rossi Gesumaria ‘73.... Cathy Leicht Crane ’71... Linda Lavitola Kopet ’67…. Sr. MaryAnne Katlack ...Andrea Pitrelli Thayer 71.

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Maureen Balsamo Mould, ‘70 2010 EOCH Caritas Award Winner

Continued from page 1… With a Masters degree in Therapeutic Recreation from San Jose State, a teaching background in special education and post graduate studies in early childhood education, Maureen has worked as an administrator in early childhood for over 20 years. Maureen has trained educators at national, regional and local conferences and presented at church re- treats and various community organizations and service clubs.

For the past 5 years, she has impacted thousands of children in bring- ing educational clown assemblies to elementary schools. Her original work is on topics e.g. bullying, gang and drug prevention and the im- portance of being and making friends.

One of Maureen’s passions is to bring a smile wherever she goes. Using tricks and antics as her tools, Maureen brings hope, healing and encour- agement when she visits hospitals, schools, nursing homes, prisons and orphanages worldwide and nationally. She joined Patch Adams in such work in Russia and China. She has gone on to clown in Poland, East Germany, Guadalajara, Jamaica and Argentina with clowns from around the world. Twice, Maureen organized “compassionate clown- ing” outreach trips to Ground Zero, New Orleans and Western WA to bring hope and healing through laughter. In January, “OOCHEE” and friends traveled to the Philippines to share God’s word with the poor and poor in spirit. Thousands of children and adults gathered in village squares, outdoor schools, orphanages, hospitals, churches and fishing villages. Their unique methods of using mime, humor, tricks and music enthralled everyone. The clown troupe has now been invited back to teach at a Catholic University in Manila, St. Paul’s, to teach clown ministry to college stu- dents, pastors, hospital staff and educa- tors. The Filipino people witnessed the powerful effect of the use of laughter in learning and healing to the point that they too want to continue this inspira- tional work.

No doubt, Maureen’s presentation will bring you a joyful, uplifting experience filled with a chuckle, a smile or even a tear.

For more information, go to: or email Maureen at: [email protected]

Editorial Help for this edition was provided by: Mary Anne McDonald ‘75 — Class notes and Reunion Donna Rossi Gesumaria ‘73  — Class notes Donna Mariani Feulner ‘69  — Proofing Cathy Leicht Crane ‘71— Printing and Mailing Charlotte Cikowski ‘64—Layout and design 

In Memoriam + Maryanne Kochel Keogh, ‘63 + Palma DeAngelis Merola '67 + Loretta Maloney Breiner ‘69  sister of  Eileen 

Maloney and Maureen Maloney + Isabel Skidmore, ‘69 Sister of Linda  Skidmore 

Stomiany ’67 +  Marie Stoffers Lassen ‘72 + Sr. Margaret Maureen Hoffman, Guidance 

EOCH  '69 ­ '80 + Thomas Bradshaw, brother of Sr. Eileen Bradshaw + Frances Delia, mother of Terri Delia Siecenski '62 + Patrick Sharkey, brother of Virginia Sharkey Roman 

’64 + Lillian Guevara, mother of Margaret Guevara ‘64 

(deceased) & Deborah Guevara ‘66 + Charles Lorenzo,  father of Elaine Lorenzo 

Petrancosta ‘65 and Yvonne Lorenzo Rago '75 + Alexis Corvino, sister of Geraldine Corvino 

Petrucelli '65 and Marilyn Corvino Priori '70 + Jack Walsh, brother of Carol Walsh Koeppen ’66 + Dorothy Mielke, mother of Sandra Mielke Grabowski 

‘66 + Dorothy Guibilo, mother of Victoria Guibilo 

Feehan, 66 + Helen Von Obenauer, mother of Christine Von 

Obenauer ‘66 and Helen Von Obenauer ‘67 + Ruth Dyer Robinson, mother of Daphne Dyer Wolf 

’67 + Bernice Doherty, mother of Mary Beth Doherty 

Lopez ’67 and mother­in­law of Rosemary McFadden Doherty ’66. 

+ Dominic Cerrato,  father of Diana Cerrato Sefchik  '71 + Ann Mulcahy, mother of Elaine Mulcahy Netis '71 + Anita Ruz, mother of Carolyn Ruz '71 + Mary Rooney, mother of Mary Rooney Considine 

’74 and Barbara Rooney D’Elia ‘76 (deceased) + Giovanni Colabelli, father of Giovanna Colabelli 

Finelli ‘74 

Notices for In Memoriam may be sent to any of the officers or class reps.

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Since 2005 the EOCH Alumnae Association has given scholarships to young women at four high schools taught by the Sisters of Charity in New Jersey. Below are selections of the many letters and cards we have re- ceived just this past year in thanks for helping these deserving young ladies to continue their education in a Catholic high school. This is our main activity as an alumnae group. If you would like to contribute, your tax-deductible donations are always appreciated

Sr. Eileen Bradshaw at our last reunion telling us how much our scholarships help.

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Donations …  Want to do more? Any and all donations to the 

scholarship fund will be gratefully accepted.   Now that we have our tax exemption status, your donation is 

completely tax­deductible.

From our 2009 Caritas Award Winner Virgina (Ginger) Daire Loewe ‘64

The author of our Alma Mater enjoyed the gift of prophecy in writ- ing that we young girls were:

"Waiting for the future...wond'ring, questioning of What later life (would) bring us, be it smile or sigh We (would) always love East Orange Catholic High."

Oftentimes, in the late afternoons after Robbie died, I could be found (not that anyone ever found me) sitting on the steps in one of the back hallways of EOCH, just crying my eyes out and fighting with depression; feeling, as young teens often do, like my own life had ended. Sitting there on those cold steps, I never saw for myself the life I would eventually lead, and how fulfilling it would be - not only in its moments of disappointment, disillusion and despair, but also in the many golden opportunities I would be given in the fu- ture to put to use the education and values I'd been given while a student there.

I've been blessed with recognition during my lifetime, but none of that recognition can compare to the blessing of having been hon- ored by the girls who knew me before life actually took over for all of us. The validation given to me by those girls, on that day, and now that we are all older, makes me want to go back to that fright- ened girl in the stairwell to whisper in her ear: "Have faith. It will be all right."

I am so very, very grateful for that gift you have given me.

Thank you. Ginger

EOCH AA  Scholarship Fund 

Excerpts from letters to EOCH AA 

From St. Vincent Academy, Newark 

Your commitment to supporting Catholic education for young women makes it possible for us to continue our mission here in Newark. …... 

Thank you for this generous gift, for the work that went into making it possible and for what is says about the value you place on the work we do.  As we strive to de­ velop in our students the character, courage and skills necessary to open doors so often closed to them, we are heartened by support and encouragement from women who were educated by the Sisters of Charity. 

May God bless the Alumnae of EOCH as you have blessed us. 

A note from a grateful parent…..

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Alumnae Highlights and News 

1962: Margaret Lezgus Houlihan H: 732­566­7974 [email protected] 

1963: MaryAnn Fillion Bulgia H: 973­678­6408 

1964: Charlotte Cikowski H: 732­396­9756 [email protected] 

1965: Diane Conforti H: 732­219­5059 

Lauretta Guido LaSala H: 973­839­8399 [email protected] 

1966: Maureen Farrell Stella H: 973­361­1263 [email protected] 

1967: Linda Lavitola Kopet H: 973­765­9264 [email protected] 

1968:  Barbara Ruane H: 973­539­0162 [email protected] 

1969: Donna Mariani Feulner H: 973­227­0577 W: 732­396­5976 [email protected] 

1970: Patricia Tobia Poliz­ zano H: 973­731­4615 [email protected] 

1971: Andrea Pitrelli Thayer H: 973­377­2989 [email protected] 

Cathy Leicht Crane H: 732­396­9290 [email protected] 

1972: Linda Giorella H: 973­696­8604 [email protected] 

1973: Donna Rossi Gesumaria H: 732­549­5667 [email protected] 

1974:  Kathy Ford Ludwig H: 973­887­3902 [email protected] 

1975: MaryAnne McDonald Benning H: 908­277­1142 mmcdon­ [email protected] 

1976: Amy Vaccaro Ricciardi H: 973­325­8642 [email protected] 

1977: Therese Zink Passione H: 973­316­5085 [email protected] 

1978: Colleen Farrell Ohaus H: 201­525­1798 [email protected] 

1979: Lynne Fairbanks H: 973­673­6787 [email protected] 

1980 ­ 1983: Ann Marie Freda 908­479­1288 [email protected]

THE WORLD IS MOVING' AWARDS Karen DeAngelis, director of New Jersey City University's Speicher- Rubin Women's Center, is among the recipients of 2009 Elizabeth Cady Stanton "The World is Moving" Awards from the Women's Rights Information Center in Englewood. Ms. DeAngelis of West Orange was recognized for her exemplary work to empower women through education and activism. The Elizabeth Cady Stanton "The World is Moving" Awards are presented annually by the Center in appreciation of contributions to the vision of equality first articulated by women's rights pioneer Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

Ms. DeAngelis has served as director of the NJCU Speicher-Rubin Women's Center since 1990. Founded in 1973, the Women's Rights Information Center is a non-profit, community-based organization that helps women and their families to become self-sufficient. The Center offers grant-funded, free and low-cost programs and services, including shared housing for one-parent families.

Patti Abbott-Bozzo ‘65 re: Alexis Bozzo It is with great pleasure that I let all of you know that Alexis has been accepted into the Fellowship Program (RARE) thru the University of Oregon. She will be working for a year there in the City of Sherwood, and will be doing hands-on planning. She worked very hard to get this Fel- lowship. There were 165 applicants (double what they usually get). Then the University kept weeding out the pack. We knew in July that she made the final cut of about 25 applicants, and were not expecting news until her Birthday (8/14), but the University and the Town gave her an early birthday present. We will miss her, but are extremely happy for her. If you would like to wish her well, her email is [email protected]. Her computer is unhooked and packed, but she'll reply to your emails once she's out there. She is driving cross- country with all her "stuff", her dog/Doxie (Annabelle), and a very good friend, and will probably be leaving the end of August. For those of you who are on Facebook, you can access pictures of where she'll be, as she took lots of them when she went out for the final inter- view. Again, we as a family thank you all for your support over these past few very tough years, and she appreciates your good thoughts and prayers very much.

Parish or Other News…. Please let your class representatives or the EOCH AA officers know of any parish or school news you would like to publicize through our newsletter or website.

The Saint Benedict’s Drama Guild and Summer Theatre is plan­ ning a 50th Year Celebration in 2011 and is asking for the contact information of anyone who participated in its productions at the school in Newark, NJ. Please send any information: name, phone number, address, and email address to Mary Hauck:  [email protected]  and Greg Thornton: gregthorn­ [email protected]. Any help is greatly appreciated. 

Class Representatives


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7  CLASS NOTES                           and                                    2009  ALL    CLASS    REUNION  PICTURES

Class of 1962

M. Theresa (Terri) Delia Siecienski is still working at the Psy- chology Center, where she has worked for over 23 years, but man- ages to travel often with her husband Ed. Granddaughter Melissa has graduated college and is now working on her Masters’ degree in Math Education. We are sorry to report that Terri’s mother, Fran- ces Delia, passed away five days after her 97 th birthday…. Michele Delsordi Laurito has a new grandson born May 15 th , 2009 named Greyson John. She now has a total of 8 grandchildren, 4 boys and 4 girls.

Class of 1963

Carole Dougher is volunteering as a religious education teacher (Holy Innocents Church), an ESL tutor for Literacy Volunteers and also for the Food Bank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties. In her spare time, Carole spends time with fam- ily and friends, travels and plays golf and bridge.

Class of 1964

Elaine Carpenter Shovlin and her husband Joseph will be cele- brating their 42 nd wedding anniversary in December. Their son James (29) works for Morgan Stanley, and son Matthew (27) is in the US Army, currently stationed in Germany. Elaine works for Oxford Consulting Services and is a Board member at both Univer- sity College and Rutgers New Brunswick Alumni Association.… Bridie Donnelly Hogan and her husband Hank have three chil- dren (Bridgit, age 31; Kate, age 29; and Brian, age 26), and 1 grand- daughter, Bridie (age 3). Bridie is a middle school social studies teacher…Elizabeth Kebernik Kubicz and her husband Walter have been married for 44 years and have three children (Richard, Miroslaw and Denise) and six grandchildren (Tyler, age 13; Raquel, age 11; Madison, age 5; Jacob, age 8; Lily, age 6; and Grace, age 3). Elizabeth’s father (Alexander Kebernik) passed away in 2003; her mom (Agnes) is 88 years and doing well. Elizabeth is a free lance interpreter of Pol- ish and Ukrainian, and belongs to the Pol- ish Cultural Foundation in Clark, where she is the Vice President of Social Af- fairs….Rita Marino Oates is still teaching and working as a realtor for Coldwell Banker and enjoys time with her 3 chil- dren and 6 grandchildren. Mrs. Oates taught at EOCH from 1970-72, in Phys Ed, Health and Driver Ed with Mrs. Marie Rogers and Arlene Ruccio….Lois Jackyra Paul opened her own hair salon in January 2009 and re- ports that “it’s wonderful and I love it!”…Maria Kole Heider works at Montclair YMCA as E-Pay System Ad- ministrator and her husband has retired from AT&T. She is counting down to retirement herself so she can spend more time with her grandchildren, which will probably mean a move out of N.J. Maria considers herself a Tea Party Patriot and makes a point of learning and speaking out as much as possible about issues. She travels with her husband Bill to Tampa, FL three times a year to visit her oldest daughter (Jennifer), son-in-law (Norbert) and two granddaughters, Isabella (4)and Julianna (1). Maria’s mid- dle daughter (Melissa) is president of NJ Better Business

Bureau and is married to John. Her youngest daughter (Alison) is a Clinical Therapist working in Corporate Risk Management in the PA behavioral healthcare system and is married to Bill and has an 18 month old named Liam. Maria loves garage sales and antique shops but doesn’t consider herself a “shopaholic” yet …Martha G. Reitter Carbone has worked for Total Health Physical Medicine and Rehab in Florham Park for the past 12 years. She has been married to John for 43 years and has 5 married sons and 11 grand- children. The whole clan lives within 2-7 miles of each other. Four out of 5 sons are in business for themselves and Christopher is in law enforcement. The businesses they own and operate are: 5 C’s Landscaping, Morris and Bergen Irrigation Co., Illumination Con- cepts (in Wayne, NJ) and Total Health PMR (Florham Park). Mar- tha loves to hike, kayak and bike. She wants to know if anyone is interested in joining her? ...Eileen Kelly O’Leary works at River- walk Theatre in Lansing, MI. Her husband Jim is an Admin. Law Judge for Health and Human Services. Eileen’s daughter, Oona, works at Michigan State University in the history department and is applying to graduate school. Eileen enjoys travelling…Dianne Camisa Meserlin volunteers at the Sisters Academy, a school for girls in Asbury Park, run by the Sisters of Mercy when she’s not visiting her grandchildren. She has 4 daughters that are married and 12 grandchildren. Two of her four daughters and their families live locally, one lives in Newport, RI and one in the State of Wash- ington. Dianne and her husband enjoy golf in the summer and skiing in the winter when time allows…Anita Spaulding Zoppi has been married for 43 years to Frank, and travelled with him for their first 20 years together while he served in the Navy. They have a daughter Jessica and a son Kevin. Anita has worked since 1991 at the Joan Carol Group. She and Frank volunteer each Sunday morning at the Mother Teresa Soup Kitchen in Washington, D.C…. Charlotte Cikowski just finished working on her 45 th

anniversary reunion for her Band of 58 Sisters (current and former members of the Sisters of Charity who entered in 1964). Now she is involved in her grammar school All-Class Reunion at Sacred Heart School in Bloomfield in April ( her 50th anniversary). Vir- ginia Sharkey Roman tells us her son Joseph T. Roman was ap- pointed to the board at “NJ Institute of Technology.”

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Class of 1965

Eugenie Foiles Temmler is enjoying her two grandchildren, who live only 10 minutes away from her. Eugenie does a lot of commu- nity, church and political volunteer work and is still practicing law in Montclair. Over the past two years, Eugenie has completed her first (and last!) 3 marathons. …Ruth Bernadette Marsh Melon is excited that her first grandchild is on his way! Ruth received her Doctor of Letters (D.Litt) degree with a concentration in writing from Drew University in May 2009, and serves as an Associate Board Member of the Drew University Center for Holocaust/ Genocide Study. In March, 2010, Ruth will facilitate a 4 part semi- nar at the Drew Holocaust Center, “The White Rose Narratives.” Details can be found at www.http;/ home.htm.....Gail Fuchs Seely has begun a prayer shawl ministry at her parish and travels in her free time. Her first grandchild, Ryan Patrick Seely, arrived October 30, 2009….Patricia A. Price Vogel has been a paraprofessional for 23 years. She has one granddaugh- ter named Jordan born 12/29/2007….Dianne Cerbie Gerber taught Spanish from 1972 to 1980. Dianne completed 40 years of teaching and was listed in “Who’s Who” twice. She received the Youth Leadership Council Award in Washington, D.C….Sharon Jeannotte Stritenberger has a new grandson! Charles Robert was born May 1 st , 2009 to daughter Lori and son-in-law Char- lie….Barbara Unger Gariepy is still working (after 38 years) as a nurse in the Recovery Room at Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston. Her children are now 30 (Bevin) and 25 (Randy) years old. Barbara’s mother passed away in June of 2008.

Class of 1966

Betty Jo Cappuccino Brechka is enjoying her 4 grandchildren immensely, and is happy they all live in NJ so that she sees them often….Linda McNichol Donnelly is enjoying her third grand- child, Brendan McNichol Kearns (born to daughter Ellen, and John) and big brother Johnny, age 3. Granddaughter Annie (18 months) will become a big sister in Spring 2010. Linda’s son Chris (Annie’s dad) is a great photographer: Linda trav- elled to Spain last year and is looking forward to Ireland in May….Kathleen McLoughlin Napurano is a teacher at the Randolph Middle School. She has taught in NJ public schools for 22 years and in Catholic schools for 6 years. Kathleen wrote in late 2009 that she was planning a trip to Italy, and awaiting the birth of her second grandchild “any day.”…

Eileen Kelly Boland has worked (in the accounting office) at the Deron School for 23 years, a school for children with special needs. Eileen has been married for 41 years to Joe, and their three daugh- ters (Katie, Annie and Megan) have given Eileen and Joe the joy of 9 grandchil- dren….Irene Mannix Weigly has been married to George for 40 years, and they have 3 grown children (and 2 old dogs and 2 old cats!). Irene has worked at Ohio University (Athens) for 33 years and enjoyed every minute of it. She is renovating her house, which was built in 1829, and enjoying her amazing 92-year old mother. …Carolyn Tanner

Verderama has been married to Ralph for 36 years. Their son Ralph III (age 26) lives and works in Alexandria, VA and their son Daniel (age 21) attends Bryant University in RI. Carolyn is a math teach in West Orange…Mary Wharton Rode is enjoying retire- ment, and has moved to PA to be closer to daughter Kristina (and her husband Andrew and two children, Sam and Alex). Mary also travels to FL and Lake Tahoe to be with her son Eric (and his wife Laura and their son Harrison)….Ruth Wisneski DiGiorgio con- tinues her career in advertising and marketing, after 40 years….Mary Keegan Sidell is still working as an RN in Cardiac Rehab at Eastern Maine Medical Center (Bangor), and volunteers for Womenheart and the American Heart Association. Mary’s hus- band Bruce just returned from 2 months of doing research in Ant- arctica, and had his “5 minutes of fame” when he was interviewed by Oprah for “Where in the Skype are You.” Mary is a busy grandma with 5 grandsons and 1 granddaughter (ranging from un- der one year to 5 years old). Mary has a great suggestion: Add yearbook pictures or new pictures to put with our class note up- dates. … 

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Class of 1966 (continued)

Patricia (“Patty”) Marsh Boublis has been married for 35 years to her husband, Dan. Her son Peter was married in 2004 to Florissa, and her son Danny was married in 2008 to Randi. Patty has worked for the Borough of Saddle River in Bergen County for 23 years, and she and her husband spend lots of time in their second home on Loon Lake, NY (in the Adirondack Mountains). Patty writes that the “R” word (retirement) looks better and bet- ter….Mary Mulhern Alberti has retired from 37 years of teach- ing and is now building her Shaklee business (wellness for people and the environment). Mary also keeps busy with her garden club, book club, and volunteering at her library and the County Food Pantry. Mary’s son Brian has returned from a year in Lon- don, where he opened a branch of his public relations company. Her daughter Jane has just recently bought her own home…. Arlene M. Barrows Meyers enjoys working on the Governor’s Advisory Council for Volunteers and Community Service. She is also the Fundraising Officer for the American Red Cross Burling- ton County Chapter. Arlene is enjoying her grandchildren: Olivia (8 ), Jake (7 ), Drew (5), Brynn (6), Brooke (3), Michael (1). Her daughter Shannon and son-in-law Tim had their 1 st child around December 9 th , 2009, the 7 th grandchild. Their son Michael cele- brated his 40 th birthday in October. …Michele Sabatos Kosa- kowski was blessed with 3 more grandchildren in 2009, which makes the total 14. Rebecca Lockwood born 2/21/09 to daughter Jeannette and Guy (#6 for them), identical twin girls Stephanie and Sydney Vamos born on 9/18/09 to daughter Julie and Jeff. They join big brother Logan 13 months old. Michele says semi- retirement came at the right time as babysitting fills her calen- dar….Pat Farry Massey is President of the NJ Association of School Librarians and works as a High School Library Media Spe- cialist. Her children and husband Barry are doing well….Regina C. Little is an attorney on the staff of a labor union. Her career started as a staff attorney in a legal services program for the poor in New Brunswick, NJ. Regina is a volunteer member of the Board of Trustees of Legal Services of NJ. Regina would love to hear about others who attended EOCH between 1962 and 1970, and “especially those in the WONDERFUL CLASS OF 1966!”… Joan E. Mannix Dearborn is married and has a 16 year old son. She works for a pharmaceutical company in NJ.

Class of 1967

Margaret Regan Rizzolo writes that her daughter Lisa is to be married in May, 2010, and her daughter Michelle delivered Marga- ret’s first grandchild (Henry Weston) in February, 2009. Margaret enjoyed a wonderful 60 th birthday party in April!...Pam Schott has been the Director of Victim-Witness Advocacy for the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office for the past 7 years. Pam’s youngest daughter was married in October, 2009, with Pam’s sister (Judge) Francine Schott performing the nuptials. Pam has enjoyed painting classes at the NY Academy of Art for the past year…. Barbara Conlan Tansey has 4 children: Erin is an anesthesiologist and lives with her husband and Barbara’s grandson (Noah Patrick, who is not quite 1 year) in MA; Patrick is an addiction counselor; Elle is a senior at Rutgers and majors in Communications; and Liam is a freshman at Columbia University, where he is a mid- distance runner on the Winter and Spring track team. Barbara’s husband of 33 years, Patrick, passed away in 2005. Barbara teaches Fourth Grade at PS #14 in Jersey City since 1999. Barbara also runs (5 miles a day when possible), enjoys talk radio, reads books

on current political issues and travels to MA to visit Noah Pat- rick….Margaret Gilroy Draghi announces the arrival of her first grandchild, Adam, born to daughter Anne. …Daphne Dyer Wolf has started a graduate program in Irish Studies at NYU; she and her husband Peter own a house in County Kerry, Ireland ( Daphne’s son Patrick is a musician/ singer/songwriter ( Daughter Casey is a junior at Carleton College MN, and has just returned from a “new media” photography trimester in NYC, Rome and Prague….Florence Jacqueline (“Jackie”) Esposito Bucchi works in the travel industry and tours in Europe with USA agen- cies. Jackie lives in the south of France with her husband Gian- carlo; their son Gianluca (21 years) studies in Maastricht, Nether- lands. Jackie enjoys gardening, reading, and her membership in the American Women’s Group in France…. Barbara Maglione Roche and her husband Bill have 2 daughters (Mary, age 24, who is an art teacher in Baltimore; and Betsy, age 22, who is a Manager of Health Promotions in Dallas, Texas). Barbara is the manager of a contract research organization, working in dermatol- ogy….Elizabeth Gill Gravois and her husband Roland moved to LA in December 2008 to be near Roland’s parents and their grand- son Avery born 3/7/08. They return each summer to their shore condo to enjoy the beach and spend time with their N.J. family and friends. Betty is a volunteer for the American Cancer Society in their Cancer Action Network. In May, 2009 Betty spent the day in Baton Rouge and lobbied her elected officials to pass legislation to protect and improve the health of LA residents. Her artistic inter- ests continue via watercolor classes at LSU and memory booking. Soon she will be able to work in her primary media of stained glass when the new house with a special studio is completed. 

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CLASS NOTES                           and                                    2009  ALL    CLASS    REUNION  PICTURES

Class of 1968

Margaret Besant Critchley writes that her 7 th child will enter college in September 2010. She was expecting her sec- ond grandchild in January 2010. Margaret continues to work part- time as an RN at the Long Term Care center in Hackettstown and is a lay Eucharistic Minister at St. James Church in Hackettstown (where she chairs the Altar Guild). Margaret vacationed in AK in summer 2009, and played golf again at the Port Royal Golf Course (Southampton, Bermuda). When Margaret’s church held its first golf outing in 2009, she was the only participant to “beat the pro.” Margaret says “I can live on that experience for the rest of my golf- ing days!”…Kathy White D’Andrea has celebrated the birth of her fifth grandchild, and her 40 th wedding anniversary (in October, 2009, in Paris!). …Winifred McNeill has been promoted to full professor at New Jersey City University. In October 2009 Winifred participated in an art residency and exhibition in Suzhou, China, and in the “New Classicism in Contemporary Art” exhibition at the Therese A Maloney Art College, at the College of Saint Eliza- beth….Alicia Zipp writes that her son Christopher is applying to colleges, after having the opportunity to play piano and sing one of his original songs with the Boston Symphony Orchestra in Spring 2009 (look for Chris on Facebook: Chris Middleton or Middle C Music)…. MaryAnn Cianci Cebula had quite a transitional year in 2009. Her husband Charles retired from the Federal Government after 37 ½ years. He is now working as a consultant for LogSec. MaryAnn is working on her upgrade and National Board classes. She has taught from Pre-K to 8 th grade for 37 years. She volunteers to help at risk students in her home town and school district of Toms River. Her daughter Jessica works as an attending anesthesi- ologist/pain management doctor at Queens Hospital. Her daugh- ter and son-in-law Brian celebrated their 1 st wedding anniversary. Brian works as an FDNY liaison to FEMA in Brooklyn, NY. …

Michelle Pawlik Pevarski works as a Clinical Dietitian in Bay Pines VA Hospital. She serves on the Board of Trustees at North- side Hospital. Michelle has been married for 35 years to Dennis, an

Interventional Radiolo- gist. They have 2 sons Brendan (27) in his 2 nd

year at William and Mary MBA program and Ben (25) a civil engineer work- ing as a patent examiner in Alexandria, VA. In November, 2009 Michelle participated in her 4 th

sixty mile Breast Cancer Walk this time in AZ.

She planned to stay with Mary Jean Cuccinello Flamer and visit MaryAnn Kilduff and Maureen Cunningham Horwood visiting from CA. She keeps in touch with Mary Dougal and they will be having a “girls weekend” in D.C. Michelle is an ardent gardener and her family loves to travel. They hiked in the Grand Canyon during Christmas week. ….Anna Rita Lyons-Quinn was sorry she couldn’t make the reunion, but if you come to Minneapolis/St. Paul give her a call and she will drive in to take you to lunch! She sent a picture of her family, sons Liam (25)and Jason (26) and daughters Deirdre (20) and Megan (23) and husband Dan.

Class of 1969

Madeline Nitti-Bontempo is the Supervisor – Resource Sharing at Drew University Library. She is married to Amel and has two sons, Christopher and Thomas. Madeline enjoys reading, cooking and scrapbooking…..Ellen Williams marked her 15 th year in Janu- ary 2010 as a 4-H Agent with Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Monmouth County. Ellen sings Irish music and plays the Irish drum with fellow Rutgers staff. She is a cantor, Eucharistic Minis- ter, lector, choir mentor and food pantry volunteer at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Highlands. Ellen taught English ninth and tenth grade from 1975 to 1976….Ann Bernice Stankiewicz Segal does volunteer work for the Burlington County Chapter of the American Red Cross and chaired the Spring Gold Event Fundraiser in March 2009. She and her husband downsized to a lovely carriage house in Moorestown “half the size, half the trouble.” They have a condo in Longboat Key FL. Ann hopes once they retire from law they will be able to spend more time there…...Kathleen Regan Witsch has been a breast cancer survivor for 15 years. Kathleen has 2 daughters, ages 33 and 29. 

Family of Anna Rita Lyons­Quinn

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Class of 1969 (continued)

Ellen Nisivoccia Cedrone is a retired 6/7/8 grade language arts teacher in Irvington, NJ. Her husband Dean is deceased. Daughter Elaine (27) is a law student at George Washington Uni- versity and son Robert (24) is a CPA at Ernst & Young, NYC. …….Patricia DeSimone Cerami spends all of her time with her family, and loves every minute of it. In addition to helping with her 85-year old mother, Patricia spends as much time as she can with Dominick James, her 2-year old grandson and her children. ….Joan Abbondante spent time working in business, but has devoted her last 16 years to teaching. Joan currently teaches at Holy Trinity Interparochial School in Westfield, NJ. Joan’s son (Andrew McCloskey) is 24 years old, and is a 2003 graduate of Cornell Uni- versity, working now for Clean Harbors as an environmental chem- ist…. Beverly Barrows Delaney has been married for 37 years to her wonderful husband Ed, and they have three children: Katie (married), Tom (“on his own”) and Dan (sophomore at Stevens Institute). Beverly still teaches piano (private lessons), sings at her church, and teaches music (grades K-6) in Fort Lee, where she was named “Teacher of the Year” in 2008! During the last two sum- mers, Beverly has spent time in teacher training programs at the Metropolitan Opera and Lincoln Center. Beverly credits Mr. Yates with starting her on her musical career. ..Linda Contursi Welfel has an idea for our Alumnae Association: How about a BUZZ Book for phone numbers, email, etc.? Any volunteers to investi- gate this? Please contact your class rep or one of our Board mem- bers... Christine Daniels Kucma began fulfilling her and her hus- band’s travel dreams in their new RV upon his retirement last year. So far they toured all the National Parks in the Rockies from Utah to Glacier Mt., explored the coasts of CA, OR and WA, visited the Canadian National Parks of Barff, Jasper and Yoke and drove cross country twice! . Deborah D’Alessio Salagaj is the Technology Coordinator at East Side High School, Newark, NJ…..Denise Guariglia Gesumaria has been married to Dennis for 31 years. They have 3 children ages 26, 24 and 21. Denise worked for the Elizabeth Board of Education as a School Social Worker for 16 years. She works with Ann O’Dea class of 1976. She worked for 15 years for DYFS before staying home with her children for 6 years. Denise likes ballroom dancing and Zumba exercise class.

Class of 1970 Maureen Hart McCandless says nothing new to report, all is well … .Sharon L. McManus Gottovi is married to Michael and has a step-daughter Sara and granddaughter Cassia. She has her husband, along with a dog and cat at home. Sharon is the Director of the Department of Rehabilitative Services –Disability Determination Services in northern VA. She also is a Marriage and Family Thera- pist with Catholic Charities of the Arlington, VA Diocese. Sharon likes gardening, cooking and service work in the community.

Class of 1971

Michele Cerrato Mannino has been married to Steve for 24 years, and they have two children (Christopher, 17, and Julia, 14). Mich- ele has been a Vice President, Wealth Management Advisor at Merrill Lynch for 31 years. Michele enjoys cooking, reading and vacationing. …Debbie Freda Gallo celebrated her 25 th wedding anniversary with her husband John. Their 19 year old daughter is a sophomore at Monmouth University. Debbie has been a visiting nurse for 34 years, and is in her 10 th year of working with the Visit- ing Nurse Association of Central Jersey. Debbie is also a volunteer CCD teacher at St. Dennis in Manasquan (18 years). Debbie enjoys reconnecting with her friends and classmates on Facebook. … MaryEllen Jenkins Hauser is married to Chris and has three chil- dren, Matthew, 24, an accountant Mark, 22, a senior at Montclair, and Meghan, 18, a senior at Toms River North. MaryEllen works with Christian Brothers in the District of Eastern North America

offices. …Judy Jarmusz Lewis and her husband Tom celebrated their 35 th wedding anniversary in 2009. Judy was made a principal at her accounting firm Goldstein Lewin & CO….Pamela Odgers Micchelli has been employed at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center as Director of Standards for the past year. She has been working towards her Masters degree at FDU and graduated in May 2010….Diane Ragosa has 2 sons Michael (23) and Evan (20). Michael is a graduate student at Penn working on his PhD in Phys- ics and Evan is a Sophomore at Harvard studying Physics/Math with a secondary concentration in English. 

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CLASS NOTES                           and                                    2009 ALL    CLASS    REUNION    PICTURES

Class of 1972

Kathlyn Reynolds Lanzim retired from the Ocean County Li- brary after 32 years as a librarian. She keeps busy with gardening, and enjoying her re- tirement time with “indoor home organi- zation and renovation” work….Patricia Fin- neran Thrower sold her orthodontic prac- tice in 2006 and has happily retired. She has been married to Dr. Albert Thrower for 34 years. Albert was her senior prom date. Her son Albert Jr., 27, lives in Mahattan and is a hedge- fund trader; Courtney, 25 , sells pharmaceuticals for Mid- dlebrook Pharmaceutical and also lives in Manhattan; Cait- lyn, 21, is a senior at St. Joseph’s University in Philadel- phia. Patricia is a lector and Eucharistic Minister at St. Helens in Westfield. She plays lots of golf at the Echo Lake Country Club (ELCC) and Manasquan River Golf Club where she is the Tournament Chairperson. Other activities include tennis, paddle team at ELCC, traveling (most recently to Botswana, Africa for a photosafari and Mauritius for scuba diving), skiing, biking, scuba diving. Stays 6 weeks on FL East Coast in March and April. Be- longs to 2 theatre groups in Manhattan. …Alicia Daniels Wheeler is married to Jeffrey and has three sons; Christian, 22, Sean, 21, and Joseph, 19. She is the Director of Enrollment at CareMore Health Plan. Her other interest is the development of the sport of Lacrosse in California through youth and high school programs….April McGee was promoted to Regional Vice Presi- dent, Human Factors International in June, 2009. On September 13 th , 2009 she completed 35 miles on the NYC Century Bike Tour with her husband Russell Godfrey (he completed 85 miles!). She hopes this year to complete 50 miles. April does yoga weekly and step classes 3 times a week to help maintain her 185 pound weight loss. …Connee Mangina Grossman has been married to Rick for 32 years. They have three chil- dren; Brian, 27, has under- graduate and graduate degrees from NC State University and currently lives in DC and works at an ad agency; Stacy, 24, has an undergraduate de- gree from UNC at Wilming- ton and is currently studying for her Doctorate in clinical psychology; Matthew, 20, is entering sophomore year at George Washington Univer- sity in DC. Connee and Rick are still getting used to being “empty nesters”.

Class of 1973

Donna Anzano Faraone and her husband Lou cele- brated their 32 nd wedding anniversary. Donna had at- tended the EOCH junior and senior proms with Lou! …Donna Rossi Gesumaria has been a registered pharmacist since 1986. She completed her non- traditional Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree in May 2009 from Shenandoah University Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy while working full-time. She has two sons Gus, 22, graduating from Rutgers Univer- sity in May 2010 with a major in biochemistry and a minor in nutrition. Gus was accepted to UMDNJ School of Osteopathic Medicine and will begin there in Fall 2010. Tony, 21, is a junior at Kean University ma- joring in Psychology/Psych rehab. Tony hopes to pur-

sue a masters in Occupational Therapy in the future. In June 2009 Donna and her sons toured Italy and then went to the town where her maternal grandparents were born, near Naples, called Pescopa- gano. What a wonderful experience! …Margie Segrera Lee has been married for 28 years to Bob. They have 3 children; Doug, 26, and their twins Veronica and Miranda, 22. She is a stay at home mom/homemaker and teaches Spanish to pre-schoolers…..Lenore D’Emidio is married with two children, Christine and John. She is a library/media specialist teacher in Livingston, N.J. Her other

interests include running, cooking and reading.

The Class of 1974 (see next page for News)

The Class of ’74 had a good turnout to celebrate their 35 th anniversary. Attending the reunion were Clare Silvestri Krakoviak, Joanmarie Henry Korn, Ann Marie Sciulla Rynda, Barbara Jeanneret Roos, Ethel Soprano Thau, Joanne Cruitt Cedrone, Kate Cawley McNally, Leslie Caggiano Pucci, Marge Palmieri Musumeci, Maryann Guido Galvano, Patty Gerris, Patty Mount Stefanelli, Peggy Fitzgerald Harrop, Maryann Denny Wichman, Kathy Ford Ludwig and Mireille Duchantier. We all had fun and en- joyed catching up on 35 years of news.

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Class of 1974

Clare Silvestri Krakoviak lives in West Orange with her husband Joe and three children Thomas, Beth and Paul. Clare is co-president of the Blessed Pope John XXIII Academy Home School Associa- tion in West Orange….Dorothea Mostello writes that her daugh- ter Christina has started medical school at Tufts University, and son Michael, who has autism, is in his sophomore year in high school and a published poet! Dorothea is an Associate Professor of Ob- stetrics and Gynecology at St. Louis University, and works primarily with women in high-risk pregnancies, specializing in diabetes and pregnancy. She enjoys cooking, gardening, reading and “trying to lose weight and stay healthy!”…Martha Weiss Sivertson advises that her daughter Julia has graduated the Ohio State University in June 2009, while daughter Amory is a junior at Emerson College in Boston, working on her third CD ( amorysivertson). …Leslie Caggiano Pucci lives in Brick, N.J. with her husband Mike and two 9 year old children, Julianna and Andrew. Her children keep her busy and she forgets how old she really is. Leslie volunteers in her children’s school and enjoys see- ing school from the adult point of view….Josephine Bongiovanni Wagner still lives in FL “putting up with tropical weather!” She says CO is her next destination. Her practice in internal medicine is going well. The addition to her family is Thor, a wild and crazy German shepherd puppy that they enjoy. She sends her regards to all the staff and the Class of ’74.

Class of 1975

Karen Mol- chan Brogna is the Clinical Coordinator for Outpatient Next Step Rehab (part of the George- town Hospital System in SC. She enjoys movies, wood- working and

eating pizza!... Suzanne M. Duchantler is an Executive Assistant supporting 2 Directors and an Executive Director at Verizon. She

has been with Verizon in management for 29 years. Her grand- daughter who is her “pride and joy” Juliette Angelique turned 2 years old on Sept. 14 th . Suzanne loves to walk, travel, read and dance ….Lisa Bongiovanni is still the Bongiovanni family veteri- narian.

Class of 1976

Beth DeVries Albanese writes that her daugh- ter Bryna is a student at Bishop Ahr High School, where she is active in the drama and mu- sic departments (keeping Beth and husband Donald busy). Beth is a librarian at the St. James School in Basking Ridge, NJ. ....MaryJean Karlowicz Kelly is a Clinical Research Coordinator at The Children’s Hospital of NJ Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. She has taught nursing.

Class of 1977

Annelise Konrad Rodrigues is mar- ried 28 years to husband Waine. She finished (finally ) her MBA in finance at Loyola U. in Baltimore, MD. Old- est son Dan just graduated Shippen- burg U in PA. daughter Jen has a few years to go at U. of Montana in MN.

Class of 1979

Michele Crew Locke has been married for 18 years to husband Michael, with one son (13 years old). Michele works for Citigroup as a Vice President in Operations, and has been with Citigroup for 17 years. She enjoys reading and travelling. …Kathleen Sheppard Tartis and her husband Bill have two children; a son Billy, 16, and a daughter Brooke, 14. 

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Gail Verderamo Benson has been married to Harry Benson for 42 years. She taught business education from 1965 to 1966. Gail taught business in high school and college and then became a school busi- ness administrator. She retired in 2002 as a County School Administrator in Atlantic and Cape May County for the N.J. Department of Education. Gail’s other interests include genealogy and travel.

Class of 1980

Gladys Duchantier McQueen enjoys the theatre and jazz concerts. She is a single parent with a daughter Taylor Margue- rite who turned “sweet 16” in 2009. Gladys had been working at a grant-funding foundation in NYC for 23 years and currently holds the title of Records Manager. She also does freelance for ABC studios in NY.

Class of 1981

Stacy L. Harrison is mom to a handsome 9 year old son named Kyle in the 4 th grade. She has worked for the U.S. House of Representatives in D.C. for the past 11 years. Stacy is the Senior Coordinator and Point of Contact (POC) for the 56 Congressional Member Offices and their districts plus the Armed Services Committee. She has two home based busi- nesses, is active in her church, and is involved in her son’s academic and athletic activities. 

CLASS NOTES                           and                                    2009    ALL    CLASS    REUNION  PICTURES 

Sr. MaryAnne Katlack 

Alums with Father Donald Hummel 

Sr. Eileen Bradshaw Sr. Patricia Beaumont

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Tickets will be mailed to you before the reunion – no long lines! Please check all that apply:

I will attend the All-Class Reunion on Saturday, November 20, 2010. My check for $45.00 is enclosed. After November 1st my check for $55.00 is enclosed

I would like to renew my EOCH AA dues for 2010. My check for $15.00 is enclosed. I would like to become a member of the EOCH AA. My check for $15.00 annual dues is enclosed. I am not currently on the EOCH AA mailing list. Please include my name and address. My contact information has changed! Please note my new __ name __ mailing address __ phone number ___ e-mail address (below) and change your records. (No personal contact information will be printed in the newsletter.)

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For faculty: Years taught ___________ Subject(s) _______________________________________________

Send us your news on the form below. Tell us about a new job, new child or grandchild, promotion, new marriage, a move, special honor, whatever. Your classmates and friends at the EOCH AA would love to know!

Family: __________________________________________________________________________________



Career and/or volunteer work: ________________________________________________________________




Other interests: ____________________________________________________________________________



Dues $15.00 Reunion Luncheon $45.00 (or $55.00) Total $ __________ enclosed. Mail this form (or a copy of it) along with your check or money order to: EOCH Alumnae Association, PO Box 62, Montville, NJ 07045­0062

____ M_____ L _____ XL @ $20.00 =______

Heather Grey Crewneck Sweatshirts with EOCH Logo ____ M___ L ____XL ___ XXL @$26.00 =______

____ M___ L ____XL @ $35.00 =______


Saturday, November 20, 2010 From Noon to 4 p.m.

At the Galloping Hill Caterers in Union, NJ

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2010 Anniversary Classes Class of 1965—————— —45 years 

Class of 1970…………      40 years 

Class of  1975……    35 years 

Class of  1980…30 years 


September 26 , 2010 Sunday at 1:00 p.m. 

Next Meeting of the EOCH Alumnae Association

ALL ARE INVITED! The next meeting of the EOCH AA will be at 1:00 pm 9/26/10 at Mother Seton Regional High School in Clark, NJ. (See directions below.)

All members of the EOCH AA are invited, and Class Reps are particu- larly encouraged to attend. We will be putting the final touches on our 2010 reunion and welcome the input and assistance of all willing volunteers. Or just come to ob- serve and chat!

Directions to Mother Seton Regional HS, Valley Road, Clark, NJ.  Take the Garden State Parkway, North or South to exit 135. Coming from the South, bear right at the exit and the school is on your left.  From the North, go around the circle back under the parkway then immediately bear right and  the school is on the left. 

EOCH Alumnae Association PO Box 62 Montville, NJ  07045­0062 

Advertise your Business— See pages 6 and 9 for two new ads! 

Business Cards for $10.  Other sizes available! 

NEXT EOCH ALL SCHOOL REUNION - November 20, 2010 SAVE THE DATE AND COME JOIN US! If you know of any former graduates who are not currently receiving our newsletter please contact

Donna Mariani Feulner ‘69 at [email protected]