Download - Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    enterprise europe

    Your business

    is our business

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    'The partnership thatthe Network has orged or

    us has accelerated our growth

    potential hugely by providinggreater opportunities to

    eectively exploit our novel

    technology in new markets.'Dr Billy Boyle, Owlstone,

    Cambridge, UK

    How the


  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    'Whatever question we have

    on EU tenders or new export

    markets and partners,

    we get the same ast, preciseand efective help rom all

    the Enterprise Europe Network

    o ces in Hungary.'

    Bognr Mikls,

    Bognr KFT, Hungary

    How the


  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business



    Find new partners and markets p.3

    We speak fluent Europe p.8

    Raise funds for your business p.12

    Take the next step p.17

    A Network on your doorstep p.1

    Technology meets opportunity p.6

    Public tenders made easy p.10



  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    'What makes us uniqueis that we provide a ree service

    you can trust completely.

    The quality and extento the service we ofer

    speak or themselves.'

    Simon Poulsen, Enterprise

    Europe Network

    Agro Business Park,

    Tj l D k


    the Network

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    'We work with small

    businesses, giving answers

    and suggestions which are

    practical and immediate.'

    Martin Forst, Enterprise Europe Network,

    Regional Chamber of Commerce

    and Industry, Limousin, France


    the Network

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    Enterprise Europe Network Your business is our business

    The Enterprise Europe Network ofers support

    and advice to European small and medium-

    sized businesses, helping you to make the most

    o business opportunities beyond national and

    European Union borders.The Network is made up o around 570 part-

    ner organisations in 44 countries. Its Europes

    largest business and technology network so

    its well placed to help you nd new business

    partners and ways to source or sell technology.

    The partners include chambers o commerce,enterprise agencies, regional development

    organisations, research institutes, universities,

    technology centres and innovation centres.

    Strongly rooted in local communities and

    regions across Europe, the Network provides

    inormation on EU legislation and unding, helpscompanies nd business partners, especially in

    other countries, and ofers advice on how to

    develop an innovative idea. The Network can also

    help to increase your chances o success when

    youre tendering or EU contracts or unding.

    All o these services are available rom just one

    source: the Enterprise Europe Network. Expert

    advice and practical support in your language

    are just a phone call, a click or a step away.

    A Networkon your doorstep

    The Enterprise Europe Network is an initiative of the European Commissions Directorate

    General for Enterprise & Industry. It is a key instrument of the Competitiveness

    and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), which focuses on supporting SMEs intheir growth and innovation activities. The Executive Agency for Competitiveness &

    Innovation (EACI) is responsible for managing the Network on a daily basis.

    An international network

    of local experts

    and services to 2.5 millionEuropean SMEs.

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    Enterprise Europe Network Your business is our business

    I you are looking to break into a new market, the

    Enterprise Europe Network can ease the way. The

    Networks experts can help you nd commercial

    partners o all kinds in other countries.

    Experts and advisors visit SMEs and identiy

    their needs or partners. Companies all over the

    EU, and beyond, are then alerted to the partner-

    ship request through the Networks powerul

    databases. You can target specic countries and

    industry sectors. We qualiy potential leads, veriy

    inormation and support you while you negotiate

    a deal. All o your commercially sensitive inorma-

    tion will be treated in condence.

    Theres strength in numbers. Use the Network

    to bridge the gap between you and someone

    in the same business abroad to provide your

    customers with an extended service. Ourexperts know the language and business

    culture, as well as having in-depth knowledge o

    the local market.

    Finnish jewellery company Kaipaus ound a

    French commercial partner ater contacting its

    local Enterprise Europe Network branch, based in

    The rm produces innovative scented jewellery,

    based on nanotechnology. The Finnish Networks

    contacts rom a brokerage event organised by its

    laid the oundation or a successul partnership.

    based in the Turin Chamber o Commerce, has

    brought together SMEs working in transport and

    logistics rom both sides o the border with France.

    The result? Its easier or the companies to work

    together, creating new projects, technology and

    research opportunities. Inormation and innova-

    tion spread more quickly, saving time and energy.

    Find new partners and markets





    joint venture




    researchFinnish jewellery frm Kaipaus ound aFrench business partner throughthe Enterprise Europe Network


  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    Enterprise Europe Network Your business is our businessEnterprise Europe Network Your business is our business

    'The Enterprise Europe

    Network identifeda new business

    opportunity or our

    nanotechnology-basedjewellery in France.

    The contact led to a


    Tuula Antola,

    CEO, Kaipaus Ltd,

    Finland, was helped by

    TEKEL (Finnish Science Park Association)

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    Enterprise Europe Network Your business is our businessEnterprise Europe Network Your business is our business

    'One meeting in Barcelona

    turned into a joint

    development project. Myproduct an always-on

    portable media terminal

    will be launched in Spain

    in a matter o weeks.'

    Pascal Cintract (right), Airgoo,

    Cambridge, United Kingdom,

    was helped by Business Link East

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    Enterprise Europe Network Your business is our business

    I you need a certain technology or innovation

    to complete your business or a business applica-

    tion or your technology, the Network can help.

    Using Europes largest database o cutting-

    edge technologies, containing around 8,000

    proles, the Network brings together research

    and commercial applications.

    Europe Network Denmark, explains: In the last

    ew months every one o the seven companies

    that asked us to use the database has teamed up

    successully. For example, one company made

    tanks and wrote sotware programs to measure

    the behaviour patterns in sh. There isnt a big

    market, but we connected them with a group

    who needed their application.

    The database is updated with new proles

    on a weekly basis. Contact the Network to

    receive ree email alerts o new technology

    ofers, or to see them online.



    Sniing out partners or chemical sensor irm

    British company Owlstone developed a chemical detection system with a lot o potential or

    numerous industries. Now, the frm works with market leaders to integrate its FAIMS detec-

    tor into chemical sensing products. But fnding suitable partners is always a challenge.

    Founder Dr Billy Boyle has been supported by Dave Reynolds, rom the Enterprise

    Europe Network at Business Link in Cambridge, since 2004. Recently, Reynolds used

    the Networks technology transer database to publish a profle or

    FAIMS. I was delighted when my Network colleague, Arnaud Duban,

    based at Luxinnovation, Luxembourg responded, says Reynolds. His

    client, IEE develops specialised sensing systems, including automotive

    saety sensing systems. In due course, the two companies signed a

    partnership deal around Owlstones FAIMS ingredient supply module.

    Owlstone's FAIMS chemicaldetection system is athousand times cheaper thanexisting technologies

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    Enterprise Europe Network Your business is our business

    'Without the assistancerom Dave and the

    Enterprise Europe

    Network team

    at Business Link,

    it would have taken

    us signifcantly

    longer to fndand link up with

    a partner with

    the market presence

    we needed.'

    Dr Billy Boyle, Owlstone, United Kingdom,

    was helped by Business Link

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    Enterprise Europe Network Your business is our business

    Barbecue importer avoids legal grilling

    I you have a question on EU law or policies, the

    Network can ofer a direct interpretation or the

    specic needs o your company.

    Understanding how to apply European legisla-

    tion and directives can be di cult. The Network

    will strip out the jargon and tell you what the law

    boils down to and how it afects your business.

    Your expertise could be in research and develop-

    ment, but you may have little practical working

    knowledge o the law. I you want to sell a tech-

    nology, or register your patent, or want to im-

    port, the Network can help you nd commercial

    partners and give you legal advice.

    You need the text o the directive that is ap-plicable in your country, you have to nd the

    section that applies to your own eld and then

    evaluate the impact or your own company. Or

    we can do it or you or ree, explains Martin

    We speak fluentEurope

    Austrian kitchen and cookware retailer Rsler + Wagner imports barbecue grills

    rom China into the central European market. With 50 employees, its one o the

    biggest wholesalers or electric and non-electric grills in

    Austria. This is a great business opportunity or the company,

    but manager Johann Seiried was worried about the legal posi-tion in relation to the labelling and security o Chinese products.

    Concerned about the high risk o liability, he got advice

    rom the Enterprise Europe Networks Leonhard Zauner,

    based in the Economic Chamber or Upper Austria in Linz.

    The legal advice on product labelling standards rom the

    Network was really useul or our company, because now wecan avoid the high risk o expensive litigation, said Seiried.

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    Enterprise Europe Network Your business is our business

    Forst o the Chamber o Commerce and Industry

    Limousin, part o the Enterprise Europe Network

    in France. Why dont people just search the inter-

    net or this inormation? Inormation is available,

    but there is a lot o it, says Forst. The inormation

    you need can be hidden on an unwieldy website

    or might not even be in a language you speak.

    The Network also has links with the EU insti-

    tutions and direct contact with local organisa-

    tions. We act as intermediaries between the EU,

    big multinationals and local actors like regional au-thorities, tax authorities, or customs and excise.

    For example, i you nd yoursel caught up in

    a situation you suspect is running against EU law,

    we can help you contact SOLVIT the organisa-

    tion which irons out the misapplication o single

    market law by public authorities.We had one question on health and saety

    rom a UK SME that had imported lighters or

    ireworks and wanted to sell them in the

    Netherlands. We helped them by looking through

    the EU legislation, getting our Dutch colleagues

    involved and working with SOLVIT, says SarahMcSkimming o the Enterprise Europe Network in

    Glasgow, Scotland, based in Scottish Enterprise.

    Are you interested in protecting a new

    idea, product, service or process? The

    Enterprise Europe Network will helpyou work out how to make the most

    o your frms ideas and technologies.

    We can also put you in touch with

    the right organisations and lawyers

    saving you time and money.

    The Network also provides inorma-tion and advice on intellectual property

    and patents. We work closely with

    specialist organisations that help small

    businesses to use intellectual property

    rights to protect and proft rom their

    ideas and innovation.

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    Enterprise Europe Network Your business is our business

    'With the help o the

    Enterprise EuropeNetwork, we have

    been able to realise a

    partnership or success.

    Having the input and

    knowhow rom another

    country is going to

    help our business growand stay ahead o the

    game. We eel now we

    are prepared to reach

    the whole Europeanmarket!'

    Thierry Vergnaud,

    Conexia, France, was

    helped by

    OSEO Innovation-

    Med2Europe, Marseille

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    Enterprise Europe Network Your business is our business

    The Network is working to improve small

    companies chances o success in bidding or

    public sector calls or tender.

    We are ready to help you explore how you

    can work with the sector, with advice on how

    to convince public authorities and write your


    Its just human nature, but public authori-

    ties tend to buy the things they know, says

    Angelika Hss o Munich-based ABZ Bayern,

    part o the Enterprise Europe Network in Bavaria.

    By helping the companies who come to us to

    respond to calls or tender, showing them how

    to avoid pitalls and analysing their responses,

    we help them to be more persuasive.

    The Network will help you identiy and track

    public sector tender opportunities, through alert

    systems, newsletters, websites and personalcontacts.

    Its staf members can also contact colleagues

    in another country i you are trying to nd out

    about public procurement in another part o

    Europe, or even in other parts o the world.

    The Network has branches in non-EUcountries including the US, China, Russia and

    Turkey. EuroChile, the Network branch in

    Chile, shows how businesses can beneit rom

    SMEs do business there. Exports rom

    the EU to Chile have doubled between 2002and 2008, thanks in part to EuroChile and

    the Network.

    Public tenders made easy

    From Spain to El Salvador

    A Spanish frm wanted advice

    on how to take part in engineer-

    ing projects in El Salvador. The

    Enterprise Europe Network o ce in

    Madrid, based in PromoMadrid, put

    the company in touch with

    the right contacts in El Salvador and

    explained the dierent institutions

    and programmes it could contact

    to answer calls or tender. Now,

    the company has been awarded

    a contract by the Central American

    Bank or Economic Integration.

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    Enterprise Europe Network Your business is our businessEnterprise Europe Network Your business is our business

    'Thanks to the Network

    we were thoroughly

    inormed about possible

    sources o fnancing or

    our ideas. Their experience

    and advice hada great impact

    on our success

    with our

    applicationor European


    Grzegorz Kozak, Virtual People,Szczecin, Poland, was helped by the

    West Pomeranian Economic

    Development Association

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    Enterprise Europe Network Your business is our business

    The European Commission ofers 50 billion in

    research unding under the Seventh Framework

    Programme (FP7). The Networks experts can

    help you to increase your chances o submitting

    a successul application in three ways:

    and technological development calls are

    coming up.

    your research needs are, vet and analyse

    project ideas and nd you trustworthy

    partners or potential consortia in other

    European countries.

    coordinate your project proposals,

    helping you to make the most o your

    chances o success.

    Your research connection

    Tracking down FP7 partners

    We have been using trams to get about European cities since the 1880s. But one

    German frm ound it could reach its destination more easily by hopping on board the

    Enterprise Europe Network.

    Guided transport systems consultancy Die Ingenieurwerkstatt wanted to make

    a project proposal under FP7s transport programme. But, to apply, CEO Christian

    Trescher and his 32 employees needed to partner with universities and companies

    rom new European Member States.

    Trescher got in touch with Aleksandra Sadowska at his local Network branch,

    Enterprise Europe Network Hessen in Wiesbaden. She helped him to source partners

    through contacts with colleagues in Polish branches o the Network. Trescher chose

    Krakows tram company and the University o Applied Science, and, with Sadowskas

    help, reached an agreement. The new consortium is now preparing its proposal.

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    Enterprise Europe Network Your business is our business

    'Enterprise Europe NetworkLatvia having a direct link to

    the Network in other countries

    was crucial, because they know

    which companies are best toapproach or cooperation.

    It saves time and increases

    success in fnding project

    partners or FP7 applications.'

    Aivars Brzi, Tilde,

    Riga, Latvia, was helped by the

    Investment and Development

    Agency o Latvia

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    Enterprise Europe Network Your business is our business

    Marine SME makes waves with EU unding

    There are beauty secrets hidden in

    seaweed, according to Dr Peter Krost. The

    biologist set up his CRM company in Kiel,

    a small German town on the edge o the

    Baltic Sea. He and his partner Dr Levent

    Piker grow algae and use its extracts in

    cosmetic products.

    We wanted to develop a method o

    aquaculture that was sustainable envi-

    ronmentally but which could also result

    in good quality, marketable goods, DrKrost explains. But even

    though his algae prod-

    ucts are completely or-

    ganic, he could not label

    them as such because

    organic aquaculture wasnot recognised.

    To fll this gap, Dr Krost

    launched a project to

    develop a method to

    create ecological certif-

    cation or products romorganic aquaculture.

    The company wanted to apply or und-

    ing or this idea under the EUs environ-

    ment und, the Lie+ programme. But

    preparing a proposal, fnding suitable

    partners and dealing with the paperwork

    was daunting or a small business with

    just 12 employees.

    The company ound a lieline in its local

    Enterprise Europe Network branch, based

    in Kiels Investitionsbank Schleswig-

    Holstein. Network experts CorneliaPankratz and Annegret

    Meyer-Kock advised

    on the application and

    helped secure local


    To Dr Krosts delight,CRMs proposal was

    successul. The project,

    ECOSMA, will implement

    a process or the ecologi-

    cal certifcation o prod-

    ucts rom sustainableand organic aquaculture.

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    Over thenext three yearstheNetwork will

    Carry outaround50,000 technology

    and business reviews

    1,000 cooperation agreements

    4,000 local events

    720 international partnership

    and brokerage events

    Be a part of it: find your nearest Network branch

    Takingthenext step

  • 8/14/2019 Enterprise Europe Network - Your business is our business


    European CommissionEnterprise and Industry

    You want to enter new marketsWe give you ree advice on EU law and unding

    Youre looking for business partnersWe help you fnd them in 44 countries

    You need the right technology

    We have the worlds largest technology transer database

    Enterprise Europe NetworkYour business is our business

    e x e c u t i v e a g e n c y

    f o r c o m p e t i t i v e n e s s & i n n o v a t i o n


    Contact the