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Paul Boylan MSc BSc(Eng) Dip Eng NCEA Dip Eng CEng MIEI


PBI Energy and Environmental Consultancy Services

Green Business, IBEC & BIM Energy Management Seminars

Energy Efficiency

‘Flicking the Switch for the Green Economy’

My Vision

To promote sustainability and assist organisations with

their transition to and participation in, the Green


‘Sustainable development’ ‘meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future

generations to meet their needs.’ Source: World Commission on Environment and Development’s (the Brundtland Commission).

Found in all aspects of society including economics, the environment, social issues, construction, growth,

poverty and many other elements.

My areas of focus

• Carbon Management. LCA

• Environmental Strategy, Awareness and Engagement / CSR

• Peer Review, Self Assessment, M&V, Feasibility Studies.

• Green Technology and Renewable Energy concepts. .

• Systems Optimisation, Spatial Solutions.

• Energy Management & Energy Efficiency

Setting the Scene


Global energy consumption has risen enormously due to population growth and an

increasing energy use per person.

Global primary energy consumption was

504 EJ (exajoules) in 2010.

Forecast to rise to 690 EJ by 2030 and,

1740 EJ by the end of this century. Source: Moriarty and Honnery, (2012).

World commercial oil equivalent energy use in billion of tonne of (Bntoe). Source: BP Energy Outlook 2030. (2011).

Energy Security / Security of Services

How long will the reserves last?

In 1973 the OPEC states cut back on oil production. This led to queues at the petrol stations, a

drastic rise in oil prices, market disruption and recession!

Estimated availability of oil and gas are 43 and 64 years, respectively.

Availability in years of know energy reserves based on current production. Source: Quaschning Renewable Energy and Climate Change (2009).


The Energy Mix

Reflection Point!

We consume a lot of natural gas in


Of which, over 85% is imported.

63% of imported gas is used for

electricity generation.

In 2012, 49% of Irelands electricity

was generated using Natural Gas.

Do you think this effects you?

Primary Fuel Mix for Electricity Generation 1990 – 2012

Source: SEAI ‘Energy in Ireland ‘Key Statistics (2013).

Climate Change

Globally, the Energy supply, industry and

transport sectors contribute > 58% of all

GHG emissions.

Global warming

The debate is over.

The devastating impacts of anthropogenic

global warming and the need to reduce GHGs

emissions have fuelled a global interest in

replacing fossil fuels with green solutions as

quickly as possible.

Atmospheric CO2 concentrations

have risen from ~280 to >380

ppmv since the industrial




What is being done locally – An Ireland Perspective

Renewables and Emissions

The emphasis on wind power may help achieve the renewable and reduced emission targets.

Energy Efficiency *Irelands EE target is 20% for the private sector and 33% for the public


This remains a challenge with electrical supply efficiency falling from 47% in 2011 to 45.8% in 2012.

The DCENR will be readdressing energy efficiency in the revised Energy Efficiency Directive.

Likely outcomes;

• Increased energy Benchmarking and Accreditation.

• Obligated parties to support further energy efficiency initiatives.

• LIEN members/SMEs (>250) encouraged to participate in energy saving initiatives.

• SEAI will likely promote EPCs pertaining to energy efficiency.

Source: SEAI ‘Energy in Ireland ‘Key Statistics (2013).

CO2 per kWh & Efficiency of Electrical Supply

Energy Efficiency and the Green Economy!

The Green Economy A green economy should be low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive.


Energy Efficiency is a major component

• It reduces Environmental Impact.

• It promotes Economic growth!

• It supports better social circumstances,

creating and protecting employment.

The Triple Bottom line.

Synonymous with

Sustainable Development and the

Green Economy.

What’s driving Energy Efficiency?

1. Urgent need to reduce GHG emissions (which are projected to increase 46 % by 2040).

Limiting climate change will require substantial and sustained reductions of GHG emissions.

2. The need to sustain economic growth.

*GDP is forecasted to grow by up to 56% between 2010 and 2040.

3. The need to reduce reliance on fossil fuels while we make the transition to renewable energies.

Renewable energy and nuclear power is increasing however, fossil fuels are likely to supply almost 80%

of world energy use through till 2040.

4. The need to avoid exceeding available capacity.

5. Maintain competitiveness and resilience (locally, nationally, globally).

6. Safeguard jobs and pave the way forward for sustainable development.

Summarising Energy Efficiency?

Energy conservation/efficiency –

Refers to efforts made to reduce energy consumption by

• technological changes (i.e. more efficient lighting, heating, transportation)…

• non-technical factors such as better management, and behavioural changes …. Source: WEC, 2010.

Improving energy efficiency offers

an effective alternative to reduce GHG emissions.

a real opportunity to save energy.

a platform to cut your costs.

Do you think you can benefit ?

My Experiences

Sustainability through Energy Management

Knowing your consumption profile is key for optimised energy efficiency!!

Sample practices include;

1. Sustainable engineering design/review.

2. The deployment of smart grid and smart technologies.

3. Lighting Solutions. Relamps – New Diffusers

4. HVAC solutions. Air changes, Filters, Fix drive fans

5. Distribution system optimisation. Rebalance LPHW and CHW circuits. VSD (Inverter


6. Load Matching / System downsizing. UPS

7. Utilise energy efficiency tools/controls to promote demand side management.

8. Energy procurement (Supply Side) consider ‘energy quality and sources’

9. Energy/Environmental consultancy, audits and performance analysis.

10. Exploit CHP to optimum potential.

EpiSensor Wireless Energy Monitoring System 25% SEAI Grant Support

A well established phrase - If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.

We installed our Wireless monitoring system in 2010

– Whilst not necessarily better than a wired solution it does offer

• Flexibility in design and application.

• Competitive solution.

• System integrity/connectivity improves as system expands.

– Enabled

• Live review on Energy Activity.

• Benchmarking and energy efficiency saves ~ €35K in year 1.

• Test bedding of new ECMs

– Creates a platform for

• Further floor by floor optimisation saves.

• Help predict potential risks/stress points.

• Contributes to ISO50001.

Data Centre CRAC conversion 25% SEAI Grant Support

• Replace oversized Data center FCUs with CRAC units with

poor Hot-Aisle/Cold Aisle distribution.

• Reduced Chiller operation. Offset requirement for dedicated

chiller (which was nearing end of life).

• CRAC units strategically located to deliver efficient cooling.

• CRAC predominantly free cooling

eliminating 200KWs for 60% of the year

• Reduced maintenance

Hot Cold Cold Hot Cold Hot Hot

Cold Cold Hot Cold Hot Cold Cold

Turnkey solution.

Return on Investment (including CoF).

Payback 15 months.


Funding is always a challenge.

Perhaps view the investment from a P&L

perspective as opposed to a ‘Return on


In addition to specific engineering elements, I implemented the following;

1. Waste and Water management.

2. Benchmarking exercises inside and out!

3. Space optimisation.

Consolidate/Rationalise data centres.

Flexible Office Space solutions.

4. Increased focus on green procurement and

Sustainable Project Management.

‘Cradle to Cradle’ life cycle analysis.

5. Load analysis and management.

6. Repeated Self Assessment

Emphasis always remained on continuous improvement !

Innovative approaches previously implemented

Conducting Load analysis.

• Review the ‘logical’ introduction of services.

• Regression analysis.

• Review Maximum Import Capacity.

• Standardise consumption.

• Reduce ‘fringe’ waste.

Load analysis and management.

Repeated Self Assessment

My mission was simply to embed ‘Sustainability’ in the behavioural context as BAU. Think outside the box.

1. Energy awareness campaigns, Expos and tours.

2. Engagement with SEAI, EPA and An Taisce

3. Reporting internally and at corporate level.

4. Shared Knowledge/Communication.

5. Green Team participation.

6. Setting SMART targets (Specific Measurable Achievable Results focused and Timely)

7. Pursue ISO 9001/14001/5001 accreditation.

Energy/Environmental Awareness

Awards & Accreditations

• SEI - Energy Management Awareness 2008 - Highly Commended

• SEI - Energy Manager of the Year 2009 - Winner

• Green Financial Institute Award 2010 - Winner

• SEAI - Energy Awareness Award 2010 - Winner

• Chamber Ireland - CSR Awards 2012 - Winner (Environmental Excellence)


Integrating Energy Efficiency provides value for your company, to your clients, to the community and to the future !

Remember the benefits

1. Mitigates Climate change / Reduces GHG emissions !

2. Promotes Energy security / Security of Services !

3. Increases competitiveness and the retention of profit, promoting growth !

4. Increases operating efficiency / minimises harmful waste !

5. Extends the life of the assets, reducing the need for reinvestment !

6. Improves business through leadership !

Increasing green profile

Developing the brand and,

Creating marketing opportunities

7. Promotes sustainable development !

8. Realises social benefits, creating employment or at the very least safeguarding jobs !

9. Minimises green wash !

It’s time to Flick that Switch on Energy Efficiency!


Finish Any Questions?

Paul Boylan

Sustainable Development - Green Economy Advisor

PBI Energy and Environmental Consultancy Services

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Mobile: +353-87-2345399