Download - Encoding


Joe TobiasIntro To Online MediaBMT

Android 23.976fps at 720p, Encoding Setting on Premier Pro

iOS for Apple TV/ iPhone 3G, 23.976fps at 480p Encoding Setting on Premier Pro

H.264, 23.976fps at 720p Encoding Setting on Premier Pro

Here are screenshots comparing the different formats used to export the idents for Student Lifehacks Project. They all differ in term of quality and file size. Both have to be taken into considerations, for example videos are the products that will help you promote, whatever it may be you are sharing. For these videos, they are not especially important but are only idents, hence they are only at 720p, but for more important materials for example, a music video a higher resolution should be used. There is an ever growing amount of users who browse the web through their mobile and other handheld devices, although some have phenomenal processing power, they all still share the same bottleneck, which is network speed, the introduction of 3G and 4G may have eased this, but they are still far away from the speeds which wired connections are capable off.


The first screenshot is an encoding specifically for the Android devices; it still maintains most of the quality, although on closer inspection some discolouring can be found due to the compression. The second screenshot is of a lower quality for the lower end iOS devices, as you can see it doesnt fit the YouTube video player because of its lower resolution, some feathering and loss of sharpness is also very evident. Lastly, the third screenshot is that of a H.264 encoding in an mp4 codec, as you can see it is very sharp, have vibrant colours.

File Size The android encoding, is 913kb, iOS at 400kb, and H.264 at 4mb. The massive difference in file size also dictates the quality of the video and audio. The Android and iOS, would certainly load up very quickly on their specific devices without any buffer even on slower network speed, however as already mentioned they will be in low quality. H.264 though comparably largest of the three is not at all that big, this is still smaller than most mp3 streamed, it gives the right balance to file space and quality that is needed when uploading media on the web.