Download - Empowering Young People with Disability through STEM and Online Education Sang-Mook Lee Seoul National University [email protected] 1.

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  • Empowering Young People with Disability through STEM and Online Education Sang-Mook Lee Seoul National University [email protected] 1
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  • Outline A brief history of myself Fame brings power to change things Computer is god's gift to people with disability Quality of Life Technology Initiative Computational Sciences as path to STEM Open Online Education (e.g., MOOC) 2
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  • During geological field trip in California, 2006 4
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  • 5 Completely Paralyzed Neck Down Thanks God I'm a college professor
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  • 6 I have no recollection of that day. Was it really an accident?
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  • 7 They did not think that I would speak again.
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  • No depression or psychological problem: Near-death experience or damage to the brain? A quick return back to the society thru Occupational Therapy and Assistive Technology
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  • Special input device Speech recognition Modified vehicle Computer is gods gift to disabled people. The gap between people is reduced in cyber-space. 9
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  • Stephen Hawking of Korea and chance to do something Ministry of Knowledge Economy and Quality of Life Technology 10
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  • 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 196019651970197519801985199019952000 PIB real per capita (2000 US$) Sud Corea Brazil Diferena em resultado devido a crescimento no trabalho e no capital na Coria Diferena em resultado devido a crescimento TFP ou a acmulo de conhecimento na Coria GDP per Capita: Brazil versus Korea Source: FRA Report 11
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  • At the center of Knowledge Economy is Information and Communication Technology The same technology we use daily can be used to solve important problems facing our society such as inclusion and diversity. Three Major Difficulties of People with Disability Economic hardship Inclusion in society Strain in family relationship Independent Living Assistive Technology & Education Leading to Job 12
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  • 13 Quality of Life Technology Initiative launched by the government in 2010
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  • Quality of Life Technology Research & Development - Accessible vehicles - Personalized cellphones & software - Exercise & health monitoring devices - Exoskeleton robots - Korean speech recognitions & AACs Infrastructure & Human Res. Development - UX/UI, infrastructural R&D - Advanced ICT training - Precollege activities, mentoring - Undergrad program in Computational Sciences - Grad prog in Rehabilitation Science & Technology
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  • 15 Controlling IPTV with sip- and-puff mouse Using touch screen device with sip-and-puff mouse
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  • Quality of Life Technology Research & Development - Accessible vehicles - Personalized cellphones & software - Exercise & health monitoring devices - Exoskeleton robots - Korean speech recognitions & AACs Infrastructure & Human Res. Development - UX/UI, infrastructural R&D - Advanced ICT training - Precollege activities, mentoring - Undergrad program in Computational Sciences - Grad prog in Rehabilitation Science & Technology
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  • What comes to your mind when I say Computational Sciences?
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  • Science is all about observation and experiment. But some things are impractical to observe or conduct direct measurement. In such case, we use computer to simulate natural phenomena.
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  • Weather, Climate Finance, Economy Social Movie, Cultural Life Sciences Air, Space Environment
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  • Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Program in Computational Sciences Numerical Analysis Data Science (Big Data, Bioinformatics) Graphics & Visualization 20
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  • At Seoul National University Currently 30 students (5 with disability) 2% quota in elite science and fine art high schools in Metropolitan Seoul (Admission of 30 students with disability every year) 21
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  • 22 MOOC
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  • Online Education For nondisabled people, its effectiveness can be debated and is an option For people with disability, it can sometimes be the only solution Assumptions: Online education is a headache for established universities 99% of Koreans are disabled when it comes to listening English lectures (language barrier) 23
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  • Disability is diverse so there cannot be one-size-fits-all solution. But two important questions: How do you teach a blind person math? superb memory and logical How do you teach a deaf person English? 24
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  • Equations are two-dimensional Dynamic webpages updating all the time 25
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  • LaTex? MathML? You have to start training at an early age. 26
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  • QoLTx: New accessible solution Goal: To provide foundational courses for student with disability across the border Starting with edX platform (Ruby and Python) and improving its accessibility Making courses at precollege, freshman and sophomore levels (science, engineering and math) Multilingual (Korean, English and Arabic) Creating new jobs for people with disability Off-line voluntary services (academic Peace Corps) to developing countries 27
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  • 28 To make it global, we have to follow international standards and develop new technology.
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  • My Vision By making online education accessible and multilingual, we might be able to help not only people with disability but also women in developing countries. 29
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  • 40 days across US Now or Never
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  • But it took only 12 days to come back.
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  • Thanks for your attention 33