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  • 7/27/2019 Emotional Competency - Inquiry, Evidence, And Argument


    09/01/2013 Emotional Competency - Inquiry, Evidence, and Argument


    Inquiry, Evidence, and ArgumentPowerful tools to determine what is

    Inquiry, evidence, and argument are the powerful tools we use to accurately determine what is.

    They provide foundation, stability, and balance to our human spirit's ambitions, aspirations, optimism, hopes,

    imagination, and distortions. They are the tools we use to test assumptions and understand cause-and-effect

    relationships in the world around us. The goal is accuracy in facts, analysis, reason, and conclusions.

    Facts are stubborn and the pen is mightier than the sword. Embrace facts as your friends while maintaininga healthy skepticism. Be prepared to reevaluate your opinions, interpretations, beliefs, assumptions, and

    conclusions as new information, evidence, or analysis becomes available or is better understood. Develop,

    refine, and apply your own theory of knowledge to make your own best decisions. Stay curious.



    1. Curiosity, questioning, and learning.

    2. Expressing doubt.


    1. Observed phenomenon


    1. Logically valid conclusions drawn from the evidence presented.

    2. A course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating truth or falsehood.

    3. A set of statements in which one follows logically as a conclusion

    from the others.

    Valid logic and the scientific method help us understand what is, while

    fallacies and any mistake in reasoning distort our perception and

    obscure our thinking. Our minds are wired to select, interpret, and even

    distort, evidence supporting the hypothesis I'm OK. Every day we are

    subjected to manipulations, the influence of self-interested parties, factualand logical errors, opinion presented as fact, hype, and a variety of


    Writing and other communications can be evaluated using the criteria of: evidence provided, factual

    accuracy, credibility of references, logical validity, depth of analysis, innovation and insight, relevance and

    significance, balanced point of view, narrative skill, clarity, and presentation. Good writing is clear thinking

    made visible. Learn to evaluate what you see, read, and hear; think critically, ask questions and draw your

    own conclusions.

    Describing Uncertainty

    It is authentic and informative to describe the level of uncertainty when communicating information. Havethe courage and authenticity to say: I don't know, or: This is a rough estimate or simply This is what I

    believe. We face measurement uncertainty, estimation error, sampling error, limited evidence, ambiguous

    evidence, anecdotal evidence, conflicting evidence, non-representative evidence, disputed evidence,

    misinformation, disinformation, inference, extrapolation, tradition, alternative points of view, the not-yet

    Emotional Competency

    Explore the Logic of Passion

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    , , , ,

    so many questions. Distinguish between undisputed fact, widely accepted fact, theory, expert opinion,

    hypothesis, minority opinion, filtered information, assumptions, disingenuous statements, biased

    information, dogma, faith, propaganda, and speculation when reporting information, engaging in dialogue, or

    making arguments. Separate anecdotes from systematic studies. Consider how well the evidence

    represents an larger conclusion. When drawing conclusions from a set of premises, comment on the level of

    certainty of each premise and the soundness of the logic leading to each conclusion. It is a fact that 2+2=4

    and that one weather report forecasts a 60% chance of rain for tomorrow. Use error bars and significant

    figures to convey the range of uncertainly. Carefully distinguish what you do know from what you do not

    know. Separate observation from interpretation. Scientific reports properly include error bars, forecasts and

    estimates include confidence intervals and ranges, and opinions reflect only a personal point of view that

    may not be widely shared or well considered.

    Critical Thinking

    Critical thinking thinking directed toward solving problemsinvolves seeking evidence, closely examining

    reasoning and assumptions, analyzing basic concepts, and tracing out implications of what is said and what

    is done. Knowing the rules of logic and being alert to their fallacies is the first step in critical thinking. Critical

    thinkers consider a variety of questions when evaluating information and drawing conclusions. For example:

    What problem are we working to solve?

    What are my goals, objectives, and motives?What are the presenter's goals, objectives, biases, beliefs, and motives?

    What question will best advance the dialogue?

    How can a question be best worded and presented?

    What are the sources of information and fact? Are the samples and examples representative?

    What methods were used and what is the quality of information collection?

    What are the possible sources of error?

    What is the range of uncertainty and is it accurately described and represented?

    What modes of judgment and reasoning are used?

    What concepts make the reasoning possible?

    What assumptions underlie the concepts in use? What alternative interpretations and explanations fit

    the facts? Are these assumptions valid?

    What implications follow from the concepts and assumptions used?What is the point of view or frame of reference for this reasoning? Is the point of view one-sided or

    balanced ?

    These considerations suggest specific questions such as:

    What is the most fundamental issue here?

    From what point of view can this problem best be approached?

    What assumptions are being made here? Do these assumptions make sense? Why? What alternatives

    are sensible?

    What conclusion can best be inferred from the data? What alternative conclusions does it also


    What is the fundamental concept being presented?

    Is conclusion B consistent with assumption, data, premise, or conclusion A?

    How could I check the accuracy of these data? What alternative sources exist? Is this data

    reproducible? Is the data systematic and representative?

    If we accept conclusion A, what else is implied?

    Is this a credible source of information? Why?

    Critical thinking is not negative thinking. It is careful thinking directed toward deep understanding and

    insight. It recognizes that the obvious is not always true, and many things that are true are not at all


    Evaluating Evidence

    Evidence is often ambiguous or conflicting and always has to

    be evaluated, analyzed, and interpreted. Evidence is most

    reliable when:

    you can directly observe, examine, and probe the
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    09/01/2013 Emotional Competency - Inquiry, Evidence, and Argument


    ev ence yourse , n e a , a eng , w ou

    interference or restriction, without obstruction, and

    from a variety of vantage points.

    you are alert and unimpaired by alcohol, drugs,

    distraction, expectations, persuasion, vested interests,

    bias , sleep deprivation, delusion, stress, peer

    pressure, coercion, or strong emotions.

    you can verify the source, origin, authenticity, context,

    and representative nature of the evidence.

    multiple senses cross check and provide consistent information regarding the observation. Evidence ismore complete and convincing when the way something feels is consistent with the way it looks. For

    example, after seeing a rock, you might pick it up to examine more closely. If the texture feels like a

    rock and the weight is what you expect, then you have additional evidence that what you are

    observing is a rock. However if the surface texture is unusual, or the weight is unexpected, then

    perhaps you are examining an artificial stone, or a hollow stone, or something quite different made of

    unexpected materials.

    the evidence is public and accessible, so that several people can examine it, share their findings, and

    discuss the similarities and differences, consistencies and inconsistencies in their observations.

    the evidence can be observed repeatedly, so observations can be checked, rechecked, and


    the evidence can be observed under known or standard conditions that assist its evaluation. As an

    example, water has very different appearance and properties below freezing and above its boiling


    Careful records such as notes, photographs, audio and video recordings, and diagrams are more

    reliable and should be used instead of unaided recall when information is required later, after the

    evidence has been examined first hand.

    observation is separated from interpretation. We observe the sunlight appearing in the morning,

    traversing a path across the sky, and disappearing in the evening. One interpretation is that the earth

    is the center of the universe and the sun travels across the sky. An alternative interpretation is that

    the earth rotates on its axis as it revolves around the sun.

    the data is a good representation of the issue being investigated. Systematic information is more

    reliable than anecdotal information. Data obtained from an independent source is more reliable than

    data obtained, provided, selected, or interpreted by someone with an interest in the outcome.

    whenever statistics are used to summarize data and draw conclusions, ensure the statistics are

    correctly used.

    Also, take care to separate observation from interpretation to avoid drawing unfounded conclusions. Is that

    clear liquid water or vinegar? Is that attractive woman he is with his wife, daughter, co-worker, assistant,

    boss, or mistress? Have the people stopped asking questions because everything is OK or because inquiry is

    being punished or otherwise surpressed? Does the sun move across the sky, or does the earth move past

    the sun? What are alternative explanations for what we are seeing? Consider this amusing story where

    interpretation gets well ahead of observation.

    Evaluating Authority

    Rather than examining evidence first hand, we often rely on secondary information sources. These includegossip, rumor, hearsay, conversation, the Internet, and information provided by various luminaries and

    authorities available as publications, speeches, presentations, advertisements, endorsements, radio and TV

    programs, and news items.

    The English language use of the word authority has two very different meanings. One meaning describes

    positional powersuch as the right to control, command, or determineand the other describes expertise

    an accepted source of information. Evidence obtained from an authority has to be carefully evaluated

    based on the expertise of the authority, while respectfully disregarding the power, influence, fame,

    charisma, attachment, or appeal of the authority. Trust and verify. Exercise critical thinking. A common and

    seductive fallacy is an appeal to authority . We are often mislead because of a natural tendency to trust

    some people and distrust others.

    An authority often presents only a single point-of-view, and too often this point-of-view advances a vested

    interest. One example of this is an Internet site claiming to provide expert information on sleep problems as

    a public service. However, the web site is created, paid for, and edited entirely by the manufacturer of a

    particular prescription drug sleep aid. This is a manipulative marketing tool, disguised as a source of
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    objective information. It uses factual statements to present a false message. Examine a variety of view

    points and apply critical thinking to help evaluate information provided by an authority, or even by an

    aligned group of authorities.

    Take particular care to evaluate the reliability of claims of divine or religious experience, pronouncements by

    authorities, appeals to common sense, the obvious, and other situations where information or conclusions

    are claimed to be self-evident, beyond question, or beyond our comprehension. When a person in power

    responds with a preemptive dismissalrefusing to seriously consider an inquiry, or replying without

    responding by using power, humiliation, ridicule, insult, intimidation, distraction, obfuscation ,condescension, or humorit is often because the evidence is absent or unsubstantiated. Arrogance,

    belligerence, shouting, sneering, and repetition do not validate evidence, instead these distractions should

    raise suspicions. Confident experts typically welcome critical examination and discussion of their findings.

    Charlatans do not. Retain a healthy skepticism. Challenge authority as needed to understand and evaluate

    their claims and assess evidence. Challenge claims with a respectful and tactful request to show me and

    help me understand.

    Evidence and Power

    Evidence can lead to dramatic conflicts with power. Consider the disputes astronomer Galileo Galilei had

    with the Pope over the evidence Galileo gathered to demonstrate that the sun, not the earth, was the

    center of the solar system. Galileo observed the moons of Jupiter, the phases of Venus, movement ofsunspots, and light and shadow on the moon through his telescope. This evidence convinced him that the

    earth revolved around the sun.

    In 1630 Galileo completed his book Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems in which the Earth-

    centered Ptolemaic model and the sun-centered Copernican models are discussed and compared. After the

    book was printed in 1632 Pope Urban VIII forbid its distribution; the case was referred to the Inquisition and

    Galileo was summoned to Rome.

    In 1633 Galileo was formally interrogated for 18 days and on April 30 Galileo confessed (disingenuously no

    doubt) that he may have made the Copernican case in the Dialogue too strong and he offered to refute it in

    his next book. The Pope declined this offer and decided that Galileo should be imprisoned indefinitely. Soon

    after, with a formal threat of torture, Galileo was examined by the Inquisition and sentenced to prison and

    religious penances, the sentence was signed by 6 of the 10 inquisitors. In a formal ceremony at the church

    of Santa Maria Sofia Minerva, Galileo renounced his errors under oath. He was then put in house arrest in

    Sienna. Galileo had the courage to speak truth to power, and the wisdom to recant and save his life.

    Galileo remained under house arrest, despite many medical problems and a deteriorating state of health,

    until his death in 1642. Finally On October 31, 1992, the Roman Catholic Church admitted that it had erred

    in its 359-year-old persecution of Galileo.

    And then there was Watergate.

    On the night of June 17, 1972, five men were arrested for breaking into Democratic National Convention

    offices, apparently to repair illegal wiretaps that had been installed on a previous occasion. Republican

    leadership denied any knowledge of the wiretap. However, Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstein and

    Bob Woodward relentlessly pursued the story, skillfully interviewing many frightened people, stitching

    together bits of evidence, gathering facts, posing well formed questions, and finally breaking the story wide

    open. As a result, on August 9, 1974, President Richard M. Nixon resigned the presidency of the United

    States to avoid further investigation of his involvement and a likely impeachment.

    Both of these examples rely on the fallacy of appeal to authority where the argument is based on the

    authority, power, and position of the person making the claims, e.g. the pope and the president, rather than

    on observable phenomenon. This presents the difficult choice of deciding based on who you know or what

    you know.

    Facts are stubborn. When you have to choose between following the evidence and following orders, do

    your homework and go with the evidence. Reject the claim that might makes right. The facts are likely to

    prevail in the long term. Have the courage to speak truth to power . The entertaining Hans Christian

    Andersen story, The Emperors New Suit , reminds us to follow the evidence and retain a healthy
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    s ep c sm.

    Dismiss Irrelevant Information

    Much of the information we are exposed to is irrelevant, distracting, distorting, and not suitable evidence.

    These various non sequitursinferences or conclusions that do not follow from the premiseswere

    recognized and named by the ancient Greeks, yet they continue to be prevalent today. Here is a brief

    description of these seductive fallacies of irrelevance:

    Ad ignorantiamfrom ignoranceThis is the fallacy of claiming a statement is either true or false

    without having evidence or any valid reason supporting the claim.Ad vericundiumappeal to authorityThis is the fallacy of appealing to the power, position, or fame of

    the person making a claim rather than to their expertise. This is discussed at length under the topics

    Evaluating Authority and Evidence and power above.

    Post hoc ergo propter hocafter this, therefore because of thisThis is the fallacy of concluding that

    because one event follows another, the first caused the second. Concluding that a rainstorm was

    caused by a rain dance is an example of this fallacy. This fallacy sneaks in when the sun rose after the

    rooster crows becomes the sun rose because the rooster crows. In fact, causality is a complex topic

    and is difficult to prove. John Stewart Mills proposed his canons of induction also know as Mills

    Methods as a test for establishing that A causes B. This is an important basis for the scientific

    method . Be careful to use the word because only to describe a cause and effect relationship that

    you know exists.

    Ad populumappeal to the peopleThis is the fallacy of accepting something as fact simply becausemany other people also believe it to be true.

    Ad baculumappeal to forceThis is the fallacy that might makes right; accepting as correct the

    point of view or opinion of someone willing to use force to suppress inquiry, alternative points-of-view,

    or contrary evidence. As an example, frustrated mothers sometimes answer their misbehaving and

    defiant three-year-olds by saying because I'm the mother. Tyrants provide many more

    consequential examples throughout history.

    Ad misericordiamappeal to pityThis is the fallacy of accepting a point-of-view or opinion of

    someone because they deserve our pity. For example, someone might argue they deserve a raise by

    saying they might lose their house if they don't get more money.

    Ad hominemargument against the manIn this fallacy the character of an expert is attacked (or

    praised) as an attempt to discredit (or establish) the information they provide. An example is

    discrediting Bill Clinton's foreign policy because he had improper sexual liaisons. Advancing a deliberatead hominem fallacy crosses the line from argumentto attackand can easily become a precursor to

    hate. It is dangerous because it promotes the false belief that destroying the person can eliminate the

    unwanted or inconvenient information or idea.

    Accident and Converse Accidentdrawing hasty conclusionsare fallacies inferring that each member

    of a group share the characteristics of the group, or that the group is characterized by the attributes

    of one particular member. These are the fallacies of stereotyping and non-representative samples. The

    logical fallacy of accident, also called destroying the exception or a dicto simpliciter ad dictum

    secundum quid , is a fallacy occurring when an exception to the generalization is ignored. Applying a

    stereotype that does not accurately describe an individual is an example of this type of fallacy. The

    logical fallacy of converse accident (also called reverse accident, destroying the exception or a dicto

    secundum quid ad dictum simpliciter ) is a fallacy that can occur when an exception to a generalizationis wrongly called for.

    It is surprising that these fallacies are so common, even though they have been well known for thousands

    of years. When someone persists in obscuring evidence with these fallacies, they are being careless,

    ignorant, biased, manipulative, or malicious. Don't be persuaded.

    Recognize Faulty Reasoning

    Know the rules of logic and be alert for their fallacies. Even if evidence is accurate and relevant, it can be

    easily used in a variety of invalid arguments to draw wrong conclusions from improper inferences. Resolve

    ambiguity and challenge equivocation. Recognize and avoid these fallacies of ambiguity:

    Petitio principiia request for the premisealso known as circular reasoning or begging the question. It is a fallacy for a premise to rely in any way on the conclusion. For example, explaining that Joe is

    not here because he does not go to parties provides no information. It is equivalent to saying Joe is

    not at this party because Joe does not go to parties. More subtle examples are common and often

    go unrecognized or unchallenged.

    Complex Question basing a question on an unproven assumptionIt is deceitful to pose an's_Methods
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    unsu stantiate statement or opinion in t e orm o a question, yet it is o ten one. Parents are eing

    manipulative when they ask their child Would you like to be a good boy and go to bed now? The

    coupling of being a good boy with the request to go to bed now establishes an unproven

    contingency because a bad boy might choose to go to bed now or a good boy might choose to stay

    up longer.

    EquivocationExploiting ambiguous languageMany words have several, often disparate meanings.

    Confusing these meanings is the fallacy of equivocation . Consider this joke as an example: Mom to

    teenage daughter leaving on a date: Now be good dear. Boyfriend remarking to his girlfriend after a

    steamy date: Wow, you really were good!

    Amphiboly two in a lumpThis fallacy exploits an ambiguous grammatical construct. A sign statingNo Smoking Permitted can be interpreted to mean that it is permissible to not smoke, but it is also

    permissible to smoke, since smoking is not specifically prohibited by the ambiguous language.

    Accent ambiguity based on emphasisAristotle originally used this to describe differences in

    meaning resulting from differences in the pronunciation of words. For example, the phrase I resent

    that letter can be read to mean the letter was sent again, or the letter was seen as offensive,

    depending on the accent of the second word. More recently this fallacy is used to describe quotations

    taken out of context, a headline that screams about some minor detail, or the catch hidden in the

    fine print and ignored by the sales pitch.

    Category MistakeNot recognizing the composite from the collected elementsFor example,

    complaining that you can't find any forest here, all you see is a bunch of trees.

    Composition Errorincorrectly projecting attributes of a part onto the wholeFor example, since Joe

    is a good player, and he plays for team X, then team X must be a good team.Division Errorincorrectly projecting attributes of the whole onto each component partFor example,

    to say XYZ is a good corporation, so I am sure that Mr. X who works there must be a fine fellow is

    invalid. Also, to say that Suzie lives in a big house, so I'm sure she has a big bedroom is also invalid.

    Another form of this error is illustrated by this example: Dogs often run stray, the Chinese Shar-pei is

    a breed of dog, so I'm sure they often run stray.

    False dilemmaexploiting ambiguous complementsDeclaring that you are either with us or against

    us presents a false dilemma because against us is not an accurate set complement (i.e.

    encompasses everything else) of with us. The dilemma is false because it ignores the middle ground.

    In this example it is possible to primarily agree on some issues, primarily disagree on others, have

    partial agreement or disagreement on issues, and to have no established position on still others.

    Awake and Aware:Our perceptions are more accurate when we are alert, aware, and conscious of our environment. A good

    night's sleep, attention focused on the present task, and a clear head help us to see the world as it is.

    Fatigue, alcohol, drugs, stress, strong emotions, chaos, multitasking, and distractions all impair our senses

    and judgments. Trust evidence that was gathered with a clear head.


    You're entitled to your own opinions, but you're not entitled to your own facts. ~ Senator Daniel

    Patrick Moynihan

    Facts are stubborn.

    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't

    so. ~ Mark Twain

    The quality of our thinking is given in the quality of our questions ~ Linda Elder, Foundation for Critical


    Trust and verify. ~ Ronald Reagan .

    Eschew obfuscation.

    The further you get from power the closer you get to the truth ~ Bill Moyers

    It is not obvious what is obvious.

    A lie unchallenged becomes the truth. ~

    Truth is strong enough by itself to convince, and should never be imposed by force. ~ Matthieu


    Our questions cleanse our answers. ~ Krista Tippett

    Seek truth from facts. ~

    When all else fails, men turn to reason. ~ Abba Eban

    To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the

    dead. ~ Thomas Pain

    Reality is always your friend.

    Character is tested whenever power clashes with evidence. ~ Leland R. Beaumont

    For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be
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    09/01/2013 Emotional Competency - Inquiry, Evidence, and Argument


    . ~ .


    A Rulebook for Arguments, by Anthony Weston

    Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, by Robert B. Cialdini

    Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage, by Paul Ekman

    Root Cause Analysis : A Tool for Total Quality Management, by Paul F. Wilson

    Introduction to Logic, by Irving M. Copi, Carl Cohen

    Principles of logic, by Alex C Michalos

    Six Thinking Hats: An essential approach to business management, by Edward de Bono

    An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural , by The James Randi

    Educational Foundation

    Extraordinary Popular Delusions & the Madness of Crowds, by Charles Mackay

    Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, by Daniel C. Dennett

    The Skeptic Reading Room Materials that may help you separate fact from fiction and manage the level of

    skepticism you are comfortable with.

    The Emperors New Suit , by Hans Christian Andersen

    Tools of Thinking: Understanding the World Through Experience and Reason , video course taught by

    James Hall, University of Richmond

    On Bullshit, by Harry G. Frankfurt

    Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, by Nathaniel Branden

    The Theory of Knowledge , Bertrand Russell (1926), for The Encyclopaedia Britannica

    Galileo and the Inquisition , by Jose Wudka

    Galileo and the Church , by Julian A. Smith

    All the President's Men, by Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein

    The Foundation and Center for Critical Thinking aim to improve instruction in primary and secondary

    schools, colleges and universities.

    Maps of Bounded Rationality: A Perspective on Intuitive Judgment and Choice , Nobel Prize Lecture,

    December 8, 2002 by Daniel Kahneman

    The Emperors Dilemma: A Computational Model of Self-Enforcing Norms, by Damon Centola, Robb Willer,

    and Michael Macy

    Fear, Sadness, A nger, Joy, Surprise, Disgus t, Contempt, Anger, Envy, Jealousy, Fright, Anxiety, Guilt, Shame, Relief, Hope, Sadness, Depres sion, Happines s, Pride, Love,

    Gratitude, Compass ion, Aestheti c E xperience, Joy, Distress , Happy- for, Sorry-for, Rese ntment, Gloating, Pride, Shame, A dmiration, Reproach, Love, Hate, Hope, Fear,

    Satis faction, Relief, Fears-c onfirmed, Dis appointment, Gratification, Gratitude, Anger, Remorse, power, dominance, stature, relationships

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