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Three Main steps for human sex determination & differentiation

1-At the genetic level at the time of gamete fertilization.2- Differentiation of the gonads3- Development of the internal & external genitalia in response to secretions from the differentiated gonads.

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At the genetic level

•* Very early at the time of fertilization.•* Male gamete united with female gamete.•* If the sperm which fertilizes the ovum is carrying a Y- chromosome, the off spring will be a boy.•* While if it is carrying X- chromosome it will be a girl (By the will of God).

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The Holy Quran described these

facts obviously, which were only

known scientifically in the

twentieth century.

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وجين الذكر وأنه خلق الز That He did create in pairs, maleواألنثى

and female,

من نطفة إذا تمنى From a seed when lodged (in its place) (46:45)

45النجم ( 46،(

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أيحسب اإلنسان أن يترك سدى Does Man think that he will be left uncontrolled, (without purpose)?

ني يمنى ألم يك نطفة من م Was he not a drop of sperm emitted (in lowly form)?

)38 :36القيامة (

ثم كان علقة فخلق فسوى Then did he become a clinging clot; then did (Allah) make and fashion (him) in due proportion.

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وجين الذكر فجعل منه الز . And of it He made two sexes, male and femaleواألنثى

أليس ذلك بقادر على أن يحيي Has not He, (the same), the power to give lifeالموتى

to the dead?

( : علي يوسف الله عبد المعاني )ترجمة40 :)39القيامة (

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The Gonadal sex

The term sex determination refers to the

development of gonadal sex. the process that

occurs approximately 7 to 8 weeks

gestation in the human fetus

when either testis or ovary

development occurs (Primary

sex differentiation)

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So the primary sex determination

occurs when the premordial gonads(An organ in

animals that produces gametes, especially a testis

or ovary.)differentiate

` to either testes or ovaries.

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The origin and time of formation of the gonads (primary sex differentiation)

•Before the 7th week, no sex cords are seen in the

gonads & it is impossible to differentiate

morphologically between the male and female

gonads, although the sex of the embryo is determined

since the time of

fertilization Hamilton Boyd

& Mossman. Page 338, 400.

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Of the embryo is a male the premordial germ

cells carry XY sex chromosomes - A gene on

the short arm of the Y-chromosome - called

the testis - determining factor (TDF),

stimulate the undifferentiated

gonads into a testis.

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) عن ) القدر كتاب مسلم االمام أخرج حذيفة و

عليه الله صلى قوله عنه الله رضى اسيد ابن

بعث : “ ليلة وأربعون ثنتان بالنطفة مر اذا وسلم

وجلدها وبصرها سمعها خلق و فصورها ملكا الله

أنثى أم أذكر يارب قال ثم وعظامها ولحمها

شاء ما ربك فيقضى

الملك “ ويكتب

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The Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him)

said :”When the Nutfa enters the womb and stays there

forty nights ,God sends an angel to give it is formand

creates its hearing , visual apparatus , skin , bone and

flesh . Then he asks : O God , is it a boy or a girl ? And

God determines whatever He decides .

“ Narrated by Muslim

(Kitab Al Qadar).

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فلينظر اإلنسان مم خلق Now let man but think from what he is created!

اء دافق خلق من م He is created from a drop emitted,

( : علي يوسف الله عبد المعاني )ترجمة)6، 5الطارق (

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لب يخرج من بين الص Proceeding from between the backbone andوالترائب

the ribs: إنه على رجعه لقادر

Surely (Allah) is able to bring him back (to life)!

( : علي يوسف الله عبد المعاني )ترجمة8، )7الطارق (

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*The testis develops on the posterior abdominal wall

opposite the first lumbar vertebra, later it descends to the

scrotum pulling after it the testicular artery of the

abdominal aorta.

•The testis descends till it reaches the deep

inguinal ring in the 3rd month.

•The testis reaches the

scrotum in the 8th month.

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Descent of the ovary:

* The ovary also develops on the posterior abdominal wall opposite the first lumbar vertebra.

The ovary reaches the false pelvis in 3rd month and the true pelvis shortly after birth.

•As the ovary descends,

it pulls the ovarian artery

from the abdominal aorta.

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The above mentioned Quaranic Ayes states clearly the site of formation of human gonads.

The commentators of the Holy Quran differed in their explanation of this aye into two main groups.

The first group includes the majority of the old commentators

like Ibn Jarrir El Tabri, Ibn Kathir, Tafsir El Galalain

who understood that the semen (male

secretion) comes from the bones

if the back and the female part

comes from the ribs or breast.

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Ibn El Qaiem refused this explanation. He stated that

the word between means that the vertebral column &

ribs lie in the same person either male or female

(Ilam Al Mowoquin) volume


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Al Qurtobi, Al Oloosi, said that the Quaranic ayes are

clear in indicating that both the male & female sexual

gonads come from a place in between

the bones of the back and

the ribs.

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It is important to notice that the nerve supply the

blood supply and the lymph drainage remains in the

whole life of the human individual connected to the

area cited in the Holy Quran as between

the vertebral column and

the ribs.

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The testicular artery comes from the abdominal aorta

at the level of the second limber vertebra. The right

testicular vein drains into the I.V.C while the left drains

into the left renal veins.

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The anatomical & embryological data greatly help in

under standing the facts mentioned in Holy - Quran

and the sayings of prophet Mohammed

(peace be upon him).

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These facts mentioned in Quran and Hadith precede

the scientists by more than one thousand year.

Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him)

mentioned since more than 1400 years

very accurate statements.

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* At the sixth week the cloaca is subdivided by a septum

into two parts:

the urogenital and anal membranes. Mean while

genital swellings become visible

on each side of the urethral


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•At the sixth week the cloaca is subdivided by a

septum into two parts: the urogenital and anal

membranes. Mean while genital swellings

become visible on each

side of the urethral fold.

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By the end of the sixth week the external genitalia

of both male and female are identical and it is

impossible to distinguish between

the two sexes (1).

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The differentiation of the external genitalia starts after

the sixth week. It goes on slowly so that by the twelfth

week it becomes relatively easy to recognize

the male from the female.

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This again emphasizes the importance of the

aforementioned hadith of the prophet Mohammed

(peace be upon him) which was narrated by Muslin,

whereby the angel enters the womb at 40th – 49 th

day and asked “O God, is it a boy or

a girl and God determines

whatever He decides”

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Certainly the study of these Quranic ayes (verses)

and the sayings of the prophet Mohammed

(peace be upon him) in the light of scientific

knowledge of modern science give

a better understanding

for these scriptures.

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It is also clear that such pristine knowledge

which was revealed fourteen centuries ago, was

beyond the capacity of any mortal to group at

that era.

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