Download - Electrical Energy and Power-KD4.4

  • 7/29/2019 Electrical Energy and Power-KD4.4



    ByUneh Sunarni

    Adde Lisma Priyanti

    Dwi Yatmi YudiprihastutiHenny Rondonuwu

  • 7/29/2019 Electrical Energy and Power-KD4.4


  • 7/29/2019 Electrical Energy and Power-KD4.4


    Standard Competence

    Understanding theelectrical concept and its

    application in daily life

  • 7/29/2019 Electrical Energy and Power-KD4.4


    Basic Competence Describe the relationship

    between electrical energyand electrical power and its

    beneficial in daily life

  • 7/29/2019 Electrical Energy and Power-KD4.4



    The students are able to :1. Explain what is the meaning of electrical

    energy and its unit

    2.state some electrical hazards andprecautionary measures to ensure thesafe use of electricity at home

    3.Explain what is the meaning of electricalpower and its unit

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    4. Solve simple problems on the cost

    of using electrical appliances, usingkilowatt-hour, as a unit ofelectrical energy consumption

    5. Explain the beneficial of electricalenergy and power in house holds

    6. Describe the electrical energyconversion

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    6. discuss the importance of reducingelectrical energy wastage

    7. show an appreciation how to

    economizing the electrical energy,and conserve energy

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    Science words

    electrical energy

    electrical power

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    Electrical energy

    How can the batteries produceelectrical energy?

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    The battery contains material that cancause chemical reaction.

    The chemical reaction happens onlywhen the negative pole (zinc) isconnected to the positive pole (carbon


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    When the battery is connected to theelectrical circuit a chemical reactionbetween zinc and electrolyte solution inthe battery is happens, so it produceselectron flow from the negative pole to

    the positive pole through a conductorwire

    The movement of electrons producesElectrical Energy

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    ich lamp is more brighter?

    A B


    6 V 4,5V

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    The lamp A has higher

    electrical energy, while B haslower electrical energy.

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    Components of a Circuit




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    When the batteries are used to turn onthe lamps they work equal to theincrease of electrical energy.

    The chemical energy in batteriesbecomes electrical energy and thecharges flow from a to b because ofpotential difference. So, the electrical

    energy can be written as follow :

    W = Q V

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    W = Electrical energy (joule)

    Q = Electrical charge (coulomb)V = Potential difference (volt)

    Q = I t t = time (second)I = Electrical current (ampere)

    W = V I t

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    1. An electrical stove having avoltage of 220 V is passed by

    electrical current of 2 A. How

    much is the electrical energy

    used for:

    a)10 secondsb)1 minute

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    2.In a conductor wire, it flows

    electrical current of 5 A for20 minutes. The amount of

    electrical charge that flowsin the conductor wire is.

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    (a) In the case of wet conditions and damagedinsulation, such as in old and frayed wiring,

    What is the consequence?

    metal casing becomes live

    user may be electrocuted if come intocontact with metal casing.

    exposed live wire

    live wires become loose and make contact with themetal casing

    This is especially dangerous when the human body is wet due toperspiration, high humidity or even with wet hand from the tap.

    Dangers of Electricity

    Safe Use of Electricity

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    (b) Overloading of cables at home

    What is the consequence?

    When a large electric current flows through

    the power outlet, plugs, and wire, overheatingoccurs, whichcan possibly cause a fire.

    Having many appliances plug toone power outlet at the sametime.

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    Conclusion Electrical energy is energy that produced

    by the presence of electrical current in a

    conductor material

    Electrical energy Equation:

    W = Q V or W = V I t

    Dangers of Electricity:

    1. In the case of wet conditions and damagedinsulation, such as in old and frayed wiring,

    2. Overloading of cables at home

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    Thank You

    l i l

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    We pay for the electrical energy used in our home, which dependson: The power output of the electrical appliance, and the time it isin use.

    As the SI unit for energy, J (watt x second) is too small for thelarge amount of electrical energy, a more convenient unit, the kWh,

    is used:KilowattkWh

    Energy used =Power x Time

    1 kWh is called 1 unit.

    Electrical Power

    Electrical power is the rate at which electrical energy isconverted into other forms of energy.

    SI unit for power is watt (W) one joule of energy used per sec

    Pay Your Electricity Bills

    Go to Video 19.1


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    1 kWh is

    called 1unit.

    Cost = Energy consumed x Cost

    per unit

    The cost of using electricity isgiven as:

    Using & Paying forElectricity



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    The diagram shows the information given on an electric iron.

    220 V to 240 V 1000 1200 Watts

    Ac only

    Model XYZ

    If electricity costs 16 cents per unit, what is the cost of usingthe iron at maximum power for 30 minutes everyday in May?

    Cost of electricity = Energy consumed x Cost per unit

    = Power x Time x Cost per unit

    = 1.2 x 0.5 x 31 x 16

    = 153.6 cents

    = $1.54

    Sample of Calculation

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    Many electrical appliances obtain electrical supply from the sockets.This will connect the appliances through the power sockets to the mains.

    There are mainly two types of plugs:

    - two-pin plugs

    - three-pin plugs (more commonly used)

    In a three-pin plug, three types of wires: Live, neutral and earth, are

    connected to their specified terminals respectively.

    Each wire connected toL, N and E terminalsand is colour coded:

    Live BROWN

    Neutral BLUE

    Earth Yellow Green

    Socket & Plug

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    A fuse is a short piece of wire, which is fitted on the live wire.

    It heats up and melts when overheated, i.e., when the electric currentflowing through it is higher that its current rating.

    The copper wire in each fuse is made up of different thickness:

    This allow different amount of maximum current to flowthrough before it becomes overheated and melts.

    The fuse rating indicates the maximum current that it cantolerate before breaking a circuit.


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    A circuit breaker works like a fuse. It breaks a circuit when

    too much electric current is detected in the circuit.

    The basic circuit breaker consistsof a simple switch, connected to

    either a bimetallic strip or anelectromagnet.

    Circuit breaker

    Current through a body unbalances the active

    and neutral currents, and the circuit opens.

    Active wire

    Neutral wire

    Earth wire



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    For the sake of safety, an earth wire connects the metalbody of an electrical appliances directly o the earth.

    This is because, if there is an damaged insulation, suchthat the metal casing is in contact with a live wire, themetal casing will become live.

    Thus, if user accidentally comes into contact with themetal casing, part of the conducting path for currentwill be formed to complete its circuit. As a result, usermay be electrocuted.



    Earth wire

    Earthing an appliance is only useful whenthe appliance has a metal casing.

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    Double insulation Some appliances have casing made of insulating materials ,

    such as plastics. Thus, they have double insulation.

    Hand-held electrical appliance, such as hair dryer, isprotected by double insulation.

    Such appliances do not have metal casing or conducting part incontact with the user. Hence, no earth wire connection isprovided.

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    A consumer unit has four main safety devices:

    Consumer unit

    1. Main switch It is connected to the live wire from the main supply, so it connects

    or cuts off the electricity supply to a whole building or a house.

    2. Miniature Circuit Breaker(MCB) It is a small electromagnetic switch.

    It operates like a fuse but it breaks the circuit by tripping itsswitch when the current exceeds its rating.

    It contains an electromagnetic switch that breaks the circuit whencurrent flowing through the earth wire exceeds 30 mA or whenthere is faulty equipments being used.

    3. Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB)

    4. Fuse Refer to previous slide

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    19.3 Reducing Electrical EnergyWastageWe need to reduce electrical energy wastage because:

    Our electricity bills will increase when the price of fuels increase Only a limited supply of fossil fuels is available

    Burning of natural gases causes pollution

    Ways to reduce electrical energy wastage:

    Switch off electrical devices when they are not in use

    Use energy-efficient electrical appliances Regular checking of refrigerators for air leakage

    Service air conditioners and clean their air filters regularly

    Use energy-saving bulbs instead of incandescent light bulbs