Download - EDEL 2200 Rachel Foulger Before After Pictures and Collage.


EDEL 2200 Rachel Foulger Before & After Pictures and Collage Brown Bag Monkey Puppets AFTER CAPTAIN RECYCLING! Mask made from Odawalla Juice 2-PackHandle Good Old Fashioned Telephone String, cans, parental help and away we go! Learning about wave-lengths PH Balance Experiment Put a penny in a quarter cup of each to see what happens! Paint a new country! Horizontal Pipes Used to be Vertical Different Shapes RectangleCylinder Wood Panels Hanging from the Alarm Bell Artistic Effects; plastic wrap Flying warthog Color Corrections Mini Orchid Seeing the world through moss colored glasses The Path of the Alien Ship Tuesday, sometime in the a.m. Recolor Color saturation and Tone Place Banner Here The wall really needs something A Nice Banner for You Messy Stairs Artistic Effects