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By Donna Milham

Genesis 2:7 - Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man's nostrils, and the man became a living person. God breathed into man and Adam would open His eyes and find himself face to Face with His Creator. He would find himself in the very posture that he was created for – face to Face – up close with the One who shaped him, formed him, brought him forth from the very desires of His Heart. Up close, face to Face, is what keeps us from distractions. He is ever before us and in our thoughts, though we may be at work and busy, He is there within and around, we can stop at any moment and just be with Him. He wants us to live from a place where our eyes are opened to really see Him in every moment of our life, in every person, in every situation. So we cry out from our hearts, open our eyes Lord……open them to the reality of YOU!!! To Your surrounding and Your infilling. To the reality of living and moving and having our being and breath in You. This Creator God who wants intimacy with His children, those made in His image, He wants this more than anything else from us and with us - intimacy – the posture He adores and waits for. This is LIFE HIMSELF – creating life – then breathing His Life Giving Spirit into His creation. He breathed with purpose and intent, it was not happenstance or something He did because He had nothing else to do – this was purposeful. And each one of us was purposefully created and shaped in a unique design with unique callings that no one else can fill. There is only one of you - HE celebrates each one of our lives and He invites us to enter into that celebration. Heaven celebrated and danced the day you were born, no matter what circumstances those were – no matter how much the devil may have tried to kill you before, during or since you have been born. You were created for divine and holy purposes - He purposed you and THAT gives you the very reason you exist. Why are we here – for His holy purposes- our call is to KNOW HIM. It is a journey of knowing Him ever deeper - and as we do - He reveals the secrets of His Heart for us and for His Kingdom and how we fit into it and who we fit into this with. He invites us into an INTIMATE ADVENTURE – GOD BREATHED DESTINIES!!!To live in this reality is to be willing to cast aside everything that would keep us from finding our destiny, living in it and leaving a testimony behind.


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It all began with God’s Breath and it is His Breath Zone that we are to live within, move within, breathe into our spirit man - God’s Breath Zone – filling us with purpose, destiny, life, courage…containing all of His Nature and Character……..He breathes His power, His Love……..His very being into us. We posture and wait before Him, with Him and say breathe into us Spirit of God…..breathe fresh life…..we wait for Your Holy Breath……fill us again with Resurrection Breath…….. We can become deflated like a balloon…….our heart’s dreams and desires can get dim…..we can begin to question what we heard when we were with Him. Like a man and a woman……who are falling in love……..they exchange looks of love, hold hands, have intimate conversation, share dreams….and then they are separate for awhile and they can begin to wonder, do they still feel this way…….did they mean this or that……and so reminders such as phone calls, hearing a voice, seeing a handwritten note with words of caring and sentiment…….awakens…keeps the fires burning within ones heart and soul………it is pursuing, it is purposeful, it is intentional, it doesn’t just happen. We need to be careful to not just sit and wait for things and destinies to happen ‘to us.’We we do need to WAIT ON GOD, but when He does speak to our hearts what do we do then? It is waiting and then doing from being with Him! If you have a desire to play an instrument you can buy a flute and let it sit on your bureau and say one day I will play this flute……it is not going to come over to you and place itself in your hands and just play. You have to be intentional – pick up the flute and blow into it, take lessons or somehow learn to purposely play this flute or it will just be a one day I will play the flute and at the end of life it will become an ‘if only’ in our lives. Relationships are intentional……..purposeful….a phone does not dial itself, an email does not write itself…….a text does not send itself…this is purposeful communication and we all love to receive communication from those we care about in our lives…..but it is an act of relationship…….and left untended, hearts can grow cold. The depths of the close relationships can be lost, and suddenly an intimate friend is a stranger. God was intentional and is intentional with our relationship with Him and He is asking the same of us. He has much He wants to say and share – He often speaks to us in whispers – these whispers can be missed. If you find yourself in the midst of tests and trials – part of this I believe is that HE uses to teach us to learn to be quiet in the midst of our circumstances. It is here we learn how to cultivate His quietness and stillness deep within. We learn to hear His Voice and walk in His ways whether in a season of peace or trying situations.. The world needs us to walk in this, for what is ahead, it is imperative we walk in this. This is our holy pursuit!


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The Whispers of God – the secrets of His Heart - the intentions of His Kingdom Plans. He is ever watching and looking for those who are fully His for He has so many plans, so many strategies, so many purposes to release - but who will come aside and listen - who will allow HOLY INTERRUPTIONS!!!!!! Like Moses – turning aside PURPOSELY to see the burning bush. Like Mary – offering her natural womb to carry The King – interrupted her own plans of life, to bring forth the Messiah. This turned her and Joseph’s world upside down – they were no longer the perfect to be wed couple – no she was pregnant by ‘Who’, and Joseph bore the stigma with her. But Heaven’s View was very different – these were ones who would accept the Holy Interruption and Holy Intention of Heaven – of the Kingdom of God – and their surrender in loving obedience. Whisper to us God – whisper to us this day - this night, what is on Your Heart – individually and corporately – will You whisper! HOLY WHISPERS, Whispers of God, Holy Whispers – Holy Breath, Holy Breath Zone. God breathed on disciples and imparted to them His Spiritual Life. We need to breathe in daily, daily….waiting and breathing….. ‘THIS IS THE AIR I BREATHE – THIS IS THE AIR I BREATHE’ -not just a song we sing, but a life we live. Breathing in life – breathing in healing and wholeness for body, mind, soul and spirit….for He breathes into us the ATMOSPHERE OF HEAVEN. He had descended into hell and defeated death hell and the grave and rose with the Keys of the Kingdom. He ascended to Heaven and returned to earth with the Atmosphere of Heaven within Him. He surrendered His Breath - He gave up His Spirit –‘ IT IS FINISHED’. We must learn to walk in and under and within those words still being proclaimed throughout all the galaxies - ‘IT IS FINISHED’. We need to live in those words, in those SAVIOR BREATHED WORDS! In the Resurrected King’s Words and Holy Life Giving Breath. ‘RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT’ and His Resurrection Blessing – ‘PEACE BE WITH YOU’! To let the substance of this – the tangible substance go into our being……and shape and form and transform our natures and lives into what we were meant to be – the radiant ones displaying His splendor! Nothing less than this!


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Jennifer Brinton
Artwork © by Karen Elliot
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Eagle & Dove;

! A calling from above;

An invitation to go deeper into “ABBA’S” heart of love;

! A covenant made;

An Island taken at the gate;

! A price to be paid;

Removal of addictions, crime & hate;

! Every home filled with love;

Every person receiving heaven’s dove;

! Ancient pathways restored again;

Birthing freedom, peace & freedom from sin;

! A fruitful harvest begun;

All glory & honor give to the Son! Aho!


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Jennifer Brinton
Artwork © by Lupe King
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Jennifer Brinton
Artwork © by Murray Hart
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Occupy!By: Lupe King

WORDARISE O’ Man of God!  BRANDISH your shields!  RAISE up your faith!  Light of blessings be made MANIFEST to the unknowing!

SPEAK!  RAISE your voices of humility!  COMPASSION BE LOOSED! upon the wounded broken hearts, and tear streaked faces awaiting my undefiled embrace!

COME! Be not held back by preconceived notions.  Pay no attention to the pointing of the finger via the voices of religion…Trust not the realities of man, for they are temporal and contain no life!

Be Bound and Silenced! Tongues, of gossip, slander, and idle chitter chatter; contaminating souls; Behold!  I put a hook on your nose and lead you in the way that you should go!

Come Forth! Move in My anointing! Let not yourselves be stopped or hindered, command the thing to move, it shall, it must!

Release My Word, loose it! and observe it consume the darkness!  Be loosed O’ double edged sword! Cut, slice, dice, right through the bone and the marrow of falsehood, unholiness, and the profanities of godless creation-man.

Holy tongues be loosed! Call forth My miracles, signs, and wonders-bring LIFE to this terrestrial realm!


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! If the Lord is speaking anything to His church in this hour, it is that we must be guarding our heart with all diligence because it determines the course of our lives!! Proverbs 4:23 “So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Out of your innermost being flows the wellspring of life.” TPT! “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” NIV! “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” NLT! To guard our heart with all ‘diligence’ or ‘vigilance’ as some versions state: means to be on the alert for danger or error, and to be watchful; earnest and persistent, with attentive care. This is in regards to our own heart, so that we may walk with clean hands and a pure heart. How well do we guard our heart? ! One of the most important ways for us to be, as followers of Christ, is teachable. This means we must be able to receive correction. Too many times, I have seen those who are very willing to expose the faults of others, but are blind to their own. This should be a daily check for us each day: “Lord, is there anything in my heart today that needs correcting?” And then we must be willing to hear what He tells us and make the corrections necessary. This is part of taking up our cross daily and dying to our fleshly, carnal ways. God will also use those around us to bring correction, and we must be willing to listen and remain humble and teachable. We want to pass these kinds of tests. They are training for reigning.! To walk with clean hands and a pure heart will be very necessary in the days that are fast approaching. Any place in our heart that the enemy can get at because we have not guarded our heart with all diligence, he will use to cause us to stumble and fall.! Another way to guard our heart is to be careful not to pass judgment on our brothers and sisters in Christ. Way too many who call themselves Christians engage in gossip and judgment concerning their brothers and sisters in Christ and then justify themselves by considering it their duty to expose what they believe is error, therefore becoming watchdogs rather than the watchmen that they are likely called to be. If we believe that we are pleasing Christ, and that this is Christlike behavior, we are sadly mistaken. This is where we must sincerely look at our own heart and ask the Lord to reveal any place in us that needs correction. ! Psalm 139-24-24 “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there by any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way.”! Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart Oh God, and renew a right spirit within me.”! Psalm 24:3-4 “Who can ascend the hill of the Lord and who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart and does not lie down his soul to


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an idol or swear by what is false.”! Even if we are not the one speaking, just listening to someone else gossip and slander our brothers and sisters in Christ affects our heart. Guard your heart from such things.! Another important factor for guarding our hearts is to walk in forgiveness.Christ forgave the very ones who beat Him and crucified Him, how much more should be forgive those who we feel have mistreated us? ! Matthew 6:15“But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”! Holding others in unforgiveness is poison to our souls and keeps us in bondage ourselves. We must guard our hearts against unforgiveness, and we must be willing to ask forgiveness of others as well.! Psalm 51:17 “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, Oh God, You will not despise.” ! Father, I purpose today to be diligent in the guarding of my heart, and ask that you would search me and reveal any wicked or hurtful ways in me, and lead me in the everlasting way, that my heart and my thoughts would be pleasing and acceptable to You. I desire to walk with clean hands and a pure heart and to remain teachable and humble. I accept Your divine correction. Strengthen me to walk in Your ways, in the Name of Jesus I pray. Amen and Amen.

Artwork © by Lupe King


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Fresh Wind, Fresh Vision (Isaiah 40:25-31)By: Dan Goddard

It is time for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church! It is time for prevailing prayer to be renewed in the Church! The New Testament Church community walked in prevailing prayer and a life style of being filled over and over again with the Holy Spirit. (John 20:22)- Jesus breathed on the disciples and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:1-4) Once again they were “Baptized” with the Holy Spirit, received the awesome gift of “Tongues of men and of angels” and were filled with power to be His witnesses/martyrs; dead or alive! (Acts 2:42-47) is a living picture of what a community of “Spirit filled” people should look like:1- They were devoted (passionate) about being taught, trained and equipped to go into the Harvest.2- They were devoted (passionate) about one another.3- They were devoted (passionate) about being together.4- They were devoted (passionate) about prayer. As a result; they were all filled with Joy, everyone’s needs were met, and favor was upon them all, the atmosphere shifted, the Kingdom of Heaven came to earth and a mighty Harvest of souls increased day after day! All this because they were continually under the influence of the Holy Spirit as a community… (Acts 4:23-35)- Holy Spirit does not fill our lives so that we can simply speak in tongues and exercise spiritual gifts… No! The disciples were filled with the Spirit before the day of Pentecost and were filled again and again afterwards. Holy Spirit wants to so possess our lives that we have no will or desire outside of His. From this most intimate relationship will then flow the life giving resurrection power of Jesus. We will then be the willing living martyr/witnesses who say: “my life is not my own, for I have been bought at a great price”; yes blood bought lovers of God! Dead or alive; here I come! Faced with daily persecution; this community lived in deep communion with God and with one another. Their daily bread was the “Living Word of God”; drenched with the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit! Therefore, “Great Grace was upon them ALL! (Acts 12:1-17)- Once again; a great crisis strikes the community. Once again a great symphony of prayer rises to heaven. Once again a great invasion of Heaven strikes the earth…AND THE CAPTIVES ARE SET FREE! Holy Spirit, Pneuma, Breath of God baptize us with your Holy presence once again!


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Judah‘s Roar Church/ Worship Center: Weekly Meetings ● Every Saturday ● 7-10 pmGloucester United Methodist Church436 Washington StreetGloucester, MA 01930 Directions: From Rt. 128 North to Gloucester — at rotary take 3rd exit off the rotary. The sign reads “Route 127 — Annisquam”. Drive 1 mile and the Gloucester United Methodist Church is on the left. Parking: Along Washington Street (either side). Please note that the parking spaces at the church are for the worship team. Please do not park in these spaces. Thank you!

Monday Prayer Meeting : A Call to the Gate: Time: Mondays, 9:30am – 12:00 noon (Please feel free to join us for all or part of these meetings)Location: PLEASE CALL OR EMAIL FOR LOCATIONContact: Donna Milham, 978-283-9111, [email protected]

Monthly Apostolic Training & Equipping Meetings:Training & Equipping meetings are held one Saturday a month. Please check our website for the date and location. Call for more information: Donna Milham, 978-283-9111

Worship Leaders Wanted:We are looking for worship leaders who want to explore the radical realms of worship, and have the freedom to release new songs and sounds. If that is you, contact Donna Milham at 978-283-9111

Intercessors:We are calling for those who have a heart for this ministry to prayerfully consider becoming an intercessor for this work. If that is you, please call Karen Elliott at 978-621-6285 or Rev. Donna Milham at 978-283-9111

Financial Gifts: If you would like to give to this ministry we would greatly appreciate your support and prayers. Check should be made payable to: Eagle & Dove Ministries, PO Box 7094, Gloucester, MA 01930. You may also go to our website and use Pay Pal to make a donation online. Thank You!

Visit us on Facebook!Eagle & Dove has a Facebook page. Feel free to “Like” Eagle & Dove Ministries and check out our updates, photos, videos, and special events!

E-Mail/Mailing List:To be added to our weekly email notices, please send your e-mail address to [email protected] or sign up on our website at

For more information or directions, please contact Donna Milham • 978-283-9111 • • [email protected]