Download - DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in

Page 1: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in


Engineering and Environmental Solutions, LLC Blaine Litteral

Page 2: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in


§Final cover was completed in three phases. §Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998

closed 6.59 acres. §Phase II was completed in 2013 closing 11.05 acres. §Phase III was completed in 2016 closing the final 5.27

acres of the south landfill. §Active gas collection was installed in 3 phases in 1997,

2012 and 2016.

E & E Solutions, LLC

Page 3: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in

South Landfill Map

E & E Solutions, LLC

Page 4: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in


§Phase I included PVC cover FML over areas lined with single PVC liner. §Phase II and III included a composite cover system of

LLDPE FML and GCL materials over areas lined with a double composite liner system that included GCL, HDPE FML, and drainage composite components.

E & E Solutions, LLC

Page 5: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in


settlement of final cover between construction of each phase. §Required redesign of cover

grades resulting in loss of airspace. §Expect field adjustments at

the tie in to older cover areas.

E & E Solutions, LLC

Page 6: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in

Adjustment between 2013 and 2016 final cover.

E & E Solutions, LLC

Page 7: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in


increase time before closure to allow refilling settled areas. §Avoid terminated closure

phase perpendicular to the slope and avoid closure boundary that runs across slope when possible.

E & E Solutions, LLC

Page 8: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in

The flow from the secondary collection system began exceeding regulatory limits following construction of the second phase of final cover.


E & E Solutions, LLC

Page 9: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in

INVESTIGATION OF SOURCES §Analytical testing showed

liquid was representative of storm water. § Investigation into the

source identified two suspected points of entry for the storm water.

E & E Solutions, LLC

Page 10: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in

Leakage around leachate pump station and poor drainage combined with flaws in primary to secondary welds at site perimeter.


E & E Solutions, LLC

Page 11: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in

LEAKAGE AT PUMP HOUSE § It was discovered that

storm water was building up on top of the final cover/exposed primary liner. §Attachment of liner system

to pump house provided liquid entry to secondary.

E & E Solutions, LLC

Page 12: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in

Primary liner connection at building corner.

E & E Solutions, LLC

Page 13: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in

Leakage around leachate pump station was addressed by sealing apparent openings, installing a rain flap to direct storm water away from the building liner connection and providing additional drainage.


E & E Solutions, LLC

Page 14: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in

PERIMETER ANCHOR TRENCH §Storm water was also found to

be building up within the perimeter anchor trench . § Flaws in the primary liner

within the trench were believed to be a source of water to the secondary collection system. §Road at perimeter of site

prevents drainage away from lined area.

E & E Solutions, LLC

Page 15: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in

Recommended Cover - Primary -Secondary Liner connection at perimeter.

E & E Solutions, LLC

Page 16: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in

A rain flap and toe drain was installed over the perimeter welds to prevent storm water from collecting over the perimeter anchor trench.


E & E Solutions, LLC

Page 17: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in


§Pump houses should be set sufficiently away from liner system so liner does not need to be connected to the building. Standard side slope riser pumping system may be preferred. §Provide space between landfill liner system and

perimeter road to allow storm water to be drained away from landfill.

E & E Solutions, LLC

Page 18: DSWMA 2016 FINAL COVER CONSTRUCTION - …...Final cover was completed in three phases. Phase I of closure was completed in 1997 & 1998 closed 6.59 acres. Phase II was completed in


Blaine Litteral - 616.566.4609 [email protected] Engineering & Environmental Solutions, LLC