Download - Documentary Films - · 2019. 12. 9. · Documentary Films Using Film as a Source, Films by Subject, and MLA Citation for

  • Documentary FilmsUsing Film as a Source, Films by Subject,

    and MLA Citation for Documentary Film

    Documentary Fun! I-Search 2013

  • Why Watch a Documentary?

    Excellent question, I-Searcher! Is it because Jersey Shore is finally over, and you finished watching the backlog of episodes you saved on your DV-R? Is it because you knocked out the 55 levels of COD by day two of winter break? Is it because documentaries are an excellent way to gain insight, perspective, and information for your I-Search topic? The answer is most definitely the latter of the three options; however, congratulations on your gratuitous and enthusiastic television watching and/or video game playing!

    Documentary Fun! I-Search 2013

  • Why Watch a Documentary?

    Documentaries are a great way to sit back, relax, and learn!Documentary films allow you the unique experience of seeing information presented in a variety of ways; often times, documentaries include interviews, video clips, and information that would be difficult to find elsewhere. Most importantly, documentaries can spark your interest in your topic by providing an engaging and entertaining avenue for your research.

    Documentaries can lead to more information!Documentary film makers are particularly altruistic in their motivations for sharing their information and perspective with the world. Many films have web sites and resources for additional, more focused information on a topic.

    Documentaries are a great model for your I-Search!Every documentary film involves a journey; a filmmaker setting out to find more information on a topic, and then presenting the information in the most logical, engaging, artful, and provocative manner possible. A good documentary should fuel further intellectual growth and a hunger for more knowledge. Your I-Search papers are seeking to do the same for your audience! Pay attention to the format, and the presentation of information-- it could be useful when you consider how to organize the documentation of your research journey!

    Documentary Fun! I-Search 2013

  • Documentaries by Topic

    Documentary Fun! I-Search 2013

    Head Games, 2012A documentary that follows football player and wrestler Chris Nowinski's quest to uncover the truth about the consequences of sports related head injuries. Sports Injuries/Concussions

    Food, Inc. (2008)An unflattering look inside America's corporate controlled food industry. Vegetarianism/Veganism/Food/Diet

    Vegucated, 2010Vegucated is a guerrilla-style documentary that follows three meat- and cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to adopt a vegan diet for six weeks and learn what it's all about. Vegetarianism/Veganism/Food/Diet

    Food Matters (2008)Food Matter examines how the food we eat can help or hurt our health. Nutritionists, naturopaths, doctors, and journalists weigh in on topics organic food, food safety, raw foodism, and nutritional therapy. Vegetarianism/Veganism/Food/Diet

  • Documentaries by Topic

    Documentary Fun! I-Search 2013

    A River of Waste (2009)A River of Waste exposes a huge health and environmental scandal in our modern industrial system of meat and poultry production. . Vegetarianism/Veganism/Food/Diet

    Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup (2009)This fourth film in the Loose Change series continues to explore the conspiracy theories surrounding the unanswered questions of 9/11. Sept.11 Conspiracy Theories

    First Position (2011)A documentary that follows six young dancers from around the world as they prepare for the Youth America Grand Prix, one of the most prestigious ballet competitions in the world. Dance/Fine Arts

    911: In Plane Site Evidence presented of the largest cover-up in modern day history, examines the events of 9/11, particularly the wreckage at the Pentagon. Was the damage really caused by a 757, or something else? Sept.11 Conspiracy Theories

  • Documentaries by Topic

    Documentary Fun! I-Search 2013

    Stress: Portrait of a Killer (2008)Scientific discoveries in the field and in the lab prove that stress is not a state of mind, but something measurable and dangerous. Stress/Anxiety/Neuroscience

    Hoop Dreams (1994)Filmed over a five-year period, Hoop Dreams follows young Arthur Agee and William Gates as they navigate the complex, competitive world of scholastic athletics while striving to overcome the intense pressures of family life and the realities of their Chicago streets. Basketball/Poverty/Sports

    The Other Side of Immigration (2009)Based on over 700 interviews in Mexican towns where about half the population has left to work in the United States, The Other Side of Immigration asks why so many Mexicans come to the U.S. and what happens to the families and communities they leave behind. Immigration

    1 Love (2003)With an entertaining mix of history, colorful characters and hardwood action, 1 Love follows the evolution of basketball in America. It features intriguing stories as told by past and present players and fans whose love for the game changed their lives forever. Basketball/Sports

  • Documentaries by Topic

    Documentary Fun! I-Search 2013

    Frontline: The Vaccine War (2010)Frontline examines both sides of the debate over vaccines. On one side, the public health community wholeheartedly endorses them. One the other, parents and politicians accuse them of causing disorders like autism. Vaccines/Autism

    Bowling for Columbine (2002)The United States of America is notorious for its astronomical number of people killed by firearms for a developed nation without a civil war. With his signature sense of angry humor, activist filmmaker Michael Moore sets out to explore the roots of this bloodshed. Gun Control

    Loving Lampposts (2010)After his son's diagnosis, filmmaker Todd Drezner visits the front lines of the autism wars. This film follows a group of autistic children and adults whose lives show that “if you've met one autistic person, you've met one autistic person.” Autism

    Tying the Knot (2004)A look at the debate over same sex marriage in the USA. The reasons behind it are illustrated with real life couples that have run afoul of current laws despite varying levels of planning. Same Sex Marriage

  • Other Ways to Find Documentaries

    Google: A Google search for documentary films can generate a plethora of documentaries. Google even lets you search general documentary films, and presents a list of the most recent and critically acclaimed new releases.

    PBS Frontline: PBS Frontline ( provides a wealth of PBS documentaries (144 separate films!) on some of the most relevant and talked-about issues today. Besides having the convenience of being available to view the films entirely online, you can search each film by major topic, to find more narrow sub-topics related to your research. In terms of reliability, these films are much more neutral in comparison to some of the other independently produced documentaries.

    Documentary Fun! I-Search 2013

  • MLA Citation for Films

    Thanks to the Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab, not a bird), you have the luxury of finding correct and up-to-date MLA citation for a variety of mediums, including recorded films or movies! Often times, the information you need can be found on a DVD/VHS film case, or online through Google, IMDB, Netflix, or iTunes. Here’s a picture to give you the citation for your works cited. As for the parenthetical citation for your papers...well, explore the Purdue OWL for that one yourself!

    Documentary Fun! I-Search 2013