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“T-O Key Clubs Division 26”!

Division 26 Newsletter February Newsletter for Division 26. T-O District.

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and starts at 8:00am and ends at 4:00pm. I hope to see a lot of you guys there! We have another one planned for March 7th in Palestine. Also, DCON is approaching! If you guys want to go to DCON let me know! I have also posted and emailed out the DCON resource package! Be sure to look over that! Thanks guys!

Hey guys! I hope you guys had a great 1st month of 2015! For the rest of this year my main goal for you guys is to start sending in monthly reports and improve your attendance and participation in district and divisional events. We have our first garage sale approaching. It will be hosted in Bullard, Texas

- Matthew Riley


1st - Bullard HS ($58.49) 2nd - Palestine HS ($26.31) 3rd - Athens HS ($25.40)

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38Project Ideas

Contact information


LT. G Update

Contents 2 Messages







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In November, the Key Club International Youth Opportunities Fund Committee met to discuss YOF applications. We had a wonderful time reading about all of the service projects and fundraiser. We encourage you to apply next year! If you are interested in learning about YOF and the process of applying, go to Key Club;s channel on YouTube to watch a video.

In January, the International Board will be meeting in Detroit for the Winter Board Meeting. It will be held with the Circle K and Kiwanis International Boards.

Get ready for International Convention! ICON will be in Indianapolis with Circle K and Kiwanis. Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Kiwanis with the K-Family.

Trustee Update

Regional’s Recap

Hello Division 26 Key Clubbers! My name is Kristina Jacobson and I just recently became the regional for Region 10! I am super excited for this year and can’t wait to see what we accomplish. This year I plan on staying in strong communication not only with my Lieutenant Governors but also the clubs they oversee! I hope to keep communications between

clubs and the district as strong as they possibly can be! I would also like to see the clubs who have fallen inactive to get into the grove again and kick it into gear and get to work! I am so glad to be joining this amazing region and I know we have the potential to achieve something awesome. I can tell that the upcoming years will be exciting and filled with service!

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Send Reports To…


4 CR




rd, TX







uel Kinnin

323 Garm

on Dr

Early, TX 76802

United States

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DCON TIPS AND TRICKSHow much money should you bring? When signing up for DCON you will have 3 meals provided for you at DCON (unless you are an advisor then you will have 4). You need to bring enough money to buy food for the rest of the weekend unless only plan on eating 3 times while at DCON. I recommended buying breakfast foods before going to DCON because buying food can be pricey. Also bring extra money to buy souvenirs!

Should I go full out with dressing up? The answer to that question is simple— YES!!!! People at DCON have literally no chill! You should expect to see people dressed as dinosaurs or tour guides to match this years theme! For those of you who live under a rock and still don’t know what this years theme is it’s Service Adventure (Jurassic Park)! I, myself, along with a few other Lieutenant Governors will be purchasing the costume shown to the left! If you maybe don’t want to buy a costume full body pajamas (or onesies if you will) are the perfect way to go! You can find dinosaur pajamas at Rue 21 or online!

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Is there a dress code? Yes, and a fairly strict dress code as well! Guys and girls will be required to bring both business casual and formal clothes to wear during specified times. When I get the DCON schedule I will be sure to send it out ASAP so you guys can see how many times you will need to dress up and plan out how many changes of clothes you will need to bring. If you are unsure if something you would like to bring is in dress code feel free to ask and I can tell you.

Is DCON fun? You have not lived until you have gone to the Texas-Oklahoma Key Club District Convention! This weekend will be one of the most event packed weekends of your high school lives. You won’t leave DCON without a sense of accomplishment, preparedness and memories that will stick with you for the rest of your life. Not only will DCON bring you closer to your friends but gives you the opportunity to make friends with 1,600+ Key Clubbers!

What should I expect? While at DCON you can most defiantly expect to be A) sleep deprived B) busy C) making life long memories D) having the time of your life! At DCON a major part of the reason we host DCON is to have forums to teach you guys how to be the best Key Clubbers you can! Wether that be by teaching you guys how to send in reports, make newsletters, plan a projects or how to handle stress! After you leave DCON you will most defiantly take away a few things that you can apply to not only your everyday Key Club life but also just your everyday life in general! While at DCON you will be surrounded by the friendliest people you will have ever met and they all have a mutual interest that you have— serving others! I can’t wait for this years District Convention and I hope you feel the same!

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Governor Katie Wilson [email protected] !(214) 236 - 3271

Secretary Samuel Kinnin [email protected] !(325) 998 - 6240

Treasurer Colin Gonzales [email protected] !(817) 583 - 1171

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