Download - DIL-SE- DIL TAK - THE FETAL HEART - · Fetal Brain Damage: Fetal Stroke (Ischemic and Hemorrhagic), Periventricular Pseudocysts and Periventricular Leukomalacia, Porencephaly,

Page 1: DIL-SE- DIL TAK - THE FETAL HEART - · Fetal Brain Damage: Fetal Stroke (Ischemic and Hemorrhagic), Periventricular Pseudocysts and Periventricular Leukomalacia, Porencephaly,
Page 2: DIL-SE- DIL TAK - THE FETAL HEART - · Fetal Brain Damage: Fetal Stroke (Ischemic and Hemorrhagic), Periventricular Pseudocysts and Periventricular Leukomalacia, Porencephaly,


11:30-12:15 Fetal Cardiac Evaluation at 11-14 Weeks Alfred Abuhamad

12:15-12:30 Fetal Heart - The "X&V" Signs for Screening Anitha Shettikeri

12:30-13:00 Live Session - Abnormal Fetal Cardiac Anatomy - Autopsy Specimens Prashant Acharya


14:00-14:20 II T rimester Cardiac Evaluation Guidelines Nitin Chaubal

14:20-14:50 Cardiac Septal Defects - Identifying And Filling The Gaps Alfred Abuhamad

14:50-15:05 The Three Vessel View Suseela Vavilala

15:05-15:25 The 2nd Trimester Anomalies Scan - The ISUOG Approach Preeti Tomar

15:25-16:00 Diagnosing And Management of The Fetal Thoracic Anomalies Basky Thilaganathan

16:00-16:20 Fetal Hand Anomalies Geeta Kolar

16:20-16:50 Understanding Fetal Obstructive Uropathy S Suresh

16:50-17:15 Fetal Upper GI Tract Abnormalities - Challenges in Diagnosis Aditi Shah

17:15-17:20 Audience Interaction


17:20-17:35 Thoracic Anomalies Prognostication Kuldeep Singh

17:35-17:50 Facial Cleft Sudarshan Suresh

17:50-18:05 Echogenic Kidneys Rajas Chaubal

18:05-18:10 Audience Interaction

19:00 - 21:00

2100 hrs


Session III - Fetal Anomalies

Moderators : Nitin Chaubal & Poonam Goyal

Fetal Anomalies - What Next - Case Based Discussions


Workshop - I - 11-14 Weeks Scan (Normal Anatomy) (Wipro GE)

Live Relay

Coordinator Scan Room : Rahul Gupta

Faculty: Ashok Khurana, Rishabh Bora

Hall Coordinators: Suseela Vavilala, Nitin Chaubal

Workshop - II - Fetal Heart (Wipro GE)

Live Relay

Coordinator / Scan Room : Rishabh Bora

Faculty: Chander Lulla, S Suresh

Hall Coordinators: Alfred Abuhamad, Nitin Chaubal, Geeta Kolar


Product Launch by WIPRO GE

Live Band Followed by Gala Dinner

Bela Bhatt, Sushma Gupta, Rashmi Chahar, Preeti Pathak

M/C: Selvapriya Sarvanan, Sushma Gupta, Anupam Gupta, Rishabh Bora


Tea/Coffee Break


Session II

Moderators :Suseela Vavilala & TLN Praveen

Session I

Moderators : Prashant Acharya & Bela Bhatt

Tea/Coffee Break

09:00-09:20 T ips and Tricks in Pelvic Ultrasound Mohit Shah

09:20-09:40 MUSA

09:40-10:00 Adenomyosis – Possible Ultrasound Findings

10:00- 10:20 Fibroid – Strategies for Diagnosis and Management



11:00-11:15 IETA Dirk T immerman

11:15 -11:45 Solving the Dilemma – Endometrial Polyp, Hyperplasia or Malignancy Mala Sibal

11:45-12:00 Asherman’s Syndrome PK Shah

12:00-12:30 Ultrasound Evaluation of the Cervix and Vagina – Can GSV Help ? Mala Sibal

12:30-13:00 Uterine Anomaly Diagnosis and Management - Simplified Jaideep Malhotra



14:00 –14:30 Locating the Pregnancy – Spectrum of Ectopics Dirk T immerman

14:30–15:00 Gestational T rophoblastic Disease Supriya Seshadri

15:00–15:20 Follicle Monitoring Anupam Gupta

15:20–15:50 Differential Diagnosis in Acute Pelvic Pain PK Srivastava



Audience Interaction

Session I

Moderators : Jaideep Malhotra & Mohd. Wahaaj

Tea/Coffee Break

Session II

Moderators : Jaideep Malhotra & Mohd. Wahaaj

Audience Interaction

Dirk T immerman

Workshop - III - Infertility, Gynaecology and Obstertic Scans

Live Relay

Coordinator Scan Room : Rahul Gupta, Sarita Dixit

Faculty: PK Shah, Jaideep Malhotra

Hall Coordinator: PK Srivastava

Session III

Moderators : PK Shah & Selvapriya Sarvanan


Audience Interaction

09:00-09:15256 Shades of Grey: Physical Principles and Optimal Presetting of the Ultrasound

Machine for the CNS Evaluation BS Ramamurthy

09:15-09:45 ISUOG Guidelines for Basic and Extended Examination of the CNS ( Video) Suseela Vavilala

09:45-10:15Wringing Blood from the Stone: How to Maximize the Information About the Fetal

Brain Using Axial Views Only Karina Krajden Haratz

10:15-10:45 Neurosonoembryology and First T rimester Diagnosis of CNS Anomalies Sudarshan Suresh

10:45-11:00 Audience Interaction


11:30-12:00Developmental Sonoanatomy of the Fetal Brain in Early Second Trimester (up to

18 weeks)Karina Krajden Haratz

12:00-12:30 Developmental Sonoanatomy of the Fetal Brain after 20 Weeks Geeta Kolar

12:30-13:00Developmental Sonoanatomy of the Calvaria and the Spine and Neural Tube

DefectsAshok Khurana




Anomalies of Ventral Induction: Forebrain Cleavage, Septal Anomalies and

Callosal AnomaliesKarina Krajden Haratz

15:00-15:30 Fetal Ventriculomegaly: Differential Diagnosis, Work-Up and Management Chander Lulla

15:30-16:00 Closed Spinal Dysraphism - Diagnosis & Counseling Sudarshan Suresh

16:00-16:30 Genetic Counseling for Fetal CNS Anomalies - A Rational Approach Manjeet Mehta

16:30-16:45 Audience Interaction

16:45-17:00 MRI Correlation of Fetal Anomalies Rishabh Bora

17:00-17:15 DV Agenesis Rajas Chaubal

17:15-17:30 DV T iny & Tantalising Ashok Todani

17:30 -17:45 Understanding Arthrogryposis Rachita Ramamurthy

17:45- 18:00 Audience Interaction


Session I

Moderators : Anita Kaul & Chinmayee Ratha

Session III

Moderators : Nitin Chaubal & Rishabh Bora

Podium Presentations (Mixed Bag)

Moderators : S Suresh, Geeta Kolar, Suseela Vavilala

Session II

Moderators : Anita Kaul & Chinmayee Ratha

Tea/Coffee Break

Audience Interaction

Tea/Coffee Break


09:30-17:00 Simulator Room

Page 3: DIL-SE- DIL TAK - THE FETAL HEART - · Fetal Brain Damage: Fetal Stroke (Ischemic and Hemorrhagic), Periventricular Pseudocysts and Periventricular Leukomalacia, Porencephaly,

Hall A

09:00-09:30 Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome: Approach to Diagnosis and Management Alfred Abuhamad

09:30-10:00 Mal-Aligned Septum BS Ramamurty

10:00-10:30 The Many Faces of Tetralogy of Fallot Alfred Abuhamad

10:30-11:00 Genetic Association And Counseling With Cardiac Defects Prathima Radhakrishnan

11:00-11:15 Fetal HQ ( New Technology) Christin Gabner

11:15-11:25 Audience Interaction


11:45-12:15 Transposition of Great Arteries: Elusive Diagnosis with Significant Implications Alfred Abuhamad

12:15-12:45 Approach to Cardiac Chamber Size Discrepancy Jyoti Chaubal

12:45-13:15 Approach to Diagnosis of Systemic Venous Malformations Alfred Abuhamad

13:15-13:45 Understanding Heterotaxy Prashant Acharya

13:45-14:00 Audience Interaction


14:50-15:15 How I Define FGR Basky Thilaganathan

15:15-15:40 FGR - Fetal Cardiac Function Chander Lulla

15:40-16:05 Maternal Cardiac Function, Preeclampsia And Placental Insufficiency Basky Thilaganathan

16:05-16:30 Fetal Growth in Diabetic Pregnancies S Suresh

16:30-16:50 Ugly Placentas

16:50-17:20 Fetal Growth in Multiple Gestation

17:20-17:30 Audience Interaction


Basky Thilaganathan

Tea/Coffee Break

Session II

Moderators : Jyoti Chaubal & Anand Abhishek

Session III - Placenta Doppler & Growth

Moderators : Chander Lulla & Mohit Shah

Fellowship, Karaoke, Dances Followed by DJ and Dinner

M/C - Selvapriya Sarvanan, Bela Bhatt, Sushma Gupta, Rashmi Chahar, Preeti Pathak, Pooja Lodha


Session I

Moderators : Prathima Radhakrishnan & Anitha Shettikeri

09:00–09:30 IOTA Basics Mala Sibal

09:30–10:15 Evaluation of Adnexal Masses - IOTA Models Dirk T immerman


11:00–11:30 Case Discussion of Adnexal Masses

11:30–12:00 IOTA Test

12:00–12:20 Evaluating Endometrioma Beyond Ground Glass Vivek Kashyap

12:20–12:40 Non-Ovarian Adnexal Masses TLN Praveen

12:40-13:00 Audience Interaction


14:00-14:20 Evaluating the Thin Endometrium Meenu Agarwal

14:20–14:45 Contrast in Gynecology Nitin Chaubal

14:45-15:00 Audience Interaction


Early Pregnancy Assessment - Panel Discussion

Panelists- TLN Praveen, Alka Saraswat, Sushma Gupta, Akshatha Sharma,

Rachna Gupta, Nidhi Gupta, PK Shah

Moderator: Ashok Khurana


Case Based - Panel Discussion - FGR

Panelists - Suseela Vavilala, Jyoti Chubal, Basky Thilaganathan, Chander Lulla,

Bhupendra Ahuja, Ashok Khurana

Moderator: Prathima



Mala Sibal &

Dirk T immerman

Workshop V - Gynaec, Infertility and Obstetric FGR Scans (Samsung)

Live Relay

Coordinator Scan Room: Neelam Maheshwari, Shally Gupta

Faculty :BS Ramamurthy, Kuldeep Singh, Neharika M Bora, Anupam Gupta

Hall Coordinators: Jaideep Malhotra, PK Shah

Session II

Moderators : Narendra Malhotra & Supriya Seshadri


Moderators : Ashok Khurana & Divya A Sahetya

Session I - Workshop IV - IOTA Workshop

By : Dirk Timmerman, Mala Sibal & TLN Praveen

Tea/Coffee Break

09:00-10:00Midbrain-Hindbrain Malformations Revisited: From Megacisterna Magna to

Tubulinopathies Karina Krajden Haratz

10:00-10:45Maternal Infections and the Fetal Brain: CMV, Toxoplasmosis, Zika and

ParvovirusBasky Thilaganathan

10:45-11:20 Intracranial Congenital Masses: Tumors and Arachnoid Cysts BS Ramamurthy

11:20-11:25 Audience Interaction


11:45-12:15 Prenatal Diagnosis of Cerebrovascular Malformations Karina Krajden Haratz

12:15-12:45Fetal Brain Damage: Fetal Stroke (Ischemic and Hemorrhagic), Periventricular

Pseudocysts and Periventricular Leukomalacia, Porencephaly, HydranencephalyAnita Kaul



14:00-14:45 Malformations of Cortical Development

14:45-15:15 Work-up in Macro and Microcephaly

15:15-15:45 Midline Sagittal Brain Imaging BS Ramamurthy

15:45-16:00 Audience Interaction

16:00-16:30 MRI as a Complimentary Tool for Fetal Brain Assessment Ashok Khurana

16:30-17:15 Pitfalls in Fetal Neurosonography: Difficult Cases from the Faculty Karina Krajden Haratz

17:15-17:35 Genetic Ultrasound Markers : Prudence to be Apple Bhupendra Ahuja

17:35-17:55Genetic Investigations in Fetal Syndromes: CMA , WES and Whole Genome

SequencingRatna D Puri

17:55-18:15 Audience Intearction

Karina Krajden Haratz


Session I

Moderators : BS Ramamurthy & Preeti Tomar

Session III

Moderators : Suseela Vavilala & Veena Acharya

Tea/Coffee Break

Research Opportunities & Audience Interaction

Session II

Moderators : Anita Kaul & Ankesh Sahetya

09:30-17:00 Simulator Room

Page 4: DIL-SE- DIL TAK - THE FETAL HEART - · Fetal Brain Damage: Fetal Stroke (Ischemic and Hemorrhagic), Periventricular Pseudocysts and Periventricular Leukomalacia, Porencephaly,

09:00-09:20 Optimising Prenatal Diagnosis. What ? When? Why? Narendra Malhotra

09:20-10:00 Screening for Aneuploidy - Pearls & Pain Points - A Meaningful Dialogue Suseela Vavilala with

Sudarshan Suresh

10:00-10:30 Recent Advances in Obstetric Imaging Prashant Acharya

10:30-10:50 Predicting Preterm Labour - Are We There Yet? Chinmayee Ratha

10:50-11:00 Audience Interaction


11:30-12:00 Evaluating Skeletal Dysplasias Chander Lulla

12:00-12:30 Ambiguous Genitalia BS Ramamurthy

12:30-13:00 Fetal Face Ashok Khurana


Challenges In Fetal Medicine- Case Reviews

Experts - Prathima Radhakrishnan, Geeta Kolar, PK Shah, Basky Thilaganathan,

Raju Sahetya, Veena Acharya

Moderator: Anita Kaul




Tea/Coffee Break


Judges : RN Goel, Vanaj Mathur, Poonam Goyal, Anshu Jindal

Session II

Moderators : Geeta Kolar & Rachna Gupta

Best Poster Presentation, Valedictory

Workshop VI - Wipro GE Hand's on 3D / 4D Workshop Reconstruction - Ashok Khurana

Hands on Training on your Laptops / Load the software from GE Stall in the morning)


Session I

Moderators: Bhupinder Ahuja & Rachna Gupta

09:00 – 09:30 Infertility Evaluation Mohd Wahaaj

09:30 – 10:00 Nuances of Polycystic Ovaries Supriya Seshadri

10:00 – 10:20 Endometrial Receptivity Bhupendra Ahuja

10:20 – 10:40 Oocyte Retrieval and Embryo Transfer Narendra Malhotra

10:40 – 11:00

11:00 – 11:30 Multifetal Reduction Chander Lulla

11:30 – 11:50 Evaluating the LSCS Scar Jyoti Chaubal

11:50 – 12:15 Locating Intrauterine Devices on Ultrasound Anand Abhishek

12:15 – 12:45 Reporting in Gynecological Ultrasound PK Shah

12:45 – 13:00

13:00– 14:00

14:00– 17:00

14:00– 14:10 Cesarean Scar Pregnancy : A Case Series Amit Tandon

14:10– 14:20 Congenital Anomalies in Twins- A Retrospective Observational Study Archana G

14:20– 14:30Retrospective Analysis Of Fetomaternal Outcomes In Multifetal Reduction: A

Single Centre ExperienceSravanthi Vadlamudi

14:30– 14:40Health & Psychosocial Problems In Women in Geriatric Age

Group In North IndiaGayatri Gupta

14:40– 14:50To Study The Prevalence Of Positive DNA PCR OF HPV 16 And 18 In Sexually

Active Women With Degree Of Cervical Dysplasia On PAP SmearRicha Singh

14:50– 15:00Binder's Phenotype - A Rare or Not so Rare Prenatal Diagnosis with Favourable

Outcome - A Series of 6 CasesManeet Kaur

15:00– 15:10

Prenatal Series Of Cystic Placenta With A Live Fetus (PMMD - Placental

Mesenchymal Dysplasia Vs Molar Pregnancy) –Lessons Learnt For A Uniform


Jyoti Singh

15:10– 15:20Aortic Isthmus Doppler Assessment and Its Association with Perinatal Outcome

in Intrauterine Growth Restricted FetusesShalaka Bansode

15:20– 15:30Pattern Of Umbilical Coiling Index In Women Undergoing Delivery At A Tertiary

Care Centre In South KeralaEkta Chaware

15:30– 16:00 Role of Colour Doppler in Feral Growth Restriction Narendra Malhotra

Oral Presentation Session by AOGS Podium Presentations on Selected Abstracts

Session I

Moderators: Jaideep Malhotra, Anurita Singh & Amit Tandon

Session II

Moderators: Anurita Singh & Amit Tandon

Tea/Coffee Break


Audience Interaction

09:00 - 09:30 Fetal Diagnostic Procedures - The Fundamentals Raju Sahetya

09:30-10:15 Fetal Therapy- Case Based A Meaningful DialogueAnita Kaul with Prathima


10:15-10:35 Managing Chorioangomas Geeta Kolar

10:35-11:20 Discordant Twins- IS Intervention Always Necessary? An Interactive DialogueS Suresh with Suseela

Vavilala, Geeta Kolar

11:20 -11:30 Audience Interaction



12:00-12:15 USG in Fetal Infections Pooja Lodha

12:15-12:30 Understanding the Fetal Thyroid Veena Acharya

12:30-12:45 Investigating Non immune Hydrops Akshatha Sharma

12:45-13:00 Understanding Centiles in Biometry Prashant Acharya

13:00-14:00 Interactive QuizSelvapriya Sarvanan, Aditi

Shah, Bela Bhatt


Fetal Therapy of "Fetal Interventions - Diagnosis & Therapy"

Podium Presentations (Mixed Bag)


Tea/Coffee Break

Session II

Moderators : Prashant Acharya, Selvapriya Sarvanan & Darshan Wadekar

Session I

Moderators : Anita Kaul & Akshatha Sharma

10:00 - 12:00

HALL D - Grand Ball Room III

Workshop VII - Training on Simulators - Simulator Room

Hands on CVS, Amniocentesis, Ovum Pickup, Embryo T ransfer

Faculty : Raju Sahetya, Pooja Lodha, Bela Bhatt, Narendra Malhotra, Chander Lulla

(5 Candidates Each for 15 mins)

Page 5: DIL-SE- DIL TAK - THE FETAL HEART - · Fetal Brain Damage: Fetal Stroke (Ischemic and Hemorrhagic), Periventricular Pseudocysts and Periventricular Leukomalacia, Porencephaly,


NumberAbstract Title Name of Presenting Author

1 Role of Imaging in rare obstructive reproductive tract anomalies Pranav Kumar Santhalia

2 Outcome of Fetuses with Antenatally Diagnosed Short Femur In an Indian Subset Population Aradhana Aggarwal

3Evaluation Of Diagnostic Accuracy Of Clinical Examination In Detection Of Non-Cephalic Presentation In Late

PregnancySuman Poddar

4Fetal ear assessment at the 15 - 24 weeks scan and construction of an ear length nomogram by 2D ultrasound

in euploid singleton fetuses in Indian populationAarti Patil

5Influence of presence of extracardiac defects and markers on the prevalence of chromosomal abnormalities in

fetuses with congenital cardiac defectsAditi Agarwal

6Prevalence of first trimester markers in fetuses with aneuploidies and the relationship of number of markers to

presence of aneuploidies a single centre study in the Indian populationJanani Alagiriswamy

7 Role for therapeutic interventions in euploid fetuses with isolated pleural effusion Aarti Patil

8Experience Of Influenza Virus H1n1 Infection In (Swine Flu) Pregnancy In A Tertiary Care Centre - A Case

Series Of Five CasesAprajita Kumari

9 Diagnosis of CNS anomalies before 11 weeks of pregnancy. Deval Shah

10 Cesarean ectopic pregnancy (CSP) : the lurking danger in post cesarean failed medical abortion. Monika Anant

11 Oligohydramnios - Are Pregnancies Getting Drier? Sarita Dixit

12 Role Of Ultrasound In Evolving Fetal Anomalies Rajesh Kamble

13Performance of prenatal second trimester sonographic markers in screening for trisomy 21- experience from

an Indian centreNavya Karnam Chandrakumar

14 Prenatal Diagnosis Of Emanuel Syndrome Deepti Saxena

15 Prenatal diagnosis of fetal cardiac diverticulum- A case report Shalaka Bansode

16 Capability Of Tertiary Level Ultrasonography In Screening For Birth Defects Manpreet Sharma

17 Fetomaternal Arterial Doppler In Early Onset Preeclampsia And Its Correlation With Perinatal Outcome Shaili Tomer

18Prenatal diagnosis of megacystis, microcolon, intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome in the first trimester

ultrasound: a case reportNilesh Mhaske

19 Prenatal Diagnosis of Harlequin Ichthyosis: Case Report of a rare disorder with genetic study Jyotshna Rani Panigrahy

20Isolated Fetal Pleural effusion : 6 years of experience of Maternal And Reproductive Health Department ,

SGPGIMSShruti Jain

21Assessment of fetal midbrain and hindbrain in mid-sagittal plane by 2D and 3D ultrasound and comparison

with nomograms Deval Shah

22 Fetus-in-Fetu Hari P S

23 Unilateral Cerebellar Hypoplasia: A Single Centre Experience Prerana Agarwal

24 Scoring System In Echogenic Kidneys To Prognosticate The Outcomes Dolly Chavda

25 Mutifetal Pregnancy Reduction - Is it Justified Ankan Singh

26 A Flood Of Genetic Testing Neharika M Bora

27 Truncal T ranslucency: A soft marker for embryonic aneuploidy Vipon Goel

28 Clinical Significance of Prenatal Double Bubble sign Sri Ramya Rayapureddy

29 Acceptance Of Anterior Abdominal Wall Defect:Case Series From A Tertiary Centre In South India Akila Venu

30Prenatal Series Of Cystic Placenta With A Live Fetus (Pmmd - Placental Mesenchymal Dysplasia / Molar

Pregnancy) Lessons Learnt For A Uniform Approach Jyoti Singh

31 To follow up the cases of antenatally detected micrognathia and assess the completeness of investigations Kirti Kishore Sharma

32 Case Report- Thanatophoric Dysplasia Neharika M Bora

33 3D in Mullerian Anomalies Rishabh Bora

34 To Evaluate The Outcome Of The Fetal Pleural Effusion Sravanthi Patlolla

35 Severe FGR: Zero centile- study of maternal & perinatal outcome in a Tertiary Referral Center, South India Archana M. Patil

36 Multifetal Reduction-Rising !!! Neharika M Bora

37 Conservative Management Of Ovarian Torsion Jasneet Dhingra Kapoor

38 A Rare Cause Of Secondary Postpartum Haemorrhage Ekta Chaware

39 A Rare Case Report Of Peritoneal Mature Cystic Teratoma With Atypical Imaging Findings Shilpi Srivastava