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Page 1: Diet, drugs and diseases

By Aditi Atmasidha

Page 2: Diet, drugs and diseases
Page 3: Diet, drugs and diseases

It is the food that a person normally eats on

a regular basis throughout the year.

A healthy diet consists of all types of

constituents in a right quantity.

The food pyramid

Unhealthy diet leads to diseases

in the body.

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WOMB: balanced diet produces large number

of sperm cells in males and causes regular

menstrual cycle in female.

Poverty prevents having balanced diet. With

lack of nutrients, there may be infertility in

males and females. If conception occurs the

poor diet of mother slows down the growth

of foetus or if the baby is born it is smaller

than normal with poor immunity.

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When there is greater choice of food for mother,

soft cheese such as camembert cause ‘listeria’

which may be fatal to the foetus as it contains

microorganisms. Caffeine in the coffee,

chocolate and tea slows down the growth of

foetus during pregnancy.


the area suffering from famine, growth and

development of young people is severely as

enough food is not available. If there is just

enough food for survival, the body will grow and

develop much more slowly than normal.

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When there is lack of protein and energy in

diet of a child under 1 year, a condition

called ‘marasmus’ developed. The energy

stored in the body is used up. There is

disappearance of body fat and muscle

wasting occurs.

Kwashiorkor develops in a child under 18

months. When there is lack of protein in the

diet there is poor development of muscles

and pot belly that is swelling of the


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OBESITY: This is a condition of body which develops in children and adults who have very high energy diet[carbohydrates, fats].

DISEASES CAUSED DUE TO HIGH ENERGY DIET: Atherosclerosis, Heart attack, Stroke, Brain hemorrhage, type 2 Diabetes, Kidney damage, extra strain on bones and joints.

TYPE 2 DIABETES: obesity leads to this disease. Obesity interferes the production of insulin, which controls amount of sugar in the blood, but in this disease the body no longer responds to insulin and the blood with high sugar contain flows all over the body.

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blindness, nerve damage, damage to the blood

vessels in the feet which can only be treated by

amputation, kidney damage.

BEHAVIOUR: people with lack of diet have little

energy and low-confidence. People with high

energy diet also have low-confidence, feel

depressed and are unable to sleep. Hyperactivity

in children is due to additives in food and drinks.


quilonine yellow, carmoisine, allura red,

tartrazine, ponceau.

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areas of famine, malnourished children are fed

with F75 and F100. First F75 is introduced to

prepare their body to start digesting food again.

Then after few days they are fed with F100

which contains more proteins and energy.

PLUMPYNUT: is a substitute to F100. It is made

from peanut paste, powered milk, minerals, oil,

sugar and vitamins.

UNIMIX: It is a flour made from maize, soya

beans, powdered milk, minerals, oil, sugar and


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TREATING OBESITY: it develops due to

unbalanced diet. Switch over to balanced

diet. Exercise regularly to use up excess

energy and strengthening up the body.

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Three Types of Drugs:


enhancing Medicinal

Non- Medicinal

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MEDICINAL DRUGS: are used to prevent, treat

and cure diseases. Also used to cure pain.

Example: Vaccinations, tablets, syrups,

inhaler, injections, etc.


sportsmen to increase muscle growth and to

make senses more alert.

NON-MEDEICINAL: affects nervous system,

bring about changes in the way the brain

works and alters person's behavior.

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Drugs Effect on conception

Alcohol Reduces production of sperms

in men.

Smoking Ovaries work less efficiently in


Non-medicinal {cannabis,

cocaine, heroin, ecstasy}

Menstrual cycle becomes ir-

regular or stop, and slows down

sperm production also some

sperms develop abnormally.

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Drug Effect on foetus

Alcohol •Drinking small amount can

cause nerve damage.

•Drinking large amount

cause abnormal

development of eyes, nose,

lips, head remains small.

•Foetal alcohol syndrome

Smoking •Slows down the growth,

lungs work less efficiently

Non-medicinal {cannabis,

cocaine, heroin, ecstasy}

•Slows down growth

•Less efficient Immunity


•Baby can become

dependent on the drug

mother was taking

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Sniffing solvents used in glues: are used as

drugs as easily available and cheaper than


Effects on health: loss of appetite results in

loss of body mass, causes headache,

sickness, coughing, harm to the brain, loss of

memory, harms the lungs, structure of liver,

kidneys and bone marrow affects the nerves

which control breathing.

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Immediate effect: loose control of themselves, suffocate on the plastic bag from which they inhaled the solvents, may become unconscious sometimes vomit may block their windpipe causing death.

Behaviour: affects the nervous system, slows down the nerve signals, people react more slowly, large intake of alcohol reduces nerve signals, voice become louder, become reckless and aggressive, difficulty in thinking and speaking clearly, movements are uncoordinated, unable to walk, fall asleep or become unconscious, in extreme cases windpipe may block causing suffocation.

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How it is used Effects

Cannabis Smoked • hallucinations, mental illness

Cocaine Sniffed, smoked, injected •Over confidence or carelessness

Sleeplessness, Mental illness

Heroin Smoked or injected •Can slow down body reactions

to the point of death

•Needle users may catch

hepatitis and AIDS if share


Ecstasy Swallowed in tablet form •Speeds up body reactions,

produces confusion and fatal



sniffed in powered form

or Swallowed in tablet


•Increases activity at first, then

produces feeling of sadness

which may last for 2 days

•Can cause heart and brain


LSD Swallowed in tablet or

liquid form or even as

small piece of paper

•Hallucinations, which can be

terrifying and to which the brain

may flash back months or weeks


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CIRRHOSIS OF LIVER: alcohol affects general

health as it is a poison. The liver collects

poisons from the blood as it flows through

and breaks them down and make them

harmless. The intake of alcohol for long

duration causes inflammation of liver and

develops hepatitis. Parts of liver may turn to

scar tissue, this leads to Cirrhosis. Cirrhosis

reduces liver’s ability to deal with poison and

may be fatal.

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Drugs Treatment

Smoking (Nicotine) •Advice and support from health services

•May chew nicotine gum or attach patches of

nicotine to their skin, this reduces withdrawal

symptoms and help to break the habit

Alcohol •Advice and support from health services

•Options like medicines, joining groups who have

given up drinking alcohol

•Staying in rehabilitation center

Non-Medicinal drugs •Advice and support from health services

•Staying in rehabilitation center

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It is an abnormal condition of body which

affects health of the body and prevents it

from working efficiently.

Some times diseases can be fatal.

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There are four types of diseases:

Types of diseases Examples

Hereditary diseases Cystic fibrosis, Haemophilla

Nutritional diseases Beriberi, Scurvy, Rickets

Degenerative diseases Heart attack, Stroke

Transmissible diseases Malaria, Tuberculosis, AIDS

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Diseases Explanation



diseases (STD)

Transmitted by sexual intercourse. Eg:-

chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis.

Malaria Caused by plasmodium or amoeba of

protoctista kingdom. Spread by FEMALE

ANOPHELES mosquito.

AIDS (Acquired

Immune Deficiency


Caused by HIV (Human Immuno Deficiency

Virus). This virus attacks and weakens Immune

system. Spread mainly by blood transfusion,

sexual intercourse with infected person, drug

users sharing unsterilized needles.

TB (Tuberculosis) Caused by bacteria. Spread by droplets

produced by coughing, sneezing and spitting.

Infects lungs. Spread to the brain, kidneys

and bones.

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Diseases Explanation

Pelvic Inflammatory

Disease (PID) in females

• Prevents conception in females. Caused by

wide range of infections.

• Affects fallopian tube, ovaries, uterus.

Fallopian tubes are infected and inflamed

causing infertility.

• The main causes are STD.

Diabetes and Kidney


• Causes infertility in both male and female.

TB • Affects both male and female reproductive

system . Block the path of sperms in males,

causing infection in fallopian tube and

uterus in females.

Infertility in male STD’s in males reduces the activity of sperms.

Sperms are less able to swim, to find an egg.

STD’s for many times scared the tubes carrying

sperms and block the path of sperm.

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Diseases Effects on Foetus

Malaria • Death of foetus

• slows down the development of


TB • Death of foetus

Rubella, German Measles • Disability in babies.

• Damage nervous system and heart of


• Produce deafness and blindness.

STD’s in Females • Blindness, deafness, swollen liver,

skin sores in the baby

AIDS in Females • Pass the virus to baby during

pregnancy or at birth

• Damage immune system of baby.

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Diseases Effects on Young People

TB • In active stage :Lung damage ,Cough frequently,

develop fever , loose body mass.

• In dormant stage: Sufferer recovers but still carries

bacteria and in favourable condition, start multiplying

and enter into the blood and spread to other organs.

• Can be fatal.

AIDS • Pass to infant through mother's milk

Malaria • Damage nervous system, if not treated often fatal.

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Suffer becomes tired. May develop aches and

pains, need to rest.

AIDS patient may suffer from disorders of

nervous system. Think more slowly, trouble

with memory and concentration. Loose co-

ordination, unable to walk and balance.

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Diseases Effects on health

TB • Damaged tissues may recover but develops scar


• If active again, enter the blood and damage kidneys,

bones and brain.

AIDS • May suffer from disease of bones, looses phosphorus

and calcium and bones become brittle.

• Suffers from kidneys diseases and heart and

circulation diseases

• Increase chances of cancer

Malaria • Invade liver and RBC.

• Person may suffer chills and fever

• Damage of brain, kidneys and lungs.

• Can be fatal.

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