Download - Diet and Diabeteslisagor/Spring 2018/S18 321/2 Diet and diabe… · Krause’s food & the nutrition care process(14th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Karamanou M, Protogerou A, Tsoucalas

Page 1: Diet and Diabeteslisagor/Spring 2018/S18 321/2 Diet and diabe… · Krause’s food & the nutrition care process(14th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Karamanou M, Protogerou A, Tsoucalas

Diet and Diabetes

Page 2: Diet and Diabeteslisagor/Spring 2018/S18 321/2 Diet and diabe… · Krause’s food & the nutrition care process(14th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Karamanou M, Protogerou A, Tsoucalas

Types of Diabetes

●  Type1Diabetes○  Autoimmunecondition-destructionofpancreaticb-cells○  Noinsulinproductionbypancreas

●  Type2Diabetes○  Progressive-inabilityforbodytoproperlyuseinsulin○  Abnormalinsulinsecretion

●  GestationalDiabetes○  Triggeredbypregnancy

Page 3: Diet and Diabeteslisagor/Spring 2018/S18 321/2 Diet and diabe… · Krause’s food & the nutrition care process(14th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Karamanou M, Protogerou A, Tsoucalas

Type 2 Diabetes Insulin,ahormoneproducedinthepancreas,helpsglucoseentercellstobebrokendownandusedbythebody.


Page 4: Diet and Diabeteslisagor/Spring 2018/S18 321/2 Diet and diabe… · Krause’s food & the nutrition care process(14th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Karamanou M, Protogerou A, Tsoucalas




Page 5: Diet and Diabeteslisagor/Spring 2018/S18 321/2 Diet and diabe… · Krause’s food & the nutrition care process(14th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Karamanou M, Protogerou A, Tsoucalas

Modern-Day Diabetes







Page 6: Diet and Diabeteslisagor/Spring 2018/S18 321/2 Diet and diabe… · Krause’s food & the nutrition care process(14th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Karamanou M, Protogerou A, Tsoucalas

Diabetes and Heredity

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Prevention and Management

●  Education●  LifestyleChanges●  Dietmodification●  IncorporatingExercise●  WeightReduction/management●  ControllingBloodSugarLevels

Page 8: Diet and Diabeteslisagor/Spring 2018/S18 321/2 Diet and diabe… · Krause’s food & the nutrition care process(14th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Karamanou M, Protogerou A, Tsoucalas



Page 9: Diet and Diabeteslisagor/Spring 2018/S18 321/2 Diet and diabe… · Krause’s food & the nutrition care process(14th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Karamanou M, Protogerou A, Tsoucalas

Medical Nutrition Therapy

Page 10: Diet and Diabeteslisagor/Spring 2018/S18 321/2 Diet and diabe… · Krause’s food & the nutrition care process(14th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Karamanou M, Protogerou A, Tsoucalas

Goals of MNT ●  Toencouragehealthyeatinghabits

○  Varietyofnutrient-densefoods○  Appropriateportionsizes

●  Focusonindividualnutritionneeds●  Topreserveagoodimageoffoodwhilelimitingfoodchoices

○  Foodisnottheenemy●  Toeducatetheindividualaboutmealplanninginsteadoffocusing


Page 11: Diet and Diabeteslisagor/Spring 2018/S18 321/2 Diet and diabe… · Krause’s food & the nutrition care process(14th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Karamanou M, Protogerou A, Tsoucalas

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Copyright © 2017 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Page 12: Diet and Diabeteslisagor/Spring 2018/S18 321/2 Diet and diabe… · Krause’s food & the nutrition care process(14th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Karamanou M, Protogerou A, Tsoucalas

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Copyright © 2017 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Page 13: Diet and Diabeteslisagor/Spring 2018/S18 321/2 Diet and diabe… · Krause’s food & the nutrition care process(14th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Karamanou M, Protogerou A, Tsoucalas


Page 14: Diet and Diabeteslisagor/Spring 2018/S18 321/2 Diet and diabe… · Krause’s food & the nutrition care process(14th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Karamanou M, Protogerou A, Tsoucalas
Page 15: Diet and Diabeteslisagor/Spring 2018/S18 321/2 Diet and diabe… · Krause’s food & the nutrition care process(14th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Karamanou M, Protogerou A, Tsoucalas

References ●  Mahan,L.K.,&Raymond,J.L.(2017).Krause’sfood&thenutritioncareprocess(14thed.).St.

Louis,MO:Elsevier●  KaramanouM,ProtogerouA,TsoucalasG,AndroutsosG,Poulakou-RebelakouE.Milestonesinthe
