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MEIDAYANTI, ACI, 2020. Development of a Communicative Basic English

Module for English Learning at TPQ AL-Amin. Thesis, English Education

Departement, Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, State Institute for

Islamic Studies of Ponorogo. Advisor Pryla Rochmawati, M.Pd.

Key Word : module development, teaching learning

The reason for the development of the English Module is based on

research observations on the use of English modules at TPQ Al-Amin. Module

development is considered to be still very minimal, with modules only owned by

the teacher and not according to student needs. Even though the learning module

is needed to make it easier for teachers to transfer knowledge and make it easier

for students to understand English learning. Therefore, researchers developed an

English Module in English Subjects at TPQ Al-Amin.

This study aims to develop a Learning English education module so that it

is communicative to be used during the learning process and to find out how the

feasibility level of the module is in order to produce a module that is valid,

effective, and responsive in learning English.

This research uses research and development or Research and

Development (R&D) methods. The development procedure follows the Borg and

Gall procedure which can be done more simply by involving 10 main steps,

namely: 1) Potentials and problems, 2) Data collection, 3) Product design, 4)

Design validation, 5) Design improvement, 6) Test product testing, 7) product

revision, 8) field testing, 9) final product improvement, 10) dimensions and

implementation. The research is limited to seven stages, namely 1) Potentials and

problems, 2) Data collection, 3) Product Design, 4) Design validation, 5) Design

improvement, 6) Product testing, 7) Product revision.

This learning module was validated by material content expert validators,

and layout design expert validators and was tested on TPQ Al-Amin Mantren

Madiun students. In the developed English module, there are six units, namely

Public Places, Clothes, Transportation, Jobs, Activities, and Telling The Time.

Assessment of module feasibility uses a Likert scale and student assessment uses

the Guttman scale. Based on data analysis, 88%of content providers are in the

“Very Good” category; 83% of the layout expert services were categorized as

“Very Good”; The results of the responses of students at TPQ Al-Amin were 83%

categorized as "Very Good". So that the development of the English module

meets the criteria to be used as a learning medium.

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A. Background of the Study

Education is a form of dynamic human culture. Changes and

developments in education in line with changes in human culture. Changes

in terms of improvements in the quality of education at all levels to protect

the nation in the future. National Education system law number 20 in

article 1 of 2003 states that "Education is a conscious and planned effort to

create an atmosphere of learning and learning process so that students

actively develop their potential to have religious-spiritual strength, self-

control, personality, intelligence, and morals noble, as well as the skills

needed by himself, society, nation, and country.1 In addition, a good

education is an education that is able to prepare students in global

challenges. Therefore, the Government has also set up an education system

that prepares students by teaching foreign language learning in schools

such as English, Japanese, Mandarin, German, and French.2 Along with

the development of Science and Technology, as well as global

competition, without limiting creativity in educational units to update the

learning process.3


Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Islam No.6036 Tahun 2015 Kerangka Dasar

dan Struktur Kurikulum Pendidikan Diniyah Formal ULYA. Pasal 1Ayat 1.



KLATEN, (Thesis Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta:2018),1

3Giyanti. Development of POP-UP Media Learning Book for Deaf and Middle School-LB

Students on Motion Materials and Styles. (Thesis UIN Raden Intan Lampung: 2018), 7-8.

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Learning materials are often the most significant and observable

component of pedagogy. They determine the quality of language input and

language practice during the learning process in the classroom. Richards

stated that materials in language teaching have roles as a resource for the

presentation of materials either spoken or written and as a source of

activities for learners' practice. Therefore, the teachers are obliged to

develop teaching materials which are suitable for the students' needs and

always up-to-date. Teaching and learning can be interpreted as a learning

process in students that occurs either directly or indirectly when

interacting with the environment or other learning resources. In this case,

we can see the use of media that helps the learning process. As a teacher

who facilitates the availability of media.

Learning media should be able to provide benefits, namely

providing a conceptual framework for learning material to be learned by

students and contextual (according to the current situation), so as to be

able to help students to understand learning materials more easily.

Advances in developing technology also involve the role of language,

especially in the use of English so that there is no gap between science and

technology and the conditions that exist today.4

In addition to the use of teaching materials, the learning process

requires a learning model that can improve students' understanding and

skills. This shows that the teaching material prepared must be in


Setyati Puji Wulandari, Budiono, and Isnandar Slamet, The Development of Learning

Module with Discovery Learning Approch in Material of Limit Algebra Functions,”(ICMSE:

2016), 165.

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accordance with the learning model that can increase student activity in

doing the assignments in the teaching material, while also being able to

develop thinking abilities and writing skills so that students become more

independent. For this reason, it is very necessary to have attractive

teaching materials, both print and non-print.

Students may take different approaches to their learning in

different modules. The approach they take will be influenced by their

previous experience of education and how they perceive the demands of

each new module that they encounter. Thus a student's approach to

learning may vary from module to module and indeed, within a single


Modules are not developed in isolation, but within a course or

programmed structure, and the process is informed by the external national

qualifications framework and where relevant, professional body

requirements. Thus, internal and external factors must be taken into

account at the planning stage. In terms of designing modules, we would

argue that there is a need for a planned integrated approach to the process

with the focus on the learning of the student. We would suggest that

academic staff can begin the process not by focusing on the content of the

5Sylvia Huntley-Moore and John Panter, An Introduction to Module Design, (Saranne

Magennis:2015), 4.

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module and how they intend to teach it, rather by focusing on the quality

of learning that can be achieved by their students.6

Modules are one form of teaching material that is packaged in a

whole and systematic way, which includes a set of planned learning

experiences and is designed to help students master specific learning goals.

Modules contain a minimum of learning objectives, learning

material/substance, and evaluation.7

In the school environment, teachers who have the task and

authority in fostering the personality of their students to the Muslim

personality both outward behavior, soul activities, and life and beliefs

show dedication to Allah SWT. In this case, the teacher has a very

important role in fostering the personality of his students at school.8

The teacher must be responsible for all children's learning

outcomes through teaching and learning activities. the teacher is a factor

that influences the success or failure of the learning process. Teachers

must be able to create a situation of learning conditions that are as good as

possible.9 The task of the teacher as a profession includes educating,

teaching and training. Educating means continuing and developing life


Donnelly, R., Fitzmaurice, M.Designing Modules for Learning. In G. O'Neill, S. Moore

& B. McMullin(eds.)Emerging issues in the practice of University Learning and Teaching

(Dublin: All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE) : 2005) 234

7 Radiyanta Dwi, Materi Teknik Penyususnan Modul. (Faculty of Engineering

UNY:2015). 2-7 .

8Abudin Nata, Filsafat Pendidikan Islam (Jakarta: logos wacana ilmu, 1997), 62.

9Oemar Hamalik, Psikilogi belajarmengajar (Bandung: Sinar Baru Algensindo, 2010), 33.

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values. Teaching means continuing and developing science and

technology. While training means developing skills.10

Madrasah Diniyah as a non-formal educational institution based on

religious activities that are carried out in the evening after formal school

hours. Madrasah Diniyah simple curriculum and short period learning

activity are not being a barrier for producing educated and intellectual

students. Thus, the existence of Madrasah Diniyah can be developed into

one of the Moslem elite schools that can accommodate the education

needed of lower-middle-class people because the tuition fee is cheap.

Madrasah Diniyah was also able to compete with other Moslem elite

schools that have more expensive tuition fees. Therefore, now in the era of

modernization, the manager of Madrasah Diniyah should avoid the

temptation of material and secularism curriculum in the educational

activity. The purpose is to create the smart young Moslem generation in

knowledge and faith.11

Madrasah Diniyah is a non-formal educational institution teach

about Islamic values. Islamic values are contained in the fields of study

they teach such as the lessons of Fiqih, Tauhid, Akhlaq, Hadits, Tafsir and

other lessons not obtained by students while studying in formal schools

that are not madrasa. The madrasa study hours also begin in the afternoon

between 2.30 am and 5.00 am with different types of students.12


Moh. Uzer Usma, Menjadi Guru Profesional (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya 2011) 7


Zulfia Hanum Alfi Syahr, “Membentuk Madrasah Diniyah Sebagai Alternatif Lembaga

Pendidikan Elite Muslim Bagi Masyarakat” 22 (n.d.): 394.


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Since Indonesian’s independence in 1945, madrasa education

institutions have been regulated by the Ministry of Religion which has 2

(two) categories. First, madrassas with a 30% curriculum containing

religious lessons and 70% for lessons needed in daily life, which are

managed by the government and private sector. Second, madrasas whose

curriculum only contains lessons on Islam and are managed by the private

sector. This second category of madrasas is also referred to as the

Madrasah Diniyah which has 3 (three) levels, namely, diniyah awaliyah,

diniyah wustha, and diniyah ulya. The school was established specifically

to produce prospective scholars and provide Islamic learning services to

the community.13

Besides, the difference in Madrasah Diniyah is different from

formal Madrasah schools, namely Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Madrasah

Tsanawiyah, and Madrasah Aliyah. While the religious school in the

formal form of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Tsanawiyah and Aliyah has a broader

range of subjects because it does not only teach about studies Islam as in

Madrasah Diniyah but also provides general lessons as usual formal

schools, such as the science (Natural Sciences), Social Sciences (Social

Sciences) and language in the curriculum.

The existence of Madrasah Diniyah in the community is still quite

a lot found in the regions. Because Madrasah Diniyah has an important

role in educating the community of young people in terms of instilling


Alwasilah, A. Chaedar. The Madrasah and Chinese Education in Indonesia: A

Comparative Study. Paper on International Seminar on Islamic Culture and Education in China,

Hongkong 28 April – 2 May 2009, page. 3.

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moral and religious values early on. Especially during rapid information

flow and sophisticated technology. Where there is no bulkhead of space

and time to access any information because of the many uses of data

technology in the network (online) in everyday life. Therefore, to

anticipate the negative impact of the uncontrolled online utilization for the

community, especially the younger generation, it is very necessary to not

only optimize religious education and character building in schools but

also be supported by the role of Madrasah Diniyah.14

Madrasah Diniyah is a religious education institution that is

expected to be able to continuously provide religious education to young

children of national standard, in order to be able to produce smart and

professional students/students.15

In its implementation, TPQ AL-Amin

Mantren is included in TPQ who has not yet developed modules and

evaluation standards to assess the implementation of English language


Because the procurement of module development is considered

very important, the development of the English TPQ module must be

carried out. This is also to facilitate teachers in finding teaching materials

and use teaching methods that are fun and enjoyable so as to make

students always enthusiastic to go to the TPQ so that the existence of the

Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPQ) is more optimal and effective in the

delivery of Islamic religious learning materials and can make a positive



Unggul Priyadi, Syarif Nur Hidayat, and Aprillia Islamawati, “PENINGKATAN


KURIKULUM TPA” 2 (September 3, 2013): 204–11.


Preliminary observsi, January 28th, 2020, in Madiun.

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contribution especially in terms of planting faith and the development of

faith and piety also good character (akhlakul karimah).17

There are many problems faced by students when exploring their

learning English. In her research, based on observations and interviews

with Ms.Evi as an English teacher at TPQ Al-Amin Mantren Dolopo.

Students who learn English are accustomed to memorizing the vocabulary

given by the instructor rather than understanding it. As a result, students

will have difficulty communicating with others if they use new vocabulary

that has the same meaning and lack of confidence when asked to come

forward to writing their answers. Sifa, one of the students who are active

in learning English, finds it difficult if she doesn't see the picture in

module and looking vocabulary in the 5 billion dictionaries. This is felt to

be less effective because students will spend a lot of time guessing the

pictures mentioned by the teacher in the learning material.18

The module is owned only to the teacher, while students only

record what is explained without them being able to study independently

at home. The use of modules that is still minimal in the form of pictorial

material in a general dictionary of 5 billion. Where in the module there are

materials in the form of colors, numbers, an alphabet that they usually

learn in formal education, which are considered less effective for

independent learning. Because the module used is still simple, so it needs

17 Departemen Agama RI, Pedoman Penyelenggaraan dan Pembinaan Madrasah

Diniyah (Jakarta: Depag, 2000) ,7

18 Preliminary observsi, January 28th, 2020, in Madiun.

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to be developed so that it can be used in the learning process when guided

by the teacher or independent learning.

Therefore it is necessary to improve the instructions in the module

to be more specific for each unit. So each unit will be arranged with a

good choice of a context for language learning and module development is

expected to be easier for teachers or students in the learning process. With

modules that have aspects of content, context, language, and layout make

the module simple and lightweight to carry anywhere rather than using a

module in the form of a dictionary which is certainly heavy if carried by

students who on average are still in elementary school.

The success of learning English can be measured by the extent to

which the language can be used to communicate and interact with people

around. The development of the module is expected to function to increase

students' confidence in speaking English and guessing the names of

objects around them. As a result students not only learn formal material at

school but also can study independently at home. In the module material

that the researcher developed, not only presented pictorial material, but

also material in the form of games and questions that had been adapted to

the needs of TPQ Al-Amin Mantren students.19

This material is deliberately made simple so that students do not

get bored with heavy material that is usually asked to answer questions

from an object that is still ambiguous. with the material modified by the

19 Preliminary observsi, January 29th, 2020, in Madiun.

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game, aiming that students do not become overwhelmed with the material

in the module and certainly easy to understand.

B. Limitation of the Study

Based on the identification of the problem above, the researcher


the problem is as follows:

This research focus on knowing whether the development of

English language modules can improve students' proficiency mastery of

English and increase student activity.

This research be conducted at TPQ Al-Amin Mantren Madiun,

with 20 students in the 2020/2021 academic year. Therefore the researcher

tries to perfect the existing module by paying attention to several aspects

consisting of content, context, language, presentation, and layout so that it

is easily understood by the teacher and students.

C. Statement of the Problem

Based on the background above, the research problem is

formulated as follows: "How is the process of developing an English

learning module at TPQ Al-Amin?

D. Objective of the Study

The objective of the study in this research is related to statement of

the problem. These are the objectives of the study as follows: “To describe

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Development of a Communicative Basic English Module for English

Learning at TPQ AL-Amin”.

E. Significance of the Study

The results of the research are expected to be useful for:

1. Theoretical Significances

a. The result of this study will be used as a contribution scientifically

in the field of education.

b. This study can be used as the information and reference for the other

researchers who want to conduct with the similar research topic.

2. Practical Significance

a. Teacher

The research is expected to help teachers improve students' ability

to use modules that have been developed according to the need to

teach English at TPQ Al-Amin.

b. Student

This research is expected to help students at Al-Amin's TPQ in

improving their learning abilities with modules that are suited to

their needs in the learning process with teachers and independent


F. Organization of the Thesis

The researcher organizes the process of this research report

systematically. This thesis covers five chapters in which the organization

of the thesis. They are:

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The first chapter is the introduction. It involves the background of

the study, limitation of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of

the study, significance of the study and organization of the thesis. In the

background of the study, the researcher explains the important education

module development. In the limits of this study, researchers limit the

difference in the use of the development of learning modules as a medium

that can improve student understanding in teaching and learning. The

statement of the problem only consists of one problem statement. Because

of the statement of the problem is only one, so the objective of the study is

to know whether module development is effective in teaching at TPQ Al-

Amin. The significance of the study will give a contribution to the

students, teachers, and readers.

The second chapter consists of previous research findings,

theoretical background, theoretical framework, and hypothesis. In this

chapter, the researcher gives about the definition of the module, the

formulation of the module, the definition of English Teaching,

characteristics of the module, the advantages, and disadvantages.

The third chapter is the research methodology. This chapter

involves research design, population and sample, data collection

instrument, the technique of data collection, and technique of data


The fourth chapter is product development. This chapter consists of

step in product development, tryout process and expert validation.

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The last chapter involves the conclusion and suggestion. This

chapter, the researcher will conclude and give the suggestion based on her


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As the foundation of the research, this part of the thesis presents a

review of related literature that is considered necessary to gain knowledge

of related theories from many sources. This chapter discusses several

theories and findings related to them. These previous research findings

pertaining to the Module Development, and teaching English.

The first study that the author investigated was a thesis entitled

“Development of POP-UP Book Media Learning for Deaf and Middle

School-LB Students on Motion Materials and Styles”. The author Giyanti

Lampung in The Academic Year of 2018. In his thesis, the researcher This

study aims to develop pop-up book learning media, to analyze the

feasibility of the developed pop-up book learning media, and to determine

the responses of students and educators towards the pop-up learning media

book developed. The type of research used is R&D with procedural

research and development from Borg and Gall which has been modified by

Sugiyono with the development step. Assessment of the feasibility of

using the media Likert scale and assessment of student responses using the

Guttman scale. Based on the analysis of media expert judgment data by

83% in the "Very Good" category; material expert assessment of 90% is

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categorized as "Very Good"; 89% of linguist ratings are categorized as

"Very Good"; assessment of students' responses in Lampung Province

PKK SLB by 100% categorized as "Very Good" and in SLB Dharma

Bhakti Dharma Pertiwi Bandar Lampung by 96% categorized as "Very

Good"; and 91% of teachers' responses in both schools were categorized as

"Very Good". So the pop-up book of motion material and style meets the

criteria for use as a learning medium.1

The second piece of research investigated was Rahajeng Sita

Nariswari "Development of POP-UP Book Media for Learning Skills

Speaking Language French Class X Students of SMA Negeri 3 Klaten"

This research aims to develop the educational media in the form of a Pop-

up book for learning the speaking skills of learners of the Xth class of

SMA 3 Klaten whose theme is the locations of interesting places at school

and know the level of feasibility of Popu's media. It is R&D research using

6 stages: a) analysis of potentials and problems, b) data collection, c)

drawing of the educational media, d) judging the educational media, e)

reviewing the media, f) reviewing the educational media. This media uses

surveys to judge the quality of material, media and learners' responses.

The pedagogical media judgment judged by the material and media expert

who are two teachers from the French Department at UNY, and the

pedagogical media test took place at SMA 3 Klaten, in class Xème IPA

VII including 28 learners participate. The Pop-up media is the result of


Giyanti. Development of POP-UP Media Learning Book for Deaf and Middle School-LB

Students on Motion Materials and Styles. (Thesis UIN Raden Intan Lampung: 2018)

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research, the theme of which is the locations of interesting places

developed for the learning of speaking skills of learners in the 10th class.

This media shows that: 1) the judgment of the aspect of the feasibility of

material is categorized as “excellent” with a score of 80. 2) the judgment

of the aspect of the feasibility of the media obtained a score of 65 which

makes part in the “excellent” category. 3) the learners' responses obtained

a score of 61.02 which is part of the “Excellent” category. Based on these

research results, it can be concluded that the Pop-up book can be applied

for the learning of oral expression of learners of the Xth class of SMA 3


The third piece of research was Yuliana Habu "Learning Activities

in Communicative Language Teaching in LPIA (American Indonesian

Educational Institution) Ternate". This thesis is an attempt to identify and

analyze the activities used in communicative language teaching especially

in LPIA Ternate. The concept of Moss (2005) on CLT activities is used to

identify the learning activities used in LPIA. These activities are

conversation grids, questionnaires, games, information gaps, problem-

solving activities, discussions, and role-play. The data from this research

were taken by interviewing the teachers in LPIA and by observing five

classes with 25 students' in each class, about one hour. The data show that

the activities of communicative language teaching that were used in LPIA

Ternate, are games, pair work or group work and discussion. There are two

2Rahajeng Sita Nariswari, Development of POP-UP Media Book for Learning Skills

Speaking Language French Class X Students of SMA Negeri 3 Klaten, (Thesis Universitas Negeri


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other additional activities used in class. They are debate class and e-trip.

The results of this research show that the learning activities are used in

LPIA Ternate support Moss' concept. These CLT activities are games, pair

work or group work and discussion. Additionally, there are two other CLT

activities that were found or used in LPIA. They are debate class and e-


The fourth study is a thesis by Muhammad Muzakki Aufa, entitled

“English Language Teaching and Learning for Young Learners at SD IT

Cahaya Bangsa Mijen Semarang (A Study at the Fifth Grade of SD IT

Cahaya Bangsa Mijen Semarang in the academic year of 2017/2018)” The

purpose of this study is to explain the English language teaching and

learning for young learners in the fifth grade of SD IT Cahaya Bangsa

Mijen Semarang in terms of English teaching materials, teaching methods,

and learning assessment. This study used a qualitative approach because

the data were analyzed using sentences. The data were collected through

three techniques: observation, interview, and documentation. Descriptive

qualitative analysis was used to present the result of a study in the form of

a descriptive explanation. These descriptions were analyzed based on the

principles of English teaching and learning process in young learners’

education. The result of this study showed that there was a certain lesson

plan arranged by the teacher. Language materials were covered in the

textbook which was provided by Yudhistira Publisher. The textbook was

3Yuliana Habu, Learning Activities in Communicative Language Teaching in LPIA

(American Indonesian Educational Institution) Ternate, (Jurnal Thesis UNIVERSITAS SAM


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designed specifically for young learners. Several teaching and learning

methods were cooperative learning, problem-solving, audio-lingual

method, grammar-translation method, total physical response, and direct

method. The English learning assessments were test and non-test.

Questions were true false questions, matching questions, and multiple-

choice questions. Non-questions were checklist and rating scale. One of

the young learners' characteristics is play loving so that they need more

attention from the teacher to organize them in the class. The teacher must

give more attention to the students, who do not focus on the learning

activity. Hence, the teaching and learning process can be done clearly and

the learning purpose can be achieved.4

The advantage of this research is that it develops learning media in

the form of modules for English subjects. Equations of researchers and

previous researchers, together develop products in the form of books as a

learning medium. The value of the advantages of learning media modules

carried out by researchers compared with previous researchers is that this

media was developed for students in Al-Qur’an Education Park (TPQ) and

applies activities and daily life. Then the researcher intends to develop

learning module media for TPQ Al-Amin students on English material.

With the hope of helping students in learning activities.


4 Muhammad Muzakki Aufa, English Language Teaching and Learning for Young

Learners at SD IT Cahaya Bangsa Mijen Semarang (A Study at the Fifth Grade of SD IT Cahaya

Bangsa Mijen Semarang in the academic year of 2017/2018), (UIN WALOSONGO

SEMARANG: 2018). 54.

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1. Module

a. Definition of Module

The module is a set of teaching materials that are presented

systematically so that users can learn with or without a facilitator.5

The module is designed learning materials systematically based on

specific curriculum and packed in the smallest learning unit and

allow studied independently in units of time.6 The module has the

characteristics of an independent user, unity of content, stand-

alone, adaptive, and friends.7

Modules are not developed in isolation, but within a course

or programmed structure, and the process is informed by the

external national qualifications framework and where relevant,

professional body requirements. Thus, internal and external factors

must be taken into account at the planning stage. In terms of

designing modules, we would argue that there is a need for a

planned integrated approach to the process with the focus on the

learning of the student. We would suggest that academic staff can

begin the process not by focusing on the content of the module and

5Depdiknas, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Pusat Bahasa, (Gramedia Pustaka Utama,

Jakarta, 2008). 87.

6Purwanto, Pengembangan Modul (Pusat Teknologi Departemen Pendidikan Nasional,

Jakarta, 2007). 47

7Daryanto, Menyusun Modul Bahan Ajar Untuk Persiapan Guru Dalam Mengajar, (Gava

Media, Yogyakarta, 2013). 84

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how they intend to teach it, rather by focusing on the quality of

learning that can be achieved by their students.8

Modules are one form of teaching material that is packaged

in a whole and systematic way, which includes a set of planned

learning experiences and is designed to help students master

specific learning goals. Modules contain a minimum of learning

objectives, learning material / substance, and evaluation.

The module writing aims:

1) Clarify and facilitate the presentation of messages so they are

not too verbal.

2) Overcoming the limitations of time, space, and senses, both

students or training participants as well as teachers /


3) Can be used precisely and varied, such as:

4) Increase motivation and passion for learning for students or

training participants;

5) Develop the ability of students to interact directly with the

environment and other learning resources,

6) Enable students or participants of independent education and

training according to their abilities and interests.

7) Allows students or training participants to be able to measure

or evaluate their own learning outcomes.

8Donnelly, R., Fitzmaurice, M.Designing Modules for Learning. In G. O'Neill, S. Moore

& B. McMullin(eds.)Emerging issues in the practice of University Learning and Teaching

(Dublin: All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE): 2005), 3.

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b. Characteristics of Module

To produce modules that are able to increase learning

motivation, module development must pay attention to the

characteristics required as modules, namely:

1. Self Instruction

An important characteristic in the module, with these

characters allows someone to learn independently and not

depend on other parties. To fulfill the character of self

instruction, the module must:

a) Contains clear learning objectives, and can describe the

achievement of Competency Standards and Basic


b) Contains learning material that is packaged in small /

specific activity units, making it easier to study thoroughly;

c) Available examples and illustrations that support the clarity

of exposure to learning material;

d) There are practice questions, assignments and the like that

make it possible to measure students' mastery;

e) Contextual, i.e. the material presented is related to the

atmosphere, tasks or context of the students' activities and


f) Use simple and communicative language,

g) There is a summary of learning material;

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h) There are assessment instruments, which enable students to

carry out self-assessments;

i) There is feedback on the assessment of students, so students

know the level of mastery of the material;

j) There is information about the references / enrichments /

references that support the intended learning material.

2. Self Contained

Modules are said to be self contained if all required

learning material is contained in the module. The purpose of

this concept is to provide the opportunity for students to learn

the learning material completely, because the learning material

is packaged into a whole unit. If there must be a distribution or

separation of material from one basic competency / basic

competency, it must be done carefully and pay attention to the

breadth of basic competency / basic competency that must be

mastered by students.

3. Stand Alone

Stand alone or stand alone is a module characteristic that

does not depend on teaching materials / other media, or does

not have to be used together with teaching materials / other

media. By using modules, students do not need other teaching

materials to learn and or do assignments on the module. If

students still use and depend on other teaching materials

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besides the modules used, the teaching materials are not

categorized as stand-alone modules.

4. Adaptive

Modules should have a high adaptability to the

development of science and technology. It is said to be

adaptive if the module can adjust the development of science

and technology, and flexible / flexible to be used in various

hardware (hardware).

5. Friendly / Familiar (User Friendly)

Modules should also meet the rules of user friendly or

friendly / familiar with the wearer. Each instruction and

information display that appears to be helpful and friendly with

the wearer, including the user's ease in responding and access

as you wish. The use of language that is simple, easy to

understand, and uses terms that are commonly used, is one

form of user friendly.9

c. Kind of Module

According to Amri and Ahmadi. In addition, the module is also

useful for teachers and students, the benefits are as follows:

1. Kind for Teachers

a) Obtained modules that match the demands of the curriculum

and according to the learning needs of students

9 Radiyanta Dwi, “Materi Teknik Penyususnan Modul”. Faculty of Engineering: UNY. 2-


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b) No longer depends on textbooks that are sometimes difficult

to obtain.

c) Enriching because it was developed by using it as a


d) Add the teacher's knowledge and experience in writing


e) Building effective learning communication between teachers

and students because students will feel more trust in their


f) Add credit numbers if collected into books and published.

2. kind for students:

a) Learning activities become more interesting.

b) Opportunities to learn independently and reduce dependence

on teacher attendance.

c) Getting ease in learning each competency that must be


2. English Language Teaching and Learning

a) Teaching for Learning

In this section, we are going to explore a range of teaching

methods and will focus on the methods and combinations of

methods that can best realize the sort of constructive engagement

with learning activities that leads to understanding. Even the best


Ibid, 10

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designed modules, with very worthwhile defined learning

outcomes, can fail if the teaching strategies employed are

inappropriate to encourage and support the learners towards

meeting the desired learning outcomes.

Toohey offers the following definition:

“A teaching strategy is … a plan for someone else’s

learning,andit encompasses the presentations which the teacher

might make, the exercisesand activities designed for students,

materials which will be supplie dorsuggested for students to work

with, and ways in which evidence of their growing understanding

and capability will be collected.”

This definition is very helpful as it emphasizes that a

teaching strategy is fundamentally about supporting your student’s

learning. In giving consideration to how, as academics, we can

teach in order to ensure that our students are engaging with the

learning process, it is necessary to focus on the type of teaching

strategies we can employ to achieve this end.

The following approach will help you to think through and

decide on appropriate teaching strategies for your module. First,

take time to read over your module aims, learning outcomes and

content material. Then, focus on how best you can involve students

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in making sense of the material through active engagement and


Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategy Learning Activity



Transmit/ Inform Lecture




Reproduce learning

Linking to theory

Clarify and expand

Self-directed learning

Engage Discussion

Question and Answer



Web-based Teaching

Interpreting knowledge

Clarify knowledge

Providing multiple

perspectives; self-insight

Exploring learning;

Providing multiple


Practice Seminar Class


Field Trip

Clarify knowledge

Presentation skills


Application Laboratory



Problem solving

Case Study

Group work

Apply theory to practice

Deepen understanding

Exploring learning

Transform knowledge

Appraising; synthesing

Transform knowledge

Figure 2.1 Teaching for Learning Application

The table above is not a comprehensive summary of all

possible teaching strategies and more detail can be found in the

chapter in Part 2 by Higgs and McCarthy. The reality is that there


Roisin Donnelly and Marian Fitzmaurice, “Designing Modules for Learning,” 2015, 13.

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is no shortage of teaching strategies. However, the key issue for

module designers is selecting the strategies that are most likely to

support the achievement of learning outcomes and are suitable for

use in your teaching context taking into account the resources

available to you.12

a) Teaching Materials

1. Definition Teaching Materials

Teaching Materials are all materials (both information,

tools, and texts) that are arranged systematically, which presents a

complete figure of the competencies that will be mastered by

students and used in the learning process with the aim of planning

and studying learning implementation. For example textbooks,

modules, handouts, worksheets, models or models, audio teaching

materials, interactive teaching materials, and so on.13

Textbooks are like vessels which can be filled and poured

into "bowls" of thirsty learners, whether they will be filled with

delicious food or will be filled with painful bitter drinks, while the

teacher is a media or intermediary whose function is to pour the

contents of the vessel to the learner.14


Donnelly, R., Fitzmaurice, M. Designing Modules for Learning. In G. O'Neill, S.

Moore & B.

McMullin(eds.)Emerging issues in the practice of University Learning and Teaching, Dublin, All


Society for Higher Education (AISHE: 2005), 14. 13

Andi Prastowo, Panduan Kreatif Membuat Bahan Ajar Inovatif, (Jogjakarta: DIVA

Press, 2015) , 17 14

Abdullah Al-Ghali & Abdulah Hamid Abdullah, Menyusun Buku Ajar Bahasa Arab,

(Padang: Akademia Permata, 2012) , 15

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Teaching material is material or subject matter arranged

systematically both written and unwritten that is used by teachers

in classroom learning to create an atmosphere/learning

environment that allows students to be interested in learning to

reach the specified competency standards.

Based on some of the definitions of teaching materials

above, it can be concluded that teaching materials are all forms of

materials or materials compiled systematically used by teachers to

be mastered by students according to their needs, and help create

an atmosphere or environment for the implementation of teaching

and learning activities more possible, thus teaching materials are

aids in the learning process for students to better understand a

concept in the material.15

2. Purpose of Teaching Materials

The aim of teaching materials there are at least four main

things surrounding them, namely:

1) Helping students learn something.

2) Provide various types of teaching material choices, so as to

prevent the emergence of boredom in students.

3) Make it easy for students to carry out learning.


Ibid., 17

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4) So that learning activities become more interesting.16

3. Types of Teaching Materials

According to Andi Prastowo based on the form of teaching

materials can be divided into four tigers, namely:

a) Printed teaching materials (printed) are several materials

prepared in the paper, which can function for learning or

delivering information. For example handouts, books,

modules, student worksheets, brochures, leaflets, wall charts,

photos/drawings, models/models.

b) Learning materials (audio) or audio programs are all systems

that use radio signals directly that can be played or heard by

someone or a group of people. For example cassettes, radios,

vinyl records, and audio compact disks.

c) Hearing material (audiovisual) is anything that allows audio

signals to be combined with sequentially moving images. For

example compact disk video and film.

d) Interactive teaching materials (interactive teaching materials)

are a combination of two or more media (audio, text, graphics,

images, animation, and video) that users are manipulated or

treated to control order and/or the natural behavior of a

presentation. For example interactive compact disk.

4. Compilation of Printed Teaching Materials


Andi Prastowo, Panduan Kreatif Membuat Bahan Ajar Inovatif, (Jogjakarta: DIVA

Press, 2013), 26

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In teaching materials that need to be considered is the title

or material presented must be core BC or the main material that

must be achieved by students. According to Steffen-Peter

Ballstaedt in Amri and Ahmadi, the preparation of printed

teaching materials must pay attention to the following:

a) The composition of the display, involves an easy sequence, a

short title, summary and reader tasks.

b) Easy language, concerning the flow of vocabulary, the clarity

of the sentence, the clear relationship of the sentence, and the

sentence that is not too long.

c) Test understanding involves assessing through people and

check the list for understanding.

d) Stimulant, pleasant or not seen, writing encourages readers to

think, and test stimulants.

e) Ease of reading, concerning hospitality to the eye (the letters

used are not too small and easy to read), structured text

sequences, and easy to read.

f) Non-instructional material, which involves the selection of

texts, study materials, and worksheets.

5. Teaching Method

The definition of teaching method is the way of teaching.

Teaching methods means the ways that usually used to do

something, related to the content, is the way to transfer

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knowledge or to teach. Edward Anthony said that there are three

hierarchical elements namely approach, method, and technique.

An approach is a set of assumptions dealing with the nature of

language, learning and teaching. Method is an overall plan for

systematic presentation of language based upon a selected

approach. Technique is the specific activities manifested in the

classroom that were consistent with a method and therefore is in

harmony with an approach as well.17

Harmer has defined method as the practical realization of

an approach. The methods arrived at decisions about types of

activities, roles of teachers and learners, the kinds of material

which will be helpful, and some model of syllabus organization.

According to Brown, the teaching method definitions as


“Methods are a generalized set of classroom specification for

accomplishing linguistic objective. Methods tend to be concerned

primarily with teacher and students roles and behaviors and

secondarily with such features as linguistic and subject matter

objectives, sequencing, and material. They are almost always

thought of as being broadly applicable to a variety of audiences

in a variety of contexts. There is relationship among teaching

method, approach, and technique. Method is the practical

17 Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy, (San Fransisco State University: Longman, 2001), p., 14.


Ibid. p.88.

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realization of an approach, and includes various procedures and


In every school, teacher should have certain method in

teaching materials by looking at students characteristics. Teaching

children for young learners has different method with teaching

adult learners. In International Community Village have two

different learners, young and adult. So, the teacher should have

certain method in teaching learning. Actually, not all of the

methods are suitable for them.19

6. Teaching Learning Assessment

Assessment is described as an attempt to analyze the

learning process, measure student’s achievement over a period of

time as a result of teaching learning.20

There are some purposes of assessment. First, assessment is

to increase in continuous learning process (formative), second is

to give feedback for students on their progress or achievement

(summative), and inform it to teacher and parents (informative).

Third is to identify students’ need to be supported (diagnostic),

and forth, it is also to check the effectiveness of teaching method

19 Muhammad Muzakki Aufa, English Language Teaching and Learning for Young

Learners at SD IT Cahaya Bangsa Mijen Semarang (A Study at the Fifth Grade of SD IT Cahaya

Bangsa Mijen Semarang in the academic year of 2017/2018), (UIN WALOSONGO

SEMARANG: 2018), P. 24.


Reid Wilson, A Summary of Stephen Krashens principles and Practice in Second

Language Acquisition (San Francisco: Longman, 1997), p., 7

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and learning material (evaluate). According to Brown, there are

two kinds of assessment, formal and informal assessment.21

Criteria for measuring a test, type of test, and a synthesis of

issues in testing will be centered on formal. The meaning of

formal is measurements of language those designated moments

during which the administrator prepared instrument to students

for the purpose of measuring their competence.22


assessment is involved in all incidental, unplanned, evaluative

coaching and feedback on task designed to elicit performance but

not for the purpose of recording results and making fixed

judgments about a students’ competence. Informal assessment

includes formative and process, and formal assessment include

summative and product. Teacher should consider that assessment

must practically (it is within the means of financial limitations,

time constrains, ease administration, scoring and interpretation),

reliability (consistent and dependable), and validity.23

7. English Learning

Language is a tool used by every human being in

communicate among themselves. Language is also used to convey

information, ideas, concepts or feelings, with words as a tool to

21 Muhammad Muzakki Aufa, English Language Teaching and Learning for Young

Learners at SD IT Cahaya Bangsa Mijen Semarang (A Study at the Fifth Grade of SD IT Cahaya

Bangsa Mijen Semarang in the academic year of 2017/2018), (UIN WALOSONGO

SEMARANG: 2018), 29.


Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy, (San Fransisco State University: Longman, 2001), p. 384.


Ibid, p. 388.

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convey something. Language is not only about expressing ideas

but also about the meaning of words. Language not only explains

something but also as a tool to express identity and social


In this global era, the ability to speak English is very

important to interact with each other, especially in places where

people speak in English almost every day. Many people use

English as a medium of communication and make it easier for

people who come from various countries to interact and

communicate. As an international language, English is also taught

in Indonesia in both formal and non-formal institutions.24

In the "what should be taught" aspect, the communicative

approach emphasizes the importance of language functions rather

than only focusing on grammar and vocabulary, the principle of

which is to train students to be able to use good language in

various contexts and for various purposes such as communication.

As for the "How to teach" aspect, the communicative approach is

closely related to the idea that language learning can help oneself

to better understand the language being studied as well as many

language exposures used in various opportunities to develop

students' abilities and skills. Making communicative competence

the goal of language teaching and by acknowledging the

24 H. Douglas Brown, Principle of Language Teaching and Learning (San Fransisco State

University: Longman ,2000), 89.

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independents of language and communication.25

A range of

approaches to teaching and learning may be covered in the test

material. Materials are carefully selected so that they are fair to

candidates from all backgrounds and teaching contexts.

Knowledge of communicative and other approaches to teaching is

expected, as is familiarity with the common terminology of

English language teaching .26

So based on Larsen's opinion, it

can be concluded that the purpose of communicative language

teaching is to give freedom to language users or students to use

language in communication.

In this study researchers used the Moss theory include:

a) Questionnaires (Question List)

Questionnaires aim to enable teachers to find out to what

extent the ability of students to understand the questions given

and be able to see the ability of students to express their

opinions when they answer all questionnaires.

b) Games

Games are important activities to help students in the teaching

and learning process, not all games are applied in the teaching

and learning process only games that are educational and can

be improve language skills used in the process learn how to

25Freeman, Diane Larsen, “Technique and Principles in Language Teaching.(Oxford:

Second Edition.University Press 2000), 56.


“TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) Handbook for Teachers” (Cambridge English

Language Assessment, n.d.), 8.

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teach. This activity aims to make students not feel bored in the


c) Information gap activities

This activity can train students to be able to communicate and

be able solve problems. In this activity not all students obtain

complete information so they must communicate with each

other so that they can complete the information so that they

can complete the assignment given by the teacher.

d) Problem-solving activities

In this activity, students are given a problem and formed a

group so that they can solve the problem together. The purpose

of this activity is for students to improve their speaking ability.

e) Discussion

Discussion is an activity that contains two or more people /

groups that are usually formed to communicate in order to

solve problems and find answers to those problems.

f) Role-plays

In this activity, students are required to act as figures who have

been chosen. The role element in this activity is always

associated with the purpose of using language.27

8. Young and Adult as Learner in English Language

27 H. Douglas Brown, Principle of Language Teaching and Learning (San Fransisco State

University: Longman ,2000), 19

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There are two kinds of language learners, they are as


a) Young learners

The definition of young learners is the students for

elementary school which attain the age about 6 to 12. They

were divided into two groups, younger group (6-8 year old) and

older group (9-12 year old). According to the class, they called

as lower classes, first, second, and third, and upper class,

fourth, fifth, sixth class. Meanwhile, Scott divides them into

level one or first step (5-7 year old) and levels two (8-10 year

old). Level two groups, usually called a beginner when they

start to study English at those levels.28

Sarah Phillips, on her book, stated that “young learners,

means children from the first year of formal schooling (five or

six year old) to eleven or twelve year of age”.29

Young learners are primary students. In term of age, young

learners are between the age of approximately five and


19 In the education systems, young learners are

children who are in primary or elementary school. According to

Daniel Muijs and David Reynolds based on their book, young

learners have the characteristics, which are: (a) they can

differentiate objects based on their characteristics, (b) they can

28 Kasihani K. E. Suyanto, English for Young learners, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2007), 15.


Sarah Phillips, Young Learners, (UK: Oxford University Press, 2001), 3.


Elli G, 2014, “Young Learners” : Clarifying Our Terms, ELT Journal 68/1 : 75-8

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arrange logical combination where A is fewer than an B is

fewer than C, etc (c) they can develop the way to think which is

reasonable and systematic, but they still think based on the


Young language learners are learners who are learning a

foreign and second language and who are doing during the first

six and seven years at formal schooling.32

Young language

learners are able to make some decisions about their own

learning and they have defined views about what they like and

do not like doing. That is why they are innately independent

learners who can easily be assisted to take responsibility for

their own progress. There is a realistic basis for raising self-

awareness, helping them learn how to set objectives,

identifying needs and taking control over their own

development. All this implies facilitating their growth into

autonomous and life-long learners.33

The age of our students is a major factor in our decision

about how and what to teach. People of different ages have

different needs, competences, and cognitive skills, we might

expect children of primary age to acquire much of a foreign

31 Daniel Muijs and David Reynolds, Effective Teaching: Teori dan Aplikasi,

(Yogyakarta: Penerbit Pustaka Belajar, 2008), 24-25.


Penny McKay, Assessing Young Language Learners, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2008), p.1.


Mario Camilleri, etc, Information and Communication Technologies and Young

Language Learners, (Kapfenberg: Council of Europe, 2003), 9.

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language through play, whereas for adults we can reasonably

expect a greater use of abstract thought.34

Some people say that young learners learn languages faster

than adults do. They talk of young learners who appear to pick

up new language effortlessly. By being aware of what young

learners can and cannot do developmentally, teachers are better

able to provide appropriate learning experiences for their young


Actually we have to know if young learners learn

differently from adolescents and adults in the following ways.

There are some points of them, they are:36

1. They respond to meaning even if they do not understand

individual words.

2. They often learn indirectly rather than directly. That is they

take information from all sides, learning from everything

around them rather than only focusing on the precise topic

they are being taught.

3. Their understanding comes not just from explanation, but

also from what they see and hear and, crucially, have a

chance to touch and interact with.

34 Muhammad Muzakki Aufa, English Language Teaching and Learning for Young

Learners at SD IT Cahaya Bangsa Mijen Semarang (A Study at the Fifth Grade of SD IT Cahaya

Bangsa Mijen Semarang in the academic year of 2017/2018), (UIN WALOSONGO

SEMARANG: 2018), P. 21.


Ibid., 21.


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (United Kingdom:

Pearson Longman, 2007), 3rd Ed, p.38

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4. They have need for individual attention and approval from

the teachers. They are keen to talk about themselves, and

respond well to learn that uses themselves and their own

lives as main topics in the classroom.

5. They have a limited attention span, unless activities as

extremely engaging

they can easily get bored, losing interest after ten minutes or


Young learners can be exposed to co-operative modes of

discovery learning as they are interested in explosion. They

have a rather inquisitive nature and they are able to work with

others. Young learners prefer learning by doing, thus

experiencing reality. Learning about or through abstract

concepts is not a style of young learners to learn. Young

learners are natural learners, provided they are offered an

informal context to promote their active involvement in

making sense of things. They are able to seek information from

others when it is needed and can use what has already been

known sociality and psychologically alike. While learning,

they discover the nature of their own learning.37

37 Muhammad Muzakki Aufa, English Language Teaching and Learning for Young

Learners at SD IT Cahaya Bangsa Mijen Semarang (A Study at the Fifth Grade of SD IT Cahaya

Bangsa Mijen Semarang in the academic year of 2017/2018), (UIN WALOSONGO

SEMARANG: 2018)., 23.

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Young learners have unique characteristics which have to

get attention by the teachers. When the teachers can understand

about young learner it makes the way to teach easier and the

teachers can teach well.

b) Adult learners

Younger children tend to be influenced by their feelings for

their teacher. The main differences between the older and

younger are that the older people can consider the importance

of studying English, but often become less interested,

embarrassed by having to learn a language or even hostile

because they do not want to seem foolish in front of their

friends. Different with children, the seven to eight year people

may be too young to feel any need for English; their attitude is

mainly affected by whether they like the friends feel about

English. Children tend to be more enthusiastic then older.

Social environment also influences the children’s interest in

learning English.38

The other characteristics between children and adult as

language learners are; first, children have shorter attention than


It means children can’t keep concentration and interest

in learning material and activity for a long time. They will be

bored with monotonous learning. But, adults are more able to

38Ibid., 24.


Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy, (San Fransisco State University: Longman, 2001)., 88.

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keep concentration and interested in learning material and

activity. Second, learning for children should be fun and


By this, they will be fun and will not be afraid to

study. It is easier for children to understand the lesson through

non-formal teaching, playing and singing. But for adult can be

easy to understand the lesson through formal teaching. They

can analyze their new knowledge by their old knowledge. Thus

they acquire English language consciously.

Third, the children acquire grammatical rule inductively

and the adult acquire grammatical rule deductively. When

learning grammatical rule, the children can understand it

through example. If they are given the patterns of grammatical

rule first they will be difficult to understand. Different from

children, the adult can understand the pattern of grammatical

rule before seeing some example. They can develop their

abstract thinking ability.41

3. Material Development

Borg and Gall states that material development has its root in the

strategy for developing educational product of proven effectiveness

which is called educational research and development or sometimes it

40 Ag. Bambang Setyadi, Teaching English as a Foreign Language.(Jogjakarta: Graha

Ilmu, 2006), p., 179.


Muhammad Muzakki Aufa, English Language Teaching and Learning for Young

Learners at SD IT Cahaya Bangsa Mijen Semarang (A Study at the Fifth Grade of SD IT Cahaya

Bangsa Mijen Semarang in the academic year of 2017/2018), (UIN WALOSONGO

SEMARANG: 2018), P. 25.

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is contracted into R&D.42

He further states that R&D is a process used

to develop and validate educational products. In relation to developing

the materials, the process consist of some stages to be followed. The

stages are need assessment, reference study, material development,

validation and try out.43

In relation to the development of reading materials, it should

consider the students’ need and background knowledge. Moreover,

the reading materials also should suit the level of the students and

offer a variety of exercises.44

In addition, Brian Tomlinson and

Hitomi Masuhara state that materials should be developed in ways

which provide flexibility of use as well as coherence of connection.45

Furthermore, David Nunan states that the reading materials should be

graded from easy to more difficult materials.46

4. Models of Materials Development

Some models of developing instructional materials are proposed

by experts of instructional design, namely Brian Tomlinson, Jack C

Richards, Dick and Carey, Finney, and Ken Hyland.47


Borg, W. and Gall, M. D..Educational Research: An Introduction. (New York: Longman, Inc). 1983,

43 Tom Hutchinson and Alan Waters. English for Specific Purposes: A Learning-Centered

Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1991 44

Ellington, H. Producing Teaching Materials: A Handbook for Teachers And Trainers. London: Kogan Page Ltd.1985.

45Brian Tomlinson and Hitomi Masuhara Developing Course Material: RELC Portfolio

Series 11. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Center. 2004 46

David Nunan. Principle for Designing Language Teaching Materials: Guidelines Periodical for Classroom Language Teachers Vol. 10 No. 2. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Center. 1988


(2019): 153.

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According to Brian Tomlinson, there are seven steps in the

process of materials writing. The steps are identification of need for

materials, exploration of need, contextual realization of materials,

pedagogical realization of materials, production of materials, student

use of materials, evaluation of materials against agreed objectives.48

In addition, Jack C Richards points out that curriculum

development process in language teaching comprise needs analysis,

goal setting, syllabus design, methodology, testing and evaluation.49

Dick and Carey propose a model of instructional design which is

called a systematic instructional design. They offer ten steps

identifying instructional goals, conducting instructional analysis

identifying characteristics of the students, writing performance

objectives, developing test-items, developing instructional strategies,

developing instructional materials, conducting formative evaluation,

revising instructional materials and conducting summative


Similary, Finney describes a framework of instructional

materials development consisting of four stages of decision making.

The stages are curriculum planning ends/means specification,

program implementation, and implementation in the classroom. She,


Brian Tomlinson. Materials Development in Language Teaching. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Pres. 1998), 46

49 Jack C Richards. The Language Teaching Matrix. (New York: Cambridge University

Press, 1999), 63 50

Dick, W & Carey, L. The Systematic Design of Instruction. (London: Scott, Foresman and Company, 2001). 32

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however, believes that evaluation is not a stage in itself, but as

necessary and integral part of each and all of the stages already


Ken Hyland suggests nine steps of materials development

related to course materials namely consideration of the students

(personal goals, proficiency levels, interest, etc), consideration of

learning context (duration, resources, relationship to other subject),

consideration of the target context (future roles of learners and the

text and the tasks they need), establishment of course goals and

objectives, planning the syllabus, devising units of work and lessons,

creation or evaluation and selection of materials, teaching the course,

evaluation of learners.52

All models might be applicable and well employed in

developing language instructional materials. However, it is possible to

make some modifications in the model of syllabus/materials

development to suit particular instructional needs, purposes, and

available resources.53

5. Principles for Module Development

In developing modules, several principles need attention.

Modules must be developed based on the results of the needs and


Finney, D. The ELT Curriculum: A Flexible Model for a Changing World. In Richards & Renandya (Eds.), Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 74-76

52 Ken Hyland. Second Language Writing. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

2003), 89 53


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conditions analysis. It is important to know exactly what learning

material needs to be arranged into a module, how many modules are

needed, who will use it, what resources are needed and available to

support the use of modules, and other things that are considered

necessary. Subsequently, a module design was deemed most suitable

to be developed various objective data and information obtained from

the analysis of needs and conditions. The form, structure, and

component of the module can fulfill various needs and conditions.54

Based on the designs that have been developed, modules are

arranged according to the modules needed. The module preparation

process consists of three main stages.

a. Determine appropriate learning strategies and learning media. At

this stage, it is important to pay attention to the various

characteristics of the competencies to be learned, the

characteristics of the students, and the characteristics of the

context and situation where the module will be used as a support

in the learning process.

b. Produce or realize physical modules. The component contents of

the module include, among others: learning objectives, required

learners prerequisites, substance or learning material, forms of

learning activities and supporting components.


Radiyanta Dwi, “Materi Teknik Penyususnan Modul”. Faculty of Engineering: UNY. 2-


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c. Develop assessment tools. In this case, it should be noted that all

aspects of competence (knowledge, skills, and related attitudes)

can be assessed based on certain predetermined criteria.55

6. Teaching Aims & Module Learning Outcomes

Teaching aims and learning outcomes can be seen as different

sides of the same coin. Teaching aims focus on the teacher’s intentions

with regard to the nature and direction of the module while outcomes

focus on what the students will learn.

a. Teaching Aims

Teaching aims provide an introduction to a module by

outlining its scope in terms of content to be covered by the teacher

and possibly its place within the degree programmer. Aims focus

on what the teacher intends to do rather than what is expected of

students. The main value of specifying teaching aims in the context

of our model is that the very act of articulating your aims for the

module can help you to clarify what it is you want your students to


b. Types and Levels of Learning Outcomes

In this section we shall examine some types of learning

outcomes applicable to modules in universities and colleges:

1) Types of Learning Outcomes


Ibid., 3-4

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We distinguish between three broad types of learning


a) intellectual skills;

b) practical (generic and discipline specific) skills;

c) attitudes and values.

We recognize that it is not always obvious whether a skill

should be classified as intellectual or practical and the distinction

between them is somewhat artificial but this is not a major

concern in the context of designing a module where the

important consideration is that you identify the full range of

skills which students will need to demonstrate by the end of your


c. Module Learning

Modules would mean a set of Self-explanatory tasks that

would include the following components:

a) Grammatical Items, vocabularies, sentence constructions,

situational text-materials and lessons.

b) Visual aids like pictures, charts, flash-cards, drawings, objects,

et al.

c) Audio cassettes of songs, rhymes, speeches, declamations,

intonation patterns, word-spell and pronunciation practice, radio

news recordings, etc.

56 Sylvia Huntley-Moore and John Panter, An Introduction to Module Design, (Saranne

Magennis:2015), 24.

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d) Audio-visual materials

The focus will be on developing the four skills namely

Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing in the English


7. Communicative Basic English Module

The module for the course Communicative English Skills is

intended to be given student TPQ AL-Amin. The module focuses on

listening and reading skills and integrates these two skills with

speaking and writing activities. The module is prepared to enable you,

the student, to communicate in English with acceptable accuracy and

fluency by using English appropriately in different contexts. The

module aims to develop your English language proficiency through

language learning activities designed to help you use English for your

academic and social needs. The language learning activities encourage

you to learn by doing things in English and by reflecting on the

activities you do in each unit. Grammar and vocabulary learning

activities are also included in the module.58

Communicative English Skills will focus on speaking and writing

skills and will, of course, integrate these skills with listening and

reading activities. The writers of the modules believe that both courses




VADODARA, n.d., 2015 edition.


Dr.Ferede Tekle Ferede, Teklesellassie Yinager, and Lemu Geremew, “Module for

Communicative English Language Skills I (FLEn 1011),” Federal Democratic Republic of

Ethiopia Ministry of Science and Higher Education, 2019, 3.

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will help you improve your English language proficiency and be

successful in your academic career and social life.

a. Module objectives

Upon completing this module, you will be able to:

1) Express yourself in social and academic events in English;

2) Use English with reasonable level of fluency and accuracy;

3) Listen to talks related to social and academic events given in


4) Read academic and other texts written in English;

5) Write in English as academically and socially appropriate; and

6) Develop your English on your own.59


English is a language that has special features in terms of grammar

and literature. Therefore to learn it is not easy. In learning, synergistic

completeness is needed from all existing components, both educators,

students, and learning devices. While the module, is very necessary during

the learning process as a guide or guide for teachers and students. Modules

are needed to equalize perceptions and conceptions between educators and


In the application in the world of education, especially English, the

development of modules themselves received less attention. Existing

institutions usually tend to use books in formal education or book sources

59 Ibid., 3

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that are already in bookstores. Like in the TPQ Al-Amin Mantren Dolopo.

Even though the modules used are very important for students'

understanding of the material. The module should be adjusted to the needs

of students. So in this case with an easy and interesting format, and can be

used as a means of independent learning.

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A. Research Design

As this research deals with the development of module

comprehension materials, the design of this research is categorized intro

research and development (R&D). According to Borg and Gall, R&D is a

process used to develop and validate education product.1

Educational R&D is an industry-based development model in

which the findings of the research are used to design new products and

procedures, which then are systematically field-tested, evaluated, and

refined until they meet specified criteria of effectiveness, quality, or

similar standards. As this research deals with the development of module

comprehension materials, the design of this research is categorized into

research and development (R&D). According to Borg and Gall, R&D is a

process used to develop and validate education products.2

Educational research and development (R & D) is a process

used to develop and validate educational products. The steps of this

process are usually referred to as the R & D cycle, which consists of

studying research findings pertinent to the product to be developed,

developing the product based on the finding, field testing it in the setting

where it will be used eventually and revising it to correct the deficiencies

1 Borg, W. and Gall, M. D. Educational Research: An Introduction. 1983, 2

2 Borg, W. and Gall, M. D. Educational Research: An Introduction. 2007, 775

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found in the field testing stage. Indicating that the product meets its

behaviorally defined objectives.3

The major step in the R & D cycle used to develop minicourses

are as follows: Research and information collecting, Planning,

Develop a preliminary form of product, Preliminary field testing,

Main product revision, Main field testing, Operational product

revision, Operational field, Final product revision, Dissemination, and

implementation. 4

Furthermore, Donald J Ary, et al states that R&D do not formulate

or test theory but to develop effective products for us in schools include

teacher training materials, media materials, and management system.5

Research is the process to get the solution of the problems after

doing the study and analysis of various factors. Research is a scientific

method for gaining the knowledge by using an investigation for finding

out empirical fact which verifies the hypotesis.6 The objective of R&D is

to produce a complete product that can be used effectively in educational

program. The product of R&D can be textbooks, audiovisual materials,

training manual, equipment, and many others. In relation to the aim to be

3 Borg, W. and Gall, M. D. Educational Research: An Introduction. 1983, 772

4 Ibid, 772

5 Donald J Ary, D.J., Lucy, C ., and Razavieh, A.. Introduction to Research in Education.

(Wadsworth: Thomson Learning), 2004, 134

6 Punaji Setyosari , Metode penelitian pendidikan dan pengembangan, (Jakarta: Kencaan,

2010), 194-195

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reached in this study, the final product of this study is a English Module

for the students at TPQ Al-Amin Mantren.7

B. Need Analysis

In a certain condition, the module developed should reflect the

students' needs to study english. different types of students have different

needs and what they are taught should be restricted to what they need. the

identification of the needs of the students is considered important since the

actual success of a program is partly determined by the result of it. in order

to suit the needs of the students and their background knowledge, the

developent of a Communicative Basic English Module for English

Learning at TPQ AL-Amin was based on the result of needs analysis.

According to Jack. C Richard, procedures used to collect

information about students’ needs are known as needs analysis.8 Needs

analysis is conducted to obtain information about the type of needs on the

basis of the existing learning teaching situation and the needs of the

student at TPQ Al-Amin.

In order to get information about the needs of the students, the

instruments such as questionnaire and interview were employed. All the

data collected from these instruments were used to suit the needs of the

students on the material developed. In relation to the finding of the

students’ needs, Tom Hutchinson and Alan Waters suggested that it is a

7 Observation, 20 February 2020

8 Jack. C. Richard. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press), 145.

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normal practice to involve both students and lecturers to ask about their


C. Research Procedure

The existence of research methods is a scientific way to obtain

specific goals and data for research. After research, there are certain

purposes and uses. There are several objectives of the research, namely,

discovery. In the discovery of existing data must be valid and never done

before, the second is proof, the data obtained is used to prove the existence

of doubts about certain information or knowledge, and development that is

to deepen and expand existing knowledge so that it is better going


In this research more refers to the development of learning

media. Researchers use the research method development of Brog and

Gall (In Sugiono),

that is :

“A process used to develop and emphasize educational products.

The steps in this process are generally known as the R&D cycle, which

consists of reviewing results previous studies relating to the components of

the product to be developed, developed into a product, testing on products

that have been designed, and reviewing and correcting products based on

9 Hutchinson, Tom and Waters, Alan. English for specific Purposes: A Learning

Centered Approarch. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991), 6 10

Muji Rahayu “Pengembangan Media Kartu Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Dengan Model Numbered Head Together Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas XI

SMA N 1 Tanjung Raya Mesuji”. (Tesis Program Master Studi Teknologi Pendidikan, Surakarta,

2016)h, 27.

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trial results that the findings of the development activities carried out have

objectivity ".11

Products developed in the field of education include various kinds

of learning media in various fields of study both print media such as books

and other teaching materials. Here the researchers conduct research and

development on the English module. That later expected to be able to help

teachers and students in the learning process. This module contains

pictures and English vocabulary material that has been adapted to TPQ Al-

Amin Mantren students. This module developed so that learning is more

effective and the teacher has other interesting teaching material so that it

can be used in the learning process. The development of learning media is

carried out using the R&D cycle.

D. Model of Development

R&D is carried out through several stages. Each stage is a process

of activities that have the resulting targets.12

Implementation and

achievement of targets at each stage can affect the implementation of the

next stage. Therefore, the implementation must be carried out seriously by

using tested instruments. Research steps and Its development in Borg and

Gall (in Sugiono) includes: 1) Potential and Problems, 2) Data Collection,

3) Product Design, 4) Design Validation, 5) Design Revision, 6) Product

Testing, 7) Product Revision, 8) Usage Trial, 9) Product Revision, 10)


Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, kualitatif, dan R&D (Bandung: Penerbit

Alfabet,2017), 297. 12

Nana Syaodih, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, (Bandung : Rosdakarya, 2013).151

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Mass Production. In general, the steps of product research and

development can be seen in the following figure:

Figure.4.1 Research and Development (R&D)

E. Procedure of Development

This model has development steps that are compatible with

educational development, namely research that produces and develops

certain products which are then subjected to expert validation tests, such as

material tests, design tests, small scale group product trials, and field trials

to determine feasibility of the product that will be produced and then will

be developed. In this study includes ten steps of development the result

will be a product that is ready to use. But in this Borg and Gall research

for Strata One (S1) only reaches step seven, namely potential and

Potential and





Design Design






Trial Use Product Trial





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problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design

improvement, product trials, and product revisions.13

1. Potential and Problem

Research can depart from the potential and problems. Potential is

everything that when empowered to use will have added value.

Problems can also be potential. The potential and problems raised in the

research must be demonstrated by empirical data. The potential in this

research development is to develop an English language module at Al-

Amin's TPQ. The potential for developing these products is to make it

easier for students to understand English material, and assist teachers in

making classroom teaching effective, especially in English.14

2. Data Collection

After the potentials and problems can be demonstrated factually

and up to date, then it is necessary to do a variety of information that

can be used as material for planning certain products that are expected

to overcome the problem. Here a method is needed separate research.

Collecting information is carried out at TPQ Al-Amin by conducting

direct observations and interviews with teachers and students. In direct

observations and interviews conducted at TPQ Al-Amin on March 4,

2020, the results obtained are the availability of learning modules in the

form of a 5 billion picture dictionary that is not yet practical and less


Sinta Kusuma, Pengembangan Media English Vocabulary Card Pada Mata Pelajaran


LAMPUNG: 2018) Pg. 45 14

Observation 22 February 2020

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attractive to use. The results of interviews with students that

understanding English is still difficult and they do not have the modules

taught by the teacher, consequently they cannot learn independently.15

3. Product Design

The researcher conducts research into the development of the

English language module to assist in the learning process that is focused

on learning English with materials that have been adjusted. The initial

product design was made by researchers to reduce errors. The steps

undertaken in the initial stage of the module disposal are:

a) Gather materials that will be included in the learning module.

Namely from the alphabetical material, colors, numbers, and


b) Design an English language module using Microsoft Word matches

the color, material and image.

c) Design an English language module to help the learning process.

4. Design Validation

After the initial product design, then the product consulted with a

team of experts consisting of material experts and media experts.

Material experts will see the compatibility of the material with the

curriculum, truth, adequacy, and accuracy of product content. Media

experts see the accuracy of the display, color, location of the image,

interesting or not the media to be used. Media experts as validators are



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1 thesis supervisor, 1 R&D lecturer, and 1 computer expert lecturer

IAIN Ponorogo. Validation is done to see the feasibility of this product

and what needs to be improved to produce better media. There are steps

in the design validation that researchers do, which are as follows:

Figure 4.2 Module Validation of Validators (Experts)

5. Design Revision

In the improvement of the product, design validity will be tested by

module and material experts. That way there will appear weaknesses in

the product. So that it can be fixed and reduce the number of

weaknesses. Design improvements are carried out by researchers.

6. Product Trial

Trial is the stage of testing an educational product development

that aims to find the effectiveness of the product in terms of learning

outcomes and the difficulties felt by the teacher (user) both perceived

by the teacher in the management of learning and the difficulties of

Explain the intent and how of module development and module

objectives carried

Ask for answers, suggestions, and comments about the module through a


Visit the validator by bringing module and material

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students in learning.16

This trial will later be carried out at TPQ Al-


7. Product Revision

In this case the existing product will be repaired accordingly

existing shortcomings and weaknesses in accordance with the facts in

the field. Evaluation is really needed in this stage so that it will be able

to produce better and better products. This product revision is done in

order to improve the product that has been made and tested. So that it

can produce products that are suitable for use in the learning process at

TPQ Al-Amin.17

F. Data and Source of Data

In this research, the data collected will be classified into three: (1)

the data collected from the needs analysis, (2) the data obtained from

experts in the validation process, and (3) the data gathered during the T-

test process. The first data was used as the basis to develop the materials.

The second data concerned with the evaluation, comments, and

suggestions of the experts on the design of the materials, content of the

materials, and the model of development of the materials. The third data

dealt with the applicability of the developed materials which involved


Wira Sanjaya, Penelitian Pendidikan Jenis, Metode, dan Prosedur,(Jakarta:Kencana

Pranada Media group,2013), 144. 17

Observasion 2020

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readability of the text, the clarity of the content of the materials, the clarity

of learning, instruction, attractiveness, language and tasks.18

G. Data Collection Technique

The main thing that influences the quality of research data is the

quality of the assessment instruments. The quality of assessment

instruments relates to the validity and reliability of instruments and the

quality of data collection regarding the accuracy of the way to collect


Data collection techniques in this development that is:

1. Test

Alpha Cronbach’s states that the test is a systematic procedure for

observing and providing a description of a number or more detailed

person with the help of a numerical scale or a categorical system.

Researchers use tests to determine the comparison of student

understanding before using the development of new modules. The test

was carried out twice namely the pretest and posttest. The pretest was

carried out before using module development, and the posttest was

carried out after using module development.20

2. Non-Test

a. Observation

Observation is a process of observation and recording

systematically, logically, objectively, and rationally about various


Made Tegeh, Nyoman Jampel, and Pudjawan, MODEL PENELITIAN PENGEMBANGAN. 19

Ibid,. 147 20

Douglas Brown, Language Assessment (New York: Longman, 2004), 3.

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phenomena, both in actual situations and in artificial situations to

achieve certain goals21

. Researchers used participant observation,

which is an observation carried out by taking part or involving

themselves in the situation carried out in the learning process, to

determine the importance of using teaching material development

at TPQ Al-Amin Mantren Dolopo Madiun.

3. Try-out

a. Interview

Interview is a data collection technique that is done through

conversation and question and answer, both directly and indirectly.

This study uses unstructured interviews, namely open-ended

questions, respondents freely answer the statement. Questions like

this do not structure the answer to the respondent because the

answers in that question are free.

b. Questionnaire Technique

Questionnaire is a list of statements given to respondents to

explore data in accordance with problems, student difficulties in

learning, ways of student learning, ways to memorize students,

learning facilities, learning attitudes. Questionnaires are often used

to assess effective domain results.22

21 Zainal Arifin, Evaluasi Pembelajaran Prinsip, Teknik Prosedur (Bandung: PT Remaja

Rosdakarya, 2014), 153-154 22

Nana Sudjana, Penilaian hasil Proses Belajar Mengajar (Bandung: PT Remaja

Rosdakarya, 1995), 72

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The questionnaire is a data collection technique that is done

by giving a set of questions or written statements to respondents to

answer. Questionnaires are efficient data collection techniques if

the researcher knows with certainty the variables to be measured

and knows what can be expected from respondents.23


questionnaire is used to find data about dhikr, prayer fardhu in

congregation and also spiritual quotient.

The scale used in this study is the Likert scale, which is a

scale used to measure the attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a

person or group of people about social phenomena. With a Likert

scale, the variables to be measured are translated into indicator

variables. Then the indicator is used as a starting point for

compiling the items of instruments obtained in the form of

statements or questions, namely whether the question narrative is

negative (Unfavorable) or the narrative of the question is positive


The following provides a score for each level of Likert

scale both positive and negative questions that can be seen in the



Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan: Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan

R&D, 199. 24

Ibid., 134-135.

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Likert Scale Questionnaire Score

Answers Alternative

Score of each answer

Positive Statement Negative Statement

Agree (A) 4 1

Doubtful (DB) 3 2

Disagree (DA) 2 3

Strongly Disagree


1 4

Figure 3.3 Likert Scale

H. Research Instrument

Instrument can be defined as a tool to collect the data. It has to be

constructed and made to show the empirical and accurately as the real

condition of the subject of the research.25

In this study, the researcher used

test as instrument on data collection.

This test is used to analyze whether there are significant

differences between classes using old modules and the development of

new modules on students' grammar skills at the TPQ Al-Amin Mantren

Dolopo Madiun. Next, the researcher took data from the grammar test. The

test is divided into two groups, they are students who use the old module

and the development of new modules. This test is to provide information

about students' grammar skills (especially in understanding the material)


Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan: Pendidikan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2008), 118.

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after completing the teaching process. Then, the researcher analyzes the

test results to find out the differences in students' grammar skills and

interpret them.

There are two kinds of grammar test that is conducted, they are

pre-test and post-test. The researcher gave pre-test before the students’ was

given treatment. And post-test was given after was done the treatment.

In this test, researchers provide 5 questions using multiple choice.

Then, students are given 15 minutes to work on the questions. After that,

their grammar is judged by matching words. The results of this test will be

used as observational data for this study.

I. Data Analysis Technique

The data analysis technique in this development is to describe all

opinions, suggestions, and responses. This data analysis was conducted to

obtain eligibility from learning media, namely the English language

module. The results obtained are used for consideration in improving

English language learning. This development uses data analysis

techniques, namely by analyzing descriptive. Descriptive analysis is used

to analyze the results of the feasibility assessment data by calculating the

average. As the data collected can be grouped into two, namely

quantitative data in the form of numbers and qualitative data in the form of

words. Qualitative data will be analyzed logically and meaningfully, while

quantitative data will be analyzed with average calculations. The results of

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this descriptive analysis are used to determine the level of feasibility of the

product development in the form of an English language module.26

1. Pre-Research Stage

a. Test Validity of Instruments

Validity is the degree of accuracy between the data that

occurs in the object of research with data that can be reported by

researchers. Thus valid data is "no different" data between the data

reported by the researcher and the data that actually occurs on the

research object.27

Validity is a condition that describes the level of the

instrument concerned can measure what is measured. A test is

called valid if the test can measure what you want and so on is

measured. So the validity is the level of accuracy of the test in

measuring the material and behavior that must be measured. The

formula used to measure the test instrument in this study uses the

product-moment correlation formula. The formula is:

√{ } { }

Statement :

= Product moment correlation index numbers


Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan: Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan

R&D, 207.


Ibid. 367.

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= The sum of all x values

= The sum of all y values

= The number of multiplications between the x

value and the y value

= Number of cases

In the same way, a correlation coefficient is obtained for

other question items. After that to get the validity information,

each value is compared to the rtabel. value. If the value rxy>

rtabel., the question item is declared valid.

To test the validity of the instrument, the researcher took a

sample of 20 respondents using 20 questions for the module

variable, and 15 questions for the English learning variable.

From the results of the calculation of the module instrument

item validity, 12 items are declared valid namely numbers 1,2, 3,

4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20. For the validity of the English

learning instrument items, 10 items are declared valid i.e.

numbers 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

The results of these calculations can be concluded in the

following recapitulation table:

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“Module Variable Validity Test Results”

Question to- r-count r-tabel r_decision

1 0,470649 0,444 Valid

2 0,449745 0,444 Valid

3 0,625772 0,444 Valid

4 0,736842 0,444 Valid

5 -0,22528 0,444 Invalid

6 0,46534 0,444 Valid

7 -0,11471 0,444 Invalid

8 0,546119 0,444 Valid

9 0,210526 0,444 Invalid

10 0,430155 0,444 Invalid

11 0,535303 0,444 Valid

12 0,449614 0,444 Valid

13 0,416124 0,444 Invalid

14 0,456586 0,444 Valid

15 0,252964 0,444 Invalid

16 0,048099 0,444 Invalid

17 0,118389 0,444 Invalid

18 0,499512 0,444 Valid

19 0,596491 0,444 Valid

20 0,432887 0,444 Valid

Tabel 2

"Test Results of English Learning Variable Validity"

Pertanyaan ke- r-hitung r-tabel Keputusan

1 0,248058 0,444 Invalid

2 -0,00844 0,444 Invalid

3 0,626809 0,444 Valid

4 0,592534 0,444 Valid

5 0,590233 0,444 Valid

6 0,382565 0,444 Invalid

7 0,626809 0,444 Valid

8 0,555869 0,444 Valid

9 0,445255 0,444 Valid

10 0,492082 0,444 Valid

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11 0,529716 0,444 Valid

12 0,520471 0,444 Valid

13 0,451245 0,444 Valid

14 0,372734 0,444 Invalid

15 0,405726 0,444 Invalid

b. Instrument Reliability Test

Reliability is related to the issue of trust. A test can have a

high level of confidence if the test can give permanent results.

Then the understanding of test reliability, related to the problem of

the determination of test results.28

The technique used to analyze the reliability of this

instrument is alpha cronbath. The following formulas:




Statement :

: Instrument reliability coefficient (cronbach alpha)

: The number of questions or the number of questions

∑ : Total item variants

: Total variant

1 : Constant number.


Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan (Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara,

2002), 86.

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Tabel 3

“Research Instrument Reliability Test Results”

Variabel r11 rtabel Statement



0,761 0,444 Reliabel



0,689 0,444 Reliabel

Source: Calculation Results for SPSS VERSION 21, Appendix

From the calculation of reliability through the application

of SPSS Version 21 contained in the appendix, it is known that the

reliability value of the instrument in the English Language Module

is 0.761, and the reliability value of the instrument in English

Learning is 0.689. Then consult with rtabel at a significance level of

5% is 0.444. The consultation results show that rcount > rtabel. For

this reason, it can be concluded that the above instruments are



This research was conducted in the even semester of the 2019/2020

school year starting from January 2020. The time of the study was used

starting from January to May, with detailed activities in the table below:

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January February March April May

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1. Preparation



2. Observasi and


3. Instrument


4. the instrument


5. Eksperiment


6. Data collection

7. Data analysis

and report


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A. Setting and Research Subject

1. Setting/location of the Research & Development

The research was conducted at TPQ Al-Amin Mantren, located in

Bader village, Dolopo sub-district, Madiun district. TPQ Al-Amin was

built in 1997 by a local religious figure named Mrs.Siti Asiyah and her

family. Initially, TPQ was carried out after evening prayer and the

students were 5 years - 12 years old. However, because it was too late,

the TPQ was replaced at 3 pm which was deemed suitable for children.

At that time, learning only focused on reciting the Koran. However, in

2017 there were residents who graduated from college with English

education. In the end, the community was enthusiastic when the TPQ

did not only learn about religion but also general knowledge such as

English. It is estimated that every year there are as many as 20


2. Subject of the Research & Development

The subjects of this research are 20 students. The students were

chosen because they show interest in English and are active in English

learning, but have had problems about module materials. The class

consisted of 20 students, 8 of

whom are male and 12 of whom are female.

1 Observation, 15 Maret 2020

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3. Teacher and Student Data of TPQ Al-Amin

a. Teacher Data

Teacher plays an important role at an educational institution because

teachers are directly involved and responsible for the success of the

teaching and learning process. The situation of teacher TPQ Al-Amin

in the years 2019/2020 amounted to people, with details as female.

Teachers Data of TPQ Al-Amin Mantren

Academic Year 2019/2020

No Name Statement

1 Siti Tarwiyah SKI

2 Sulis Pasholatan

3 Ginarti Yuliani Tajwid

4 Istiqomah Fiqih

5 Evi Dewi Anggraeni English Language

6 Imroatul Fitriyah Arab Language

Figure 4.1 Teachers Data

b. Student Data

Student who are on their intent here areto officially become TPQ

Al-Amin Mantren student and enrolled in the school ledger. The

state of male and female students as researchers conducted in

2019/2010 amounted to 20. The details are as follows.

Students Data of TPQ Al-Amin Mantren

Academic Year 2019/2020

No. Name Gender

1 Vio Duta Wibowo Male

2 Laiza Zaki Ibnu A Male

3 Naufal Adib Pratama Male

4 Arfa NurilI lham Male

5 M. Ilyas Fariza Male

6 Fikri Eka Putra Setyawan Male

7 Brian Maulana Febriansyah Male

8 Arjuna Male

9 Nadya Rahma Anggraini Female

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10 Sinta Fatimatul Khusna Female

11 Shifa Shauqia Chahari Female

12 Meyta Alfiana Female

13 Khysa Adinda Pratama Ipin Female

14 Intan Sevia Ramadhani Female

15 Naila Olifia Ozalia Putri Female

16 Misysel Zahra Arkania Putri Female

17 Hanan Sama Agustin Female

18 Zalita Zalilatul Khusna Female

19 Charisma Najwa Zahrotussifa Female

20 Nanda Female

Figure 4.2 Students Data

B. The Result of Need Analysis

The data about the needs of the students was collected through

questionnaire and interview encompassing items about what English

module the students of TPQ Al-Amin. The learning process is one of the

important phases in gaining knowledge, this triggers researchers to look

for and understand the problems that occur during the learning process.

Researchers conduct observations and participate in the learning process at

TPQ Al-Amin Mantren on Language subjects. In this observation

researchers focus more on seeing the learning media used in the teaching

and learning process and the ability of students to master English

vocabulary. The reality in the learning media is only limited to English

picture dictionary books, the students' vocabulary ability is also difficult

because teachers directly interpret students in the learning process. After

knowing the problems that occur in the field researchers conducted

interviews with educators and students, the researchers concluded that the

main problem that inhibits the difficulty of students in mastering English

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vocabulary is the lack of practical learning media on English subjects. The

first step that must be done is to find out what media development is

suitable so that it can be used to help students understand and memorize

daily vocabulary.

Table 4. The Result of Questionnaire for Need Analysis

Questions Agree Disagree Total

The development of

modules for learning

English should be

tailored to the needs of

students at TPQ Al-


80% 20% 100%

Teaching English at TPQ

Al-Amin uses an efficient

and attractive module. 85% 15% 100%

Teaching English at

TPQ Al-Amin should

be emphasized on

understanding its


75% 25% 100%

Materials in developing

English modules should

be arranged according

to their level of


90% 10% 100%

The design in the

English module should

be colorful and


85% 15% 100%

Based on the result of the questionnaire distributed to the students

and the result of an interview conducted with the teachers. It was found

that most of the students agree (80%) to develop an English module that is

suitable for their major content subject namely English Education. Many

of them acknowledged that the English module that had been taught before

is very common and unmatched with their major content subject;

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therefore, the module lesson which they once learned has not been able to

assist them to comprehend texts written in English. They also stated that

when the English module materials developed to correspond to their major

content subject, they can update their specific knowledge in their specific

area and have a better understanding of their subject matter.

According to the results of interviews with the head of TPQ Al-

Amin and the teacher, English learning for TPQ Al-Amin students,

Mantren Madiun, must be adapted to the needs of students using modules

related to English studies. It was found that most students agreed (85%).

This is with the consideration that learning English using modules is

considered more efficient and interesting so that students become more

motivated to learn and make learning more effective.

Furthermore, the data shows that students agree (75%) to enter the

list of English Teaching in TPQ Al-Amin should be emphasized on

understanding its contents. This response is in line with what the teachers

stated in the interview. The teachers also suggested that learning materials

include vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. For students,

difficulties in understanding English because of the limitations of the

learning module used by the teacher. They hope that learning English

using the appropriate module content can help them better understand the

knowledge they have gained.

Another data also indicated that the module English materials

should bear ranged according to the degree of its difficulty. There were

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(90%) students who stated their agreement about this. They had the reason

that the module English materials need to be compiled based on the level

of its difficulty in order that they can learn the module English materials

easier and more systematic. In line with the above findings, the result of

the interview showed that the teachers agreed with the students' opinions.

They stated that the level of difficulty of the module English materials

should be considered when we give lessons to the students so that they

correspond to the needs and competence of the students. If it is not, the

students will not interested and become unmotivated to learn the module

English materials because they lack of spirit.

In addition to the above findings, the data on the questionnaire

(85%) of students also showed that the English language module was

developed to be more attractive in the presence of various colors and

images. In the opinion of students, an interesting module can make

students more enthusiastic in learning so that students are enthusiastic

about learning English while at TPQ or independent learning. Modules are

designed with attractive color choices and giving examples of questions

will add curiosity to students and attractive designs will make it easier for

students to understand the learning contained in the English module. Data

from interviews with teachers also indicate that it is important to develop

module designs so that students are motivated in learning.

Finally, the interview with teachers also indicated that since

Development Of a Communicative Basic English Module for English

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Learning at TPQ Al-Amin have the purpose to make the instruction clear

and focus, it is very important to include instructional objectives on the

development English module. It is hoped that the students know what they

have to learn and the goal of what they are learning.

C. Draft of Material Development

The results of the needs analysis into the first draft of the English

Development module. The English module was developed in the form of a

textbook containing reading texts and assignments designed for students at

TPQ Al-Amin. The materials in the textbook are developed so that

students easily understand English material, and are intended to enrich

students' knowledge in their field of study. With the development of the

module, it is hoped that students will be more enthusiastic and not bored

while attending the learning given by English teachers at TPQ Al-Amin.

The first thing to do in the process of developing English module

was to formulate the objectives of learning. After the objectives had been

formulated, the content of the module was selected. Regarding this, the

content of the module was taken from a number of sources especially

those that were related to the content English at TPQ Al-Amin. The

following thing to do was to organize the tasks or activities for each of the

modules. The tasks were presented in such an integrative way that the

students were able to actively participate in the learning-teaching process.

The materials are divided into 6 units based on the main topics,

namely, Public Places, Clothes, Transportation, Jobs, Activities, and

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Telling Time. Each section contains text which involves items such as

comprehension questions, vocabulary tasks, grammar reviews, and

grammar tasks.

By presenting specific topics to be learned and dividing the topics

into units as described above, it is expected that the materials can represent

the needs of the students and fulfill what the students actually need to learn

as well as they are able to encourage the students to learn English. On the

other hand, with the exploitation of the texts into integrated tasks in each

unit, there will be a great chance for the students to do various activities

and to improve their knowledge in the four skills of English. Finally, the

presentation of grammar review and grammar tasks in each unit will give a

chance to the students to learn the model of languages.

D. The Result of the Expert Validation

Expert validation is the process of judging and evaluating topics

about the development of English modules by experts. This was the next

process to do after the draft of the module had been developed, aiming to

get input and approval from the experts. In line with this, the draft of the

development English module was consulted to experts: content and layout

design expert. At this process, the two experts were given questionnaires

to evaluate as well as to give comments and suggestions on the draft of the

development English module in the hope that the data obtained from the

result of the questionnaire can serve as a basis for revising the materials.

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E. The English Module Instructional and Content Expert

The development of the English module was made using the

Microsoft Word application with the following steps:

a. Open the Microsoft Word worksheet,

b. Then click Insert on the menu bar above

c. In the illustration group or column select a shaped

d. Next select the shape of a square shape, after selecting click left mouse

and hold then drag to form a shape. Then appear on the menu bar the

size we choose 8x12 cm then appear above the shape fill bar menu.

e. Then select the Text box to write content that suits students' needs. Such

as statements at the stage of data analysis and observation.

Examples of content development of an English language module before

being revised:


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1. The results of stage 1 product content validation

Before validation to media content experts, material experts, and

experiments to students are conducted, content expert test instruments

and material experts are validated by the supervisor. After the

instrument is said to be valid by the supervisor, the validation stage is

carried out to an expert in his field.

Table 5. The results of stage 1 product content validation

NO Aspect Criteria Content Expert

ΣTotal number

of criteria


Topics material

in Module


1 1


2 2

3 2

2 Use of


4 3

5 3

6 2

3 Sentence


7 2

8 3

9 1

4 Vocabulary list

10 2

11 3

12 1

5 Understanding


13 2

14 2

15 1




16 3

17 1

18 3

7 Test questions 19 2

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20 3

21 2


Order of



22 1

23 2

9 Example 24 1

25 2

The results of the validation of learning content in the first stage

based on the above table obtained an assessment of the development of

an English language module that has been adapted to the English

learning conditions of TPQ Al-Amin's students. Validation is carried

out by content expert lecturers by assessing twelve aspects namely the

topic of the material, use of language, sentence structure, vocabulary

list, comprehension of the questions, exercises, test questions,

instructional contents, examples, pictures, the sequence of learning

content, and material components.

The assessment looks at all aspects of how appropriate the module

will be developed. The validator assesses that the material in the

module has not been arranged in a communicative manner, the

arrangement of each unit needs to be addressed and the instructions for

each unit have not been made which will confuse students or teachers.

It would be nice if the module was revised to fit the Research and

Development (R&D).

2. The results of stage 2 product content validation

The results of the second stage of content expert validation

obtained data such as the following table:

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Table 6. The results of stage 2 product content validation

NO Aspect Criteria Content Expert

ΣTotal number of


1 Topics material in Module


1 4


2 3

3 4

2 Use of language

4 4

5 3

6 4

3 Sentence Structure

7 4

8 3

9 4

4 Vocabulary list

10 4

11 4

12 4

5 Understanding Questions

13 4

14 3

15 4


Material components

16 4

17 3

18 4

7 Test questions

19 4

20 3

21 4

8 Order of learning content 22 3

23 4

9 Example 24 3

25 4

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The results of the validation of learning content in the first stage

based on the above table obtained an assessment of the development of

an English language module that has been adapted to the English

learning conditions of TPQ Al-Amin's students. Validation is carried

out by content expert lecturers by assessing twelve aspects namely the

topic of the material, use of language, sentence structure, vocabulary

list, comprehension of the questions, exercises, test questions,

instructional contents, examples, pictures, the sequence of learning

content, and material components. The assessment looks at all aspects

of how appropriate the module will be developed.

According to the expert, the good points of the draft are firstly

related to the physical appearance of the English development module:

the cover design, letters, typing, spacing, and module layout. She thinks

that they are attractive, neat, consistent, and appropriate. Then the

material arranged is adjusted to the needs so as to provide opportunities

for students to be active in the learning process.

The identified by experts is related to the organization of the

material and the instructional objectives on the material. She assumed

that the organization of matter was arranged precisely in the form of

units. so that students can easily learn together or be independent. In

addition, she stated that the aim of teaching must be adapted to each

organization of the unit and the material given refers to the

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environmental conditions of students so that students are used to

practicing it.

The found in the material is related to instructions, understanding

questions, and assignments. She explained further that instruction is

needed in the development of modules, with the instruction students can

know what they are supposed to be doing and this helps the teacher in the

learning process. Understanding questions can be understood by students,

according to the context provided, helping develop students' reading skills,

and they provide valuable support for understanding texts. Furthermore,

she stated that the examples given were clear, appropriate, and they could

define concepts clearly and adequately. Regarding the task, the expert

considers that the task is in accordance with the context given,

communicative, they can be carried out by students, they can encourage

student involvement to actively participate in learning.

The identified by the expert was concerned with the directions

material which was considered clear, appropriate, and they could be

understood by students, the coverage of the materials which was

considered relevant and suitable to the needs and interests of the students,

and it represented the aspects studied.

F. Layout Design Expert

The development of the English module was made using the

Microsoft Word application with the following steps:

a. Open the Microsoft Word worksheet,

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b. Then click Insert on the menu bar above

c. In the illustration group or column select a shaped

d. Next select the shape of a square shape, after selecting click left mouse

and hold then drag to form a shape. Then appear on the menu bar the

size we choose 16 x 10 cm then appear above the shape fill bar menu.

e. Then select an image and the Text box to write content that suits

students' needs. Such as statements at the stage of data analysis and


Examples of layout development of an English language module

before being revised:

front cover

rear cover

1. The results of stage 1 product Layout Design validation

Before validation to Layout experts, and experiments to students

are conducted, Layout expert test instruments are validated by the

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supervisor. After the instrument is said to be valid by the supervisor,

the validation stage is carried out to an expert in his field.

Table 7. The results of stage 1 product Layout Design validation

No Aspec Criteria Content Expert

ΣTotal number of


1 Design Cover

Interesting 2


Good 2

Simple 1

2 Use of letters

Obvious 1

Right 2

Legible 1

3 Typing/writing

Obvious 2

Regular 2

Neat 2

4 Space

Right 1

Legible 1

Neat 1

5 Arrangement of sentences

Obvious 1

Right 2

Neat 2

6 Images

Interesting 1

Obvious 2

Very Nice 1

7 Presentation of material in units Right 2

Regular 2

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8 Display (lay-out) Interesting 1

Very nice 1

9 Organizing the material as a


Interesting 1

Right 2

Obvious 2

The identified by experts regarding the layout design, which need

to be revised. The first bad point according to the expert is related to the

cover design is very striking and the selection of colors is varied, so that

makes the text/title legibility less clear.

The second bad point in the draft is an expert judgment regarding

layout design. Typography "English module" looks annoying in terms

of font selection, font size, and font layout. Then the composition of the

text "English module" looks to dominate the cover area. With the layout

of the IAIN Ponorogo logo, it does not reflect the rules of the elements

and principles of art. It would be better if the illustration of the tree

disappears, to create a balance of the design.

The third bad point found by experts about the layout design in the

development of the English language module. The existence of sentence

settings that are still not quite right and clear, found writing errors

(capital letters), and the lack of semicolons at the end of the sentence.

Example: see chapter 12. Then some images look vague with low

vector quality. Example: the last picture in the circle number table.

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On the basis of comments and suggestions given during the expert

validation, the draft was revised in the hope that the presentation of the

whole design layout becomes effective and interesting.

2. The results of stage 2 product Layout Design validation

The results of the second stage of Layout Design expert validation

obtained data such as the following table:

front cover

rear cover

Table 8. The results of stage 2 product Layout Design validation

No Aspec Criteria Content Expert


number of


1 Design Cover

Interesting 3

Good 4

Simple 3

2 Use of letters Obvious 2

Page 97: DEVELOPMENT OF A COMMUNICATIVE BASIC MEIDAYANTI, ACI, 2020. Development of a Communicative Basic English Module


Right 3

83% Legible 3

3 Typing/writing

Obvious 4

Regular 4

Neat 4

4 Space

Right 3

Legible 3

Neat 4

5 Arrangement of sentences

Obvious 3

Right 4

Neat 3

6 Images

Interesting 3

Obvious 4

Very Nice 3

7 Presentation of material in units Right 4

Regular 3

8 Display (lay-out) Interesting 3

Very nice 3

9 Organizing the material as a


Interesting 4

Right 3

Obvious 3

The results of the validation of Layout design in the first stage

based on the above table obtained an assessment of the development of

an English language module that has been adapted to the English

learning conditions of TPQ Al-Amin's students. Validation is carried

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out by layout expert lecturers by assessing eight aspects namely the

Design cover, Use of letters, Typing, Space, Arrangement of the

sentence, Image, Presentation of material in units, Display,

Organizing. The assessment looks at all aspects of how appropriate the

module will be developed.

Identified by the experts regarding the layout design, which needs

to be revised. The first, according to the expert, is related to the natural

cover design and the selection of contrasting colors, thus making the

reading of the text/title clearer.

The second good point is that the choice of font and the color is in

balance. However, the developer still need to highlight important

keywords in the text with different font and color.

The third revised good point about layout design in English module

development. The sentence arrangement is correct and clear, the capital

letter errors have been corrected and neat, the semicolon at the end of

the sentence has been adjusted. Then the image is clearly visible with

high quality vectors.

What is identified by the expert is to pay attention to the layout

design that is considered clear, appropriate, and understandable by

students, the scope of the layout is considered attractive and in

accordance with the needs and interests of students, and represents the

aspects studied. Natural colors, even spacing, and clearly legible letters.

G. The Tryout of The Developed Materials

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After the module draft has been approved by experts in the

validation process, the next thing to do is try the module. The draft revised

module is tried to get feedback on whether the module being developed

has been repaired or needs to be revised again. Because of the limited

time, only the values of the two draft revised module modules were tried:

units I and II. In line with this, a number of TPQ Al-Amin students were

chosen to be the subjects of the trials and they were involved in the trials.

During the trial process in class, the researcher acts as the main

instrument: observing meetings, the learning process, and making notes

about any findings that arise during the process. The researcher also asked

for the help of the teacher in his class by using modules commonly used in

learning, to observe the learning and teaching process when the trial took

place and take notes about it.

Module trials are carried out by giving students and teaching

modules that are developed to be studied and by distributing

questionnaires to students and teachers at the end of the pilot class to

collect data about the application of the module in terms of difficulty level,

usefulness, effectiveness and attractiveness, and to show areas of difficulty

or issues that need to be revised. Students and teachers are involved in the

trial process to evaluate and provide comments and suggestions about the

material developed. In the trials, the researchers also gave pre-tests to

students at the beginning of the meeting and gave a post-test at the end of

the meeting. This test is intended to determine the mastery of student

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learning before and after using modules. The following are the results of

the trial.

1. The result of Pre-Test

As stated in the previous section, one part of the pilot activity is to

give students an initial exam at the beginning of the pilot class. In the

test, students are given many questions to answer and the results are

presented in tabular form to show student learning outcomes before

using the modules developed by researchers. For this purpose, twenty

students at TPQ Al-Amin were involved as test subjects.

The pre-test given to the subjects was in the form of production test

which consist of comprehension questions which were taken from one

section of the units on the draft materials. The result of the pre-test can

be seen in the following table.

Table 9. The result of Pre-Test

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid 30 2 10,0 10,0 10,0

40 6 30,0 30,0 40,0

50 7 35,0 35,0 75,0

60 5 25,0 25,0 100,0

Total 20 100,0 100,0

From the table above, it illustrated students’ English achievement

before trying out of the product. Among 20 students at TPQ Al-Amin,

the highest score was 60 and the lowest score was 30. It can be seen

clearly in the following figure:

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Figure 4.1 Histogram for the Result Pre-Test

From the figure above, it can be viewed that the mean (M) score of

students' pre-test was 47.00 and the Deviation Standard (SD) was 9.6.

To determine the category of the result of achievement on pre-test can

be seen as follows:

a. More than M+1.SD (47.00 + 9.6 = 56.6) is categorized into


b. Between M-1.SD – M+1.SD (56.6-37.4) is categorized into


c. Less than M-1.SD (47.00 - 9.6 = 37.4) is categorized into poor.

Therefore, the categorization of the students’ achievement can be

seen in the following table:

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Table 10. Score categorization




1 More Than 56 5 25% Good

2 37-55 13 65% Medium

3 Less Than 38 2 10% Poor

The above table reveals that the majority of students at TPQ Al-

Amin are at a moderate level, while the good achievement portion is

65% and bad is at the 10% level.

Referring to the pre-test results above, it shows that the pre-test

results are not satisfactory because the distribution of scores shows

that the number of subjects who obtained the score is still not

balanced. It can also be said that student learning outcomes are not

good because many of them cannot do the tests well. Students need to

learn more and need more practice to improve their English skills.

2. The Result of Post Test

After the trial using the old module is finished, the subject is given

a post-test that already uses the development module. The test given to

the subject consists of the same items as the pre-test: comprehension,

vocabulary, and grammar test, but they are taken from different parts

of the unit in the concept material. Test results are also displayed in the

form of scores, made by calculating the correct and incorrect answers

produced by the subject. Table 3 presents the post-test results obtained

by each subjects.

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Table 11. The Result of Post-Test


Frequency Percent Valid




Valid 80 6 30,0 30,0 30,0

90 7 35,0 35,0 65,0

100 7 35,0 35,0 100,0

Total 20 100,0 100,0

From table 4 above, it illustrates students' English achievement

after trying development products. Among the 20 TPQ Al-Amin

students, the highest score is 100 and the lowest score is 80. That can

be clearly seen in the following picture:

Figur 4.2 Histogram for the Result Post-Test

From the figure above, it can be viewed that the mean (M) score of

students' post-test was 90.5 and the Deviation Standard (SD) was 8.2.

It showed that most students can be categorized into a good level. To

determine the category of the result of achievement on post-test can be

seen as follows:

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a. More than M+1.SD (90.5 + 8.2 = 98.7) is categorized into Good.

b. Between M-1.SD – M+1.SD (98.7 - 82.3) is categorized into


c. Less than M-1.SD (90.5 – 8.2 = 82.3) is categorized into poor.

Therefore, the categorization of the students’ achievement can be

seen in the following table:

Table 12. Score Categorization


1 More Than 98 6 30% Good

2 82-97 7 35% Medium

3 Less Than 81 7 35% Poor

The table above shows that the majority of students at TPQ Al-

Amin are at a moderate level, while the portion is 35% of good and

bad achievements is at the level of 35%.

Referring to the posttest results above, it shows that the posttest

results are quite satisfying because the score distribution shows the

number of subjects who get a balanced score. It can also be said that

student learning outcomes improved well, because many of them were

able to take a test with a result of 100.

3. The Result of Observation

Observations were also made during the module trial process.

Observations were made on March 4, 2020, at TPQ Al-Amin Mantren

Madiun. This time is carried out on Wednesday at 3 pm. Here the

researcher collaborates with the teacher to observe the teaching and

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learning process in the classroom. The results of the observations

show that students seem quite interested in the topics presented in the

module because they know that the topics they will study are related

to their main subjects, but many of them seem to lack understanding

of organizations. Because the organization in developing the module

is more systematic, students do not only see pictures and vocabulary,

but they are required to work on examples as listed in the module.

They listen very seriously to the teacher's explanations and can't wait

to learn with the development module.

At the first trial meeting, researchers and teachers had the

impression that students looked enthusiastic when they were invited to

discuss the material in the module even though some of them were

still reluctant to say something. That can be seen from the fact that

many students actively take part in answering and making questions

about the material being discussed and some are just quietly listening

to their friends talk. Active students show a great interest in carrying

out activities that were previously designed, while less active students

tend to show unhappy faces. However, researchers try to encourage

every student in the class to be active, so that students do not hesitate

to advise on the development of modules.

The situation of the pilot class became rather smooth after students

were given explanations and encouragement to carry out assignments

or activities related to learning English. They seem happy to answer

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the questions given, ask questions, read texts, talk in front of the class,

discuss topics with their friends, and do other tasks. In addition, they

look serious in listening to what their classmates say or what is

explained by the teacher to capture the information conveyed to them.

They also seem to appreciate every task their friend does and

sometimes they laugh at him. When the teacher conveys information

in written form or on the blackboard, even though it is very simple,

students try to understand it, and they open the dictionary if they do

not understand it at all. In addition, they look very enthusiastic,

serious, and active in carrying out the tasks contained in the English

module. students are not reluctant to practice new vocabulary that they

find interesting. This learning and teaching situation is almost found

throughout the try-out and it is hoped that the module can really

increase student motivation.

From the observed phenomena described above, it can be stated

that modules need to be developed in order to be able to activate

reading, writing, listening, and increasing students' speaking

knowledge such as vocabulary habituation. The smooth learning and

teaching practice of this knowledge are inseparable from the module's

ability to activate student knowledge on these topics. Modules are

tailored to the needs of students with specific topics that they are

familiar with and that they normally study in their main subjects. On

the other hand, the module contains integrated assignments that allow

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students to carry out various activities in their learning and hence they

become more active. The smooth learning and teaching practice using

materials also cannot be separated from the ability of materials to

activate students' knowledge about language. Modules are considered

to meet the needs of students and according to the level of students.

Based on such good points, it seems that the module is quite

applicable for Al-Amin TPQ students.

4. The Result of the Try-out

The trial module that was developed was held by involving

students and teachers in TPQ Al-Amin to fill out questionnaires and

interviews that had been prepared previously. In connection with this,

twenty TPQ Al-Amin students were involved in the pilot class. At the

end of the trial, they were given a questionnaire to evaluate and

provide comments and suggestions about the modules developed and

the data obtained from the results of the questionnaire and interviews

will be used to make revisions.

The results of the questionnaire and interview distributed to

students and teachers are as follows. Dealing with the cover design,

typing, spacing, and layout of the module material. The students and

teachers have the same opinion that the English module is so

interesting, clear, neat, consistent, and appropriate.

In terms of organizing modules, both students and teachers say it is

interesting and arranged precisely in the form of units and sections.

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The teacher also said that organizing the material is logical in terms of

the order of assignments. Regarding the instructional objectives in

each module material, students and teachers state that it is clear,

understandable, and in accordance with student needs. The teacher

also states that the instructions in the module are stated and ordered


Regarding the topic, vocabulary list, and text presented on the

draft, students find that the topic is interesting, diverse, and current

because the modules are appropriate to their needs, interests, and

relevant to the subject matter of the content. This opinion is also

supported by teachers who find the same thing in the topic presented.

Next, students state that the vocabulary list is presented in an

appropriate and clearly defined form. The teacher adds that the

vocabulary list is well-chosen and appropriate for the target situation

at the student level. Regarding text, students think that text can satisfy

their reading tastes, they can develop reading skills and can help

understand the subject matter of the content. The teacher has the same

opinion as to the student.

Regarding comprehension questions, grammar reviews, examples,

and assignments, both students and teachers state that understanding

questions are understood correctly, and they provide support for

understanding texts. Also, the teacher thinks that understanding

questions are very helpful for developing students' reading skills.

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However, some questions need to be modified. In connection with the

grammar review presented, students and teachers have the same

opinion. They think that grammar reviews are relevant to their needs,

clear, and understandable. Next, the teacher states that the grammar

review fits the given context, and represents the underlying

grammatical rules. Regarding the examples, students assume that the

examples given are clear, appropriate, and easy to understand. The

teacher says the same thing with students. He also added that these

examples can define concepts that are explained clearly and

adequately. Regarding assignments, students assume that assignments

are clear, doable, and can encourage them to be active in class. This

opinion is also supported where the teacher says that the assignments

can provide encouragement to students because they are related to

students 'needs in their field of study, and are still within the scope of

students' ability to do so. Also, according to students and teachers, the

task can integrate knowledge about the topic and language being


Regarding the direction, the scope of the material, and the content

of the material, students and lecturers have the same opinion that the

directions are clear, precise, and comprehensive. Clarity of

instructions that precede each unit helps students follow and do

assignments on the material. The scope of material according to

students is relevant and in accordance with their needs and interests.

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In addition, the teacher considers that the scope of the material

represents aspects that can help students develop their reading skills.

Regarding the content of the material, both students and teachers

consider that the content of English material is clear, relevant, and

suitable. So far, the teacher says that it is related to the analysis of

teaching objectives and can be understood by students.

For the language used on the materials, the students and the teacher

had the same opinion that the language was clear, suitable to the level

of the students, and it could be understood by the students. In addition,

the teacher stated that the language could become a model of the

correct and meaningful grammatical structures.

Finally, it can be said that the materials were quite applicable in

terms of the level of difficulty, usefulness, effectiveness, and

attractiveness for the students at TPQ Al-Amin. It can also be stated

that the module meets the needs of the students in the sense that the

modules can develop language English of the students and they can

enrich the student's knowledge in their major content subject. This can

be seen nom the answer of the students and the teacher in the

questionnaires and the result of pre-test and post-test.

5. The Final Product

After the module was revised, the module development in this

research resulted in an end product in the form of an English language

module for students at TPQ Al-Amin. Materials were developed based

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on data collected from the analysis of student needs and revisions

based on data collected from experts during the validation process,

students, and teachers during the trial process which is expected to

help students to learn English. Finally, the module is still possible to

be revised, if some weaknesses are found in the actual


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A. English Module Development

Educational research and development (R & D) is a process

used to develop and validate educational products. The steps of this

process are usually referred to as the R & D cycle, which consists of

studying research findings pertinent to the product to be developed,

developing the product based on the finding, field testing it in the setting

where it will be used eventually and revising it to correct the deficiencies

found in the field testing stage. Indicating that the product meets its

behaviorally defined objectives.1

The major step in the R & D cycle used to develop mini courses

are as follows: Research and information collecting, Planning,

Develop a preliminary form of product, Preliminary field testing,

Main product revision, Main field testing, Operational product

revision, Operational field, Final product revision, Dissemination, and

implementation. 2

Research and development of English products are carried out with

early-stage planning which is carried out by observation and interviews

conducted at TPQ Al-Amin Mantren.3 It is known that in TPQ Al-Amin, the

English module is not in accordance with the needs of students. Modules are

1 Borg, W. and Gall, M. D. Educational Research: An Introduction. 1983, 772

2 Ibid, 772

3 Observation, 20 February 2020

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only limited to printed books. The first steps taken in developing this

English module are collecting material that suits existing needs and abilities.

After that, just make a design using Microsoft Word software. In accordance

with the image, material, and color according to the unit. The products that

have been developed are then validated by several experts before being

tested, validation is carried out by 1 material content expert, 1 layout expert,

and 1 English subject teacher.

B. Content Module

Research is the process to get the solution to the problems after

doing the study and analysis of various factors. Research is a scientific

method for gaining the knowledge by using an investigation for finding

out an empirical fact which verifies the hypothesis. The objective of R&D

is to produce a complete product that can be used effectively in

educational programs. The product of R&D can be textbooks, audiovisual

materials, training manuals, equipment, and many others. In relation to the

aim to be reached in this study, the final product of this study is an English

Module for the students at TPQ Al-Amin Mantren.

The product consulted with a team of experts consisting of material

experts and media experts. Material experts will see the compatibility of

the material with the curriculum, truth, adequacy, and accuracy of product

content. Media experts see the accuracy of the display, color, location of

the image, interesting, or not the media to be used. Media experts as

validators are 1 thesis supervisor, 1 R&D lecturer, and 1 computer expert

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lecturer IAIN Ponorogo. Validation is done to see the feasibility of this

product and what needs to be improved to produce better media.

The results of the validation of the first stage learning content

based on the above analysis obtained an assessment of the development of

an English module that has been adjusted to the conditions of learning

English for TPQ Al-Amin students. Validation is carried out by content

expert lecturers by assessing twelve aspects, namely material topics,

language use, sentence structure, vocabulary lists, understanding

questions, practice questions, test questions, learning content, examples,

pictures, learning sequence. content, and material components. The results

obtained from content experts were 88% which were stated to be used for

TPQ Al-Amin students.

C. Layout Design

This model has development steps that are compatible with

educational development, namely research that produces and develops

certain products which are then subjected to expert validation tests, such as

material tests, design tests, small scale group product trials, and field trials

to determine the feasibility of the product that will be produced and then

will be developed. In this study includes ten steps of development the

result will be a product that is ready to use. But in this Borg and Gall

research for Strata One (S1) only reaches step seven, namely potential and

problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design

improvement, product trials, and product revisions.

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The researcher conducts research into the development of the

English language module to assist in the learning process that is focused

on learning English with materials that have been adjusted. The initial

product design was made by researchers to reduce errors.

The results of the first stage Layout design validation are based on

assessment data for the development of English modules that have been

adjusted to the conditions of learning English for TPQ Al-Amin students.

Validation is carried out by a layout expert lecturer by assessing eight

aspects, namely Cover Design, Use of Letters, Typing, Spacing, Sentence

Arrangements, Pictures, Presentation of Material in Units, Display,

Organization. The assessment looks at all aspects of how appropriate the

module will be developed. 56.6-37.4 The total value obtained was 82-97

and it was declared that the TPQ Al-Amin students could use it.

D. Product Trials

The trial is the stage of an educational product development that aims to

find the effectiveness of the product in terms of learning outcomes and the

difficulties felt by the teacher both perceived by the teacher in the

management of learning and the difficulties of students in learning.

After the trial using the module is finished, the subject is given a

post-test that already uses the development module. The test given to the

subject consists of the same items as the pre-test: comprehension,

vocabulary, and grammar test, but they are taken from different parts of

the unit in the concept material. Test results are also displayed in the form

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of scores, made by calculating the correct and incorrect answers produced

by the subject.

This trial was conducted at TPQ Al-Amin. At the initial stage, the

researcher tested the pre-test questions consisting of 20 students which

contained a question and answer sheet. Whereas for the post-test 20

students filled out the Q&A sheet with the following percentage results,

the pre-test still used the old English module and reached the low category.

With an average rating of 37.4 - 56.6%. After the pre-test was carried out,

the post-test test was carried out on students with very good results and for

large-scale TPQ Al-Amin got a percentage of 82.3 - 98.7% which means

this product is suitable for use.

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A. Conclusion

As this research deals with the development of module comprehension

materials, the design of this research is categorized into research and

development (R&D). According to Borg and Gall, R&D is a process used to

develop and validate education products.1

This development is expected to be able to overcome the problems that

exist in TPQ Al-Amin, namely the inefficiency of the learning modules used.

Therefore, researchers conducted research on the development of English

language modules to suit the needs of students which are expected to improve

English learning proficiency with the material developed in the form of

textbooks containing reading texts, language exercises: vocabulary, and

grammar. The material developed is in accordance with the needs and

interests of TPQ Al-Amin so that it is considered appropriate, and applicable

for students.

It is necessary to select the topics which are appropriate for their own

students. The English Module is designed according to the material and needs

of existing students with an interesting mix of colors and images that have

been successfully developed using Microsoft Word software. There are six

units in the development of the English language module, namely Public

Places, Clothes, Transportation, Jobs, Activities, Telling The Time. This

1Borg, W. and Gall, M. D. Educational Research: An Introduction. 1983, 2

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research and development are carried out in accordance with the Borg and

Gall method which consists of 10 steps which are then simplified into 7 steps

namely, potential problems, data collection, product design, design validation,

product revision, product testing, and product revision.

With the guidance of supervisors and validators. Produced an English

module development product with an assessment of an English module

content expert with a total of 88%, a layout design expert of 83%, a pre-test

before using a module with a score of 56 students and after using the module

a Post-test was carried out with a score of 98 students. Therefore, the

development of the English module at TPQ Al-Amin was declared successful

and suitable for use.

B. Recommendations

In this part, the writer gives recommendations related to Classroom Action

Research. These suggestions are a follow-up based on the conclusions

obtained. These suggestions are intended for:

1. The Institution

For the institution, TPQ Al-Amin Dolopo should be encouraged and

supported by English teachers to improve their quality in teaching. The

teaching and learning process will run well if the school provides facilities

that are needed by both teachers and students. In addition to that, the

school should hold regular meetings with the English teacher in order to

discuss the problems faced by them and figure out the solutions.

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2. The Teacher

Applying the various kinds of English teaching instructions and

improving classroom management may provide teachers and students with

new experiences in the teaching and learning process. It is recommended

that teachers select an appropriate English teaching technique to be

implemented, as this will help make them better able to achieve their

teaching goals. The teachers should have enough proficiency in English in

implementing the materials in the teaching and learning process. So, the

teacher should continue improving their English. It is necessary for the

teachers to always widen his or her knowledge about the topics when he

implements the materials in the teaching and learning process. Therefore,

the teacher should do a lot of reading about the topics. The teachers is

expected to revise the materials if he finds some drawbacks in the

implementation of the materials for better improvement. It is suggested

that the teachers have creativity in implementing the materials, so that the

students become motivated to learn, to be more active in their learning,

and they do not feel bored.

3. The Student

The English language module that is developed is expected to improve

their ability in mastering vocabulary, learning new material and not only

memorizing words but also understanding their use in context. It is

recommended that students are active and involved in the teaching and

learning process by developing English modules. By having active

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participation, asking about problems, and expressing their ideas, they can

reduce their difficulties in learning English as a foreign language. They

will also improve their English achievement.

4. The Researcher

It is recommended that researchers conduct research on appropriate

media to be used in the teaching and learning process for English as a

foreign language. This will be an important step towards improving

education in Indonesia. It is recommended that researchers explore and

conduct more research related to the development of English language


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