Download - Data Management for Quantitative Biology - Database Systems (continued) LIMS and E-lab books by Dr. Marius Codrea

Page 1: Data Management for Quantitative Biology - Database Systems (continued) LIMS and E-lab books by Dr. Marius Codrea

Dr. Sven Nahnsen/Dr. Marius Codrea,

Quantitative Biology Center (QBiC)

Data Management for Quantitative Biology

Lecture 5: Database systems (continued)

LIMS and E-lab books

Page 2: Data Management for Quantitative Biology - Database Systems (continued) LIMS and E-lab books by Dr. Marius Codrea

Many database design & concepts

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DB = "A database is an organized collection of data"

DB = DB + data model for the application at hand (business logic) + implementation

DB = DB + database management system (DBMS). Software than enables:



• Create entries

• Read (retrieve)

• Update / edit

• Delete

DB = DB + Administration (User privilages, monitoring)

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Selected database systems

I. Relational databases


II.NoSQL databases


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Specific characteristics MongoDB vs MySQL

More details here:

System Property MongoDB MySQL

Initial release 2009 1995

Current release 3.0.2, April 2015 5.6.24, April 2015

Triggers No Yes

MapReduce Yes No

Foreign keys No Yes

Transaction concepts No ACID*

*A database transaction, must be Atomic, Consistent, Isolated and Durable.

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Record 1

Record 6

Primary keyPrimary


Foreign KeyRef


● The values of the primary keys uniquely identifies the rows of the table● The foreign key uniquely links the rows of the host table to 1 record in the referencing table

Mice table

Samples table

Terminology - Relational databases

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Mice tableSamples table

Samples are RELATED to mice

1:N one-to-many relationship

Relational databases (Normalization)

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Foreign Keys


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SELECT * , COUNT(*) as count_per_gender from mice group by Gender, Treatment;

“How many males and how many females per treatment?”

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JOIN queries

SELECT Sample_ID, Treatment, Timepoint, mice.Mouse_number from samples join mice 

on samples.Mouse_number = mice.Mouse_number where mice.Mouse_number=2; 

“What samples do I have from mouse number 2?”

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Relational „facts“

1.Rigid schema (once the structure is defined, it may be difficult to adjust)

2.Normalization introduces/requires additional tables, joins, indices and it scatters data

3.Each field in each record has a single value of a pre-defined type

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Mice tableSamples table

1:M one-to-many relationship

Relational „facts“ 1

Generalization to other Projects/Experiments in the lab?

Rigid schema (once the structure is defined, it may be difficult to adjust)

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Organisms table

Samples tableBROKEN 1:N one-to-many relationship

Relational „facts“ 1

Mice table

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Deleted relationship


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Organisms table

Projects table

Relational „facts“ 1

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Projects table

Relational „facts“ 1 Users table

Many users can be involved in many projects. With many roles?

Projects_Users table

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Projects table

Relational „facts“ 2

Users table

Normalization introduces/requires additional tables, joins, indices and scatters data

Projects_Users table

CREATE INDEX usr on Project_Users (User_ID);

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Relational „facts“ 3

Each field in each record has a single value of a pre-defined type

Primary Key Field 1 Field 2 Field 3

A 2-D map (tuples)

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Relational „facts“ 3

A single value ?!?

What if a person has 2 affiliations and thus 2 addresses, 2 phone numbers, etc?

Normalization? Again?

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DB = "A database is an organized collection of data"

● Can we allow for “some” heterogeneity of the data?

● Can the records be highly similar but not necessarily identical? (e.g., most of the users having just 1 phone number but others more?)

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MongoDB is a document-oriented DB

{ Mouse_number: “1”, Gender: “Male”, Age: 3, Treatment: “Vitamin A” }

Field:value pairs

Document ~ Record

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MongoDB Documents

{ Mouse_number: “1”, Gender: “Male”, Age: 3, Treatment: “Vitamin A” }

Field:value pairs

Documents are BSON files (binary JSON)

Closely resemble structures in programming languages (key-value association)

Each field can be

● NULL● Single value (integer, string, etc)● An array of many values● Other embedded documents● A reference to another document

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MongoDB Collections

Documents are stored in Collections

Collection ~ Table

{ Mouse_number: “6”, Gender: “Female”, Age: 2, Treatment: “Vitamin B” , }

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Different representation – The challenge remains the same:

Model the relationships between data












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Design & operational mechanisms


● Primary Key

● Foreign Key

● Join Tables


● Unique ID

● References

● Embedding

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MongoDB – Field types

{ _id: <ObjectID1> Username: { first_name: “Hans”, last_name: “Meyer” }, Gender: “Male”, Age: 30, Phones: [“+490777”, “+350777”],

Affiliations_id: <UUID_affiliation>}

Users document

● array

● embedded document

● reference

● Unique ID

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MongoDB – Field types

● Unique ID _id: <ObjectID1>

Acts as a primary key

ObjectId is a 12-byte BSON type, constructed using:

● a 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix time,● a 3-byte machine identifier,● a 2-byte process id, and● a 3-byte counter, starting with a random value.


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MongoDB – Field types

● array Phones: [“+490777”, “+350777”]

● Upon indexing, each value in the array is in the index

● Query for ANY matching value

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MongoDB – Field types

{ _id: <ObjectID1> Username: { first_name: “Hans”, last_name: “Meyer” },

Gender: “Male”,}

● embedded document

● Pre-joined data?

● Can be indexed

● Query at any level on any field

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MongoDB – Field types

{ _id: <ObjectID1> Username: { first_name: “Hans”, last_name: “Meyer” }, Gender: “Male”, Age: 30, Phones: [“+490777”, “+350777”],

Affiliations_id: <UUID_affiliation>}

Users document

● reference

Affiliations document

{ _id: <UUID_affiliation> Name: “My lab”, Address: “Tübingen”}

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Where is the catch?

● "In MongoDB, write operations are atomic at the document level, and no single write operation can atomically affect more than one document or more than one collection."

● OK, then references (normalized model) are not really Foreign Keys that the DB engine resolves. "Client-side applications must issue follow-up queries to resolve the references".(see next slide)

● “A denormalized data model with embedded data combines all related data for a represented entity in a single document. This facilitates atomic write operations since a single write operation can insert or update the data for an entity.”

● OK, denormalize. Maximum default document size is 16MB.

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“Mouse number 3 went wrong. Let's just delete it.”

SELECT * from samples;

DELETE from mice where Mouse_number = 3;

SELECT * from samples;

Where are these two samples gone?

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The key challenge

Find the right structure of the documents (references and embedded documents) that best fit

● the requirements of the application (queries, updates) -data usage

● the performance of the database engine

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Model the relationships between data












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Model the relationships between data 1:N





OrganismsSample_ids: [ ]



Depends on the most frequent question?

● What samples do I have from Organism X ?● Where Sample Y came from?

● How many samples? Reach the 16MB limit?

● Organism embeds multiple samples

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Relational „facts“ 3

Each field in each record has a single value of a pre-defined type

Primary Key Field 1 Field 2 Field 3

A 2-D map (tuples)

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Nested documents

_id Field 1 Field 2 Field 3

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{ _id: 4, Project_ID: 2, Species: “human”, Gender :””, Age: 30, Treatment:”Vaccine A”}


db.organisms.insert(  {   Project_ID: 2,  Species: “human”,  Gender :””,  Age: 30,  Treatment: ”Vaccine A”}  

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{ _id: 4, Project_ID: 2, Species: “human”, Gender :””, Age: 30, Treatment:”Vaccine A”}


db.organisms.find(  { Project_ID: { $eq : 2} })  

SELECT * from organismsWHERE Project_ID = 2;

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{ _id: 4, Project_ID: 2, Species: “human”, Gender :””, Age: 30, Treatment:”Vaccine A”}

Organisms db.organisms.find(  { $and: [{Species: /h.*/}, {Age: {$gt: 20 }}]})

 SELECT * from organisms WHERE Species like 'h%' AND Age > 20;

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Schema flexibility

{ _id: 4, Project_ID: 2, Species: “human”, Gender :””, Age: 30, Treatment:”Vaccine A”}


{ _id: 14, Project_ID: 5, Species: “human”, Gender :”Female”, Age: 10, Genetic_background: “WT”}

Data IS the schema!

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{ _id: 4, Project_ID: 2, Species: “human”, Gender :””, Age: 30, Treatment:”Vaccine A”}

Organisms db.organisms.find( { Genetic_background: $exists: true } })

 SELECT ??? 

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Model the relationships between data 1:N





OrganismsSample_ids: [ ]



● Organism embeds multiple samples

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Nested documents

_id Field 1 Field 2 Field 3

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{ _id: 4, Project_ID: 2, Species: “human”, Gender :””, Age: 30, Samples: [ { _id: 10, Timepoint:”5h”},

{ _id: 11, Timepoint:”24h” } ], Treatment:”Vaccine A”}


db.organisms.find( { '_id': '4',   'Samples._id':'11'  } )

db.organisms.find( { '_id': '4',  'Samples.Timepoint':'5h'  } )

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● Database design requires technical and substantial domain specific knowledge

● Normalization

● Indices


● Primary Key

● Foreign Key

● Join Tables


● Unique ID

● References

● Embedding


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Laboratory information management system (LIMS)












An underlying data structure of a simple LIMS design

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LIMS definition

„A Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), sometimes referred to as a Laboratory Information System (LIS) or Laboratory Management System (LMS), is a software-based laboratory and information management system that offers a set of key features that support a modern laboratory's operations.“

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LIMS properties and functionality

● Meta data of any sample entering the laboratory

● Tracking of processes throughout sample treatment and preparation; scheduling of the sample and the associated analytical workload

● Quality control associated with the sample and the utilized equipment and inventory

● Inspection, approval, and compilation of the sample data for reporting and/or further analysis

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Advantages of LIMS


● Fewer transcription errors

● Faster sample processing

● Real-time control of data and metadata

● Reproducibility of experimental processes

● Direct electronic reporting to clients

● Despite many advantages,...

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Disadvantages of LIMS

● Customization of LIMS

● Interface is required

● Adequate validation to ensure data quality

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With a good LIMS in place, we can consider Electronic Laboratory Notebooks

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Electronic laboratory notebooks (ELN)

An electronic lab notebook (also known as electronic laboratory notebook, or ELN) is a computer program designed to replace paper laboratory notebooks. Lab notebooks in general are used by scientists, engineers and technicians to document research, experiments and procedures performed in a laboratory. A lab notebook is often maintained to be a legal document and may be used in a court of as evidence.

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Prominent use-case: review process

● You submit a paper

● Several months of review process is not unlikely

● Reviewers ask for a more detailed description of the experiments you did two years back

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Traditional Paper Lab Books

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ELN, a survey

Journal of Laboratory Automation 18(3) 229–234, 2012 Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening

DOI: 10.1177/2211068212471834

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Examples of ELN software

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Practical issues

● Lab technicians “have only two hands”

● Labs are often not equipped with desktop PCs

● Data security of ELNs opposes challenges

● Scientists are classically reluctant adopters

● There is activation energy required to change work habits

● In academic science there is no formal obligation

● Establishment requires stringent modeling (see previous slides on databases) or significant investments into existing tools

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Mobile application of ELNs

Nature Methods 8, 541–543 (2011) doi:10.1038/nmeth.1631

● Handwriting capture technology

● All functionality as on paper● Sketch and manipulate

equations● Draw figures

● All notes can be linked, reordered, archived, edited, tagged, annotated and bundled in virtual 'notebooks' representing different projects

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Easy solutions

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Evernote as lab notebook

Journal of Laboratory Automation 18(3) 229–234, 2012 Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening

DOI: 10.1177/2211068212471834