Download - Daniil Tsovas MEd School Presentation Malta 24/09/2012

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The Secondary School (2nd Junior High School & High School) in the Avlona Prison for Minors and Young Offenders - Attika, Greece

Daniil Tsovas MEd

School Presentation

Malta 24/09/2012

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Education provided in the Avlona Prison for Minors and Young Offenders (A.P.M.Y.)

National Educational System Primary School Secondary School

Junior High SchoolHigh School

Other educational Programs offered by other Institutions regarding vocational or other Studies

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Number of Juveniles that are enlisted in the A.P.M.Y. and school

attendance in 2011-2012

From an average number of 350-380 juveniles imprisoned, they attend about:

60-70 The Primary School 130-140 The Secondary School

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Inmates profile Immigrants about 65% (Albanians, Afghans, Iraqis, Algerians,

Palestinians, Ukrainians, Turks etc) Age between 15-21 years old 30 students aged below 18 Lower social classes 1/3 violation of the drug legislation

(Report 2011 - Office of the Children’s Advocate)

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1994 to 2000 Voluntary lessons offered by a group of teachers (eg. help

students to participate in the National Exams)

2000 The School functions under the supervision of the Greek

Ministry of Education

History of the School

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The school is re-founded as:

2nd Junior High School & High School of Avlona

The school’s curriculum provide all the subjects of the three Junior High School classes as well as the full High School programme (1st,2nd,3rd classes)


The school is functioning as a full time institution and expands even more it’s extra-curricular activities

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School Year Num. of Students Num. of Teachers Specialty of Teachers

2000-2001 35 4 1 Math. 1 Phys.

2 Gr. Lit.

2001-2002 72 5 1 Math. 1 Phys.

2 Gr. Lit. 1 Gym.

2002-2003 100 8 1 Math. 1 Phys.

3 Gr. Lit. 1 Music 1 Gym. 1 Theol.

2003-2004 125 12

2 Math. 2 Phys. 3 Gr. Lit. 1 Music 2 Gym. 1 Theol.

1 Comp.Sc. 1 English

2004-2005 105 15

3 Math. 1 Phys. 4 Gr. Lit. 1 Music 2 Gym. 1 Theol.

1 Comp.Sc. 1 English 1 Sociologist

JPA Secondary School Statistics

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Subjects offered according to the Greek National Curriculum (approx. 35 hours per week):

• Greek language @ literature• Theology• Mathematics• Physics @ Chemistry• Biology• English• French• Physical Education• Music• Computer Science• Sociology• Art

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The need of cultural activities

Our experience in implementation of educational approaches has shown that Prison Education should include a rich variety of cultural activities, therefore a lot of our energy is spent on them.

From our school’s first steps, the need of several extra – curriculum projects was more than obvious.

We realized that the students’ participation in these projects enabled them not only to adapt to the school’s environment and cooperate with each other, but also helped them in both, psychological and educational aspect.

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1. Greek Rhythms

2. Clay Creations

3. School Newspaper

4. Expressing Ourselves Through the Collage Creations

5. Techniques & Secrets of the Engraving

6. Innovative Constructions made by Straws

7. Travelling into the World of Coins

8. Writing by Looking into Myself

Several cultural activities take place every year. During the school year 2011-2012:

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6. Traditional dances. A bridge between Nations

7. Flying machines – History & Construction of an airplane.

8. Folklore

9. Painting on Fabrics

Several cultural activities take place every year. During the school year 2011-2012:

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Mosaic construction

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Music – strings

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origamipaper folding art

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Music – strings

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Environmental project

Birdwatching – nest construction

in collaboration with the Greek Ornithological Society 

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first aid project

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Wall painting – prison yards project in collaboration with the Athens University School of Fine Arts

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Some school achievements Successful participation in exams (higher edu. -

Technological Educational Institutes) Prize in an annual national contest organised by the Greek

Mathematical Society Web site School newspaper Theatrical activities Communication with other schools Cooperation with Universities Sport activities

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Web Site http://gym-par-avlon.

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The 9th issue

Special award in the National school newspaper contest 2010

“ΤΑ ΝΕΑ” newspaper

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Theatrical activities

The Theatrical Play that was written and performed by our students was awarded:

1st special prize in the PanHellenic School Theater Contest, in the Educational Region of Attica.

2nd prize in the PanHellenic School Theater Contest.

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Educational Difficulties Students from various cultural backgrounds (various cultures, levels,

interests, language backgrounds etc) Poor attendance of some students because of:

Drug use before imprisonment Long term absence from school Psychological instability before and after a trial

Low self – esteem Low educational background & painful experience from school years Disabilities / qualified for Special Education (dyslexia, disruption of

attention etc) Negative attitudes towards education Conflicts between different ethnicity groups & bullying Delinquent behaviour

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Some key principles used for encountering educational problems

Individualized instruction: teacher gives consideration to the individual learner (objectives are individually adapted according to Ss interests, needs, level, cognitive learning style etc.)

Remedial teaching. Extra hours offered to students according to their needs (groups are created throughout the school year)

Interactive whiteboards in each class (several benefits: eg. learners absorb information more easily, attract their attention)

Differentiated & structured activities are used in class to offer opportunities for learning

Seek to achieve good relationships between students

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Extract from article in Newspaper written by a 20 year old student

“From Casablanca to Athens. I can now speak and write Greek due to the school despite not being Greek. I was born in Casablanca, I grew up there, I went to school, I met people and acquired principles that I am not going to change for nothing. I am just wondering in this place if I am now living waiting for dying or I am dying for living. In this big question I haven’t found the answer yet. I miss my country a lot and I am craving for going back there but the obstacles are several....there are so many things that need to be explained and it is very difficult since I don’t know where to start. My life cannot be explained. I didn’t have time enough to enjoy my life and fulfill my dreams. Many hardships in my life appeared and I needed to immigrate...... I see my future destroyed and

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this gives me pain. Humanity, understanding and goodness have been lost. I paid the price more than enough. I have more things to say and write but the ink is not enough to include all. I am sitting and wondering if there is someone who cares for me. Everybody cares for his own business and that’s it. Who cares for all these? I can answer noone. Money governs the world and we are often forgotten. I am writing this lines and I am sending this message to keep it in your mind forever. Watch your friends for your own sake. There is noone you can easily trust.”

Ν. Κ. 20 years old

(“Προσπαθώντας για το αύριο”, p. 2, 2010)