Download - Daily Louisville Democrat: 1855-12-27 · 2015. 12. 2. · VOLUMEXII. fHiiMILVBE3l0tS”IIM's^kliJaneou^ I'KTNTKDANDFUm.I0HBJ>B¥ | BEWFLOOD LOUISVILLE,KENTUCKY,TIIUIiSDAY,DECEMBER27,1855.

Page 1: Daily Louisville Democrat: 1855-12-27 · 2015. 12. 2. · VOLUMEXII. fHiiMILVBE3l0tS”IIM's^kliJaneou^ I'KTNTKDANDFUm.I0HBJ>B¥ | BEWFLOOD LOUISVILLE,KENTUCKY,TIIUIiSDAY,DECEMBER27,1855.


fHii MILV BE3l0tS” IIM's^kliJaneou^I'KTNTKD AND FUm.I0HBJ> B¥




HAANEY, HUQHES & CO.,£ oa TUril aUMt, botwoen lifatket

and Jefleritou, Baet ude,




head of Oreat Fish rirer, or, aj ik ia known oa th«


JUfcp, Back rirer, ia iatiUkia akowk (4 io«. Xortik.Throca ik«y fuUowed iIm eaana ef kka wumm tn



DaSlj Demoerat per rear, payable qaarleriy - • a? MI>e do, ia >ui\tLUCK’ • «> UO

Tec Crote per week, payable u> the Carrier.I

J>a..y l*ewoirat,«o«iar»y ediuoB, ^r year - - t UO,

Ol- AUvLKlT&lAO.»aaate oT iO ilrea, one ioeertion •

U« eecb a<liitUiMiiM ioeen’en - • • <* ib

1m oi.<' K'. i^th, v.Uiuai aluratioa * - 4 'A‘


l>o IS O iBu’.toe, do do - • • ' ^IM Lweeni .'oUii,, do do - • - 10 0 i

OoCMuareida ciOt.tUr,akihoataluration - • U to

iJo twrive do • • ^ i

achadd.uou».;Kiotrefor»;xiaouU»j . • •

XM CO twelve laoiithl - • 1 J o*ij

One t;o»re ei* moclhe, reoawaWe ooce a wecc • art CJj

One eaeare iwvive muuiiie, rcueaabie twice a^

wti < • -• ^

* - 40 w, .

One eauarc twelve uondta, rracwa-,e enje * ,i


jrae'.i a-! i.' ••jel e<.n*re for iw.'lre aonib* - 10 ivj

Addiiion^J adre-n.*;!!# at a prepf rtioiialc price. L;"- j

xtay a:. I adver.inu«ex.ra i>rice».

AdV'"'-- • rit.oihe.ied etiiitenyj. vii: weekly,,

MD SHOW CASE MAKE^u “ ^ ^kJlAV ,1 vxVOiJ ilXiYA.lJ.ktd The treat deiuanU for theee Fiaijos, from wnolesaleseil JJbw C4 Third street. tiUj eri, having mdaoed the yropnetors to Urgtly tu-

cr* a*e theirnianufaciuriiigftree.they areenKblednowT3 to furnish all who are in went of ji.strumuDta at the

IXleSOln.XOn of k P.rtnCTBnljP, lotrehiwmileeaJe orreiail J>rii.«s. itetail i.uyers sre aa

?S^HE P.\RTNf:R.SHIP HERETO- aare«i that they can save an average ot ritg percent, hv

1 fore cxiati'r.v. under tb- alvie and title of str-,.., A


^HIRTS! SHIRTS!! A SECRET —- -im .. i ivm I **^tTj



rf;?>{« “ojf *^<=tory, on Xo. 487, CORNER MAI.\ AND rOURTll STS. comer of Third. Having made thle branehof niy bmt-


— ----- - r=r i —kaiag abetiocted over aw* kwuirad di^nlkU J u J l/ '‘‘^“e®lrFlAN08FKRWi:EK.


jr Aa\D FLFCANT stock


veninit EdiUon.] j rapid*. Over «a bowavar, with noUklncThe treat demand for theae Fiaiios, from Wholesale I g

AaM# t.LFAlTAfh 1 P)X UCK,

m.n^in ^h^ line, I w, _ _ more iubstaatuil than birch hark eanoaa, Ikar

cJi^a7/riWr mfnufa“?^‘& i

^ ^ Clothing and » laro‘*hing Ooedf. i ^ , rejoly-made Linen amlSxublFn ShirtAeverre-j

Tag FiaB AL.tRM.-Thera wa* a faire alarm of 1ia «af*»j, OM amred a* it* mowM aw thecr.ase iiKirmanuiALiuniigi«rce,ihe} areeiiH le inow COATS. crivrd, and can aasure all who may favor me with a . _ . ...... . i iilth of Jalv

Fine black and hloe t-Tss Cowts; call to give them a superb fitting article In the Shirt line. ;on Chxutm** night. Thero was DO fire except I ,t wi'S : v v

. y,,' .K fore existing, under th« atyie and title of Strius A

* *"1 I sax'**, j heraby, by cintaal cocsect, thie oay dit-I BOired.

• ai ao Ii^trau* Is auihorixed tc ectUe *11 claim* for and

purchaaiiif; from the factory .lirect. or from any of ouiautamsed ayenly.ihe LriccBlK-iu.zuuitorcuthruUkhQUtthe \> esi. 'i he i'lMuut, as to iiUiUity, tone, and huish,axe WkitaaKxeu equal to the nest Lastera laakci theirSquare I'ianea, the only claASo! ie» manufa-t-


IJ o>)j

•* vovruj e. ravcM....*. tebuy,

CwowcJy, Terry Ai tU©,,

fmportkr.s and wholesall?!! i ^ liealera In Staple and Dry Uoods, Mo. 4ii>


, !

“HI'' •vToet. between Fifth and KiXlh. aub ditwtl

Atff'nl.fforthcV-illUtii 0. Feterske Sons, Oiuciunati, Ohio,llaliuer «. Weber, at. Loms^Mo.dames Diggoiis, Maeiivlilc.Teuu.Fairick *t Oroas*. . Lafaye.t-, Indian*.T. Cunyington tz «lo., cvauiviUe, liidianc.Cuuts ^ Kuthefiiin' .CiarksviUc, Teun.Ch&rcii'.ll it Cook, ylecipiiis, T cun.>i';'.'dy *t Kuuer, V:ck»l>!irg, jWiss.11. 1>. eoivc, Detroit, Miutdgan.

We h iveuov.- in store the l.trgest and best assortment

lln?i to their o't uomed ate aMi regular 1-osiucsib and * sstisfscti. nf^,. jaarn,;..j ot n 5ttlve^4r^..»e tlrui is uv'l cousidcrcj as



lB*i4o;~g that o? ’W i'.d.vidual mt a.litrs.!

>o A- r -a tit; :i - Ad v c r 1 i u


Fine black and blue D.mss Costs;Fine black, blue, btowa, and olive Frock Coats.

PANTS.Black Doeskin Cassimere Pant*, ruperflcc;Fancy Cassiiuerc Faau, every style and quality.

VESTS.Fine Mark figured 'dngUsh Silk Vests;Fancy I'lunh > estr;WacK and fancy Sttin T eats;Wedding and Paity Vests;Blaex Casiinicre and Cashmere Vests.


Fine black and fancy colored Clcth Over-oats,Cloaks, and Talmas; iiaaiiiess Coau, Pauls, and Vesta-

SniilTS.Linen and Linen boKiu Sh'rts, from the largest to the

stTialleal sizes.

UInDEUSIUKTS and DBAWEI13.Siik,Menno,C<tshmerc, Shaker and Cantvn Flannel

1. ni. erahiits ;tnc Drawers.

UL0VE3.Kid, Eilk, Casjiniere, Cashmere, and blue Glovt s.

CIl.kVAT.S, TIES, Ac.Cravats, Sor.rfs, and Ties, great variety; Socks, Sna-

ceived, and can assure all who may favor me with a ! _ . ...... , i vUkh of Jalv.I

call Co give them a superb fitting article In the Shirt line.;

on ChlUtmAS night. Thero was no fire exowpt I it,-. v • v .

.My stock Is now complete, with alllhe modern improve-f .v j •, r .u. _ v- - e- I

Here Uey met Wl h Kaquijwaax, who conoh-mcDts, tow'it: Within tho domicils of lha masj happj famsl.e* orated the report* cf Dr. Rm, and dtnetod them

BrowF**'^do*”*° ^d'«f,'’**^^*^**^**do”’who were enjoying tho Christmas wmforu around to Montreal Islawd, a short distaaoe from kha

Br>ad do do’, Byron do; them. xoath of Back river, a* the spot where, acsordinff^ad do do, no do; ' to their instrnetions, they wire kn «ftwtnr>e,wM ,^i-

F?^e^!uOIu*l^ ^dco^’ *dV*^ do; fcS“ 'Vo mentionod in our issue of Tuesday nuke expiation. > r ,m UusUm uakU lha Hth of

Bretl do d"; d^l I rell^rehmm'^^Isij^.!^’*^^^

SOdo^n'^&iced midnight. The delay was occaiionod by a tween «T and CJ dagreos North lalituae. W.ems-iKTs, atul MTlsrbftRds, a bargain at wholerale; i change of the switch at I*a Grange, which threw not recapitalate the penis eacapeJ, axid pmaneM

300 dozen Collurb, standing* ruand poinu ana .straight; *km v . w,*. r. i

eudured by ihe brase band whde to imd

For SlJ^lr ‘ KA„8 F!i:li,’S. ,

>h.cb «cp.d ™llia;«TCT, Ih«. Oi«» th.Vpw.i*=-

de17 5v!5 Main street. an embankment at the spot where the accident oc- tially eecaped b«ing ‘^nippod,’* aa Mr. Stewart ex-~

a v ^ carred.,

pressed it, orerushed between moving monnUtn*

r I* r A T it F Ik l” j'jf mo. At i»*t, -m iloaireal Island, where tkeir

' ^ '* ^ *I t-Sf“ Tho uumher cf arrests in New Otleacs, *itp*ofatiotj ooLimeDced, they fuusii rnow-show*.

lionds, coniedaDd plan.For sale low atde17

JIANSFIELD’S,5^ Main street.

a. W.SMAU.'

(; It E A T H E I) I C T 1 O N I N


the month of November, was l,.>«7-an• , ,, ,

’ ’ Ur. .'Stanley, who was iurireoa Of »;r John Frauk-MAIN ST., fifty-two per day; and yet tho papers

. lin’s iulo, tho Erebuscaim ihem by aanite. Af-


»?.ELL .VND WRASS FOUNDER,m3 WaUrakrert, Utweea first and Second, Lo,:U-



Mayl\(^ dissolVe d pautke u-sliip with D. D. 8j.t;aT, I am now practicing La*

on my ow n accooDt. Ail busiuci> int' U.-irJ to me sh .lj

^yvoruptly atieniied to. Oliice Jetterson street, nr a-F'.itli, north side.selOdStmf GEO.X. AU.VSTUUNO.

ui«. liF-' ialrcGrenceln the city to Frotess: r* H. W . i

Xuutcr. L.ouieiiast,Ue>tgekoiier,Ch.irit;s rt.'i.,.., lA/UisI

^ ^ ^

Gripp.itc. wi.’Db-.ri'-Ti; 13 ;c CO., 1 _ bJ^luL Lf. & «AaDE\ ILLr- 3._KS Foufi;. auect. CIlEAk' TEktMS AT THE


I’LU.MRERrf, G AS AND STEA.M 1-ITTER3, D. U'l 1' OU It i H JS T., BETWEEN. ... . . , >L-.rtd and JellcrssD. Silk and riuo iTcstes

jI?riTE & SMALL, 4'J9 MAIN ST., fifty-two per day; and yet tho pap

ITB. near National Hotel, will sell, from this time un-|SAJ that camber is less than the usual average.

II th» lintt ikf JAnkifiirv. (Ke>ir F>)kn*r^ st g4*lr r*f l'?<a»v M*i




NEW YOKiv i)YE liOlISF.,

I’LU.MRERrf, G AS AND STEA.M 1-ITTER3, D. L'l 1' OU li i H JS T., DETWEEN^ , . , . » • j r: t .

-1-^ >L-.rtd and JellcrssD. Silk and riuo iTcstasNC'. u-» littrd itfccl, bctv.'een Aictti nttd .'ierxci, dy’;>l black L r $l;uil ether colors on ladies’ Dressrs

LOClsVILLF.iKV. only *1 5>.-. Crepe Sa*wU,Cape^. *tc .cleaned or dyed- • t, I, T 1 , » v-i , r,i iT-wriTw-n superior b.yle. Aiso, lor re-dyeing of fa leu or

'1' i A S P I P E !S AND PJ.IjAlD.Ntv datuas<.''> D.-y Goods, please call at my store, No. iUl

C. Dr.fL'Juft /'.iMinont- i '"’••for yHr0f,cein,-D*ries, and iialronv-s, to whichkMCfilil lNJ2Hr i\( lSUiD£I (.Oxilllliin . I C*llibca;t;*ptior.ofttio»einwantof he. tngtorai-j” o * e t},e aUi. e named purt-rsm. K c are prepared to i r

Dr.FI E-'-SiL. HULL tc O., A^eIll^- iUpat abort notice and on tb- jaost rci-.-xual le ti rjvi.

- K . "I . -Ti- X i

‘-’T’' '!* fr-'-m R ilistauce, with s.ttisfacU ry rcfcrtuccs,Boki A -, t-a cl ‘it.i... Will receive prompt iWirutioc.

W «. t. Cuu-.**.. a. U. Dav«*ON..T».oi.L. Crbtvr. I ^*^^_“'^^‘‘‘*Suv<trauhr

Dr.ME.'-SiL, HULL A O., A?eIll^,

N-'». Ma\iaN cT*ilai*T*

V a. t. Ci-u-itsH.. U - X^atuwon..T».o*.L. Ca«tku.



W aXD Bl'L..:'i r STKl.fc. rS. lateres.alloweuu,.

on drpoaiti b.v arccla- -,re.-meut.

* tr meiit of ^ cry bandsome Uitiliug Fattirns. suit I

priviie naiieiut’s. i»oi a.ij eoiu nuO-er i

I wilt.,- f.jryarOf, cein.’icries, and iialconv-s, to which we IV' as. Et..ndi', i an^ 1

I call 'be *;t;*ptior. of those in want of itc. 'dug tor a:-v of. ci. aenr-g ** iiler l.loicts, Lis'.eni wora, r ore


the aGi. e named purt-rsm. W c are prepared to i ut II* umps. Ate., ily urauiic Kum», aud VV ater A

I'i A S PIPES AND PJ.IJMDING |datuase<i D.-y Goods, pleab’e call at my store, No. iU,

'iJI' work of ail deicriplions inlroduced into public I* our' ti street. l*UDOKHt'FIM,

.nd priviie baileiut’s. Hot a.ij cold nnowtr ii.ulis, nol3 (.ll?a,-i.k ted Fancy Dyer.

til the first of January, (heir chcice tl>ck of Cari etiogat greaCy reduced price*, to which they respectfully in-


vite the attention oC ih'- pahlir. Their stocs couiiaU of - -• -l-v. •••. '

Rich ftoy al Velvet Carpeting;! Some b-joas wo to bo tx^tecL otaori *o bo swal- vhi* oo*t,eontwning this nwao, wm* aroutrok along

JVosIey it Son’s auperbXapestry Carpeting;, , c . u e , , ... with him by Mr. Me w.irt. Am-sz kho£»i'umaax

Lnglisb Drusselr do; lowc *, arid semo few to bo ehowed and digested. fbuxi .. -^

• yim'i.eriil J u'v .1.,: , , •

.* . ,

found iron Kettle;, '..<Twp<-c-iins in rhaooPatent Ingram do; liid ua .iTod in our uxy and gcncraia.n, uO wou.d ; anti size with thuso furnished the Franklin expo-Fxtra, medium and common 2-r’y all wool do; have been likely to add—‘*unJ thera are s«.»u»o W- , nark of Iho BritishGov-Dc'Ub.e Cotton Chain all wool fliiiug Carpeting; •'

. i y-i .Ai?, J 4, Rud-bd Veuitian Hal and aialr d- ; bo er'caewed and prescribed as not St to be read at

'•h'^**1**» *®®wn to hav* ool*?nged

Brussels, Velvet, and Tapestij- Stair do; tola* expcdiU'>n,weraobtwt.edf.'Lm'.haic...qui-buper Mosaic. Brussels, and Cheneille Bugs. fi'* •

> Umax, and broutrht bv .he dia.-iv for dxniait »i-h

FluorOilclolhs, all widtb.s an<- qciiilties; f-SSTTho jIont«»'jmcrv f Ala Adver‘L.c- rf tha i J*'"'.Go.ymiaenl. No bt.dies, however,

Curt.Un Materi.Us and Trimmings; ‘ -s-dBCO t Adver.uc., cX the „ere found, og treees of any. Tho iwport of th»Linen and Cotten Goods, such a* Sbeetings, Tow-

;U'Jt im,t., tboj refers to tha’jon of x pot- U'JuiTMt'ix ww, liu; uaa man died oa Monuoal

el*. Napkins, Table I'amaske, Spreads, Ac. i.. , ,, , i iml an.f that ,b- T

lay that number is lese than the usual average. ' terw.srds they ican.i tn tho *3010 isiwd a boat,beloogic^ to tho I'raiiiilia expedition, with tb*

t-rJ~ Lord Bacon, in an essay cn ktnJy, ss.Id : -aama “lenor" slid liirUuctly vLibio. A pioea ->C

‘ Some b-xtas wo to bo tasted, ot'aers to bo swal-,

this nwao, wa* arougnt along

CircuiaUi.K b<.il-rj. Fancy \\ .is. Et..nds, Fan, Fiaic,i

r.nU bell acLir.g Vi' liter l.Toiets, Cis'.eni work. Force ami U n { 1 g (JftV UVCllOIlSfi.l.iti lumps, etc., ilyurauiic Kum»,dud 1> aUr ioan- ....... .7, , .*7 ^ . .

laiis, , .

UNDERSIGNED IS PIll>t-uun-ry wcrkproiopt yat.ytiO.'it3. ^ r aredto Die L-.,ms iTfesseM Shawls fee to anv

»t^>MvVn\“«rdt amps ol every description con-

nt,;,de or color to suit. e.;so, Oentlomcli’s Clothii g* ..‘-t. n .,1 „.-y r.o’ 1 .. ' H . T,.itt,l I Scours'J Ht'd llcpaire i Ilk tlic ucutest Sly Ic, Rud ut thc


riC.:te g“vc I.** ;re.,d ^-file got » eH'-wbere .* do°o d-U‘ “ '•ih, uud judge for youi-


JOHt' A. laraiNsos jokksnvsse. Shop Is on FIFTH. ,r-» rtv- .'i ttCLl, beiwteii main and riurktt, opt-o.vile \eiia-

1> X C iv i N S O .N kV & N a »> MC iC, VI in^r’s Drug it-.rr, w here 1 shall always liu lound rea ly|

(SltCCXSivRS TO H. W. Wlb-rON), N


C.imer >V ashlcptcr. and riMvu»trt.-.-t».

CAfiRiACleiS.HAl>D(l.\, CAIIUIACI-: DEAL-er. Third streci, between Maiyet and .IrlTcrsou.

on urp'lal** •’.*. „. ,, y. 1 ttf

kik.'x.rv-.y, y->. > i y ,, i . s , , • a iAl-.-Xrj-' f S UCCXS.'vRS TO H . VV. VV ALTOg;


D.y.u S J.U auunKVer -.nti.ufcuUicn. i urchwe « er. Third streci, between Maiyet and .IrlTcrsou. • 7 T Fou-ta Blrcc* bci¥,e"1 L ira ‘' J MatltStb«..k houi.. .h.v.bOivo'1 l.and.of f '-ouTi r-ar,uf»rture, a full rnq “ 7-CG.ta Biroo.,i.c,v,e.a ....u.a —a -u.-ti.-i.,

.:-.y um.'*.js.ltci. assorlmenl of iloOKawa’ s, suIU;,s. F iKdon*,

jL'JClcYILLB, K7'.,

(leii cxiu u|vc *!l ;<« Open Buggies, tliifi;cg-G-p Nu-rsiss, rlule-SK it Ku.wler. — -mii. t y ,.,,0 » xt 1 \ xt i w’tt

bo er'chewed and prescribed as not fit to be rend at

ELANKLT8. tion of b lorida to Alabama:I

Island, and that tho balxaco of live porty wdi red cn the b».iich ef tho mam land

.ppesite, 1M.M. 10--, and liXsapcric.r quality Bed; “Tho joint rerolutions having rsforenco to tho ^Crib Llanktts; whicii we are selUng at very low 1 A West Florida tn AUiy.n. . hox« Ty.t»A.I P ’ "" ® afd rlarvaroa, they, cco

price*. Call and examine our stock.1by one, laid thcmsoives down axd loolllTli4zbMSLL._ tboJouso ot Uepresenmtivesoftnia.-^Uto With- ^The L. iuimaux re lorli “ntlr^^

tluf. n«itif.r.» Rriil Wf* T.rAAiiTr«A fhAt th*»» Triil > * . . ^ , .a av«ww».4 aamaaVus


.“i ttCL l, beiwteii main and riur'iet, opt-o.vile Veiia-viine’s Drug 8t<-rr, where 1 shall always be tuundrea lyaud vtiMo-g lu wail on ouslumcrs wii» may favour me

96 FOURTH ST., WILL .SELL,a- 'favour me I

^ until tiielst of January next, AT C03T, their whether tb* party hr.d couxo to their death by i*«r

<L«irr vrFD at the corner ofFoe-di and Main is now open for the ac-K_7 Foe-di and Main is now open lor me ac-

*-J new, rom'.turc, Beddin*.

Thceat^c;. riosei is on Fourth street, near

^Vve’s d.cii the i-'^^Hgeof the pulilir, and hope Yy

o^xetUj.u r^men.j. co., Proprietor*.

joNLi^ii GKirFirii,ini'OLiaii or


£ Tl’ ]I o L S 'i' E K E ii .S AND .MANU-wLJ facturers of oil kinds of iluJding, M ;adow Shades,me., for stci-mUKds, lio-c:', p.i , • dwellings, fzc.

T irpau-'ins and 1 i-.p* ou hand, or made to ..rd'.r, forsaleori.iie. .A.i work x'i-.rrant.-u us reprejenyd.

o0i<0 Uit

Pixe-Arms ana FisMLg Tackle, i

IkLOCii eV (.>xuIiP.Yi,

WUOLhd.UJi X:.i} IthTelL l>a.'.LKB3


^ I. <iti ' kSS anu is couslanUy receiving, li tree;

C i D \' i? D *i'! M • , • U i I r. n I

from the manuiactarcn in Knt-A IV \ ri iL d^ A* \J X xJ Jj 11} !

land, English douMe and single Bhot.-Guc»,..r ai; 4 Ui5lilies, sjies, and i-rices; Kevoivers aud I'Utcls of sJl

ivOrtil iriide Jctlcrson bt,, Ikindk; KlCe Lurry;*, <.un L.icks, Double Triggcra, utioaeva*-a waum w maae, * «>#**. t1every artUle s iituMc Ijr gar.suiitts; erorting An, .«,• ..




Fifth Siret:, near I'fain, LvuisKtlle, j^v,j

7 Ij xH-'i.iT ivx‘ Uij P Oik PA-I) i i* A\ OivJ8

ur’i'. V !-• I V-.-, ,»•' Uitt suliJCTi'K-is eolic.t a c' of put-Yi

rtLcTN LEAVij jl O I cosioui. Alley are Con Jtiintly suppiieu with all Uie ''fit

AW;ay *̂;-*'^**tXi4,nfAtrut .'uercIiarts,gmiSmU'‘a,a-^d1

bloves in the ui-.rket, Wluen i,iey winselliu a.v.*usuiiv

C tiim"s,iiiat he b.t* nov. oa t.-md, l ***a- an y miuula.-tuioGmlies. aiii

and is cuuslaiiUy receiving, o tree;:

UoriKr ware, uud do all Kitins^d joh.iing work in

from the manuiaciurcn in Knt-and single Snoi-yiuos. .r iLi ' .1 11 I

Oc-D <111 4.C MstkC.


t., hel. y^c-jud hud t.i.r i.

To Dealers Li CUciottia.

riorhtyle and mumicr. Crape b'aawis. Kid Glo7es,iindgecUe-dieu’s 'tVeunng Appsrel cleaned and neatiy


ar*cJO<t.F.e. Ail work sent to my store will fce done in the

Ume promisod, and a: the shortysi nc Vice.j

fc . W'fc;Hi 3, Fifth street,i

Ix27(}|v U»lwui*r. Murker and J,»rfer«/.n

' TiiO.v. ». OLIVER, i

Draper and Tailor,|


^FTEll THE PRJHSENTATIUNFll. of my compameiits tomy Trieedfi and patrons, 1

wuuid call iittesiion to my tad stock of tancy Cussi- 1

nag oc vwicni in.«; . . -

!llorK ley Sc Kiebardson’s Irish Linens; jeut of the annexalibn of West Ft.<rida to .VU-


try, baviag j, on ab.-ent in all about ten

^ «'mi*d'^45dn*chHUo^ do‘bdEia, in which it wa.s sUtol that tho subject ta''Otb-'. Mr. .Suwnrt k-!t Paul j«i>nLij -a

' b-4 super Damask Table Linens;* would pr-bubly ba brought ^loro -.ur Legislature '^“f- »o the liuiison’.a Bay Utad^nart ;rs at Li. --

10-4 Suow-orop do; that is uou in session. Ti'e hi^rhly approve the shine, Canada, U> inbmit an account of kisadvea-' ffiM7anHL4.AlM^ remar’d- o^c by oar cr..itemp)«^^^^^

• , , „4-4aiulA4FiilowCoiions: acccjc'ers troia the west will urge it upon t no at- And so, at i—.t, tho icyite.'y js sulvoiL Brav->10-4. 11-4, aud 12- 1 Allendale Spreads; tcniion rf laa Lf^^slaturc, ana that they vill be


^.r John, whoso livt'', has awakencl the sy iu,*tniz-

.MwyfauiTf’initeLUa^^ enabled to carry out the wislios <rf as w • th-iZ' \ ing curio-ityof theoivih.s.l w.-rid, it is new knownHeavy power-loom Siripts;

" la.'ge majority <[ the p^spie of the 'Vest. Wa j bi.« lasis.eep ’ by the ,.r. ires of tbsirr.ien


4-1 Furniture Che<_-ks;_

scem bj bu looked upon by our L utern friends as saas t!iron;;u wh-.-a icy i-laiidj ha bwi vainly

I » 1 s-a.Ynd o^^heuvv^T^^^^isofa.Vt/ produce, having O.J c</m uniry of in-

' souj’at to pa,*-*. Fvur winr rs back, as me E*|ui-3 4’au<l 4-4 heavy brown Osn^urgs; torcl with them; and it U only when oar iuiluauce


mau-v said, the noble party, after e*capirg from the4- land 0-4 brown Bheeiicg*. is rejoired in some important election, that theyisbipswhichcruifnoii ngcrCiatoaUiosddanger-

The above embraces but a small portion of oar st.ASk. seem to bo aware that we are a portk a of tue Stale.,

ou-. .>ca.«, found release ir- ni sud'-riui: ia death.BONNET, DRE8S, AMU 8aYS 1I fiir.BUJ. a.


AlabarnA is anxious to adopt us, and should wo Uitd manfulij, as they bad lived; bravely,Luil'cs will find tut a'sortmeiit of the above large hccvU’o identified with her intereaii, wiU uol treat I'be true Englishmen; this much ws mav believo.

nnVv* A^irgvrv bn' 'll <io everytaieg ;Lr consoUticn.tbat they nset their fare as K-.-am*

,^ in ber power to advance our interests. YVe *ay, ;

spirits adventurjui ami noble. Na traces wer

TweL*a'i.*FiH?ifc^ttoDs,’calic‘^^?’a^, give us our walking paiwrs, found by tbe Ls.i*um;rax t . indicate that even ia

W'e offer inducements to all wh" need vr<,d*. and let us ‘ seek a bemo of affection elsewhere.* ” their las^ extremity they had forgotten their man-KOBINSON, MARTIN k CO., — — Dood.and preyed n 'n-A a*o;r.;-r.

_ .iri Fuarth sGeet. Dkath OF TUB Ket. .Mb. Hassell.—TLe The last pony d gee oroBS hoar's, wbesonabtv)

ti FST R Vf’!-'! V’ Vlf Iff Al''W 'rifc’wi Rev. Henry M. Hosksii, who went fr'mtaiscity carry juroor to the li-it •.aes ..r bring eoosolation

and Beauforts. fine; black Silk and Satin Half '

ere **litTr ^' rTtancd, and .bo \p:tic w.ut.-s

&oi»rf-* ncwjtyles; Kitl tiilkj %tiU T^.rea.U Ulotesj ai IAVni'^rios.n cti&i>t;A aC Pet€f.'»ouf^, w iiottJ. ire *•.-* in ioovl. aVn l, i-i '»f Tho stiffor*

del" ' M.tNSi lKLD’s. Ho wa.a a young clergyman of tho Congregational irg endur>J,acd the nubi* liv*s acriiiced in fruit-

stuiiio f-'-tnt-x- Ifrvr '

pcr.'uasion, snu one of great profniie. Jh Cf irts- I lojs efforts tu w.-len tho KDUr.i!^ of banian kncwl-

M , n' i lA iW-vtj iikv'nv X-,..,.' P of til'* Traveller, writing from .'it. I’etcn-


edg-, ws believe it to b« Ine prayer of all men ,ARK. oc. JiU'vAb HAVE NU>\1 Lurg, says his funeral was attended by a largo that so they may remain ferever.

in store a large and well ossi-ried stock of the i number ot -orrowing friends, who fodoweJ iu

Maryland FenitenlUry I’laids;Heavy power-loom S'ript*;4-1 Furniture Ghe<-ks;6-4 heavy Apron Check.*;


4, 3-a, and o-4 heavy Tickiags;3 4 aud 4-4 heavy brown Usnabnrgs;


1 anti 0-4 brown Sheetings.The above embraces but a small portion of our sOiok.

M oae r.< -r « iioltee

-Vl. 2H.173AER,\\ i G iU A ik E U ,

Ko. SO Fourth ha,M' eat *;'£- be.ween M*. n and Market-


JKCC3 B. baSiTU, I ht«eiaiciirc will belakei

g>0!I.Elt MAKFS, I.S ,\OVV' PkE- and M ater.treeU, Lou.sviUe, l.y. ^^ ^ .n

N. 1 !.—Kcpairiiig <luuo to t-rJ- r at the silcrtest noticr. LAiLi-AG*. a

cannot fci. to give :.ati-d'acuoi<.

ht«ciaiciirc win be taken in He.ocr.i.g fur urdets.Jdia StuCa C JUSistli of—


From* to lb feet vine—new pattcrusi Oaks, Tapestry,

JUler lo How lit Sk S3 UlUiO;.


IUnDuc'.ts, Drills, anti MDsUniccauit-iedanu plain sar-


have a superior suppiy, of all llie varied shinies ofarenze, brow 11 , dive, due, and green, of Dumur A Masmii’a make, aui-ablo for Drear, Frock, and Mor.'iuiKUor.u, aiitl, Ha uauaifhlack aud ccio.>'S, ol every(nanuf.scture.tX<F~Lusiues.v Suits ms'ie up to measure, or Fanis and

VeaU bit.glv , at u* low rales a* tuey cun bo purchased3f any uloUuugcstdoliehuieciin tins city.

TKOS. .M. OLI\ KR, s7s» Main it.,

selJ h"tw«ea Fourth anil F ifth.

Jl Wiaa.xad CO hum'- ag, a* is practiced in thi* city.J

Btiaw-Cuttcr Queetion.j


order."" - i E.S.SILS. J. B. FORD & CO., Oi’

|Lipl4eTi. D. SCHJVIUCK,

Aiso, Hair PraMing of every oeecriptiOL, such at Ear i-V IS. ih-city of N> w Alba.'.y, ia the giAccflniii.viii, 't'TAJB DUt -jdEi' OXLCLOXi..:'*, i'c.

, , , . e . v. 3 »r,vjKiagK, Liac’e...;a, urcasl z'.ut, F ob ou i duotu Cuaitii, . , .'aiming to io; the ovnersof c.iifurd’s rig;.', u, v, ^r-hottoe,'.-' -Vicu sUcct, htlow ThXri, Fliiiiplelphla, Ni^'* jLirket Stre-.t, between heeona and iairdh.c.^cta,A

V .' Ik VLUiactcrewhat is tnowii »s&a:iro.-.l’n ctro.- Ciilit.-, X'a. [auJd.'.-uj 'X iiG.'XAS FG'l'TF.ti, FUuutaciUfcr. LO’JISVILLS, K V.

ciF'^Laa.t: Jiair aoi.e ei.uer at t-ieir rtSi- ha-’e *<«.d the nghlto uianuiocvure the eah.c Ui'oi.e I -iv* -x.d-rr -g , r '• t:-e .

_ . "J • out lor cMTaiu iTelienbed I .iT t. nea, ami .lily !.*v. i .. j, e-s - i T t •;* d Xi Ah »-'’ S 1 Hl. LA DER'Ol t»NED TzVKth.S,

k4^i4rij € J I tic kK tLiliAa Tl liic twr&v»^Q tlvrj

aJh • • 1 -lk.% A^ 4 m‘ V i:rf''A* TticaXflurti ill imV*FU^iZj kf ulil CQstccji'f••

AT' ^ 05lt' 2 «' fr I *ro ^ V'OEil&SOW \ rtuu tJ.'.- K*iuerA*iy, trial he iarslAMistaea

* A vi\ r' a J' ^ A

(•-—bt_£>etK TO VVL.TuK — AOaal&SDr.,),«lLL).,ii, Ihe ;.la. ve I ustr.ess, ai.l will 1-e happy to srrve

t^o.'l" ARDiNt* AND (iENL.vAL,V.1f'u,ci^Umr ^ “d

;*’"' r-I*VDlll:;=:t'.llcf anti iJcaler tu 'i'niiiitS, ;

lusouiiHr .nstgat.T. Uel.a»iurtjre!iric.i'DSortnient' Cvu:u-.*:.'.n .'ierchhota, Lopi5ville,Ly. We.H.e iVu

!Valiev'. AC., !

i-U.U.;bg for the present sea,on,

tn-ier. -.-•..•J. ' tl; » lay loriueu a Co;.a»tiier«k.p tor _ , v.''.-i.v ve s-.ii-iie.i tnur ..e eau s-.ii

. !ij, »i.a l.iive -..lien l.beI. .It HttK.r'iiog to ibe »pi.eilicali

\ ill lev'’, Ac.,

*00 Jfiiiti -S'., let. riir'lcnd !'.'\irt i.Loii :rdlU,Jx^'.

A-rv;;-*7'-; R’ il E UNi 'E]i.."ilGNED

LUIH8 k ILLL, K Y . above euo<U- viz:

TiiD u;xT)s.iisk;nedtake.sclw t.Ta* pleasure in iniurmicg his old easterner:. Black au.l fancy Si!k-, newest styles:

Huu tt...- putdic g-iuera‘iy, that he is estaMis.'.eU F.vening Dress Goods, of all kinds;•JtDiinlii the ;» l ustr.ess, ai. l wilil'e happy to srrve, Table’Linens;'ll* 01 1 pair . IIS egot.T.. He lia* lurt ere iirlc.j 'DSertnient Flantatioo Goods for master and servant;ut vvery styi. t.f OloiEing for the present soasi/n, v>aiuh Laces, Kdfiings, and can sod cae»,-. As vtc iDe .lai.y repl.-niahicg, "or stock is kept veryHe will also luarvufvture to cr.lcr, at tho shnrt-st no- I coa pUte, and o'ur customers may rely upon linuicg at

ticc.iieir suits, aud hupt-tthkluii may him a call. - all time* what they u-vn'. at

number ot -urrowing friends, who fu.lowed iu

lU'u'arci'cl precession bis rotuuias to their Caa. rest-

ing placo. The .Vuierican .Minist.rr, Mr. .'veymour,

vfh-j is very kind to all oi* cjUDGymcn, wis e.v-

ce-dilingiy so to Mr. tla.skell in .iickae-*i ami in' hcalt'o, and hi-' carriags was the first ia the 1. ug. Ueo Chat followo'i to lus cemotery.

ifoaloT Timet. 2i*!.

[From U;e'.l f-'inmer. ial.]

" U.'tt riaitii Use v otes-!

BY 3A:lS!f P. BD-To-S.

./S'iom U. SCIlMUOK, .*>gT.

CoadretitJoti 1.'? tho Soul ox Trads.

i'lAIlK Sc DOW.N3’.4:i V iin st.

S U.ST REGF.l VF.I), WRISTBAND.S Sth in. t., says :

J. II. U I.NTEil,(Fcnrorly J. U. " inter A 0*3., Mdu. etreet),

WHOLE*? ALE .AND. *«meil iHraler in, .iiid Maaufactnrei- of,

lu-r.- sold. Gh:i»..vl. Alevird. r Mimeil t .’otbeas-s g .,e lor Sar... rd a patent tor st&ie oz T-nii-:.-ee irur.iJ. ! .fOivi ai C'u., and sue-i nuhcr on> . .1'. r lictcn'lc'i, iin i insiateii fl-ui raoturo's I'-.Lxnt isvoii :.t>d aph'a.> .-n Loyntuu’i, and, as wcbelorenu.l,com i.i.d jury *• derided.

b- as- Luc:- -T cuven.d 'I'riiu'i.;'. in Vdfiety!^>’ drunk*, ul v:a^iudSot.>

ii.eiit. 1 La. ien’ Lunuel Jk.xsa;

xnt it' i.-:a;berr.'r.iLcu..bfrcu<»'reiIf’aUccii.>‘r-'-

:eai.l, Tiie aUu - e...c!c- .‘-'u ali uf :ry uwti c.anu*ait;ire,a-.-; v.:..Tt;;teJ lu Ih; c;;;.dv,oi the very i-cttmatci.als, oi

-r-Ier* *upei lOr worsniaL.-tui. .uni '.1 iluish.ana nui-to

to Ue- be sarpa.'ie-i by -.uiy -:fii.; i:; tnc L'niU-d btate-l.


Aithetravck'-g.-exioais I'uuuicommeucing.a.iduiut.yCO. ! i vrb'.’j* nut »u<---iu8 v,iiere a guud arucie may be pro-

.uc iicsi uuo e-uea|x«i. mors . .. ti.c uii.iei .-.pueu .lee-m :i . e,tiii I ravats lint ' ataiiuty auetotuetra.t:u«coa..MUii;-.y au-Xbjthetzseives b-Jk •‘“f sa''** at

VanupTFI n-4to draw attention tc dmlr

.via.v.. rituDj^

iXONFEll CL»/rUINa .V3TARLI2iIMi.NX,1 SjjRiN'f.S,

(V Hoi.rsv!.s osLY),i

-"L 3 eases Ilaniilton sGiped i’rints;ffoTth-xtsteemer .'J .'Jwir.and t'.fthtiretts. 3 do Cocheco do;

Iiio9ior\ Timtte 2 i#f, What saUTi the ii la ih : iaaa*jer,

— - Nor in the lig-.'au. r, ii-at burn.! lr.>.n ihs*ky;

A Tl.\a3 liKoi.—The Gonzmes In'i'ilrer, of the Ntr ia tho ear‘u-i -.akc, ir.a; roods e»c asunder;

Sth in. t. sa-s :*“ 'hat swtr'-i madly by


’. . .... ' Erum the wi-.l if rm aiKi.'t,

•• Tho gra«:,aopptrs me mw la oar midst 13 la-


G-.- .t;r .u-d ioncyI nu-nerab.c nunioors. al*ey havoc - omeaced tit-.-r iFtisn in liio .-ilcut ?i*rsr*

:wt.rk III liestruclion on tho g.irden.i and v»;;;et.»itcin

| Teaohic", roirovin"'


generally, and seem to be ia a fair w.*y of laaking| Wm: s-xitu the' ’vuioe?


a ‘ ciean sweep’ as they go. Several of o’jr for:Qer.«

jinform uj that their wheat and rye pa^hciar* fast

r.-nce, where the wraichM arej '03trg cut <j..wn oy t.iem. No doubt they w.ll

r- <pir.-*

:again dep-wit thrir eggs as ihry d:d la^’ fail, and

L;fe-i-jx,g dTseascs .rum h’dager an I cc-id.1^ !Uii t:^fAL;;Mihi, i:; t:rc Liiiu*a btalfi. Thoy havf» proCteri V,»y th*; dull timva of the part JQ^^rectiTeJ and for sale^ mrviNJkPAlV l>? nextipring wc wili baTofrosh awanE-iof tlieai.'’ Wre*,* -K iKy •f...RVriin »» U ilK -'taiioais itEJUUromiucuciu^, ladiaiuoy caciUklisiii tiaituii; up aDiUu>in»? la a stocit of Clothirjg; ® » CAIN. / r o »>cor9 CQii*y aoatu-uC'V, *rvji .^nm w».U is


“J'icar and totniui.-rion JlFercUaiits

^9. 654 Jiaiu Mirr^tfhttitKCu Second &nd IHiird^;


i rTb.sUi UL*t MUOwiTig Vthere a lioud :;riJA*ie may be pr<** sUil«ii)ie lor lUc aypioachinx such as cannot be| r a\l4'K I Vi-,:

cured, X itspccliuliy invite such tu icaptclini stuck e‘'*'‘r'-‘‘vd r.'i.'i by any o'Ucr huugein their lint. d .7 ,


lo'.-oremac.i iii-e;i uan-liosei. lue si'-fk c..usi»i>> ot every variely ot Garments. JM- -1 bales Amesr.a« a mr, iC-> a''* CD -* be.'orc LiSeU-g luc.t pure.iaSe'J. I ,a

A. J. MOitllXcsuN, No.euo Mainst., !froi„ - A — i.’X4 Ne<*rcoras.'r louniij Louisviii«:i Ky .



* J , 3r<oi ISasfisHi? Works. j*rt

idi’”-<vti I'" E'-VTUf k'v’ ING Eta L'lMiLD Mil hHUP,



iL*lja..ay iLa.MLlyKiw Jll Jt. un'lBddu.l njeicUiii”rv to my present worksi it

pr\TPf IT^TF \ n IIF \ •tnobleiJ me tuiurn oui wrora at the bhon*?At possible uo- ^2

fi t

1a\ prices asluw as at any jiruilarcKi kDiisiiUiental*w‘Q*» li^brteVureyilar'itst^.ouuUn^rfi .Atur Vf ,aitd ij ti e VVe ;. 1 hHve lUso iebcral ne y^ticrus for Vc*

Coach 1 ri*A?m4uy^.* ^ v. • ruiiuahb aud l»i./va.s;iaHicjj, lo wliiohl would invite the rr

I KOI 120V rs'w-.Tinrniy rasUlocb, which w<:i j j* ^hanasouiFtbt an'i btml sc.ected aloe* oi gco»is in mr linr i;*:L»rx.* V auit— Iron &aLh* Jail Work* rand every- J*.

A. piea tsf Omisby id, Uweu# liar areionstantiy oo Iiai*d a ^opvi3* oi* tiie lieft liraudsoi 1 aid*

ly Flour, which he*.:ii»aiu.elo*'»-.tiii*rkapricc*. jyt^

s. xo.NBliODUCE

*,> 'j-otiT, Geneia! C-'ma-i.tfch.n Metchar.t. OiCcc

: K r .p CriT,.,.*--. AUthey r.»*i*aninvestigation of t’leirgords. TheyBxOsa J,%«i£S*iS^ BWOl'C^S,


are deteiwiineil to conyiticctlie mostskevLoait.hatthcir...• *\-iK-., -x, 1- t-., T. -.TV 1

stock IS tnu »toek id the 8ea*cn. A genfllkl invilajun..!_« aV V lAlx rjtv L.'liVviEiJ Jli fltHUi

, ]isherci-j't'jDdereiltol.'ietrailetorivllandCkamine.

klJL an-l i-.ddc.i niachin.rv to my prt.eenl works, it I . ,,LlCll'1'i.N, L'F,Wi;N'xll.4L S: CO.,

th'ablcv me to turn out wiiVk at the pcsiiiblu iio- _?’**'* ..nrthwtst corner nf olitin and F iith *.r's:'s.

hanusotu.tbt aa-i best se.ecteil *toc» ol g'jo.'* in my line

'Xbe stock c..usisi>> of every variely ot Garments,! -1 bales Ameskeag Ticking;from the bt.anKhiii of the man of iashion to thu ro'agh

Ib do A.A.Nu. 1 .to;

ilianket Coat uf the digger of Che soil, with f'.Ul suit* to Just rect-ived aud fur sale bymatch. UelO l' & U. 8LF.TIN t CAINAUthey r.s'cisaninvestigatiOD of tlieirgooila. They j ^

—are Ueteiwiineii to conviticctlie most skevLoait.hat their i H IN EX.nocK itj id the «e»4scn. A fcvnfjw inviiauun nj i ,x,a-,*j i ni,,«. rinAn-is hereby tCDdercd to t,ne trade to cull nnd < tamine. } m * .in i, 4 f \v KM'un s I ji»

* do la^lor i Cativ^;ftuU Northw<!?*tc<frneV of Main and Jufd^rcceived and fur saie by

^ ^ gl.EVIN cC C\INNEW «;go;}.s.

^ IX«KY. b (lAtiEin si:fea HWE JU.ST RECEIVED, BY KJ plaid Linsey reoeive.i and for sale cheap by

.•r.., \ auii.. Iron Nath, Jail 'Work, r.nO cveiy-

NEW «;g02}.S.

HWE JU.ST RECEIVED, BYe.xprcfs, direct rfoui New York, a choice an.surtinent

pir‘Agrossoatragd,j.«rpptrntc-iun.Ur tho colorj

Over cuii b«arth-aU>acs all groea grown withof law, caiua to light jcs'.erd.Fj in llio Court of Se.*- m-.-u! i ?


sion.s. A young man named tlolUnd was arre-ted1 Down ia thec.ty’j Uir

A CA IN.! f.Q the .jth of NoTember on a charge cf illegal vot-


D;wn in ibe *»l!ar'.'


ing, and has laid in prison over since. On tho trial V hero taint and fttid airof ihe iadicfinent, ycaiorJay, notash.adow of ovi- I'uis-uciibe Xwoller:.’

JoacB against him could bo found, and bo waj -lis- '

\\ aat saith tho voiot.'

jch-irged. VVbat rojrc.'hi has bo ftr seven weeks’


;aicri.«t.nm;nt?— -V. 1'. Tribune, 2l»x. What faith Ihoyoice, where ch,Id-! ibor is eheatini;

Sl-'PERi — “ Lifaoi its acw- In ,n, it. -an:bme ami flower,,

aj, l.yI

Two Mbn ov-is NiAU.FKF F ylls.—


o aro 'Vhcro many a baby- aeart,k*iii; ii.ily beating.

thu.w ;uipcrt;di.'i.!; to Hie ' 'ii.^- hue, and jute-iiig of of 1’li.shc* ami Fancy Gassiii.eri-j,^to which I invite at-’ all kiaus uuL-e wtUi nea.i.ei>»auu eniiou. TliOe. .>X*. OLIY Kit, M.-rcliai.t I'bil.-'r.

t! . J. ME AD, no;;j 47s .tlaiii s'Jcet, fic-tween Fourth and Fifth.jeU dtf Qr.ieu ktrect, t'vo donee »e*t of Tlnrd. m—

GAii ^OAL a LU3iiiKR.~


^r: a . 1 S RECEIPT OF anotherF l*j It S O wN H il ti tat u 1 Iv I A(jr <jrA*S ' -M. tleet of bargeiby the steuner Guthr'ic, loaded with

t'ipes. Gas Barkers, and Cliai-dclicrs put up, me i

niy superior Piiisburg Coal, frer.’i Irom ihe mines,ii-vite : tb call on us, even nUould they preter to .^icc i

wlUct. is for ^ale cheap for ctsFi.

UiCir w


3rk D* SC-U.U one eL-e, after learning oar pnteh,,

I - 1- ' I ' A T


, T hird sGcot, near M vn.a» It w:il}*t luoucy in Ihelr pockets !y 80 uoiny. I . . ,, „The purl :


arc »Jkcd to like no one's assertion tu ! '5,V’ 6the couGary oniU they have ascertained for then



‘w—briiatthi NOVELTY WOKK8 Gi THIRD Si., BETWEEN' T'’*! Vit'-* vtai-i it \ ^ Main and Mark-t. Mining from our own pit.

Jttt.1 nil Miln^^.,l>^.j^±.iKhth et h>ot<..lurnisli duilera nad families with i’.ttshurg

-—— 1 : ' Coal <>f the lo;it quality




*de-l ti'iin M. DUAVO 80N9.


PlUabuig aud Caunei Coal.

IxV <J xC.A iS Ol'*.

Parin^rs’ and M.eciianics*

Firt k jhrine InsaraucT Coiiiparx}

OP Fldlla n DEGx’XXIA..

CAPITAL — «.iW,yyO.

DlKtCTOKF.Uoti.TboniMB. Fl'irtnce, fc. iw?rdTl. ne''.l,

1 r.->uiat -V«': i-.rf'.-ld, IS.1 . 1C Lxe- jr.,

L. I'cnu yiia.l;e:.-n, *‘-,Artu,trong,

f,e**rg' HeliTii*'-*.'i, F . Carrol b!''.-w:i:r,

-James Fi. Nenll. l<.u<e«.

TII3M.A.-4 B. F LiiLi.N CL, President.

fc-itWARii K. Ht .-siiOLi-, te- rLtoTj .


M«b. Jo*et’h L. Chnndl.T. Hon. Jotm Re'.d.ins, Jr.,

ilon. VViilii.iii 11. M ilte.

nl *»< .-VilHirhcvitbe Furmers’ aud.Hc-chBuira'’ iii'VirisMce Corapauy,

.Sej»icniber 17, l!>5.7.

Capiul t'^oPk paid in each *‘1!?’^.

bet pronu' since conin-ehcemenl of business.. . ILi'ak



41,0 Vi Al’K'rk,


1- C. Bonds, vii:

X3.irki Clcv-dacd and F'l'Xsoarg, cost .t,'» l>i,“30

oJ,.'"' A. and ’•'..C' -i''. ;••••; vf L'V’!- Driawaie Kai.ronl bonds, cost 7e. 27,1

A-^wSu Piusouru k's. C'-D y-.-. • .... y. i-W

li.sA) KCaXilig liailr -A-. f> tds. Cost «S.. Ultk,u0U I'niiaai-liViacitJ" t Curtni'i.... e,xvi

Cash on h-an<l

Lo%n<ol on iuortgars* td «•* e-ditc M,v-ii

Oo.latera -

**remiuoi Boat form k* not termiiiaieil onhand oJ'-l-a3,6t3


trs i. 'hdt nutiir* to the market. Uy s.ocx eicf.r&CMthe It licwiap articles:

-,a ; Uc a rees;X.r.Ui- Leathtj,;i-;irr-?-..e '.ea».l;;

K..« e’ein'.;

C-oi. «io;

Ccct ao;Tlu-.-ade;1 .-.cks;

Co»o;-. Laett;Co*o:h Lau.>'s;>.’a'.v.-r Oil Cloths;Akl.’s an-l Beads:Trunk B-.-a.tie;

Fkirting;Horucce i'.CuilFaViit dc;F.irrajit;Blus:Luckies;Fluajcs;Biding Whips;Dc?t.y do;Ft agon do;F.lip.ic Spiliifs;liir.-ic'-is 'io’ar.t'nss;Trank TrimmingL

Mai. Iron, Uc.

Ai‘;o.keep3 eon*uinily on'haod a general assertmanof foiinic*, hr, .lie*, lirrnct:, ktid Tr'JDkt.N H—Al‘ -jr lere r-ronirLy at'eadnd to at the rP-

net C-. sv?i <1



.1 Ntw Uud Lnrv'c utuck ju-t Rpcc-ivFil.


fl. d. MEAD,U dtf Qr.jea ttrect. t-vo doors »est of Tlord.



.NOVELTY W0KK3.Main si., bet. z^ighth ez Niot,':.

Jl-s plaid Linseyreoeive.l and for sale cheap l.y;

i WO -MBN OV-:a .Mau.fkf tvLL-i.— v>fi are *» mro many a miDy-aeart, .ang ii.uj- tcaiiug,delo 'T. & it. 6LEV IN it C.YIN. ' infuniiC-i by a gentleuki:! fpun Cbipj.ewa, Canada, .

liirterj lor br*nd its young, beautiful hour

7 I'AJ IIP iV ' l^^^**** belongiagto that village went 1'Vhere. from t . ear'j daaa,

^T Liol ELAoi jC Al-'VClllNl. Hr.Ll -

. oy(.r the falLs on tri.lay last. Taey wero oat -.a ;i.ittla Hue liuijer.,

wJf lug.—Just receive.! a large lot of Gum Elastic, 5^^^ jQ boat fowling, and ia tursnil 1 Toil and keep toi.icg oa,

;ran?^eLlui7^“g""‘vtt^^ of game, ventured Wo far into tho current, an-l ’ V^-bi!c me u-:y linger-.

Steam I'acking cii iuino, an-.l Guru Elastic Goods in oil were cociciaently carried over the cataract. D ca. :aith tne v-.-ce;

then- varieiiei. i'o be hod at Biri'alo Courier. l^tK.GEO. BL.ANCllAKD’s, Siea of Golden Hand, 1

x um,, —:,i. s ...i.. '--ii- 1 :

.»e« -Main stixe;. i.etween Th.rd and F ourth. .


***“ " ‘-'I* »«r-iy -lr .-«s was-j— - ~1 iMxorLAB Di?c'Ovkry.

round on Laowucalre Treasure aud timein luxur.oui ca.^;


Creek, ia iUecn county, .Vlaboma, ia the quarries Dwellers in t-aiacy-. ye who .aro te -t-ng

oi E Iwin Ktesc, Eeq., where he bins been Ouwting ; I'leesureb bright wise even down fc. lU lo-Js?

Arfi 'll! .- ri "7 V... tll'' Gro' marble to burn lime, some beautiful and curiou* . In the g»y roTciN ^ktre.

XkAo iklA ujxw VA • ppeciDioa.* of taarbie, having trees and shrubbery, I L Jijy abi.licg .'

with thoir branches and luavcs piainiy atamptd Comes no whi'.o> angel there

VlTAfPri? ilK' li'ASTIinAI upon tho layers, into which it ii divided. Mournfully chidicu.’iTtiUlLb Ur rA^mUi'l, ,

^V,-e,t Point Seaeon. 'That siith the vuiCc?

Harten tor bread its young, b'lautiful buurs-" here, from 1 13 ear’y daaa,

l.ittid Hue liuijer..

Toil and keep toiling on,V.liilc tue it iy linger-,

" ha: :si:n the

What «aiih the rol a. to ,ha 'lorily -)r .nes was-i ugTreasure and time in luxurious ea.-w;

IAre all tho Go!


NorthSide, bet. Second a:id Third Sts.,


ruiac'uig auc wasnei woax.

A*. w;-,hnji; ip hujincs* Mr. John bnyder, .tnd w.ll coil- , THFt PRICE OF COAL RKDUCSD.i L\80N a large supply ON HAND,

TliHUkiagai! w-ho have favored me with their patren- I Jr!^ and will be sold at the lowect cssh price, iu largeThaukiug ai! w-bo have favored me with their patren- :d will be sold at the lo



Clotiilns and Furnl-jniD!; Goo4,:.- a* repres"nte(',both as ^ ~ «- _ e , ICanes, Cm»reilas, Jice. j

?*U « aVicMiOHAKL, '

e n»*ar -Vlfliue west Hide. 13^* Pvticulaf attention p%i'J to Ordered Work*



MW Vail and Winter stock, which we feel safe iu

From the Polar Regions.

Rvtura of the Party oi' Uxadover*.


.UOilL KtLlC.S I'Ot'NO.


'Vo have rcceivoJ tho Si. Paul Pioneer and

hesitate to peom.uace oar collecliou uusurpassed ' yB’ly ether in tl.e V, ert.

I’orJons wistuuH to p'ar-:h.ase 0 *.rri>ufei ore rcjpect-fail" te.iO'stc'i to cal! m-d eoianiiuc ojrstuck- Our

•* bn.3S Th-j-il Street, below Main.eik.itffcriai.12 hruL. nAlGHT fc WGLELER.

iag their 'uilli-, as 1 wish lo settle up lay busiues*.V cry rcspsvUully, li. W. WAL'iON.


r *-


vTVi'* Pi’HPTf \c'F’iy 'TDV P'V '

* HEEZEls te CO. HAVELxzkVla..v» IL 1 ri.a il.Ai-

. yard an<i Goal, on the corner of PrestonJiOtice. MK tire stock and interest of Mr. lE VV. Walton in

I the f i.lnrlslery and F uniishing Basitie-ss, we will

R«. XICHOLAB HUGH LE Iin fatarc occupj^ hin Hand. No. 7h FouuU strevt» bt-

, . , % \m einsA .k ,*1 . t teffc 1* MhI II H


«1 AJ 20*

1: ct , eHH HlUC , W ! li CUD t illuc UlCfn^a-ds ftnd_ CHt0U2«rH thu* tb«? , ......iti.**!* in -iltim Vfiriuaa Lr-inclieK. kliI hoT>e. hv xtrir.t

fc BN yw WB \>.a*.\re , ..w IVW Fall ftcd Winter Hock, whicb w6 foel IU i*>.w • *.

*• • ^ Who have ro id- !, ao U d bet thtir »rem#art\W l'j HA \ E 1 OR SALK, IN;

recouimeadingM one of Uie mo*t elegant audt.«j^fui Deicccrit of the lu-h ins«., conautting recent and, FuoD, while they wor^hi;!. ihetr 'asi hour is U>kl7

urc"ml l71n-'‘iV;!JirwUlc*ti w® ^rill coSs-Xu'n t^'i'el^Uonl'ko'd all w^d^^l e^ highly interesting ini eliigence from the Arctic re- i G- id « but st^id dust;

7];^7t .-Lh Vriies ILq^ire^^^ oKxe. south ride of »^Vx‘^neTou?^b^^^ ' ffions.eomnianicatcd by Mr. Jams* Green Stewart, "®r'h saiaU en.leav,.r ;

BJ»hr*’liouir“ 12*S."d tire's a chief trader of the Hudson's Bay Company, i


I who arrived ou tho lUh iust., at .^t. Paul, by the '

tbs voiea?

COAL! CO.O.!! COALlil Market »tree.._ '

ftx..riand r..ute, fr-..m the Arctic regions. It will'

^LI. F. LEEZER te CO. HAVE RHAD THIS!; be remembered that Dr. ILta, sent out by the ^hat saith the voice, where flere* warriors huv*

IT WON'T TAKE YOU LONGH ! Dri'bh government to *em-eh for Sir Juba Frank-| the riven and .he sod

c^e/r^^'fricUWur c^^ K R U S L N B L R O, \y H O fe L returned iu the enuuuer of 185 E having iLs- Where may a galUatheart . a-<re un*briv-n

Mr.traces of F.renkiiu's_ perUh.d party, iu Ir.-m theh^e t.a^ God?

Hear yo ai. vcico, whose big’i teaching and holy,Bi.D yoa go f.jrth to the s-.ruggle a.»I strito;

Cheerin ' the iar.-,uubir.g,l-.r.;b;; the '.uwty

Who peri.-'h >.f want on the b..;hways uf life.*

Hard by the giidci gatesI pieauieg.

Many a Loaaru> wrdu

Pass not unbec'Jing

Wbat iuiih Uie voire?

Whatsaith the vcicc, to the Dive* who measareLife's future years bv the wcigbt<-f their guld;

Who have poid- 1, ao G -d but tbtir 'reasurc.

FooD, while they worship, iheir 'ast hour is Wki?(x M is but sordid dust;

'Vorfh saasli eudeavi.r


Priceless tho -u>nl that mostLive on lorcver;

Wbat sai.b tbs votes?

JLJ told liie Yard arxl Goal, on tlio corner of Prestonsuu W oslunKtoa sirei't-i, to CH.VRLE3 .MILLLH. Wewill conuiiue to keep t he best of PiUshurg Uual, and sell

cht-ep, strictly for cash at the otiice on Market,between bixth and sieventh streets, south side.All those in.leUe.l to the firm, will please call on Mr."'u ®aiu.mers tea- Jbe

, y^riuuj lirmches, anu hope, by strict i All those in.leUe.l to the firm, will please call on Mr. IGreen, aesires to inio^iucpuoiic geiiereiiy,

i - _v t o

l.-jui ad3 ui. 11,* her, a.Uiojph <>f the some !!HL-i-,l,;..j j.uuctuaiivy ti.orough ac- i xiuVVAXllh Clerk, at the Jlaraet sueet office, where be UaUie* in pzrtwalar, that be has lurt comii^r- ed re- jupyr,* and other articles, wacso marks let: nono connettl.jn WUa her wUaieve.-. Fne ha.s been in- 1 ».-i,h the merit alif-erw! ,,,Vnn I T.Yi h-Tue ,h- nn.i re.elms. Paen.eni isrena-Mled eeiTiiig his New Stock of FaU aud Wiuier Lry Goods.

,knuwn tn the Dry d,)ubt of tbeir having been left, on tb« spot where1

the most reasonaUe, , , , .e , . • '

I they were fuund, by the lostmarinen. On tne r»-

1 '’“j^*ooas*{^r ' turn of Dr., the BritUh government deter-

Fr.-m the hot strife to tho pre-'eooe of God?Bury the ghastly slair,

No'hing can siuothorThe still, snutl! wauper, **Cain,

Where b thy brither?”It is G jd’s Tu’.ea.

I. fc A. V . l»uimij'-’r. b,-' ween F'ounu ai.d Filth *.i .xts,

rhtnuice sou.e a* U- H*rri» fc Cc-'s Uacuereiau GalLrj-.

no»f dtf H -JI r I^lLKkl.AK Ii. Afeiit.

Monarch, yirelnsurancc Co.,


A: CO., Bt3‘lcof jXXLLLR St JON LS.F'eeling very tliankfnl forth* buainrss heretofore ex-

WTEVV<!( fMIl’H WlTlIHlVli'^ fMYH. tendedtomc, IresjKicifullysolicitacoEUuuiuiceof the' y .

-* rjisietotlienewiirni.X V ner of Main and Lullitt streets.


* Qc^oczt 1, 18ii. GEO. 8 . ner of Main and Bullitt streets.Interest allowni upon deposit* of Kentucky money

or currency, to Iw wi'.l,drawn at rleazur*.*.


Demand and 'Time Lilli, oh all the principle cities In!theUniUd SiaUi«,ia susittu sail purchaser*, fur sole at

lainrss heretofore ex-




meu will take pleasureit please to give him a

8«S dtf

fv«y parUcula‘r!‘*^ mined to full.jw up the clue thus JLwvered with a


tes »\er3’ body lo caU and examinejview to the ecm^^lete soialiun of the mystery The vengeance of Heaven witn hou'-r’saeteriiiM?

r^Ui*howTni^bVgo!^ ' which nvolved Fraakliu's unhappy fata—toascer- heisbwmg»caU.

tain,if po*siUe,howand when he died, and toi

Tie p!^ue-*?c:, the sarewur'kins euroe of kie

eto. a. MiLLta. JlKkS W. 30SES.AllLLEK A' JONES,

Faucy aud Staple Dry Goud-s.



rescue the survivors of any cf the party of whites'

1reported by the E'quimaax to have beea soon cesr


lVoodlaQ?Oar*je^ afarge ana supenorsto^a 01 f^biie N'o. 112 Fourth st., between Market and Jefferson, i

the outlet of Back s or Great FUh river, ia about


Pine Busud3,^ 8ffiugK^ ail kinda uf Lumber OPENED AN ENTIRE-I

latitude C3 deg. north. The Hudson's Bey Cum-j

1. DAY 18 will persosall;; attend the delivery of JfjL gtock of Fancy and Staple Domestic Dry I pany, at tho direction of tho govenusent, fitted|

atthe Yard, where he Will be pleased to meet all ooods. ourchasedin New York oad PuUadeiphia,which , , _ aiw,nat/vma,l in lUn 1

Tbcngh he bo honored SKwt

Though no man ehide biiu

Walks not a gory gboetEver beside km

What saith the voiee? *

laid*; '

lilk, assorted colors;ino aud caabmci e Plaids;

out a party of tried men, oeoastouied to the hard- What 'aith the voice, to the ;^'ifted wao tower,

ships and rigors of the Polar region, and p.eoed it „ sbeste^owmenYsabore the great throiag;^. , . .. .. . . Men who have etoau jac^. nasnoo and nower

under tne command of Jeesrs. blewar; and An- Uupe in Lhe tuUuo, and h^ts brave a^ itrimw?. autraace on oioir


---j- ,x- - ~ ”,mehts ot the same, aiiU Will use our best eiulea.or* to


for ;

hjakeiiuick solus and at ao best price, the markn^^^^> LaodWarranU. afford. n,j.iiir

fails Oi'y iosuniBte (’oinpasy,i I. u. MSCkSkV JOHN r. BCbL.

jEa^ie Sfa&l,

.'a c'Vir /—NEWCOMB’S BUILDj

DaxtUiag luid Exclinnpc Ollic« of JEFFERSON ST., LET. THIRD AND! OURTD.Ofng,c-wDerof JUinandBuimuaweU. Snirauci


J. tZ. PINCKNEY & CO., DANCING ACADEMY.''® njSiiliT^ital, - - WCFLOOC, 529 Main st„one door above Third, I.oai.<ville,Ky.



ira his sihc-re thanks for the rap'.d iDcrcaseof bis

Continues loic*cre *4crc^n.llse, 1 §% .. Uie United States and Cana-’a. 1

school. He will coulinue to teach ll^oueh the winter


- V'f IlUILD !JlaxiUiag luid Excltnnpc Ofhc« ol


T F* PTwnryypv 35, nnlam c'srnerof MainaDdBuimuaweU. Kauttcot




derson. I


The following is the narrative ef their opera-



oiobs es related by Mr. Stewart. The localities{

I they visited and the rente they traveled, may be I

i seen by tho inspeotion of aa ordinary map: |

fron Vuliiu k v(

Olartered U

LOUISVILLE glM^t^ol^a^nrhlL^^^^^1

The following is the namtUve of their opera-


Sk^uM wre*-


Inmhpr Yard PlailUF Mill andjoion, >* reutod by Mr. Stewart. Tbelo«tllt.«{

BliiiV irem otb^l-’LiuiilUtl xfllu

5A lUllliI^ lUAil, UilU guper plain and plaid Noinsoo'tMariin*;

| they visited and the rente they traveled, may be I What saith the voice?

8iris*Mu;:^n*;Lin?n 8\^g^^ ! seen by tho inspection of aa ordinary map ; t Gknrva, 3wiu-Jrlaad, November, 1853.

Corner Wa-mihgton and Bro<Asts.,Louisville,Ky., Ju*t received par Expr^ a beautiful assortmret of^

gt*wa*t, with a party of fourteen men,

rHTjRE C-^>i Uci HAD AI Kh- boughtatagr«at»&cnilce, 4iii(i 7iU at half Uxe,

therefore, sUrted from aupc«l,ttetariWAHo(LMy. Thi Flovt>a DnocftaTi AXt> T3B NanoxaL

I . X . A V t._— 1.2 *w..a : rewt *•*> i E 4 Ia*-, eaavl-ia v-,«k kllA * S be sv^ Ti*.A L. 1 a a _ aWV . _ ..s. . ..1 __ * ^

Men w'i3o esn do and dareMure than their brethen,

Sk'-nld quell the wrongs thM barBlessings from otbets

W'hatsaith the voice?

GxNSVAfSwiu-Jrland, November, 1855.



of the uavio^e water* of the c^'Jiccrcisl worid: aisa

acains: U>*» on U ulU of Steasaboai* and other go^ ves; ,

aisoioealov. l.-ss by tire on SoiHiuxs.and Mcrj

•haiidi#e,iui# gr^T^v^.^ARJlbTKoNQ.PresideaL I


H . 0 . StriLAaae , fieerctary


iliUCTORg.Wm. ».FBeAay. JUbertBestty.Jamee Rr..Uaford, II. A. Domesnll,

ft«Y»uua» J<Meh A. i^axJop*)aie iiii


Lionidviilp Iniiurancc €o., i

OFFICE O.N THE NORTH SIDFof Mala street, between Third and Fourth, ove


abosloreof D.IS. B-soeilict-i^ t-ha»t*r*4 CapitoL ... - 440!^ 1

ra-d ia ant secuind. .... lik'.uWI

^ks^t-ispasy sow orgaDisediWin make i:.«a t CD riargou* hT *srie,bf f

a*i4 ijf the usual modes of iniaa>l troas i

olwt OB I'ulldlnr*. «ic.. Main' Hs* e i

r 8. DAN"RUlC'T,rr*sldeiit.


WixUaBi I. Bartley- .


/ Jyndu I

; erii i.-! C oike-. and Cat!meiit.

Diaeolutiou cf Copartnership.

r|iHE PARTNER.SHI? HERETOJL fureezistihg lietween M. M. Bawllnrs and C. 11

' i.U school or in private f-milies—ipphcations made at upon applicatiuh at the office.,

Ihi* Hall. Of at




ohnson’s residence, Jefferson street, no7 BUNN fe L.* Hall,

J. r. L. rckuectfuliy inform* the eituens uf Lou- YOOtOUD I'ihLr LllSIBEXI.I .....

"'** ‘t-*''. s Fenehl Ball, for the relief ofi _ tv » -irin / vai iZ a X’ n A Hr IITT' nrut nn

JL foreezi*ting under the tt>le oi

M3 N) is this day dinolved blisUlitirs of the concern will


Ungt, and oU dui'ts due are tc

Mound CUy,lU*.,Oct. SS>. 1&58—noeM2m


T^he undersigned ii.wing. been apu'iiuted sole age* fur Kentutky for the

splet di'l 8:eef Kogravtngii; /

United filat s .-•-A'-', Hwo;Am- iScan Ctir.^ia r llniun;


IRstingulJbed Aiicrtcans;

CunhiDgha.-a’* Band is engaged for the occasion. I

Tickets 91, to lie had at Mr. .McOanu’s Music 8tore,and Mr- Gunter's Kook Store. Tliird st. dedotf


~ $100 REV7ARD. I


geri>>>ri about two week* ugo, a Negro Boy named on.A.> DKRSOXri about JO 3'ears uf age, weigh* ioO or


UrbC lot* of JUumter (or sman loi* lur

hoiidiome pur cuut. by colling on mw

Are now ready to auppl3' a.fthose who may wUb them,at publisbcr*^ price*. fXVAKTff A MCTKTiiN,

Idel4 Ml Mala slreut, decoud and TbUuy

JSlidO pounds. '.^> 6 to 6 f«eiLi|ch;hAfta 3caroTtsrUiftjPiad Plooriiif* Y,*

eyei!ds; h«i§v«ry i»% a. I will giv« the iU)ore reward Boiui&ii cheap lorcarti. CauUUVeiioutoflh«S4 lri 0rM''iuit.


.VU.U -jg^a. oaitGODT,

<tf Jefferson . above Proton street.


sortment of drvPine Lumber, com priilng clear,

.d and third rates, and common M hiie and Yellow

Flooring. Blurgles, Cedar I’otts, and Fencing


N. W. tornw Orem wi OauipWl *»•

^air prietfc (oo*i B. F. TURN KB.|

naj the paxty, therefore, remained at this postj

These delegatea will be iastruoU-el to iMiat ape«

ATTKNTION FIRST AND SECOND W'ARDSl '**“'*T »n!i»gbl in eonstroet- the adoptioa of a pUtforia of pruieiplae as tke baeia

A vii'X'T vTTf vK'ii ing boats, and makiog other preparations for tbeir of a national organiiabua, prior to tha ooauaatkia



"“u b'lT^ TV fV journey. At that data tka party left Fort rf eaadidatea, and that mid platform vkaU, amoagDULD Klhol r ULLl lA- tibipewyan, aud joarnsyed by caaoe oa the Peaca, other things, iaclode, ia sabdUaca, tlM fi^wtaic

» ™ fopp bis fnends, river, which com-ects Lake Athabasca with Slave; propneitioo* :

r^y^m^s ciothin^fwiih Boot* and Bhocs, Hot*. Lake,*ome hundred and fifty miles la a North- l. The rarognitica and adoptioa of the pratCaps, Cravats, Uandkercliiefs, Umbrellas, Carpet Bam, westerly direction, till,oa the Mth day of May, mpUs establiahcd in the Kaosas-Nebraeba act, oad

Jriio w?ll*fm«“ iS?“4ith f?an?h.Ii^Vm »' *“ort t^lution, wbi^ u sltnated tbeir applkatiua to the admutioa of saw Stateo.

wU fci'# luefiuonrfl Article# M chtma wsUie ; ou UQ uUud i& AjUka, about Uliludu 61 d«gs.. 2. TluU Milbur tbo Ml^aoari C«ia|iroauMi» uor

cheapest in the city. BAMCKL 8ULZR^ North, I aay other aati sUrory restrietina, shall hereafter^ulhrid* Je*«onst.,brt^toMca^l U^ Port ResoIuUon the party WM joined by ilr. ( baaxteadedoveraay territory ol the Uaitedritataa.

tarOenU’and boys’Clothirj mode M aider at the Anderson, who, with Mr. SUwart, had hoaa ap- 3. Tha prompt had bdibiul exesatiea rf thashortest notice and on teoaouame terms. 9. B. pointed to the ceauaand of the expedition.^ Here

|fugitivo slave ht-ay-Ahtd its penaanoat eoatuaaaoa—

. ,,"L' 3;

1, aaofbsr daisy was made, Cor tho parpceo of ro-«r- 1 ap.-,% tho statrfo'hook.

J UST RECEIVED, liOO DOZEN goaiiatioa, and rai^iig tho last preparatiooe, be- , ‘if thsaa prepoeitioos shall aet, ia eahotaMm haflue Muslin Sklrij, every style: W d<>sen chw f,,** attempting to peootrato tho ihterminable

[ iaanrpntsted ia tho platfona adoptad by the <fca

reSfrenS‘pii!Thaso array^M c^ptoyj.tU vontioo, tho delefauo from Flocldh wiU bo t«.

fiw^ pou...MM suoam

J •«* <» dey rf Jh»o, far tho | gtnotod te withdww.


Page 2: Daily Louisville Democrat: 1855-12-27 · 2015. 12. 2. · VOLUMEXII. fHiiMILVBE3l0tS”IIM's^kliJaneou^ I'KTNTKDANDFUm.I0HBJ>B¥ | BEWFLOOD LOUISVILLE,KENTUCKY,TIIUIiSDAY,DECEMBER27,1855.




ildA, b«twee& MArket and Jeffertcn

Carrier’s Address. direct the attention of our oitieem to RTATEMEKT OP THEWe are


one 7car’i

Xew Year

The Rbstucbt OohfakTi No. 5, kae petitioned|

our fellow-eitiieiie wk<h upon pae4 frrftaeiani^ kaF# I WANTS.

SPBCIAL AUVEKTISIKO NOTICE.-AJI adrerItmmeru of Pabtic Ueeunae. Idaaonle, Odd FeUowr,FkTMet.’e. fcc., are fthy oeoU par souare of

HTThb Daily Dbmocbat costs tbn cbnts town. Squire P., a veryrn WKBE, PATABLB TO TQX OABKIBK8.FirweL-e, fcc., ere ckarted ftfiy oeou par souare of »***. PATABLB TO TH* CAEKIBB8. and a resident of the viUaea of 8 in onr

oeton^ng me fire department are dispoeed ot by oar city^hne^me the flr« ineertioa, MdtweMj.^e^iti — « .!! . t r ^ u u ' M Trasteoe, at a mooting hold fathers, the Company are of the opinion that they

^*i5SSS“u"S’8?tuaUen. fPanted Reiti W There wae a free fight at Walker’s Ex- ht*te, was aroused from hiB Blumbera by an umi- on the 2lst insUat, vioptad a resolution to oease would be compelled to patch upanduseihecar-C^iaUe.llaiTiafe.aadOhiiuary Notices’, of 11^linee change yesterday. Some scuffling, some blood.

*^et. Howeyer, wo will let him “ j** riage, which has been in active serrics eight years,


•'JiSJ' ef* ‘^heiwed twenty-Bve cents each ineertien. ^ , • i u*** ’

tall the stArv-undersigned a committee to publish tn detail the were they to continue in the city’s service that i

?•^outlj hurt. >^ry. treatment the Fire Department have received at mlnVveL heoL ^

Iaerted in theevebinc edition at half priceAia TaAMiBBT AovaaTisaMBirre raTABLa in I Readiag on First Page.

“I looked out, and, to my surprise, saw some of the hands of the Uenwal Council.*^[i**^*!i

^ the P’iro Department have received at many years hence.The Council has also withheld or failed to pro-

TUUR8DAV, - DECEMBER 27, 166». reading upon the first page this morning.

our most prominent citiiens riding a large hog At the oo^enoemrnt of the present fiscal year vide the quarterly iiwtalments due the CompanyWo present our readers with a fall variety of that usually ran at large through the streets.rjty, the General Counoil passed a general i aad its warden, which are too me^e to keep

Important Notice.

Thinkinv that a f«w irnrd, frnrr, ..a 1 1 J fuwhich was inoluded either out of debt, however economical in theirThinking that a few words from me would induce that to the Fire Department of about |22,000, of expenditures. In fact, the Company find it next


y. F. COOULAN, .Vo. 4.JOHN TIMMONS, No. 5.J. F. IIAMMON, No. 6.

W. W. TWYMAN. No. 7.S. SCHMITT, No. 8.

J. H. THOMAS, No. 9.

Alphabetical RollOP THB

.diemkers of the Kentocky Legislatnre.

U'ANTKD. A SITUATION INa reepectabto Drue Btore, by ayeua well ae-

quainted with the btisinew, and can give the beet otreference. Inqaiie at (hie oi&ce feon 3 le S e’eloeii r.

w competent Pattern tfeaer will Bad eonwealwork, et govU weges, oy calling at the NoveUv W vke

ST" Remember that all advortisoments of their sport and retire to their homes, which sum the followia; specified amounts were1 to impossible to procure sufficient fuel to keep the I j n n r

• ~T~rAKTS,” “To Rbnt," and “Fob Salb,” not ex- ^ >lroMed, went out, aud commenced giving them a

dfsburse^-^i>oard of Trustees to have been


engine from freeiing up, buy oil for the hose, pay : *toe*S.

Oovemer and Spoaksr

W. ftadit necMary to caU the attonUon of I««. «o insertod at twenty-five carried me into a groceor To pay balance duo on steam fire engine, $3,500 00 f“ut‘wiiM^^^^^IT yearly advwtisert to the fact that after the

mserUon. and forced me to tone a drink. Just as we were To pay for apparetuscomplete for Amor- the instalments are not paid up.

^ , „ I .. .coming out, another party got hold of me, and in- I „ ‘ ' 8,500 00 The Lafatbtte Fire Co. fi in 1852 was with-

our yearly advwtisert to the fact that after theoch insertion.

1st of Jannary, 1*56, we shall confine them The freight train ran

•triotlT to their eontraeu, or, what amonnU toChristmas day. '

the ».e, charge extra for all over and above,of *boat t

Some of our advortisers have been getting about *

twice as much as their contraets called for; we ^F“The Keiudeer Hosefdff' The Keiudeer nose Cot

Miss Watkins with an eleganteannot permit it any longer. See our published—Christmas day. Miss M atkins made and presented

the Company a flag some time ago.

J H THOmU v^ WANTED. A .STEADY AND. H. TH0M.\8, No. 9. competent Pattern 3fjUer will Bad eonwMl— - —

Sf calling at the NoveRy W «kaAlphSkbetlCAl Roll M*in»tn^^w.en Kiehin^i^^ BolSdi/.

„ V ^ . . AVAN TED. BOUNTY LAPillMembers of the Kentocky Legislatnre. TV Warranu, all xe*. at the market pric'-..o3i~ Till^and NMhTiJlc lUoiroAd stock %r«l iicnp«

Ji.Mta O. IlAmDTy LI«ut. GoTerner bzui Sp«ak« — urTCHiNos % co.^of the Senate. Teachers Wanted.

BBNATOBB. i 4 GENTLEMAN AND LADY. OFAllon, Charles H.—from the coontiee of Henry, ard Fe^ltelnyituw!‘u®^XV*"ihi*^oti5ri^

Oldham, and Trimble. fiodge No. U, l.u. U. P.,«iai:anu,T«na. A handaum#Barlow, John 8.— Barren and Monroo. r>arMtwd by the Lo.]^, .tueh a

Blain, Hobort^Linooln and Fulfeiki. L'fo^Jir. ofBuckner, Jamee F.—Christian and Todd. — —Bullock, Wm. C.—8hclby and Spencer. l^ANK STOCKS WANTED. BANKBurton, Jeese W.—Boyle, Adair, and Casey. *® : f LoulsviU..; bank cf Kentocky : Northera bank

John A.^FldCDiDiT bod NicholM !

Keatucky > a^oatbern Uaak ®# Heniucky ; 44 ibc raar

Collins, Nathaniel-Clay, Harlan, Owsley, Utch- i

UtTCHl.^OS a CO^er. Perry, and Breathitt A ALEXANDER WANTS TO

Conklin, Wm. L.—Breckinridge, Grayson, and .rV.* scU a Urge aasortment >'1 LL'MBBK,at whole

• — —— —— oeoewt mwci uUAC^Uh SB Ml VtsU W Vra MlVicawr^M* ^Uy. 404 mmaueM of iD4akiads 4t inucb 4« publUh elsewhere in oarcoluxniis to^HTiu4y b6| lo ibeir owD goods which C4a aever be doue by .


teliiog theai trath 4od reason, or utiag any direct ^ AlphAbetlcal lift of the members of the Keo*end devi^ (aa iLey cure from the Frank-

nenosg but by licUe tricks and dCTi^et fas they cure » ...l. t • 1 • , • ,

madmcti), that work upon their bopee and fam, towhich we copy

rwitoT- fort Commonwealth.* erioa. isulo*cu, by immuti ButUr, aalAor

giOODAM anJ pj

the General Council, but wo believe have not yetj


been paid. The quarterly allowance has only in i

" iHiuui T.—Jefferson and part of Lou-

all, upon the sprigs of fashionable aristocracy who ^ for several years past for a new hoseearriago with- ®'» »nd Breathitt. 4 J. ALEXANDER WANTS TOfurnish their hopeful progeny with money, and I

out ctfoct; the carriage now in use requires repair- 1h..—Breckinridge, Grayson, and seU • Urge »*sortm«nt ll mbbk. at whote

K, th«.r nwV r , .7“ repeatedly urged upon the I ing after every firo. They also required their


Hancock. s^c or retail, che*p for cash. Office northeast eomeio Iwho, by their own disregard of morals, tram up (renowl Council by both the Board of Trastees house to be repaired and repalnte^the bill for' HeCourcy, T. W. W.-Kenton and Campbell, i

^«°»°-^tmmpt, w3l itf

|7*We publish elsewhere in our columns to-day their boys, either through home culture or by neg- Hie comj»ny without any effect. This year which was passed by the B<iard of Trustees' Edwards, George T.—Logan, Simpson, aud But- ^ ^ fw .v^ S'siat* agAtrL'uci \a”ii s

alphabetical list of the member, of the Ken- Cohabits of drunkenness. LouisriUe was full of r r , wk-.- ir . t^^dpayingw^rtu, T • 1 , . , ^ , Y. , •,ir*krvwvf’Uw;a4r*.w-at.v-a Ok ‘ 4 I 3 a • i

procuniij, apparstus 101841(1 comp^iiy; bat, as finally, afier a long time, tho bills were oass^ by Gulu, Wuuam C.—Laurel. hiuey. Knox, and ^^ifrruraNi i *.ckyLeguIaluro, which we copy from the i rank- «achon Christma- eve, Christmas day, and at yet, although the matter has been brought before the General Council, but we baiiere havTnotyet .

otW •

The pubiio amusements are now abandoned by the of the Council at nearly every meet- been paid. The quarterly allowance has only in L T.—JeHsnon and part of Lou- '* w.r4V'rx?r uiladies, on account of tho gross behavior nifhtly

' P»ft been paid, consequently we have no funds to I \ w 0OARDEH8. 8EV«committed at such Dlaces

^ ^ lUR the apparatus or to cont^t therefor. repair apperatus, Ac,, and, from these failures on I

Harim, Jan:M D.—Mercer and Anderson.^ ’ Th* ““®“®“-*«tion has been had with respwct^iha part of the city we cannot get credit for aoyl Hardin and Meade. »>n street, souto siji.Sbovii^Jo^d.’r^wtvBJ^Thopolice—heaven snve the name—are parti- to three^ new hose carnages that are really neces-


work wo require, to keep our apperatus in work- 1

Hay, Wiley 8.—Ohio and Muhlenburg. •rscaa*i*ebe*cco®m<>.iaua. leSSdtf

eevt criminit. Even in their own presenso are ^**7 to the several companies, and were petitioned1 ing order. The treasurer has been compelled to. Headley, James D.—Unicn, Hopkins, and Crit-

1 4 v'Tfc’n v w-, .w^ vd:.turban-oscominuailvand somoof

two years since, and for which the General advance money to enable Iho Company to pay for i

tendon. ' \\ ‘ A VV O.M AN, AA ITH... ,


po - Council set apart $3,000 of the amount appropria-j

the services of the wnrden.1

Hogan, Overton P.—Owen, Grant, and Pendle- nienjejmen will take around cursing at V oung America’s ted to tne expenses of the Fi.-e Department. t REserK No. 0 (No.7)._Thi, Company was first,

wih'eri5;rn''‘‘App1^^^^^^^hands Sooner than assert their position and ouell _ ^°tne time since, the cx-Mayor, James 8. Speed,

;organiiod by thecitixens of the Eiuat Ward. ,\f. I

Howard, Samuel—Boone, Gallatin, and Carroll. *“ •fourth, hetwe.n ila.n aud Barimtue. sejSittrjl

the disturbance. Were the policemen of Louis- :

fixtures to be pl^ei ! tor running s, metlmo the CityCouacil built them Howell, M’illiam—Nelson, Larue, and Bdllit:, - -

<• .k 1- -V-engine house at the cost of about I a new house and furnished them with anew enciao I*^>no,David— Madison and Garrard. \ I tt' A K F iX I' IvOle to adopt the ways of the pnhee ot New Or- $200; the bill was submitted to the General Conn- but the appropriation not being .fuffl.deTfb^ Kmg.JohnQ. A.-McCracken, Livingston, Caid-

' IJ

rt Commonwealth. The public amusements are now abandoned by the f^®members of the Council at nearly every meet-

j been paid. The quarterly allowance has only in~~ ^ ladies, on account of the gross behavior nishtly

' part been paid, consequently we have no funds to|We have given up the space usuaUy de- committed at such places

^ ^ lUR the apparatus or to cont^t therefor. repair apperatus, Ac,, and, from these failures onted to editorial matter this morning, for the ,

. . ,

The same non-action has been had with respe'Ct^

the part of the e ity we cai,not get credit for aay#1 .1. ,, Thopolice—heaven snve the name—are parti- to three new hose carnages that are really neces-

. work wo require, to keep our apperatus in work-Tpoeeofbnngingupthenew.andbu.ine8srrc«.^ep. cnVaiaw. Even in their own present are

to the several companies, and were petitioned i„g order. The \reasuL ha“&t on our ooii-mas.

disturbances cominuaily : and some of these nolico- A“® advance money to enable the Company to pay for

Thu IS the sentiment of one who lovad royalty,«• P^®«* op the space usuaUy de- committed at such places. Th^sam^cn LtLn ;

repair apperatus, Ac,, and. from taese failures on I

hated reoablinanism and wmt. V r k Foted to editorial matter this morning, for the m, r 1^

uThe same non-action has been had with rospe'Ct


me part ot the c ily we cannot get credit for aoy 1

II*rris, Sylrcnaieo repaounanism, and wrote crabbed Lngluh,

. .. .The police—heaven save the name—are partf- to three new hose carnages that are really neces- work wo require, to keep our apperatus in work- Hay, Wiley s

that the world has since eaUed poetry. The s«i-P®T>o«* of bringing up the news and business press-

ceps criMiai*. Even in their own presenso areto the several companies, and were petitioned ing order. The treasurer has ^liron compelled to !

Headley, Jantiment here avowed, however, still lives, and is

oommas.disturbances cominuaily

;and somo of these polioe- CoumB set^’iJit oiioV'^th.’"

® Oeneral advance money to enable Iho Company to pay forj


the chiiife.* art nf ..r i’. -

poimo Gounoil sct apart $3,000 of the amount appropna- the services of the wnrden.1

Hogan, Overt


* oaruan clasi of politiciftaa* U ' The Boston Olivo Branch say?, a few days men will take around cursing at \ oung America’a ted to the expenses of the Fire Department.| REserK Xo.l>(No.7). This Company was first iVtttgar demagogue ap2'eals to popular paasioDS since an old man of sixty-one years applied at the hands sooner than assert their position and quell „ ^°®?Hme since, the cx-Mayor, James S. Speed, organiisd by the citixens of the Eigat Ward. Af- Howard, Sam

and prajudioes for his own advantage, and has no office of the City Registrar for hu fifth marriage tt»® disturbance. Were the policemen of Louis- to VhAto bo pl^ei tor running s, metlmo the CityCouacil built them Howell, Willi

Of ^00. » . b„ .1. „J. >» “«r‘ -TO of ^.Uo. of .No, 0,- ‘Sr";crat, wnoae estimate of the people it low from it being her first marriage. leans, and arrest some fifty odd per day for about ®H long since; recently the B oard of Alderman the latter, the Com-,iany paid .Mr. John Lawson ’»®iL »nd LyoneuBvtetioo, adopts the business of tricks and amonth, it would go far tow.ards effecting a chanire

the same and dirwted iti piymoat—the (the builder), some $200 or $300 more by tho lib- I .

Rohlhass, Th

Hardin, James D.—Mercer and Anderson.Harris, Sylvester—Hardin and Meade.Hay, Wiley S.—Ohio and Muhlenburg.Headley, James D.—Unicn, Hopkins, and Crit-

nonth,it would go far tow.ards effecting a changethe same and dirwted its piymoat—the i (the builder), some $200 or $300 more by the lib-


.R«Nlh»ss, Theodore—Clarke, Montgomery, Es^id not cncur, but

|erality of the citixons of said ward, and to other :



Aliiany, amended It by directing the payment of about|

citiiens they are indebted for the furaishic<» of I _ John P.—Ficyd, Morgan, Johnson, amThe Ledger of the 2*)th inst. oonuvins tho fol- Thus tho matter sunds—one Hoard ^mit- ' their house. The treasurer of this Company has

' ^‘’‘®-

wing: Hng its justness and the other Iward denying it. ! ha^l to advance the means to the warden to keep Matthewson, Daniel—CalIoway,Trigg, and MarChristmas eve was signalized by the most onu i

f-wnily from want.^

crat, whoae estimate of the people it low from it being her first marriage. leans, and arrest some fifty odd per day for about ®H long since; recently the Board of Alderman the’ latter, the Comioany paid .Mr. John lLs<eunvictioo, adopU the buiineu of tricks and amonth,it would go far tow.ards effecting a change

the same and dirwted its piymoat—the I (the builder), some $200 or $300 more by the li

oheeting as an art. We hare seen aa experiment Hogs pbom Tbkresskb Rivbb.—


he steamer t:reRt~t3u7rir''^H i iT1W4v~rFr....," Hoard of Common Council did not c oncur, but

|erality of the citixons of said ward, and to oth

Wl.if.d.,...h.d .,.ni.,.ich»8a Tb. L.dg.r.f cb^ dCb .Jl f„,- “S tb‘.^ I?™,organits m, oaths aud rituals, signs and grips,

intended for this market. Taeir lowing: Hng its justness and the other Ward denying it. ! ha^l to advance the means to the wardento kewere adoptod as a part of the art of government. 225 pounds-sbipped Christmas eve was signalized by the most out- ,;to i

The outory against the Pope and foreign inflnence^'^Hton, Tenn. rageous and reprehensible conduct that has come ^^^^took ehit

In 1S54 they petitioned through the Fire Di. .K. ...

innnence^ brass-knuck times of f


lire Pmgme, m^e partment to the General Council for a new hoof same CASS of means in thu chiofest The case of Mason Brothers against Ilor- October, ’64. In brutality and daring, it oven sur- 1° carriage, but up to this time it has never been rart of government. There are few men who be- ace Greeley and others was setUed on FFdav the passed the scenes of ’54.

?l>^’ration (such m building a house, pur^hMing ceive.1 by the Company. Some three or to

1^. lb d..p»pri.t, of w. I,ibon.b.,in£oon.l.lodb.p.bli,l. M».. Do,- JS'SH” Cldof "‘"b"ve ony apL.logies and excuses for it. Still there’ card, and to retract, editorially, their charges that threats had boon^made to break lit up%m- "^^i®

^®*®’^“*11 llcaky condition, and not holding a sufficiency

fewer have any apprehensions 01 the Pope, or any against them. ployed Mr. N'owbank.-’, the City Marshal tonro-^ loOR »ince, four horsee parcuMcd, shed

, water to allow the suction to reach. Tho Truste

lb«. U,i.r.„^

^ L;a,em. At bb .Ir., b»,fh7“P.dVtu. 5S.1 ,’hbemploy*! as the chiefest arts of government. The Megowan, Sheriff of Jefferson cenn- theatre and took his station to keep order; he soon thTappaTrtus th^h it. oriraLzatton ^ k

th® ««BeiYl Council

I~n. «. V, b. ««.d „ .bfc«d b, tbbi, p„ju. ‘J- *"•“ throogh bb, ^v.,U,i»g »lbOb, Jl^rd'luX'lbd'fC* ’h’ b”""’’'

^7~"»t ttVc‘il*“bil’>b“^^^^^^


For aeat.

And fixtures for sale.The three tt>)rv House. No. Pounk treax. auwMartin, John P.—Ficyd, Morgan, Johnson, and


Tbethree itory House, No. Pourtb tueet, a«»wke

.» 3 » . occupied by Miller* liouUi, is for Ba-ji, an.l she Pi*-w ‘,,v Tb • . ^ I

lures, which are of drst class, fcr sale cheap. Xh s ia•naiinswson, Uaaiel—Lalloway, Trigg, and Mar- i one ufte- be« stand .and ascuodrsom aoc^bofouajall. in ths City for a retail husineM.

McFarland. John S DaviMS Henda-an- -nd' a^aitt-iatbar^ais, the Paraitnre aad


uu, uonn o. iraviess, tienaaraOu, ana^fixtures aftna Uutue-rwuty pa tsoliery, la tha sacand


Story of sajae buiiiing. Apply on the premiaet u>1 aimer, Rob't C.—Marion and Washington.Kiplay, Charles—Lonisville city.

Silyertooih,Geo.W.—Hickman, Ballard, Graves, I

id Fulton. I

Smith, I), ^owa^l—Fayette and Scott.Stone, Shelby—Clinton, Cumberland, Russell,


p*>ple are to be scared or entiomi by their preju-“®*^®® ‘lirough our advertising columns,

dices and passions for them irood. and f«r »k. ^le removal of the Sheriff’s office to the southdioeaud paatioiu for their good, and for the good .

of ohenff a office to the south seemed to be a leader among them Ttiis youn^of the demagDgao? who practice these arte.

the court-house, first door from the en- man iimuediatcly reseated the MarsaaTs adnioai-


It would not be difficult to point out politicians‘^'^® J«He”on street, tioD- and drew a pistol, which wa- a tignal for the

,. « • •

P“““cian8 uprising of the balance of the crowd, and had itno nave cut a figure in their day, and who are It is generally understood that “a feik.nd not 1*®®“ timely presence of the Mayor, andsun aspiriBg. who have no higher notion of the to the pbopli’’ is the same man who wont down a®««P»® ‘'fpoHccmen Mr. Nowbanks would haveart of government than is here dascribril ThBiT t.h. rimr nn • v

scarcely got away with a whole body. No arrests‘uuui.Miau isnere ao*:nbcd. Their the river on a 11 alboat and preached the sermon were made, as Mr. N, informs us, as the crowdions reveal the principle on which they act. from the text, “And he played on a harp of a thou- eoemed determined to protect its members from

They^ ready for one position or another as beet sand strings, spirts of just men made perfect."®^e“ “‘“I® threats to whip the Mar-

SUIU the oocasion, or to abandon all as s-mn .. .j i. .i, . <iu vi • w u ^The theatre was conseqaently broken up.

tb.T L, r.r 2- ^ ** brother. After this the crowd paraded the streets, on-y pTu ISO tuc^ss.

taring coffee houses, whipping the bar keepers.We roeommend that this sartiment of Butler’s ^^Lord Lucan has received the colonelcy of breaking decanters and glasecs in the presence ofbe inoorporatod into the Know-N'othing platform Hie Eighth Hussars. It will be remembered that the city watch, but so much was the city given

that lbs faithful ii T. .. ’V.I ;

‘'f®'’ *0 the ruls of the mob. tHat the watch were

Whilst on this subject, we will call attention to $200.

.scarcely got away with a whole body. \o arrest. „n„ir,7oVdc7^ ^

were made as Mr N . informs us, as the crowd whilst on this subject, we wIU call attention to

thing npporUining thereto bo lut in complete1 house ($150; is uopaid, and the debts of theCoimiony, exMusive of rent, amount to about

a portion of the proceedings of the Common Coun-cil, a month or two ago :u follows:

The Comnany require for efficient service thefollowing improvements to their apptiratus :

One rope and chain hook; two 85-fcet ladder*;tbeyo^ to pr^iOiiM success. b7 keepers' tf'^'® ®°®

We raeommend that this sartiment of Butler’s ^yLord Lucan has received the colonelcy of breaking decanters and glasses in the presence of the^samo- and thai it.A .f *^1^ ,**® thecity school-house. Fifth Ward; andbe inoorporatod into the Know-Nothing platform the Eighth Hussars. It will bo remembered that the city watch but so much was the city given ost price that it can be soMfor^

“ (oUTDen $ppD^ {oTiaexr%g .a.

I , . ,^ .ygj. {„ ^he rule of the mob. t'^at the watch *pr«

*“•>' iviaij oc .o.u lor. A house lor the apriaratus, as the lease cf thethat ihs faithful may read it. It wUl explain the »ome blame was imputed to him for tne celebrated^

1 erhaps as good a reply m can b« mode to the pr^cat ono will expire on the 1st of Februaryconduct of the wire-wnrkAr* Ik.* ...... i- * ,1 ;. i;..k* ....I... .k..». i j 1 1. J, • I

above resolution IS contained in the followins ex- Thft l^kmrx.'knv rAnitiM a uv-.w.Ia..conduct of the wira-workar?, that greatly pui-|

»ni disaatroua light ap.valry charge under Cardi-|ken open, door? kicked in, borrelB and other mis-

m jao louowing cx- next. The Gompany require a warden,tluf the less informed. Let them see that they


gxn. It is regarded as a sort of amende honoruhU were hurl^ against them, and many a poor ,,,er to certain complainto nfad7 'agatnit' a Steam No 9are played upon, like the harp of a thousand to him. Fire Eagineconstructedbv him for^heeVtvof

A house for the ap[>aratus, as the lease cf the> mode to the preicat ono will expire on the 1st of Februaryfollowing ex- next. The Company require a warden, which

are played upon, like the harp of a thousand to him.german awa me wnizzing ot a glaxs or stone as

atrinas^ • tnousana

it passed his bead or felt iw force tumble him to

- - Attbsctivk LBCTCBB.-The “Young iicn’s As-H was « unlucky a night for the

. . p ,~ .... , , .


foreigners as was the day and night of tne October•* raris correepondent of one of the East- sooiation, would respectfully announce a lecture election 1^54.em papers writes

: from the Kev. Dr. Plummer, to be delivered at the These scones and similar ones were continued

* feu“'or“fivr%’oi^^^ fe”rush for egg-nog on Christ-

ulc» *^Th*etfeci of the evocuaiiou of the Cri- n“t®> Hhe the rush to California soma years ago, has

h J wevt-r, thu the adT*ce'*ofI

the country of the shelly particles. Is

un“ertJke‘i'one*^me^mlri{ime*f^^dfu^7 enterprising A'ankoe in Keniuckto herself, however, the who will go to Work with one of the double action are informed

i patent hen persuaders? Egg. is rix. it/cmains to

if this be true, the whole Crimean ext^dition“

7, “.

is a failure at lasL It is now rumored that Va- tk’ k *

•"**•' ki

Rodekt^ . , ..... This packet stewmor having been unavoiaably „«*ord«i*an

IS or p.ace, w 1 tt u al.y, Eag.and, is not detained, will positively leave the city wharf this that .Schuylc• > deposed. All IS confusion as to the disposition morning, at 10 o’clock, for Henderson, Ky., aui in- middle i

cf me other powers. It is the part of wisdom to tonnediate ports. This is an excellent boat, wellfiaq^ad^maxe peace, one would suppoee, as there is not offioered,Aud ws advise passengers bound South street papers

mneh to be gained by war. The first great object to be on board in time. “ Died.—i

of the war seems to be lost sight of, and the new November, It

one* are not well defined. The vague question^ enutled the Daily Evening in the 5Sth j

who shall be greatest, Ru«ua or the Western pow-appearance on Monday the “

ers, seems the only one at issue.24th inst., and its last appearance for the present,—— — — yesterday. The quaint old epitaph is applicable : death occurr

Judge StaarP* Letter of Reeignattoa. “If thus ao soon I am done for, not friends ii

The following is a copy of the letter*0 Gover- ^ wonder what I was begun for.’’ y B-tach^Unor Clark in which Judge Smart tenders his rosig- fi77^7B.-Mis3 Heron hM"^me good N’®vombor, ai

naticn: , , . .ing almost da

German hoard the whizzing of a glass or stone as i.7‘ r„7„7,r„7*7.r,7^i k T v Tk •. vf,^“® * “ C®-. N®. 9, though

it passed his head or felt iw force tumble him to LnLit^ “'^r® je»ri «Dce, have not been

the ground. It was as unlucky a night for the If^nr eUvsupplied with apparatus. The hose they have in

foreigners as was the day and night of tne October «i dunq --v faVor* 11'**“ charge of it, a.s al.*o

election, 1^54.1 don task any favors of the city of Boston in was the carriage -both formerly belonging to the

These scenes and similar ones were continued it^wUl sho*w fOT*itoeif° " ^ ‘-ns'neu W>o small tor

until late yesterday, and strange to say no arrests rfrero„t oLuion S’,^* k^ ‘ efficient iomce,anJ belongs to Mr. Benj.

have vet been m.ide. We counted during a brief h«riesor^ini7’it7in ^ k“^men or tawthon, who kindly losne.1 it to the Company,

walk yesterday afternoon no less than sixtyTe ’’


drunken men and half-grown boys. T-. m»ka tkA .» n »pany is more fully alluded to ab<.'ve.

We have got the names of iL ringleaders of w=n hTri'ttlte thlmay be stated illustrative of the

these outrageous scenes, and wo only withhold Steam Engine were elected bv the %'ir7*I)pnarT‘*7/?*“® ®‘‘ ‘*‘®

them, because many of them, in a day or two will^®K'"® ^® ci«t®a by tua hire Depart- of the Council in carrying out the laggssUons of

L brought to trial; and to^thefair^ f^^^^^mant b<U ^he Genera! Council soon the Fire Departmenu lime months ago. the

city wo trust they will bs dealt with in as severe*H"ftaem, except the ungiueer, fireman, and Mayor and City Engineer coutruotod with one of

a manner as their disgraceful conduct merits. Wo it’u_ V< :i -e .e- *v_ rN . ...our fouaclrymon tor the construction of “ sloovos”

street papers the tollowiag :

Again: Some tow yanrs siiioe the Do,,artm*r.t 1 li^fo been al erod to H-lapt them to the conve-cost me city in ono year »JS,O00, c.iused by the nience of the SUam Fire Engino

; and between

one* ar* not w*il defined. The vague questionwho shall be greatest, Russia or the Western pow-ers, saemf the only on* at issue.

quaint 7d epitaph is applicable : dTath “^^urtJ las\moat“, would v"* k"‘”^

s so soon I am done tor, not friends in this city have been apprised earlier he’en**.™*,!Mr. Barton, Chavrman of the Committee on Hie

I WAndAr whu. T fAr » ? Wo miy also mention th.nt Mr. M. “ ^^* ^.k“ f

Hopartmsnt, Fire Department in the Board of Aldermen, hasI wonder what I was begun for.

y^ B.jach was in Nice previous to the 15 th of'truth nothing like tha. cxpendituro was seen fit to characterize the ao.ion of the Board of

The THEATBE.-Mis3 Heron has somo good P* b'^v-1

Irustocs as “hasty.” A beautiful charge this, to

I.,. with the American L,„-.Ki„n.i„fkrrkAL.^

$J3,000 ha-l Mr. Barton^ Chairman of tho Comtalttee on theDopartmsnt, Fire Department in the Board of AlJcrmon, hasendituro was seen fit to characterize the ao.ion of the Board of

\ . 1 A 1 a 1•AlAAVaV UAII V UWiAAUAUUICaWVU 'f I vU (.UD JHUCriCall -vrwv* 1 I k.r ft Laa . ! /» •

a.— . .. VS OM19

<|ppf.-. nr vu, T.-, .

ipoinuasan actress, but Uke her characters Consnl, and if Mr. Schuyler’s death had occurr^.

•hat, or his secretary, full of communications, peii-

%- V ,.r r throughout we oannot say wo are pleased with her on the 16ib, it would, we think, 7 known to theCompany No. 1, during tions, etc., from this Departmeat, which he does

1^®®- 1S55. {^

^ ^ Clonsul, who would not fail to sp^ak of an event so««^® n®®;<^^--vry repairs made to their not deem of sufficient importance to report upon.

To me LVeefLaey, Myron U. Clark, I .

Hioatrt, However, pre«>nU a pleasant. J. Ameri-'ans.

“ ®'^®“‘ apparatus, bill for which wm, at the request either favorably or unfavorably. Has the genUe-... ': AnAjartAinmArkf m.n.'i Miffia I4*r<-ftfl in msAnv rortin 1 a ic , . ^ _ nf nf T.TftA i-iF tlixx ftsaitn/aai fca«vl x> a_ 1


Below IS a dotailoi ttAtement of the mattora come from cne who now ba& his pockets, or hiscomplained of by Ifw several Companies

: hat, or his secretary, full of cooimunicaiious, peti-

10-1*^'**'*^*^ Company No. 1, daring tions, etc., from this Department, which he does

I80 I, had some necca'i.ary repairs made to their not deem of sufficient importance to report upon.•vravi'swa.t tia Kali fsrt.t^K « .. • * .. T r *

<^,A. I, I. J .u entertainment, and Miss Heron, in many points, 18mb: It li known to yourself aud the public that . ... . , . r' .

I was lately caarged w ith an offence in my official ^®®F fi“«- Tnxs night s bill presente a line entor-

character of City Judge, and that I have since tainment.been tried and acquitted by a j ury of my fellow-ciuxens. Of that uial, with the circumstances C^Ao

Wo have letters from Mr. Beach to tho date ofmemoers of the Council, laid over man torgoiton that some weeks ago a polite ra;uest

his departure from Nice, hut no allusion ij made tk„ Lrlast April or May went froin this B . ard, and was pul in his hands


and matters that led to it, 1 will not speak in this! readers who are interested in raising chickens that

comoiunicatioo, except so far, indeed, as is neces- . . ...sary 10 respect to the course I feel it my duty to pur- I

® pinch of gunpowder, given to a cnicken

sue; for, however, withoutgailt in the late calami- ^>Hi the gapes, will effect a sureand completo curety ut^cr which I have sufiered, it is my purpose, ' in from one to three hours time, and leave poor chickfor the reasons following, to withdraw from tho I w ,,1. j u . r - a • . t ^bench—my resignation, nerein tendered, to take

hearty. I speax from wnat I know,

effect at the end of the present month. The Hied the remedy with perfect satisfaction.”

cause that has led me to the course adopted isj


that there are those among my fellow-oitixens !

CoolBBA is Bbazil.—Cholera has almost dis-

.inment. Tn^be^ toThe “bugler,": ^ be|

doubt, lived in great privacy; but there would bo a*\^ ^ ^ trewurer has failed to W »i. upon the various documenU which had been arcu-


C^A correspondent says: “Tell those of your no motive for coucealiug his death at Nice, and had cTnan^ *“ ^ih Board.* of the Council for a long I

.^«-k..,ATi *T;. it occurred at tho timo and pl.-me named, would, kr-T*“f...^V.k ^bad a snrplu. in period from the Fire Department? No notice has


almost certainly, hsve come to tho knowiediro ot^Hh yet been taken by him of this request; he has done

,na nearly. 1 speax irom wnat i Know, business. If any man will look around and notic>***« •»<•>*•, “**u .uuu. lor cquipmonis. t»vo been iiermittcd to “go tho way of aU” peti-

ied the remedy with perfect satisfaction.” who got rich and who has not out of those he ,,“® ** indebted to this Company for tions from the Fire Department—have either been


started in life With, he will find that the sucwostful •’'“® lost or destroyed, //a.fy aotion, forsooth! TheSA IS Bbazil.—


holera has almost dis- 1 have generally stuck to somo one pursuit. ®‘ J; , ... „ ,genliecuan must be an old fo y, if he can consci-Tk r ’ k 1- Ilk gentleman must bo an old fo y, if he can con.*ci-


who are of the opinion that, although acquitt^ in i appeared from Bahia, while it is ravaging Rio de Two lawyers, for example, beg'in to practice at| Comu^ies have carDetcrLidVuTI’sh^.d

ontiously speok of our action as^ty. Guagodfact of the onarge preferred against me. and in- ' I.TiiArA .nd .r.r-Aain» in *v,a !n*ArtAr a* r-.a

the same time. One devotes his wnole mind to his ! j.‘^'b®® ^®®‘^ by his movemenU as a city lather, perhaps it

nocent in truth ol all criminal induct in the mat- I

fpreading in the interior. At Rio,profession, lays in slowly a stock of legal learning, I

their own spouse, aud not wuh any moneys^

might be characterized as such, but we must begj

ter oompUined of, the late terrible ordeal throuxh' “P*" ^be fifth of November, the toUl morUiity by and waits patiently—it may be for years—till he

• v o .• u .be excused from adopting him as onr standard,

which 1 have passed has, in a greater or less de- »t was one thousand seven hundred and seventy, gain" Rn opportunity to show his superiority. The! „„,® „ ^ ^ k

“^® bw Mr. Ponnebaker, of the Eighth Ward, took De-

gree, impaireii my present usefuine« as a judge At Para during the month of O ‘tober the mor »‘bcr, tired of such slow work, dashes into politics. ' u „ **’I’bioh were neces- casion, a few nights ago, in the Common Council,

^wiiirH' I rem^^n the bench, to someS J Generally, at the end of twenty years, the luttor; I S? *“"“P' toward, the Board of

hanus. It is believed by many that the late mel-ancholy event* by which I was surrounded wouldtor a time .t least, in a measure, deprive me of

and twenty-five from yellew fever.

will not be worth a penny, while the f

have a handsome practice, and count I

thousands in bunk stock or mortgages.

and will, if I remain on the bench, to some extent .i-, ’ uja i-u r’ki* tj^en«'‘*hy, at the end of twenty years, the latter ' 7:1' ^7“ ® “®® *®t/^?®; to attempt great severity toward the B.jard of


injure the administration of public justice atTv '^ ®“® hnndrodand eighteen from cholera, not be worth a penny, while the fonuer will


[oj these repairs was recommended for p.ay- Trustees, and defied any firemsn in the city to

hanus. It is believed by many that the late mal- 1

twenty-five from yellew fever. have a handsome practice, and count his tens of u^ Department to tne General Coun- point to a single petition for aid that had not been .

aachoiy cvente by which 1 wJsurrounded would thousands in bank stock or mortgages. ®b« but was not a lowed until tne creditors had granted by the Council.” If “igaorance is hlHs,” ,

lor a lime *t least, in a meoeure, deprive me of Last of Cocrse.—


r. Banning gives a general Two clerks atuin a majority simultaneously. " -“P *r*“®?®* ot getting their money, then is this gentleman in a very hliufui state, in-


that confidence on Uc port of some which is w I summarr of his recent course of lectures on' ‘^“® »bh his former employers, or at

contemplating the levying on| dee.l-at least he is sincere


eesentiol from all to quolifTa judge f.ra vLabte u TTv / !

°l®«t in the same line of trade, at first on a small

b® Jhe interior ol the in this declaration. Let him look .at tho facts anddisenarge of official duty. Beside, the poit3 I

H«f®™Hy,and Chrome Diseases, at seven „iary, then on a larger, until finally, if he is meri-‘bird «iory (tke Hall of the Fire Department) is figures set forth above, and then say wheiher ,

rslatiobS between the District Attorney, Recorder i

4his evening, before both ladies and gen-;

torious, he is taken into partnership. The otheaLkif'®®ruined by the neglwt of the Council 4o have everything has been granted that wat neoeMory


and myself are not •uch as would conduce to bar- iUemec, and aUo before ladies exclusively, at three, 4hinks it ^neath him to fill a subordinate posi-

|pq*oh*atmrunant ha^ Mtitioned fiwTn v-*? un<>nthe Hre Depwtojent effeetive. Let him :

uony in the Court of which we are members '» „ *kia .fiA,.AAAn p » 11 n r r.k tion, now that he has become a man, and accord-*^‘^®Hapartinant have petitioned for m v 1, upon p ask bimse.f, too. wnedier he has not been a smaii i

Under these circumsUnces, and in view of the i I'’ Hiis afternoon, in Concert H^l, Fifth street,

on j,ig ^wn ac-occasions. The treasurer of tue Lomj^y


stumbling block in the way of the granting of the

delicacy and importance of a judicial office with' between 51arket and Jefforaon. He may be con-

;count, or undertakeg for a new firm in the old line f

daily by creditors, some of whose bills, appropriations, A.*., asked for. If it were not for i

DO wi*h that misiortune to me-although without i

»t the National Hotel until Saturday night,j

of trade. Where does it end? Often in insolven- .,!!!?, 'ikA^iAkfJ^^’ “*i k’“ ‘b® l®ngHi of this communication ^nnd it were

crime, and by whom or however brought-shkll in ®y* i® Hobes. To this every merchant can tT k^?k®

debts, part y because he worth the trouble) we could, by reference to the|

on, manner'^.ct the intorest of pubficSS. » r.^rkA FaI, *k. Ka„.«* aV *Ha .* * t®«tify. ‘be, record, paint to numerous votes of the gentleman

uony in the Court of which we are members.

delicacy and importance of a judicial office, withI

b«‘ween JIarket and Jefferaon. He may be con-

Do Wish that misiortune to me—although without|

suited at the National Hotel until Saturday night.crime, and by whom or however brought—shail in :

any manner off«t the interest of public justice, or ' t^Fhe Fair for the benefit of the orphans, at::^u:::drtortfl;tt n^^n ;ro«


or the orphans atI

amecbanic. Heacjuiresa®x;«nses, and partly because that allowance is not

,in opposition to various apnlicatio^ from the F.™


debted fortheplaoel wupy,I feel itto beadutv j

®'«ht, was bnUianUy attended.|

dUugie f„r his trade, however, thinks it is a tedious r®i4« this


iJspartnaent, which would be bard to reconcile

ut honor and principle to resign. In the consider- IThe Fair opens under the most favorable auspice.s, way to get ahead, and sets out for the West or Cali- I

^ ^j

01 January ensuing $-w with his declaration that everything asked for hodaUon of ini* matter, I have been apprehensive vhat I and we have no doubt will be liberally patronized. But in m«t cases, the same rostle*.*, di«,on- Vlh ofoTow“Ls?

’* ^‘Tv ven--

n surrender of the place might, upon first thouirhL I Tk-i..i- k ^ « . . j .u h«ntod, and speculative spirit which carried him I . a- o •^ We would ask our felJow-citizsng to coolly and i

wub some, be construed to weV^udice of my*in-‘‘ ^ render the renders continued application at ono .

^?® HbLixft Fiui Company No. ^ fro™ calmly reflect upon tho facte set forth above, andnocence; but those with whom I bave advUod^ ns-

agreeable, and wo feel confident|place irksoxe to him; and so he goes wandering J“®

^®°®™* Lounoil, “»n‘i“ry IS, 1S55, $l00, being then say if we have not had sufficiet cacso to be-!

sure me that no such iifference will or can be drawn H>®ir efforts will be fully appreciated. The i

’^orld, a sort of semi-civilized Arab,j

‘ o?“® disgn-tod with the prqomstinalions of the :

by even tne most uncharitable or least frienlly • Hall is haiidsomelv decorated-to. tables oroan i

character, and sure to die in- ! ‘L“® a

i®^‘^®“®^®> Council. The evils that we complain of I

butthateverytair and just citizen will a»,'.ribemv . ,k a ,•

solvent. Meantime his fellow-apprentice, who hasj

' are not those of a month nor a year, but have been 1

resignation to the cause assigned. lo the proee^ ,

H>e delicacies of tho season, and everything gUyed at hopae, practising economy, and working I

1-th of January, 18j0, $400. Ihc mdebt-1 accumulating for n series of years, until at last

of my God to you. Sir, the first officer of the State consjiire* to odd to the enjojrment of the occasion, steadily at his trade, has grown oomfand to the public at large, I declare my entire in-’ 1 Let all attend.

circumstances, and is even perhaps

Doceuce of the criminal comirct or intentional ..mark.

»UiO lu lilB « an t" t l_*i» a-® • • 1 I

^ » * aa PMOa SUU W r I

citizcD ofreijain oa engine, due iince


fool impelled to take the action we hare decidedI

1951..V w T . . .k I

°P®“ * •®“® to ourselves, hutilk cf lir« H will bo seen from the above statement that to others.

>V eis, D. K.—Carter, Greenup, and I/nwrenee.|

Williams, John— Brocken wai liorrison.Woodson, Tucker—Woodford, Jessamine, and


Wright, George—Warren, Allen, and Edmon-son.


Alexander, Richard— Hickman and Fulten.Anderson, Liicien —Grave*.Anderson, John B.—Taylor.Anthony, W’m. T.—Allen.Auxier, John B.—Johnson and Floyd.Baker, Wm. B . A.—Maeon.Beauchamp, R. F.— Barren.Berry, Benjamin—Chriilain.Berry, W'm. J.—Ohio.Bodley, W'm. S.—LouisviUe city.Bohannon, John S.—Hart.Booker, W'm. B.— W'uhingtun.Bowling, Root. C.—L'^gon.Bradford, Laban J.—Bracken.Brown, Arshibold C.—Shelby.Brown, E. D.—Meade.Bruoo, Horatio W'.—Fleming.Cecil, (Joibert—Letsher, Pike, and Peiry.Clement, J. M.—Crittenden.Cochran, John B.— Spencer.Cook, Gfe». B.— Caldwell and Lyon.Cook, M. J.—Laurel and Rockcastle.Corbett, Thos. U.—McCreeksn end Bollard.Corbin, Jas. M.—Buone.Covington, Coleman—Malison.Culton,J»s.—Knox and Harlan. *Detbemge, Frank P.—Jsffsrsuc.Dugan, 1). R.—Nelson.Dancan, Chas.—Fenuieton.Dunn, Joshua—Garrard.Eilioit, Ephraim B.— Carter.Eoglirb, Robt. B.— Hardin.Fori", Geo. C.—N'icculos.

Foglo, Jas. M.—Morion.Fogle, .MoDowell—Casey and RuMelLFoss, S, A.—Jefferson.(taither, Nathan- Adair.Garrarl, Daniel-1 lay and Owsley.G'los, Henry—Owen.Gix iloe, Jocn K.—Woodferd.Graham, Alfred F.—, Gorden B.—Trigg.Gray, Anderson—Grnysun.Gnllion, Becjucin—Carroll and Trimble.Hanson, Roger W.—Fayette.Hargis, John—Morgan and Breathitt.Hawkins, Hiram— Bath.Helm, Ben Hardin—Hardin.Hewitt, John M.—Franklin.Hicks—Monroe.Huston, John B.—Clarke.Irvan, John L.—Calloway.James, Andrew J.—Pulaski.Jolly, Gideon F.—Breckinridge.Jones, Andrew— Davies*.Jonss, Richard—Greenup.KinsUer, J%mos—G mat.Lee, Geo, F.—Boyle,fjee, Philip— BubitC.Littiepaga, Jatne* S.—Anderson.Long, Samuel—Clinton and Cumberlaiiil.Lyons, John G.— Louisville city,Mahan, Pleasant W.— W'hitlsy.Marshall, Charles A.—.Mason.McCampbell, James H.—Jessamine.

jMrCreery, John C.—trimpeou. !

McElroy, IL/am— Union. '

Men*ies, John W'.—Kenton. i

Miller, W'm. M.— Madison,ilontgomery, W'uodsua C.—Lincoln.Morrow, W'm.—Hopkins.Kuttail, Elijah F.—Henry.Pell, Samuel B.—Hancock.Prichard, A. J.—l.Awrence.Raymond, David H.— florriaon.Rice, Benjamin F.—EsiULRichardson, Robert—Kenton.Ricketts, Joseph—Mablenburg.ktiey, W'tn.—Campbell.Rogers, Geo. C.—Warren.Kusecii, James A.— Todd.Smedlor, Charles C.— Mercer.


Speer, James M.—Oldham.j

SpuiT, Richard J.—Fayette.Tef^, Thoutaz U.—Barrisca. I

Tovis, Joebua C.—Shelby.Thornton, Richard—Bntler and Edmonson. 1

Thnrmaa. David L.—Lome. ^

Turner, James U.— Mootgomsry nndPowsU. ‘

Vanwinkle, E. L.—W'nyne.]

Vaughn, Fielding—Green. 1

W aller, W ilie—Livingston and Marshall. I

Wore, Jaxoe T.— Bourbon. 1

W hiteley, L. A.— Ijonisville city.W tan, Thomas H. M.— Barren.Wood, Hiram—Seott.


W'oods, F. M.—Ijcwis.|

Worsham, Elijah W'.—Henderson.W'orthington, E. S.—Louisviii* eity.


Mo.ndat, Dee. 14.


. .. H. ». MUOKS,dell A«v.4Uce of Muler D Goaid.

For Rest.

E .\ BEAUTIFUL AND DE.SI.roble Kesi tencs. In the west end of the city, eastof Col. Wbi. Muunv'*; a x»u<l house witn aioe

roosas, outhouse and cellar, with tour mere* of grenad,dne lUade Gees mnj dower Sardes, with abaadauoei.(STspvs sad strawherries; als'.,aweil of *Jod water >t*

the > Ard; house tuiianie for on* or Bi«re rassiues; wsaforiueriy occupied py J. W. Lynn. CoU oa hia, -twiievKuhth and Mam sirectz. ’-olodtt

For Sale.


O-Tot. en the L«ai*.ftlip ana frarftw «*rt K.uaroau. for x^articas«m 4dimt iaNOCK, WICKS SCO.,or t.

v p.™ orsappv.w

s C. H. the prem'sss

A Beautiful Country Seat.ONE OF TKri .MOST.^

Km beautiful eoar.'ryshet in Ken:ackv,sit-wm n-ued on atner.,.ik*, ob> n 11 a,ie«.UtuiJvUle. isoLc’.-dr.rsale. There ;s ui>; su.-a '.Sbw.

. s.'.othereoAatey seit in JeC.:rMia eou'^v. it couUmft'=*'v«v »iaty acres, p- wiesses eecry e<-n« -uiesce. or.d ii Jsuch a home AS seldom :s oiT^r*'d, 7nr partieaisr.

I ... „ C. C. t.H:{EN, Starke.


selSdtf Norxhside. between y .urth oa>: iHr

Runawaj.RAN AWAY FRO.M THF..^Di?]^

I jtr teriber, in Jeffersna soanty, oa T.-idav Jolw, the NeXT;. Man aaiVE.N. fe« D.-uod, Wall built azoii, very black: hUn, weil,

formed nese. whlto t'.-e'.h, and recedinx foreSead: WpIgenersUy xsjr ptoUed and very long; oae haou rnuebmjured hy a cut, zo he cannot more t’lm ?ia.f epen tj


hue appearance h,r anexro. 1 w.u e,r« stou reword foeI him if uken in :h« rtair, or b<0j if taken eat of tha,

B'.otc,aol secured so that Icon set hiss,


^clmJkrWa i, L. bfiUAKT.

Slave Owners! Look Here!!

Y"UU M'llu HAVE NEiJROt.s FURsola or for h-re the eDsuios year, will eonsalt


your own uiiere«l by applyin* ti, me o !• ,e srtirx. AnIexperience of many years husmesi wua tne citisecs of


Lsu:sviUe and »:cin cy.ieedrn m- cocip j-ent of in.!x-I iny jn

ipiCKi' x ^oed masi.r.foryunr >e-

. X-'WS. Wfcere they wilt be esr^ for in --*-ry particuliw.;

Titoae harm. ^>.r*ants for hire, ' r 'or 'hey'• can recoirmeu 1 , f can for :neo. • id , ’— .'

-i-, -»,a fair ea iir.Ueat for t;.« r servieei. r,. hV„J^ rwould a.lyi«e an early aypucaii..;, t> la; a perswa. ar

Iby letur d-.zcntknz Lie he^rves, ihcir sex, ax... -uod-

;hcatioas, ac. • —


RObr. ST .vtRY, rt al Atfsof.Jev* r»on -t., ...tween Kour.h and ft . fih.


N. II. r'rs. ns w.,in!'tir ts pr»cure servae,.* few tnunext y v.-ir. sa.1 bst'er »pi iy fo me in time, in . rder lo. hare t: cir wan. 9 *up,-I .oil .f Jie pt- :u*.*l choice "f thoui.snr <..,,d auJ iei|..'>!- .-rr-jiti w^ien I wul hare **ay di.poe-l. ft or ii.fory..U,-.a m part.c lot, in ; .,f

““.'iT* H«a1 Kdsni'Jlc.. on J-: «so.-', to;, fourthnndtifihsu. I'hc'U ji^alJtfta IJ R. HTt)KKll.

i’uiiip .Tlalsin;;.

\LL KIND.S OF M'OODEN PU.ArP'^o.;i?k! ts> orrj^r AnJ c->Q^L'ir k-p4 on tond.


^3*ap» ksfp.vfp't anil Ue.U ClvsUicOp a;ici or«/9 thiasIp«rca<r;iaik lo Ui i liu^ of ua-iinc’d^ pro^apcly aKi^m^ciid


JOB rUiMlX4i K3 fiBLJSSafiHor XHM




(»rwsxs DsnxBT sr.D,)


bcok_and job frintuto.


Th* Proprietor of the Demaic'a r-«r'v 10.101I thos# of their fefl.jw.fjiijeo. Merchants, on 4 Sa.I


boaiowatrs wh>'. or* in wont cf any kind of



o coil oadleavnthsir orders it the shore sstahJshmsnt,,

wherethey can t*v* their wore *x>.ated aa*arsrk«I monnarr, sad upon themojiresj-.. lerme.

Every Day Pomuthin^ 2ST# w.Soanch bos been saij oboa, Ambrotype.. Pholo-


graphs, and Paguerrex-pes that ar« hardly kn jw which! palm. Vher: te one thmg. Lw ,yer.Iwe feel jiutiAe-1 m i\y;n,- to *ur lady reader j, and thatIs. If they will risit Kocsasan's.siaiumoth Oaxnerreaa


'Jollciy. No.iiOIaiastrret.Vlween Vcor dmndThWd,,

they w:ll find some of thoje .-legantiy gu- .v.-a inTIfe, lue Daguerreotype* w.hich hare render jd tV*e ro<x.nuthe resort of the beauty and r.shion «f um and


ooaatry. The p-ctaresUken by Rces/wri do not mok*j

thel ght and re<I hair appear as d u-A as. m.dni«hl(a


fanitby fartoocomsontn Aai»woiype*,,>mnj,ey ,how. a proper (Estinciion af fly r.t and Mac*.*, and “bold, mI

T were, the mirror u p to c oture. 'e. .rrsetly portray’a*

I ^ feotr.res .,«f the or.giar.,. g*, adrit*,

od to be no toayer hambag» -1 w.;h b gh priced Uko-I nesar-i, whiie tbcoo msan.acrm* pictures may be eto. mine-J Ow fifty cents anU *,^**,.1 ,. Atth.e gahery


may also be round cne of tV/ aAsortmenta of,lathe city, which are sold cbespM- than u any oS»

I honte. Coil and you whi he sa.u*fiad.

»*j»0- P- Rf>»5BaiW.

^ < LENLEVet WIll.SK Y. TPUN^j

ehoon Stotoh Whisky ;u*t reeoaved and ArI ^faieuCJ COR-NWaLL M BrI).

STARCH.sole by rdriJ)


COURT OF APPEAL.S. f ARD OIL. 50 BBL.S NO 1NINETEENTH DAY. -^^Urif Oil for eol. by

^Mo.ndat, Dm. I4.


CArsRs oiciDxo.Shexiff • Office

J. A. Lytor V Lytm’g administrator, Boubon; THEI

• i L. T a . V • r,toe«trM"i5onJ.*ff:Ji!f?S^?“'’'^’^

L/ter 8 admunitrator LjUr s he&rin Bourbon* dc^i*b«wi w. d mkoowav*s hain. Bourbon; w. ji. D MKGOWA^e^erirPuxo Baitpeuea


>; affirmeil.|

iuuviUe; affirmed,j

; affirmed;

ly surrender on office of honor and emolument for .1 .u i> . . .w j , -j . .l inion wnonave lauea 10

jirivot. life; trukuug to Providencea^ mv ex-|

®‘®“ “*.® “®“®“ ®“‘ ‘.‘‘® ' on^ thi^long^

•rtioa* for what may come to me iu the future. P®^®f ^ foreign rule Stark among the mountains '

Believing, Sir, that the confidence of the groat body|

of New Hampshire ‘a long time ego.’ Another ro-of the people in my integrity is still unshaken, flection gratified our American pride ns we gur-ond that the oounse my coDvieUoa ofpropriety hoe ! j .v . .v • a. • .u ut i.

led me to adopt will be approved of by my frirod* I


to pay the regular appropriations, and it ig now power to do it- let them put men in office who will


aod the community in which I live,

I have the honor to be days, vix: that there marched oe privates in tho ‘Our verrbspes, belied our fears,Tonr EzoeUency’s most obedt. humble eervt. puL. wV,.. k.... k.M *ks k:.ks.» Ourfears our hope* belied;

a. H. STUART “ highest po- H e thought her dying when *he *:

" ritioni of honor in the gift of the people, £x-6ov- And sleeping when «he died.’

A Shladf »l Washington. omora, Sonators, Congreesmen, and members of the If the subject will bear it, wo beg leava

Bomoe Greeley writes hu paper from Wnehing- l.,egi*Uturto-all glad to be enrolled and known oe moonlight iltepi upon thi

km under dote of 2let inst; ‘citizen foldierg.’”

“A etreet fight oocnired thig afternoon between ! I'oiice Court.Ex-Gov. William f^»>th, of the Honee I RsLur and Employment Association.—Wefrom Virginia, and Douglas WellncU, the editor of I . . , .u n . # .v hon. 0. w. joh.nstok, jbdoi.SrStarT U grew out of on ortiel. on Smith”


«*^® collators of the

epeeeh in yeeterdey’s Star. Smith nceoeted Wol- 1Aesooiotion would call upon the citiiena for aid. Wednesday, Decern!

Ineb with regard to it; tbelie wosgivam; then they The weather then was eo mild that the necossity Connell, drunk nnd disorderly

truck eeeh other, clinched, fell, end rolled into the I *k« dastiini. ... ^'®®gntter. Smith np^moet. The^ were then eepam- ’

»>“« “*® d®»titnte was not^

tMi. WnlUch has one finger badly bitten, and hisj

E«narally felt, nnd little, conseqaently, was done, raonthg.

riiegesomewhat marred. I have not seen Smith.” Now, however, everybody feels that prompt action Margaret Walter, samo charge. Bail

— TTE T! I , ,is necessary, for many ore suffering keonly. Wo j*®

, , ,The bill reqninng nntnrnliged eitiseng to . ..... _ IT . -j Edward Nolan and John Frable, fame

A Shindy at Washington.ritioni of honor in the gift of the people, £z-6ov- And sleeping when «he dieii.’ ” ^ property, thoy have failed to do it. brothers fur the public go^, !^ ir aV... .—


4...A .11 ^S. I 1 A le I /^..wnvxCnTl V hffiVA fin AAVArffi.1 /V^AAlfNftn rtrtvh- \1T^ 1 ^1.^.. .« j-s . — '


Rowan v Daviess, LonisviUeHooper V RuentboJ, .doHusson V Biker, doPhillips V Johnson, doWathen V Hopkins, do—wore nrgned.



Collins V Cleorlond, Jessamine; eSrmed.


~ w. wuu cauaui raise lue meonsM Beep up n Tolunteeruary, being quarterly appropriations. The Com- department. M'e would suggest tLiL for the our-


HON. 0. w. JOH.NSTON, JEDOi. pany needs a new suction, nnd to keep their appn- pose of testing the mutter nnd seei^ '

ratus in good order it is absolutely necessary work, the eity fatbera or"^"''-' " - —. izwill

Wednesday, December 3G. either to build a new house or moke extensive re- com’a"*'- ** r—— into aJohn Connell, drunk nnd disorderly conduct, pairs to the present one, which fact )*••'•

, .,

'>® «® pioneers in the under


lil in $200 for throe months. It.-.'" ^ r >nn.:i— ^be season is now at hand when they

i..., Bu. „«o ...


..... ... rr

Flognr V Orr, Lonisville;

Adorns V Urban, Louisville;

Fieromor v Fieramor, Lonisrille;

Tompert v. Lodwig, Louisville—were argued.

andlittle, coneequ.nUy, was done. Jcur'rSTth^eflVeman to

zKrisegeaimewhatmarred. I have m>t seen Smith.”


Now, however, everybody feete that prompt action ®>>"ge. BaU in $100;

meet in relation to surrendering npp^tu®*tnd:

wT^ritrimS^M de.^^^

t^Tk.hiiirsn.irin* nstnrxii..*l ^® FH-.7i .«.i T k r. u,^® foUowing

! who come after you—it TOuld either bee^uated night la*L— flornsdWiary /•lew.>too5, 25iA.

Whately’* Rhetoric. ,*iag.-aaW«stow Jfsrcary, 2\ot. of their respecUve words, ^be coll, we know,wdl ^ for«^^!1® "*»®" ‘‘‘® definite ids. of the ple«ures attendi^ “ev^ «-v T »

flrimnu Dnxrn—Mr Milburo not he in vuto. A few hours of earnest action c;«k^„ have property subject to c.ntiAgn»tf..n. They also rion of a firemen, of which moet cf you ore now to \V , ”

!30 KF.G8 DUPO.NT'S GRANU-i sole by oa"! *k*

' boM lii Bixth itresL >#* M.ia ai.«i Wour.


OmcB Lena" iLt* Oa* Co., Bee. fi, UIO.

(^HE regu'^ar annual .^EET-

i/Bt-»-kh iMsrs to the LoeisyUle Oaw

S'?’***®? “* torsetors for A« ensuingysarv ‘J.jg atJ7 J ROBT. G. tOV RT R.N .k\


Impiovrd llavioaa Plaa LaUery.



Soatherfi. Military Aradeny^


Take drawn Jan. the Cttyetltwatjtf^^Hwhenfiteseamonauagte

Kfo$3o,eee.c* ^Dm nenssMid /Vises/ Om

/Via* ^


whea in the net of putttog ou hie ehoee,t* dressing. We did not hear the oaase

Whately’s Rhetoric.WE TAKE THIS OCCASION TOoffer k new edition of TUB BLBMBNTSOf

1 Prtseof.S fnaeo^a dn

II d«>0 Be17 de« do« de ... J


MOAN le.

Page 3: Daily Louisville Democrat: 1855-12-27 · 2015. 12. 2. · VOLUMEXII. fHiiMILVBE3l0tS”IIM's^kliJaneou^ I'KTNTKDANDFUm.I0HBJ>B¥ | BEWFLOOD LOUISVILLE,KENTUCKY,TIIUIiSDAY,DECEMBER27,1855.


jompo«ndhMexeeUc4 ftllof UsriT&liindolnf

the TMt DBOihM of ftfiiicted throogboat the

rtersooBotiT. IthMWoniUwBritoBdilrftDdto pBbaef«y»r.wtt*Mi »dvcrti:ix;clocf UiU of

ecrtifloBtoCi Bnd If the olhicted will conraU

huid happlBMt they will fire It o triml, foi


«ya. KbaamBtiea, and all araptlTe diteatea.

by l>r . R . V ACOII> , Dragglat , H o .N Tolrd

iiTille. Ky.. and by DracffiaUfenrrally •

eaafcc aeat as dlraetod to any person la the

-atnl perbotUe.orsisbotUeaforM. anlidfcw

le Eighth Wonder of the Age!


day. December Sd, we commence making the

JEWELRY.Below please find list of

Watches far sale by JOHN KITTS. Main street,between Feorth and Fiftn. A few of the first namedare the best Watches known.

F. B. Adams S; Soai. London;T. F. Cooper. do;R. F. Cowderay, do:JohnCraga, do;Janies stoddait, do; ModduII it Co., do;K.D. Johnson. do;Chat. T^lor& Sons, do;R. k E. Beesb y. LiTert'aol:ileur)' Frankbn. do;Cbarfet Pearson. do;Joseph Johnson. do,Wm. Sumners. do;Chas. Bnowden. do.

LADIKS’ WATCnE*.Tacbesnn A Constantine, Ocnera;Patich, Phili{is R Co., do;John 0- Ledmote. do;Erissman R Sons, do;Uy.Coumesser, do;•.'has. F.TisaotR Son, Lode;III Mathey Peytieu. do;H. Koaaeiet) Chau de Fonds;

DRY GOODS.liuu»>e Furnisitiiiu ticods.

BIVEB ASD W2ATBXB. BY TELEGRAPH.NI) LIST OF House Furnisltiiiy tioods. IS^Tbe river was fallicK yesterday, rlth i*)* feet in

iITTS. Main street. -WTar H \VF ON HAND THAT canal, .md 6>i feet on the falls over the rocks at

of the first named ^ V we will sell at the lowest pri’ors, the bes«weather is very cold, and must cause the

Jon; selected stock of House Fomibiiiug Goods to be lound firer to recede rapidly.

>: intbecity. _ | „ r. w .v „

UALfOiOM, Dm. M.Jud;re Dorse*, former Chief Jostiue of Mary-

land, died tn-daj of pandjsis at bia icsidence,

Eillcott’s Mills.


liin^eys aud Jeuii!<.

l5?”The river was falling yesterday, nth UK feet in CONOKF..SSIOXAL. land, uieU U)-aaj oi paraijsis at nm rttiaence,

le canal, .and 6>i feet on the falls over the rocks at WasEINUIO^ December 20.Eil.cott’s Mills.

trk. The weather is very cold, and must cause the mv W samvornw IW WTer to recede rapidly.

senate is not in session to-day. " abhinoto.m, l«c. W.liousK.—


j. Koigbt offered a res dution that Scpkixr Cocrt.

decker Torreeco ft of., argu-riTTSBrao, December 16— p. a. the House will continue to vote for Speaker viva ment continued by Ccaa for the appellants, and

Theis are 9 feet 3 inches water in tbs ehanuel and yoc^ wsibout debate, and if there shall be no oontlnaed by Key lor the appellee..llitig. Weather extremely cold. choice on the first trial on Fridav next, another

Wabhinoto.m, Dec. W.SCPKIXR CkirBT.—decker Torreaco rl al., argn-

»URKEE, HEATH & CO. HAVF' forcisc«saton hand s fine assortment of Country Jeans and mail boat to-day.

.ilitig. W eather extremely cold. choice on the first trial on Friday next, anotherFor Ciscirsati.—


he splendid Telegraph So. 3 is the shall be made, when the person having a majorityail boat to-day. of a quorum >hall be declared elected Cipeaker.

delT' 107 Fourth Market and Jefferson.J

Yor New Orliaws.—


he unsn.paased Alvin Adams

, j ... - leaves for New Orleans tliis evening. She is in chargeCurtain C.oods aud 1 rimmiligs. of Captain Boies, and clerks and Archer. Fas

WW^E IN\ ITE THE SPECIAL AT- sengers cannot fnd a better boat to travel on.w W tention of Housekeepers and Furniture deal- poh u.menv ..Th.. -....c.t

ers. to our extensive assortiucut of Broratelles. iiatiii De,

' crojont u the MadiSOn packet

Laiues, Worsuxl aud Cotton Damask., Lace and Muslin to-day


Curtains of all quahties, with trimmings to suit. , , ,, ,DCKKEE, HFJATli ft. CO., WiitiLiNo and PiTTSBCRo.—The Bay City is

latl bo made, when the person haring a majority PlTTSBCEti, Dec. -d, r. M.

a quorum >hall be decided elected cipeaker. The City Democratic Convention to-d^, spLtResolution laid on the talie by 11 majority. between the Fasiunists and Aaties. The Fosion-

I Curtains of all quahties, with trimmings to suit.DCKKE E, H FJATU ft (DCKKEE, HFJATU ft CO.,

107 Fourth st., bet. Market and Jefferson.

Uinukets! lliaiikets!!

I Breitling Laedcricb, do.

daty, December Sd, we commence making the I Tbs above will re found to be one of the finest assort-

^ for at Ilsrina emnlnvad ments of Watches in the city, aud will be sold at theCMered I hotograpbs for M. Having employsuaiTordwl. d«33

tra Fai ters and Photographera, we are now able ;

- - -

any amnent of work that mav beentruaUd to our Illeuultlul t hrisluius l*rcaeut.s at

pairs WHITE AND COL- *•*''** NashriUe at 10 o’clock this gegtions were impracticable, as the will of the undisturbed, but other descripUons of freight are

ored Bed and Servants’ Blankets atmorning. majority is the rule by which the House is gov- to be opened and searched.

e any amount of work that may be entrusted to our

eore. Satisfaction guarante<>d in every caae. Instruc-

tion given in I’hotographs and Painting. Daguerreo-

types at our usnal pneea. Plain Photographs S for S3.

OTA present of Two Plain Photographs will be

mads to cverr person having one Colored.

CARPENTER R 8WYMMKR,dot 617)a Main street, bet. Third and foarth.

Notice.Persons wishing to go to Sbepbenlsville, by the


Main st., above Third, opposite Bank of Kentucky.

1HAVE ON HAND A VERY RICHstock of Jewelry, embracing many of the latest and

most beautiful stylet of Pina, Ear Kiuss, Bracelets,Kings, and many other articles very suitable for Christ-mas iirosents. Persons looking for something neat and

del7 DCKKEE, HEATH ft CO.’S.

To Carriage 31auufacturerh.

HAVE JUST RECEIVEDw w several pieces of Silk expressly for Carriage

Curtains, a hich we will sell very low.delT DI R^EE, HEATH t CO

Piauo and Table Covers.

morning. majority is the rule by which the House is guv- to be opened and searched.

CS^Captain Bunce sold bis interest ia the Diamond ernod. He thought they could make mure rapid The parties previously arrested have been again

to Captain llollcroft and Mr. Huston yesterday for an progress by resuming to vote forthwith. in custody, and rotiuired to give heavier bonds,

advance over the original cost. Hr. Stephens suggesioJ a modification, which Skcond Dispatch, P. M.—At the suggestion of

T _ i.t VI - . ,v Mr. Sago aocepted, to the effect that until a Speak- the Transit Compana the United SUtes District

w^i. wl f H V* *'*®*’“

‘“I® er is elected no motion for adjournment shall be -Attorney consented that the Xorthera Light mayds by a visleat gust of wind about day light on

jxn,r^er. He wished to bring the House to the l»rocood on her voyage, oneondition that the takesSunday mcrong lut. She came in ccntact with two willing to sit hero day in and day out i ““t two of the Marshal’s deputies, to superintend

Kings, and many other articles very snilab

pretty for presents are invited to call and examine these.JAS. I. LEMON,

de£I Main street, between decond an i Third.

Piauo and Table Covers. !

*r®e»> which brole in a ^rtloa of her larboard guardjjjj tharesult was effected— [Cries of “Agreed”]. ' ^he discharging of her cargo at Paata Arenas, the


®^ Humphrey Marshall thought such a resolve !oonjpany stipulating to bring back all the cannens

cur store, the best assortment of these goods to beSeveral of the state-rooms cn the same might go with healing on iU wings to the country,


and munitions of war found on board. She will

h&(i in Loui:i?iUet and at the lowest vrices. side were moved by tu© coUiiuou. Her oiBctrs thinkj but the country miirht as well understand, at the i soon ae she can gtt ready.

f hsif Ka.I if Ti/wf IwvAAn f,». w*.. ...l_ !

Parao&s wishins to fo to HbepberclvTuM, by thej T- i j yN B^ERSIAiw x/Ci -w

| p.# -wy-


i # .v Mr Onitinan WM for followir'^ tlio #»TamT.lA 1l>y tao amvai oi ino lianici « OMter, ywieruay,

Liverpool, and Geneva 1 .S.». tUrillijr. L. j,.. u., 2o.h.%d s.’

J ! "VL" % ^ X'' 19 li'’ ^ deatdRw JAMES LOW R CO.. 418 Main St. Sundavs ago. principle, namely, starving the jury till they: J®

The rainy season

At the National Hotel for a Pew Drvb ' WV X. V/ XE Xk ^ e * agreed upon a voi lict-[UughterJ. ' bad set in. The Indian war in Oregon still cen-

n. n ev • # .V. m BX I A M ON D CRO.SSES. EAR BXRILLS AND JEANS. tjrihe DiamoDd is the nans o, s new double-wheel Mr. CarUsle asked Mr. tStephens whether he' >iwket is quiet—provisions dull, with a

l^^BAaws..of NewTork, ‘“^®*™® “*«®J

I IJ JLP 6 cases blue Drills;propeller, just co.pleted ty Captain J. II. Bunce. 8Ue thought a sectional matter of so little importance | tendency. The «Ur of the Wm.t left

looping, Broachitia, Coasumpuon, Palpitation Ofj

Fine fcett and itaif ceu; „ 3 do Corset Jeans; is one of the most complete s'.erawhe, lers in aU her ar that he would give a cerUin party, whose power I

f®'’ ^®’^ ^ ®^^>Florentine Mosaic Jeadry;

deTd'ftw ^ JaV'kV Lo‘l^rangemenu we have ever teen. Her dimensions ars as of physical endurance is greater that of oth-

cllSeo doCO.. 418 Main

,55 fe«uong. 40 feet beam, 6 feet 9 in.h uold; cr^ owing to their lArgor number, and facUiHes to ^

t’ol. Walker has received 120

Xi A N N E L T O N COTTON. 100 hus three bcilers, 26 feet long, 40 inches diameter; two| affect that object. ®®®^ ^7 Oio Sierra Nevada.

Filvwwarc o' all kinds. V/ bales Oaaneltou Cotton received par steamer cyUnders, IS inches diamelr, 7 feet stroke. Her huU Mr. Stephens replied—This House is to be or- ' LATER FROM TEXAS*a„i„d„a%„,U»S .or,,ho .li,,,. lfU,,V.piU

DtTKKKEt HKATn & CO. i thkt haJ it not bet^n foj iLo bog-chiua the cabin would s&di6 time, that th® majority can t«tko aay other '

Ta tvF^ o


upio i

course they desire.j

. I r A 1

tyTheUendersoa Patriot says that only one of the Quitman was for following the examplej

ERSIAN DE LAINE8. U CASESsolid colored Fenian De Laine received this day

JAMES LOW R CO., 418 Main st.

Da. BAWKiMa, of New York, informs the sulfiecu of|

IRwopiitg, Broachitia, Consumption, palpitation ofj

tbe Umh, Dvs|Hi|..ia, Constipation, Diarrha*a, Piles,j

and Uernia;Uso, Pain and We>knessic the Back, with|

Bp^nal Curvatare , and Female Weakness generally, j

that he is prepared to give Immediate auxiliary relief;

to the above maladies, by means of a complete system;

'braces, which be has ticrfected; and he invites the ;

i»l profees'ikC, and ladies and gentlemen, to<x>n-

It him at the Nat'onal Hotel, where he has taken a|

eoBveufent suit of rooms for a few days. dell

•bster A Brotlier, DafaerreotyplstRAPhotographers,

Drills and jeans.S cases blue Drills:

i»T]^ofees'>kr!, and ladies and gentlemen, to<x>n- Main street, between 1 our:h and F ifth-

It him at the Nat'onal Hotel, where Le has taken a| gg

eoBveuieut suit of rooms for a few day s. dell’ SPLESDW ASSOHTMEXP OP•brter A Brother, DaguerreotypleUA Watclieib and Jcwclrv,

*“*““«,n. AtNew YorAPriCM,OAtAasi-dTf ' ain street. fipeciacDt of their own • . . .• j .

foedueuanon exhttttion at all hours during the day ^®’*® Third street,between Mam and Market,

lastraotio in both taraoches Imparted on raasonabli ! B J. HIRSCHIHJHL, PR.\CTICALterms,and Apparatuafnrnlshed when deeired. fel9


* Watchmaker and Jeweler, would respectfully- — I announce to the public that he has just received.di-

«yjrmliinkofU,atBROwa i OALLaavyou may '

‘J**manufaciureiw of Geneva (dwitser.

. , - _ . ... A.^ land) and France, a lot of splendid Watclies andJew-

obtain a fine Daguerreotype of yourself for the trifling1 eiry of the latest styles, and which he is cnaliled to sell

Florentine Mosaic Jewelry;Gold btone do do;Cameo do do;C'-ral do;Silverware o' all kinds.

wLw fi cases blue Drills:3 do Corset Jeans;

Received this day and for sale byde-rSdftw JAMKH LOW R CO.. 418 Main st.

(i A N N E L T O N COTTON. 1001

hus three bcilers, 26 feet long, 40 inches diameter; two^ bales Canneltou Cotton received per steamer !

IS inches diamel.r, 7 feel stroke. Her hullj

" broidered Shawls received this day aud for sale by Brown R Co.; the carpets, Rc., were furuliheU by the ®® organized or wc will go into dissolution,j yarez ?i,no sonth

isfJdftw J AMEB LOW ft co.,413 siaitj u|

oelebral.d ht.use of Hite ft Small; aud the upholstery Ho did not know what would b« the result of hisj

“ o• ^


by those enterprisiag young laea Dickinson R Snyder, proposition, but every ;patleman must vole ac-j

FiTT.-aruo.Doe. -o.



Uer cabins are furnished in a neat and comfortable cording to the dictates ot his own judgment. i The thermometer stood at ludegraes above zero

75 pieces light colored fancy Cassimeiei, forj

manner. She draws light, less than J") inches. Captain ilr. Letcher—Ihaveno objectiou to the gaotle- this muming. We bad snow last night. Christmasspring trade;

SO pieies blue Cloth, assorted qualities;6U do plaid Marseilles Vestings, very hand-

some;10 lbs super plaid Twist;3 cases checked Coaling;

I'J pieces F'rcnch black twilled Cloth:Received this day aud fur tale at the lowest prices bydc24dRw JAML8 LOW R CO.. 418 Main st.

W. K. Uolloroft takes charge of her, assis’dsd by Captain tbkn from Georgia making a test for himself, but ’vas generally observed, and business entirely sus-

C. T. Rcidtr in the office, and will, no doubt, make h« ^ ®^J®®^ ^ applyinS H to me. pended and churches well filled.

•umofOneDollar.incloseiiiBaneatcase. Now.don'ij

secure for him the patronage of thejdelay any longor,but take yourfamllietdownandhave puuhc at large.

Ladies’ricb and beautiful Gold Watches, garuies deibeir piotureetak«n,andyoa will notregret it. Bam is diaoiants, and of diflerentaizes aud prices.

hard La hast i viv Also, a one assortment of Gold and biiver Fob, Vest,* and Neex Cfaa,ns, WaU-h Keys, l-ockets. Diamond

15<J gross 30-yard Spool Cotton;D'O dozen Gum Susp-eoders:5u gross testing 0> ercoat Buttons;H cases black Cambric;

Nececsarles of Life.Fins mid Rings, together with a large variety of fini Received this day and for sale byJewebv of every deacription. ^ . de34dftw J 4MK8 LOW R CO.. 41« Main st.GeoUemen B Gold Aiid silver WaUhet of the beii —mr - «g*v


w V a. a - GeoUemen’i Gold aiid silver Watehat of the beiiTlo&r, whiBcy t and Tobacco have long been regarde«A American aud European m xea^Gold Tens and Pen-

hec®ceaaanefl of lifr—bat it it We can*i cil Oa«exs Battona, Muaio boxes, and ot!.tr fancj ar*i-

^y Fleur-that Is, Daguerreoty piats can ’l-for it is^‘^IJptiring

flesr; the tetaperance men wont let ns dnnk M bisky. dispatch and on moderate tenns. All work donein hit

And the Tobacco crop is a failure. What we can’t get it esUblishment is warracled to give entire satisfaction.

_ .. J ... The favorable reputstiun, as well as the liberal pa-ls plain we mna. do wj.hov , and what wecAo do with- tron-ge, which this estai.lishuieLt has enjoyed lor sev•u; ia nut a ncocsssrr. i .ic;>rover4 , then. is a false eral years the be>t recommendation.


Let bards s’ng the praises, in all of their phases,* if Frenrhincd Dishes, nnwholesome as rare.

a favorite packet. B he takes hsr departure this morning Mr. McMullen thought there was no reason for I

tor New Orleans. House imposing this restriction on itself, iss it :'

was always in the power of the majority to ad- ' ^[From the Eoening £ifs(ton.] joum.


•—»-ru u . 1. ... .Docock, while he was oppostd as muc’a as'

Kg'” r hanks to Messrs. Myers and Archer, the accom- ^^y man to sectional organization, sulmitted to I- - ^


modating clerks of the Alvin Adams.foracoi.y of boat’s hia colleag-ae(Mr.C.trlUlo)*


memorandum. resolution would throw into the bands of the 1 o’e’lock

Gr'rhanks to the steamer Shotwcll for river favors. party alluded to any more facilities than they new ^oight

PiTTsauRo, December [f » sectional orgauization m to be off.eeon Ui

There are 9 feet 0 inches water in the channel and fall*“7 ti®f have it now as well as next Third street.

ing. 'VVeatter cold and cloudy. i /-i a ,

' .Messrs. Orr and Greenwood severally opposed

MEMORANDA.nuilngthe ,e»luU<.ii a leit of llio itrragth of. ,tl— » Tlo Boo ilooiBor A. L. SHOTstouiaohs [.aughtcr].

I ^jjJj^^jlSBsWKI.L, Elliott, mastfir, will leave aM;. McMuileu suppe-eed that such a resolution

|ab'.vr on cui> Uay 27ih inst., at 4 o'clucit r. w.

•od Bat sue of HAitKlS'8 Dteun eotvu s—bricU ‘I reepectlu'lv invite the ladies to exarr.ine my stock Tkeir tarts and tneirjellie^ to cram <n their helliss—•og. BUI cue or iiauAt. o iragun eotj p.s erigu.

. „f richGold Wslches and JewWrv, conhdens Ihrt 1 can „ But naught in the world can with Oysters compare;•parkling, rich, bold., and cleat—which we can get and ' please ray patrons, boUi in regard to the style and quai- Their dumplings and nooilles and ail such capoudles.

The steamer Alvia Adams left St. I.,oni8 Sunday, Dee. would ^iva the anu-N’ebnukas the advanUge.|

23d, at 12 o’clock. Met Fashion al Bailie’s Landing. Mr. Payno iaid the adoption of the resolutionEquinox at llaCkeFs Bend. ii!4ta—.Met boat, name UU* ,taji sirh him a morn mott.Ar nf lima Wn i

’inown at Mnall Chain, Northerner at Irish Jimmie’s,with nim a mere matter Ot lime. Ho


Staiesuiaii at Fliizatietbtowu, Gulden Gate at Cave-in- before voting upon it to take leave cf hu familyRock, Fimpire at ehawnuetown; p.assed North Star at and friends—[laughter .

Cuiuiitowu. 2otU— Met oheuangu at Mauek port; pass- Ir war ihww mnvpil to' ’av thn r»<rd,itinn n-A fhoC.1 Mediator al Kuekhani: met HighUyer al Twelve-

, ,

lh®n mcveil to .ay^ the re.oi itiou OU ,.06AOAot do without—that is a necessary of life. no23

Ac Lwarge as Life.

We arefally prepared to reeeive and execute orders

Dhotographic Portraits,either from life or Dagnerre-

•4yg,es: ac d as we have secored the services cf the very

ily as wen as the prices of my goods.J. J. mUSCilUliUl., Watchmaker,

dc6 No. 66 Third at .between Main and Market.

Fiae WatcL4»s and Jewelzy.

Having recently^ return-ed from the Fast, we have now on hand a large

D'.-iiciuus and lino in their season mar tie;

Their pot pie and chickens may go to the dieM aeu there is a pAte of stewed Gy s.ers fur Mary and I mile Fu.ut, K. J. >Vaid at F'rank 5iuilenry’s.

It was then moved to lay the resolution oa the

is this country, we feel confident that our|

«nJ lieautifulastorunentnf U atcLes, fine Jewelry, anti

Dm -^niwa* he wnmawAMd I''•bcy (iooJs, of the latest and most lashioiiahle styles.

A'lorrJ pictures cannwt be which we would iuvite the attention of our friends

Let windy debaters 'twixt beans and pertaUrsKick up A dif'p'ate while dispatching a meal.

And s<io.e prejudiced hearer, who thiuls he seesclearer.

Sticks in a word edge-wise for turkey and veal.Or preserves made of quinces, or custarls and mincct.Or small bttr and cider, or sugar and tea;

table, but the House refused by 27 majority.

Mr. Feck suggettea that the members be en.i-

c. BA9H.4.M.

rice of life site, in oil (on canvas) 8^ to 976 and customers, as every articie will he ollered at the Te gods and small u.lies’ they may aii l>e deliciousi|

heavy way buiiuesi.

1 eter iehuu at Seventy -six, aud Ben F rankhn at 67 and shall have a monument erected lo h's meciur,' '

Of', Bmprecsiii VVsJuut Bend, aid-Met Fanny BulliU I

at I’ium I'uiut. 24th—Met Empire at Casey vUlc. Did is[Immoc.urat'j laught-r. Iho resolution thai. uo ;

Do Qu in panel 60 to 7'

_ Itu half htc siae, in pastel or oil 40 to 6>

fi'i evu^ cal- 'net size, in oil 9. to 4<

I«o cabinet s'seandiess Is to 3

Our tacii'*:esfor making every sue and style of Da-

uerreotypea, as well atpla.n Photographs and Glass

etures tor Ambrotypes are unsurpaased In the west-

country. We in viteyv'UraUection to our display,

«t merely at our doer, No. 471- Msis street, but in our

gaUery. tocSl] WEBBTLR R BRO.

.tiac'tiinrft.are the only AUTHOR.

w w ised agents for the sale of Finger’s Patent Perpuudiewiar Action 8'.j-a4ght Needle Bewing Machine.Wetheteforewam all persons from hnrfng or aciling

Miv of the*. Machines without consuLing US, or the}•rill bedsit witii aco'-rflinjr ui law.sais RvrTn * wnai.FT. tsm's

Nonca.ruHE LOUISVILLE HOTEL WILLJ9 be doses on the first of January, f-w the purpose

of maki' < ijctersive alterations and addi'.ions. All

pejwcns hav -41 rlaiins avains' sai-1 Hotel will present6<®sajne ffw pzymet t Ail th 'we indebted will pleaseea.. and w -lie All i^rj'jus owning baggage at theliuts. wU rail f.w the sane. fdeitfG] M. Kli4N.

lowest price for cash.Fpie-udid Gold Lever Watches;Fine Gold Guard. F'ob, and Vest C’oaiiis;FineGoM heals. Keys, and Charms;Diamond Fins, Bin vs. Crosses, and Ear Kings;Fine Gold aud F'et Fins and Ear ai,d F inger Kings;F'ine tiuld Band and Locket Bracelets;Gcid Card Cases and ThiinUcs;Gold Fencils and Spectacles;Gold Lockets, from one to four glasses;Pint for Miiiialures:Splendid Silver Tea Sets;feilver Pitchers, Tumblers, Goblets, and Caps;Silver F'orkS] bponns. Ladles^ and Knives;Silver F'ish Knives and 1‘ie Knives;Silver Crumb Scrar-ers, Rc.;Silver, Pearl, aud Bhell Card Cases;Do, do, do Purt Monnaies;

Plat^ Waiters, Cake Baskets, Castors, Rc.;M usical boxes, from two to six tunes


F'ife’a I’ateuttJblique Gold Fens;Rhpp's Patent hcientific Niche Gold Pens.

Particular attention paid to repairing fine Watchog.FLETCIUK R BENNETT,

nof 463 Main st., Iietwecu Fourth and Fifth.

But a plah: oi tjulnterru’s Oj'Stcrs for Mary and me.

To make them the richer have some vine in a pitcher.And pour catsup on the fried Gysteis to to ten their

doom!IThen season with mnst.'u-d, and let every s'.uggar-'

bland out of the way—we must t-ave elbow roi-uilTo see oursi-oons tliniiig, it msy be diverting


To those who such sights seldutn l.appen to sec;But they will dise-iver wneu meal time is over,F'our dozen have gone twixt Mary ami me!de2S 6« TlliJU) 6TKEF.T.

sans. [deSidi]^„ ..

' ... -I 77 TurKeys;"\oiicg Cliicksns, Hnuabs;

TkJticfl. COpartuerblUp Nolle©. bquirreU; Babbits; boosters; Sardines;

IE SUBSCRIBER TAKES THIS BXAVlMi AS,SUC1.\TED WITH Kcltry^a^^^ueti.odffinforn:ingU>eru'*.cOiat he is prepared -B-X. M. Lirhten, in the business hitherto conducted "'ith many other dtlicici'-s not spoken of, tsrved inl-rivace Ice Uousa-s in the cily.lo order witn the by myself, under me style of A. Memau, the llrm will, any style, to please every tajte.

cate b» obtained in U.A vicintty. from this day forward, be bltered to hTEiNAU R n .vl-KF.Ii R CG.M MF.RFOF.l), Proprietors.r«»>—Bux 4i7, Post Ufiice. LICHTEN.

, -,r V-,


qia* J T. NORWOOD Tht trading comraunity is 'aoet resi-t;tfally invited ‘‘J/Ljj 1/174,1/1/^.— loUive-aigatcU-e present stock, ana to beaiow on ttK g arew-iMsew a_i s v-w e-*s wwwvBtoleu, Dvw firm the pa'-runage to Lberaiiy extended to the w a|,^|C|kk a |nkn|J Si.

^ former one. . _ ~^

JcUy CbiiotmBia Times at


X^SrilERE EVEKV DELIC.YCVV V Can be procured at the shortest notice, either

The SUBSCRIBERJAKE8 THISuetuod cf informing the pu> - .c Uiat he it prepared

to mi i-rivace loc ilousA-t in the order wiiu theto mi i-ri'

kMUt lealAddr*.UeiSadli

II L' U W' A IF h'w w Can be procured at the shortest notice, eitbex^^ILjvrulV w.'Mvru. cooked or raw, in the house or out, to suit all tastes,

biiver Coffee and Tea EeU; UYNOFilS.^poons and Forks; . ot. ,, n .

Pitcher', OobleU. and Cups; Ehrevsbury 8h*l (Jysii-rs: M ild T emsou;Butler, Defiert, F„-h, and Fie Knives; 4 sheiiOys.ers; Gt yiiails;

A large audreneral ass-Ttment on hand and for sale by ffamily us.;

r.ok IXETGH F q A; HFVvkTT A-t tf^

i' Chick«nsi 1 -lessants;* BENNElx,4e3 Wing and Mallard Ducks;_ .. __ Turxeys; koiicg Chickens, Hnuabs;

COpaxtllcrbiUp Nolle©. bquirreU; Uahbits; Duosterj; Sardines;si-sx'r* a euwf t/ -T a 'r L.'' I • 'tx-v'T-ri t eniaou cteak and Jelly ; Lamb F'ries;Wl.Mv I ED ITH Saluicn; B iss; Celery, kc.,«c.;M. Lirhten, in the business hitherto conducted M'ith many other delicici'-s nut spoken of, served in

POET OF LOUISVILLE.LoriSFiiia, December M.

ARRU ALB.Telegraph No. 3, Hildreth, Cincinnati.Belle Muigley, Cline, Carroltou.Hay City, Miiler, I'itt-burg.VV ni. Garvin, Bullivau, iloTderson.Fraine lli-se. Maratta, Pittsburg.Cbu ago, Bcbunca, Fiu.burg.Johu I'uiapkias, M Lite, Xeun. liver.Alvin Adams, Boies, e-t. Louis.J. F. Tweed, Clemeuis, Cincinnati.

DEFAKTUKEb.Telegraph No. S, Ilildreih, Cincinnati.Belle Muigley, Cline, Carroitoa.Ilightlyer, Wrigiit, bt. La-uis.iTair.e Kuse, Maratta, I'ituburg.K. J. Ward, Key, N. u.J. F Tweed, C>cm«n‘s, N. 0.Kai:buw, lloicroft, llcndersun.

ABUIVALS.Moses McLellon, Baker, Cincinnati.

DEFAHTCKES.Moses McLellon, Baker, Cincinnati.


motion to adjourn shall bo in order till the Speak- !wjih iiixt. ui 4 o’clock* r. a.

er is elected wa# then adopted. Yeas 116; najs »6.* *" *'“**“

V.^/’. iEN^U;'f'‘fc’90X. or*ir. Campbell, of Olno, said as it was t j ba a i C. U.A.rHAM.

protraoltJ B36sion, and as those wLo have served I


heroin years past know, liiat on such c-ecasion-~


there are octasional scenes of disorder and tur- eMur-iay,iCAh inV^ at 4* o’clock! r.*xl*

ba’cace unbecoiuinK the dignity of Congress, ho Forfrrightur posaageapply on h<»zr<i or to


woul-i effor a resolution inviting .Mr. Orr, of S. C., — -CARTER R JOCETT.

to prosido until a Speaker be elected. ^ . .-r.T— The fine steamer ALVIN AI)A MS,

I Mr. Cobb, of Ga., advocated the preposition. .aaMMuSSCl-oies., maHtcr, ••iB leave as ahuvethisMeasrv. Sage, Trailjo. Wasbburj, Aloore, and “’elock, r. u.

Stanton, opposed it on the ground that such an *“ae^or pasaage aipiy ®“

expedient unnecessary. The House by 20 m-’joii-- - - - ' - '—


ty refused tolay tho resolution on the table. The fine steamor DIAMOND, H"li-

Mr. Colfax said he was not a lawyer, but had I-j iMlw' r.jft. master, will Ic ive as above on this

jr i-~ ...'


-1 *.v, uii.'i lUKt., at 4 o’clock, r. X.


beard from lawyers that posaossion was mne pointsof law. AbloasMr. Orr is, he is a gentleman whomisrbt ultimately be selected as Speaker by themeans proposed; therefore, he would not consentto piaoo him in tho temporary occupancy of theChair. Ha proposed that Mr. Banks' friends re-

presented by lUj, Mr. K;ohard«oc’3 by 7j, andMr. Fuller’s by -h'*, each select a Speaker pro. altornately pre.-ide by agreement. Atter three

mere weoks of struggle, there might be a caving in

of }urtie.s, andMr. Urr would be found pcrmantlyin the Chair.

Mr. Campbell replied, that if the gentlemanfrom Indiana e.vpecu to be worried out in battle

fur principle, ha had better p.'ick up and gu homo.Mr. Colfax exphtineu that ha all j-lad to billing

Fur freight or passage apply on boarJ or todea7 _ I. .-i. .MG»>rtlIE.\D._

- , Tho fine steamer AVONDALE,«s:t=sKSM&> I looplc, master, will leave asat-ovsonF'r-uav. a-<iii ms'., at >0 o'clock, a. m.For freight or passage apply on boar-i or todeX; 1. a.MGGKHEAD.

A'V.r tV heeling aud i*iU»burs.

“ 'f^® ®“® steamer BAY CITY,aiawicAiMSSaL.MUler master, will leave as above on'.i.,. day, a-iii inst., at 4 o’clock r. n.

t-'-ir freight ur passage apply on board - r tojle-^ I. 3. .MGGKIIKAD.

- . IS The steamer BAV CITY, .Miller,

•MLaaitfiSkmn^ter. will leave as above onth.s dayk-ium-t., at • o’cloex, r. x.


gt FKO-M THE RESIDENCEII. a. Oaa', rssuling near the Ocio rivts-,

Mtt the end of the Durkirt rua<l, on tr.e nrer

Tft-Uully i

to Uive->ukatc u-e present stock, ana to besuiw on ttK !

new firm the pa’-runage so hberaiiy extenacd to the!former one.

•STOCK MOST COM-weU ^rJnrf^f w^huntTn? and pletely assorted by late impoitalions in Watche*

Lnown to hunl!^ »; lal^ Vs 2] McD^od/s BUI. I

^ kinds of Jeaelrv. We wn offer superior *d-

Bbe was seen laei baturdsy on Jefferson street follow-| J*’

reg-^rd of cheapness acd

j“e‘4r.o^“^*T.'nTh“a^d'R.^^^^ I

oJ^^W etchc. have acquired z rrpntalion threugbont

i’uRnirhtof! ^fle ^an t»*!ivoid Il^^on,^^lal^w the Idelormiaed lo meet

any siyiCjio pR-ase every lasie.[

uitl-t-AAB—Per A. 1,. Sbotwell—60 laggs rai- |.vir. Gjltax expuuneu mat no alia-lsM to Oiliing i s.tu in-t , at • o’cloex, r. x.

‘_77_ R .Al' R coil MF.RFOF.D, Proprietors. sins, 2 casks ricc,Wm. Garvin R co: u6 i^ls t.o', a licces i cooiiig between the Uichard-cn and Fuller! F’-r freight or passage apply on boanl or to

.1 / «'ir V'h'/v/'


I'/ijj“ ~ lice, J Briggs: 60 IiUsii-oi.u!sc5, J ludd: 51 bb.!>, 1-3 liiuis ,

® uek; <•.41411 li a JGUETf.‘//LJ/ I/V/Jito l/U-iJ/f/A. I sugar, 122 l-olsiuolasics, Uiicliaijaii ft co; 30 hf bbis luu-


—sag m ^ ArcwaxwtM s_i a v-w e-*k nw -0 bhds xitg:ur,Ai trs lice, 1‘io bxs rosin, Braiinou

IMr. Campboll Contended that the resclution ,WAlKEk S, rntRD putsburg.

OUR BAR LS NOW FULL AND ' M D N‘‘c^’comifi*^l!^o:^2 wk»riLfi2ni.dssu^^^^ Mr. Jones, of I’a., informed Mr. Colfex that the 1

The tine steamer CHICAGO,amplv supplied with the ciioics.n L.quors, Wine, Re.j: » bbl molasses, 1 bbi sugar, I’eters, Webb ft co: 2

^party do not intend departing from -.r. a^TTjlui Ust“ « “2


vnd Cigars, selected l.y compewnt Judges, aud impur;-1 bl ft^sir hf“bbfm(Jll!s

' candidate and platform., For freight or passage apply onward or to

e.Uhrough i^s^sugar^l^l^i ‘i

Mr. Humphrey Marshall denied that thers had| ^

BA.^IIAM._pjeGly lusortedbylate impoitalions in Watches ,k 2^ WALK^K* ft CG.M.MERVOBI).tU kinds of Me can o^r superior ad- tS--Egg Nop, Apple Toddy, Crab Cider, flue Ale.

^“anTth^'Vfu^Tillon o*f‘m/u.i>L Iinvestigation of oar stock to

aMdc^i!^?^s s-^x^rror:^^^ ;

convince purcha.ers oime truth «i oura^et.wiu reach me. fiieMiW] 11 S. GAAK. f>all sTEtNAL R LICHIl.N.

CimiSTMAS MEfVrS!!. , , pimvi’d*. «av iiv.! lie at large, that he Las juat opened, aud is daily re- il bT^ fi PRINCE iS B.\Y 0\ H-

~jreiving direct from the manufactories, all sorts of UjFw-J: ters just received, UR days from

t I R II

and bwiM Gold, Silver, and Com^i- York, per Adams Express Couipsi.y, LigbiuiugI 111. Ill I 111 I fll- I. I L I ll ! 1 Train. Also, oysters la.aus and hail cans.•1 1 1


ill III' I III I |U| II' ,

nngs. Breast-pins, HrareleJ.Locketa, Cuff-pins, and a Venison, yuails, aud every ether delicac” cf the ica-

illlL. 11/ VI 1 liLi 1 IIJlil/ I great many other artic es in tnat line toe numerous to ,„c. f„r sale wholesale or served up in Beslaarani onmortliberalterms. Open day or eight.

He would call parucular attention of WatcUmakera, delBdlf T B. LAMB, Proprietor.AJ - Hw » ftr and all dealers in the above named articles, that he h»» =

K %% M<. Ew ^ on hand the largest assortmeut of Ci-jcks ever breupLt ABg ft I• -B. Vr ww »_i ftft 9 to this city, which he is enal'led to sell as low as they VV

Th? Original Butcher, KESTAITIUNT A-ND HOTEL,at bis STAIi.



\{\ 9rt ,\Valches, Clocks, AiFiiie Jewelry, «tildgame.ix/vj

! No. 72 Third 8t.,ne&r Market, Ijouisville, Ky. 6 u»re quarters''So^^^care taken in aDSTlTi;

IC laJy I lilalV ITIAIiIVII I i*Biamondiinall descriptions of Jewelry, Just received from New Madrid by steamer Tishomin-IkCTw i B IWlFmiliW"

^ au<Mont wiUi diSPHtch. go and for sale by fdeloj J. MON KB.

vantages to buyers, bo’Ji in regard of cteai uesS and Al*.,, anice Luurti to-day.choice of selection . - - - — -

Our Watches have acquired a reputaiion threugbont j.-. 4- 4-

the Western country, an J we are deuwmiaed to meet V 6rRllU.<iIl jncSba,U.r<ilib«every com petition.We rcqnest a call and an investigation of oar stock to ,.;-r. -w f Ta *>

convince purcha«ert of the truth of our asseniuns. *te Vf 7 M 4 ^TT, g_lA <


jjK\t I'.LIli . THE UNHJ:.R8J(»NKI) Peurth tnol.n' Hotel Jtuii,iiDg.ww would respecGallyiaformhisfrienda, and the pnb _ .....7

lie at large, that he Las juat opened, and is daily re- fi fi PRINCE iS B.\Y H-

scs, 1 bi'i sugar, 1 6ci cotfec, A B Lunis. !

Mr. Humphrey Marshall denied that thera had1

vvviv 1 .


- .o . Ibeon anv belling and C'.'oixg by tho American Tvar-

\ L»


4 i—Per > erniont—6)1 iibls whisky, a ones R Root: I . u i. i .-j. . i. .L Vnr3 hhd ioi.acco, Picaeit’s: 8d this whisky^ J W Jones: 6 “®^® iroposiuoa to alter their * or nasbvillt.pkgssundriii, marks. 1 present cour?e of things.

j , ' N *^^® .'toaner M-AGNOI.I.A,

KY. RIVLll-Pcr Blue Wing No 3-301 sacks barley, i'‘’enn., morod that the !Iou=o take ’

inst°‘^*ia?’^^k*^‘ ‘**'* “

CataLT fic tiou*2U: Ivi dz Lrooma, sAine: oaeks n e.!a rccew till tc-morrow, at 11 oclocis o!> minoU)?.

-Miller, W ft co; 12 pcs K-gging, Dumesnii, Bell ft co: Several members said this was ia effect an eva- i


1^27'^ ‘ P"'*** »pp-y u


t^i^:%»’c'.lrd‘n:J:rpf. iVpZ,ft co: yd hags, Sttiith .R h: 128 do wheal, fehallcross till the election of bpeakcr. 1

(KLULLAK F.4LKZ.i>ft Gay : 37 do, Ferguson s s; »20 pcs bogging. Moor- Mr. Jones’ mutiun was necafived. Notwith -


For Otvenaboro, Evansville* and Hen*bead: 3o pkgs sundries, marks. ' 1


lie at large, luai ne uasjusi openea, ana is uaiiy re-


reiving oirecl from the manufactories, all sorts of


F'renrli. Fiiiclish, and bwissGold, biiver, and Comppsi-;tien Watches; a srlerdid assortment of Rings, Kar-


rings. Breast-pins, Krarclcts, Lockets, Cuff-pins, aud ai great many other articles in that line too nutuerousto .nn for vaie wholesale or served no in Uestvaraut on **["’ “*'*,* ’.’‘f'*'* •' "Mention. 'Alar,, fine French A-xjirdeons and Flutinas. Lori

Be.taaranl on AU.IiSod: lot sundries, marks.

! oa ‘'^1 delbdlf T d. LAMB,PrPirietor. CINCINNATI-Per Tclegra

neau. 00 ,.ags sunuries, marks.j

.trading apprehecsiens that the House would con-C1NC1NN.4TI—Per Moses McLellon-777 i>orV bbls,

|tinue in session at half {>ast four o’cl'Kk, pending

I! ^ i

^ resolution, inviting Mr. Orr to preside, it took*ILuitU:rger: 6 du (lo, LigLl dc. llarrett: llo bbls whisky,

j m rr at Id TK*. A


i\o. li

He woald call particular attention of Watchmakers,and all dealers in the above named articles, that he hason hand the laniest assortment of Chicks everbreugLtto this city, which he is enal'led to sell as low as theycan be bought iu any other city we«t of the moanraina.


JtLJrfi MKNDEl.,! Main street, between Birth and Beventh,


myl3 Under Louisville liot^.

VOIriT ATlkLl.\ jewelers



Walclies, Clocks, k Fine Jewelry,

!No. 72 Third st., n«tr Market, Ijouisville, Ky.


F.UAilAllMri . O UV UU, lalKUE OL -M I*U1» WQlSJkN, .-i ' la* _• , • _ £ -1Kattii A: toni: 31 b^scyarn, Kiliick: ou bUs whiskyi J recP^3 until to-morrow at 10 o clock. Thia fiuaae

n Junes: iibndls pai-er,.l W Juliet: loj bbls pork, K ' to the session caused much laughter and confu-.Ukiiisou: lot sundries, marks.

i slon.

CINCINNATI—Per Telegraph No 3.-^54 b.vles har, WASUISOTOh', Dec. 2 ’. — P. M.CINCINN ATI—Per Telegraph No 3.—54 b.vles hay, '

,, j..Crawford ft -M: 20 bills w hisky , owners: 3'5 iH.rk bbls, ‘

,VI auius ft Owsley: lao iMgs cuuee, Krcfft, Warder R cu:

;To morrow a movement will bo made to rescind

pcs iron, bhreve, Anderson ft Ttiomaa: jO hxs chese. ritephen’s resolution, providing for a coatinu-

liallxrt: lUO do do, Uurkhardl: 24 cases matches. Geo . f e .u ii it, , rKili'ck: 36 bxs candles, 30 do soap. Geo Killick: 61 sLts .

session of the ireuso until the ejection o. *

ck, pendingP7!T** ** "^^® ^“® regular passenger

,e. it took a ' ^Masiidfi3B.pack' t R.4INBOW, Koicroft. master.This finale

' —M' leave as aoove on, 2sth inst.,at3 o'clock.

and confu-. forfreighto* passage apply on board or to' dtj; I. A. MtMi'AflSAD, or

, . „ „ M-HALBEKI RCG.

E. is. Jlait Line Uetvveen LouisviiletutdSt. Loai««.

The splendid steamers eompesing this’ .^^line will leave Luuisville every d»y at 12

o'clock, K., and dt. Louis every day at 4


Has mad* every preparation lo serve,

RlH cuwUtniers with

Cliristma$!» j

n« has the Cholceat. Juicieet, Fa’Aes*., Rosiest, most|

DeiicisttS, Delectable, anil PeUghtfuI



And every other fieseeiption of Fieah known to epi

emrsf. His Beeves trere bad in Bourbon;

bis bheep sre Bonthdowo, and

the Bears fresh from the

Rorgy Muitniains.


Free Exhibition!

OIKEAT B.4BV SBOW!j^i|» KlNtiLit’ti tlLAl.) QUAKltHSi

1^0 tii Foiirtb sl-s bet. .Mam A: Market

MRS O. NICHOLAS RE*^»«re'clfollT lnfc«n.v her »«> ^

lud done with dispatch.C^Uaiches and Jewelry repaired in a superior maa*


I681 Eouih tide yfarket tired,


NOTICE. ALL PERSONS HAV-1 a.m ing Watches and Jewelry at my store for repairI are berehy notified to call for the same before the nrtt

;ilay of January, 1866. After that time it wilt be a rule

Iin mv store, that whssoever leaves Watches aud Je«r-eiry for repair, and dues nut call for them within one

. year, shall forfeit all claim t^ the same.All those intlebted lo me will save costs by calling and

! settling before the first day of January, 1866. Havingmyarif heavy obligations to meet by that time, I hope

Ithat all will promptly coll and aettle.

I Thankful ttr past favor*, I hope to conUnue to merittl.« same, azd asaore my fnends that they trill be fairly

;dealt with.

CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR PRESENTS.Those intending to make presents for the festivals are

' respectfolly iov.trd to call and examine my stock of

IJrtrelry sod Fancy Articles, and 1 assure tkem that

I they Will not leave mv store distatisfled.

I tT’ Repairing of Wstches and Jewelry promptly

go and for sale by fdelsj J. MONKti.


BailixHorc Oyster l/cpot?

Flour—!>ecl<ntagtendeni-y. Bales at $6 36a,S uO fur ' in a combination on Mr. Crr from their caucasconiinon to good straiglii State and extra brands do;


mixeu to'incy and low grades of extra Western do ,p. „r ... .. i:at 38 12.S 6 7i; and S 75(8.1160 for extra Geuessee.— !

Tho movements of to-day are rega.ueu as in-li-

Suuiheni Hour is ia moderate demand at 50|cative of a determination to elect a Speaker before

f>r mixed to choice brands, and *3 63',i£.10 6J for close of tho week. _e FloSi^^Xn^uU aemanf rr expert, at $j 7oi^ I

Com. McKeever. of Norfolk na.*fyard, informed

chair temporarily, the latter proposition being Northerner, Erwin, master MondayI ..... .. .K- HlgliCyer, « right, “ lues.Uy

, ,, J. u . Isshion, Reed, “ WednesdayThe rrcesoilers are alarmed for fear that, ii Mr Thersuoy

Orr gets into the the chair, the American Tftrty Southerner, Ciuicrlin, mwier ... Friday

will go over to him, thus dividing tho Democrats BiTunitr^fust^****’ •*. ^"^^'".','.^?und*yin a combination on Mr. Crr from their Cduoas


For freight or passage apply on br-aH or to* eamlidnte I

G. BAbllAM,-4geiit-canoiaiue., i: * octio.uf Lou:sviHe.



I GsoaAiMiu.esJ.A. BaazsDos.

Manager.Stage .daft

ON THIS EVENING, THI R.SDAY,Dec. 27, wiU hr acted tbs Play euULodDec. 27, WiU be acted tbs Play euULod


Mr. M tolev..Miss ilejAA.

I Cl. • ! i.Mr. i'urviance submitted a reiKilution that untU tsU are in the majority. They nominated Volit,

rCaptftnVoTe..7nd“clerkVM»"j« “r

,from 12 to b o clock, and all diacussion.*, excepting withdrew, reorganized, and nominated John H.

infers cscoot find a better boot to travel on. , , i' “ , •

’ "personal explanations and reasons for voting or Irwin.

For Mxdiso.n.—


he Vermont is the Madison packet changing of votes, to bo prohibited. *. •*- j' «l»y

. Iftid on the table by four majority. December 25.

For WiitiLiNo and PiTTSBCRo.-The Bay City it ^®«® proposed mat until a Speaker is elect- The Northern Light u still deUinrt by th^ .

the regular packet for up river th’s evening cd no adjournment shall bo in order until four S. authorities, offered bail being refused. Theo’clock. search for munitions of war is still going on. All

For NiSHTiLia.—The fancy liule Magnolia, Captain Campbell, of O’uio, said that all these sug- the packages on her sworn manifest are to remain•llil/lftP IftaA'ftd fraw V«aL»t1!aa \l\ „ O a? . . i » . .ft _ J .ft ft^ _ • % . _

Niw 0BLgA.Nd, Dec. 2t*>.

By the arrival of the Daniel Webster, yesterday.


For Cincinnati.

w - wT*—


. r. -Mail Morning Lino steamerKLEGRAPH No. 3, dam Uiblreth.mas-

ter, will leave os above on this day, 27th, inst., at 12o’clock X.for freight or passage apply oatcard cr tode2: A. u. MONyear.

Off.eeon UnltedStates MailLineWhar!Boai,footof

For Xutv Orleans.

For freight or passage apply on board or to

_ d«x7 _ C. BAdllAM.

, , *-ir— ft The fine steamer 1.\.ND1S, .Smtt,.aSoccalieiiMn ina*G-r, will leave as above on tffis day,ilh lost., :ii 10 o’cl'Kk, X. X.Fur fr>-ight or passage apply on board cr todeej; C. B.48HA.M.

ThesteamcrA.L. Shotwrllkft New Orleans Decem- 51r’. Feck suggetteu that iba mombers be ea.i- 1~ » ?w®

N-r lJh at 6>, o’clock. In port lor LouisTili^Niagr^a bled to Isy iu a stock of provi.siuts— ^merriment . ! iS^fSTflTdav^ 27tn’iiirt.!‘a^^

-Me1“ii?hpse ai^Wh^^ Fayne wanted the reioluticn amended so For freight or passage ap ply on board or t..

Vickst»urK» liclitj sUeridaii in Kentucky Beiid. ercry uiembcr woo saail dio urder its operation, I L:_”_ t

ii(''‘lwe“s,“nshall have a monument erected to h s memcry


^ . ^IT-**ft The fine sUamer NlAG.>RA,at’l’iuni i'oiut. 24'.li—Mel Hmi ire at Casey vUle. Did a [Immodurati laughter. The resolution that no . .ASMtSdiSSaiipotts, m.aner, »iU l--avc as auove ouheavy way business. motion to adiouni shall bo in order till the rineak- !

s-tfurday, -i-ih inst. ui 4 o’clock, r. x.

The fine steamer DIAMOND. H dl-

7 lo. I tho tvecreoary of Navy that the stoam-frigate ILv- TWlVf TIf k'n’lllf PlfllliknCorn Meal—Soles at 34 12@4 60 for Jersey and for ,noke recently launched there was notserionriv JPELlr, v IXlv 1 HA 1 1 He, rr-KlUiF

Kr uidywiuo, aud 2J for puncheons. The market is ! . , , ,u ,-ffft has orrive«l when Western Farmers shouIJ have a

ju:i. !injured by that operation. Uo sUtes that the \ve*tem Agricultarol Paper- '•ne adapted to W estern

* “ Whisky—The market is lower ami unsettled; sales atj

lading was caused by the oakum bocoming de- ’ Soil, Western Climate, and toWestirn Crops— I have^ _ ____ ^ _ _ _ _ _ __„ wmm. ^ wm 37V,''»a8>ic for Ohio and prison in bills. „ tju'hod' the seams ,

determined to puhUih in the city of LooiiviUs the


vaiie, cme,,„ ^ ^ rr» ¥T i> iM 4^ riv i» rr» PBuckwiitat JT'loui—lo good dtm&r.d and firm, at$;2 ^ A Mopthly Agricalturai JoamaJydesiirr.fid to beaefli^ O* O 8 1 J1 1 ii U 1 It Us 1 , o7^J7».

^ The sailed for Liverpool to-day with the Planter, farmer, UarieQcr,yruit Grower, and Stockm>pn^lTr APOT T O uon^'^'4 Hye—5ales at $l ul for inferior and prime;market ! AAi\ GrowerUlluaiil:- AlUlaLtU KUUla».

au V u r ui <r a The Valley farmer hai been pttbUihed at fit. Loni*,—. RKCEIVI\(.t JJUarley—In barley there U nothing doing of any *m-

1Iho aathonti03 have been lumisned aCiaavihS Mo.* for the lafit aeren years, and hu be-n weU receiv-

/-ft J V w-w i.a* s I i and documents which they deem irrefutable, show- ; cd and liberally euftained.

*4^® sv6iiE‘:v.V‘.?i;.'K as\

:s “s.Tw.s.'s,'I r'“‘r‘ .^v ’t, !

iT‘U’£?;.sfr.’Si‘“,.‘“tii’2.’7.'s2 ‘js’sr.s’scity. _ Oats-The market is tower, with sales at 46c®63c I

menced along the Atlantic seaboard of the Lnited month, the crestmt volume to commence on the first ef


• As P" Express, daily, the l-estSviL^OYBXKKB ever sent to this

Valley Farmery

OYBXKKB ever sent to thiscity.

8. QriNTERO, Agu-nt.Oats—The market is tower, with sales at 46c®63c


menced along me Atiamic scaocaruoi me Luiteu ' uonth, the prestint volume to commence on the first effor Btate and Western.

; States, to send men and arms to Nicaragua for the ' January ,Isio. It is under the direction of thres com-

Provision.s— In pork the nar’zet dail and lower, ^th i

,.f nrwnniiinir an army in that Sta’e to P't«ut editors. Each number wiU be neatly stuchedsales at *12 2.5(S.i9 50 for old and new mess; *i«87ft purposo ol orgamiing M army in mat nia.e, to ^ or npwirda. Urge— for pri*re mas* Beef—-The xniiTktt for beef is heavy; i descend oa Lubft ftnd oaq ilozniD^o, und wrest

; with approprisue engravinga.sales at for country crime: *10 for coun-

1 them from their present poisossors. After toe con-1 TERMS (Invariably in Advance.)

76^f™r*^rep.vckel WesteriG and Fr^ej

summation of this dftiiga, the pities intereet^ in one copy one year *1 Co

mtti te«f quKt; lalet of c ;mmoD Ohio at $;g). Cut ! the movement propose to unite intooiio confedera* ^ Six copies one >eiir o

haois plenty, and pric^f favor purcUasera; talas of long\mm ^he State ot N ioara^ua and euch other portions !

Ten copie* one year n M*‘®*'y “Mof Central America as may be acquicjce.1 in by

; ^^*^f,^e^‘^Il^n*wuibe‘sen\’toiillard—The market islowcr. Salesof lard In bbls at conquest, or oiherwi.4e Cuba and San Domingo;! U. P.BYRam,

mmA aaifkaF rt «3»t nr» n. sfirkArafA Rcannhli/* af tn ’ dcJll tf ISdltor and Pubilthers

BUFiTOiN'S RESTAURANT,Market Street, above Drook, I

IS NOW OPEN *k i76^orr“fprtheaccommodatlon


Oysters, the very choicestln*MliWHt middle I

the market, are served up at prices to suit the times. b^s,»c.

tiis larder IS also constantly supplied with fresh Game,

for State and Western.: States, to send men and arms to Nicaragua for the ' January .Isio. It is i

Provision.s— In pork theinarietdailandlower, ^thI r.f nnreniiinir an armv in that Sta’e to P't«ut editors. Eaot

sales at *13 2.5(S.i9 50 for old and new mess; *i«87ft !

purposo 01 orgamiing M army in mat :sia.e, to

— for priire mess. Beef—The market for beef is heavy ; 1 descend on Cuba aud ban Uoaungn, and^ vrrest; „,th appropri

sales at for country prime: *10 <i(o,i2 for coun-1 them from their present possessors. After toe con-

1 TERMS (li

76^f™r'^^kel WesteriG an" *Fr^e i

summation of this dftiiga, the pities intereet^ in oneeopy one year...

iulTwderratllo'consUnriyVu^^^^^ with fresh Game; lard-Ths market islowcr. Salesof lard InbbU at|

conquest, or Cuba and San iX'mingo;|

Ad.iMatteiidsdio. fdegldtjaiawlj K. UKlkSUABLK. Quails, Squabs, 6tc., fresh Fish, and all seasonable ed- “>tc.

^ otruv.' I and either to setup a separate Republic, or to


TiE\LER IN WATCHES, JEWEL- noltfd * JOS.f. burton. Proi^dorjGroc^iei^oBee dull, at I’Mc for Kio. Sugar firm, in the Atlantic cities have been *1-


ruEALER IN WATCHES, JEWEL-Jr and Fancy Goods, 87 Fourth street, Louis-

^Always o« hand an assortmest of Combe, Brushes.Perfumery , and Fancy Articles- fe3 dly

Attachedbest of Liqinoltfdnoltfd JOS. T. burton . Pro|^gtor^


•saBKSk^^.vvJ."v;v‘aM^ 1 ‘-.a'dir l. t. sedgwick,I —I— cokxek tuird jlnd market STS.

i ittichot & Brother, RFXEivixoD.oLyFisE

Watenes, Jewelry, etc., etc.,

tr°! BglRECT IMPORTERS FROM GE. }fitd?;2’;'S, »J?.?


® ** MK^- O'


IftneTa.tlain sueat, three doors above Fourth, In uoiS L. T. SEDGWICK, Proprietor.

dwlSdinstf 85 Kourtli st.. bee. .dam ft Itsract.jjoiidinjrs, beg leave t-j r»U puhlls attention to

their unrivaled assortment of Watches and Jewelry, ^iHVSTAL PALACE.NORTHEASTf farid-tmaa Gifta. |

jast received and opened. direct from Geneva, Where * . . w .w. ftTi V liVrnn \TFD th“ whole stock was elected by one of the firm. ^ TOrnerof JeffemmandpnhstwU^ Forthevery

d-wft tLE(s-\Nl Li lirdGGlv.Y 1 Tdl* I

jl,.gulators, for hotels, backing hoatss, or any iberal patronage hitherto extended to them, the propn-

fMuotto runs and Sanoers.large and smalt sizes, *threo»oe«, at moderate prices. etors renew their acknowledgment to the public, andwm I.. Jj,u7i.aT,’g Tern i8eu. and a varie-

; ftateb Glasses, MateriaU and Tools for Watchmakers, assure them that no pains orexpenMwill be spared toIV vwtogue D^ dca.ou d ^ _ York nricei. procure ail arlictes in the bue of iheG business, of the

V Si Mm^Tistre^L Fourth I *‘^^£Jhesdlre^y imported fr-.m onrowo manufactory moslsuperior quality, andsucb as wUlbe approved of

lnr,^eva,wbulialeandn-aU.atNewVorkprires. ^by the bestconiioiweuri. .... a ,


Wauihcleacicg and repairing dons with neatness and A flue Lunch will be^daily and regularly served .from

Chi«« IFiniBR T©h 6»eD*.i ^i’^eUteelstvlee and pattern* of Jewelry.Ac. .received ^e arejustin receiptofbOdozen of Wolfe’scelebrated

• -a. RFAIITIFULLY ORNA- Schiedam SchnapjMi.ind a lot of Havana Cigars of dif-

T¥ W a 1 i_ Thins *V^W>liiviUtheladiestoeallandexamlneforthem ferenl brands, besides old Brandies, Wines, ic., of va-

'jCXr m»<I


hins,OTWMnjw suu^or brands.

Lining, Kreakfaft, and T« 8^. of thor no sale. V-b*» dtf TbeBiUiardKoouis.underthesuperintendenceofpur®' “® *“*• amiablcand accommodating “Uncle George,”sre fur-

tiew French Cldua BtvrC, No.ssi Karaet s-. act*i - . - s niahed with superior tables, and every Imaginable oon-! W ni. KeilCiriCk remence. ^ ^ w. a..v

L.T. SEDGWICK, Proprietor.

I steadv. I of the would-be invaders are d.vily .augmented by ®^ .1

* KV^firDV^'cievela-d and Toledo TU, Beading !

^^terior, and it is ^6’s^’

.and loleuo L4, Bcaaing

alleged that NV alker cares not a tittle for]shall be kinuird at the Seventh Run during the Beaver,

* NSWOR1.SANR Dee SB-p w Nicaragua any further than that she may prove;

Hunung, Cold, W Snow Moons; and m the SeventhI^fw URLXAH8, iiec. -»“r. M.

• - « o»ft*iaga.;war« s^;«aff Cmw ftra i Jasrl I ; eat* ^ ThlftlHh Breath flonDf tke ^onn. Plant,

Cotton—Sties to-day of 5,00 bales. Middling 9\c. !

serviceable ^ a gathering point for an invadiog corn, and Traveling Moons; and at the Eighth KanMolass-s S7Hc. : army. Ho far as uocau learn, this information dnring the Flower, UoU Buck, aud 94urgeA>n Moons.Flour *8. Corn 67)i®70c. is supposed to have ceme into paxsession of the tun n en JOHN HUGUES, Sachsm.

FrViX-Cotion to Liverpool 1 16.GovemmMt through the treachery : ^ ®U ®i'e! NoV® d3m

PH.Lxnsi.fH,a, Dec. 26-f . M. ®f ‘^e man who was to have gone cut as gener^ !

o 1.. ., #« ftva' of tho expedition. The Cuban Junto is said to NOUCO.»totor7omm?nloVa^cy^^^^^^

Sales at •- 60j!. been^the bottom of the whole affair.!4 LL THE RIGHTS AND IN-

Kye—Bteady. Delaware and W rstern at tl 15. Xhe bona fide passengers by the Northern Light i ufm tcrests of John McQUt, J^ in our Iron FoundryCorn—In fair demand. Bales of new Southern yel- much annoyed by their detention, which will i

business, cornsr of Eighth and Water streets, ceases bylow at 75c afloat. , r- ....... mutoa, agreement on and after this date.Orocenes-!Uarket is quiet, and without important be contmuea for two days more, to enable tho

, C. F. UAWLET A CO.change to notice. „ cargo to be examined. A large amoont of freight, LonisriUe, Nov. 14 l<>3g. aol5—M.rt.f i. H...i 1al Ralel in l.hls at 39c ir :

Improved Order of Red Men.


g I. O. of R. .M., kindle th> ir Council fire at theirWigwam, (Odd Fellows’ UalD, on the Sixth

' Sleep of each Seven Sans, and the CouhcU-Fire

C1RY8TAL PALACE,NORTHEAST ^corner of Jeffersc.n and Fifth streets. Forthevery lowYt 75c afloat.

iberal patronage hitherto extended to them, the propn- Orocenes—!Uarket is quiet, and without importoetors renew their acknowledgments to the public, and change to notice.assure them that no pains or expense will be spared to W hlskr—Market is UuiiteJ. Bales In 1-bl* at 3

procure ail articles in the lice of iheG business, of the and hbds at3te.mostsuperior quality, andsucb as willbe approved of n,,T,un«« TW v. r wby the bestconnoisseurs. Baltimor*, Lee. As—r. xA flue Lunch will be daily andregularly served ,from Fl-iur—Market dull and unchanged.

lUKo’clock A. X. tilllix. Wheat— I'he market for wheat is belter. Sales ofwhwe arejustin receipt of 60 dozen of Wolfe’scelebrated at *3(iai908.

Schiedam Schnapra, and a lot of Havana Cigars of dif- Corn—Market improved. Sales of white at 70(^71fereetbrands, besides old Brandies, M'ines, Ac., of va- yellow at 70S74c.

Cotton—Sties to-day of 5,00 bales- Middling 6\c-Molass-s S7Hc.Flour *8. Corn 67)i®70c.Mess pork *16.Freights—Cotton to Liverpool 116.

FHiLAnxLrMiA, Dec. 36—r. x.

Flour—The maiket continues quiet. Sales at •? 60®1 60 for common to fancy.Rye—Steady. Delaware and W estern at *1 15.

Curn—In fair demand. Bales of new Southern yel

'igars, Tobacco, SnufT, &c.

IE UNDERSIGNED HAVINGiirrtiirT^ Uie ii»tere«t of B. Kniril^ In the

Btfsoerst ofiiMf dofliirx to cxilthf

Home again from the eastvUli a new and varied assortmentof

\vaU‘*3ea, JewclrYfnei.faoi wvios moitlr direct froft the importers and

Zid Msmins my stock at No. 71

rious superior brands.The Billiard Rooms, nnderthe superintendeneeof our

amiablcand accommodating “Uncle George,” are fur- Fniahed with superior tables, and every imaginable con- 330yenience. (1

The best Brandies, Wines, Ac., ean be obtained at th 1

“Palace,’’ready bottled,and areespecially recommend P*1 fur msdicinal purposes. v


Grain—Nothing doing.Hogfe— Little doing at *5 90.Provisionj—Very dull.Whisky—Unchanged at 30>aS3C*^c.Ororeriet—Have stiffened, but transactions sre few.



SSi^lZd «lUne>y^cW IxOiiisville'Scale Factory.1

Third street, between Main ^ELSON 4c DAVIS, SCALE aMAN-Lo%F» of the weed can always oh

i- WK' IIAVP 'THI'i Iw ufocturers. Not. 69 and 61 Bixth street, near tht

^^iGitoT^vtoghimacall. , , 4 1 OLD PENS. W E HAV h, 1 Hl» ^,rt-house. keep on hand an assortment of Platfomutieieauygi ^ l ,j,y,^j(^eda large as«ortment of Gold Pens, of gcale«, of all sizes, suitable for warehouses, stores-

I varions sizes and sapenor finish. As our Pens are Ac. A Iso, patent Balances, of all kinds.

ft.. " _ . ftw-rer.BT.T.AND ; made to order, and bear our own name, our customers in gddlUot, U lib* above, they are building to order

znj hhdl'It^ate^‘ 8 ®>«* laid to consist of harness and farming implements, — , it r,, „ « , Aia-n u<vv<3> <ditI.'Tand hhd* at 38c.

ig believed to include implemenU of war! Secre- ^^OUIHS’AND BOYS SOFTBaltimors, Dec. »>—P. X.

rmiTvmdotl as follow, ta I’nrker H ^ HaU. Cloth, Plush, and Telvet Capa, of lha latest

yi.,n,_Market dull and unchanged. ^*7 responde^l M follows te 1 ark r n.gjyie, ,^eived this murning and forsalecbeapforeash-


WbelT-^lhe marke^^^^^^^ U better. Bale* ofwhUe French's letter, transmitting credential* as mini..- FOLLAKD, YkaTUKKjK IT^I

at*aii9#8. ^ ter from Nicaragua: I am directed by the rresi- ee* Mmn street.

(jprn—Market improved. Sales of white at 70®73c; ff^nt to reply to your communic.ation that he has WT’«* witi.'T’ u*'T<a iifc' Allyellow at > 9.9 <4c.

not yet seen reasons for estoblishing diplomatic;

^ a - ..• tv aClif0lKN4Tit Dec. 35—M. ^ *1. I • A 1 oolort* qaiCitie** and rvccivtd Uux d4T_ - 1 a 1 J .8 V. -ftj. 1 # intercourse with th6 p6rson who now oleiins to ^nd for setc et very low pnc64 dt

demand and unchanged, saleeof^^rcise the political power in the State of Nicar- POLLARI). PRATHER A SMITH,

Grain—Nothing doing. agua. Thoee who were chiefly inatmmeutal in *56 Mmnstre<rt.

Preri7lon“J^Ve^^*ilfsuspending or overthrowing the former govern- R.a.HAwxma JaxaeBoui.* JCMaTSAixoa

W^iVky^chJ^ged 30>a«3C*;c. ®f “®‘ belongiBg to NOTICE.Groceries—ll:«ve rtiffened, but transactions are few. it, nor have those eiiizens, or any considerable *

Mulasaes—40S.41C. p^t of them, so far as is now known, here freely 4^^ E HAVE THIS DAY PUR*expressed their approval or acqnieecence in the W w chased. oftheAdminiscraUixofJabeiBaldwin,

T ARGE ASSORTMENTS OF LUM-ij berforealeatwholeeale orretoU. Prioelow. Call ^nUl such shall be the cam, tha 1 resident dees neriblp under the soyle of HAWKJNfi. IIOLMRb Aat A J. ALE.VANDKK’ii office, northeast eornerof not deem it proper to receive you or any ona as (X>..for the purpose of doing a general foundry basi-

Gr<i«n an CampbeU sGosU. aul8dtf a miniatwr to this Government, duly appointed byj

°e»». We boM to have the custom of the lato owner,7 .r rr^ ' os we feel confident, from our pract'cal experience as


a V .w -a. the supreme uovernment of Nicaragua. machinists and foundrymen, to merit a fail shiwe ofHide. Oil. nnd lieatner store. patronage. We are d^rmiaed to have our materials

ment of that State were not eitiiens beloD|riBg to

it, nor have those eiiizens, or any considerable

part of them, so far as is now known, here freely

To coneluds with

thc kton boy.Fanny Mrs. Heary.The atoB Boy Mrs. Henry.

Cs^FrUay svenuig. BeacAt of Misa MatiMa Ucrou.

CSr'ln retwairsal. several new pieces, which wUl beI'Mormeu during Mils Heron 's engagement.

PRICEB UF ADMISBIUN.Drese Circle and Par>inette 75eents; Second Tier M

eenu; Children under twelve years of nge. te Dress Cir-cle, iO cents; Gailery 3b eenu; Colored uottery 36 ccala;C 'li-'Ceil Boxes 30 cents; I’rivotu Boxe. So.

IS^Dooriopen atoS u'ciecK. Curtain will nse at 1e’eiork precisely-idF’^Bux office open daily from Wo’rlock a. h. natil

I o'clock p. X., and from 3 p. X. until bo’clocltp. X.. where seats may be secured.


Grand Farewell Concert at



FiasT—The fuJowing cinsses are invited to lake portin the Cencert.

1st— .all the pupils at present connected with the Maleand F'*maie«rrauimar ach< <•!* ,n the Western Dislnrt.3d—All the -f the Hole and Feuiale .-ecevda/y

Uepsr ment wb'> can stand an examiEat-un as (ar osthe Ath pog.. in the “dinging Bir<l.'’

3d—A scieciion from eac^ of ihe Male aad z'emnlePrimary Bcuouis, to be selected by ihe'r respecuvetcac.srrz. net ex -eetiinglen fre.-u even sch'w.i-Bsiunn.—Keue \rss'.* at N. <^. Murse's.Mustc Wnre-

rooms. ever Wecr ft Ptfcrs' .Mamc atrre.


The Pr.iriory c.ho. Is a ill meet every lay duringChristm.wi wei.k, except (.'hrmtmas >i.i.v, at nine o’ciecKin the murnlng, and the Secondary scuwoU at uaif pastten o’clock.The Grammar Department wiU meet at two o’clock iu

•he a.fleri:oon of every day dunug the week exceptCliristtbM day.The nigh inreet School wi!! meet at Mr. Lewtou's uu

Monday, al cne o'ciocs, P. X.dcJ4u.d L.W.MAdON.

Orphans’ Fair at


Fair, for the Benefit of the German Pretestantth-pbnn Asylum, will be opened at Muzoii lied. Thobest band of Music has oeeii cog.«ge«t f<>r the occnsioi.,aud extensive prevarat-ucs have ocen ms^le x>t make tl.oftToirsUractiVe aud uril.iani in every reflect.'The (nends of tue urphous art r. 3,-cctiuUy invited to

call and see, aud Uy .a iiieir S’- ck of Chris’.mss gifts,os ih-y eertainiy can bo suited th-ir.delttdlf XHB COMM ITT KK.

AUCl IUjN 8_\LEBY c. c. opiaicEa.


Ciojicg Sals for >his year of I nritituro, Liquer*,To’.'sc:*', C'.gar.-, Giawware, rttfor, ai*l No-

tiuD^, wi u ifireo 111. c-'a Luadon-IL2a3 tluUbie-bHTretC'i ^hot^UDe,


^NN FRIDAY .^IORNING. DEC. ’Ja,Wft at lOc’clu*:., wiii be s ' at .tnc’iun zUioms. No.320 Mam street, tietaeea Third a:. I F'-urtb, to ciose a.1• dev ia stoTi- fur '.hiS year, a 'sr^c aasurtuenl ?f va-rious kinds of goods, con.vitiLg ... i er: . f .n.ai4.'*a2ytpri’ig hour seat s.css au.i, ui .ro.e U'p louetUu(e Ids; list Iticrs: i crelarics and H uit Cases, highpist Be Ut> ads, a i.h coruicesaml '.esters; i^.*iur, moss,na r, ami t'lucit Mot-'eSi-es, kiagi-e ^tenilt, with decre*i>*ry attacnmeai; ciorbl- tup oiid ploau OMtel^.ords;Fe " titers, Bo sters, and Piiioas; with suu'iry utoer or-uciesaiqu r.aini'i* to ncureWeepir g

.’.iso, a ktof super.-. r inn-.rie I Cigari . very fins).Tooacec, Cigars, ilosseore. a'd Paper, tugethtrailh aloc.if Nvtiuusof V moils aii ds-

.4>sc, three venr sui.enor Bu4:i-‘h double-barrel Shot-guns, mate by w. huis, of Condon.uri his Su’e presents v iav,.r i-> - ,• na.rtumty for

those wisnicg to t-smi'is'* ilrsirii .•* g.>c..s -st k>w prices..Uy orders are'u eioaC them out at luis foie,iri^'l'erms cash.

_dei7 C.C iPiiNrEi;,.%uclIone«r.

BY a G. HBNRY & CO.~

Closing Said fur Ihoo; Groceries. Glassware, aaiI'd^r, Dlaakets, Heavy Yarn .-vi-ks aud

tluat... and G-u 4 r>ecuinl-hni.J

Yururture at Auction.

IMi-MORROW 3lORM.\f;, FRI-lisjr, at 1 ' o •- :oA, •: o wi.i sc'! .t .tac'.iort Kooms,

•a»ti;i«N«.3 M sckeroi; S b»> s .-i it at si,.,.;. HI g W.roXrs Gantt: sdrr .ea, 2 bait c-.-Sts SU;>er uo; JUad'-lln.t..r*eu Cigars; I'lha'f*.;' X-- ' -it.v ct» : '* ilh a vaneiyot vtiuT sr: II T -hei.r Ci .-v im-; a . -i nail '.o: ofg-;.-ii hliukrts. heavy cwuu.ry ^ock->,on<- Ilz> ;

At'.ujutll u’c, •• ;, aviriety ,->.jd he-.-.-d haodFurn.tur-, tUi pr >,er:y a geaUetuAu r ... viiig fromth ' c >-.

ksP I'luse ..r;ic BU'’ he srl I to c! :ev-ral eon-«.gi ’..i a,;.. S' ;• g ir i Iu ,.'.v.e. ly -rs vuaid -1 »

w- li t > s'.t -..-i.

Lz^Icrius c.s.^ M.ti . e-Ue27 G. ilKNili ft I’O.. A.ic‘i-' neers-


ILin'jcsiv an-i W-.i-a-y, t’ari r, I)iaing-roo»,

nod Chamber Kur'.itarc, ilsrk-

aivaj ilorso. iior:. . ir.a Kucitsw.y


O N WEDNESDAY MORNINGnext- Jar.u-uy 31. »•* •-

1 !! s •’! xt tt « I te restdenceoiMr.Gfo. Jft.y, on c..'.;’i - •..t, ’-ei.-.j thrsinuiand llroa-isay. ea-t -itlr. a c!.i . -e -iesiraile ass -rt

ii.ent u>' ll''U5e:i 'ill Furt.tur , t erpe'j. l ';rt.»i:i«. *«.In 11.5 i t Will te f.aitd I tsar ; '.-'p Ceuire i'sbie; «h v.r teat ma’.og any C; 2 . g; < treth ilo; I plushlarge do; 1 w*. extc;.-->. T-v-i-; J oa.-.. rted iei . I

Bureau;, 2 cl.erry s. 1 •! i feu Im-irbi--lopC -’tOfi. luruil .ie; par' r. en’ai'er, ar 1 •tsi- nU-wool carpets; iipii..4 'loiirt-.a-s, t. A-', vud bs(r go-rotors; i coo! kitciit. .. li •ns-. , 1 . 1 :r n ns ;tuve«: also,351) busheii C'ua., Dit..:>g at:'! i'eu Ware, and K.tebeasuri.iturt.'.

At 12 i>’c!')ck prrci.sely, in frr-nt fJ 1 *^*ndl I

aril desiraM; Ln. y Kfl' kaWay Ilurse. 8 ytars d; andI It-'cnouay aa-1 liaTU'ss.

the sde wi.l :--e po-.:t,ve ar ! w;t^..'•ul reserve, vsMr. 'tally ra about reniovi g to ttait.u:- re. Ii.e l.u.eswiilfinumiuy de* ra‘>: .n-v.!-., .u tae .ot, to wtuchtin ;r ..t!en:i 'u is spc-.iatly ua;.t ..

L-J'* leiius cosh. a.G.ltKNKY ft CO..dc«7 -Viietionaers.

BY a'G.'iijiNKY at CO.

Aa Eatire Sn-ck of r'ur.tii^:'. ar„i l-'i-nieT,!. I-iquor-',

F;no U;i(4r*, Virginia Tt '-u..o<t, VicO|;at

and Fixtures, on 1 niunttu’ cred..,


ON THURSDAY MORNING NEXT,January ! :. at lO u'tlnr r, ' - n .:i seJ at ike .•ti ra

Rdoni, No -fd More-t sireci, h.t-. Ilf. :s sT-d Floyd,the entire M-ck o( For ign aud . --.etc Li'ioors iasaid Mure. Cults; -liB a t; -V. .'>,tt ii .l J J. I)U;yBrandy ; VI . \ . P. C g lac Jo; ©•, . a; •! G,n;;up.rPtrtWine; Mu'cst and Malaga uetavu. pale,sherry smi chsm; ogne, ezerry. r.icanriry. onC gin«er


Brandies; Saiderne, Swiss. .V'svni'e, ,:i.| u-sM'yCherries, L'.iracor. .> -i .r: !e, ar.'l p,-av!. Broi.tiy; i,i<ii.

UourboD, and e< r i W ’•isZy ; a .-uj-er i • of .' Cl-ears, and fire V.rsima iubiMou, a.tii a Lage lot ofY ,r. -gar in bPi*.

if' dpeci i! aitectioa i* rtqd'rtctl to ’h's l-t if la-psT’.ed L: lUOTS. Tney trs ,.«ire. an‘t were purclia-e.ts sliort tuue Slice oc. u( 'he V’t'Am I’'as« in NewYork. The IXtmes.ic L. ,uors v j, ibe I—st qnaiity.and are worth tUe ouent:m “f toe uaoe. The sale w.;ibe I'CS tire and without r-s.'Ixxits—*oo on 1 aiid-r. cs-tn; .ver *5u, 4 months’ ers-

dit, note p»y ai'le :. n.»n«.de:^ D.J4. UK.sKf ft Cu.. \nctioue«rs.

BY G C. bFiiNCBR.CuUl Hiuo of Law, 'Iftlival, Freach, Luuos

GertB*n,Gr«ek. .'!'.rt;eila£Oias, aadMuSsuBooks kt .V'joti n.

ON.SATURDAY EVENING, DEC.33, at 7 o’clock. Will bo oiUl. st Anetton Hoomo,

No. 5» Main street, between Tb:nl azi<t y.-urth, a larwsaud Valuable coilectiou of Law, M't'xiC, Frecrk, Latin,Gernian. Groes, Miso-ilaoeuus. and Music Buc'^s lathe co>le,.uon w U be funml 'toe .\c,s of C oogrt -s, Joor-nals of the cwnate snd Lowtr Bouse, LxecnUvc soilLcgisisnve Documents, Kepurts of Crnim.iters, andLaws relstibg to Puuos La.". ’.*, acd Keeu;ati«>narwCtaime; ales, a set ot Paters' I '.:s<l btalt-< Bepuitmand many val'aable Law aud .Mi.-oo'/.oi.eooe W-.rks, to-

gettier with a r-'llecti.>n of Meduta;, French, Latin. Germao, Greek, .Musi'*, vud MlscoUanrons Wi.rss, Includ-ing Moose’s Irish Mcitxliea, Songs tur the Pcupie. Ama-teur dong Hu-k. Bbakepeare's Plate, nnur p-'r. F»Ui,e.Appropnnte>ogut.e wi!t be disinnu’cl on the

evening of the sale, and the bo«>ks will b« sold iu the or-der of tbe catalog ie.

tsr i'erms cash.jle36 C. C. SPgNCBB, Aimtioweeg.

Al C’l JO V IIOI Mi,No. 470 Market street, botweeu Third and Fourth,


^ALES OF DRY iiOODii AND NO-lions every evening, at 7 o’cieck.

Alen, vomnv sttenuon given lo oat-door sales.

Liberal cash advances made upon eonsignmontaof Household Furniture, toerrhan.lite. fte.. fte.

,_de8 F. 'V. d AKNAC |^4k W.AUGirioii rtAi.aa

BY THOa. AJfTKaSON * CO.,xarx ST., auTWsax nrrw ana siutw, tatrmwiua,iT.

The ATTENTION OF DEALERSis reepectfUl^ invited to oar regnlsr Aoctloa

ffaloe, on every TcBbDAY and TUI uBDAT dnriaxtho fall, eommcnetng oa eaeh day at U o'eloek, A. MTwhen we wiU sell a general asoartmeat of Bry GoodeBoots, Bhooo. Brogans. Jke.

tSlT Bso our special advortlaetooat for oaek day'stale.Tarme-Ctsh. T. AMTBKtON ft OO..QSWtl *ftw aeoitoesars.

~ Cash! Ca»li!! l'a»h!!!

P ERSONS HAVING SECONDuRand Household er Kitchen Furaitare of eaydim

scription to sell, can find n cosh buyer by caIBng oa ih«ni^loigaod,atNo.6>u Market street, bstweea Soeondand Thud. an30<Unetn a. WHARTOW.

^Wanted to PurchaM and to Hir«^

1 WISH TO PUKCHASF. \y Negro Man wbohassomoknowledsoofthakiaek-

SQtth trade, yeans, boaithy, acd of (•tod. steadystXto habiu. Aloo, to hire for tbeeDCwing sees, assent

at A J. ALB.VANDKK’dGreen an Campbell strssls.

1 WISH TO PUKCHASR \y Negro Man wbohassemeknowledseefthekiaek-

watth trade, yeans, healthy, acd of (•tod. steadystXto hahiu. Also, to hire for the snawing yees. a meatyoung Negro, who has sosao kitawlsdge of blacksmilb-

Tsg. for whom libsral wages wlU be paid.

llidCf Oil* nnd Leather Store.

TALAk < Uone Geld auU Mip s rftiesi i^cienuac ^icoe


iS."rlfSri3T!L’Sit‘u>5*i ”^L,^TEi) WAKE. A KINE AH-cIjuI-


U Um »^>tal Art performe ' ^ m>rtment of Ilntod Caders. Cake BMkets, Walt-

moaner. « k e of the Inlett ttyle^pn h*®*! f“v *>y

•" r^z:r l

^KTCUJ&^BKNNBTT.tMMamst.I onmeiu dslidinsn


l day; but this murninf. cold.

yi^ECiiRITY.MB per coat. Bond*

JHECT ACMI9 the brsi j

A LARGE AS-l^ft^ld, Silver, and to him.

ResJes. of all tlttt, SUIUDie lOr warenouses, stores -r v:.......... * we irei cuumusu., irw uus prw., u» vapenenee bs^1,/Itc. A 1*0 ,patent Balances, of all kinds. v*s.i« zi:i „„.• v u, the suprem* Governmant of Nicaragua. machinisto and foundrymen, to ment a fnU shore of

ft. . ms^-evT rrr r.AND ordeL and hem- our own name, our customers in addltiot. U lit* above, they arc building to order Ultte* trii» ana Jaeainer store. _ ^ patronage. We are d^rmin^ to have our materialsJ. A. McCIsBIiliffi-WA'.

; laJy rely n^n them as superior to sny in the market, ^nd putting up all over th« counlryi south nnd west,r -m-a KIRKPATRIfK NO 21SOUTH BaLTIMOBB, D*C. 2fi. of the very^ quality, and will wmraat our work' ^Iraveiuu a large assortment of Fife’s Patent •,)b- ,u^or style of Hay, C^al.btock, Ore, and Railroai 1 ^ V .

^. ,r.v - . • » • equal to any foon^ to the city, an<l at aalow prices.-

TAL SURCfcO«», . u*ae Geld Pens and Kai,p’s Paieat Bclentiflc Niche with Iron levers and Steel ievtogs. All war 'Third *Yeet, between Mwket and Chsstn^^ The celebration of Christmas passed off quietly. For the proof of this, give u* a trial.

• AVn OF. lOuldPeus. AU Pen* soldk"?. rsmtedtcgivesativfacUo,.S^Tpren Rtin fell heavily nearly all day; but this morutllg i^„,^i„e.Oeto1mrAl4r!^*d^®*‘“*


BlsSOLliTION. ^ADIES’, MWSES'7ASD CHii:TI'HE FIRM HERETOFORE S,.n.vm,D«.5«. Ij dry-, •.r.-wi.buj»fl- existing under the name and Stole of ANDKR- tnexcLangeforhldL. Samuel Sly, a weak minded fanatic, confesses ^^7hS^kTftwr?aVV S^-i^led

tithdre'S.’ftom th«“ eo*^^ ®“iv?id?il^ t**® ®^ Malhews. His ooufederatei ‘K“i2dV^ttoi« 5lIhla^to bu^llr^ai^

AU The debts tgffinitUiecopcern are assumed by John pro a male and female, who pretend they rev-

T FXBHI^ ^UGAR. 78 HHDS GOOD FAIR ^tioi« from heaven that the dw ^riJithS Mj^therheusetotbe cire.

jgHM ki . ANDKBflOM, ^ aid prime new ctojsMcffived per iL J. W«d. *u4 ®^l P‘"*^*>*®jjwm«t*d S^*n»to^^^#t- WUaAffil), FKAIHkW BMITH^- • «wa^AtoCa.a w a iw.i.iMw ft cgg who Dr(t«ad«d to hAT* rues tTOin tlM dBBO, defl me

JLft* Third street, between Market and Chestnutstreets. PhUadelphift has for sale Spanish Hid*s, dryand srsen salted Patna Kips, Tanners’ Oil, Tanners’and carrisr*’Tools,at tbs lowest prices and upon thebest terms.All kinds of Leather In thtroufk wanted, for which

the Idghest market price will be given in eaah, or taken

of the very best qnaiity, and will warraat our worksqnal to any founffir to the city, an<l at aalow pricas.—For tho proof of this, give us a trial.

UAWKIN S, HOLMXS k CO.T.onlsville.OctolieTjB,lH6* i-wai* d3m

ADIES’, .MISSES’, AND CHIL-dren’s Fancy Furs.—Wishing to close eut our

a. J. BODQB.deSlihf Sixth aad Beveotk «ts-

Vocal Mva&c and Plano Porta.

WADAME ABLAMUWICZ RE-ifJL aide* now paaxxMirTtv iu_the_ftabBa_city, and teaehes at her roMft

S3l* IllMiIMbcft Isookiw.

RESPECTFULLY INVITEatteatioaeftheliiNute my paesent aloek i

sent. Joriali X. Fisher withdraws from the eonrorn. g{onAll the debts sgainitUiecopcern are assumed by John _M. Anderson, and all debts due the concern are comingtebla. JO. T. FIBHKK.


gaeJs.cempriaingsHead Desssss ;


te my peeeeot skmliw aft* Bmieeble styg




Page 4: Daily Louisville Democrat: 1855-12-27 · 2015. 12. 2. · VOLUMEXII. fHiiMILVBE3l0tS”IIM's^kliJaneou^ I'KTNTKDANDFUm.I0HBJ>B¥ | BEWFLOOD LOUISVILLE,KENTUCKY,TIIUIiSDAY,DECEMBER27,1855.

BOOKS &, jMUSIC. FUliNITUIlK. (t 1^00}’^ I vl K S A'




«trr"lt:r.'‘’'“'' ’"• “ F"-«r 15.. DRUMS FRisH Fl«

**" Tl»..j»^jre.i„«.ii.CT. - TAKES THIS METIIODfnHoliday Gifta fWtrt^5?.™‘?5A^Jll^ahMKt 30 HUXES FRESH GEPIVNO F<IHTV^ \fF ' ,

*. ‘’^•P*«“‘1>»1 F'l'BMlTl’KK, of ' • ’

' noa CiUonin » and for sale ^lyr v/ii 1 i^rs, -wee|Lomavillemaiiutacturf, of the T«ry best workio^nstip, I d^li ft', it II. UT KKH AKrTiH? Market st.


ter boxes Freah Uniaina received and for sate by ' ^ tATVATTSIT AVn nil ITS ’f’ TtiT. a attadell ft . A II. UUHKIlAHl>r,417 Marketat. I 1 ^ AIV Ji J HUJUGIS T, AM)- Dealer in Perfaanery and Fancy Goods, under the

plGS. 150 DRUMS FRESH _des

F just received and for sale byj

O 31 .\ T U 31 S . ENGLISHdell ft'. & II. UUKKII.ARDT.B7 Markets!. ! B v«...k .„.i

ttlTRON. 30 HUXES FRESH GE-' Doa Citron in » and for sale by

PreMfiia, with ucnm|.iete aas irtiueut of Muaical Mer- I J* A. A. B. keeps constantly on hsnd a large assort*^andiac, bhret Mus<c, Ac., Ac., may be found at the ;

ment of Broeatelles, Plush, Ac , that the laoies may .

~ —

11 ft'. A 11. Ill hKHAKOT. 117 Market St.

A L T . l.mKi BULS SUPERIORPittsburg Hait for sale byit ft’. A U. BrilKlIAKDT,417 Markets!.

Music Store wfd*jM CHAKLF.8 J. KFXT, 67 Third it.

choose for ihemaeives the covers they nei^; and. also, I

Pomitareof the veo' bestcaatern manufacture, which)< . b- Beeor d-hand Pianos taken in exelULiige for he wiH sell quite as low as Uke articles can be bought

hew. Musical luaUumeuts of a'l kinds Tuned and Ke- Ithere and bruiuht here.

phlbed- ' As J. A. A. B. doesstrictiy a CASHbnainess.he iaen-- —^— — i

hbled to sell at very low profits, and all goods purchased

M rs. MOWATT'S NF.W book.Mimic Lite, or belore and behind the Curtain, rr He also begs leave to announce to those who are In

EMUNS. 50 BOXES PRIMEMalaga Just received and for sale by


VIOWATT’*^ VFVV UlUlK ^“J^****;^’*^^*®^*'* "'•“ranted tobe asrepresent- I Urn- new crop, landing from steamer Bolipse and for rr ^ I

^ nCICMV. d whenaold. Bale by [Jell] FO.NOA A SIORMla. 3**'Lit€^ or beloTp and helupd the CurtAU)» rr He aUo bcfi leare to annoonce to thoee who are In ^ — A l

8etie« or Serrativ^*: hr Anc*a Cor* Hilchiet fonneriy w«ntof m ftujierior FI ANO that be U the »oU ik^trrst for ‘ SiKRRIXG 1(>0 1U)XFS PRIMF 'le®M™. Mou at- ; twice *1 M. those splendid instruments in tone and finish, n^. ufac ^ BJ '


„ ,

' .J a /Me-s'er Kar.—Sketch book; by Char'es Q. Lelind; I tured in Boston by Hall^ Davis AOo.. and which took i M 4 I’price *1 *. : the preimum over Jacob Ohickering’s/-iauoaatlheKx- 1

tdellj FO.VliA A MOKKJS.I The Life and ft orks of Girth-, with Sketches of his i hibiiioD. These instruments are warranted to give sat- TI J .Age and Contemporaries, from published and nnrub. ! isfaction. and (together with I’iano Btwuls) will be sold 1 m KJl 1 ON. B \LE>S COTTON INhs^J souri'-a; by U. II. U wis; in J vols.; price SO at the rc?alarb,.ston price. lOore and for s^le bv tM«& and ft omeo; hr Kobt Browning; price •!. Desiring the public to see and judge for thetnetlves, ® G-rpifo «, p,, JtJ>Mt received and for sale by f . A. C'KCMP, • he respectfully invites them to cdll at No. hi Fourth st.,

_ M Fourth street, nem- Market_,

between Main and Market, Lomsv.Ue.|


^^IFT BOOK8 FOR THE HOLI-' ‘fasBIONAhlj?”" i Imi


M.M dsvs. ft c have j list received a large stock of An- a mvwv wvvuvw^-r wv •si-r-vivwc'wve^w — • —— I v«oU

Dealer in Perfumery and Fancy Goods, under theNational Hotel, Fourth street, near Main. de8

P O 31 .A T U 31 8 . E N G L I ,S H,F'rench, ard American Pomatums for the hair

always on hand and for sale byde.i R.S. RINGGOLD.

Buffalo hair bruhhe8^! agreat variety and first rate quality for sale by

del it. 8. HINGOOl.D.

I^EARL-BACK hair BRU8H^.& A splendid aiticle for sale by_deS R. 8. RINGGOLD .

jj|RESSL\G C03IBS. BUFFALOJLW and India Rubber Combs, of the bert quality andstyle, for sale by [deSJ R. 8. KINOOOLD.




Fever and Ape Cure,! HP-tfrOr Antidote to Hlalaria, IjitllC .Tliaiui Kail




Fever and Ague, or ChillFever; Dumb Akti«, and or , j u r\-*

other Intermittent and Remittent F-verfslso. i

>/*•«*«•<* SkorU4t and Jfu.i Direct


Ijitilc .Tliaiui Uaiiroaciu

Hawkins’ Omnibns Lin-

LEAVES MIDJSblCKlKtown every aorniaf ( 8 knUagtsitT ‘,’clock; and arrives at Lon.avu le at > i

Oidjf Route to


r BtT .,’ciocs; ana amves at Lon.avL le at

iFUtfiil. L-avea Louisville at 4 o’cleek, and Mvlvaeat.** towa atdo’cloek r. *.

P:isser.«ers «iU be culled for who leave t.Setr uaWhipa'sstable.oa Third street, ogiusite the post

Route. 3*iisi

o* at Rirk's stable, ou FifQt street. Bear Mai »•

IFare from Louisville to the Fair orountU Met.

jUilman’a lAecBis; tu Malilletown 36 cruu.

_ Comforu cheapness, speed. Bad Bmfety aiwuWith Uniform i;a*i<*« , c • "ter pjurtlculBrty. and tae pahiic may bo s^arri itn cuiorm iraj;,o and ftubout kernes; and '• the LuiewlU be penuacent.

the Only Legitimate Route, with Three’Daily Trains to Pittsburg.

I „ J. K. k W. T. O %4TKwin also take ehaige of end Ae'.ive.

I pavaages attheendof and anywhere aleagtke

store and for sale byl» r NOCK. WICKS & CO.. SlI Main St.

.kDt:417 Market St.!tgUFFALO HAIR BRU8HE8. A 0«i*«^Wmittent and Remittent Fevers: also,

i?*ree4 /foufe. Tko, ofu Kirk's stable, ou F:fQi stn^ Bear Mai »•

I ^ billPL'IIIf IH first rate quality fnr sale by ®f BBiousFevers, accompaniedbyTyphoid n t* v c- t t>

^°*’^ ***1 Odman^**5een^’to iUJ^to*iVD^36 ceuts^L8 8UPLRIOK dc- il 8 . HINGOOi^ Symptoms; Typhoid Fever, Yellow DUNKIRK AND BUFFALO, I Com?o^ ^pnets^pe^d^^^^ Sift?; area

IRDT. 417 Market St. a^EARL-BACK HAIR BRU8HES. “•i WiiW Ferries; and iu^"L?nV;m^A splendid aiticle for sale by

eral lleblity, Night Sweats, the Only Leguiiuate Route, with Threej

J. K* k W. T. IMWEGXES PRIME H. 8. RINGGOLD. and all other forms of Daily Trains to Pitlsbunr I

»»l!« vhaife of and i^e'.ive

, .—

disM,.#. . I pa«;aages attheendof and nnywhere alenglke



SCASHbnsin^Bi heiien- a w w\t w ww and India Rubber Combs, of the bert ouahty and n.r a » * v* «

^ i«I« I* ^ neosaaity of Utak of^auge C*#^D lU t C? M I Vi ' HTi i si'lf^ndaDgil^^spu^^^^^^^ BOXK8 LAYER, «Z»f-iSrjalehy Ide'O R .a.RI.<?OGOLD. 31 A L A U I A O R 3HAS.T1 A. ^\j*£ftt^‘:fcl?veJ rOK >V ASnl^llTOil 11

a*0 CK.KT CO.MFAISION.S Oil 'i’HESE DISEASES ARKCO.M.MON Baltimore, Fhlladelll:oxEs PRIME new york, aci.

isuoTToxMN ..l t i m o a e a ob

Dr* «««• w. I’hillips’ „,‘;r“‘5 iS‘



IOhio City i/cieveiaiid.”* Tim’ltlu'Ji.**f

.-'.rjl' FOR WASHINGTON ITTraveling Cases for sale by


prevail', North,

S remedy thatU con* So^rfuif.J^riTf "iliue*^^TI

peuut to overcome or remove that cause. Sera dme Buiiaio paa,ei,*HytheUws of nature, evi^y I-riiiciple has its oppo* I Vei ko?a “•‘F “>

site, and for every uisease, or cause cf disease, there it ' iasrin dliimore^^ " «h*««>^u City. Bieak*

.Most direct tkrongh Like for tli'* j^-


__ FASBIONAKLFnuols au'l otSer hn* Books, suitable for'^Lnstmos and AND FINELY FINISHEDNea I ear's Presents. A'to, a great variety of Juvenile - t «« -m.* ,kv w- km m r«^ard Toy BWa. Bibl ». and » rsyer Books. Our as | J K ^ | |^ | 1 I? .1aortment is at leaat equal to anv in the city boD* in va* !

m-»uw m. m. w.. .Biajas^uw m?:‘wed“i^ fii'lrd^i^rSm i

Wholcsalo and Retail, bydeJB O. II LOAN k CO., No. 607 Main (.


X K'W oi^t i I.MVf’onrth street, between Main and Market,

tr. J.


nrfb* Pra^ria FW.K»r l.e S nr,..)Dcle suitable fet household pUf* d

SSriuvHKiln iiwnV 1

vorJIy with any other werk, and »u;mp7ekT;-^GbS:‘^jAa„^^^ to m.e. the vGwsof nnrehaser.

G“«JST;5e^’“’*“ |^1HAIR8. A LARGIiMariana Polka. St*aasi. of Dining-rooiu, Oak, Cottage ILesnner I'olka, bv Charles Ward. room, rush and cane seats and backiAxahaPoiiia (i> Major. I n one, and arm Rockers, of novel i

Our good old friends, by Alice Ilawthome. ; workmanship, to be soM at reduc-d i

Er iiw- Poika, by L. ilan. Ioclu NATHAN ft III

Metscng>r BiM ft oht, l<y detubert*~~

g^HXE VIRGLMA TOBACCO.M. tiu boxes .1. I.. Brown’s l>rand;

the Throat, Lungs,.uiiil Chest.

43 do I'. L. Dudley 's brand; for sale by 1HE PROPRIETOR OFFERS

KKADV ti 1).<VIE8. I Ji. this valuable Medicine to the public with confl*« ’L'P V (aiTL-KliTiHS Vlur-'fA'TV O'/, j

(1-nce that all who may use it u ill u'A fail to receive theW, TaKi oUr rAiklOiC VIKGIXIA 1 O-


most oenehclal and happy results from it. WhereverW hacco.— I

it has been tried, it has j'>’oved superior to any other

TUB NATURAL ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA,4»W hicb neutralises the poison whenever it comes in ;

contact with it, even in the open air. and uhen taken !

rurriiurr, comprising every ar- hb-i

ticie suitable for household pur*


poses. In addition to the above ^ '*'1will be added every kind of Spring and other Mattress*


es..Mautel, Pier, and Looking Gla,ses, Oil rainiinaf, ! “gM;Cottage Furniture, Ac. .all of wiiich will compar^a* 1 SA


voroUy with any other werk, and « ill be sold at prices I

tomset the views of enrebaserslold at pnees I

api* diyii.sI

Our good old friends, by Alice IlaWthome.Er-ipse Poika, ly L. Hart.


Messcng>r Bir i ft ohs, l<y detubert*|

Bos-sof May Walts, by 8ehcl<ert.Id additini. to the a' nve. f have the largest stock of

( 1HAIR8 . A LARGE ARRIVAL'' of Dining-rooiu, Oak, Cottage Parlor, Cottage Bed*


room, ruen and cane seats and backs, mahogany, cane,i

none, and arm Rockers, of novel style and superior I

workmanahip, to be *<dd at reduc-d prircs hv i

_oclU _ NATHAN m ill E. 7a Fourth st. I


received, a fine lot of Mahogany Pillar Exteirsionj

In b-.'xes celebrated Boston brand;I'd butts ft’. Crumi>tou’s bruzid; W sole by

del Ult.VDY & DAV 1E8.

KAI8IN8. 4f<MJUARTER BOXE8in gocU order, for sa'e by

d«-l BRADY A: DAYl KB._

f E.'.TIlER. 200 8IDE8 SOLEJ Leather for sale by

_del9 TlJUSTj;.^ Ef,V._

Butter. 30 firkixs xorth-ern Butter for sale by

oelF TllU&TIN it ELY.

dence that all who may use it u ill u<a foil to receive the serves health.'

most iMTieficial and happy results from it. W herever The remeiiy is believed to be entirely new, and an-if.

ha-s been tried, it has j-oved superior to any other known to any but the proprietor, who distinctly vlohnsMeiiiune 01 the kind now la use. ILe following •-•xtraordiiiary results from iu use-The thousands who have used it tedi^v to iU excel* It will instantly check the ague iu t>cracus who have

lent v*rtut?s by the continuHiictf of t uftr* To thoS€ fuTtreil for itny len^h of tifuoi from o?«k i*avtotws!I'who have not used it, we would say, TRY IT, and they rv yiars, and by continuing Us use, according to thewill Bed lh:U It is ail it is represented to he, and that it directions, a radical cure will be eflected; the patientwill act w:th m/vic-like effect on all diseases of the contiuuiugfreefromthecomplaintforever;ai>lesssub*Ihryt and Lungs. sequent exposure to malaria should make its use againUg Numerous highly respectaole certificates may be accessory,seen at the Agents. In iu o(>eratica upon the poison in the •ystem, it wi'.l

***;. ' Sole Proprietor, south-east car* immediately relieve all the distre *sing symptoms of bil*ner of highth and W ainut streets, Oin< innati, Ohio. Ions or ague diseases, and wneu tte dis-oae is cured, it

I in 'Jt) boars:REft k'OKK in ooM hoars*BOSTON in 36 hoars;

^ vrr ? •* hours;FITIdBL HG in Is hours;

^^^VeelVni-*)^ hours;

KAIIsKOAD!rpHI8 GRF,x\T WORK OF IXTE,-*. nal improvaasB! f-fTf aiiies from Wieel'-g t«Baltimore, and 4M to Wasri.ngtoc.) was opened i* HmOhio river is JaBoary, lush, aiMi Las bow be*" fuUw

I Uswd and approvwl, both aa a frs.«l,t and pI mute. Th’s ros<l is locat* d in a mmantic eoacr. ma-.lidlT construct^, faWy equipped, and earsi’aUvmanaged, and la thua r ^ndered a:, attractive as n paa safe line fer travelers, the late eoniai,: ., sStLa

;Central Ohio Roo<i. from Coiumhas to ue o..i> cr-t,near ft heeling, add.i q.-eatly to the impr.rtaoce .1 :L.»

hours;^ tours;

near n nceung. adu.i qreatly to tl

rt>ute, cflericg, as it 4o*,a, toe aa.

I conoection with the entir-* ft'ett.

loat tAiorouti. Aajrood

S ONLY TliRuUGil HCitta i BkTft&SNI w va» ^-^^DBANVillA; in Ikhosirs I*dC 1s' ILLFl AND Tlii vATaoN.tL .•IKTiwii^tli

ve I, ^^FF^d^^fi^^ked frem t/incinnotl to Wac. Una Bal ***‘' t®ikd, which rwss <lir*i .• ft asn.agt* •


The'^Ldil ^J=i^i't°>«.lBuj5o. i-ithoultheueUy of p*s,.ng thrwi, •. rs. L a

BULL, T.VLBOT i: CO.JOlUi 8.4 KGENT, Agent,

Corner of 8eveuth and Miirket *t«.

Music l-'autilully toend and forwarded free of post- **•_* roimh st. forlo] N 4T1L4N ^1 1 f 1-.

agetoanj partof iheco'jntrj-. deli‘ n M a w« ra« . Ill W st. u“a *r 1,* a Rl UU K E ’ 3age to ao> part of the co'j ntry



ULIDA3 GIFT BOOK8 ATt\ A.CRU>1I'’8, Xo.M Fourth street.

Ttie S.~' Tirrj wf the I’aitrJ 8tates, iUnetrsUd in b se-

ries of li-rty ergrss.ngM antique Mr ding.The Kepubbean Court, or American Fnciety in the

Days of W'a^ui .gton: b> Rufns Griswold; with twenty-one portraasoi ditUrguisl ed women; antique binding.The (Queens ( i K'lgiand, a senes of portraits of dis*

Usruished tern I'.es. from .Agnes Strickland.Th • Book of Beauty.A Bj-ikforthc li»me Circle, or Familiar Thoughts

nq Various Topics, Literary, Moral, and bodaliby Mrs.Kirkland.The FruiUof America. containing richly colored fig-

1;^iXE TABLE .SALT. 10 CA 8K8fine Table .Salt, in bags, now landing from mail-

boat and for sale byd*d“ V NOCK, W ICKS & CO.

. , w1 It 1 1 If 1 ^ 31EAT GUX8TAXTLY

. xuaiiiiitoili r iiniiture aiiui

A CHAIR DEPOT! portraas ol uisUrguisl ed women lautique binding. NOS. 63 AND 65 THIKD STIiKKT, I

BcIwcch Jla-u and .Market Slret•^ uear I

Th • Book of Beauty. Secoud,j

A Bj-.k forthc lJ'>me Circle, or Familiar Thoughts TyvTTTriTrTT T 'C! Pf-crI

nq VariousTopics, Literary, Moral, andbodaliby Mrs. ,6AJU 1*j V ALil^, ax.


Kirkland A L W A Y 8 O X H A X D , AT 1

The FruiU of America. containing richly colored fig- whniesaleor r-tail rnr-.:*rr« i f !

ures and fall des,-nptions of all the ch licest varieUts iT^Yiion* ^ ^ *'"'7

col'Jvated in the United elates; by C. M. liovey. r"n**„« j ai.-^v vi•ftigy^iaLth iis')iM r'isimt*di iv fhH*

opraiiyi Moss* V'^biorit sut sUucic &§^tD Pels It tne 1^ as e.nv house ae.t of the mountains. se25 dtf


L ANITA 31 & CO. II.WE IlE-moved their store Iron I-3 to S* Third street, east

side, on the corner of the Post i>&ce aliev. «lel7j


MftitiM i<i^—fi,Y


•erred—think when the t-vlh, do chime, 'tis acgels'mu I

iic."* by George ll-Hx.rt.j

The Book of the W'urld; beautifully illustrated with|

eol red er.gravins'S. !

The /.uoiogical Garueo, an invitation to the youth of|

both sexes: in sixuvn p! tes, engrared on scone.jT Uese, together wi'.li many more of all descriptionsj

too numerous to mention. Work Boxes, Albums, Port-


folios, and in fact'itt even thing in the Book line,

unable tor present. , msy be Lau at_deJJ

I. T.tSJtHAK P.Oia.SaDblR.


31 FOR TER 8 OF TEA.S ANDDealers in hancy Groceries, W'inf-s. Brandies, &c..


Gk.aS£KAL DKEILITY Alil> N IGIIT SWEATS,^ hich do follow tlie aUmioUtratiou of oih^r

CLdCsiCiii€:8 s TuO puiiezil at odc6 btgius to recover ap«petite and strength, and continues to imiarove until re-stored to perfect health.By its use, fever and -Ague m.ay be banished from

every family and class in thu community ; farmers, inu-chanics, and ail ialioring people may be using this ar-ticle as a

PREVENTII E.And pursue thelrrespective avocations In perfect s.afo

ty frsui ague and bilious attacks dunng the sickly seaSon, which is otteu to them the most valuable part oftlie year.

*'i 'ee eheeksri 1-*

t ^tre the Aa-1

i/wad P> Plklv

i. may trro*>d*.,.e:hr Sailraa-tia.ataviiicsy tga

dailv for ClidlnA a itSi Um ears of

'buaCiaiKi Coiuuibu.s.

In perfect s.afo IPittsburg NightLx-

Ihe sickly sea ’uuiock, f. M.,lor ah-i,-;•Suable part of i Cmc.uuaU iLd Coiii^ui*



the Cnited btates, its success has b?en so complete and;

I., for Colnm-

...reel. By »::i.ress trai-. -'i t'';s rou'*. t.’*e ti«K-Jtrim Cincinnati to Ma.hui'iro is ]«as ub boijts, aa.4to ',ThShi;;utnr> }e«s*‘vir A* iieurs.

THR*.*!.GH liCKFI'i c *re Seal as taLowei By ;

steamer iVj C.acxu.' Ltois— to ft vdan»*e„<Fir; tu o .i; ^ 1': u* Vbiio>< rlphia. si-; and tu .>«wYork, I'A' 6<i. Te i-e>f Jr. Csai. i .xet AgenU •suaC, ait. 'mer f T^-ril and H'ater >'r»utj, LoiMvtU*.13^ Re sure to aus f.r ticar-ts ly loo BahluacM aav.

UUio oeilrr-.l rouv-.lilllOUt'.H iCKSTS Msv al.,.j h.- hau at the ottetut

i t!.e Jeue,wo:>v !:e Kauroad tor tt.^ Ba..;m»rt and \Hso

careful about u.siug any secret F'eve*- and 'Ague reme-dies, uotwithstanUing the makers of them uniformlyassert they may be token with perfect safety, even


' a Ai I'U H 1 I'lii » Up- Ti^AS AM)| For the rapid Cure of ' ^


Icorens, colds, uoarse.\ess,

. Stokes & Sou, i

A X t e cuhrax i 8, ii \I8IXS, BR0i\CBiTIS,WH00PL\tt-l0lGH, .ufierm sfirstcem-

>. oS.t Naain St.,1

r^s.'ciiren^c.t’it^'^quarter boxes, Zantc Cur-


careful about msiug^ any secret F’ever a^^A^ue're^'^<K or Kevtcckt Loriqvii’F LANllAM h: CO.’S, b" Third st., er-stsine, 4’AVCITWDTl/xw dies, uotWithstanUmg the makers of them uniformly<a ur ixt. .Tiuav, L.OIIST1L-E,

|,,^,7 Comer Post Oflice alley. tUdiSl.Tir flOil. assert they may be taken with perfect safety, evtL

OFFER For 8 \LE. ' .“IVitdom fkall bmp tUtuuta u, anti the great of tke earth vnen it is n>.>toriously well known that their potency

. , , , .. . H,YDP\('IJ f'Hf Ifni. ATI-’ lUfflATA shall ktitcibi fore V." depends sorely upon destructive jioison.wholesaleand retail.a I-argestockof


i lOxUJlA,r*/,TTT tv ir-Triui ix o * rn «ow as a proof that the remedy is not only valuable

elefoat audfashionoiile Furniture of;

^ --Fine Chocolate, Urt-ma, and Cocoa, crushed 'Sk E > ER COULD THIS BE SAID ou account of iU power to cure uiseasel, bu that it istheir own mauufactnre. Tht irs is

,and shell Cocoas, for sale at with more truth than it now anniies to this ree,e- “Su

cost splendid assortment of rich and I LAN HaM h CO.’S, 87 Third st., east si.le.j dy for^OecUoiis of the The esa^d WOKIUY Of PUBLIC CONFIDENCE,

prices, consi^ngo "full »ew‘'of’''“ |"tRAIJ CIDER. A VERY 8UiM:* l/TheUb'i^l'lmi'oded^^^ SIxNQULAU .*.ND ENTIRE IURMLE98NESS,%hoiian>i, UWnof, and CJtcrrv rier Crab Cider for ssle .t* I

to own Us mastery over distempers which have ballled The following certificate, from one of the most cele-

ss r.ov house w e.t of the mount ains. seas dt f Third st .. east side, comer of’l ,.»t Omce .-I’.lry .’


J. M. Stokes & Sou, i

a x t e cijhraxt8 , R.\T7i7Vo Aq-, 'liain K« ' &c.— K-^isins, half and quarter boxcs, Zonic C.vtr. .utttn !Sm,

1 rants, Citron, &IC., at.

0?r08ITI Bake or KEbTrCKT, LoriSVILLE, ,

DANUAM i; CO.’S. F* Third st., erj.t3ino,

T.* t,-. u’

’1 ' - -

Corner Post Otlice alley

! h.miench cHocuL.vrE7 jnio3TfiiMg elfc^unt aud fushioDultlc i'urniture ot


Fine Cbocol^te, Uroma, asd Cocoa, crus^their oa*n liiauufactQre. Tht irs is

1and ?liell Comas* for at

the larf«?st and most splendid a^sortm^ut of rich acui . LANllAji ii CO.’S:, ?7 Third si., east sitlGi

£_ T^iird conitrof I’oat Omce alley. *iel7 !

|r/»^AXTE CUHRAXT8, RAI8IXS,I JaJt Ac.— K-tisins, half and quarter boxes, Zantc Cui-


rants, Citron, &ic., at.

LANUAM i; CO.’S, 87 Third st., erj^tsine,del7 Corner Post Otlice alley.

than the disease they subdue; and when such remedies i i. ft . SlkA'c LR i

toil, or give only ttnijeirery relief, their poisonous ef- ,7, 7 ,7.“I

fects ore superodded tu lue poor sufieier’a first ccia- r, ,axia WJkNlBLSLaNE


plaint.^ j

Cohsforpassengeraat allthe principal Hotels, for oack iOn this account ague sufferers should be rarticnlariy !

every tram. By leaving atrecl.ocs at eit'.er of s ^

careful alK>ut rnnug any secret F'eve- and Aguerume-I **><>»« "ihc<», will caa for poisongeJ". m ail narta oftL. I

dies, uotwithstanUing the makers of them uniformly 1’'7*.*'*^'i'titlfai;.

- e»' .y, and generalc.*n,;.»-t,5l.i*

• '*xd »s . -comt u* p»>ne *: he t c.on.F ikKi'oH i .0— VI 111. tr.eiaieeai e ^.iy c'ctttuf a..y BkaiF-

f.-aJ ir the ’’niied cuite<>, i„e ec.vyr.ii, ’.a vre,>,Ufe>ddost! iiiimc‘:seru-<-D^:ix ibeir.insp- r! t.vnof ir^gnt..which arecmrieo wiiA rate ato tpsp.i-.cij, .snd xt ~de* .alow as tiiose oi any oi; . r firs. .s ..ur 'j’he rc


laa'Kramiinediam ci.rn**r; on »t th- q 8 -',»s iuty.aiireetsof B-itimorc wdli me fta.^-ood tu niladwlnn ajaa New ku.k, stvxmers .f »o.-r ^48uom«uip Compaev'i ; c.,.-G at;'* sea. N- eYork and Boston, -.'.tajiieri tj N. g-,vanoa''’, ;«;e.

II. B. KUGGLEs, Conductor.

1*1 fr'aVT Wl? a II If largest and most splendid assortment of rich and

| _ J

’lir.fjT.'VaX 1 nl/Un.i5 . >> e, A Kr> . elegant funiiture.ol entirely new styles and patterns, I'Id'

i .‘ow oiwnicg some of the most beautiful Pookajto be found in any one establishment In the West, and


eitr eflered tor saiu ia this City. We can only eauuie-|

eigrckfly reduced prices, consisting of full sets of

*Thri^iy GosreU. illustrated In forty original de-

' ^^ho.jan;,, UWiiof, and C\err-j

signs by Mv, ri«ck. This is the must eiegant book ever ' IT 1 1 d IU i T E I EQl S?publismd in this country.


C^RAIJ CIDER. A^ Tier Crab Cider for sale .*'

Corner I'oat DUico allej".

A VERY 8UPE-t--' Tier Crab Cider for saledel" LANH.W te CG.’8, *7 Tliird at., east side.


8INQULAU AND ENTIRE liARMLESSNESS,The following certificate, from one of the most crle-

publisbid in this eountiy’.j

K- publican Coer., or Days of Waskington.VJU' ena of gnpiand; antique mo.


Flirds of the liibie, cloth and antique mc-3 I

Flora's Dirtiona'y ; cicth and uio. I

Hogarth's Tal lesux. 1

Oil. English ft orihics. I

Habpath Bells.tfruanieiits of Memory; cloth and mo-J.eaflcts of Memory.The Book o' Hranty.The ft bite V eil.


Floral Kt -rsake. ,

The Kl.ine I .lustrated, by Foster.j

All ttie sundard !'o*‘U in various riyles of binding;Bib’es and Prrytr Books; l'reabyt*r;an, .Methodirt, !

Christisn, and Baptist Hymns: Catholic lYayer Pocks;j

Also, Chairs, Clocks, sjricg and shuck Mattresses, I


1 LookingGlassef, &.c.,whicii, in point of manufiictare,! .“"k

I design, and finish, will compare with siaultr arlieies


manufactured in any part of the Union. 1

Cabinet makers’ materials, such as Mahogn-.> and ,D..

Rosewood J'lank. Veneer*, fc'ola bprrgs, lUir beating,Plush. Looking Glass Plates, Cur.eJ Hair, Glue, Vox-


nish.aie., for sale at reduced (Vices. sell 1 I

their art. Those of exalted stations are not as'eamed orated chemists in the United SUtes, has becuobiained,TO leriiiy to its virtues, but deem it a duty aud a plea- and a coi'y of itis attached to every botUe:surutothiis holdout the lainy, of their experience to New York Jane 11-heir suffering fe.low men. Witness the fuUowing: i.j have made a chemical examination of Khodts,

[TVtiJis/afion.] Fever and Asue Cure, or Antidote to Malaria, andnave tested it lor Arsenic, .Mercury, (quinine, ana

fisoitisvilieaucl Frankfort,AND IiUSnTQ'rON dt FRANKTORT

RAl^UOAll;^.Throush Tii-kPls to Ciaciaa;.:!.


:ii. ibeir.intp- rt t.vnof ir^gnt«,ate ato tpsp.i'.cii, .sad %t ~aes .•»it‘. r firs- ».ot. 'j'lie rer.J

Ik, stvxmers d llr>.

fUamsiiip Compaev'i i.aes.hy c.,.-G •r:'i sea. N- eYork and Boftoc, tj S g-,var.os'n. Ice.

Vf«>*riiuaiarssee.^ight Ur?./ ..p.*, of •v'qich ms^g

btituef any uf tns Forwarding u 'i-e* in the fteat.

VeHMii.LiONViLi.E, La., April, IS0I.

Corn-.'r Post ulhc- alley.Mons.le Dr. J. 0 . Aykk: 1 have of lute made frequent 'tfyehnine, but have not found a particle of eiiber in

, , k-m , - , o . . » , . „useef your Clitrry Tccioral iu luy practice* aut nave 1 touLu ;iuy iuu^taitce in its compo&itioo .a?"^

iivaia ieA«ci Louisville at k oclcck a i

liujipy to inform you that in nocas-hasii faded me. ••*•*• *•'“*'*.

and i

I nave made some sigual curet of Lar-ngitis and Broil-jA.v»L8 it. kHILlON, .d. D., Chemist.” V ^ ^ fragile.


cliilii with It, and have completely cured one case of llis a ttubborn fact, therefore, that this Kemedy isL juisviUe at 6

Afcthma, which had withstot..; every other medicine I destineif not only to relieve the human family from ma- sfIcoxdtpftn, i .,n-.,nii. —could employ. lariou* diseases, but to do an equally good wora Ly pie- airives at liihni*ilnAccept, Mr, the assurances of my dutingu-shcd con- venting the taking ol other medicines which do harm. Z Ln -toa

sideraiion. JL'ht8 CLaCD Gol’UUET. Thu entire abseuco of any bauefol ingredient makesLate S-argeon of the Kcyal Marine, France. this Kvmc.iy, uot mure vaiaabie a« a Cure, tnan it is as Pasaenge'rs by the 6 o’clock s w Trair i-,,

Extmr.t fmm a. of nur Minittpr the Cfturt 1 prc*CIillVCs v' lie C£Frme:?t«M.i:pr fuktr* ji .Ks.fq.s« 'r—


A. 1). ?1£I.ES Si. C O.


I'Ais. iiliKfi'lr

HWi: RE3IOVED TU XO. could employWV £cs MAIN 8XKEPT.l«t. Si-cond and Th rd. Accept, 8ir,

liuiipy to inform you that in nocas-hasii faded me.I nave made some sigual curet of Lor:.'ngiti8 and Bruii-eliitis with It, and have ccmpletely cured one case of

DU.1It'.-<NlL, BELL Fi Cu-

J'.’ifN B DONB,Throush Tirkplw to Ciaciaa;.;!. Xa^derof Ttypapo r-^tiap. lteit..,.arc



Aatl Uutt-' liouic to ruilatteiphiiu

gg=l=S. Arrs..6«°1*in. 13S1.

tiKsi m.Tij* Lo-aisviiie a; n u'cleck s »., aoZanesvlJs, TVaecDaK, Baltio^.ore. Wa->’stopping la miautes ici oreailast at luigrange, and or- ,.-i**nwfn-s ,”:*«» c -MriTes at LcxiukUir. at 11 A m. ketamiiig J rani le .v. s -

•^-MgtOa Ciwy, ^ N. Yl** it-D-Wr. Ji., and Arrives at LjuisviUe ai 6;.j ihiO TO

‘^'bECOND TRAIN leaves Louisville at k:l5 s. » . , 1^CEMOND,

. NORFOLK, iN, . . the assurances of ray distingu'shed con-

sideralion, JL'Ltf* CLaTD GOL’UL’ET, ThuentireiLate 8'arge(>u of the Kcyal Marine, France. this K-mcdy,

Extract from a letter of our Minister at the Court of f jire.cniive

the d ublone I'ortc; „Leuation or THE U. S. A., ^

under tons...

Co.NSrANri.xui'Li:, Turkey, yvaucc. iin»

It. j. C. Avek—


ear Sir: The Cherrv I'e.toral re-

jueived from you for the Sultan h-is been delivered to ‘

,I 'nis private secretary at the palace, and you will doubt-K-ss uearfrom it iu due se:t*on. Th.ityoa weresokind ;os t'j send me has been given to friends, who have in

, yvi**

maj.y cases found it exuetdingly useful.Fours.risi. -cuully, GEo. 1’. MARSH,


* “**

Jiiuitler PJeniiiolcnUary of the U- 8. A. to Turkey.,uV’b\u<)Usc

Cvracoa, Mareh 5, IfcSJ. It willotteil'»r. J. C. .\yer: I use your Cherry I'eutorai doily in cine by a nali

my practice, and s.m satisfied it is a remedy which must very best tlui

.totheri.ore, No.1 f ' <> 31 31 I 8 8 ! U X 3IERCHANTS,

tween Third and]

New Orleans. AdTsnees miuleou coiisigumeiits

All ferta,c at i.iw prices bydeJU Cli.tP. D. lelKK, Mccart Buildings.


X K 3V H00KS~\T Kix7GULD-8T~|

o.^ PrenciU’f Pliihp II. !

Caste, a story ol repuoucan Equal.ty; by bydney A.Btory, .r-

Tbe New Purchene.Ten t ears Am'-i.r' the Mail-Bags.T*ie Pu. simti F.oipire, its Uesources, Government,

aiV, r«.;.cy ; by I.Tuaer-on fr.>m America.XlieVueeiisol Ki.giaudof the House of Ilonover;by




Liiy liudfon.orthe Autobiorraphy ofFbOrphanGirl.i

Aiieebwd, a fomi.y hisi-.-iy ; by the anUiur ot Jehn !

Dr*>t,-ri.j, jurt oi>eri,;c, a large a*«or*u.ent of G.R Bocks,Bi*.l*-t. and l'r»5 tr arid a* fine an asscrtiretit o!Juveiii.eanuToy Books as was ever offered in tbis city.t ^r sa.e I ydedo e . RINGGOLD, ori Four.h street. Bear Main.


viUe. we are now fuiiy open, and hope to find many ad'ditions to our list of customers.no6 A.D.MILE8&C0.

Dank of Louis- to the ab-'ive address byDUMF.SNIL, BELL Sc CO.


tiOUXTRY 3IERCHAXTS WILL ' 9 3I,*3l I ,S 8 I O N 31ERC1IANT.S.^ find it to their interest to give us a call, a* we keep ' -4.J van ces made on consignments to

c instantly- on hand a Urge variety of country store 1‘fit o,.tt , nn = -»,•

goods, both llordw ore and fancy. Dl ' .B F.bN IL, Rl.LL At CO., .loS Main street.noB A. D. MILES 4: CO.


B U I L D 1 X G H A ,R D W A R FLj

Locks, liingts. Butts, Pnliies, Screws, S.iiih i

ft eiehuauJ Cord, 6ic., from the best oiauuiacturies.Q(ai A. D. MILES tk CU. I

_ , , ..I


l-vM dtscrii Uon, Saws, Braces, Hi* eluts, Haii.n-rr*, 1

Chisels, Auver*, Brad .4 wis, 8l:aves, 4tc., ot lue Us! i

brands, for sale at very low prices-I*w5 A.D. '11LF.K.S: CO. I

rlcONDTR-UN leaves Lonisvill. atJilF r. a'd i iN’ves a; Lexiur-on at 7:10 r. !*. Ht'-uruiok leav s

Ja.»U->tf> JN,




BY BAIi212IOa7. OHIO,V lie conuect.auer taking dinner, will. Tram ot C


ui a Bilious cutaale now aciucipany' each 'ooUle.

ffiM'RUEXTJXE. 20 HBL8 RE-L- ccived i-tr ft .".shiugtnn City and fjir saleliy Resident Court Physician.— ^ — - - Among the eniine:it cii’ors who tes'ify to their per-

A lfV V'Cf'K'wi U A 111.' I IV f *4 'V' son al experience and knowledge of the wonderiul curesli> .A.-styC-O .U.AIMa U.N CvU-NtMUiN- and immense us.fulness of the Cherry Peetotai in theirinei.t* to Dumesii.!, .Murdock 4: Co., New York; i se- tious, we niav nieniioii

P.u-me:e A B. o-, New*.j

Houghiou A. Eo., ol th.. Federal Union, Sli’.ledgevillc,boi7 iR:MiSN.:L.DJUJ,&. CO G.i.

',, 7 . . . 7,

,,r .

' 7r7iVT“.'rr ' L- Patton, Chri.stian .A -Ivocatc, Knoxville. Tens.t) D A. A 8 H . !•* G.A8tk8 RE- >


J- B. Dulison, .\merhaa Presbyterian, Greenville,

Resident Court Physician. ,j necessi

Among the eniine:it cii’ors who tes'ify to their per- or the opsoiml experience and knowledge of the wooderiul cures Stracted.

and immense usduiness of the Clicrry Peetorai in their

seriously uo-

TKRi.SS ID NKLK 3 ,S ROOK. AL'-| » k oUSFKFp’UFHS (*W RF SUPifM THORIZED rDITlOX.-ThoTcuimony of a:i t 8 1 .^ ^

E*cp tkid N ovo-c tr< t • e hictcrln-od of fit* Joseph, Etii- iplied With Cutlery,fcpoi'.tiS,C;ir:dles'icVs,enuf-

mett*! ur., .ftd.. the .V. ther Houoe of the fiisfr..; ! fers. S-iove's and Tongs.of iwoss • r line t oiisbe-l

Chsrty in the tinted Malts, bv Josephine M. Bunk- I

Wa'-’-vr*. Preserving Ketti< *, c,t brio-

ley;tl. [o« >I MoKTCN & GhIfiftC'Lii.|

porce.aiue or tin. Keith s, fiauce Pans, which the ladies


will find It to iLeir interest tu rxauiiiie.

% RROn ’.•> XAUULEON AT 8T.| ,

h.lena, uniform with the Life: IrtCTustinr Anec-I N\H 3IKK8 WII.L l’I\D 'I’HI'i

ootes 1,11.1 •'eoar.a'.'eC.ii.vtrsaio iisof the KmprT. r; . .. .* V

will find It to iLeir interest tu rxauiiiie.


noa A.D. .'‘lILESiiCO.

•gjM ''J/ o Ilf

Iceivej ;.*r ficioto V-dlfy r.r.d f..r solo by

1 dels lit >i..riNlL. P.l.i.L 4; CO.

tj^RESII RUCKVS HpJAT. ;70 RA(i8al frei-h Buckwheat just received and fer .-ul» bv•IclJ Ab.M. FO.Nl'A.


In certain ysecifieU cases, pour tlie contents ofonc or !

more LvlUeS 01 the Cute into shallow \es,:tls fli^aiog'

I -V ... r., . .• . , . -,i. -a platesv, gad pUt-e them 1;. slecy mg room.*; tor u,-e n '

B. Patton, Chri.xtian A-.vocatc, Knoxvi.le. ien..’ pur r.siug trooi the medieinc, an.i oiso i.hv air waftedJ. B. Dobson, Amerieau Presoy teriau, GreeaVille, aero»>, i r t ireu'..ued over the-lr- vs of it, alt-r theli.|Uid


« 1.1 0 isevui.ora'a:u.»!lloouuteraul and je*iroy,i',Vdcgre<, . If. Mi'jison, Demorrat, McConnelUburg, Pa. cumuietia-arul-. wii.-i its exp...*u:t, the miasmat-iot poi- 1

J. Ku« 9, jr.,_>htl.>> ville .seas, Icnn.^ ^ sou contaiucii iii the .xporui,fir. This mode of exhibit-


11 II vey, MuAtuhey Ft Co., Elate Gazette, ulUiing the Cure should likewise be resurtejtu when veo'ton, Iowa.

,young iiilauts arc txj«oseii to msl.irioas situ it; JUS.

I J . Rualib st Co., Jourriol, Uesding, The bottles in whiuu this meuiume is out ui> have tlui

ourinp the five end a half >*ars of hie ca|<ivity; by|

Johor. C M.!.'-tt; w :th itluetratioDSi 6 J SU.A Oi.lJ s History <1 the I'citi-i Males: 2 vols.; sug-

g*st* d by aud unilurm with D..-kecs' Child’s History ofEiiS -aoii: SI. I

Harper's Liieral TransUtioi.s—'I'irpii, Horace, fal-lu«t,C ciTo, o:a.*>ar, Xenoi her,; 7»c per voi.


f hie ca|<]vity; by '


fi®**' of filioveis-^fipades. Forks. Kakes, Cuuii g ^

Boxes and Knives, Gritidsiuues, Ac., always for saltverycherphy frooj A I'.iilBEfikEU

Y ^ I L C H R I 8 T ’ 8 R \ZUR8. BYft-M Adams Expre.'i Company.—A large supply of


Raytmnd, il*r;iir .V Cj., New York Times.Pa.— — j fi. t'olili, Christia!! Krtemaii, Bcelun.I»4(1^I^X’^ fvii ItAf'ii IIKT' IF!' ’*V B. Jacobs, i.hri.iian Chronicle, Philadelphia.-Bl lUaUrs uLifwl Iti,- non. .(. V.e.Uorib, ’d.C.,D..m.icral, Chicago, III.* ** ct;i\ 6u 3LU for ^a.c by

^Ktv. L (7 iiccsei aUethodist rr‘.‘tcsi;*iii« Luiuiuo(6«

.. . .ABM. VONP A. U . M. Wi^UiaiAii, OiiiiftLan Aavuu»u> Luaricstoii,

^^.\NTE CURRAXT8. 1,D(IU LBS J. M. ,M.agennie, True Delta, New Orleans,it iiile Currants jnst received and f-Tsalebv T. M. pou-.e.!, Daiiy News, oa>’ar.usb, Gu.

ilfli; ABM FOND\. Geo. 1>. Prentice, Bi uisville Journal, hy.1 1— — Hon. fiehuyler Coltax, M. C., fiouth Bend Register,

-•> BOXES LA3EU ^"v.' Christian Mirror, Portland, Me.

young iiitauls ore tx|>useii to uixl.iriuas situ ti; ons.The bottles in whiuu this meJiuinc is pul up have tlie

words ‘•llHOhk.s’ikV£R .v.NU Aofg CCHk” L'loru in tilegiiSs, and or, me u-atside wrapt-cris the name of the

C'iiTiit;? ul* ficUcriou AUli Lrowk ;»Lru4'w *

^ ” *

„ fi.\.MUEL GILL,.2£1L_ Supt. L. A F end B. <K y ft k.

i5£c iCjiiai'uati.

l.N 1 EK -Vlili.kAGE ilEX i . FOR3 Ci

*>t. LjUij} Aixcl CincLii*

Unandy^er Eec. H*, trains wiUras ^^r.-yUons:L*»a.»f iiHfi lur ii.cil.v

DApvjus CoAiciujc* 3l. L *ui>* aid! LuiCinuAti At %•

oiedtcine iCie copyright of whicn is secured;, "on i the ' 'incu.nes. Kwe-siunaiure of the propriei.r. Those preoautioni are ' tx’


^ r. q.A<ri|/tc(ito vrvwlit cuuuterfeits AiTU lOiiiaLioQS.


‘f-^*** connect at £z*d;AiFApvn;* Aiiu Ciuc.Qa«ll

’ '*VU’.*R- it UiTg* cr.»:i to Pio:'*-Ml • v;* ;:t r._'V -.i. '.wC.

II'i"* r . Uiri h »; ii^a.jF«^ ***•-.

: Uxcfrom cu-riisf.Mt;. .• ?.

V:;r. r-.r.'^ tcr-'V' Cii...q.. u v\ ...

I wri-i'-; *hocri't. *u» ._ie, . .^..y

' ?.»gt k C; lol-.'^i'", BT i.1 .* ; * Mi : .<* li in /041».‘ 1st 1 uaXs— .. ,'!‘.tr -n* ros*— c \i.aa.i rwir sd.. loaves t,

.'* 1* - ' i .it i , ^ ; . ,*i, ,:r- ..e*» as 1 s .. c-

: V ui at lie -J eL-.'- -• . p. i ;w . i-*-‘.s,:Je ai le.jd,itoOa, ar.d arr:v. at .1 L— aos vt 1 r. . .

v.oi.:...a. g a. ft'-'-i, i V .1 »i i:a:iim<>r* and.

Oil. '• I ,».? e.., an ^ - ii. . at Balw: re si *;d*: i'.*uca.a. 1*. .Vr-^ » ;.« a. ai. .1 , on p iry at it uVi.-cii s. a.

Cotii.»;*.t ..g I r


.3 aI s,tX- r.r I'liEade-unia.and Ne r , .r*. •.*• t.

Co;;qBe:.nit at ftssh'..4.un f.-r sredsri.iub'.rg, !»•


:temburg, Riehisord, Fr Tasi>^t.xprr-»—BiUiuMieai railrcad, leaves Ckfi*

lUM.C Ci'ro,Ca>>ar,Aenoi 1.(1,; 7»c per voi.j

ivuaui* i,x|Te.-i v.oiupaiiy.—ry

largi- supply oi

F'liwRr’i English urwimour, revised and enlarged; I

*’*’ psuorat OJe^/t s Iticurs r^eiyed this day ai.d

gl M.I

or safe by fdeBJ URMfiBI, BLAIR Ft CU.

Raisins in store and for sole byi,j jj.i J avis

IA., Christian Mirror, Portland, Me.

i.M. 11. Bnivlt-ii it Co., Rri'Ublican, llartit.ij. Conn.

.CBM. FgNPA.i J t-ese geiitlcmea have not ordy ceilillcd to thesestateinems in ihe.r papers tu the pubde, but hive sent

Eitrect <tfa Letterfrom Profesior t^etcher, kKo ras earedir.urrraa'Ug'ikiil liniea Vnittrsitu, Proe., ji. I.

ISTiAsarous, Ind., March 1, 1866-JaMzs A. Kkopss, Esq.—Dear Sir:—'fours of 16th

barton's Outline of English Grammar, with que*-liunitac.*. [del"] .*IUhT"N A UtilcftULD-o




Mmhurtkr and dealer IX


Foreig'o Hiaks rc 6 tVorks-'-f Art, 674 Marx- 1 Street, i


Wilson’s Butcher Knives;Do do fiteeis;

Pork Cleavers anff ficrayierg;ft keelbaiTuws and Shovels; for saleP’W by

delO OR.MfiUY, BLAIK it CO.

t~voR Y (;utLeky by expri:.s7Jest receiTc>d » large supply of line ovu!

IgrtAffu K *y([ I r» fton* leav> to call t. eat* I handled knives, wnicn will oe lew. lioteU alUt^ish'oti of II,


.iIufC LiS larvc and weli Selected Kioi'k sie%tDboat{‘ supplied at reasoauhle rales.Ilf huiijord fti.rk. of German and French Authors,

j delO OitMfibk, BLAIK k CO.\v..ra» ,'f Art. ire., •»—


Con, Jle«f Works <f Goethe, Scl.illcr, Kloppilock,P;»- aw*i» a m

toi., It:umm*-1, ft leiund. Leping, Th. Boerrier, Jean B^EAEH. AXD Aa riLE,Paul, lieice, hcome, 1 leuge of F oiiou'i., Ki^upcon, Mo- 1 A 6 nbls new Ap.ple Brandy;l. -re, b«r.,'ig< ri Thers. I do Peach do;pMqs in 1 ratiy Ik und Diamond Effiticn, ss Preili-

1 IU bblsold du do; for sale byfrktig. GeiUI, Anavi. Green, Heine, Lenau, Uiecktn, I del6 .t. MONK?.G., F:c. i

Real Kncvcl -io^Jiaf.j \\ HI8K VGermat end F et.Lh Novels.- | i ' 'V „ . , , . .

Aloiairarr. liiuMra.iu V.orki.1

Kellersold Ilouroon fthisky;A very Isige afsorttoent of Juvenile iicoxs. i “if

libls oldCuiqK-r ft hisky;Designs n r I ra»ii g and Pgintir.g. . , -

* Duachiua old bcutch \\ hisky; for rale byAl'o IBIS, aithe rhnstmas Album, Flower Album, Lw-


MUNlIS.die.* Ix'.ight, .CihuB) ot Birds, r CTo.ios AH um, I’iclur

' —etque J, aru.y, Aloumof theC.mnof LocisKIV.


YDRAULIC CE.MEXT:AOuarrelol Dus.eldorf Artist*. ' KB „ . .


ft »r-T Color f’einiirm, and a large stock of tbe ftr.cft*'*’ yalcined 1 laster of Pant,

Kng.aving*, and F:iuch ard German colored Pic-‘ p.n.

lure*, new and suv.aoie :ur Christmas.| -J; P?*®

Ktme,^e<ulld eiiit.on of AIC. BaskerviUr, the Poe'ry of' v,

Girmshy.translaie.j into Eug,.g.‘i verse, with the origi- !.JcH.MvRY,

nal text; hound; *1 6o., ,,, .

Formerly J. llulrue K Co.,II. Heine's I'lctoret of Trare', translated from the !

Marn streetjielweeu Eighth *-ud Ninth-Oertnaii I y rhos. It. la-land; in numbera at cerita.

I’liiled fi-.ates lUustra'cd, with views ot city and ' ^^UVDRIESconniry: ffv'is ; bi-aut fuBy boui.d; $lu.

Merer'. 1'nivrrki.Di, or V'ewi of tbi most remarkable '

place* ar.d onj-ots of all countries, 44.I

Rook of tl.e Worii, a f id iiy m.tceiirnT of iristrue- i

tion and amuaemebl, with 46 pictures and ecgr.-iviogs; i

• f- delFde I

great HaRGA 1X8 IXImiRRa^^MChristnias Gifts. Piano Kortes from theJ 1 U I Jtiest r-anufacturers in the country at


*• * J "Ire* H'i toMe’.oJtf.r.* from the cel- hraiiHi msMi factory cf Car- '

hart, >e<d).Aiii A Cu., st f.oiu $46 1.1 t^hO. I If-nitars, fr.ra $3 to 4ri6.

Violi* s, from tl to trii).|

'est French Acc'rdeoiiS, from $1 2- tc $;o. :

Hanjoa from $1 26 to $i6.|

’ *^ *'**’ UlxriuneU, and riagcolcU, from $I toj

«^V,;eKT CIDER, ii BBE8 SWEETCider jUst received and for sale bv

«iel* AR M. I’ON PA.j |

^ardTxks.l,G*o F, boxes Oilleaux:l,v-ut' ]d do do; forssleby

Jlen IJ X & MORRIS .

O. SUGAR. HHD.S PRIMEa- w • N. 0. Sugarin store and for sale by

H.T. CL'RDii CO.,notl7 Fixth street, between Main and Market,

I live, gralii-, to ail who Hsk It ri;, wheriin are full partic-jme iu entirely lo-uakicg up the ohiUs and leaving me


uiarsatid indispuiajle prnu! uf thetc slalcmenla.jstrong und healthy.ijij A maeAKAiiB* I I like th-*3tat,-ment on your wrappers that rou wiRlet

JAMK 8 C- AYKH,Practical and Analytical Cbemlat,

LOWELL, MAI-J6.Price 25 cenii per IJuX—I ivo Loxes fur ^!.

gold by gUTCLIFF'H & HUQHE8,J. ii. WILDER 6e BRU.,

Lciisville,And by- ail dealers in medicir>e everyw here,qef duodicw-ini

I I like tb-*stat .-ment on your wrappers that you willlet



the uiediL'ine .land ouits o-vu merit.:, and standiug ihu.,'

1 lU-a most sacguine of iis.uccess.f expect to travel over a large portion of our 8tate

j this spring, and 1 shall have obuudaiit opportunity to


recommend it verbally, ftherever I go I shall takeIgreat pleasure iu lliuste.tifying toils merit.*, and ifyou


will instruct your agent to let me hare a few buttles. I ,

I willcoi'iy them with me tu iLsGioute for your benefit.|


Iu fiosve, 1 remain, truly youis,I

TO BALTIMORE IV 30 t., ijOl'ii.<,


K A 1 L H O AVia Columbus.

‘ .cnsc:..ig >u ft •..’iln.gvrn fer Fr«dtri^AAi.arg, P«-1^ i-wburg, Kicl aono.Ac.

3i> Tkaid—


vi^b**s— f ;tt’e rH?r-I leavts C;neir.n«u »t , o'. . . i. .,t na' viile at J o’.-ioek *. iea,:* *'. j_u.vil,« a.Lsa' *0-1 orrl-. es U ft at. -ft- v.

‘ CvDBec’Vtg at V» he- -»b.- T.-'unru.-rc and i<mo rai;, ;,ir C-^r'-OvnajU, w. ere »sccgrrst.i.epand.*vs«tnie''y Me.;. Big irntuf-.r .avAor.

.drre. t.

Connectics w-t.n Troia at BaitZacre, fc; Phi'-aiMlvdiiF,stnJ New Y...-a ui - 1.

tlDnnevU-ru s; ft x !:l:.gton for rreJericaar-arg, P*.: Urttarg, K., !:mon '. Ac., , Baggage chueged f.'o.j >.'.ac-.*,r. »a to Wheehag.acJ

AXILLA ROPE.elites, in store and for sn


PlioviDwxCk, June*', 1-53. i tiic time tables of theIl.tvingbeen informed of the illness of a jioor, but- ' in direct conueriion.

Worthy woman, who has not been free from Fever and Passesg.-n Irnin CiAgue a month at a time for the last twelve years, I sup Torre*! route, ilepcui

ceutioii. nuctrtaiu.The Columbus being exclusively aa e.taterr r-u e,

tlic lime of the eastern ryaas are oiraoged u, run

rtir«)-j»h tiekeu U. ftinchester, h.. hmon.B Fredvric<..i-nrg, pK-rsb:;:i. N .r- it, ft - .r., ;.i. f ft.imugt- ena only oe t-'-'-cn -ed l y :h. h.t; - Kowie,and the on.y r - jte oy .•

; p.. c-nn t'j--. a.r»

—“2.^ _ _ H^/l\ CJ'RD lc_CO. I KSUCKWHEAT FLOUR, lijo BAGS pfied her gratuitously with Kh-ides’ Fever ana Ague

-^-E\V '^3101 ,ASS


8. .50 BRL8 XEW ii

and strength, and as four monthsft* Molasses just received and for sale bv noil Corner Filth and Market sGeets. ' 5^*^***


.er and Pa»w;ag.-n Iroin Cincinnati, by the Belifoctaine and>* . •.-

: t-.* . * e .rs c-nn t-j--. agr»

. I sup Torre*, rSute, .lepuud ona Ague 1 ortftayne logo Kaat,andrideovertuerougli..troadsipletely inOhioto g.ttoCrujvtia..



fiol?? H. T. CUUD & CO.

Land do; » ^ by fdefcj FONDA A MOllKIfi.ft hite Falls J.imc; ^ - - --

ft hit* band; lor sale by ^i^IRE CR.\CKER.8. ROXKSMcIIAlhRY* J No. 1 iuiL recEiv^ii bv

^ oruitrly J . Ilulrutf a: Co.» <1eJJ FONDA f' M()PRT*s3 M&:n ttreetyilFelwceti l^ishUi ^ ud Niuib.

rUa i)A tuu a UiKKIa.

LVDRIF8 ^ ^ H R I S T 31 A 8 . RAT81X8 IX

W^tl ftW^ do“ ’I Jil*" HIB.,ITf & Market st.

ft' Kite band:White Fulls Lime;Piaster of Pons; forsr.lehr

FR.VX’CIS MeUARRY’I'l M*jn street tivcefi Kig'»h* nd Ninth,


-S- frtth Peaches just received and f r sale by S K ^ ^duil III3BITT A SON. J» ^ ceived per mi

Neaf’y biund Music Books, and the largest sssort-p-entof New and iuo«t l‘oi>n!ar Mcs.c, at tne lowesttrice..La'l and exacine, at the Music Stor* of

. . .

D. I’. FACLD8, SSt Main street,tori All in.lmmcnts fully warranted. cielk

The Boy’s Book of Diversions. jlcutosuitpurchaseryb^j.ER, WINGATE & CO.,

A Complete Focvclupa-dia noU Manufacturers of Agricultural Impiem^ts^

O F ALL THE IHVER8IOX.S, ^TRAW CUTrEK8.AthleUc. PclenUflc, and Re>-reaUTe. of Boyhood

;*M Bandford Straw Cutters, Nos. 1 and 3;

andiuuUi. lUu«rr4l»^lbV8everM2huudre<l rn^rmTinrsI

)•? RochtfSter do do. Nos. 1, and 3;onwikod. in oce lar^e mnd h»T:dsoiLe cro«D i*ro. vol> • li Sincluir’s Patcot Straw Cutlers, aP eir^s:imie,iti extra cloUi,craiitoa aud blue* wiiA 8ta&.t*s I ForiiUc*br TnoliJ MILLER, HINGaTK atCOand edges t

SwA'tfoSi'll’SSl."'''*”' ”i

"lii* IfftTi;?.'* iv'uAT'f K-o!'It i. the mo*t aiTusirg, inatrucliye, and lieauti- • . f

fdijh ft book fur Iki> s ever got up|

r, INlJn.W^n-o.UfK) copies have f.een n.M in Kncland . i 100 sacks Timothy Seed;

, —;

tea. so halfJNOUCe, JE.J rhests Teas, Green auQ Black, of superior grades,

I rBiHECE3IENT 8TORE OF FRAN-!a C18 MclIAURV is movedto Main street, between - t *-

i ^^‘‘"^“'‘''ily^.^nlieCeineht; |,^XTRA XO. 1 LARGE 31.ACKER-1 Extra F'uuliiy F'lour; JtJ el.—UK) ki-ts new for sale byI

Do While ft heal flonr; !'U2' A. RAW80N & CO.

IPUtsterof Paris; — ' —ft hite Fails Lime; A R D 1 X E ,S. 1(» CA8E8 GUIL-"''‘'“““‘tAitJ'S McDAKRV,

1: COMain Street, between L:j;hU; aud NiliU), l _A. RAWSON &. CO.

l^iURN 8HF.LLERS. 1,0(HI \VK8T-,*I CUGovtmmeafo^.Uelyj

em fiheUers, with wrought Iron arbors, forsale in • <1^** A. R Aft’fiON fc CO.

i^DDER VIXEGAR. l-'i BBL8 Cl-!

**-^ <ler Vinegar just received and forsale byI nog-g H. FFiKGL'bO.N 4k SOX.

E3RE.MIU3I TOBACCO.M. lOd boxes Premium Fliai>res8 Tobacco;


T’> kegs do Pancake do;36 kegs Fig Tob.iuco;

.' Just received and for sole byI

deiS T NOCK, ft~lCK8 A CO.

a HDER. 30 BBL8 SWEET CIDERft-'' nowiu store and for sate by


jfiels-T NgCE, W ICKS St CO.

IJICE. 10 1IERCE8 RICE RE--H.^ ceived per maUbuat and for sale by

. dels NOCK, ft ICKS It CO.

^ h)0<r’KEliJr'IlEL3ll>.^I

ftV and 8h&enberg>r Nails, assorted sizes, in store andforsale ny inul* TJ NOCK, ftiCKS *. CO.

' lesiuivii uci w iieai.u .,1111 sucugiii, auu <u lour iliuuilis T 1 1 *7 X* X* I V « V r V' -T* •* . * or .has now elapsed, there is no rea.-on to doubt the per-


1 la ak It. E. IF .V 1 1, \ 1 lx .V 1 X & «niauency ot the cure.

; Atftx w to . „I am also aware of many other eases In wtuch it has

‘ At u a. ji., ij a. yi., atu o p. x.b-.-cn used, and have never known it to fail. First Train—LightDii-.g Express, Little .Miami Ra-


C- A. P. MAfiUN, A{K>thec.ary. iroad, leaves Cihcian:i;i at 6 o’clock a. M.*,fijr Culciu-

. bui, Crestline, Lat csstcr. ;inJ Philji*lclph 4.

! Wavelakd Ixn ^6.nt ii m&s . Vhij js u.e wiJy L.i4h« fuegDavklaho, ixx)., Sept. J, lb©5. f Lxpress rr4m leuViugCincimiaii with relitwle cuuuec*Mr. Jo A. Rhodrs:—


lease express mefourdoxen of i^ the Kait.


your Fertr and Ague Cure—seuu it immediately, as 1 iFraui-^Kxpref*, Little Misml Railroad, leaves

am nearly out. It has given satisfaction.,

Ido’ciocx 4. x , tur all tbe abeve pikers,iuurstrul/i R. \V. QAMBLR. I

^histraio leaves CinciDuatt tjro bners liter iU:%n 4^^


your Ferer and Ague Cure—send it immediately, as 1 irrain—Exprets* Little MlAmi Railroad, leaves

I am nearly out. It has given satisfaction.,

Ido’ciocx 4. x , tur uli tbe abeve pikers.

Iiuurstrul/i R. \V. QAMBLR. I

^histraio leaves CinciDuati tjro bners l-vtcr iU:%n


other 1-oute, laid makes the Mme con Ur u: ions. i

' T, T> *, T , n ,1.-. •train—N'-ght Express, Lit'.c >ii-.uu; Railrr .a

Pink Rr.*, Mich., July 31, 1'tSJ. I leaves Linciuniui at 6 o’clock r. x., tot ai! ;fa< • »


,Dk. J. A.Rhodes.—


ear fiir.—Your Cure forth* F’e- 1 pla<*es. This Train leaves Cincinnati on. ho ir i-,' .

Iver and A$at has thus far performed wonders. It has


tnaii any other route, and makes same c. nneet cr ,

not failed in one instance to perform a quick and per- The Little Miami is the only east, ru .Irp tmaiientcure. Some who have been tmubied with the i uoti. Ail other depots alCincinuaU are weattijoistressiiig disease have been k.-uiiiKLY cckud by us- i*r\i» rrit v


ing only oNk buttle of the Cfur. Please send us loiine- I

A iFK IJIICOI..0II .ICRLlS. diktely four dozen, as we have but three bottles remain-

1 An-i all infjrmat=oa. nleave a-ul. at tEa i

,ing. I’ruiy yours. LATHRUP A McLEAN. I md Co!in«Tr, iSd’

And an lafbrmotioa at 'v’lnvinr'at;, fp-a*. « at th*q f-h- • • ••' •riii Agent.N*J. 3 Bari.. . «. .{ ..f k.,.., 17,

. Ftoi ; >ji t: a; • ....ieoat .-'.r.! r 'woad-

.L'^*ifi'T ' y ovi-x’-e sp-n—f P .use, * L.MC ksiami .t.

iJ V..C n. ."'•’TltWlCK,

C. W. s.C»tr.;o’.^ two.0.

AgentC. •;. a. S-.d*- - qa*'*. * [ylldtr

XL V.' aliiA.NY.vr S i, ! ! T. :<A 1 F,}:«fa"d.

CHANt.iE OF >:.i

Houfe, second dwr we»t of Vine; No. f77 Gibion l«Tra*i*»-Throqgh iixpras. [r im Chicago, leav*

<^XTRA XO. 1 LARGE 31.ACKER. gJBURK WHITE LEAD. 1,000 KEGSj< el —HK) ki-s i,e» fir s i,w on Consignment and for sole in lots at luaiiufac-.» ei. -vogij new lorsiit. uy

1 ,— ri..i 7i 8. MONTGOMERY.

u .w . » .I Kfid Old Office, southeast corner Broodwai and Tikui, »>i tiiy at "-si u. !«.

ThefoilowlnglettershowslhepeateffMtof UHOPks Froct. opvoirte the spencer llou.e.-*'•

, .t<:c„uiinoa.tioB, s at-, wave* B’ «.*ci- a *r 'jKVkKaxDAufgCl’RK,” and the bod effects of poison- I delSdt! P- VV- tfXIIaDEU Gener*’ A.i-at k.n. -fi*a

IS mcHheines taken previously, which tte lady willi

C^Th«lfi jV‘cckH.ExiTe**T— nwillf'. x-robably never get rid of:

i ITVODfirCO Airk-rksftCr’

8op-H Dkomax, Mass., August 85, l"5i. t Ju f r\COO SH \i | I^Cstnrer* prices Ly

g^OURBOX WHI8KV.M-Wjusi received and for sale law b;


I ous mutheines taken previously, which the Indy willprobably never get rid of:


SorTH Daouax, Mass., August 85, l".5i.'

I DkaR Sir:—


ou wished me to write as to tbe health of ^

my patient, after taking the Fever and Atpieioeiiicine' you sent, which I now take pleasure iu doing.


The patient was my mother. She has lived in Alle-


I ghany county, N. ¥.,forfive years, andlast fall, forth, i

F;si*t* Reduced.

g:5ROU3I8.jB-3 1' 0 dozen Ui

awby I Mfiauj' UOUII.J, luiuioai loii.ioriu. •—

S MONTOOMF’RY i urattime, hail the F'e ver and .Ague, which she <.-urcd in ^ . TA \ \T U L''B^j^^i^u_r^ni ^ u»e of • ^ • Fever and A H A 31 8 EI Ague Pills: but last March she came here to live with .ffm. Office »15 Main

t'haiiffe ol'Tiiair.X PRESS COMPAX Y, I* V » 7

'I dozen fine Brocms;a « iwoniu I. nn common Broom*:

:four weeks ago—.anefshe seems to be cured of llie Uis- i Lexinaton in the afternoon wain. *ietur~iM.* leave I

-A. itAv>i*u?i e L.ij.

: Now l.-ioding f.-cmsl.ainer Belle (Jiiiglcy and for sale by ea.e, and her healtn is quite good now, but her joints Lexington in Uie muruing, at e o’clock.-***•'


-«a-raTio .<..i r,-...... t. • rx, .. r



‘BIST NOf; ft. ft lOK » « CU. and bones seem to be sure, and pain her some. Freight rmreived at our ottievuil 1 r. H."^AILS, N(lO KEG8 PITTSBURG ' 7r~T:"T~ni;; a'l-

'’ The medicine I think is very good, aud I conld re-

1»S-~T>ur wigoa wUl caU for froighl, if orders are Isll


ftwi and WheeHngfcrsaleon consigninecthyIgPUCK vV HEAT. I.b) BAtiS PEXX-


commemlUtp Ague sufferers, and I would procure it,

fctouroffle*. S.T. JON Kfi, AgentA. H.vWfiO.<


CO. ! E> sylvania Buckwheat in store and for ssle byj aRLKS S* KNgwi'i ****-


- — -irdelbT NOCK, WICKS a: CO.|

zourotruiy, CHAKLES if. KNOW LION. _

i^l U^utaSIrli Slam^L’parfnyj

SPANISH AND HAVA^ D,*, S.h: • •|

^ ^ ^ ^ F I C’ K.,

SA.eby A. KA^\fcON & CO. AjL Oiffars.— tion htdre that every bottle that 1 have heard of 1^*j Loulavillo NewAlbanv Lafavelta nni Chicago \W boxea Half Spanish Clxars; sold has given good satUfaciion. The agents ihar?’

iauaj«*w.n0i \.aiCAgo[

I Ague Rills; but last March she came here to li«*e wUh Office^ Main street, LoolsvlUe. ‘IT.CM LOUISVIULS TO rwr*.! me, anu in May was taken again with It. fibehastakeni Oo^and after Tuesday, April 1^, our Meesenger and v*iUCAwOI the medicine which you sent—.be took the last some

iExpress freight • ill leave LouisTi’.le Frinkf rt and *F ™*

^AILS. NdO KEGS PITTSBURGft ft and WheeHngfcrealeon consigninect hydtliO A. H.vWfiO.N U CO.

Freight rmieived at our ottie. uil i r. NKSrUur wagon «ai call for (rmaht, if

aix «-^cks. o..kk> «tark,


litfre t“iban‘^^’th^American ediUon, we


* rnLLFR;*WIN^AT^^ 30

Tbe inediotne 1 think is very good, aud I could re-


K^~Uur wagon «U1 call for Ucommend it to Ague sufferers, and 1 would pmerre it

;Xtouroffic*. |

before any other within my knowledge for that disease. apidYourotruly, CHARLES B. KNoHLlON. I

rihahttif orders arelsRB.X JON KS, Agent

Adams Eznres. Co.

STARK »"£''OBACCO. 3’2 BUTTS .lOHX i ,Havana Sixes;

tsyCityandi Ift'* VirglLia landing from mailbo.\t and for sGe by ' delFT^*^*^ ^ NA, RAWfiON s CO.

"li-o.'JFo copies have f<een koM in England


Publisheii bydel7

AtuRXuN A GRIfiMuLD,Louisville, Ky.

iEEDH.* 100 sacks Timothy Seed;l,Ouo bushels Orchard Grass Seed;9,two do Blue Grass Seed; in store arid for salety

H ARPFR’vd VArAyiVWH tit I ?

miller, ftlNOATK ht CO. mJ. J. i- U!0 DAGS RIO IN


a^UGKWHEAT FLGFUR. ”<0 BAGS '"^“**y*

J ,*7


- lA(g.\AlAE 8, GO-Tiios Poa Jr formeri. of Mow n onnnter kv ]

store and for sale by 1Peantylvania Buckwheat Flour Just received and ih^dtri”

* S'”®!'* Fl^i&:«f^eriyof I

CORNWALL & BRO. forsaleliy fnolSJ MILLER & JONES. ^ a t ^•eniNDg to Uie above popular Ptnodiralf, are requested i.^Vr uT..V - - — - - - - , “J '

t. call immediately aiUie Book fiioreof A. Gunter, No. J* Comji, late of Rush county, Ind.!

•'* T A P f’ H «Vf »Y»Q E 8 H A X O C K POTATOES 30 daughtwW Third street, near the Post Othca: by so doing, they POE RINGLE & CO *ij3 1 A K G H . .50 BOXES T OX’S U fk, « , 7

w*;U secure the first numhers of the incoming volume.^ x-v/xi, cx

Starch for sale by' siciriv

no*7 A. OLNTER, Bookseller. «• Third at. ' E N E R A L COMMISSION AXD CORNW ALL ft RRO. MILLER fc JONES.

ibSTee'n^^a^bfinn"^^^^ SiKUIOXES NO. 1 ANDj fy>TTOX. 15 BALES ^OKTH

WE WILL SUPPLY ANY TWOKamlly SoapforsaleLy


^OA P. 15JrBOXE8 VAJilEGATEDj ^HRLSTMAS! CHRIST3IAS! THEHa'per * MMazine; foTiu^itonlie Md Fo?«rding I^piitment ‘’aII^? ^ and Toilet Soap for sale hr

jA sulswibi r has opened out his stock of Christmas with tbe n

!Jle7con,Wt“uVfo,^^^ _«1-J5 ^


IjiKJ IRON. 75 TONS SOFT TEN-ncssee Pig Iron for sale by


OF FEE. lUO BAGS RIO INstore and for sale bv




- ' 76 bag. Ri(76 hag. Rio Coffee;ifUbageJava Coffee; just received and for sale by


dels T NOCK, WICKS fit CO.,


FROViog.*c>,in.,Aug.9,195o.I Daxu Sir: • • * • 1 might as well raen-



tion here that every bottle that I have heard of Iieiticj

aold bos given good sotisfaetion. The agents tha'Thave left medicine with say that it ranks among the bestof patent medicines, and that after its good qnalitief


once become knowu there will be more of it iokt thaa I

ot any other article of medicine in the State.Respectfully yours, JOaRPil SMITH. '

Pa.*troo, N. C-, .iaf.21,lSai. i

Dr. JkMRS A. Rhodrs—


ear a-ir: I .take pleasure inj•aiinnv vrikki t\f tSa s«AfnT*l»f«k vjfr*r.vmw rv# n*w /1ai«.gk*aam I

S P K € 1 A Is A O T I C’ K.

LooIiTiUo, New Albany, Lafayett*. * n i Chicago


store and for sale by I hadwVd'VSi'Sti^kinds^of^CORNWALL & RRO.;

fof bh16 t»y_

MILL^K & JO^ L5 . my request Jtlr. Kcddick ordered from you iwo~

j y ** uj 1 V A Tw* i I Tr" 111 i,n A ir*j .inu dozen, and I can say that it has not only cured myT A R C H . ,5(i BOXES FOX’S '

ESHAXOCK PO 1 A TOES. *30 daughter, who took two bottles, tut every one who has

Starch for sale by""

^! -^31 bbisNeshanock Potatoes in store and for sale by ThiRPaft of the country is very swampy and

dels ^ nitP\'vcATT.A.m>rt ool6 MILLER fc JONES. n.j:!!-, .v - ..CORNWALL fc RRO.

dels T NOCK, WICKS & CO. once become knowu there will be more of it .om thaa «t mm m m > ma—of any other article of medicine in the State. A Iwl C Pa I A M

tCOFFEE. I Respectfully yours, JOaRPU SMITH. '

> 76 hng.HioCoffee; FAPRFS^ (’OMPAW*1 bags Java Coffee; just received and for sale by1 Paxtroo, S. C-, JYug. 27, ISai. I

A.Ja\X VLFaflA iia.1 Ifdels T NOCK, WICKS fc CO.

,Dr. JkMRS A. Rhodes—


ear air; I .take pleasure inj



assuring you of the complete recovery of my daughter C \^SII CAHITAI. i*\11F I\. ft7i>n.nnnHttUrKWHI'.AT KIOUH ’ll! RAGS from Fever and Ague, of which ahe has sunered^oa '"^*'*^ VAt-RlAA. l «7aU,GUU.

M'S , o 1. 1 . o,^'^1* . ' . A w.thont intermission for over five years past, although

' -

R“'lI 1 had tried varions kinds of medicine and treatment. PrODFletOr*:

iJiew Albaav and fia’cm Railroad.The only Hired Rovi

Hurte by wh'.ch Tbroanh ^


k leketN e



Cfi 'C*f0 wUhoat ehoncef eara or bag-

If^ri™«*Tre:n’,eaTi aN»w Alhaey aHJBaifWfc . .

' •t*'fV’tz?rt”^‘Tram (fbelght and e*asecfera)i*avv*

•Ml, Uig.aCUy^th the Truns o-nbe V iJK'aafw,!!lUi.r^Ad for Detroit, Baf Go, Niggar-iNew Yqrk,Bo«.q.fcc Thmi’shy'


and laterestii'g rer::a ta tu. g.r. ^**F**^*a«v '



C10TTOX. 15 BALES NORTHAlabama Cotton for sale by

I aickly.I ft'ith this Ml. Reddick sends you the money for threeI dosen more. Respectfully yours.’ JAMES GAYLORD.

C>*F rout# MasM Omn, th*mostdrila^alan^oarUiag«»o*euif tha Uetnut river.lAfGUith X&AMi Ifkt^VftimP*. mw«

TlirSTIN fc ELY.

i locsehold ft i-rds;|

Godey’f Lady’a Book; i

Graham's Magazine;j

Knickcrtiocker Magazine;1‘utr.osD’s Magazine;

jBtackwood’a Magazine.IFOE 1166.—The following London Quarterilea and,'

EUcfcwood’a Magazine we supply for ten


livcred free of postage in Louisville. Any ane aingie is'

ihreadoUars:London Quarterly


Edinburg Review;Noith Itruisb Review;ft'estmiuster Review;Ftlac - wood’s Magazine.0-HAGAM fc CU., Main at., Publiahen,

delO StaUoncra, and ft holeaate Bookaellara.;

clesconsignedto uaforsaleorthipineiitwillreceiveouri — -

peraonal aud prompt attention. Cash orders tor the! * A oi 'r r i z.-* ui i zpurchaae of Groceries, Drugs, fcc., will be tilled at the I

lijfj riUAl .

foirestmarketDrice.andforwardedwitboutdelav. ' ft-^ Castile Boap for sale by

R'ALL fc BKO. Toys and Fancy Artices, to which he respeetrully calls I have aboutthe attention of parents and others purchasing for the “if no core r


A. RuoDks—Dearfiir: Vonr medicine has m<mult favorable success in this neigbborbooi

purenase 01 uroeenes, iirngs.Kc., wiii be niied at thiloweat market price,and forwarded withoutde lay



Ward fc Crtj, LonisviUe, Ky.Wm. Glenn K Son, Cincinnati,OhiO.Thos. J. Pickett, MaysviUe,Ky.J. S. Wilson, Lexington, Ky.L. fc T. Maddfiz, Bnahvllle, Ind.W. Sendderfc Co., Terre Haute, Ind.George Ilinchman, do, do.8. Bartwnr, Indian aoolis, Ind. an85d6m

delO Btationera, and ft holesatc Bookaellara.j

FKED. DEL IlONDlOyr,. o-a i.z., T. (RSTZBUSHXD IS 1W3.)

I^PLENDID OUT BOOKS, ELE- COMMISSION MERCHANT,•>3 gaatly printed, lllaatrrted, aud bound in the•fcaiccat atylra. aiBong which may be found tbe Forget- >0. 7 Lnfnyette itrset, Nevr Urleane,

K^OK THE SALE OF BUTTER,*^*^* *** A^, a great vw etw M Cheese, Lard, Flour, Bacon, Potatoes, Onions,

fi Jureaite Annu^. Albvi^Toy B«oks,fcc..auitaUa Dried Fruit, andallkiuds of Western Proiluce,an.l for


dels CORNY?ALL fc BRO.

COFFEE. 5ti0 BAGS PRI.ME^l^landing jier R. J. Word, and for sale hy



1^5 60 hhds strictly fair new;3-J do i>rimeoM: in store and f*r sale by



the attention of parents and others purchasing for the “if no cure no pay,” although I was not authorized by50 BOXES CaU and examine at

^you to do so; but I took the responsibiUty on myseJf

A.BORIB 8, Third st. gut not a bottle has come back, and as 1 am almost on-

.\LL fc BRO. ! «-*TUl.» vznvMirat x-'idi.'' tars vi> irc • I


Molasses.rO bbis newer

me-Bot. ithe Hame

oi JureaBe Annuals. Albvma, Toy Books, fcc..auitabfur tfcc fcoltdaya. AU tor sole at

F. MADDEN’S. 10| Third atraat,dcU rtrecdoonfromroattHiM.

rO bbIs new crop St. J.-vmes Sugar House; f- -

Ifu do do Plantation;i

76 hit bb!s Old Reb iled;inst rc and for sale by I

anurgwbccjuanan fc tm. !i

tilIRlST3IAS 31IXTURE. THE'' finest Mixture of Assorted Candies ever offered In

this city for the iric-, will lie found etA. BORlE’fi, Confectioner, Ftniterer.fcc-,

de81 iVo. .V Third street, -d-ov.* .Mr in.

RESH ZANTE CURRANTS TObe had at fd‘34] A. BORIE’S, Third st.

nerer has been as much Chills and Fever since 1 lived eur carewDihave pfomptness and dispatch.In the Stale as at present. Yours, fcc.. 17‘Goods called for in any part of lae city.RICHARD MARTIN, P.M. deAdtf fra.NK T^Wn. Ag-^.MfSlain *t.

FSTIR and ague MEDlCUfE.In another eolamn of to-day’s paper will be found aa

advertisement for “Rhodes’ Fever and Ague Cure.” W eare not in the habit of puffing medicines, but desire tosay, for the benefit of the afflicted, that Wm. N.Kowe,merchant, fiharpaburg, who has it fur sale, informs ns


— Tbjj**, oroooiu, ti;; *-:^triV;jri‘5?’'S

T he only express line


running through to Chicago by passenger Irzina. :

GuftiBoa, kc.. in view af Lake tin i ..J . . "^GremsFreight taaen aa low ashy any responsible Express daspensi iu Bridge, a work mure w”*^ua.

Line. Twenty-four hours in advance ef okber ExpreM wondcvfnl, and m-r« i« bo acwUnea. * ®*fi*'HmiMr work ,.f :»rt la the


Jngtfci,The American Evpreis Company will di«p*tch Spe- “ridge a fall view ta had ot tho mX rir* “fNf

cial Messengers, by pass-u<<r trains, daily, between •<•'*- .

sreaz v*LouisviDe, New Albany, Chii-ago, and intermediate North Northwest tk aldP*^'plares. for thatransmit ion of Bank SoUs, Cam. val- P.- ehzage of cars or boggJo','."uaWe Pacaages. and Freight. ‘'fi*” 'I e«f and Chicago. The rv.adPrompt auentioa given to the CoUoeUoB of Bills., . -rifer. and is now caa of the best and£ '*’*

Notes, and olnei demands, by oor own agvntg, i having tho longest eontindoua strsidCur Express Lines extend to all ttenstamaa'lweat. [theCniudatatOT.

*'^*®^*t** 9*“****»^’'*‘^®G*ifN A»*airaiia,»i”i Europe, —®7 this mute also snre o**aaetlcna ahi^ our facilities i^k uneqaaled bv any other Lina . ! Trains run directly through to CMc^Ottr iijCa emparlance and well known reaponaibiiity „Tiekrtsa» reduced rztra to Mir»

are a suSurat guarantee that ail busineas intiutt^to E''ck I*4aod, St. Lnuia, Bnrlip ‘‘^ipour carewCihkve promptness and dispatch. Kiwaaki«,fcc.;alan,toL^Goods called for in any part esf the city. .ktiany, New York, Bon*.,- *?****®3«»deAdtr FBA.NK Th VON , Ag -ei.tsf^Main »t. S’* V««‘»sdle amj p, itanS y

’ ^**• bri

Orrtci LtruTiLifc zbb NasHviLLg E. R. Co.. J ipecting^reW'ril^^

FRO.M this date the (,'0.-v.lSsa2iKv'"“ ‘•“3**stTBCliou Trains will leave the Diiraot grounds In r fmisv *** Lara-


Dried Fruit, and all kinds of Western Proilace,aiiil fur I^IG IRON.*2"* No. 1 Pig Iron J

cboaers adefi4

A. BURIk’S.Third at., above Main, west side

kUAti uc UM 9VIU iiuavu dvruvs* »au lo Qfei7 rB99_ „ ,, .... . I it has effected a cur*. This proves the medicine tobaPrewrved liemcn Peel in quantifies to suit pur- good, and we lake pleasure in waging it before tb« nr** u/iRixu ‘ lea of the publie.-Gdd Jiitote, Bssuslars’, JHR, ^.4-

1 the pnrehaae of Uroceriee. Ate. Uidars strictly com- 16 do do No. a do*’


plied with, aud returns made withoutgalay . Cash ad- Just landed par R. M. Patton, aud for sal* bv1 FiuacaikiAdavB voitMBfiBcaU. pott dJin* I dem ANDREW BUCHANan fcj;(>

ET AH II 1*2 HBLS NEW C JUNTHV For sale by Soteliffe fc Hughoa, Dndenb«r*er fc Co.,AILU. !£ m»LiO w A U I wuson, IHarbird fc BmitK /. 0. Morris fc Bon. BeU,Lord in stora mo for ihle hF„-__.v- ^ Tatoitt fc Co., B. R. Clark fc O*-, R- A. Robinson fc Oo4

•fcd dnuffiAM ffsaaraUp. taWdfclH8hWfci

ft. stniolion Trains will leave tho Di^ipot grounds In faul47LonJsrillo for ahephenlifille at d)* ot^k ft M Md 3


o’clock r. M. wtu leave fibepbardsville %t 1 o’clock aad—***—~=- —^ ~

at 6o'elpck P.:ii., daily (dundaya excaptod), and w*** Sfrtrpr* Aimtake freight and pa*aen gars. g A.nD;K9'‘Aa Gaini^shne will eonnactwiththa TraUtaot I l^EVFR I.1TR 1 T *

this road, and ^ tzite paaaenger* firom and t^n* ,****fi*^R4L

pUre within tba|i*.y limiU. The oaea af tM UMibui <!r** <^>***h*