Download - DAILY COLLECTION OF MA RITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – … Dezember 2005: Vor Brunsbüttel kollidierte der Kümo "Maritime


    PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 1 1/25/2006

    Number 019* COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS ***Wednesday 25-01-2006

    News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites.


    VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings,

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    The SMIT DIARE at the Damen yard in Gorinchem is nearly ready for her first dancing steps

    Photo : Ton Grootenboer ©


    PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 2 1/25/2006



    Westplein 5b 3016 BM Rotterdam

    The Netherlands Telephone : +31 10 412 6969 Telefax :+31 10 436 9587

    E-mail: [email protected]

    AH San Fruttuoso running anchors for Atwood Southern Cross Offshore Gela, Sicily, Italy at the start of a drilling program for Eni SpA - AGIP. The Southern Cross has a contract with AGIP for 2 wells firm with 1 optional. If all three wells are drilled, it could take until May/June 2006 to complete the AGIP work.

    Photo : Ad Tange - ModuSpec Engineering (Int.) BV ©

    Frost-Bound Boxship Below are the photos made last week at one of the Finnish terminals. The 707 TEU capacity boxship was filmed by the ships' agent as a confirmation that the unloading operations are impossible.


    PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 3 1/25/2006

    Bijval alternatieve veerdienst Terschelling Brandstofhandelaar Piet Smit en reder Iemke Rijf participeren in de Terschellinger veerdienst waarmee Bernard Haantjes Rederij Doeksen wil beconcurreren. Terschellingers kunnen via het kopen van aandelen zeggenschap krijgen over de op te richten rederij Eigen Veerdienst Terschelling (EVT). De aandeelhouders krijgen het laatste woord over de prijs van de bootkaartjes en de aanschaf van nieuwe veerboten. Reder Iemke Rijf is eigenaar van de zeewaardige rondvaartboot Stortemelk, die plaats biedt aan 250 passagiers. ,,Dat schip voldoet aan alle veiligheidseisen'', aldus Haantjes. Toch zoekt de EVT ook naar andere schepen. ,,We hebben er minimaal vier nodig'', zo legt de plannenmaker uit. ,,Twee voor de lijn op Terschelling, twee op de lijn voor Vlieland en een reserveschip.''

    Zahl der Havarien auf der Elbe nimmt zu Verkehr: Vier Unfälle in kurzer Zeit: Weil immer mehr Schiffe den Hafen anlaufen? Hafenlotsen registrierten von 2004 auf 2005 einen Anstieg ihrer Einsätze um zehn Prozent. Es ist noch dunkel, als der 223 Meter lange Getreidefrachter "Marigo" am vergangenen Dienstag mit Kurs Elbmündung den Anleger Teufelsbrück passiert. Plötzlich kommen die Positionslichter der "Stadum" in Sicht, das 86 Meter lange Schiff fährt zur falschen Fahrwasserseite: Direkt auf die "Marigo" zu. Metall knirscht, Aufbauten knicken ein, ein Seemann wird durch Trümmer verletzt - Bilanz der jüngsten Schiffshavarie auf der Unterelbe. Und der vierte Unfall dieser Art in nur wenigen Wochen. Ist diese Häufung normale Unfallbilanz oder Tribut an die Rekordumschläge im Hamburger Hafen? Tatsächlich registrierte das Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt (WSA) in den vergangenen Jahren einen Anstieg der Havarien auf der Elbe zwischen Hamburg und Brunsbüttel: 2003 waren es fünf, 2004 schon neun, und für 2005 wurden 13 solcher Unfälle gemeldet, bestätigt Frank Richters, zuständiger Nautiker beim WSA Hamburg. Grund seien oft Schäden an Maschinen, Ruderanlagen oder Navigationsfehler. Immer wieder kommt es daher zu Unfällen auf der Elbe: Nur gut eine Woche vor der Kollision bei Teufelsbrück war es bereits in der Elbmündung bei Cuxhaven zu einer Kollision zwischen der 193 Meter langen "Tor Dania" und dem Schleppverband Ems Tug gekommen. 5. Dezember 2005: Vor Brunsbüttel kollidierte der Kümo "Maritime Lady" mit dem Feederschiff "Arctic Ocean", der Kümo kentert. 80 Minuten später fährt der Tanker "Sunny Blossom" auf das Wrack. Am 27. September 2005 läuft ein 250 Meter langer Tanker bei Stade auf Grund. Am 29. Januar 2005 kracht der mit 4900 Tonnen Schwefelsäure beladene Tanker "Stolt Fulmar" mit Ruderschaden in den Fähranleger Blankenese. Parallel zu dem Anstieg der Havariezahlen stieg nach Zahlen des WSA auch das Verkehrsaufkommen auf der Elbe: 2003 wurden laut WSA rund 51 000 Schiffsbewegungen (ohne Sportboote und Fähren) registriert, 2004 schon rund 53 000. Für 2005 liegen die Zahlen noch nicht vor. Die Hamburger Hafenlotsen registrierten allerdings von 2004 auf 2005 einen Anstieg ihrer Einsätze um zehn Prozent, wie der Ältermann der Hafenlotsenbrüderschaft, Thomas Lindner, sagt. Zwar sei die Zahl der absoluten Havariezahlen gestiegen, in Relation zum gestiegenen Schiffsverkehr sei die Zahl daher immer noch gering, so Lindner. Und immer neue Rekorde bei den Umschlagszahlen im Hafen müssen in Zukunft auch nicht automatisch mit immer mehr Schiffsverkehr auf der Elbe einhergehen: "Die Schiffe werden vor allem viel größer, sie können viel mehr Container transportieren", sagt Frank Richters. So waren 2004 erst vier der neuen Containerriesen mit mehr als 330 Meter Länge auf der Elbe unterwegs, im vergangenen Jahr liefen bereits 47 solcher Giganten Hamburg an.


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    Gleichwohl fordern sowohl Richters als auch Ältermann Lindner angesichts des prognostizierten Wachstums beim Container-Umschlag eine "konsequente Anpassung der Sicherheitsmaßnahmen". Kürzungen im Bereich der WSA-Verkehrszentralen dürfe es nicht geben. Lindner verweist auf eine neue Elbvertiefung, die das Verkehrsaufkommen deutlich entflechten würde. Wichtig sei, daß die Lotsen an Simulatoren das Manövrieren großer Schiffe trainieren können. Nach dem Verkauf des Schiffssimulators "Susan" müßte der Senat nun für eine Alternative sorgen, fordert Lindner.

    Mutiny on the Queen Mary 2 A MUTINY on board the world’s largest cruise liner has sailed on to the internet, with passengers pursuing their grievances online. Trapped in their cabins in heavy weather, guests on Queen Mary 2 are protesting about the cancellation of shore visits in the Caribbean during their voyage from New York to Rio de Janeiro. “We paid to see the Caribbean and Salvador, and we have got seven days . . . on a cruise ship,” wrote Sandra Ashton, one of the passengers. At home in Coventry, David Ashton, her son, said that telephone calls from his mother and father had been sporadic, but that his parents had taken advantage of free e-mails offered as part of a compensation package by Cunard, the cruise operator, to try to organise a legal challenge. “My mum and dad are not really the sort to kick up a fuss but this wasn’t just a usual holiday for them,” he said. “They have never been on holiday outside Europe before.” Between 30 and 100 passengers are said to be planning a sit-in when the QM2 reaches Rio, which could delay the embarkation of 1,500 new passengers and the passage of the liner around Cape Horn to Los Angeles. The protesters include some very elderly cruisers. “I’m waiting for one of the 90-year-olds to be escorted off in handcuffs,” wrote one of the mutineers. Facing the dissidents is the captain of the ship, Commodore Ronald Warwick, OBE, who formerly also served as master of the Queen Elizabeth 2. On Saturday he convened a meeting with his passengers and laid down terms: a 50 per cent discount on the cost of the cruise, phone bills halved and an offer to negotiate compensation packages individually. Reports of the meeting described it as “like a session of Parliament with many boos and cheers”. The British contingent reportedly asked for free booze. The trouble began when the ship grazed the side of a shipping channel as she left Fort Lauderdale in Florida. After returning for emergency repairs, she set out again last Thursday. One of four propeller pods had been damaged and she was travelling more slowly than expected. After several hours at sea passengers were told that they would be sailing straight for Rio. Jack Coveney, a passenger from Clipstone, Nottinghamshire, is keeping an online log. “I just hope the entertainment improves,” he wrote. “It is the same as last year’s cruise. Once you have seen one rock opera, you’ve seen them all.” Last night the situation remained unresolved.

    ‘It all happened so fast...’ Port officials and bridge officers of the 4,038-teu APL Panama (built 2000) are pointing to human error -- each other's human error -- as the cause of the vessel’s Christmas Day grounding at Ensenada, Mexico.


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    A month later the Hansa Mare-controlled vessel remains stuck on the beach 100 kilometers south of San Diego as a Titan Maritime salvage team waits for another cycle of higher tides and more powerful equipment.

    In testimony revealed today by the San Diego Union Tribune, the vessel’s first mate testified to difficulty finding a pilot as well as slow reactions by the ship’s master in the hours and minutes leading up to the grounding. Photo : Angus Kennedy © In a deposition given on 2 January, the newspaper cites Teo Motusic, the first officer, as telling port officials: "My

    opinion is that the captain [Zupan Branko] did not come to the bridge on time.” In further testimony, Motusic is cited as saying the captain arrived on the bridge at 5:42 p.m. local time after being summoned twice. He characterised Branko as slow to react when Motusic pointed out channel marking buoys and the arriving pilot vessel. After Branko ordered hard to port, the local pilot is said to have radioed a warning to the ship, saying: “Captain, you are going to the shallow waters.” According to the Union Tribune, Branko testified that he was unaware until 6:05 p.m. that the vessel was in danger. The containership grounded at 6:12 p.m., 30 minutes after Branko took command. The pilot was scheduled to meet the containership 2.3 miles from the port entrance, according to port officials at 7:00 p.m. The ship's master testified that the port agent had been told the ship would arrive an hour earlier. First officer Motusic testified that he was unable to contact the Ensenada pilot by radio before the captain’s arrival on the bridge. The harbourmaster is cited as asking the ship’s master why he did not drop anchors. The paper cites Branko as replying: "I did not consider that possibility because it was a very short time span.” First officer Motusic is quoted as saying in response to questions about what he himself might have done: "Everything happened very, very fast, and I was showing the captain the position of the buoys, the channel, pilot boat and breakwater."

    Rechter wijst schuldige ‘Tricolor’-ongeluk aan


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    De ondergang van de Noorse carcarrier ‘Tricolor’, ruim drie jaar geleden in het Kanaal, was volledig te wijten aan het containerschip ‘Kariba’ van de Britse rederij OT Africa Line (OTAL). Dat heeft een Amerikaanse rechter bepaald. Het OTAL-schip is volgens de Amerikaanse rechter helemaal zelf verantwoordelijk voor de veroorzaakte schade. De ‘Tricolor’ van Wilhelmsen Lines, die bijna drieduizend nieuwe auto’s aan boord had, kapseisde en zonk op 14 december 2002 na de aanvaring met de ‘Kariba’. Pas eind 2004 was de bergingsoperatie, die 42 miljoen euro kostte, helemaal afgerond. De bergers moesten honderden auto’s van de zeebodem halen. De eigenaren van de ‘Kariba’ hadden ervoor gepleit dat alle drie de schepen die bij het ongeluk betrokken waren, aansprakelijk zouden worden gehouden. De ‘Kariba’ was, in dichte mist, van zijn koers afgeweken om een aanvaring met de Singaporese bulkcarrier ‘Clary’ te voorkomen. Bij de poging de ‘Clary’ te ontwijken, zag de bemanning van de ‘Kariba’ de ‘Tricolor’ over het hoofd.

    CASUALTY REPORT Turkish Ship Sinks Off Syria

    The captain of a Turkish cargo ship, Guclu-4, and one crew member have been confirmed as dead after the ship sank off the Tartus Port of Syria three days ago. The bodies of the dead sailors will be sent to Turkey on Tuesday. Meanwhile, five crew members have been reported as in good condition in a Syrian hospital. Guclu-4 was owned by a Turk but was carrying North Korea`s flag. It was loaded with 2050 tonnes of marble.


    ANGLO DUTCH SHIPBROKERS bvba Waterstraat 16 2970 SCHILDE BELGIUM Tel : + 32 3 464 26 09

    Fax :+ 32 3 297 20 70 e-mail : [email protected]


    PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 7 1/25/2006

    The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), arrived in Brisbane, Australia, January

    23rd for a scheduled port visit. While in port, Reagan's crew will have a chance to participate in friendship-building and goodwill-generating activities. Reagan is currently on its maiden deployment in support of

    global war on terrorism and maritime security operations.


    The latest addition for the Philippine coast guard is AU 004 BATANGAS, the BATANGAS is the fourth vessel of the series built by Tenix Defense Systems, South Coogie, Australia The 540 ton vessels are having a length of 56 mtr and are powered by 2 Caterpillar with a total output of 10.890 hp for a top speed of 24.5 knots , the crew consist out of 8 officers and 30 enlisted, further the vessel can carry 300 survivors . Built with Australian government financial assistance. Have medical facilities and carry a medical officer. Helicopter deck can accept a Sikorsky S-76 or Bell UH-1H, but there is no hangar. Navaids include Furuno FS-1800 GPS set and Furuno Felcom-81A

    Inmarsat commercial SATCOM. Employ a single-chine planing hull. Carry a 6.5-m rescue RIB on the stern launch/recovery ramp and four 4.5-m RIBs handled by two cranes. A divers’ recompression chamber is fitted, and the ships are equipped with pollution-control gear. Delivered unarmed, but will probably be fitted with 12.7-mm mg.

    France and UK battle over carriers France is reportedly on a collision course with the UK over a £100m demand for access to the UK’s aircraft carrier programme. The issue is expected to dominate the forthcoming meeting between UK Defence Secretary John Reid and his French counterpart Michele Alliot-Marie.


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    Informed sources indicate that France is only prepared to pay £50m for access to design work for the shipbuilding programme. The two countries are supposed to be co-operating on the development of three new aircraft-carriers - two for the Royal Navy and the other for France - but Britain is refusing to show the French the designs until the money is paid. Britain expects to spend about £450m on design and development before reaching a decision, probably next year, on production of the two 65,000-tonne carriers. French industry is unable to quote on costs or work out how to adapt the designs to French navy needs without access to the British data. The project has been approved by both President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Tony Blair who have personally steered the project past previous shoals. French shipbuilder DCN and defence electronics company Thales are building one carrier while the UK is working on the other carriers with Thales and Europe's biggest defence group BAE Systems.


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    Uljanik Shipyards to build 8 Car Carriers

    WESTMARK bv Postbox 1082 3920 EB Woudenberg The Netherlands Tel + 31 (0)33 461 4844 Fax + 31 (0)33 461 2461 E-Mail : [email protected] website :



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    Israeli non-operating owner Ray Shipping (Isle of Man-registered) ordered no less than eight 4,900 CEU car carriers from Uljanik Shipyards of Pula, Croatia, reports Dyna Liners.

    Havila returns to Leirvik Havila Shipping of Norway has signed up with domestic shipbuilder Havyard Leirvik to build a platform supply vessel for NOK 270m ($41.22m). Delivery of the MT 6010-type ship is scheduled for August 2007. It will then begin a long-term contract with Norway’s Norsk Hydro, Havila said. Havila has two anchor-handlers on order at the Leirvik yard, plus a 20% interest in another similar vessel.


    TOTAL VESSEL MANAGEMENT K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail : [email protected] Website :

    Due to the extreme cold weather stevedores are not able to discharge some container vessels in the Baltic as can be seen above, the container vessel EURO STORM in the port of Helsinki


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    Ships Traffic via Suez According to IPR Strategic Business Information Database, a senior official at the Suez Canal Authority announced that 9,491 ships had passed through the Suez Canal in the second half of 2005 compared with 8,632 ships in the same period of the previous year, an increase of 859 ships.

    Norse Merchant Group Changes Name A.P. M?ller Maersk' Norfolkline and its newly acquired Norse Merchant Group will operate under separate brand names until around April. Thereafter, the latter will be absorbed into Norfolkline. Let us remind that Norfolkline in the A.P. Moller-Maersk Group finalized the purchase of the Norse Merchant Group in November 2005.

    MCA LAUNCHES ‘COASTAL FUTURES’ The UK’s Maritime and Coastguard Agency this week launches its 'Coastal and Marine Resource Atlas' after two years of development. The project was led by the MCA and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) with support from other government departments, agencies and industries and is intended to replace the now outdated 1990 hard-copy sensitivity maps of the UK coastline. The atlas maps out a comprehensive range of coastal and marine resources as a sub-topic of MAGIC, a web-based interactive map designed by a partnership of eight government organisations. MAGIC is an ideal host for the atlas, the MCA said, because it is already widely known and used by environmental professionals; it has an expert data management team in place; and conforms to good practice in the management of geographical information. MCA counter-pollution officer Kelly Reynolds said: "The Coastal and Marine Resource Atlas has been put together using existing data from a range of public and private sector bodies. This project has clearly helped to collate diverse data in a raft of formats and will likely encourage a more joined-up approach in the UK. The use of the MAGIC platform will allow more regular updating to the benefit of its user base." The atlas has been updated using a list of priority datasets describing important coastal and marine habitats and species, as well as physical geography and relevant infrastructure. This key information will meet the needs of operational staff involved in national contingency planning, pollution incident response and clean up. The atlas will also act as a resource for a wider audience of environmental professionals and researchers.

    Maersk to Build New Terminal Last week the Ukrainian transport and communications Minister had a meeting with the representatives of A.P. Moller-Maersk. The company officially declared its intention to build the container terminal in Odessa region. At present it is unclear whether the company will continue participating in the competition to operate container terminal in Ilyichevsk container terminal operation or not, reports the press service of teh Ukrainian Ministry of transport and communications.



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    UK-based Ocean Shipping Consultants is predicting that the Baltic, Black Sea and Turkey will see the strongest growth in European container traffic over the next few years. In its latest report, ‘European & Mediterranean Containerport Markets to 2015’, the company predicted that sustained demand growth would continue, with the strongest rates of growth focused in the eastern parts of the region. However, the pace of expansion would be steady and positive in the more established markets also. “Containerport demand in Europe and the Mediterranean increased by 126 per cent over 1995-2004 and by 40 per cent over 2000-05, to 77.23m TEU,” OSC said. “Over the decade, the share held by ports in South Europe and the Mediterranean increased steadily from 39.6 to 46.2 per cent. Over the decade to 2004, the Central Mediterranean range gained in share from 27.9 to 32.1 per cent. This derived from both import/export growth and the establishment and strong expansion of transshipment handling. However, over 2000-04, the shares of the Western Mediterranean and Eastern Mediterranean/Black Sea ranges advanced relative to the other two ranges.” “Whilst growth in the Central Mediterranean was held back by capacity constraints and other problems, import/export and transshipment handling in the Western Mediterranean, where Spain is the dominant port market, both posted strong increases. At the same time, the expansion of the Turkish containerport market has been particularly instrumental in boosting demand in the eastern Mediterranean.” “The establishment of a new transshipment hub at Port Said east and rapid growth in the Black Sea markets will help sustain this trend.” “Over 1995-2004, containerport throughput in North Europe doubled to 41.6m TEU. It increased by 36 per cent over 2000-04. North-continent ports increased their dominance in the range, with a share increase from 63.7-67.2 per cent over 1995-2004. This was due entirely to a rise in the relative importance of the German ports on the eastern north continent, which have benefited from growing transshipment and transit traffic for the emerging Baltic ports, as well as continuing strength in Germany’s foreign trade.” “The share of North European transshipment handled by east north-continent ports has been driven up by the sharp growth of feeder traffic serving the rapidly expanding and containerising markets of the eastern Baltic. This trend has been reinforced by the shortage of alternative transshipment capacity at western north-continent and UK ports. However, as substantial new port capacity begins to come on stream, it can be expected that the western north continent will regain share from the east, and the UK from the north continent. As a result of the combined effect of the various influences, the share of the west north continent is expected to remain broadly stable. The UK’s share will continue to decline until major new capacity becomes available around 2008, from when some recovery is forecast. The share of the eastern north continent is expected to decline somewhat, especially in the second half of the forecast period.” “Total containerport throughput at European Atlantic ports is forecast to increase by 51-60 per cent to 5.51-5.83m TEU over 2004-10. Growth in the Western Mediterranean range is forecast at 63-75 per cent to 15.6-16.8m TEU over the same period, encompassing both existing hubs and the new port being developed in Morocco. In the established Central Mediterranean range, throughput growth is expected to be between 49-59 per cent to 17.1-18.2m TEU. Volumes in the rapidly expanding Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea are forecast an increase of 79-95 per cent to 19.6-21.2m TEU.”

    SHIPSERV SEES TRANSACTIONS SOAR Online ship supplies service ShipServ saw the number of transactions carried out on its platform climb by 266% in 2005, in what the company called a “threshold year”. While it took about 5 years for the first million transactions to take place (by mid-2005), the six months to year-end 2005 saw the completion of the next 500,000 transactions – a massive increase on the previous 5 years and further evidence, the company said, of ever increasing customer acceptance.


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    Looking forward, ShipServ’s CEO Paul Østergaard said: “We believe that in 2006, ShipServ’s 5,000+ suppliers will sell as much as US$0.75 billion dollars worth of goods. This means that some 7,000 transactions will be made every working day by our 12,000 users spread over 90 countries.” Over the past 12 months, a significant number of customers have joined ShipServ, with the number of fleets connected to TradeNet increasing from 31 to over 50, representing an active fleet of some 1,500 ships. This represents more than 5% of the world’s ocean-going fleet of ships over 5,000gt. Third party ship managers, including Anglo Eastern Shipmanagement, Meridian Marine Management, Norbulk Shipping, Teekay Marine Services, and TESMA have all convinced themselves of the value of ShipServ’s TradeNet and are using the trading platform actively and aggressively, the company said. In addition, ship owners such as Hoegh Fleet Services, J. Lauritzen and Vroon as well as in-house management companies, CEC Shipmanagement, MSC Ship Management and NYK Shipmanagement are trading on ShipServ’s TradeNet platform. As additional added value, ShipServ is now offering its members Key Performance Indicators (KPI) tracking, whereby buyers can now benchmark themselves against various average performance levels and similarly, suppliers can track their own performance on such measures as speed of response, number of requests for quotes (RFQs) per order etc. As a result of KPI, buyers have reported that they are pleased with the increasing positive responses from suppliers within the system – e.g. in the last quarter of 2005, up to 56% of suppliers replied within one day to RFQs received.

    NOL volumes rise 5% Singapore’s Neptune Orient Lines (NOL) handled 5% more containers for the last trading period of 2005, company figures show. NOL's container volumes rose by 5%NOL's container shipping arm APL transported 219,400-feu in the six weeks from to 30 December, down 10% from a seven-week period at the end of 2004. But it said that on an adjusted basis, shortening the 2004 reporting period by one week in order to compare identical time frames, cargo volumes rose 5%. Average revenues per feu rose 2% during the period to $2,829 from a year ago, but showed a decline on the $2,912 seen in the previous trading period. NOL saw booked revenue from its liner operation of $620.7m in the six weeks to 30 December, compared to $678m twelve months earlier. In the whole of 2005 APL carried 1.95m-feu, some 11% more than the 1.8m-feu handled last year. Rates per feu during 2005 were up 5% on a year ago to $2,841. Total revenue from NOL's logistics arm for the six weeks to 30 December was $148.7m, largely unchanged on the $148.5m seen in the last seven week period of 2004. December revenues in NOL's contract logistics increased by an adjusted 12%t to $102m and an adjusted 29% to $46.6m in international services.


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    Japanese carrier ‘K’ Line is to upgrade three of its Asia /North America services as it takes delivery of 5 new 5,500teu container ships. The ships will be used to add capacity to three of the company’s loops as vessels are reassigned, will add a new Xiamen call and will improve transit time, the company said. Vessel size in the Asia / PSW and Asia / USEC routes will also be standardised to 5,500teu and 4,000teu types respectively, in line with ‘K’ Line’s planned service integration strategy. The PNW service between Asia/Japan and the US North West coast will be upgraded to 5 ships of 5,500teu, adding a call at Xiamen and dropping transit time from Yantian to Tacoma to 12 days from 15. The South West PSW service will see a similar vessel spread as opposed to its current size mix, and the company’s US East Coast service will be increased to 8 4,000 teu ships, again removing a mixed size ratio of 4,000 and 3,500 teu ships.


    MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48

    4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands

    Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001

    Internet [email protected]


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    The 1954 built OBO carrier SOYA ATLANTIC was converted during 1971/1972 into the offshore

    construction vessel ms ORCA for Netherlands Offshore Company. In September 1979 the ORCA was sold to McDermott who used them in a Joint Venture with CMM in Mexico. During the late 1980’s Protexa

    became the owner of the vessel and still operates them under the name MIXTECO

    HAL’s STATENDAM visited the Circular Quay in the Port of


    Photo : via Ron Oomens


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    The STENA CALYPSO seen here anchored off St.Maarten – Photo : Hans Mauritz ©

    AIRCRAFT / AIRPORT NEWS JAL wil nog meer diensten schrappen

    De in moeilijkheden verkerende luchtvaartmaatschappij Japan Airlines (JAL) schrapt mogelijk een viertal belangrijke internationale diensten op de VS. Dat melden Japanse media. Vorig jaar oktober werden al zes diensten gestopt. The Japan Times meldt dat JAL zeer binnenkort zal besluiten om de dagelijkse dienst van Kansai International Airport op Los Angeles en die van Narita Airport op Las Vegas te laten vallen. In oktober van het afgelopen jaar schrapte Jap al zes diensten, waaronder die tussen Fukuoka en Honolulu. In 2007 zou bovendien besloten kunnen worden om de diensten tussen Kansai Airport en de Australische steden Sydney en Brisbane te stoppen. Jal wordt geplaagd door een reeks van veiligheidsproblemen, waardoor het aantal passagiers is gedaald. De regering in Tokyo heeft de maatschappij eerder deze week bevolen de veiligheid te verbeteren. Bovendien spelen de hoge brandstofprijzen de luchtvaartmaatschappij parten.

    Stakingen personeel Alitalia en SAS gaan door

    De Italiaanse luchtvaartmaatschappij heeft dinsdag te maken gekregen met 250 geannuleerde en vertraagde vluchten vanwege wilde stakingen door het personeel. Het personeel staakt sinds donderdag uit onvrede over de plannen voor een reorganisatie bij het verlieslatende Alitalia, die gepaard gaat met gedwongen ontslagen. Bij de reorganisatie wordt de luchtvaartafdeling afgesplitst van het verlieslatende onderdeel dat de dienstverlening op de luchthaven verzorgt. Honderden binnenlandse en internationale vluchten zijn de afgelopen dagen geannuleerd. Maandag zag Alitalia zich genoodzaakt 250 vluchten te schrappen. Onderzocht wordt of het personeel de wet heeft overtreden en kan worden aangeklaagd voor het onderbreken van publieke diensten.


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    Sommigen hopen dat de reorganisatie uiteindelijk zal leiden tot privatisering van de luchtvaartmaatschappij. Maar premier Silvio Berlusconi zei dinsdag dat dat geen oplossing is, omdat volgens hem de wilde stakingen zullen doorgaan. Hij leverde kritiek op de vakbonden en zei dat ze geen rekening houden met de gevolgen voor de burgers. Woensdag bespreken vertegenwoordigers van de vakbonden en de regering de situatie. De luchthaven van Turijn is dinsdag opnieuw lamgelegd door een staking, die maandag begon en losstaat van die bij Alitalia. Het personeel protesteert tegen het ontslag van elf werknemers van de gronddiensten. In Denemarken en Noorwegen staakten piloten van de Scandinavische luchtvaartmaatschappij SAS voor de tweede achtereenvolgende dag, waardoor honderden vluchten moesten worden geannuleerd. De piloten protesteren tegen plannen om de collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst, die nu nog gelijk is voor Denemarken, Zweden en Noorwegen, per land vast te leggen. Gevreesd wordt dat zal leiden tot ontslagen en slechtere arbeidsomstandigheden.


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    Today’s wind (+6Bft) and wave (+3m) chart. Created with SPOS, the onboard weather information &

    voyage optimisation system, used on over 500 vessels today.



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    BIGLIFT’s ENCHANTER loaded in the port of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) a 300 ton LNG Splitter , the

    splitter with a height of 31 mtr is bound for the Bonny inshore terminal in Nigeria Photo : BIGLIFT ©

    B O E K B E S P R E K I N G Door : Frank NEYTS

    “Deutsche Seereederei Rostock”

    Bij het Duitse Verlagsgruppe Koehlers Verlagsgesellschaft verscheen het boek “Deutsche Seereederei Rostock”. De bakermat van de Deutsche Seereederei Rostock (DSR) vindt men in de Duitse Hansestad

    Rostock. De naam DSR zal onlosmakelijk verbonden blijven met de economische ontwikkeling van de DDR. Wanneer Duitsland met de val van de Berlijnse Muur herenigd wordt, werd ook de toekomst van de Oost-

    Duitse rederij op de helling gezet. Bijna vijftig jaar lang genoot DSR een internationale erkenning bij


    PSi-Daily maritime clippings Page 18 1/25/2006

    vershepers zowel in het Westen als in het toenmalige Oostblok. Het boek brengt de boeiende geschiedenis van DSR, de oprichting, de vlootuitbouw, technische vernieuwingen, enz. Bovendien wordt de tekst

    aangevuld met een volledige vlootlijst met alle schepen die de rederij ooit in dienst had. Zonder twijfel bieden de auteurs met het verhaal van één van de belangrijkste Europese rederijen een

    belangrijke bijdrage tot de maritieme geschiedenis.

    Boven : de LORETTA D, origineel gebouwd als de SIGMUND JAHN is een van de typische schepen welke

    gebouwd zijn voor de Deutsche Seereederei Rostock in het verleden Foto : Piet Sinke ©

    “Deutsche Seereederei Rostock” (ISBN 3-7822-0899-4), werd als hardback uitgegeven en telt 216

    pagina’s. Het boek is prachtig geïllustreerd en kost 30,80 euro. Aankopen kan via de boekhandel of rechtstreeks bij de uitgever, Koehlers Verlagsgesellschaft, Striepenweg

    31, D 21147 Hamburg,

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