Download - CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the

Page 1: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the

CW- Research and


Page 2: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the


Investigating Apartment 23A


Teenage girl Grace and her family move into a new apartment block. Instantly they become friends with the others in the apartment block as business-man Robert holds a party in his apartment on the top floor to welcome them into the neighbourhood. When Robert is mysteriously murdered at the party the family become suspects in a murder investigation. The detective and Grace (who studies criminology and is trying to clear her families name) interview all the people that live in the apartment block to find out what happened on the night of the murder and discover who has something against Robert. The film starts with the family moving into their new apartment and shortly after they are invited to Robert's (the businessman) party where the murder takes place and this is the key incident within the film. The whole middle section of the movie will be the investigation into what happened that night and all of the suspect are unfolded, we also discover more and more about Roberts character and why there may be more to the story than the detective originally thought (For example, he is immoral as he is involved with exploiting child workers within his company.) At the end of the movie the audience will discover who the murder was and what the motive was for committing the crime and this will be the big climax.

Page 3: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the



It is set in a middle class area of London at an apartment block. It is also set during current times (2020) It is set in the current times so the set target audience can watch it and they will be drawn to what is current and new. It is also set at the apartment block as its where the murder is committed and its based in London due to the amount of business people there who are upper/middle class.

Messages in the film-

The message within the the film would touch upon the arrogance of the upper class compared to people in a lower class. The climax would be when we find out the murderer and their motives. This would be at the very end of the film and we find out that the motive was due to business man Robert being immoral and exploiting child workers and this particular film is a clear critique of this.

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It supports the stereotypes of all upper class people being arrogant and snobby as it agrees and amplifies these stereotypes because Robert

(being one of the main characters) is shown like this and this was a part

of the reason that caused his death. However it subverts gender

stereotypes at times throughout the film as we see the main character

Grace be the hero as she takes on the role of the detective and as a result, solves the murder.


The genre of this movie is a mystery with a sub-genre of drama and crime.

Page 5: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the


Character breakdown-

Name: Grace

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Profession: Studies criminology at University

Target audience-

The target audience for my movie is specialised film fans ages18-34 years old. My target audience would also have an obvious interest in the crime genre with elements of mystery and drama. Also, fans would come and watch my film to escape from reality and act as a form of diversion. Another persuading aspect that this particular target audience would be persuaded to come and watch my movie is the director and the strong and engaging storyline/plot and the clear and important message throughout.

Page 6: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the


Film/TV influences-

A movie that influenced my decision for this film production is Knifes Out directed by Rian Johnson with the genre also being a mystery. This movie is about a dysfunctional family are framed for the murder of of a novelist and they must uncover the truth through a web of lies. Similarly, another movie that influenced my decision was Murder Mystery directed by Kyle Newacheck with the genre being a mystery and a comedy. This movie is about New York Cop and his wife getting framed for the murder of a elderly billionaire while on vacation to reinvigorate a spark in their marriage.

Actors and directors-

The director I would choose for my movie would be Jon S. Baird and this is due to his previous movies also being the drama genre and also the fact that his films often integrate a socio-political message within them like my chosen movie does. I would include actors such as Imogen Poots as Grace and Gavin Brocker as Robert due to them previously being in Jon S. Baird's other productions. They are also the right ages to appeal to the specific target audience for my film.

Page 7: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the

Film studio research-BBC:What films have been made by the company?

Wonder boys, Wild about Harry, Saltwater, Maybe baby, billy Elliot, Shadow of the vampire.

What genres does it specialise in?

They specialise in drama films and elements of romance and documentary.

What controversies has their company been in?

There have been accusations of ageism and sexism as when the first black woman’s telev ision presenter got fired after over two years of presenting. this was then a pattern that was recognised in the future generations as when a female presenter got to aged 45-60 they were sacked.

What are their highest grossing films?

Truly, madly, deeply. Jane Eyre. Street dance 3D.

Where are their organisations based?

UK. The broadcasting house in London.

What films have you personally seen by the company?

Nativ ity, Street dance 3D, The boy in the stripped pyjamas.

Page 8: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the

Film studio research-Film 4:


It was created in 1982 in London by Tessa Ross

Who owns the company?

Channel four telev ision

What films have been made by the company?

Fighting with my family, 12 years a slave, Slumdog millionare, The lovely bones, The favorite, Trainspotting, 127 hours, Attack the block, Carol, The lobster, Disobedience, Shame, Four weddings and a funeral, Never let me go, The inbetweeners, Greed, Funny games, Cold war, Four lions, Amy.

What genres does it specialise in?

This film company specialised in the drama genre with elements of romance and comedy.

What controversies has their company been in?

The company cut its budget and staff significantly in 2002 due to mounting losses and was then reintegrated into the drama department of channel 4.

Page 9: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the

Film studio research-BBC:

What are their highest grossing films?

12 years a slave and fighting with my family.

Where are their organisations based?

London and Los Angeles

What films have you personally seen by the company?

Fighting with my family

Page 10: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the

Film studio research:

With reference to films made by film 4 or BBC Films and the assigned target audience (18-34 years olds), justify why you have selected your chosen studio.

BBC Films is a production company founded in June 1990 by Rose Garnett. This specific company is owned by the BBC and they have produced well-known movies that would appeal to target audience due to the date of release and the genres and storylines within them. For example, Nativity, The boy in the stripped pyjamas, Truly, madly, deeply. Jane Eyre and Street dance 3D. All of these movies were well -known and successful at the box office which was a huge advantage for the company. I have chosen BBC Films due to their target audience clearly being aimed at 18-34-year olds. This particular company also has most of their films in the genre of a drama or romance which would appeal to this certain target audience.

Page 11: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the

18-34 audience research:

What film genres are featured in this video? Specifically, what films featured would appeal to 18-34 year olds?

Action, drama, musical, thriller, horror, blockbuster, adventure, sci-fi, detective etc. The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the galaxy, Lalaland, Blade runner, Skyfall and many more.

85% of UK adults watch a film or movie at least once every three months

Young cinema-goers outweigh older adults by 3 to 1

7 out of 10 cinema-goers who saw Happy Death Day were aged 15-24

7 out of 10 cinema-goers who saw Viceroy’s House were aged 55+

Older adults who watch films on TV outweigh younger viewers by 5 to 1

UK films at the cinema attract an older and more upmarket audience compared to all films with 17.3% aged 55+ with 65.7% ABC1

Page 12: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the

18-34 audience research: Audiences for film both at the cinema and at home continue to attract large numbers of the UK

population. When asked whether they had watched any film or mov ie in the prev ious three months, 85% of the UK adult population responded positively. Whilst amongst all adults, the largest reach (52%) was for films shown on telev ision, the most popular platform amongst 18-34 year olds was SVoD which underlines the disruption to traditional patterns of film consumption which has been driven by the arrival of these serv ices in the UK.

Males typically outweigh females in the overall cinema audience and over-index versus their representation in the UK population as a whole. In 2017, males accounted for 52% of all cinema admissions but made up only 49% of the UK population. However, that this is not consistent by age group. While cinema audiences drawn from 25-44 year olds skewed strongly towards men, amongst older (35+) audiences, women outweighed men. In this latter group, the proportion of men and women in the cinema audience is thus more aligned to their age profile in the UK population.

The age distribution of audiences for film on telev ision shows a slightly different pattern to that of cinema audiences. Generally speaking, indiv iduals who watch films on telev ision tend to be in the older age groups, with more than half the audience aged 45 or over. As with cinema-goers, there is ev idence that the telev ision audience is growing older through time, albeit at a faster rate than within the UK population as a whole. The proportion of older (45+) v iewers increased by 4% between 2013 and 2017, while the share of the youngest (7-24) viewers in the data declined at more or less the same rate.

Page 13: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the

18-34 audience research:

The 15-24 year old age group made up 28% of the average cinema audience in 2017 compared with only 8% of the audience for film on television. Titles offering thrills and spills dominate the list of in-cinema films that appealed most to this group. The release with the greatest appeal was the low-budget horror Happy Death Day. As viewers of films on television, however, this group showed a marked preference for lighter fare with romantic and action comedies dominating the top 10 list.

While the top indexing film at the cinema for 25-34 year olds was the 18-rated Saw franchise reboot, Jigsaw, the majority of in-cinema films with high appeal to this group were action, adventure and fantasy titles, including The Hitman’s Bodyguard and King Arthur: Legend of the Sword. As with 15-24 year olds, romantic and action comedies outweighed other genres in the top 10 television list for this group.

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Research of



Top 100 movies of the 2010s:

Horror Historical

War Comedy

Animation Romance

Superhero Action

Drama Musical


Page 15: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the

Film website analysis:

Captain Marvel:

Firstly, within this 90’s style website for Captain Marvel, as an audience, we can see the main conventional functions of the website automatically. For example, theoriginal title of the film is seen at the top of the page in the centre which is effective as the target audience immediately find this recognisable therefore drawing them into the website further. Another effective feature within the website is the distinctive menu bar in the centre of the screen which gives you options to look at more information, watch the trailer, play the game, buy now and many more. This makes the website more engaging and interesting and it allows the audience to get involved and become more of an active audience while adding to the context of the movie that the website is promoting. Furthermore, the layout and design clearly stick to the conventual layout of a website whist adding their own elements to link to their movie. This can be seen through the colour scheme used throughout. This consists of a very colourful background with lots of detailed patterns. For example, the first page consists of a dark blue background with white stars and a spaceship on the right connotes the genre being action/sci-fi. Also, the representation of gender and race on the website is very good as a variety of genders and races can be seen automatically therefore making the representations equal.

Page 16: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the

Film website analysis:

Detective Pikachu:

Firstly, within this website for the 2019 film Detective Pikachu we can clearly see the main conventual functions for a website. For example, the original title for the film is automatically seen at the top left of the screen. This sign is glowing which makes it eye catching and stand out whilst sticking to the websites colour scheme being yellow and blue to link to the colours of the main character of the film. There is also a menu bar with bold and clear typography at the top right of the page which gives you the option to select either explore, about or watch other videos which allows the audience to gain more context on this particular film. Similarly, we can see the movies poster in the centre of the screen which is showing an interactive game where you have to find clues within the poster. This is very effective as it makes the audience an active audience whilst adding further context to the film and adding to our understanding of the movie.

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Question: Respondent 1: Respondent 2: Respondent 3:

How old are you? 18 22 25

What is your favorite


Actions Musicals Comedies

What makes you want to

watch a film?

The actors The storyline The

What is your favourite

film era?

10's 00's 00's

Do you use streaming

sites to watch films?

No No Yes

Do you engage with films

on social media?

Yes Yes Yes

What major film studios

can you name?

Warner bros, Disney Disney, Warner bros,

20th Century Fox

Warner bros, 20th Century

fox, Universal, Columbia

Page 18: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the

Poster analysis:

Page 19: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the

Poster analysis:

The layout and design in this poster are very effective as we see the three main

characters at the top of the poster and all the other characters involved and

below. They have chosen to include this image to give the audience some context

on what the movie will be about and the type of characters included. Also, there is

a clear link to the genre here as we can see the characters serious facial expressions and the looking over the shoulder shot. There is also a clear and bold

title in the center of the poster which adds to the simplistic look throughout. There is

also an evident colour scheme throughout which is multi-coloured to contrast the

balck background. For example we see the characters wearing bright shades of

green, pink, purple, orange and blue. similarly, the title also sticks to this colourscheme as it’s a bright and eye-catching yellow which automatically stands out to

an audience and draws them in to the poster which as a result makes it more likely

for the viewer to watch the movie.

Page 20: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the

Poster analysis:

There is also star billing used effectively used as the

only actors name used on the poster is Daniel Craig which is a clever use of marketing as he is a very well-

known actor. He is most known for being the main character In the James Bond franchise which is effective as the genres of these movies are action,

thriller and mystery. This means that the audience are drawn in to this particular movie, specifically fans of

this actor or dans of the other movies and genres he has been in.

Page 21: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the

Poster analysis:

The mode of address within this poster is a form of direct

address as all characters are looking towards the camera. As a result of this the audience are drawn into the poster as they

feel as if they are being targeted and spoken to. This means that the target audience will be more likely to watch this movie due to this particular and effective mode of address.

Page 22: CW- Research and Planning · 2020. 9. 17. · Instantly they become friends ... The films that would appeal to this certain age category would be certain films like Guardians of the

Film website analysis:

John Wick 3:

Within this website for the film John Wick 3, we can see the conventual functions of a website very clearly. For example, the original title for the film can be automatically seen at the top left of the website. This typography is bold and easy to read whilst fitting to the websites colour scheme being red, purple and white. The typography is white with half of the background being red and the other half purple. The main image of the website takes up the whole screen and it gives us as an audience a sense of character, setting and narrative. There is also a conventual menu bar at the top left of the screen which gives you the option to see home, trailers, story, posters and gallery. This is effective as it makes the website more engaging and interesting to the audience. The representations within this particular website show middle-aged men to be smart but intimidating whilst connoting that they are strong-minded and powerful.