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Creolization Bibliography

This general bibliography on creolization was developed as part of the ESRC-funded Creole Social and Cultural Studies programme at the University of Warwick, where Robin Cohen was Professor of Sociology for many years. Paola Toninato developed the bibliography, cleaned it up and posted it on the Warwick website. It is in the process of being updated.

Adams, Richard N. (1959) ‘On the relation between plantation and “Creole” cultures’, in Vera Rubin (ed) Plantation Systems of the New World, Washington, DC: Pan American Union, pp. 73–79.

Affergan, Francis (1992) ‘Langages d’acculturation et langages d’identité: le cas de la Martinique’, Etudes créoles 15 (2), 52–62.

Alba, Richard D. (1985) Ethnicity and Race in the USA, London: Routledge.

Alba, Richard D. (1990) Ethnic Identity: The Transformation of White America, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Alberro, Solange (1992) Del Gachupín al Criollo, México, DF: Colegio de Mexico.

Ali, Suki (2003) Mixed-Race, Post-Race: Gender, New Ethnicities and Cultural Practices, Oxford: Berg.

Alibhai-Brown, Yasmin (2001) Mixed Feelings: The Complex Lives of Mixed-Race Britons, London: The Women’s Press.

Allen, C. (1998) ‘Creole then and now: the problem of definition’, Caribbean Quarterly 44 (1-2), 33–49.

Alleyne, Mervyn C. (1988) Roots of Jamaican Culture, London: Pluto.

Alleyne, Mervyn C. (1989) ‘Fugitives and slaves from Guyana: are there two types of creolization?’, Etudes créoles 12 (1), 107–16.

Alleyne, Mervyn C. (1993) ‘Continuity versus creativity in Afro-American language and culture’, in S. Mufwene (ed) Africanisms in Afro-American Language Varieties, Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, pp. 167–181.

Alleyne, Mervyn and Marcyliena Morgan (eds) (1998) Language and the Social Construction of Identity in Creole Situations, Los Angeles: Center for Afro-American Studies, University of California Los Angeles.

Alund, A. (2003) ‘Ethnicity, social subordination and cultural resistance’, Comparative Social Research 22, 245–61.

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Amselle, Jean Loup (1990) Logique métisses: anthropologie de l’identité en Afrique et ailleurs, Paris: Payot.

Amselle, Jean Loup (1998) Mestizo Logics, Stanford: Stanford University Press. English edition of Logique métisses, originally published in 1990.

Angrey, F. U. (2000) ‘The creolization of French and the imperative of a cultural identity in the novels of Maryse Condé’, International Journal of Francophone Studies, 3 (1), 52–8.

Anzaldúa, Gloria (1999) Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, San Franciso: Aunt Lute Books. Second editon.

Appadurai Arjun (1990) ‘Disjuncture and difference in the global cultural economy’, in Mike Featherstone (ed) Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization and Modernity, London: Sage, pp. 295–310.

Appadurai, Arjun (1990) ‘Disjuncture and difference in the global cultural economy’, Public Culture 2 (2), 1–24.

Appadurai, Arjun (1996) Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Arno, Toni and Claude Orian (1986) Ile Maurice: Une Societé Multiculturale, Paris: L’Harmattan.

Arrom, J. J. (1954) ‘Criollo: definidion y matrices de un concepto’, Hispania 34, 172–6.

Assuncao, M. R. (2005) ‘Brazilian popular culture or the curse and blessings of cultural hybridism’, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 24 (2), 157–66.

Audinet, Jacques (2005) The Human Face of Globalization: From Multiculturalism to Mestizaje, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Translated by Chele Frances Dal.

Augras, Monique (1992) Le double et la metamorphose: l’identification mythique dans le candomblé brésilien, Paris: Méridiens.

Austin-Broos, Diane J. (1997) Jamaica Genesis: Religion and the Politics of Moral Orders, Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Back, Les (1995) ‘X amount of Sat Siri Aka!! Apache Indian, reggae music and intermezzo culture’, in A. Alund and R. Granqvist (eds) Negotiating Identities: Essays on Immigration and Culture in Present-Day Europe, Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 139–66.

Baker Philip (1972) Kreol: A Description of Mauritian Creole, London: Hurst.

Baker, Philip and Chris Corne (1982) Isle de France Créole: Affinities and Origins, Ann Arbor, MI: Karoma.

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Baker, P. and C. Corne (1987) ‘Social history and creolization on Réunion and Mauritius’, Revue québécoise de linguistique theorique et appliquée, 6 (2), 71–87.

Balutansky, Kathleen and Marie-Agnes Sourieau (eds) (1998) Caribbean Creolization: Reflections on the Cultural Dynamics of Language, Literature and Identity, Gainsville, FL: University of Florida Press.

Barber, Benjamin R. (1995) Jihad vs. McWorld, New York: Times Books.

Barth, Fredrik (1969) ‘Introduction’, in Fredrik Barth (ed) Ethnic Groups and Boundaries, Boston: Little Brown, pp. 9-38.

Bartoletti, R. (2001) ‘Innovation in the global cultural industry, globalization and indigenization’, Studi di Sociologia, 39 (2), 147–61.

Basch, Linda, Nina Glick Schiller, and C. Szanton Blanc (1994) Nations Unbound: Transnational Projects, Postcolonial Predicaments, and Deterritorialized Nation-States, New York: Gordon and Breach.

Bastide, Roger (1978) The African Religions of Brazil: Towards a Sociology of the Interpenetration of Civilizations, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. First published in 1960.

Bastide, Roger (2000) Le Candomblé de Bahia: Transe et possession du rite du candomblé (Brésil), Paris: Plon. First published in 1958.

Baud, Michiel (1996) ‘“Constitutionally white”: the forging of a national identity in the Dominican Republic’, in Gert Oostindie (ed) Ethnicity in the Caribbean, London: Macmillan, pp. 121–51.

Bauman, Zygmunt (2000) Liquid Modernity, Cambridge: Polity Press.

Bayart, Jean François (2005) The Illusion of Cultural Identity. London: Hurst. Translated and updated from the French edition L’illusion Identitaire (Paris: Fayard, 1996).

Bayly, Susan (1989) Saints, Goddesses and Kings: Muslims and Christians in South Indian Society, 1700–1900, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Beaton, P. (1977) Creoles and Coolies, or Five Years in Mauritius, London: Kennikat. First published in 1859.

Beckles, H. M. (1998) ‘Creolisation in action: the slave labour elite and anti-slavery in Barbados, Caribbean Quarterly 44 (1-2), 108–28.

Bell, Caryn Cossé (1997) Revolution, Romanticism and the Afro-Creole Protest Tradition in Louisiana, 1718–1868, Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press.

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Bellegarde-Smith, Patrick, (ed) (2005) Fragments of Bone: Neo-African Religions in a New World, Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.

Benedict, Burton (1965) Mauritius: The Problems of a Plural Society, London: Pall Mall Press.

Benetez-Rojo, Antonio (1996) The Repeating Island: The Caribbean in Post-Modern Perspective, Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Benoist Jean (1996) ‘Métissage, syncrétisme, créolisation: métaphores et dérives’, Etudes créoles 29 (1), 47–60.

Benoist, Jean (1998) Hindouismes créoles: Mascaereignes, Antilles, Paris: Cths – Comité de Travaux.

Berlin, Ira (1996) ‘From Creole to African: Atlantic Creoles and the origins of African-American society in mainland North America’, William and Mary Quarterly, (third series) 53, 251–89.

Bernabé, Jean, Jean-Luc Bonniol, Raphaël Confiant and Gerry L’Etang (eds) (2000) Au Visiteur Lumineux: des îles créoles aux sociétés plurielles. Mélanges offerts à Jean Benoist, Petit-Bourg, Guadeloupe: Ibis Rouge.

Bernabé, Jean, Patrick Chamoiseau and Raphaël Confiant (1989) Eloge de la Créolité, Paris: Gallimard and Presses Universitaires Créoles.

Bernabé, Jean, Patrick Chamoiseau and Raphaël Confiant (1998) ‘Créolité Bites.’ In conversation with Lucien Taylor, Transition 74, 124–161.

Bernadin de St. Pierre, Jacques-Henri (2002) Journey to Mauritius, Oxford: Signal Books. Translated from the French edition, first published in 1773.

Bérubé, Michael (1992) ‘Hybridity in the center: an interview with Houston A. Baker, Jr.’, African American Review, 26 (4), 547–64

Bhabha, Homi K. (1990) Nation and Narration, Boston: Routledge.

Bhahba, Homi K. (1990) ‘The Third Space. Interview with Homi Bhahba’, in Jonathan Rutherford (ed) Identity: Community, Culture, Difference, London: Lawrence & Wishart, pp. 207-21.

Bhabha, Homi K. (1994) The Location of Culture, London: Routledge.

Bhabha, Homi K. (1996) ‘Cultures in-between’, in Stuart Hall and Paul du Gay (eds) Questions of Cultural Identity, London: Sage, pp. 53–60.

Bickerton, Derek (1975) Dynamics of a Creole System, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Bickerton, Derek (1999) ‘Perspectives on Creole language history, New West Indian Guide, 73, 97–102.

Bickford-Smith, Vivian (1995) Ethnic Pride and Racial Prejudice in Victorian Cape Town, Johannesburg: University of Witwatersrand Press.

Bickford-Smith, Vivian, Elizabeth van Heyningen and Nigel Worden (1999) Cape Town in the Twentieth Century, Cape Town: David Philip.

Biondi, Jean-Pierre (1987) Saint-Louis de Senegal: Mémoires d’un Métissage, Paris: Denoel.

Bloul, A. A. D. (1999) ‘Beyond Ethnic Identity: Resisting Exclusionary Identification’, Social Identities, 5 (1), 7-30.

Bolland, O. N. (1998) ‘Creolisation and Creole societies. A cultural nationalist view of Caribbean social history’, Caribbean Quarterly, 44 (1/2), 1–32.

Bongie, Chris (1998) Islands and Exiles: The Creole Identities of Post/Colonial Literature, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Boswell, Rosabelle (2005) Slavery, Blackness and Hybridity: Mauritius and the Malaise Creole, London: Kegan Paul International.

Boswell, Rosabelle (2006) Le Malaise Creole: Ethnic Identity in Mauritius, Oxford: Berghahn.

Boyer-Araújo, Véronique (1993) Femmes et cultes de possession: les compagnons invisibles, Paris: L'Harmattan.

Bradley, H. (1996) Fractured Identities, Cambridge: Polity.

Brah, Avtar (1996) Cartographies of Diaspora. Contesting Identities, London: Routledge.

Brah, Avtar and Annie E. Coombs (eds.) (2000) Hybridity and its Discontents: Politics, Science, Culture, London: Routledge.

Brathwaite, Edward Kamau (1971) The Development of Creole Society in Jamaica, 1770–1820, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Braithwaite, Lloyd (1975) Social Stratification in Trinidad: A Preliminary Analysis, Mona, Jamaica: Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of the West Indies.

Brandon, George E. (1993) Santería from Africa to the New World: The Dead Sell Memories, Bloomington, Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.

Brasseaux, Carl A. (2005) French, Cajun, Creole, Houma: A Primer on Francophone Louisiana, Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press.

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Brasseaux, Carl A. and Conrad, Glenn R. (eds) (1992) The Road to Louisiana: The Saint-Domingue Refugees, Lafayette, LA: Center for Louisiana Studies, University of Southwestern Louisiana.

Brasseaux, Carl A., Keith P. Fontenot and Claude F. Oubre (1994) Creoles of Color in the Bayou Country, Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.

Breen, Timothy H. (1984) ‘Creative Adaptations: Peoples and Cultures’, in Jack P. Greene and J.R. Pole (eds) Colonial British America, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 195-232.

Britton, Celia M. (1999) Edouard Glissant and Postcolonial Theory: Strategies of Language and Resistance, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.

Brown, David H. (2003) Santería Enthroned: Art, Ritual, and Innovation in an Afro-Cuban Religion, Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press.

Brown DeGroats, Diana (1994) Umbanda: Religion and Politics in Urban Brazil, New York: Columbia University Press.

Brown, Karen McCarthy (2001) Mama Lola. A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. First published in 1991.

Brumana, Fernando G. and Martinez, Elda G. (1989) Spirits from the Margin; Umbanda in São Paulo: A Study in Popular Religion and Social Experience, Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell International.

Buisseret, David and Steven G. Reinhardt (eds) (2000) Creolization in the Americas, College Station: Texas A&M University Press.

Burton, Richard D. E. (1978) Assimilation or Independence? Prospects for Martinique, Montréal: Centre for Developing-Area Studies, McGill University

Burton, Richard D. E. (1992) ‘Between the particular and the universal: dilemmas of the Martinican intellectual’ in Alistair Hennessy (ed) Intellectuals in the twentieth-century Caribbean. Vol 2 Unity in variety: the Hispanic and Francophone Caribbean, London: Macmillan, pp. 186–210.

Burton, Richard D. E. (1995) ‘The idea of difference in contemporary French West Indian thought: Négritude, Antillanité, Créolité’, in Richard D. E. Burton and Fred Reno (eds) French and West Indian: Martinique, Guadeloupe and French Guiana Today, London: Macmillan, pp. 137-66.

Burton, Richard D. E. (1997) Afro-Creole: Power, Opposition and Play in the Caribbean, Cornell, NY: Cornell University Press.

Burton, Richard D. E. and Fred Reno (eds) (1995) French and West Indian: Martinique, Guadaloupe and French Guiana Today, London: Macmillan.

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Cable, George Washington (1885) The Creoles of Louisiana, London: J. C. Nimmo.

Canclini, Néstor G. (1995) Hybrid Cultures: Strategies for Entering and Leaving Modernity, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Stefania Capone (1999) La Quête de l’Afrique dans le candomblé: Pouvoir et tradition au Brésil, Paris: Karthala.

Carter, Marina (ed) (1998) Colouring the Rainbow: Mauritian Society in the Making, Port Louis, Mauritius: Centre for Research on Indian Societies.

Cashmore, E. Ellis (2004) Dictionary of Race and Ethnic Relations, London: Routledge. Third edition.

Castells, Manuel (1997) The Power of Identity, Oxford: Blackwell.

Castle, William J. (1926) ‘Biological and social consequences of race-crossing’, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 9, 145-56.

Césaire, A. (1939) Cahier d’un retour au pays natal, Paris: Présence Africaine.

Césaire, A. (1955) Discours sur le colonialisme, Paris: Présence Africaine.

Chambers, Douglas B. (2000) ‘Tracing Igbo into the African Diaspora’, in Paul E. Lovejoy (ed) Identity in the Shadow of Slavery, London: Continuum, pp. 55-71.

Chambers, Douglas B. (2001) ‘Ethnicity in the diaspora: the slave-trade and the creation of African “nations” in the Americas’, Slavery & Abolition, 22 (3), 25–39.

Chan Low, Jocelyn and Sadasivan Reddi (2000) 'Malaise créole – towards a new ethnic identity?’, in S. Nirsimloo-Gayan (ed) Towards the Making of a Multi-Cultural Society: Conference Papers, Moka, Mauritius: Mahatma Gandhi Institute Press, pp. 228–37.

Chariandy, David (2006) ‘Postcolonial diasporas', Postcolonial Text, 2 (1). Online journal with no pages numbers,

Chaudenson, R. (1989) ‘Linguistic creolization, cultural creolization’, Etudes créoles 12 (1), 53–73.

Chaudenson, Robert (2000) Des Iles, des Hommes, des Langues, Paris: L’Harmattan.

Chaudenson, Robert (2001) Creolization of Language and Culture, London: Routledge.

Cherubini Bernard (1996) ‘La construction symbolique des identités dans le monde créole: exemples Réunionnais’, in A. Carenini A. and J. P. Jardel (eds) De La Tradition à La Post-Modernité, Paris: PUF, pp. 67–81.

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Cherubini, Bernard (1999) ‘La créolisation socioculturelle à l’heure de la mondialisation: interculturalité, créolités, système monde’, Études créoles, 22 (1), 119–36.

Christie, C. (1988) Race and Nation: A Reader, London: IB Tauris.

Clark Colin, Ceri Peach and Steven Vertovec (eds) (1990) South Asians Overseas: Migration and Ethnicity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Cohen, David W. and Jack P. Greene (eds) (1972) Neither Slave nor Free: The Freedmen of African Descent in the Slave Societies of the New World, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.

Cohen, Lucy M. (1984) Chinese in the Post-Civil War South: A People without a History, Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press.

Cohen, Robin (ed.) (1983) African Islands and Enclaves, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.

Cohen, Robin (1994) Frontiers of Identity: The British and the Others, London: Longman.

Cohen, Robin (1995) ‘Fuzzy frontiers of identity: the British case’, Social Identities, 1 (1), 35–62.

Cohen, Robin (1997) Global Diasporas: An Introduction, London: UCL Press.

Collier, James Lincoln (1978) The Making of Jazz: A Comprehensive History, London: Macmillan.

Collier, Gordon and Ulrich Fleischmann (eds) (2003) A Pepper Pot of Cultures: Aspects of Creolization in the Caribbean, Amsterdam: Rodopi. This is also a special double issue of Matatu: Journal for African Culture and Society Nos. 27/28, 2003).

Condé, Maryse and Madelaine Cottenot-Hage (eds) (1995) Penser La Créolité, Paris: Karthala.

Constant, Fred (2002) Le Multiculturalisme, Paris: Flammarion.

Coronil, Fernando (1995) Transculturation and the Politics of Theory: Countering the Center, Cuban Counterpoint, Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Craib, I. (1998) Experiencing Identity, London: Sage.

Creel, Margaret Washington (1988) A Peculiar People: Slave Religion and Community-Culture among the Gullahs, New York: New York University Press.

Curtin, Philip (1955) Two Jamaicas, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

D’Ans, André-Marcel (1987) Haïti: Paysage Société, Paris: Karthala.

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Dalphinis, M. (1985) Caribbean and African Languages: Social History, Language, Literature and Education, London: Karia Press.

Dantas Gois, Beatriz (1988) Vovo Nago e Papai Branco, Rio de Janeiro: Graal.

Dayan, Joan (1995) Haiti, History, and the Gods, Berkeley: University of California Press.

De la Cadena, Marisol (2000) Indigenous Mestizos, Durham: Duke University Press.

Dion, Michel (1998) Mémoires de Candomblé, Paris: L’Harmattan.

Domínguez, Virginia A. (1986) White by Definition, New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Dormon, James H. (ed) (1996) Creoles of Color of the Gulf South, Knoxville, TN: University of Tennesee Press.

Drummond, Lee (1980) ‘The cultural continuum: a theory of intersystems’, Man (new series),15, 352–74.

Ebrahim, Noor (2001) Noor’s story: My life in District Six, Cape Town: The District Six Museum Foundation.

Erasmus, Zimitri (ed) (2001) Coloured by History, Shaped by Place: Perspectives on Coloured identities in Cape Town, Cape Town: Kwela Books.

Erasmus, Zimitri (2001) ‘Introduction: re-imagining coloured identities in post-apartheid South Africa', in Zimitri Erasmus (ed) Coloured by History, Shaped by Place: New Perspectives on Coloured Identities in Cape Town, Cape Town: Kwela Books, pp. 13-28.

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland and I. B Neumann, I. B. (1993) ‘International relations as a cultural system. An agenda for research', Cooperation and Conflict 28 (3), 233–64.

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (1994) Kulturelle veikryss: essays om kreolisering, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Translated as Cultural Crossroads: Essays on Creolisation.

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (1998) Common Denominators: Ethnicity, Nation-Building and Compromise in Mauritius, Oxford: Berg.

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (1999) ‘Tu dimmunn pu vini Kreol: the Mauritian Creole and the concept of creolization’, ESRC Programme in Transnational Communities, posted at

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2002) Ethnicity and Nationalism. Anthropological Perspectives, London: Pluto Press. Second edition.

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2003) 'Creolization and creativity', Global Networks, 3 (3), 223-37.

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Fabre, Thierry (2002) ‘Metaphors for the Mediterranean: creolization or polyphony?’, Mediterranean Historical Review, 17 (1), 15–24.

Fair, L. (2001) Pastimes and Politics: Culture, Community, and Identity in Post-Abolition Urban Zanzibar, 1890-1945, Athens: Ohio University Press.

Fanon, Frantz (1970) Toward the African Revolution, Harmondsworth: Pelican.

Fanon, Frantz (1991) Black Skins, White Masks, London: Pluto Press. First published in 1952.

Featherstone, Mike (ed.) (1995) Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization and Modernity, London: Sage. Sixth edition.

February, Vernon A. (1981) Mind your Colour: The ‘Coloured’ Stereotype in South African Literature, London: Kegan Paul International.

Fernandez, J. (2001) ‘Creative arguments of images in culture, and the charnel house of conventionality’, in J. Liep (ed) Locating Cultural Creativity, London: Pluto, pp. 17–30.

Ferral, C. (1990) ‘Les métis d’Afrique du Sud: identité imposée, identité refusée’, in Métissages Linguistiques et Anthropologie (ed), Paris : L’Harmattan.

Fletcher, M. A. (1997) ‘Tiger Woods and the melting pot: new categories break the mold’, International Herald Tribune, 24 April.

Forte, Maximilien C. (2000) ‘The contemporary context of Carib “revival” in Trinidad and Tobago: creolization, developementalsim and the state’, Kacike: Journal of Caribbean Amerindian History and Anthropology 1 (1), 18–33.

Freyre, Gilberto (1956) The Masters and the Slaves: A Study in the Development of Braziliam Civilization, New York: Knopf. Second, revised, English edition.

Freyre, Gilberto (1959) New World in the Tropics: The Culture of Modern Brazil, New York: Knopf.

Freyre, Gilberto (1963) The Mansions and the Shanties: The Making of Modern Brazil, New York: Knopf. Translated from the Portuguese by Harriet de Onis with an introduction by Frank Tannebaum.

Friedman, Jonathan (1994) Cultural Identity and Global Process, London: Sage.

Fuma, Sudel (2001) Le Maloya Réunionnais, expression d’une interculturalité indiaocéanique, St-Denis: Université de La Reunion.

Furnivall J. S. (1948) Colonial Policy and Practice. A Comparative Study of Burma and Netherlands India, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Fyfe, Christopher (1980) ‘The term “Creole”: a footnote to a footnote’, Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 50 (4), 422.

Gallagher, Mary (1999) La créolité de Saint-John Perse, Paris: Gallimard. Preface by Edouard Glissant.

García Canclini, N. (1995) Hybrid Cultures: Strategies for Entering and Leaving Modernity, Minneapolis: University of Minneapolis Press.

Garvey, Marcus (1977) The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey, Vols I and II, edited by Amy Jacques-Garvey, New York: Atheneum.

Geertz, Clifford (1973) The Interpretation of Cultures, New York: Basic Books.

Geertz, Clifford (1994) ‘The uses of diversity’, in R. Borofsky (ed) Assessing Cultural Anthropology, New York: McGraw-Hill, pp. 454–65.

Gilroy, Paul (1993) Small Acts: Thoughts on the Politics of Black Cultures, London: Serpent’s Tail.

Gilroy, Paul (1993) The Black Atlantic. Modernity and Double Consciousness, London: Verso.

Gilroy, Paul (2000) Against Race: Imagining Political Culture Beyond the Color Line, Boston, MA: Harvard University Press.

Gilroy, Paul (2000) Between Camps: Nations, Cultures and the Allure of Race, London: Penguin.

Glissant, Edouard (1981) Le discourse antillais, Paris: Seuil. Translated as Caribbean Discourse: Selected Essays (trans. J. Michael Dash), University Press of Virginia, 1989.

Glissant, Edouard (1999) ‘La creolisation du monde’, in Jean-Claude Ruano-Borbalan (ed.) L’Identité: L’Individu, le Groupe, la Société, Auxerre: Editions Sciences Humaines.

Gnisci, Armando (1998) Creoli, meticci, migranti, clandestini e ribelli, Rome: Meltemi.

Gomez, Michael A. (1990) Exchanging our Country Marks. The Transformation of African Identities in the Colonial and Antebellum South, Chapell Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.

Goodenough, W. H. (1971) Culture, Language and Society, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Goodwine, Marquetta L. (1995) Gullah/Geechee: The Survival of Africa’s Seed in the Winds of the Diaspora. Vol. 1. St. Helena’s Serenity, New York: Kinship Publications.

Goulbourne, Harry and John Solomos, J. (2004) ‘The Caribbean diaspora: some introductory remarks’, Ethnic and Racial Studies 27 (4), 533–43.

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Gregg, Veronica Marie (1995) Jean Rhys’s Historical Imagination: Reading and Writing the Creole, Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.

Gregg, Veronica Marie (1998) ‘Yuh know bout coo-coo? Where yuh know bout coo-coo?’ Language and representation, creolisation and confusion in ‘Indian cuisine’, Caribbean Quarterly 44 (1-2), 81–92.

Grillo, Ralph D. (2003) ‘Cultural essentialism and cultural anxiety’, Anthropological Theory, 3 (2), 157–73.

Gupta, A. and J. Ferguson (1992) ‘Beyond ‘culture’: space, identity, and the politics of difference’, Cultural Anthropology, 7, 6–23.

Hale, Charles (1984) ‘Political and social ideas in Latin America, 1870-1930’, in Leslie Bethell (ed) The Cambridge History of Latin America. Vol.4, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 367–441.

Hall, Gwendolyn Mildo (1992) Africans in Colonial Louisiana. The Development of Afro-Creole Culture in the Eighteenth Century, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.

Hall, Stuart (1989) ‘Negotiating Caribbean identities’, New Left Review, 209, 3–14.

Hall, Stuart (1991) ‘Ethnicity: identity and difference’, Radical America, 23 (4), 9–20.

Hall, Stuart (1992) ‘New Ethnicities’, in James Donald and Ali Rattansi (eds) ‘Race’, Culture and Difference, London: Sage Publications in association with the Open University, pp. 252-59.

Hall, Stuart (1993) ‘Culture, community, nation’, Cultural Studies, 7 (3), 349–63.

Hall, Stuart and Paul du Gay (eds) (1996) Questions of Cultural Identity, London: Sage.

Hannerz, Ulf (1980) Exploring the City: Inquiries Toward an Urban Anthropology, New York: Columbia University Press.

Hannerz, Ulf (1987) ‘The world in creolization’, Africa, 57 (4), 546-59.

Hannerz, Ulf (1989a) ‘Culture between Center and Periphery: Toward a Macroanthropology’, Ethnos, 54 (3–4): 200–16.

Hannerz, Ulf (1989b) ‘Notes on the global ecumene’, Public Culture, 1 (2), 66–75.

Hannerz, Ulf (1990) ‘Cosmopolitans and locals in world culture’, in Mike Featherstone (ed) Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization and Modernity, London: Sage, pp. 237–51.

Hannerz, Ulf (1992a) Cultural Complexity: Studies in the Cultural Organization of Meaning, New York: Columbia University Press.

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Hannerz, Ulf (1992b) ‘Culture between center and periphery. Towards a macroanthropology’, Ethnos 54 (3-4), 200–16.

Hannerz, Ulf (1996) Transnational Connections. Culture, People, Places, London: Routledge.

Hannerz, Ulf (2000) ‘Flows, boundaries and hybrids. Keywords in transnational anthropology’, Working Paper,

Rachel Hardin (2000) A Refuge in Thunder: Candomblé and Alternative Spaces of Blackness, Bloomington:Indiana University Press.

Harney, Stefano (1996) Nationalism and Identity: Culture and the Imagination in a Caribbean Diaspora, London: Zed.

Harris, Roxy and Ben Rampton (2002) ‘Creole metaphors in cultural analysis: on the limits and possibilities of (socio-)linguistics’, Critique of Anthropology 22, 31-51.

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