Download - Conversation Questions


First ImpressionsWhen you look at someone, what makes you think they areDangerousGreedyIntelligentKindNot smartCrazyGenerous

Do you like to meet new people or do you prefer to hang out with people you already know? When and where did you meet most of your friends for the first time? Have you met someone who you hated right away even though you didnt know them? When are the most important times to make a good first impression? What are the best ways to make a good first impression? Do you make first impressions based on what people wear? What kind of impression are you trying to make with your clothes? Do you try to make a different first impression now than you did in high school? Have you ever tried to make a great first impression but completely messed it up? In what jobs do people have to make very quick decisions based on first impressions?

Ethics Do you consider yourself to be an ethical person? Have you ever found a lost object? What did you do? Would you risk your life to save another person? Would you jump into a deep river to save a drowning animal? What should a person do if they find a wallet? What do people usually do? What would you do? What are some ethical dilemmas you have faced? Is stealing ALWAYS wrong? When is it right to steal? If you could save people by killing one person, would you? How often do you lie? When is it okay to lie? What makes a person act ethically or unethically? If you saw a pickpocket stealing someones wallet what would you do? Should poor people be punished for stealing if they are stealing to feed their family? What do you think of Euthanasia?

Manners What are some examples of bad manners on the bus? What are some examples of good manners on the subway? What are some examples of bad manners that you HATE? Do you think people are more polite or less polite now than in the past? Do you know someone who is often rude/polite? Can you think of some examples of how manners have changed in your country? How are manners different in other countries? How important is it to be polite to older people even though they are often rude?

Luxury Items What is one luxury item you really want to have? What is imported by your country? Do developed countries focus too much on luxury items? What is exported by your country? What do you think is the most popular luxury item in your country? Who is it made by? What is the craziest example of a luxury item you have heard of? Have you ever been jealous that someone had something you didnt? Do you think that luxury goods make people happy? Why or why not? What do you think expensive perfume is made from? What is something that you can spend money on that will make you happy? Who are the best electronics made by? Do brand name prices mean quality? Which types of products must have brand names if you are going to buy them? How often do you spend money on things you know you shouldnt? What kind of things do you buy? Who are the most expensive cars made by? Are rich people really happier? Name things a person can do to make themselves happier without spending money.

Success and FailureSuccess Describe a successful person. Is your idea of success the same as your parents idea of success? Do you think people focus too much on appearing to be successful? Why is money the most common way of judging success? Can money buy happiness? How much pressure do your parents put on you to be successful? How much pressure will you put on your children to be successful?Failure Have there been any failures that made your life better? Is there a right time to give up and stop trying? Or should you never give up?

The Internet How much time do you spend on the internet? What are some of the benefits of the Internet? What are some of the dangers of the internet? How much time should children spend on the Internet? How has the Internet changed the world? What will the Internet be like in 10 years? Are you part of any social networks like Facebook or Google+? When did you get your first email address? What is your favourite website?

The Past Who used to be your hero when you were younger? Did you use to have a pet? Who were some of your favourite pop stars in the past? What did they sing? Why were they your favourite? Name some of your countrys famous sports stars of the past. Why were they famous? What was your best memory from when you were a child? What is your earliest memory? Which was better for you: elementary school, junior high school or high school? Why? What was your country like when you were a child? Do you think the past was better than the present? Why or why not? What were some of the advantages and disadvantages of living in the past? Talk about your countrys past (100 years ago), how was the past different from the present:

FoodWeddingsClothingSchoolWorkRecreation (free time activities)Communication

Art Can you draw pictures well? Do you believe what art critics say? Do you consider yourself a good artist? Do you like modern art? Do you like paintings? Do you like sketching? Do you like visiting art museums? Do you like wood carving? Do you prefer using water colours or oil paint? Do you think it is proper to call nude paintings art? Do you think music and dancing are forms of art? Do you think of cartoons, graffiti and comics as art? Do you visit museums when you go to another city? What art form do you like best? What art museums have you visited?