Download - Contrat au pair

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1.1 The purpose of this document is to set out the terms according to which the Au Pair will perform

her duties and the basis on which she will be welcomed in our respective home.

1.2 We would also like to raise your attention to the following Standard Terms mentioned by the

BAPAA (British Au Pair Agencies Association):

(a) Hours on duty

Au pairs can be on duty from 25 – 35 hours per week if they are from an EU country.

These hours can be spread out over 5 days per week. Longer hours are usually referred

to as ‘au pair plus’. Many au pair agencies also offer ‘Mother’s help’ positions; this is not

part of the traditional cultural exchange programme, as it usually involves longer hours

and schedules can conflict with language classes.

(b) Pocket Money

Pocket money must be minimum £65 per week for 25 hours, regardless of whether the

minimum hours are worked. Many agencies recommend slightly higher pocket money.

For 30 hours the minimum is £80.

(c) Insurance

EU au pairs visiting the UK do not need additional health insurance as they are entitled to

use the National Health Service. The au pair may also wish to take out additional travel

insurance to cover loss of belongings, repatriation in case of accident, death etc.

(d) Language School and Costs

Au pairs must be given enough time to attend language school. There are many courses

in the UK for EU members, which are more affordable due to government funding. These

are usually ESOL classes. If an au pair chooses to go to a private school, they must bear

their own cost, unless the family offers to fund this.

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Parties 1. Host:

2. au pair:

Hours of duties Normal hours: the Au pair shall perform her duties on a weekly basis from

Monday to Friday:

- in the morning from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. (when Thomas is staying with the Host and

only upon request when Thomas is staying at the Beneficiary); and

- in the afternoon from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.

School Holiday (around 13 weeks per year – the exact number of which to

be confirmed)

During 6 weeks of School Holiday, the Au Pair shall perform her duties from 8am to

8pm. She will not have to comply with her baby sitting duties during these periods.

During the remaining 7 weeks of School Holiday, the Au Pair shall not be required to

perform her duties but will receive her weekly pocket money.

Au Pair Duties The kid(s) – The Au Pair shall perform the following duties whether at the

Host's or the Beneficiary's house:

1. looking after them before school between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m.;

2. taking Them to school;

3. taking them to his activities (as the Host or Beneficiary will determine);

4. picking up them from school and organise sports, leasure and educational

activities for the afternoon (3pm to 8pm);

5. giving them his bath and preparing their dinner;

6. preparing them to go to bed (supervise teeth brushing after diner, ensuring

he goes to the bathroom...);

7. tidying living room and their bedroom;

8. changing their bed (when needed/requested);

9. doing their laundry (when needed/requested). The Au Pair shall ensure that

the kids wear a clean school uniform every day. The Host and the

Beneficiary will take care of their own laundry; and

10. putting away the clothing (i) in cupboards once it has been cleaned and

ironed, (ii) with clothing to be ironed (if so needed) or (iii) for laundry after

they have worn them for the day.

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1. cleaning the Host's house once a week (for a total of 3 hours);

2. keeping the kitchen tidy and clean (whether at the Host's or the

Beneficiary's house);

3. cleaning the Host's baths, basins and mirrors in the bathroom;

4. emptying the bins around the Host's or Beneficiary's house (when


5. washing the dishes, including loading and unloading the dishwasher

(whether at the Host's or the Beneficiary's house);

6. light shopping (when requested and excluding weekly shopping); and

7. ironing at the Host's house (about 1 hour per week).

Timetable The Au Pair shall refer regularly to the timetable provided by the Host.

Babysitting The Au Pair shall be available for 2 evening babysitting per week* exclusively for the

benefit of the Host.

* Over a period of 4 weeks, the Au Pair shall be available for 5 baby sittings during

weekdays (Sunday to Thursday nights) and 3 baby sitting during the week-end

(Friday and Saturday nights).

Free time The Au Pair will be off duty in the evening after 8 p.m., during weekends, and any

UK bank holiday – to the extent that the Host does not request any babysitting.



The Au Pair will be entitled to 2 week paid holiday. The Au Pair shall inform the

Host and the Beneficiary of her holiday 1 month in advance unless specific


The Au Pair may request unpaid leave and the Host and the Beneficiary will consider

such request on a case by case basis.

Pocket Money The Au Pair will be entitled to £400 per month to be paid every first day of each


Accommodation At the Host’s flat located (adress)

The Au Pair will be entitled to full room and board room throughout her stay (she

will be lodged in her own private room with en-suite bathroom and will have access

to relevant facilities in order to study). The Au Pair will be able to use the common

parts at her convenience.

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Extras benefits The Host will provide the Au Pair with unlimited access to a Wireless internet


The Host will provide the Au Pair with a mobile phone with a 3 mobile “300 mix and

match” contract (including 300 “free 3 to 3” minutes). The Au Pair will be

responsible for any communications she makes beyond this allowance and any costs

which are not included in the allowance will be charged by the provider (3 mobile)

and deducted from the Au Pair's pocket money.

The Au Pair will be allowed to use the Host’s landline to make landline international

calls (to the extent that those communications are made within Western Europe


Travelling cost The Au Pair shall pay for her own travelling cost to and from the UK unless

otherwise agreed with the Host.



The travelling expenses incurred at the request of the Host (for example, taking the

kids to France or on holidays) will be paid by the Host.

Termination This contract shall be terminated by any party upon a 4 week notice sent by the

party who wants to terminate the contract to the other parties.

This contract shall be terminated with immediate effect by the Host (with

consultation of the Beneficiary) upon breach of contract, failure to perform her

duties to a satisfactory standard, guilty of any act of dishonesty or serious


Governing law This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with laws of England

and Wales and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts

as regards any claim or matter arising under or in connection with this agreement.

Contract Start date: 2011

End date: 2011

IN WITNESS of which this agreement has been executed as follows:

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au pair
