Download - Conan the Barbarian - Hour of the Dragon

  • 8/12/2019 Conan the Barbarian - Hour of the Dragon


    Hour of the Dragon

    Title: The Hour of the Dragon

    Author: Robert E. Howard

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  • 8/12/2019 Conan the Barbarian - Hour of the Dragon


    Hour of the Dragon

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    Title: The Hour of the Dragon

    Author: Robert E. Howard

    )ha1ter &: -lee1er6 Awae;

    THE (!G TAPER- flicered6 sending the blac shadows wa8ering along

    the walls6 and the 8el8et ta1estries ri11led. 9et there was no wind in

    the cha5ber.

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    Hour of the Dragon

    5u5bling so5e for5ula unintelligible to his co51anions6 he thrust a

    broad white hand into his furtri55ed robe. 7hen he brought it forth

    again it was as if he cu11ed in his 1al5 a ball of li8ing fire.

    The other three drew in their breath shar1l36 and the dar6 1owerful

    5an who stood at the head of the sarco1hagus whis1ered: >The Heart of

    Ahri5an;> The other lifted a ?uic hand for silence. -o5ewhere a dog

    began howling dolefull36 and a stealth3 ste1 1added outside the barred

    and bolted door. But none looed aside fro5 the 5u553case o8er which

    the 5an in the er5inetri55ed robe was now 5o8ing the great fla5ing

    jewel while he 5uttered an incantation that was old when Atlantis

    san. The glare of the ge5 da@@led their e3es6 so that the3 could not

    be sure of what the3 saw but with a s1lintering crash6 the car8en lid

    of the sarco1hagus burst outward as if fro5 so5e irresistible 1ressure

    a11lied fro5 within6 and the four 5en6 bending eagerl3 forward6 saw

    the occu1anta huddled6 withered6 wi@ened sha1e6 with dried brown

    li5bs lie dead wood showing through 5oldering bandages.

    >Bring that thing bac> 5uttered the s5all dar 5an who stood on the

    right6 with a short6 sardonic laugh. >,t is read3 to cru5ble at a

    touch. 7e are fools>

    >-hhh;> ,t was an urgent hiss of co55and fro5 the large 5an who held

    the jewel. Pers1iration stood u1on his broad white forehead and his

    e3es were dilated. He leaned forward6 and6 without touching the thing

    with his hand6 laid on the breast of the 5u553 the bla@ing jewel. Then

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    Hour of the Dragon

    he drew bac and watched with fierce intensit36 his li1s 5o8ing in

    soundless in8ocation.

    ,t was as if a globe of li8ing fire nicered and burned on the dead6

    withered boso5. And breath suced in6 hissing6 through the clenched

    teeth of the watchers.

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    Hour of the Dragon

    babe=s. n his breast the great jewel s5oldered and s1arled.

    The 5an in er5ine reeled as if fro5 so5e letdown of e'tre5e tension.

    >,shtar;> he gas1ed. >,t is Faltotun;and he li8es; alerius;

    Tarascus; A5alric; Do 3ou see Do 3ou see 9ou doubted 5ebut , ha8e

    not failed; 7e ha8e been close to the o1en gates of hell this night6

    and the sha1es of darness ha8e gathered close about usa3e6 the3

    followed hi5 to the 8er3 doorbut we ha8e brought the great 5agician

    bac to life.>

    >And da5ned our souls to 1urgatories e8erlasting6 , doubt not6>

    5uttered the s5all6 dar 5an6 Tarascus.

    The 3ellowhaired 5an6 alerius6 laughed harshl3.

    >7hat 1urgator3 can be worse than life itself -o we are all da5ned

    together fro5 birth. Besides6 who would not sell his 5iserable soul

    for a throne>

    >There is no intelligence in his stare6 rastes6> said the large 5an.

    >He has long been dead6> answered rastes. >He is as one newl3

    awaened. His 5ind is e51t3 after the long slee1na36 he was dead6

    not slee1ing. 7e brought his s1irit bac o8er the 8oids and gulfs of

    night and obli8ion. , will s1ea to hi5.>

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    Hour of the Dragon

    He bent o8er the foot of the sarco1hagus6 and fi'ing his ga@e on the

    wide dar e3es of the 5an within6 he said6 slowl3: >Awae6 Faltotun;>

    The li1s of the 5an 5o8ed 5echanicall3. >Faltotun;> he re1eated in a

    gro1ing whis1er.

    >9ou are Faltotun;> e'clai5ed rastes6 lie a h31notist dri8ing ho5e

    his suggestions. >9ou are Faltotun of P3thon6 in Acheron.>

    A di5 fla5e flicered in the dar e3es.

    >, was Faltotun6> he whis1ered. >, a5 dead.>

    >9ou are Faltotun;> cried rastes. >9ou are not dead; 9ou li8e;>

    >, a5 Faltotun6> ca5e the eer3 whis1er. >But , a5 dead. ,n 53 house in

    Ihe5i6 in -t3gia6 there , died.>

    >And the 1riests who 1oisoned 3ou 5u55ified 3our bod3 with their dar

    arts6 ee1ing all 3our organs intact;> e'clai5ed rastes. >But now 3ou

    li8e again; The Heart of Ahri5an has restored 3our life6 drawn 3our

    s1irit bac fro5 s1ace and eternit3.>

    >The Heart of Ahri5an;> The fla5e of re5e5brance grew stronger. >The

    barbarians stole it fro5 5e;>

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    Hour of the Dragon

    >He re5e5bers6> 5uttered rastes. >(ift hi5 fro5 the case.>

    The others obe3ed hesitantl36 as if reluctant to touch the 5an the3

    had recreated6 and the3 see5ed not easier in their 5inds when the3

    felt fir5 5uscular flesh6 8ibrant with blood and life6 beneath their

    fingers. But the3 lifted hi5 u1on the table6 and rastes clothed hi5

    in a curious dar 8el8et robe6 s1lashed with gold stars and cresent

    5oons6 and fastened a clothofgold6 fillet about his te51les6

    confining the blac wa83 locs that fell to his shoulders. He let the5

    do as the3 would6 sa3ing nothing6 not e8en when the3 set hi5 in a

    car8en thronelie chair with a high ebon3 bac and wide sil8er ar5s6

    and feet lie golden claws. He sat there 5otionless6 and slowl3

    intelligence grew in his dar e3es and 5ade the5 dee1 and strange and

    lu5inous. ,t was as if longsunen witchlights floated slowl3 u1

    through 5idnight 1ools of darness.

    rastes cast a furti8e glance at his co51anions6 who stood staring in

    5orbid fascination at their strange guest. Their iron ner8es had

    withstood an ordeal that 5ight ha8e dri8en weaer 5en 5ad. He new it

    was with no wealings that he cons1ired6 but 5en whose courage was as

    1rofound as their lawless a5bitions and ca1acit3 for e8il. He turned

    his attention to the figure in the ebonblac chair. And this one

    s1oe at last.

    >, re5e5ber6> he said in a strong6 resonant 8oice6 s1eaing !e5edian

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    Hour of the Dragon

    with a curious6 archaic accent. >, a5 Faltotun6 who was high 1riest of

    -et in P3thon6 which was in Acheron. The Heart of Ahri5an, drea5ed ,

    had found it againwhere is it>

    rastes 1laced it in his hand6 and he drew breath dee1l3 as he ga@ed

    into the de1ths of the terrible jewel burning in his gras1.

    >The3 stole it fro5 5e6 long ago6> he said. >The red heart of the

    night it is6 strong to sa8e or to da5n. ,t ca5e fro5 afar6 and fro5

    long ago. 7hile , held it6 none could stand before 5e. But it was

    stolen fro5 5e6 and Acheron fell6 and , fled an e'ile into dar

    -t3gia. 2uch , re5e5ber6 but 5uch , ha8e forgotten. , ha8e been in a

    far land6 across 5ist3 8oids and gulfs and unlit oceans. 7hat is the


    rastes answered hi5. >,t is the waning of the 9ear of the (ion6 three

    thousand 3ears after the fall of Acheron.>

    >Three thousand 3ears;> 5ur5ured the other. >-o long 7ho are 3ou>

    >, a5 rastes6 once a 1riest of 2itra. This 5an is A5alric6 baron of

    Tor6 in !e5edia this other is Tarascus6 3ounger brother of the ing

    of !e5edia and this tall 5an is alerius6 rightful heir of the throne

    of A?uilonia.>

    >7h3 ha8e 3ou gi8en 5e life> de5anded Faltotun. >7hat do 3ou re?uire

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    Hour of the Dragon

    of 5e>

    The 5an was now full3 ali8e and awae6 his een e3es reflecting the

    woring of an unclouded brain. There was no hesitation or uncertaint3

    in his 5anner. He ca5e directl3 to the 1oint6 as one who nows that no

    5an gi8es so5ething for nothing. rastes 5et hi5 with e?ual candor.

    >7e ha8e o1ened the doors of hell this night to free 3our soul and

    return it to 3our bod3 because we need 3our aid. 7e wish to 1lace

    Tarascus on the throne of !e5edia6 and to win for alerius the crown

    of A?uilonia. 7ith 3our necro5anc3 3ou can aid us.>

    Faltotun=s 5ind was de8ious and full of une'1ected slants.

    >9ou 5ust be dee1 in the arts 3ourself6 rastes6 to ha8e been able to

    restore 53 life. How is it that a 1riest of 2itra nows of the Heart

    of Ahri5an6 and the incantations of -elos>

    >, a5 no longer a 1riest of 2itra6> answered rastes. >, was cast

    forth fro5 53 order because of 53 del8ing in blac 5agic. But for

    A5alric there , 5ight ha8e been burned as a 5agician.

    >But that left 5e free to 1ursue 53 studies. , journe3ed in Ka5ora6 in

    endh3a6 in -t3gia6 and a5ong the haunted jungles of Ihitai. , read

    the ironbound boos of -elos6 and taled with unseen creatures in

    dee1 wells6 and faceless sha1es in blac reeing jungles. , obtained a

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    Hour of the Dragon

    gli51se of 3our sarco1hagus in the de5onhaunted cr31ts below the

    blac giantwalled te51le of -et in the hinterlands of -t3gia6 and ,

    learned of the arts that would bring bac life to 3our shri8eled


    >Then wh3 trouble to bring 5e bac to life> de5anded Faltotun6 with

    his 1iercing ga@e fi'ed on the 1riests. >7h3 did 3ou not e51lo3 the

    Heart to further 3our own 1ower>

    >Because no 5an toda3 nows the secrets of the Heart6> answered

    rastes. >!ot e8en in legends li8e the arts b3 which to loose its full

    1owers. , new it could restore life of its dee1er secrets , a5

    ignorant. , 5erel3 used it to bring 3ou bac to life. ,t is the use of

    3our nowledge we see. As for the Heart6 3ou alone now its awful


    Faltotun shoo his head6 staring broodingl3 into the fla5ing de1ths.

    >23 necro5antic nowledge is greater than the su5 of all the nowledge

    of other 5en6> he said >3et , do not now the full 1ower of the

    jewel. , did not in8oe it in the old da3s , guarded it lest it be

    used against 5e. At last it was stolen6 and in the hands of a

    feathered sha5an of the barbarians it defeated all 53 5ight3 sorcer3.

    Then it 8anished6 and , was 1oisoned b3 the jealous 1riests of -t3gia

    before , could learn where it was hidden.>

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    Hour of the Dragon

    >,t was hidden in a ca8ern below the te51le of 2itra6 in Tarantia6>

    said rastes. >B3 de8ious wa3s , disco8ered this6 after , had located

    3our re5ains in -et=s subterranean te51le in -t3gia.

    >Ka5orian thie8es6 1artl3 1rotected b3 s1ells , learned fro5 sources

    better left un5entioned6 stole 3our 5u553case fro5 under the 8er3

    talons of those which guarded it in the dar6 and b3 ca5elcara8an and

    galle3 and o'wagon it ca5e at last to this cit3.

    >Those sa5e thie8esor rather those of the5 who still li8ed after

    their frightful ?ueststole the Heart of Ahri5an fro5 its haunted

    ca8ern below the te51le of 2itra6 and all the sill of 5en and the

    s1ells of sorcerers nearl3 failed. ne 5an of the5 li8ed long enough

    to reach 5e and gi8e the jewel into 53 hands6 before he died sla8ering

    and gibbering of what he had seen in that accursed cr31t. The thie8es

    of Ka5ora are the 5ost faithful of 5en to their trust. E8en with 53

    conjure5ents6 none but the5 could ha8e stolen the Heart fro5 where it

    has lain in de5onguarded darness since the fall of Acheron6 three

    thousand 3ears ago.>

    Faltotun lifted his lionlie head and stared far off into s1ace6 as

    if 1lu5bing the lost centuries.

    >Three thousand 3ears;> he 5uttered. >-et; Tell 5e what has chanced in

    the world.>

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    Hour of the Dragon

    >The barbarians who o8erthrew Acheron set u1 new ingdo5s6> ?uoted

    rastes. >7here the e51ire had stretched now rose real5s called

    A?uilonia6 and !e5edia6 and Argos6 fro5 the tribes that founded the5.

    The older ingdo5s of 1hir6 )orinthia and western Ioth6 which had

    been subject to the ings of Acheron6 regained their inde1endence with

    the fall of the e51ire.>

    >And what of the 1eo1le of Acheron> de5anded rastes. >7hen , fled

    into -t3gia6 P3thon was in ruins6 and all the great6 1ur1letowered

    cities of Acheron fouled with blood and tra51led b3 the sandals of the


    >,n the hills s5all grou1s of fol still boast descent fro5 Acheron6>

    answered rastes. >

    A gri5 and terrible s5ile curled the P3thonian=s li1s.

    >A3e; 2an3 a barbarian6 both 5an and wo5an6 died screa5ing on the

    altar under this hand. , ha8e seen their heads 1iled to 5ae a 13ra5id

    in the great s?uare in P3thon when the ings returned fro5 the west

    with their s1oils and naed ca1ti8es.>

    >A3e. And when the da3 of reconing ca5e6 the sword was not s1ared. -o

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    Hour of the Dragon

    Acheron ceased to be6 and 1ur1letowered P3thon beca5e a 5e5or3 of

    forgotten da3s. But the 3ounger ingdo5s rose on the i51erial ruins

    and wa'ed great. And now we ha8e brought 3ou bac to aid us to rule

    these ingdo5s6 which6 if less strange and wonderful than Acheron of

    old6 are 3et rich and 1owerful6 well worth fighting for. (oo;>

    rastes unrolled before the stranger a 5a1 drawn cunningl3 on 8ellu5.

    Faltotun regarded it6 and then shoo his head6 baffled.

    >The 8er3 outlines of the land are changed. ,t is lie so5e fa5iliar

    thing seen in a drea56 fantasticall3 distorted.>

    >Howbeit6> answered rastes6 tracing with his forefinger6 >here is

    Bel8erus6 the ca1ital of !e5edia6 in which we now are. Here run the

    boundaries of the land of !e5edia. To the south and southeast are

    1hir and )orinthia6 to the east Br3thunia6 to the west A?uilonia.>

    >,t is the 5a1 of a world , do not now6> said Faltotun softl36 but

    rastes did not 5iss the lurid fire of hate that flicered in his dar


    >,t is a 5a1 3ou shall hel1 us change6> answered rastes. >,t is our

    desire first to set Tarascus on the throne of !e5edia. 7e wish to

    acco51lish this without strife6 and in such a wa3 that no sus1icion

    will rest on Tarascus. 7e do not wish the land to be torn b3 ci8il

    wars6 but to reser8e all our 1ower for the con?uest of A?uilonia.

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    Hour of the Dragon

    >-hould Iing !i5ed and his sons die naturall36 in a 1lague for

    instance6 Tarascus would 5ount the throne as the ne't heir6 1eacefull3

    and uno11osed.>

    Faltotun nodded6 without re1l3ing6 and rastes continued.

    >The other tas will be 5ore difficult. 7e cannot set alerius on the

    A?uilonian throne without a war6 and that ingdo5 is a for5idable foe.

    ,ts 1eo1le are a hard36 warlie race6 toughened b3 continual wars

    with the Picts6 Kingarians and )i55erians. Their 1resent ing is the 5ost renowned warrior a5ong the western

    nations. He is an outlander6 an ad8enturer who sei@ed the crown b3

    force during a ti5e of ci8il strife6 strangling Iing !a5edides with

    his own hands6 u1on the 8er3 throne. His na5e is )onan6 and no 5an can

    stand before hi5 in battle.

    >alerius is now the rightful heir of the throne. He had been dri8en

    into e'ile b3 his ro3al ins5an6 !a5edides6 and has been awa3 fro5 his

    nati8e real5 for 3ears6 but he is of the blood of the old d3nast36 and

    5an3 of the barons would secretl3 hail the o8erthrow of )onan6 who is

    a nobod3 without ro3al or e8en noble blood. But the co55on 1eo1le are

    lo3al to hi56 and the nobilit3 of the outl3ing 1ro8inces. 9et if his

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    Hour of the Dragon

    forces were o8erthrown in the battle that 5ust first tae 1lace6 and

    )onan hi5self slain6 , thin it would not be difficult to 1ut alerius

    on the throne. ,ndeed6 with )onan slain6 the onl3 center of the

    go8ern5ent would be gone. He is not 1art of a d3nast36 but onl3 a lone


    >, wish that , 5ight see this ing6> 5used Faltotun6 glancing toward a

    sil8er3 5irror which for5ed one of the 1anels of the wall. This 5irror

    cast no reflection6 but Faltotun=s e'1ression showed that he

    understood its 1ur1ose6 and rastes nodded with the 1ride a good

    crafts5an taes in the recognition of his acco51lish5ents b3 a 5aster

    of his craft.

    >, will tr3 to show hi5 to 3ou6> he said. And seating hi5self before

    the 5irror6 he ga@ed h31noticall3 into its de1ths6 where 1resentl3 a

    di5 shadow began to tae sha1e.

    ,t was uncann36 but those watching new it was no 5ore than the

    reflected i5age of rastes= thought6 e5bodied in that 5irror as a

    wi@ard=s thoughts are e5bodied in a 5agic cr3stal. ,t floated ha@il36

    then lea1ed into startling clarit3a tall 5an6 5ightil3 shouldered and

    dee1 of chest6 with a 5assi8e corded nec and hea8il3 5uscled li5bs.

    He was clad in sil and 8el8et6 with the ro3al lions of A?uilonia

    wored in gold u1on his rich ju1on6 and the crown of A?uilonia shone

    on his s?uarecut blac 5ane but the great sword at his side see5ed

    5ore natural to hi5 than the regal accouter5ents. His brow was low and

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    Hour of the Dragon

    broad6 his e3es a 8olcanic blue that s5oldered as if with so5e inner

    fire. His dar6 scarred6 al5ost sinister face was that of a fighting

    5an6 and his 8el8et gar5ents could not conceal the hard6 dangerous

    lines of his li5bs.

    >That 5an is no H3borian;> e'clai5ed Faltotun.

    >!o he is a )i55erian6 one of those wild tribes5en who dwell in the

    gra3 hills of the north.>

    >, fought his ancestors of old6> 5uttered Faltotun. >!ot e8en the

    ings of Acheron could con?uer the5.>

    >The3 still re5ain a terror to the nations of the south6> answered

    rastes. >He is a true son of that sa8age race6 and has 1ro8ed

    hi5self6 thus far6 uncon?uerable.>

    Faltotun did not re1l3 he sat staring down at the 1ool of li8ing fire

    that shi55ered in his hand. utside6 the hound howled again6 long and


    )ha1ter 4: The Blac 7ind Blows

    THE 9EAR < THE DRAG! had birth in war and 1estilence and unrest. The

    blac 1lague staled through the streets of Bel8erus6 striing down

    the 5erchant in his stall6 the serf in his ennel6 the night at his


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    Hour of the Dragon

    ban?uet board. Before it the arts of the leeches were hel1less. 2en

    said it had been sent fro5 hell as 1unish5ent for the sins of 1ride

    and lust. ,t was swift and deadl3 as the stroe of an adder. The

    8icti5=s bod3 turned 1ur1le and then blac6 and within a few 5inutes

    he san down d3ing6 and the stench of his own 1utrefaction was in his

    nostrils e8en before death wrenched his soul fro5 his rotting bod3. A

    hot6 roaring wind blew incessantl3 fro5 the south6 and the cro1s

    withered in the fields6 the cattle san and died in their tracs.

    2en cried out on 2itra6 and 5uttered against the ing for so5ehow6

    throughout the ingdo56 the word was whis1ered that the ing was

    secretl3 addicted to loathso5e 1ractises and foul debauches in the

    seclusion of his nighted 1alace. And then in that 1alace death staled

    grinning on feet about which swirled the 5onstrous 8a1ors of the

    1lague. ,n one night the ing died with his three sons6 and the dru5s

    that thundered their dirge drowned the gri5 and o5inous bells that

    rang fro5 the carts that lu5bered through the streets gathering u1 the

    rotting dead.

    That night6 just before dawn6 the hot wind that had blown for wees

    ceased to rustle e8ill3 through the silen window curtains. ut of the

    north rose a great wind that roared a5ong the towers6 and there was

    catacl3s5ic thunder6 and blinding sheets of lightning6 and dri8ing

    rain. But the dawn shone clean and green and clear the scorched

    ground 8eiled itself in grass6 the thirst3 cro1s s1rang u1 anew6 and

    the 1lague was goneits 5ias5a swe1t clean out of the land b3 the

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    5ight3 wind.

    2en said the gods were satisfied because the e8il ing and his s1awn

    were slain6 and when his 3oung brother Tarascus was crowned in the

    great coronation hall6 the 1o1ulace cheered until the towers roced6

    acclai5ing the 5onarch on who5 the gods s5iled.

    -uch a wa8e of enthusias5 and rejoicing as swe1t the land is

    fre?uentl3 the signal for a war of con?uest. -o no one was sur1ri@ed

    when it was announced that Iing Tarascus had declared the truce 5ade

    b3 the late ing with their western neighbors 8oid6 and was gathering

    his hosts to in8ade A?uilonia. His reason was candid his 5oti8es6

    loudl3 1roclai5ed6 gilded his actions with so5ething of the gla5or of

    a crusade. He es1oused the cause of alerius6 >rightful heir to the

    throne> he ca5e6 he 1roclai5ed6 not as an ene53 of A?uilonia6 but as

    a friend6 to free the 1eo1le fro5 the t3rann3 of a usur1er and a


    ,f there were c3nical s5iles in certain ?uarters6 and whis1ers

    concerning the ing=s good friend A5alric6 whose 8ast 1ersonal wealth

    see5ed to be flowing into the rather de1leted ro3al treasur36 the3

    were unheeded in the general wa8e of fer8or and @eal of Tarascus=s

    1o1ularit3. ,f an3 shrewd indi8iduals sus1ected that A5alric was the

    real ruler of !e5edia6 behind the scenes6 the3 were careful not to

    8oice such heres3. And the war went forward with enthusias5.

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    Hour of the Dragon

    The ing and his allies 5o8ed westward at the head of fift3 thousand

    5ennights in shining ar5or with their 1ennons strea5ing abo8e their

    hel5ets6 1ie5en in steel ca1s and brigandines6 crossbow5en in

    leather jerins. The3 crossed the border6 too a frontier castle and

    burned three 5ountain 8illages6 and then6 in the 8alle3 of the alia6

    ten 5iles west of the boundar3 line6 the3 5et the hosts of )onan6 ing

    of A?uiloniafort3fi8e thousand nights6 archers and 5enatar5s6 the

    flower of A?uilonian strength and chi8alr3. nl3 the nights of

    Poitain6 under Pros1ero6 had not 3et arri8ed6 for the3 had far to ride

    u1 fro5 the southwestern co5er of the ingdo5. Tarascus had struc

    without warning. His in8asion had co5e on the heels of his

    1rocla5ation6 without for5al declaration of war.

    The two hosts confronted each other across a wide6 shallow 8alle36

    with rugged cliffs6 and a shallow strea5 winding through 5asses of

    reeds and willows down the 5iddle of the 8ale. The ca51followers of

    both hosts ca5e down to this strea5 for water6 and shouted insults and

    hurled stones across at one another. The last glints of the sun shone

    on the golden banner of !e5edia with the scarlet dragon6 unfurled in

    the bree@e abo8e the 1a8ilion of Iing Tarascus on an e5inence near the

    eastern cliffs. But the shadow of the western cliffs fell lie a 8ast

    1ur1le 1all across the tents and the ar53 of A?uilonia6 and u1on the

    blac banner with its golden lion that floated abo8e Iing )onan=s


    All night the fires flared the length of the 8alle36 and the wind

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    brought the call of tru51ets6 the clangor of ar5s6 and the shar1

    challenges of the sentries who 1aced their horses along either edge of

    the willowgrown strea5.

    ,t was in the darness before dawn that Iing )onan stirred on his

    couch6 which was no 5ore than a 1ile of sils and furs thrown on a

    dais6 and awaened. He started u16 cr3ing out shar1l3 and clutching at

    his sword. Pallantides6 his co55ander6 rushing in at the cr36 saw his

    ing sitting u1right6 his hand on his hilt6 and 1ers1iration dri11ing

    fro5 his strangel3 1ale face.

    >9our 2ajest3;> e'clai5ed Pallantides. >,s aught a5iss>

    >7hat of the ca51> de5anded )onan. >Are the guards out>

    > answered the

    general. >The !e5edians ha8e not offered to 5o8e against us in the

    night. The3 wait for dawn6 e8en as we.>

    >B3 )ro56> 5uttered )onan. >, awoe with a feeling that doo5 was

    cree1ing on 5e in the night.>

    He stared u1 at the great golden la51 which shed a soft glow o8er the

    8el8et hangings and car1ets of the great tent. The3 were alone not

    e8en a sla8e or a 1age sle1t on the car1eted floor but )onan=s e3es

    bla@ed as the3 were wont to bla@e in the teeth of great 1eril6 and the

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    sword ?ui8ered in his hand. Pallantides watched hi5 uneasil3. )onan

    see5ed to be listening.

    >(isten;> hissed the ing. >Did 3ou hear it A furti8e ste1;>

    >-e8en nights guard 3our tent6 9our 2ajest36> said Pallantides. >!one

    could a11roach it unchallenged.>

    >!ot outside6> growled )onan. >,t see5ed to sound inside the tent.>

    Pallantides cast a swift6 startled loo around. The 8el8et hangings

    5erged with shadows in the co5ers6 but if there had been an3one in the

    1a8ilion besides the5sel8es6 the general would ha8e seen hi5. Again he

    shoo his head.

    >There is no one here6 sure. 9ou slee1 in the 5idst of 3our host.>

    >, ha8e seen death strie a ing in the 5idst of thousands6> 5uttered

    )onan. >-o5ething that wals on in8isible feet and is not seen>

    >Perha1s 3ou were drea5ing. 9our 2ajest36> said Pallantides6 so5ewhat


    >-o , was6> grunted )onan. >A de8ilish drea5 it was6 too. , trod again

    all the long6 wear3 roads , tra8eled on 53 wa3 to the ingshi1.>

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    He fell silent6 and Pallantides stared at hi5 uns1eaing. The. ing

    was an enig5a to the general6 as to 5ost of his ci8ili@ed subjects.

    Pallantides new that )onan had waled 5an3 strange roads in his wild6

    e8entful life6 and had been 5an3 things before a twist of , saw again in the battlefield whereon , was born6> said )onan6

    resting his chin 5oodil3 on a 5assi8e fist. >, saw 53self in a

    1anthersin loinclout6 throwing 53 s1ear at the the 5ountain beasts.

    , was a 5ercenar3 swords5an again6 a het5an of the o@ai who dwell

    along the Ka1orosa Ri8er6 a corsair looting the coasts of Iush6 a

    1irate of the Barachan ,sles6 a chief of the Hi5elian hill5en. All

    these things ,=8e been6 and of all these things , drea5ed all the

    sha1es that ha8e been , 1assed lie an endless 1rocession6 and their

    feet beat out a dirge in the sounding dust.

    >But throughout 53 drea5s 5o8ed strange6 8eiled figures and ghostl3

    shadows6 and a farawa3 8oice 5oced 5e. And toward the last , see5ed

    to see 53self l3ing on this dais in 53 tent6 and a sha1e bent o8er 5e6

    robed and hooded. , la3 unable to 5o8e6 and then the hood fell awa3

    and a 5oldering sull grinned down at 5e. Then it was that , awoe.>

    >This is an e8il drea5. 9our 2ajest36> said Pallantides6 su11ressing a

    shudder. >But no 5ore.>

    )onan shoo his head6 5ore in doubt than in denial. He ca5e of a

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    barbaric race6 and the su1erstitions and instincts of his heritage

    lured close beneath the surface of his consciousness.

    >,=8e drea5ed 5an3 e8il drea5s6> he said6 >and 5ost of the5 were

    5eaningless. But b3 )ro56 this was not lie 5ost drea5s; , wish this

    battle were fought and won6 for ,=8e had a grisl3 1re5onition e8er

    since Iing !i5ed died in the blac 1lague. 7h3 did it cease when he


    >2en sa3 he sinned>

    >2en are fools6 as alwa3s6> grunted )onan. >,f the 1lague struc all

    who sinned6 then b3 )ro5 there wouldn=t be enough left to count the

    li8ing; 7h3 should the godswho the 1riests tell 5e are justsla3 fi8e

    hundred 1easants and 5erchants and nobles before the3 slew the ing6

    if the whole 1estilence were ai5ed at hi5 7ere the gods s5iting

    blindl36 lie swords5en in a fog B3 2itra6 if , ai5ed 53 stroes no

    straighter6 A?uilonia would ha8e =had a new ing long ago.

    >!o; The blac 1lague=s no co55on 1estilence. ,t lurs in -t3gian

    to5bs6 and is called forth into being onl3 b3 wi@ards. , was a

    swords5an in Prince Al5uric=s ar53 that in8aded -t3gia6 and of his

    thirt3 thousand6 fifteen thousand 1erished b3 -t3gian arrows6 and the

    rest b3 the blac 1lague that rolled on us lie a wind out of the

    south. , was the onl3 5an who li8ed.>

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    >9et onl3 fi8e hundred died in !e5edia6> argued Pallantides.

    >7hoe8er called it into being new how to cut it short at will6>

    answered )onan. >-o , now there was so5ething 1lanned and diabolical

    about it. -o5eone called it forth6 so5eone banished it when the wor

    was co51letedwhen Tarascus was safe on the throne and being hailed as

    the deli8erer of the 1eo1le fro5 the wrath of the gods. B3 )ro56 ,

    sense a blac6 subtle brain behind all this. 7hat of this stranger who

    5en sa3 gi8es counsel to Tarascus>

    >He wears a 8eil6> answered Pallantides >the3 sa3 he is a foreigner

    a stranger fro5 -t3gia.>

    >A stranger fro5 -t3gia;> re1eated )onan scowling. >A stranger fro5

    hell6 5ore lie;Ha; 7hat is that>

    >The tru51ets of the !e5edians;> e'clai5ed Pallantides. >And har6 how

    our own blare u1on their heels; Dawn is breaing6 and the ca1tains are

    5arshaling the hosts for the onset; 2itra be with the56 for 5an3 will

    not see the sun go down behind the crags.>

    >-end 53 s?uires to 5e;> e'clai5ed )onan6 rising with alacrit3 and

    casting off his 8el8et nightgar5ent he see5ed to ha8e forgotten his

    forebodings at the 1ros1ect of action. >Go to the ca1tains and see

    that all is in readiness. , will be with 3ou as soon as , don 53


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    Hour of the Dragon

    2an3 of )onan=s wa3s were ine'1licable to the ci8ili@ed 1eo1le he

    ruled6 and one of the5 was his insistence on slee1ing alone in his

    cha5ber or tent. Pallantides hastened fro5 the 1a8ilion6 claning in

    the ar5or he had donned at 5idnight after a few hours= slee1. He cast

    a swift glance o8er the ca516 which was beginning to swar5 with

    acti8it36 5ail clining and 5en 5o8ing about di5l3 in the uncertain

    light6 a5ong the long lines of tents. -tars still gli55ered 1alel3 in

    the western s36 but long 1in strea5ers stretched along the eastern

    hori@on6 and against the5 the dragon banner of !e5edia flung out its

    billowing silen folds.

    Pallantides turned toward a s5aller tent near b36 where sle1t the

    ro3al s?uires. These were tu5bling out alread36 roused b3 the

    tru51ets. And as Pallantides called to the5 to hasten6 he was fro@en

    s1eechless b3 a dee1 fierce shout and the i51act of a hea83 blow

    inside the ing=s tent6 followed b3 a heartsto11ing crash of a

    falling bod3. There sounded a low laugh that turned the general=s

    blood to ice.

    Echoing the cr36 Pallantides wheeled and rushed bac into the

    1a8ilion. He cried out again as he saw )onan=s 1owerful fra5e

    stretched out on the car1et. The ing=s great twohanded sword la3

    near his hand6 and a shattered tent1ole see5ed to show where his

    sword had fallen. Pallantides= sword was out6 and he glared about the

    tent6 but nothing 5et his ga@e. -a8e for the ing and hi5self it was

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    e51t36 as it had been when he left it.

    >9our 2ajest3;> Pallantides threw hi5self on his nee beside the

    fallen giant.

    )onan=s e3es were o1en the3 bla@ed u1 at hi5 with full intelligence

    and recognition. His li1s writhed6 but no sound ca5e forth. He see5ed

    unable to 5o8e.

    oices sounded without. Pallantides rose swiftl3 and ste11ed to the

    door. The ro3al s?uires and one of the nights who guarded the tent

    stood there. >7e heard a sound within6> said the night

    a1ologeticall3. >,s all well with the ing>

    Pallantides regarded hi5 searchingl3.

    >!one has entered or left the 1a8ilion this night>

    >!one sa8e 3ourself6 53 lord6> answered the night6 and Pallantides

    could not doubt his honest3.

    >The ing stu5bled and dro11ed his sword6> said Pallantides briefl3.

    >Return to 3our 1ost.>

    As the night turned awa36 the general co8ertl3 5otioned to the fi8e

    ro3al s?uires6 and when the3 had followed hi5 in6 he drew the fla1

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    closel3. The3 turned 1ale at the sight of the ing stretched u1on the

    car1et6 but Pallantides= ?uic gesture checed their e'cla5ations.

    The general bent o8er hi5 agan6 and again )onan 5ade an effort to

    s1ea. The 8eins in his te51les and the cords in his nec swelled with

    his efforts6 and he lifted his head clear off the ground. oice ca5e

    at last6 5u5bling and half intelligible.

    >The thingthe thing in the corner;>

    Pallantides lifted his head and looed fearfull3 about hi5. He saw the

    1ale faces of the s?uires in the la51light6 the 8el8et shadows that

    lured along the walls of the 1a8ilion. That was all.

    >There is nothing here. 9our 2ajest36> he said.

    >,t was there6 in the co5er6> 5uttered the ing6 tossing his lion

    5aned head fro5 side to side in his efforts to rise. >A 5anat least

    he looed lie a 5anwra11ed in rags lie a 5u553=s bandages6 with a

    5oldering cloa drawn about hi56 and a hood. All , could see was his

    e3es6 as he crouched there in the shadows. , thought he was a shadow

    hi5self6 until , saw his e3es. The3 were lie blac jewels.

    >, 5ade at hi5 and swung 53 sword6 but , 5issed hi5 cleanhow6 )ro5

    nowsand s1lintered that 1ole instead. He caught 53 wrist as ,

    staggered off balance6 and his fingers burned lie hot iron. All the

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    strength went out of 5e6 and the floor rose and struc 5e lie a club.

    Then he was gone6 and , was down6 andcurse hi5;, can=t 5o8e; ,=5


    Pallantides lifted the giant=s hand6 and his flesh crawled. n the

    ing=s wrist showed the blue 5ars of long6 lean fingers. 7hat hand

    could gri1 so hard as to lea8e its 1rint on that thic wrist

    Pallantides re5e5bered that low laugh he had heard as he rushed into

    the tent6 and cold 1ers1iration beaded his sin. ,t had not been )onan

    who laughed.

    >This is a thing diabolical;> whis1ered a tre5bling s?uire. >2en sa3

    the children of darness war for Tarascus;>

    >Be silent;> ordered Pallantides sternl3.

    utside6 the dawn was di55ing the stars. A light wind s1rang u1 fro5

    the 1eas6 and brought the fanfare of a thousand tru51ets. At the

    sound a con8ulsi8e shudder ran through the ing=s 5ight3 for5. Again

    the 8eins in his te51les notted as he stro8e to brea the in8isible

    shacles which crushed hi5 down.

    >Put 53 harness on 5e and tie 5e into 53 saddle6> he whis1ered. >,=ll

    lead the charge 3et;>

    Pallantides shoo his head6 and a s?uire 1luced his sirt.

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    >23 lord6 we are lost if the host learns the ing has been s5itten;

    nl3 he could ha8e led us to 8ictor3 this da3.>

    >Hel1 5e lift hi5 on the dais6> answered the general.

    The3 obe3ed6 and laid the hel1less giant on the furs6 and s1read a

    silen cloa o8er hi5. Pallantides turned to the fi8e s?uires and

    searched their 1ale faces long before he s1oe.

    >ur li1s 5ust be sealed for e8er as to what ha11ens in this tent6> he

    said at last. >The ingdo5 of A?uilonia de1ends u1on it. ne of 3ou go

    and fetch 5e the officer alannus6 who is a ca1tain of the Pellian


    The s?uire indicated bowed and hastened fro5 the tent6 and Pallantides

    stood staring down at the stricen ing6 while outside tru51ets

    blared6 dru5s thundered6 and the roar of the 5ultitudes rose in the

    growing dawn. Presentl3 the s?uire returned with the officer

    Pallantides had na5eda tall 5an6 broad and 1owerful6 built 5uch lie

    the ing. (ie hi56 also6 he had thic blac hair. But his e3es were

    gra3 and he did not rese5ble )onan in his features.

    >The ing is stricen b3 a strange 5alad36> said Pallantides briefl3.

    >A great honor is 3ours 3ou are to wear his ar5or and ride at the

    head of the host toda3. !one 5ust now that it is not the ing who

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    >,t is an honor for which a 5an 5ight gladl3 gi8e u1 his life6>

    sta55ered the ca1tain6 o8erco5e b3 the suggestion. >2itra grant that ,

    do not fail of this 5ight3 trust;>

    And while the fallen ing stared with burning e3es that reflected the

    bitter rage and hu5iliation that ate his heart6 the s?uires stri11ed

    alannus of 5ail shirt6 burganet and leg1ieces6 and clad hi5 in

    )onan=s ar5or of blac 1late5ail6 with the 8i@ored salade6 and the

    dar 1lu5es nodding o8er the wi8ern crest. 8er all the3 1ut the

    silen surcoat with the ro3al lion wored in gold u1on the breast6 and

    the3 girt hi5 with a broad goldbucled belt which su11orted a jewel

    hilted broadsword in a clothofgold scabbard. 7hile the3 wored6

    tru51ets cla5ored outside6 ar5s clanged6 and across the ri8er rose a

    dee1throated roar as s?uadron after s?uadron swung into 1lace.

    (ord ing6 2itra grant that , do not dishonor the harness , wear this


    >Bring 5e Tarascus=s head and ,=ll 5ae 3ou a baron;> ,n the stress of

    his anguish )onan=s 8eneer of ci8ili@ation had fallen fro5 hi5. His

    e3es fla5ed6 he ground his teeth in fur3 and bloodlust6 as barbaric

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    as an3 tribes5en in the )ri55erian hills.

    )ha1ter C: The )liffs Reel

    THE AL,(!,A! H-T was drawn u16 long serried lines of 1ie5en and

    horse5en in glea5ing steel6 when a giant figure in blac ar5or e5erged

    fro5 the ro3al 1a8ilion6 and as he swung u1 into the saddle of the

    blac stallion held b3 four s?uires6 a roar that shoo the 5ountains

    went u1 fro5 the host. The3 shoo their blades and thundered forth

    their acclai5 of their warrior ingnights in goldchased ar5or6

    1ie5en in 5ail coats and basinets6 archers in their leather jerins6

    with their longbows in their left hand.

    The host on the o11osite side of the 8alle3 was in 5otion6 trotting

    down the long gentle slo1e toward the ri8er their steel shone through

    the 5ists of 5orning that swirled about their horses= feet.

    The A?uilonian host 5o8ed leisurel3 to 5eet the5. The 5easured tra51

    of the ar5ored horses 5ade the ground tre5ble. Banners flung out long

    silen folds in the 5orning wind lances swa3ed lie a bristling

    forest6 di11ed and san6 their 1ennons fluttering about the5.

    Ten 5enatar5s6 gri56 taciturn 8eterans who could hold their tongues6

    guarded the ro3al 1a8ilion. ne s?uire stood in the tent6 1eering out

    through a slit in the doorwa3. But for the handful in the secret6 no

    one else in the 8ast host new that it was not )onan who rode on the

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    great stallion at the head of the ar53.

    The A?uilonian host had assu5ed the custo5ar3 for5ation:

    The strongest 1art was the center6 co51osed entirel3 of hea8il3 ar5ed

    nights the wings were 5ade u1 of s5aller bodies of horse5en6 5ounted

    5enatar5s6 5ostl36 su11orted b3 1ie5en and archers. The latter were

    Bossonians fro5 the western 5arches6 strongl3 built 5en of 5ediu5

    stature6 in leathern jacets and iron head1ieces.

    The !e5edian ar53 ca5e on in si5ilar for5ation and the two hosts 5o8ed

    toward the ri8er6 the wings6 in ad8ance of the centers. ,n the center

    of the A?uilonian host the great lion banner strea5ed its billowing

    blac folds o8er the steelclad figure on the blac stallion.

    But on his dais in the ro3al 1a8ilion )onan groaned in anguish of

    s1irit6 and cursed with strange heathen oaths.

    >The hosts 5o8e together6> ?uoth the s?uire6 watching fro5 the door.

    >Hear the tru51ets 1eal; Ha; The rising sun stries fire fro5 lance

    heads and hel5ets until , a5 da@@led. ,t turns the ri8er cri5sona3e6

    it will be trul3 cri5son before this da3 is done;

    >The foe ha8e reached the ri8er. !ow arrows fl3 between the hosts lie

    stinging clouds that hide the sun. Ha; 7ell loosed6 bow5an; The

    Bossonians ha8e the better of it; Har to the5 shout;>

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    Their archers see to hold ours in 1la3 while their nights ride into

    the ri8er6> said the s?uire. >The bans are not stee1 the3 slo1e to

    the water=s edge. The nights co5e on6 the3 crash through the willows.

    B3 2itra6 the cloth3ard shafts find e8er3 cre8ice of their harness;

    Horses and 5en go down6 struggling and thrashing in the water. ,t is

    not dee16 nor is the current swift6 but 5en are drowning there6

    dragged under b3 their ar5or6 and tra51led b3 the frantic horses. !ow

    the nights of A?uilonia ad8ance. The3 ride into the water and engage

    the nights of !e5edia. The water swirls about their horses= bellies

    and the clang of sword against sword is deafening.>

    >)ro5;> burst in agon3 fro5 )onan=s li1. (ife was coursing sluggishl3

    bac into his 8eins6 but still he could not lift his 5ight3 fra5e fro5

    the dais.

    >The wings close in6> said the s?uire. >Pie5en and swords5en fight

    hand to hand in the strea56 and behind the5 the bow5en 1l3 their


    >B3 2itra6 the !e5edian arbalesters are sorel3 harried6 and the

    Bossonians arch their arrows to dro1 a5id the rear rans. Their center

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    gains not a foot6 and their wings are 1ushed bac u1 fro5 the strea5


    >)ro56 95ir6 and 2itra;> raged )onan. >Gods and de8ils6 could , but

    reach the fighting6 if but to die at the first blow;>

    utside through the long hot da3 the battle stor5ed and thundered. The

    8alle3 shoo to charge and countercharge6 to the whistling of shafts6

    and the crash of rending shields and s1lintering lances. But the hosts

    of A?uilonia held fast. nce the3 were forced bac fro5 the ban6 but

    a countercharge6 with the blac banner flowing o8er the blac

    stallion6 regained the lost ground. And lie an iron ra51art the3 held

    the right ban of the strea56 and at last the s?uire ga8e )onan the

    news that the !e5edians were falling bac fro5 the ri8er.

    >Their wings are in confusion;> he cried. >Their nights reel bac

    fro5 the sword1la3. But what is this 9our banner is in 5otionthe

    center swee1s into the strea5; B3 2itra6 alannus is leading the host

    across the ri8er;>

    > groaned )onan. >,t 5a3 be a tric. He should hold his

    1osition b3 dawn Pros1ero will be here with the Poitanian le8ies.>

    >The nights ride into a hail of arrows;> cried the s?uire. >But the3

    do not falter; The3 swee1 onthe3 ha8e crossed; The3 charge u1 the

    slo1e; Pallantides has hurled the wings across the ri8er to their

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    su11ort; ,t is all he can do. The lion banner di1s and staggers abo8e

    the 5elee.

    >The nights of !e5edia 5ae a stand. The3 are broen; The3 fall bac;

    Their left wing is in full flight6 and our 1ie5en cut the5 down as

    the3 run; , see alannus6 riding and s5iting lie a 5ad5an. He is

    carried be3ond hi5self b3 the fightinglust. 2en no longer loo to

    Pallantides. The3 follow alannus6 dee5ing hi5 )onan6 as he rides with

    closed 8i@or.

    >But loo; There is 5ethod in his 5adness; He swings wide of the

    !e5edian front6 with fi8e thousand nights6 the 1ic of the ar53. The

    5ain host of the !e5edians is in confusionand loo; Their flan is

    1rotected b3 the cliffs6 but there is a defile left unguarded; ,t is

    lie a great cleft in the wall that o1ens again behind the !e5edian

    lines. B3 2itra6 alannus sees and sei@es the o11ortunit3; He has

    dri8en their wing before hi56 and he leads his nights toward that

    defile. The3 swing wide of the 5ain battle the3 cut through a line of

    s1ear5en6 the3 charge into the defile;>

    >An a5bush;> cried )onan6 stri8ing to struggle u1right.

    >!o;> shouted the s?uire e'ultantl3. >The whole !e5edian host is in

    full sight; The3 ha8e forgotten the defile; The3 ne8er e'1ected to be

    1ushed bac that far. h6 fool6 fool6 Tarascus6 to 5ae such a

    blunder; Ah6 , see lances and 1ennons 1ouring fro5 the farther 5outh

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    of the defile6 be3ond the !e5edian lines. The3 will s5ite those rans

    fro5 the rear and cru51le the5. 2itra6 what is this>

    He staggered as the walls of the tent swa3ed drunenl3. Afar o8er the

    thunder of the fight rose a dee1 bellowing roar6 indescribabl3


    >The cliffs reel;> shrieed the s?uire. >Ah6 gods6 what is this The

    ri8er foa5s out of its channel6 and the 1eas are cru5bling;>

    >The ground shaes and horses and riders in ar5or are o8erthrown; The

    cliffs; The cliffs are falling;>

    7ith his words there ca5e a grinding ru5ble and a thunderous

    concussion6 and the ground tre5bled. 8er the roar of the battle

    sounded screa5s of 5ad terror.

    >The cliffs ha8e cru5bled;> cried the li8id s?uire. >The3 ha8e

    thundered down into the defile and crushed e8er3 li8ing creature in

    it; , saw the lion banner wa8e an instant a5id the dust and falling

    stones6 and then it 8anished; Ha6 the !e5edians shout with triu51h;

    7ell 5a3 the3 shout6 for the fall of the cliffs has wi1ed out fi8e

    thousand of our bra8est nightshar;>

    To )onan=s ears ca5e a 8ast torrent of sound6 rising and rising in

    fren@3: >The ing is dead; The ing is dead;

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    >(iars;> 1anted )onan. >Dogs; Ina8es; )owards; h6 )ro56 if , could

    but standbut crawl to the ri8er with 53 sword in 53 teeth; How6 bo36

    do the3 flee>

    >A3e;> sobbed the s?uire. >The3 s1ur for the ri8er the3 are broen6

    hurled on lie s1u5e before a stor5. , see Pallantides stri8ing to

    ste5 the torrenthe is down6 and the horses tra51le hi5; The3 rush

    into the ri8er6 nights6 bow5en6 1ie5en6 all 5i'ed and 5ingled in one

    5ad torrent of destruction. The !e5edians are on their heels6 cutting

    the5 down lie corn.>

    >But the3 will 5ae a stand on this side of the ri8er;> cried the

    ing. 7ith an effort that brought the sweat dri11ing fro5 his te51les6

    he hea8ed hi5self u1 on his elbows.

    >!a3;> cried the s?uire. >The3 cannot; The3 are broen; Routed; h

    gods6 that , should li8e to see this da3;>

    Then he re5e5bered his dut3 and shouted to the 5enatar5s who stood

    stolidl3 watching the flight of their co5rades. >Get a horse6 swiftl36

    and hel1 5e lift the ing u1on it. 7e dare not bide here.>

    But before the3 could do his bidding6 the first drift of the stor5 was

    u1on the5. Inights and s1ear5en and archers fled a5ong the tents6

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    stu5bling o8er ro1es and baggage6 and 5ingled with the5 were !e5edian

    riders6 who s5ote right and left at all alien figures. Tentro1es were

    cut6 fire s1rang u1 in a hundred 1laces6 and the 1lundering had

    alread3 begun. The gri5 guards5en about )onan=s tent died where the3

    stood6 s5iting and thrusting6 and o8er their 5angled cor1ses beat the

    hoofs of the con?uerors.

    But the s?uire had drawn the fla1 close6 and in the confused 5adness

    of the slaughter none reali@ed that the 1a8ilion held an occu1ant. -o

    the flight and the 1ursuit swe1t 1ast6 and roared awa3 u1 the 8alle36

    and the s?uire looed out 1resentl3 to see a cluster of 5en

    a11roaching the ro3al tent with e8ident 1ur1ose.

    >Here co5es the ing of !e5edia with four co51anions and his s?uire6>

    ?uoth he. >He will acce1t 3our surrender6 53 fair lord>

    >-urrender the de8il=s heart;> gritted the ing.

    He had forced hi5self u1 to a sitting 1osture. He swung his legs

    1ainfull3 off the dais6 and staggered u1right6 reeling drunenl3. The

    s?uire ran to assist hi56 but )onan 1ushed hi5 awa3.

    >Gi8e 5e that bow;> he gritted6 indicating a longbow and ?ui8er that

    hung fro5 a tent1ole.

    >But 9our 2ajest3;> cried the s?uire in great 1erturbation. >The

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    battle is lost; ,t were the 1art of 5ajest3 to 3ield with the dignit3

    beco5ing one of ro3al blood;>

    >, ha8e no ro3al blood6> ground )onan. >, a5 a barbarian and the son

    of a blacs5ith.>

    7renching awa3 the bow and an arrow he staggered toward the o1ening of

    the 1a8ilion. -o for5idable was his a11earance6 naed but for short

    leather brees and slee8eless shirt6 o1en to re8eal his great6 hair3

    chest6 with his huge li5bs and his blue e3es bla@ing under his tangled

    blac 5ane6 that the s?uire shran bac6 5ore afraid of his ing than

    of the whole !e5edian host.

    Reeling on widebraced legs )onan drunenl3 tore the doorfla1 o1en

    and staggered out under the cano13. The ing of !e5edia and his

    co51anions had dis5ounted6 and the3 halted short6 staring in wonder at

    the a11arition confronting the5.

    >Here , a56 3ou jacals;> roared the )i55erian. >, a5 the ing; Death

    to 3ou6 dogbrothers;>

    He jered the arrow to its head and loosed6 and the shaft feathered

    itself in the breast of the night who stood beside Tarascus. )onan

    hurled the bow at the ing of !e5edia.

    >)urse 53 sha3 hand; )o5e in and tae 5e if 3ou dare;>

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    Reeling bacward on unstead3 legs6 he fell with his shoulders against

    a tent1ole6 and 1ro11ed u1right6 he lifted his great sword with both


    >B3 2itra6 it is the ing;> swore Tarascus. He cast a swift loo about

    hi56 and laughed. >That other was a jacal in his harness; ,n6 dogs6

    and tae his head;>

    The three soldiers5enatar5s wearing the e5ble5 of the ro3al guards

    rushed at the ing6 and one felled the s?uire with a blow of a 5ace.

    The other two fared less well. As the fast rushed in6 lifting his

    sword6 )onan 5et hi5 with a swee1ing stroe that se8ered 5aillins

    lie cloth6 and sheared the !e5edian=s ar5 and shoulder clean fro5 his

    bod3. His cor1se6 1itching bacward6 fell across his co51anion=s legs.

    The 5an stu5bled6 and before he could reco8er6 the great sword was

    through hi5.

    )onan wrenched out his steel with a racing gas16 and staggered bac

    against the tent1ole. His great li5bs tre5bled6 his chest hea8ed6 and

    sweat 1oured down his face and nec. But his e3es fla5ed with e'ultant

    sa8ager3 and he 1anted: >7h3 do 3ou stand afar off6 dog of Bel8erus ,

    can=t reach 3ou co5e in and die;> Tarascus hesitated6 glanced at the

    re5aining 5anatar5s6 and his s?uire6 a gaunt6 saturnine 5an in blac

    5ail6 and too a ste1 forward. He was far inferior in si@e and

    strength to the giant )i55erian6 but he was in full ar5or6 and was

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    fa5ed in all the western nations as a swords5an. But his s?uire caught

    his ar5.

    >!a36 9our 2ajest36 do not throw awa3 3our life. , will su55on archers

    to shoot this barbarian6 as we shoot lions.>

    !either of the5 had noticed that a chariot had a11roached while the

    fight was going on6 and now ca5e to a halt before the5. But )onan saw6

    looing o8er their shoulders6 and a ?ueer chill sensation crawled

    along his s1ine. There was so5ething 8aguel3 unnatural about the

    a11earance of the blac horses that drew the 8ehicle6 but it was the

    occu1ant of the chariot that arrested the ing=s attention.

    He was a tall 5an6 su1erbl3 built6 clad in a long unadorned sil robe.

    He wore a -he5itish headdress6 and its lower folds hid his features6

    e'ce1t for the dar6 5agnetic e3es. The hands that gras1ed the reins6

    1ulling the rearing horses bac on their haunches6 were white but

    strong. )onan glared at the stranger6 all his 1ri5iti8e instincts

    roused. He sensed an aura of 5enace and 1ower that e'uded fro5 this

    8eiled figure6 a 5enace as definite as the windless wa8ing of tall

    grass that 5ars the 1ath of the ser1ent.

    >Hail6 Faltotun;> e'clai5ed Tarascus. >Here is the ing of A?uilonia;

    He did not die in the landslide as we thought.>

    >, now6> answered the other6 without bothering to sa3 how he new.

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    >7hat is 3our 1resent intention>

    >, will su55on the archers to sla3 hi56> answered the !e5edian. >As

    long as he li8es he will be dangerous to us.>

    >9et e8en a dog has uses6> answered Faltotun. >Tae turn ali8e.>

    )onan laughed ras1ingl3. >)o5e in and tr3;> he challenged. >But for 53

    treacherous legs ,=d hew 3ou out of that chariot lie a wood5an hewing

    a tree. But 3ou=ll ne8er tae 5e ali8e6 da5n 3ou;>

    >He s1eas the truth6 , fear6> said Tarascus. >The 5an is a barbarian6

    with the senseless ferocit3 of a wounded tiger. (et 5e su55on the


    >7atch 5e and learn wisdo56> ad8ised Faltotun.

    His hand di11ed into his robe and ca5e out with so5ething shininga

    glistening s1here. This he threw suddenl3 at )onan. The )i55erian

    conte51tuousl3 struc it aside with his swordat the instant of

    contact there was a shar1 e'1losion6 a flare of white6 blinding fla5e6

    and )onan 1itched senseless to the ground.

    >He is dead> Tarascus=s tone was 5ore assertion than in?uir3.

    >!o. He is but senseless. He will reco8er his senses in a few hours.

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    Bid 3our 5en bind his ar5s and legs and lift hi5 into 53 chariot.>

    7ith a gesture Tarascus did so6 and the3 hea8ed the senseless ing

    into the chariot6 grunting with their burden. Faltotun threw a 8el8et

    cloa o8er his bod36 co51letel3 co8ering hi5 fro5 an3 who 5ight 1eer

    in. He gathered the reins in his hands.

    >,=5 for Bel8erus6> he said. >Tell A5alric that , will be with hi5 if

    he needs 5e. But with )onan out of the wa36 and his ar53 broen6 lance

    and sword should suffice for the rest of the con?uest. Pros1ero cannot

    be bringing 5ore than ten thousand 5en to the field6 and will

    doubtless fall bac to Tarantia when he hears the news of the battle.

    -a3 nothing to A5alric or alerius or an3one about our ca1ture. (et

    the5 thin )onan died in the fall of the cliffs.>

    He looed at the 5anatar5s for a long s1ace6 until the guards5an

    5o8ed restlessl36 ner8ous under the scrutin3.

    >7hat is that about 3our waist> Faltotun de5anded.

    >7h36 53 girdle6 5a3 it 1lease 3ou6 53 lord;> stuttered the a5a@ed


    >9ou lie;> Faltotun=s laugh was 5erciless as a swordedge. >,t is a

    1oisonous ser1ent; 7hat a fool 3ou are6 to wear a re1tile about 3our


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    7ith distended e3es the 5an looed down and to his utter horror he

    saw the bucle of his girdle rear u1 at hi5. ,t was a snae=s head; He

    saw the e8il e3es and the dri11ing fangs6 heard the hiss and felt the

    loathso5e contact of the thing about his bod3. He screa5ed hideousl3

    and struc at it with his naed hand6 felt its fangs flesh the5sel8es

    in that handand then he stiffened and fell hea8il3. Tarascus looed

    down at hi5 without e'1ression. He saw onl3 the leathern girdle and

    the bucle6 the 1ointed tongue of which was stuc in the guards5an=s

    1al5. Faltotun turned his h31notic ga@e on Tarascus=s s?uire6 and the

    5an turned ashen and began to tre5ble6 but the ing inter1osed: >!a36

    we can trust hi5.>

    The sorcerer tautened the reins and swung the horses around. >-ee that

    this 1iece of wor re5ains secret. ,f , a5 needed6 let Altaro6

    rastes= ser8ant6 su55on 5e as , ha8e taught hi5. , will be in 3our

    1alace at Bel8erus.>

    Tarascus lifted his hand in salutation6 but his e'1ression was not

    1leasant to see as he looed after the de1arting 5es5erist.

    >7h3 should he s1are the )i55erian> whis1ered the frightened s?uire.

    >That , a5 wondering 53self6> grunted Tarascus. Behind the ru5bling

    chariot the dull roar of battle and 1ursuit faded in the distance the

    setting sun ri55ed the dins with scarlet fla5e6 and the chariot 5o8ed


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    Hour of the Dragon

    into the 8ast blue shadows floating u1 out of the east.

    )ha1ter : >

    < THAT (!G ride in the chariot of Faltotun6 )onan new nothing. He

    la3 lie a dead 5an while the bron@e wheels clashed o8er the stones of

    5ountain roads and swished through the dee1 grass of fertile 8alle3s6

    and finall3 dro11ing down fro5 the rugged heights6 ru5bled

    rh3th5icall3 along the broad white road that winds through the rich

    5eadowlands to the walls of Bel8erus.

    ust before dawn so5e faint re8i8ing of life touched hi5. He heard a

    5u5ble of 8oices6 the groan of 1onderous hinges. Through a slit in the

    cloa that co8ered hi5 he saw6 faintl3 in the lurid glare of torches6

    the great blac arch of a gatewa36 and the bearded faces of 5enat

    ar5s6 the torches striing fire fro5 their s1earheads and hel5ets.

    >How went the battle6 53 fair lord> s1oe an eager 8oice6 in the

    !e5edian tongue.

    >7ell indeed6> was the curt re1l3. >The ing of A?uilonia lies slain

    and his host is broen.>

    A babble of e'cited 8oices rose6 drowned the ne't instant b3 the

    whirling wheels of the chariot on the flags. -1ars flashed fro5 under

    the re8ol8ing ri5s as Faltotun lashed his steeds through the arch. But

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    )onan heard one of the guards5en 5utter: > Then silence dran the 8oices6 and there was onl3 the

    clatter of hoofs and wheels along the shadow3 street.

    7hat he had heard registered itself on )onan=s brain but suggested

    nothing to hi5. He was lie a 5indless auto5aton that hears and sees6

    but does not understand. -ights and sounds flowed 5eaninglessl3 about

    hi5. He la1sed again into a dee1 letharg36 and was onl3 di5l3 aware

    when the chariot halted in a dee16 highwalled court6 and he was

    lifted fro5 it b3 5an3 hands and borne u1 a winding stone stair6 and

    down a long di5 corridor. 7his1ers6 stealth3 footste1s6 unrelated

    sounds surged or rustled about hi56 irrele8ant and far awa3.

    9et his ulti5ate awaening was abru1t and cr3stalclear. He 1ossessed

    full nowledge of the battle in the 5ountains and its se?uences6 and

    he had a good idea of where he was.

    He la3 on a 8el8et couch6 clad as he was the da3 before6 but 7ith his

    li5bs loaded with chains not e8en he could brea. The roo5 in which he

    la3 was furnished with so5ber 5agnificence6 the walls co8ered with

    blac 8el8et ta1estries6 the floor with hea83 1ur1le car1ets. There

    was no sign of door or window6 and one curiousl3 car8en gold la516

    swinging fro5 the fretted ceiling6 shed a lurid light o8er all.

    ,n that light the figure seated in a sil8er6 thronelie chair before

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    hi5 see5ed unreal and fantastic6 with an illusi8eness of outline that

    was heightened b3 a fil53 silen robe. But the features were distinct

    unnaturall3 so in that uncertain light. ,t was al5ost as if a weird

    ni5bus 1la3ed about the 5an=s head6 casting the bearded face into bold

    relief6 so that it was the onl3 definite and distinct realit3 in that

    53stic6 ghostl3 cha5ber.

    ,t was a 5agnificent face6 with strongl3 chiseled features of

    classical beaut3. There was6 indeed6 so5ething dis?uieting about the

    cal5 tran?uilit3 of its as1ect6 a suggestion of 5ore than hu5an

    nowledge6 of a 1rofound certitude be3ond hu5an assurance. Also an

    uneas3 sensation of fa5iliarit3 twitched at the bac of 5an=s

    consciousness. He had ne8er seen this 5an=s face before6 he well new

    3et those features re5inded hi5 of so5ething or so5eone. ,t was lie

    encountering in the flesh so5e drea5i5age that had haunted one in


    >7ho are 3ou> de5anded the ing belligerentl36 struggling to a

    sitting 1osition in s1ite of his chains.

    >2en call 5e Faltotun6> was the re1l36 in a strong6 golden 8oice.

    >7hat 1lace is this> the )i55erian ne't de5anded.

    >A cha5ber in the 1alace of Iing Tarascus6 in Bel8erus.>

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    )onan was not sur1ri@ed. Bel8erus6 the ca1ital6 was at the sa5e ti5e

    the largest !e5edian cit3 so near the border.

    >And where=s Tarascus>

    >7ith the ar53.>

    >7ell6> growled )onan6 >if 3ou 5ean to 5urder 5e6 wh3 don=t 3ou do it

    and get it o8er with>

    >, did not sa8e 3ou fro5 the ing=s archers to 5urder 3ou in

    Bel8erus6> answered Faltotun.

    >7hat the de8il did 3ou do to 5e> de5anded )onan.

    >, blasted 3our consciousness6> answered Faltotun. >How6 3ou would not

    understand. )all it blac 5agic6 if 3ou will.>

    )onan had alread3 reached that conclusion6 and was 5ulling o8er

    so5ething else.

    >, thin , understand wh3 3ou s1ared 53 life6> he ru5bled. >A5alric

    wants to ee1 5e as a chec on alerius6 in case the i51ossible

    ha11ens and he beco5es ing of A?uilonia. ,t=s well nown that the

    baron of Tor is behind this 5o8e to seat alerius on 53 throne. And if

    , now A5alric6 he doesn=t intend that alerius shall be an3thing 5ore

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    than a figurehead6 as Tarascus is now.>

    >A5alric nows nothing of 3our ca1ture6> answered Faltotun. >!either

    does alerius. Both thin 3ou died at alia.>

    )onan=s e3es narrowed as he stared at the 5an in silence.

    >, sensed a brain behind all this6> he 5uttered6 >but , thought it was

    A5alric=s. Are A5alric6 Tarascus and alerius all but 1u11ets dancing

    on 3our string 7ho are 3ou>

    >7hat does it 5atter ,f , told 3ou6 3ou would not belie8e 5e. 7hat if

    , told 3ou , 5ight set 3ou bac on the throne of A?uilonia>

    )onan=s e3es burned on hi5 lie a wolf.

    >7hat=s 3our 1rice>

    >bedience to 5e.>

    >Go to hell with 3our offer;> snarled )onan. >,=5 no figurehead. , won

    53 crown with 53 sword. Besides6 it=s be3ond 3our 1ower to bu3 and

    sell the throne of A?uilonia at 3our will. The ingdo5=s not

    con?uered one battle doesn=t decide a war.>

    >9ou war against 5ore than swords6> answered Faltotun. >7as it a

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    >Then if this was all 1lanned6> )onan grunted se1ticall36 >all a 1lot

    to tra1 53 host6 wh3 did not the =child of darness= ill 5e in 53


    >Because , wished to tae 3ou ali8e. ,t too no wi@ardr3 to 1redict

    that Pallantides would send another 5an out in 3our harness. , wanted

    3ou ali8e and unhurt. 9ou 5a3 fit into 53 sche5e of things. There is a

    8ital 1ower about 3ou greater than the craft and cunning of 53 allies.

    9ou are a bad ene536 but 5ight 5ae a fine 8assal.>

    )onan s1at sa8agel3 at the word6 and Faltotun6 ignoring his fur36 too

    a cr3stal globe fro5 a nearb3 table and 1laced it before hi5. He did

    not su11ort it in an3 wa36 nor 1lace it on an3thing6 but it hung

    5otionless in 5idair6 as solidl3 as if it rested on an iron 1edestal.

    )onan snorted at this bit of necro5anc36 but he was ne8ertheless


    >7ould 3ou now of what goes on in A?uilonia> he ased.

    )onan did not re1l36 but the sudden rigidit3 of his for5 betra3ed his


    Faltotun stared into the cloud3 de1ths6 and s1oe: >,t is now the

    e8ening of the da3 after the battle of allda. (ast night the 5ain

    bod3 of the ar53 ca51ed b3 alia6 while s?uadrons of nights harried

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    the fleeing A?uilonians. At dawn the host broe ca51 and 1ushed

    westward through the 5ountains. Pros1ero6 with ten thousand

    Poitanians6 was 5iles fro5 the battlefield when he 5et the fleeing

    sur8i8ors in the earl3 dawn. He had 1ushed on all night6 ho1ing to

    reach the field before the battle joined. Lnable to rall3 the re5nants

    of the broen host6 he fell bac toward Tarantia. Riding hard6

    re1lacing his wearied horses with steeds sei@ed fro5 the countr3side6

    he a11roaches Tarantia.

    >, see his wear3 nights6 their ar5or gra3 with dust6 their 1ennons

    droo1ing as the3 1ush their tired horses through the 1lain. , see6

    also6 the streets of Tarantia. The cit3 is in tur5oil. -o5ehow word

    has reached the 1eo1le of the defeat and the death of Iing )onan. The

    5ob is 5ad with fear6 cr3ing out that the ing is dead6 and there is

    none to lead the5 against the !e5edians. Giant shadows rush on

    A?uilonia fro5 the east6 and the s3 is blac with 8ultures.>

    )onan cursed dee1l3.

    >7hat are these but words The raggedest beggar in the street 5ight

    1ro1hes3 as 5uch. ,f 3ou sa3 3ou saw all that in the glass ball6 then

    3ou=re a liar as well as a na8e6 of which last there=s no doubt;

    Pros1ero will hold Tarantia6 and the barons will rall3 to hi5. )ount

    Trocero of Poitain co55ands the ingdo5 in 53 absence6 and he=ll dri8e

    these !e5edian dogs howling bac to their ennels. 7hat are fift3

    thousand !e5edians A?uilonia will swallow the5 u1. The3=ll ne8er see

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    Bel8erus again. ,t=s not A?uilonia which was con?uered at alia it

    was onl3 )onan.>

    >A?uilonia is doo5ed6> answered Faltotun6 un5o8ed. >(ance and a' and

    torch shall con?uer her or if the3 fail6 1owers fro5 the dar of ages

    shall 5arch against her. As the cliffs fell at alia6 so shall walled

    cities and 5ountains fall6 if the need arise6 and ri8ers roar fro5

    their channels to drown whole 1ro8inces.

    >Better if steel and bowstring 1re8ail without further aid fro5 the

    arts6 for the constant use of 5ight3 s1ells so5eti5es sets forces in

    5otion that 5ight roc the uni8erse.>

    > 5uttered )onan6

    staring at the 5an. The )i55erian in8oluntaril3 shi8ered he sensed

    so5ething incredibl3 ancient6 incredibl3 e8il.

    Faltotun lifted his head6 as if listening to whis1ers across the 8oid.

    He see5ed to ha8e forgotten his 1risoner. Then he shoo his head

    i51atientl36 and glanced i51ersonall3 at )onan.

    >7hat 7h36 if , told 3ou6 3ou would not belie8e 5e. But , a5 wearied

    of con8ersation with 3ou it is less fatiguing to destro3 a walled

    cit3 than it is to fra5e 53 thoughts in words a brainless barbarian

    can understand.>

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    >,f 53 hands were free6> o1ined )onan6 >,=d soon 5ae a brainless

    cor1se out of 3ou.>

    >, do not doubt it6 if , were fool enough to gi8e 3ou the

    o11ortunit36> answered Faltotun6 cla11ing his hands. =6= His 5anner

    had changed there was i51atience in his tone6 and a certain

    ner8ousness in his 5anner6 though )onan did not thin this attitude

    was in an3 wa3 connected with hi5self.

    >)onsider what , ha8e told 3ou6 barbarian6> said Faltotun.

    >9ou will ha8e 1lent3 of leisure. , ha8e not 3et decided what , shall

    do with 3ou. ,t de1ends on circu5stances 3et unborn. But let this be

    i51ressed u1on 3ou: that if , decide to use 3ou in 53 ga5e6 it will be

    better to sub5it without resistance than to suffer 53 wrath.> )onan

    s1at a curse at hi56 just as hangings that 5ased a door swung a1art

    and four giant negroes entered. Each was clad onl3 in a silen breech

    clout su11orted b3 a girdle6 fro5 which hung a great e3.

    Faltotun gestured i51atientl3 toward the ing and turned awa36 as if

    dis5issing the 5atter entirel3 fro5 his 5ind. His fingers twitched


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    Hour of the Dragon

    Then the blacs had lifted )onanfor so loaded with chains was he that

    he could not waland carried hi5 fro5 the cha5ber. A glance bac6

    before the hea836 goldbound tea door was closed6 showed hi5 Faltotun

    leaning bac in his thronelie chair6 his ar5s folded6 while a thin

    wis1 of s5oe curled u1 fro5 the bra@ier. 5an=s scal1 1ricled. ,n

    -t3gia6 that ancient and e8il ingdo5 that la3 far to the south6 he

    had seen such blac dust before. ,t was the 1ollen of the blac lotus6

    which creates deathlie slee1 and 5onstrous drea5s and he new that

    onl3 the grisl3 wi@ards of the Blac Ring6 which is the nadir of e8il6

    8oluntaril3 see the scarlet night5ares of the blac lotus6 to re8i8e

    their necro5antic 1owers.

    The Blac Ring was a fable and a lie to 5ost fol of the western

    world6 but )onan new of its ghastl3 realit36 and its gri5 8otaries

    who 1ractise their abo5inable sorceries a5id the blac 8aults of

    -t3gia and the nighted do5es of accursed -abatea. He glanced bac at

    the cr31tic6 goldbound door6 shuddering at what it hid.

    7hether it was da3 or night the ing could not tell. The 1alace of

    Iing Tarascus see5ed a shadow36 nighted 1lace6 that shunned natural

    illu5ination. The s1irit of darness and shadow ho8ered o8er it6 and

    that s1irit6 )onan felt6 was e5bodied in the stranger Faltotun. The

    negroes carried the ing along a winding corridor so di5l3 lighted

    that the3 5o8ed through it lie blac ghosts bearing a dead 5an6 and

    down a stone stair that wound endlessl3 A torch in the hand of one

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    cast the great defor5ed shadows strea5ing along the wall it was lie

    the descent into hell of a cor1se borne b3 dus3 de5ons.

    At last the3 reached the foot of the stair6 and then the3 tra8ersed a

    long straight corridor6 with a blan wall on one hand 1ierced b3 an

    occasional arched doorwa3 with a stair leading u1 behind it6 and on

    the other hand another wall showing hea83 barred doors at regular

    inter8als of a few feet.

    Halting before one of these doors6 one of the blacs 1roduced the e3

    that hung at his girdle6 and turned it in the loc. Then6 1ushing o1en

    the grille6 the3 entered with their ca1ti8e. The3 were in a s5all

    dungeon with hea83 stone walls6 floor and ceiling6 and in the o11osite

    wall there was another grilled door. 7hat la3 be3ond that door )onan

    could not tell6 but he did not belie8e it was another corridor. The

    gli55ering light of the torch6 flicering through the bars6 hinted at

    shadow3 s1aciousness and echoing de1ths.

    ,n one corner of the dungeon6 near the door through which the3 had

    entered6 a cluster of rust3 chains hung fro5 a great iron ring set in

    the stone. ,n these chains a seleton dangled. )onan glared at it with

    so5e curiosit36 noticing the state of the bare bones6 5ost of which

    were s1lintered and broen the sull which had fallen fro5 the

    8ertebrae6 was crushed as if b3 so5e sa8age blow of tre5endous force.

    -tolidl3 one of the blacs6 not the one who had o1ened the door6

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    re5o8ed the chains fro5 the ring6 using his e3 on the 5assi8e loc6

    and dragged the 5ass of rust3 5etal and shattered bones o8er to one

    side. Then the3 fastened )onan=s chains to that ring6 and the third

    blac turned his e3 in the loc of the farther door6 grunting when he

    had assured hi5self that it was 1ro1erl3 fastened.

    Then the3 regarded )onan cr31ticall36 slite3ed ebon3 giants6 the

    torch striing highlights fro5 their gloss3 sin.

    He who held the e3 to the nearer door was 5o8ed to re5ar6

    gutturall3: >This 3our 1alace now6 white doging; !one but 5aster and

    we now. All 1alace slee1. 7e ee1 secret. 9ou li8e and die here6

    5a3be. (ie hi5;> He conte51tuousl3 iced the shattered sull and

    sent it clattering across the stone floor.

    )onan did not deign to re1l3 to the taunt and the blac6 galled

    1erha1s b3 his 1risoner=s silence6 5uttered a curse6 stoo1ed and s1at

    full in the ing=s face. ,t was an unfortunate 5o8e for the blac.

    )onan was seated on the floor6 the chains about his waist anles and

    wrists loced to the ring in the wall. He could neither rise6 nor 5o8e

    5ore than a 3ard out fro5 the wall. But there was considerable slac

    in the chains that shacled his wrists6 and before the bulletsha1ed

    head could be withdrawn out of reach6 the ing gathered this slac in

    his 5ight3 hand and s5ote the blac on the head. The 5an fell lie a

    butchered o' and his co5rades stared to see hi5 l3ing with his scal1

    laid o1en6 and blood oo@ing fro5 his nose and ears.

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    But the3 atte51ted no re1risal6 nor did the3 acce1t )onan=s urgent

    in8itation to a11roach within reach of the blood3 chain in his hand.

    Presentl36 grunting in their a1elie s1eech6 the3 lifted the

    senseless blac and bore hi5 out lie a sac of wheat6 ar5s and legs

    dangling. The3 used his e3 to loc the door behind the56 but did not

    re5o8e it fro5 the gold chain that fastened it to his girdle. The3

    too the torch with the56 and as the3 5o8ed u1 the corridor the

    darness slun behind the5 lie an ani5ate thing. Their soft 1adding

    footste1s died awa36 with the gli55er of their torch6 and darness and

    silence re5ained unchallenged.

    )ha1ter /: The Haunter of the Pits

    )!A! (A9 -T,((6 enduring the weight of his chains and the des1air of

    his 1osition with the stoicis5 of the wilds that had bred hi5. He did

    not 5o8e6 because the jangle of his chains6 when he shifted his bod36

    sounded startlingl3 loud in the darness and stillness6 and it was his

    instinct6 born of a thousand wildernessbred ancestors6 not to betra3

    his 1osition in his hel1lessness. This did not result fro5 a logical

    reasoning 1rocess he did not lie ?uiet because he reasoned that the

    darness hid luring dangers that 5ight disco8er hi5 in his

    hel1lessness. Faltotun had assured hi5 that he was not to be har5ed6

    and )onan belie8ed that it was in the 5an=s interest to 1reser8e hi56

    at least for the ti5e being. But the instincts of the wild were there6

    that had caused hi5 in his childhood to lie hidden and silent while

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    wild beasts 1rowled about his co8ert.

    E8en his een e3es could not 1ierce the solid darness. 9et aftera

    while6 after a 1eriod of ti5e he had no wa3 of esti5ating6 a faint

    glow beca5e a11arent6 a sort of slanting gra3 bea56 b3 which )onan

    could see6 8aguel36 the bars of the door at his elbow6 and e8en 5ae

    out the seleton of the other grille. This 1u@@led hi56 until at last

    he reali@ed the e'1lanation. He was far below ground6 in the 1its

    below the 1alace 3et for so5e reason a shaft had been constructed

    fro5 so5ewhere abo8e. utside6 the 5oon had risen to a 1oint where its

    light slanted di5l3 down the shaft. He reflected that in this 5anner

    he could tell the 1assing of the da3s and nights. Perha1s the sun6

    too6 would shine down that shaft6 though on the other hand it 5ight be

    closed b3 da3. Perha1s it was a subtle 5ethod of torture6 allowing a

    1risoner but a gli51se of da3light or 5oonlight.

    His ga@e fell on the broen bones in the farther co5er6 gli55ering

    di5l3. He did not ta' his brain with futile s1eculation as to who the

    wretch had been and for what reason he had been doo5ed6 but he

    wondered at the shattered condition of the bones. The3 had not been

    broen on a rac. Then6 as he looed6 another unsa8or3 detail 5ade

    itself e8ident. The shinbones were s1lit lengthwise6 and there was

    but one e'1lanation the3 had been broen in that 5anner in order to

    obtain the 5arrow. 9et what creature but 5an breas bones for their

    5arrow Perha1s those re5nants were 5ute e8idence of a horrible6

    cannibalistic feast6 of so5e wretch dri8en to 5adness b3 star8ation.

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    )onan wondered if his own bones would be found at so5e future date6

    hanging in their rust3 chains. He fought down the unreasoning 1anic of

    a tra11ed wolf.

    The )i55erian did not curse6 screa56 wee1 or ra8e as a ci8ili@ed 5an

    5ight ha8e done. But the 1ain and tur5oil in his boso5 were none the

    less fierce. His great li5bs ?ui8ered with the intensit3 of his

    e5otions. -o5ewhere6 far to the westward6 the !e5edian host was

    slashing and burning its wa3 through the heart of his ingdo5. The

    s5all host of Poitanians could not stand before the5. Pros1ero 5ight

    be able to hold Tarantia for wees6 or 5onths but e8entuall36 if not

    relie8ed6 he 5ust surrender to greater nu5bers. -urel3 the barons

    would rall3 to hi5 against the in8aders. But in the 5eanwhile he6

    )onan6 5ust lie hel1less in a darened cell6 while others led his

    s1ears and fought for his ingdo5. The ing ground his 1owerful teeth

    in red rage.

    Then he stiffened as outside the farther door he heard a stealth3

    ste1. -training his e3es he 5ade out a bent6 indistinct figure outside

    the grille. There was a ras1 of 5etal against 5etal6 and he heard the

    clin of tu5blers6 as if a e3 had been turned in the loc. Then the

    figure 5o8ed silentl3 out of his range of 8ision. -o5e guard6 he

    su11osed6 tr3ing the loc. After a while he heard the sound re1eated

    faintl3 so5ewhere farther on6 and that was followed b3 the soft

    o1ening of a door6 and then a swift scurr3 of softl3 shod feet

    retreated in the distance. Then silence fell again.

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    )onan listened for what see5ed a long ti5e6 but which could not ha8e

    been6 for the 5oon still shone down the hidden shaft6 but he heard no

    further sound. He shifted his 1osition at last6 and his chains

    claned. Then he heard another6 lighter footfalla soft ste1 outside

    the nearer door6 the door though which he had entered the cell. An

    instant later a slender figure was etched di5l3 in the gra3 light.

    >Iing )onan;> a soft 8oice intoned urgentl3. >h6 53 lord6 are 3ou


    >7here else> he answered guardedl36 twisting his head about to stare

    at the a11arition.

    ,t was a girl who stood gras1ing the bars with her slender fingers.

    The di5 glow behind her outlined her su11le figure through the wis1 of

    sil twisted about her loins6 and shone 8aguel3 on jeweled breast

    1lates. Her dar e3es glea5ed in the shadows6 her white li5bs

    glistened softl36 lie alabaster. Her hair was a 5ass of dar foa56 at

    the burnished luster of which the di5 light onl3 hinted.

    >The e3s to 3our shacles and to the farther door;> she whis1ered6

    and a sli5 7hite hand ca5e through the bars and dro11ed three objects

    with a clin to the flags beside hi5.

    >7hat ga5e is this> he de5anded. >9ou s1ea in the !e5edian tongue6

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    and , ha8e no friends in !e5edia. 7hat de8iltr3 is 3our 5aster u1 to

    now Has he sent 3ou here to 5oc 5e>

    >,t is no 5ocer3;> The girl was tre5bling 8iolentl3. Her bracelets

    and breast1lates clined against the bars she gras1ed. >, swear b3

    2itra; , stole the e3s fro5 the blac jailers. The3 are the ee1ers

    of the 1its6 and each bears a e3 which will o1en onl3 one set of

    locs. , 5ade the5 drun. The one whose head 3ou broe was carried

    awa3 to a leech6 and , could not get his e3. But the others , stole.

    h6 1lease do not loiter; Be3ond these dungeons lie the 1its which are

    the doors to hell.>

    -o5ewhat i51ressed6 )onan tried the e3s dubiousl36 e'1ecting to 5eet

    onl3 failure and a burst of 5ocing laughter. But he was gal8ani@ed to

    disco8er that one6 indeed6 loosed hi5 of his shacles6 fitting not

    onl3 the loc that held the5 to the ring6 but the locs on his li5bs

    as well. A few seconds later he stood u1right6 e'ulting fiercel3 in

    his co51arati8e freedo5. A ?uic stride carried hi5 to the grille6 and

    his fingers closed about a bar and the slender wrist that was 1ressed

    against it6 i51risoning the owner6 who lifted her face bra8el3 to his

    fierce ga@e.

    >7ho are 3ou6 girl> he de5anded. >7h3 do 3ou do this>

    >, a5 onl3 Kenobia6> she 5ur5ured6 with a catch of breathlessness6 as

    if in fright >onl3 a girl of the ing=s seraglio.>

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    >Lnless this is so5e cursed tric6> 5uttered )onan6 >, cannot see wh3

    3ou bring 5e these e3s.>

    -he bowed her dar head6 and then lifted it and looed full into his

    sus1icious e3es. Tears s1arled lie jewels on her long dar lashes.

    >, a5 onl3 a girl of the ing=s seraglio6> she said6 with a certain

    hu5ilit3. >He has ne8er glanced at 5e6 and 1robabl3 ne8er will. , a5

    less than one of t