Download - Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Page 1: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms

Comparando paradigmas

From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on College Campuses: Shifting the Focus from Teaching to Learning, 2000

Page 2: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

…the individuals learning the most in the teacher-centered classrooms are the teachers there.…los individuos que aprenden más en los salones centrados en el profesor, son los profesores de esos salones.

What I know best I have taught… Lo que más sé es lo que he enseñado.

Page 35, Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on College Campuses: Shifting the Focus from Teaching to Learning, 2000

They have reserved for themselves the very conditions that promote learning:Han reservado para sí mismos las principales condiciones que promueven el aprendizaje:

Page 3: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

actively seeking new information,buscar activamente información nueva,

What I know best I have taught… Lo que más sé es lo que he enseñado.

integrating it with what is known,integrarla con lo que ya se sabe,

organizing it in a meaningful way, andorganizarla de una manera significativa, y

explaining it to others.explicársela a los otros.

Page 4: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

First, an exercise: Primero, un ejercicio:

1. Individually, write down five words or short phrases that come to mind when you think of: Student-Centered Learning

1. Individualmente, escriba cinco palabras o frases cortas que le vienen a la mente cuando piensa en:

El aprendizaje centrado en el estudiante

Page 5: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

First, an exercise: Primero, un ejercicio:

2. In small groups, select three “most important”.

2. En grupos pequeños, seleccione las tres “mas importantes”.

3. Finally, prepare to report out one choice.

3. Finalmente, elija una de ellas y prepárese a reportarla.

Page 6: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Comparison of Paradigms Comparando paradigmas

Instructor-CenteredKnowledge is transmitted from professor to student.

Centrado en el instructorEl conocimiento es transmitido del profesor al alumno.

Page 7: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Comparison of Paradigms Comparando paradigmas

Student-CenteredStudents construct knowledge through gathering and synthesizing information and integrating it with the general skills of inquiry, communication, critical thinking, and problem solving.

Centrado en el alumnoLos estudiantes construyen el conocimiento a través de la organización y la síntesis de la información integrándola con las habilidades generales de investigación, comunicación, pensamiento crítico, y solución de problemas.

Page 8: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Instructor-CenteredStudents passively receive information.

Comparison of Paradigms Comparando paradigmas

Centrado en el instructorLos estudiantes reciben la información pasivamente.

Page 9: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Student-CenteredStudents are actively involved.

Comparison of Paradigms Comparando paradigmas

Centrado en el alumnoLos estudiantes se involucran activamente.

Page 10: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Instructor-CenteredEmphasis is on acquisition of knowledge outside the context in which it will be used.

Comparison of Paradigms Comparando paradigmas

Centrado en el instructorEl énfasis está en la adquisición del conocimiento fuera del contexto en el que será utilizado.

Page 11: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Student-CenteredEmphasis is on using and communicating knowledge effectively to address enduring and emerging issues and problems in real-life contexts.

Comparison of Paradigms Comparando paradigmas

Centrado en el alumnoEl énfasis está en el uso y la comunicación del conocimiento efectivamente para enfrentar asuntos emergentes y duraderos y problemas en contextos de la vida real.

Page 12: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Instructor-CenteredInstructor’s role is to be primary information giver and primary evaluator.

Comparison of Paradigms Comparando paradigmas

Centrado en el instructorEl rol del instructor es el de ser el primero en dar la información.

Page 13: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Student-CenteredInstructor’s role is to coach and facilitate.

Comparison of Paradigms Comparando paradigmas

Centrado en el alumnoEl rol del instructor es el de monitorear y facilitar.

Page 14: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Instructor-CenteredEmphasis is on [single] right answers.

Comparison of Paradigms Comparando paradigmas

Centrado en el instructorEl énfasis está puesto en las respuestas correctas.

Page 15: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Student-CenteredEmphasis is on generating better questions and learning from errors.

Comparison of Paradigms Comparando paradigmas

Centrado en el alumnoEl énfasis está puesto en generar mejores preguntas y en aprender de los errores.

Page 16: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Instructor-CenteredFocus is on a single discipline.

Comparison of Paradigms Comparando paradigmas

Centrado en el instructorSe focaliza en una única disciplina.

Page 17: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Student-CenteredApproach is compatible with interdisciplinary investigation.

Comparison of Paradigms Comparando paradigmas

Centrado en el alumnoEl enfoque es compatible con la investigación interdisciplinaria.

Page 18: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Instructor-CenteredCulture is competitive and individualistic.

Comparison of Paradigms Comparando paradigmas

Centrado en el instructorLa cultura es competitiva e individualista.

Page 19: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Student-CenteredCulture is cooperative, collaborative, and supportive.

Comparison of Paradigms Comparando paradigmas

Centrado en el alumnoLa cultura es cooperativa, colaborativa y de soporte mutuo.

Page 20: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Instructor-CenteredOnly students are viewed as learners.

Comparison of Paradigms Comparando paradigmas

Centrado en el instructorSólo los estudiantes son vistos como aprendices.

Page 21: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Student-CenteredProfessor and students learn together.

Comparison of Paradigms Comparando paradigmas

Centrado en el alumnoInstructores y alumnos aprenden juntos.

Page 22: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Outcomes? ¿Resultados?

Moving away from:Se desprenden de:

Are students getting the right answer?¿Están los estudiantes obteniendo la respuesta correcta?

Page 23: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Can students demonstrate the qualities that we value in educated persons, the qualities we expect of college graduates?

Outcomes? ¿Resultados?

¿Pueden los estudiantes demostrar las cualidades que valoramos en las personas con formación, es decir, las cualidades que esperamos de los graduados universitarios?

Moving to:Se trasladan hacia:

Page 24: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Can students gather and evaluate new information, think critically, reason effectively, and solve problems?

Outcomes? ¿Resultados?

Moving to:Se trasladan hacia:

¿Pueden los estudiantes recolectar y evaluar información nueva, pensar críticamente, razonar efectivamente y resolver problemas?

Page 25: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Can students communicate clearly, drawing upon evidence to provide a basis for argumentation?

Outcomes? ¿Resultados?

Moving to:Se trasladan hacia:

¿Pueden los estudiantes comunicar claramente, a partir de argumentación que se desprende de las bases de la evidencia?

Page 26: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Do students’ decisions and judgments reflect understanding of universal truths [concepts] in the humanities and arts, etc.?

Outcomes? ¿Resultados?

Moving to:Se trasladan hacia:

¿Las decisiones y juicios de los estudiantes reflejan comprensión de verdades universales /conceptos de las artes , las humanidades etc.?

Page 27: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Can students work respectfully and productively with others?

Outcomes? ¿Resultados?

Moving to:Se trasladan hacia:

¿Pueden los estudiantes trabajar respetuosamente y productivamente con otros?

Page 28: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Do students have self-regulating qualities like persistence and time management that will help them reach long-term goals?

Outcomes? ¿Resultados?

Moving to:Se trasladan hacia:

¿Los estudiantes tienen habilidades de auto- regulación como la persistencia y el manejo del tiempo que les permitirán alcanzar metas a largo plazo?

Page 29: Comparison of Instructor-Centered and Student-Centered Paradigms Comparando paradigmas From Figure 1-2 in Huba and Freed, Learner-Centered Assessment on.

Questions and Reflections