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APRIL 2015


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SITUATION ANALYSIS Company Analysis Product Analysis Market Analysis

HISTORY Abbe’s Dream DIY Without The DIY

AUDIENCE ANALYSIS Demographics & Psychographics*** BIG IMPORTANCE

Primary: The Current (2)o MEET FRAN

Secondary: The Outliers(1)o MEET TRACY









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On behalf of DSMN COMMUNICATIONS LLC we have acknowledged and administered your wish for a promotional effort of Paint Art Kids. After strong research development and implementation planning we believe we have successfully developed a public relations strategy in order to target your current audience as well as a few new ones.

Our goals are simple, promoting in a new light to drive a hard sell for your products. Our target is to achieve this goal by the plan we have developed in this pitch. Enclosed in this document is a layout of the plans we have come up with for the betterment of Paint Art Kids. Our proposal includes a situation analysis of your company, product and current market. We also did a history analysis, extensive audience analysis followed by our goals with execution methods and a 9full-scale timeline, if you choose to follow through with this operation. We are excited to propose all of our planning and ideas to PRInt Art Kids.

DSMN COMMUNICATIONS LLC consists of1. Dave D. 2. Seth U. 3. Meghan K. 4. Nora S.

We are anticipating great success behind this proposal and hope to continue strategizing with you in the future for the betterment of your business. We take pride in our work and are free to answer any further questions that you may have about our pitch.

Sincerely, DaveSethMeghan

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INTRODUCTION:E-retail has always held popularity amongst the modern day consumer. People just don’t have the time to go to the store to get a gift, or perhaps aren’t satisfied with their options when it comes to household items, cards or gifts. In particular, personalization of product has also had a growth amongst consumers. Print Art Kids is one of these examples. Many of times, people are enjoying photography but hate purchasing the $12 frame from Kohls. Many of times, people love the artwork that their child muses, creates and produces by crayon or paint; but why spend the money to get it matted? There is a full-circle approach to guarantee satisfaction within all these fronts.

Print Art Kids offers the DIY without having to do the DIY process. In terms of a photo for family or artwork to spread, Print Art Kids will take the aesthetic memory and format it in a multitude of ways. From postcards to notecards to mouse pads to notepads to mugs, Print Art Kids’ really has it down to a tee how to make art or photography into a gift for plenty.

SITUATION ANALYSIS:        The situation analysis of the company is very important to understanding the company's story, purpose, and foundations. Internally and externally, the nature of Print Art Kids, the products which the company is selling (in this case, a means by which to effectively and memorably save the artwork of children), and the present market is vital to understanding the motives and success of the company.  The situation analysis will analyze three factors: the Company, the Product, and the Market.  To begin, the analysis will explore the history of the company.  It will discuss the original intent and desire of it’s founder, Abbe Lunger.  It will then explore the Company, Product, and Market Analyses.  


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Abbe Lunger had a dream of saving her kid’s artwork in a fun and easy way when she founded Print Art Kids in 2008.  Largely based in the Delaware County Area, Print Art Kids has been successful in generating support from social media.  In 2010, Print Art Kids was awarded with “Best Kid-Friendly Online Start Up” from Main Line Today Magazine.   True to its original intent, Print Art Kids had maintained its desire to provide families with a practical, unique, and environmentally friendly way to save their children’s artwork and enhance learning and self-esteem in their children.

Abbe’s goal was to initially be established and accredited as a creative entity for self expression, not only by children but teens and adults alike. The versatility of product with Print Art Kids makes for a stronger built of creative character for the company as a whole. *** Need more here****

PRODUCT ANALYSIS:Print Art Kid’s product allows parents to decorate coffee mugs,

notebook covers, Christmas cards, and many other personalized materials with their children’s artwork.  Enhancing the creativity of children is a very important part of Print Art Kids’ product, because there has been a recent regression in the creative arts (Weinstein, Clark, and Dibertomoeo).  The importance of Print Art Kids’ product is also in the nature of the child’s proximity to the item.  When they see a picture on a refrigerator, it might be a nice feeling.  But when a child sees a work of art that they created on their notebook cover or on their dad’s coffee mug, it will greatly enhance and expand the child’s self-esteem and self-confidence.         With a number of its products, Print Art Kids also supports environmentally friendly means.  With their paper products, the use recycled paper.  As a company that focuses on bringing up the next generation, the adults of Print Art Kids are committed to giving children a sustainable and healthy world in which to grow.  This draws the niche audience of moms and children, and it makes customers proud when they take part in the protection and sustainability of the planet.  A quote from their home website accurately states, “Print Art Kids uses recycled paper and earth-friendly materials in the production of our products. We take pride in doing our part to preserve the environment for our kids.”

MARKET ANALYSIS:Print Art Kids is a unique among companies that specialize in do-

it-yourself art.  Shutterfly specializes in creating memory books from pictures and from artwork, and Etsy specializes in cultivating creativity on a global Market.  Print Art Kids’ authenticity is in its focus on children. Shutterfly, Etsy, and other companies like them do not

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specifically focus their product on children as Print Art Kids does. Finding a niche market is really hard to do nowadays.        Print Art Kids understands the great importance of providing a nurturing, loving, and caring environment for children.  Children need psychological stability in the home to be able to reach their full potential in adulthood (Stephen and Bryan, 2006).  Print Art Kids takes the extra step where other companies may not.  Rather than simply saving artwork in a different way than the traditional magnet on the refrigerator, Print Art Kids encourages encouragement and encourages meaningful family interactions.  In other words, they create the opportunity for children to increase their confidence and self-esteem, which is crucial to their psychological and emotional development (Stephen and Bryan, 2006). Company Analysis:

Print Art Kids is based in suburban Philadelphia, in Media, Pennsylvania.  Their mission is “to foster children's creativity and enhance their self-esteem by preserving and transforming their artwork and favorite family photos into functional, one-of-a-kind, superior quality products that can be shared with family and friends.” They are, to borrow a quote from the company’s website, “a MOM-founded, MOM-developed, MOM-inspired, and MOM-operated small business.”         Most people can agree that the creativity of children is a beautiful thing. The mind of a child is an incredibly creative and fascinating phenomenon (Angell and Angell, 2013).  As a child, sticks become swords to slay the dragon and the backyard becomes the kingdom to rule.  This is the focus of Print Art Kids’ main goal: to foster and support the wonderfully creative mind of a child.  They have a unique authenticity as a brand that specializes in personalizing children’s artwork.

AUDIENCE OF CONSUMER & PROSPECTIVE TARGET AUDIENCE:        Identifying the correct audience for PrintArtKids is essential, due to the fact that the brand is online. This determines the direction of the brand and how the products are being sold. There are a variety of characteristics that occur when discussing the audience as well. The main focus includes the use of demographics and psychographics. Each will emphasize the importance of tendencies within the primary and secondary audiences, while also reflecting upon trends.

DEMOGRAPHICS:Demographics play a significant role products and brands as it

provides valuable insight on what makes this product important for a

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particular audience. Narrowing down the search through age, gender, ethnicity, and other measurable statistics factors into how this brand will effectively reach their audience with a specific idea. That concept is placed through explicit types of language and content, which is emphasized in the company PrintArtKids. For this company, the advertising campaign revolves around the importance of childhood artwork and the ability to preserve memories. Due to tough economic times, schools have been in the process of eliminating courses such as art or music. Keeping these programs available for students is not only important to the company, but to a child’s development. Learning the importance of creativity and becoming innovative thinkers helps those whose strengths are not necessarily in other subjects (Art Work Guidelines, 2015). These are opportunities for students at all levels.

For this product, internet access must be available which may cause an issue for some individuals. However statistics in a survey resulted in 81% of Americans believing that technology from cell phones to having the internet have made them better informed about products and services than five years ago (Purcell and Rainie, 2014). Finding new ideas on the internet is beneficial, considering the various products PrintArtKids offers customers.  The importance of artwork created by children has an influence on the demographic in this instance. According to Ms. Lunger, the majority of customers are parents, but mainly mothers who are over 30 years of age. This includes grandparents who would like to acquire the children’s artwork. Partnering with local elementary schools gives PrintArtKids an opportunity to share their message and increase exposure. This showcases the primary audience of mothers who want to preserve their children’s artwork, but also involving teachers within the schools to promote the product. These educators can further the importance of “going green” to parents. The secondary audience incorporates the outliers, which in this case is the SPCA. Integrating individuals who care about animal is a specific audience who may use the company because of their passion and love for animals.Mothers-For this product to be effective the target audience will be mothers who have children. Find this demographic presents a challenge, due to the variety of mothers which includes working mothers, housewives, etc. Regardless of the classification of mother, we believe that their passion for their children helps sway their attention to purchasing products from PrintArtKids. Furthermore, this target audience must reach mom blogs and educators in order to showcase the importance it truly possesses. This is important since the company is completely online. Using these attributes benefits the company because of the positive feedback provided by mothers who post reviews on blogs or share their thoughts with their friends at locations such as the park. Discussing the company through a friend or

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a trusted website highlights how important it is to get the word out, which may lead them to using the actual products.        Identifying the target audiences’ traits is essential for our strategy because of the array of websites that attract mothers. Three primary blogs that were ranked within the top 25 by “Top Mommy Blogs” includes mothers who are starting a family, eco-friendly mothers, and motherly crafts to do with their children. Another portrays the value of displaying their child’s artwork in the house, essentially being a tutorial for other mothers to follow.  Contacting art blogs and websites provides free publicity to the correct audience, while also promoting the versatility of the product. Pinpointing positive reviews already made customers is a bonus as it an authentic review. Emphasizing the advantages of our product may peak the interests of mothers across the United States, since it is an online company.

A more local approach can be to target specific areas such as Chester County as there is already a blog dedicated to mothers in the area. This provides local information, which is an opportunity for mothers to interact, see upcoming events, and learn about new products. Establishing a local relationship increases exposure and the likelihood of people communicating about the product. Word of mouth adds another reason for why customers would select these products. Building a foundation here reaches their target audience, who in this case are parents who are interested in their children’s artwork and potentially pet-lovers.

Teachers-Education plays a significant part in a child’s life as valuable life lessons are being taught along with academic subjects. According to the “Bureau of Labor Statistics,” there are 1,519,000 kindergarten and elementary education jobs in the United States as of 2012. Influencing children at an early age is essential in the development of students. Art teachers showcase the importance of self-expression, which is a key message for PrintArtKids. Allowing these pieces of artwork to transpire is necessary for the growth of students and parents as these are memories being created. Due to budget cuts, programs such as art and music are being discarded from curriculums. Individuals at the elementary age are starting to find out their interests, especially when it comes to social aspects of art, music, or even gym. These are opportunities for connecting with friends or family in a different fashion. The products produced are examples of how artwork can be reveal moments in time that these individuals achieved a task. These can be instances of creating gifts for parents, reflecting creativity, or even a mental breather from other subjects. Subjects such as art showcase much more than meets the eye.

Teachers have the opportunity to inspire their students through various methods, whether it being visual or auditory communication.

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These individuals are in full-support of their programs, especially those fighting to help art alive. Raising children while working can be difficult. Statistics indicate that married-couple families with children resulted in 59.1% that both parents worked (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014). Finding the time to share moments of creativity can be difficult, since the economy is still recovering. However there are examples of teachers who have turned online to support the company. Kat Hodson is a mother who also happens to be a first grade teacher that posted a positive review about PrintArtKids on her blog (2009). This side presented an authentic look at the convenience it provided, alongside how it helps the classroom by being environmentally-friendly. Persuasion is important, since it allows the product to have been seen as quick, effective, and reliable. All are aspects that help highlight the impact it has on these students, which is demonstrated through their artwork. SPCA-Volunteers at the SPCA or “society for the prevention of cruelty to animals” comes in all ages, genders, and ethnicities. Ages range from children to adults, since the purpose is to help these animals in need. Animals are a major part of society as families continue to adopt them into their households. It was reported that “approximately 2.7 million shelter animals are adopted each year” (ASPCA, 2015). Therefore, it reflects the growing trend of pets being welcomed into homes who have children or adult supervision. Afterward, special bonds are formed as pets become a regular member of the family. Statistics have shown that nearly 37-47% of households in the United States own a dog, while between 30-37% have a cat (ASPCA, 2015). Preferences will vary, but the main focus is the willingness to make a difference and bring these animals’ homes. These volunteers who help out are willing to spend their time in order to give back to the community. Adopting these pets can also showcase a desire to own a pet by being lonely or wanting to spend time with when people get home. Becoming recognized as a volunteer reflects the hope that these animals will eventually all have homes. Love for animals has created various social media outlets, blogs, along with countless images. The SPCA has opened its doors to volunteers who are willing to spend the time and help the cause.

PSYCHOGRAPHICS:For this strategy to be effective, the target audiences must value

the psychographics. Displaying the values of family memories, transparency, and credibility are important elements when promoting products for PrintArtKids. Maintaining these concepts reinforces the audience of mothers, teachers, and the SPCA. We are interested in obtaining these audiences who want to preserve their memories through our products online, while also sharing it to other streams of social media.  Understanding these values reflects reliability and

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remembrance of events that are turned into gifts.  Attitudes toward finding new crafts and pieces of information that are relevant are helpful. Preserving these pieces of artwork or images is essential in remembering how much these precious moments truly mean to a family (or to a mother).

Buying tendencies for these three areas are crucial in understanding where to promote this company. For mothers, it is important to touch upon online shopping in addition to blogs. It is shown that one out of every three bloggers is mothers (Punchbowl, 2013). Technology has influenced their tendencies by engaging more with brands if a reward is offered, which was a shown at 81% of moms. Furthermore, these mothers indicate that mothers spend 4.1 hours per day on the computer, while 95% seek out digital direct offers (Punchbowl, 2013). Mothers’ relationships with their children are very important, leading to potential memories that can be discussed later. This company allows these opportunities to occur. For holidays, this means holiday cards that families send out to people. This best seller helps indicate how easy it and reliable the company is to meet the deadline. The family-oriented goals can be met through graduations, reunions, or gatherings. Younger pictures are available, but are obviously not the only option. These pieces of artwork do serve a purpose in remembering the past, whether it was because of a particular situation in their life or for pleasure. Sometimes being a family involves a love for their pets, creating a strong bond within the household. The SPCA is an opportunity to showcase a loving attitude, allowing these animals to be adopted.

Animal owners showcase their love through images, which may appear online. Whether it is photos or videos, individuals are highlighting the importance of animals in their life. The 2014 U.S. Shelter Pet Report found that 81% of households have pets, compared to the previous results of 63% which occurred in 2011(Wilkins, 2014). These individuals hope to make a difference in society as their efforts reflect the willingness to help others and give these pets a home. Each pet provides another personality into the household, which may brighten the mood for everyone involved. It also represents responsibility for adults or children as these pets lives are in their hands. Individuals have the opportunity to have these pets as their best friends and create that special bond because of their relationship. Images are then portrayed online displaying their affection or activities.

Educators have similar dilemmas as education budgets were cracking down on subjects such as art or music. The “going green” initiative allows schools to save the environment for future children,

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providing a better overall situation. PrintArtKids incorporates both aspects in an attempt to better the experiences of everyone involved. Art programs allow students the ability to express a variety of emotions. Their talent may not be with a pencil, but more with a brush. Teachers have an upbeat personality in order to get the most out of their students. Being open-minded and utilizing these skills is a way to find something new. Contests are implemented in order to showcase talents, but also highlighting their efforts toward a finished product. These masterpieces are memories that families hold onto, especially when that student gets older.

The demographic outreach is not the only concept that will drive customers to PrintArtKids, which makes psychographics so valuable. Attitudes toward a piece of artwork may draw interests, since the products highlight the importance of the piece. The credibility of the company cannot be ignored as it has been recognized on a national stage as Good Morning America showcased the business one of their “Steals and Deals.” A more local setting is the Main Line Today’s reward for being the “Best Kid-Friendly Online Start-Up” in 2010. This is another element where the company received free publicity. Working through organizations such as blogs, education, and SPCA reflect foundations that promote awareness for this company. The message being orchestrated is to sell the company’s products as an opportunity to share artwork that preserves memories. This online company is easy, fast, and environmentally friendly. There are a variety of factors for why to select this product, but listed below are a few essential points.1.   Availability of the internet to find mom blogs for finding new ideas2.   Partnership with elementary schools to attract a larger audience3.   Love of pets that can be identified through their desire to help4.   Providing a family-friendly environmentExamples1.      Primary Audience: The CurrentMeet Fran,·         35 year old female with two children·         Currently lives in Virginia

also a third grade art teacher 2.      Secondary Audience: The OutliersMeet Tracy, (Or possibly a male?)·         Love to play with their animals


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We don’t want to use different messages to spread amongst all audiences that we have just analyzed. However the way we will diffuse the message and use the versatility of your products will be different within each audience. Our key message brands your company so that the eco-friendliness and recycled mass of materials that are utilized with each order become the reflection of meaning for ‘Print Art Kids’. ‘Print Art Kids’ has a strong sell when dealing with parents who are looking to ‘go green’ with their purchases.

        Consumers are buying products that result in the purchase feeling purposeful. Consumers want to be able to feel good about why they buy things, buying things that are friendly for the environment or doing well to others (Mainwaring, 2011). For example, TOMS one for one campaign shows that each pair of shoes bought hands another pair of the same shoe to a child in another country who doesn’t have shoes. People want to feel good about the purchases they make, and this is something we can use to fuel the fire of why products from ‘Print Art Kids’ are not only personal for the everyday woman, teacher, child, grandparent or pet lover… it is also an eco-friendly purchase that better benefits the environment. It is also a strength that kids will see their creativity come to light. Children can see their work be reflected on fun products that can be given to friends and family.         This key message of eco-friendliness and creativity visibility will be used on all fronts to help be the backup of partnership with our primary and secondary audiences. We have methods to our goals, and the forefront is the environmentally friendly aspect of each purchase with ‘Print Art Kids’. It is strong to have a cause marketing campaign through this pitch by establishing creativity exposure of the children, that way a light is shown on the art programs in the elementary schools. You had mentioned before that you already represent authenticity through your relationship building with client questions and inquiries, you can strengthen this ability through social media and partnerships, here’s how to go about that.

GOALS & METHODS:We have taken the time to layout what exact Public Relations

strategy would best fit, ‘Print Art Kids’. After steadily researching your multiple audiences, there is a solid way of not only targeting these audiences but diffusing the message of recycled DIY personal products. These goals instill solidarity in why these following partnerships will not only benefit you, but also the audiences at hand. It is important to note that the branding behind your products emphasizes eco-friendliness; this is a one-for-one campaign on all fronts. Not only will the following goals and methods benefit you as a company, but also those who chose to get involved and partner for a great product. The following

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depictions of planning lay out the overall planning we have conducted for the future and betterment of ‘Print Art Kids’.

GOAL ONE: SOCIAL TARGETS:One way of executing promotional and free PR is having a strong

representation on Social Media. There are multiple ways of going about improving the flow of ‘likes’, ‘comments’ or overall impressions on Social Media outlets. However, after heavy watch on your audiences and the popularity among your social pages, we have narrowed down the targeting to specific social media outlets for particular audiences. As stated before we have broken down your audience into two specific varieties. The primary group is recorded as mothers with children and teachers who have an interest in supporting local art programs within community school districts, both of which are the current audiences. It’s important to reiterate that the primary audience has already been targeted and has been the main consumer when it comes to products from ‘Print Art Kids’. The secondary audience has been labeled as ‘dog lovers’. The secondary audience has peaked an interest for ‘Print Art Kids’ because there are plenty populating the community of dog lovers within the e-retailing market, i.e. people purchasing luxurious outfits, toys, food and photography of their pets. This community would reflect the best target audience labeled, ‘outliers’. Outliers refer to audiences that aren’t the typical consumer for the product. Although ‘Print Art Kids’ uses children’s artwork for products, why not use dog footprints or photos for products as well? Below we will break down key things to note about your audiences and their targeted social medias. After this, we will explain two campaigns that will perfectly exert the tips of both social medias for their designated audiences. First we will start with the primary audience.

A. Method: FACEBOOK: Over 82% of adults online are between the ages of 30-49 years

old, and 71% of adults online use Facebook on teens versus parents; middle-aged mothers between millennial age (i.e. 25-35 years old) are now the likely the new demographic of Facebook users to date (Social Networking Fact Sheet, 2013). The ever-evolving immediacy of CMC (Computer Mediated Communication) between adults and their long lost friendships from the past makes for a notable change for Facebook targeting nowadays. For ‘Print Art Kids’ in particular, your primary audience will show visibility within Facebook. Based on our research of mothers and older generations buying your product, the free method of showing ‘Print Art Kids’ image, is through strong Facebook posting methods.

Some companies take a simple approach to Facebook promotions. First is, “person who is the 1K like on our page will get this incentive…”. This could work for ‘Print Art Kids’, however it needs to be

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done right. Engagement and making the audience feel involved and special is something that should be emphasized. ‘Print Art Kids’ should get children involved and appreciate parent input. Make the Facebook a safety zone for sharing and complete humbleness. Reply to the questions, extend a hand and share your personal email account for inquiries. Ask questions that involve the audience questioning or sharing right back at ‘Print Art Kids’. A solid example of this could be as follows.

Status: Good Morning, Friends! Lovely days are ahead of us. Share some of your favorite nature/spring friendly artwork that your little loved ones created! Happy Spring, From Print Art Kids.  

It’s important to note that this is singling out parents who are looking at their newsfeeds everyday. Singling out parents to do what they love best, showing the world how wonderful their kids are. This is so simple, and yet so true. Parents love showing off what their kids have done. This sharing concept is perfect for Facebook communities because people love the life of children, and how talented they may be. Engagement within the immediacy of social media is strong, if you do it right. Be happy it’s each and every season. Respond back to the users who are entering and liking your page. This engagement and feedback is key because full circle, this will instill loyalty and Facebook users and their friends alike will enjoy being appreciated by your brand.

This concept may seem odd but according to the words of Scott Stratton, don’t be a robot, be a human. If there are trolls, ‘people who are bad mouthing your page’, comment how whatever problem they may have dealt with during purchasing or the product itself can be handled over the phone or by email. It’s important to stay human with engagement because this makes your brand trustworthy, but smart. Companies want a trust from their consumers and consumers want authenticity and clarity. Be true, be yourself and understand how high engagement strengthens the relationships that are made through buying power.

B. Method: INSTAGRAM:Instagram is an up and coming social media phase. According to

Instagrams’ ‘About Us’ page, Instagram has over 60 million photo contributors a day. There are participants who link together, forum-like, when it comes to finding followers of similar interests and trends. according to instagram’s ‘about us’ page. It’s important to note that the direct correlation between ‘Print Art Kids’ and Instagram is art being expressed to a multitude of people through a social platform. Some things that other companies are doing to utilize their instagram as a marketing tool is again, interactive engagement and live

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‘chatting’. Again, as stated before we have a full event launch that details building respect from your secondary audience on Instagram but for now here are some popularity that spreads throughout Instagram day-to-day, to take note of and lock in solidarity of the strengths from getting an Instagram account for ‘Print Art Kids’.

One of the most popular Instagram trends is ‘Photo Challenges’. Photo challenges create relationships and connections of people who are looking at what others are doing on a social media (Trotter, D. 2013) . Photo challenges include a 30-day outlook on #People, #Places and #Things. For example there was a very popular challenge on instagram called, “#100HappyDays”. A company that wanted to strive for happiness and involvement amongst any one and anything that had a social media account, made a hashtag trend over a million times.

Trending hashtags are important to users of instagram and its followers. For Print Art Kids there are a variety of methods to steering towards engagement with your followers. While in the process of creating the initial account, post about the new account on Facebook and Twitter. Tell your fans that you’re expanding your horizons with picture taking. There are a variety of methods, but again close to home is the authenticity and transparency of your brand. Take a photo with a filter of the distribution of a bulk order or take a photo of the creation process. ‘#OrderUp’, ‘#BehindThePaint’, these are the creative services we can provide when guiding you through your adaption to instagram, but these things entice people, showing them the wholeness behind your product production.

Other things are featuring artwork of children or your own pets paws. Engagement has ‘feature items’ from your clients and past customers. Spotlighting these people will make them feel special, you can play around with the concept in the sense that your spotlight a family artist of the month. Transparency is holding true to your brand. Make earth day a special event for your brand because of the eco-friendliness that is built as the foundation of ‘Print Art Kids’. Making sure that people see where their products come from, seeing the happiness of it all and coming around full circle to make them feel good about their purchase is easily said than done if you utilize these tips through an Instagram account.

GOAL TWO: PRIMARY|ART FUNDRAISING PARTNERSHIPOur second goal involves strong motives with partnering with

neighboring schools. To do this, we would go with two approaches, emphasizing the key message of eco-friendly products, creativity recognition for the kids and overall helping art programs for the youth of america. We think that this will be a strong campaign for ‘Print Art Kids’ to work collectively with an art festival/fair at an elementary school. The primary audience will be targeted in this method because

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teachers and mothers alike will be exposed to the authenticity of your product, but also enjoy the go-green initiative with art school integration. The way to start this event is linking to a local elementary school.

Each grade from the elementary school could submit a painting, i.e. watercolor, crayon (for the younger grades), oil, regular paint, sketch, charcoal, you name it. Teachers or students alike, even both, can vote each painting on. The top three winners can get discounted postcards or note cards featuring their artwork on it. However, we don’t want this to be limited to the other students who were submitting their artwork. A newsletter promoting ‘Print Art Kids’ could go out at the night of the event, the ‘art walk’, stating that if parents of students who weren’t finalists were still interested in getting their child’s work on a product of choice they still could. Each classroom, regardless the winner, would receive an account on your website- like we spoke about in order to submit and sample their artwork with a product. Each student in the art class would then submit an order form through their teacher. This method has worked for you in the past- which is why it would work well with an art walk or festival within elementary schools.

A. GOAL TWO METHODS:1. Contact the school

a. Make sure that this partnership is emphasized through the power of creativity recognition of the children. The elementary schools need to see the benefits of this program and how well it would work within their district. You should mention how well this worked out for you in the past, and how happy students and individuals were, perhaps creating a small document of your experience with the charter school in California, to show that the children were happy but also there was money given back to the school.

2. Plan the event partnershipa. This step includes the ideas and proposals from the

representatives from the elementary school. Perhaps there are regulations or rules that they need to abide by. This should include talking about meeting consecutively or communicating regularly leading up to the event. It’s important to keep relationships strong, whether it’s your audience or the relations to your audience.

3. Pitch the newsletter about not limited students to get their artwork on products

a. This step emphasizes that the students who were not chosen are not limited to ordering their own artwork on a product from Print Art Kids. Kids will be reactionary if their

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work may not be chosen, probably the younger generation, but this doesn’t mean they can’t order anything either.

4. Tentative meeting dates to stay up to date on thingsa. i.e. emails/calls

GOAL THREE: SECONDARY|SPCA INSTAGRAM CAMPAIGNThe secondary audiences have a really strong quality that ‘Print

Art Kids’ can target by creating an Instagram account. On Instagram there are ‘hashtags’ that link pictures to other new and potential followers of the same topic. For instance on television shows, primarily with twitter, a conversation can be followed much easier if all users use the same ‘hashtag’ with their postings. For example sake, say that there was a trending hashtag about ‘#MacysParade’ for Thanksgiving. This hashtag can be clicked on and the user can see all the related posts that are being mentioned using this hashtag, while reflecting the relevant content of the Macy’s Day Parade.

For the secondary audiences in the case of ‘Print Art Kids’, there are hashtags that are always popularly trending on Instagram and twitter, #GoldenDoodlesofInstagram, #PugsofInstagram. Any dog that you could imagine or cats even, have hashtags that once clicked on, there are millions upon millions of posts. Animal lovers alike use their animal hashtags to connect with other animals of the like. This is a strong campaign to network and build relationships with the proposition with these specific audiences. People love their pets and love showboating them throughout their homes.

The plan is to propose an idea for SPCA of Chester County to partner in a ‘Photo Challenge’. An article from the Huffington Post states that using popularity of hashtags gains more followers, while having ‘a super consistent schedule of posting- in order to hone in that loyal following’ (Hiscott, 2014). Simply looking at the abundance of dog and cats of Instagram hashtag, ‘Print Art Kids’ partnership, Instagram-ship if you will,  with Chester County SPCA could gravitate this relationship into a very welcoming social community. The followers of the SPCA of Chester County currently is over 23,000 Instagram users, this is a heavy following for it being a local cause. Cause marketing for Print Art Kids can branch out beyond the art programs, easily, with this healthy and fun medium of Instagram with your secondary audiences.

Each month SPCA would host a dog or cat of the month entry for a photochallenge amongst it’s followers, incorporating the #SPCAChesterPetsofInstagram- the dog/cat with the most likes within the month will get dog/cat photography or prints on a product from ‘Print Art Kids’. Similar to that of the primary audience, this would not be limited to those who simply win. There could be an ‘adver-gram’ promoting the partnership between ‘Print Art Kids’ and SPCA Chester County, explaining entry, judging and winner incentives. This post can state that others who are still interested in purchasing product, not a

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free product incentive like the winner, can contact you directly. This makes for proper relationship building without throwing a flyer or print within the face of the consumer. Being on the trek of a charitable marketing mission looks strong for businesses. This outlet of un-targeted consumers will benefit from the eco-friendliness of ‘Print Art Kids’, but also the glorification of their pets within the social media spectrum.

A. GOAL THREE METHODS:1. Contacting SPCA with partnership ideas 2. Correlating a proper schedule of timing for SPCA members to

submit pictures3. #SPCAChesterPetsofInstagram4. Keeping in contact and steadily watching stream of submissions


Before: May-September Getting in touch with the local school that will be apart of this. Could include send letters out to parents to let them know that this is what is happening. Informing teachers in the school of how we are going to set this up for them Contacts, time of year, Prepping social media accounts: making cohesive profiles, updating pictures, deleting irrelevant information about the company, make it easy to understand from the customers point of view: social media is extremely important. Create all important hashtags for our campaign as they should be cohesive.   Get in touch with the SPCA. Let them know that we are willing to work with them for contests and such and that we also wish to volunteer for them. Find out what this entails and if there is some kind of training that needs to be done for the volunteering. Finalize the “one for one” plan. Create information to be released.

During: October- January During this time many things are in the works to happen. Use instagram in order to reach out to customers. Use the _______ of instagram trend in order to get out product out there to people who fall into the category of our customers. This includes pet owners who instagram and are proud of their animals. Also during this time we could use the social media profiles to emphasize the appreciation we have for animals, and the appreciation we have for the people who love their animals. When promoting these kinds of events

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on our social media, we can pair it with times when the company goes to visit and volunteer at the SPCA. This can be a collaboration of sorts, as it is promoting our company while also giving back to community, and celebrating the customers. This includes the giveaways for the social media contests that will be held during this time.  Pre-Christmas Christmas post Christmas, tips during actual events, SPCA instagram During announcement of winners - go to SPCA to volunteer: Good PR. going green going local. Promote the going green aspect of this company while doing these steps. Being green will attract customers and keep them coming back to an earth conscious company.

After: February--- On. After Christmas/new year/ holiday season, assess the success of the company’s plans. Did these activities go well? Did they not go well? What could be improved upon? What was a hit for these families? Which trends worked best for our company as a whole? What did the customers react best to? For the children involved “during”, there should be an end of the year party for those children, where parents can get pictures of their children on products as they did before. Theoretically if they did it once they will do it again ( and hopefully again and again). Most importantly, if successful, propose hypothetical ideas for future. Emphasize the strength of our local ties- A key goal is to expand the branches of the company to states outside of our own. In order to do that, we must assess the success of the programs we created here. If and only if these programs created enough revenue, attention, and customers, for our company can we then think about expanding outside of this area. Doing so without doing evaluation of the work we did in this area would be a bad business strategy.


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