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People, Place, Productivity: fresh designs on the future public sector

Martin Ferguson – Director of Policy & Research, Socitm

Socitm President’s Conference, Glasgow 8th May 2018

Page 2: Cloud Object Storage | Store & Retrieve Data …...Intelligence, Harnessing Data –ethics and security … Socitm Local CIO Council: Planting the Flag 2.0 Regional Conferences: Cymru,

“Remember to look up at

the stars and not down at

your feet. Try to make

sense of what you see and

wonder about what makes

the universe exist. Be


Stephen Hawking

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Outline –fresh designs on the future public sector

• Curiosity

• Data

• Delivery

• Reflections

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Curiosity – three examples

• Broad Street Pump

• Logarithms

• Elliott 903

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Fresh designs for better outcomes –harnessing data

• Emerging trends

• Ethics framework

• Four steps

• Typology of impacts

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Emerging trends – data use in local public services

• Prediction and prevention –health and social care, safeguarding children, enabling independent living

• Integration – data sharing, probabilistic matching

• Smart – sentient places, caring communities, passive design, sustainable environments, mobility and resource utilisation

• Location intelligence – catalytic planning, optimisation, visualisation

• Open data – engaged and responsive to citizens, communities and local businesses

• Democratised data – ethical, secure, referenceable (identity, location) with transparent ownership and use

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• Technology – closed and proprietary

• Data - formats and conventions

• Legal – perceived and real obligations

• Organisation - resistance to opening up and sharing data

• Political – territory and power

• Societal – trust in government and services

Source: Nesta (2018)

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Public sector data analytics in four steps

Source: Nesta (2018)

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Fresh designs for better outcomes -delivery models

• Place based data - Data Mill North

• Autonomous systems/AI - Aylesbury Vale

• Cyber security and resilience - England

• LG Digital Office - Scotland

People … Place … Productivity

Simplify … Standardise … Share

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Place-based data

• People - Innovation Labs - embed data analysts with service users, frontline staff and management

• Place - incorporate integration of data across places and multiple organisations e.g. devolution deals and other local partnerships

• Productivity - release ‘community assets’

• Simplify - systematic evaluation of impacts, data sources and sharing, skills, tools and analysis

• Standardise – ethical use cases, practical tools and resources to help other cities and places

• Share - programme to spread knowledge and expertise of people involved in these and similar projects

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Autonomous systems/AI

• People - public, communities, staff engaged

• Place - Aylesbury Vale

• Productivity - Right Here, Right Now - £4m savings over 5 years

• Simplify - 15 service redesign projects

• Standardise - legacy systems to 100% cloud - Connected Knowledge Artificial Intelligence platform

• Share - briefings, conferences, hosting visits

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Cyber security and resilience

• People – Share capacity and capability

• Place – holistic not organisation bounded, Standardise – maturity and improvement

• Productivity – Simplify and redesign our approach – national guidance and local/regional ‘communities of practice’ building on WARPs

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LG Digital Office

• People – Share - collaboration to re-design and provide better, digital services to citizens

• Place – 30 LAs across Scotland -Standardise resources e.g. GDPR, information security

• Productivity – Simplify and redesign our approach – national guidance and local ‘communities of practice’

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Reflections on the future public sector

• What’s coming in 2018

• Creating our future

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New Inform Research: New Delivery Models, Outsourcing,

SMEs/Start-ups, Smart Planning and Public Health, Location

Intelligence, Harnessing Data – ethics and security …

Socitm Local CIO Council: Planting the Flag 2.0

Regional Conferences: Cymru, London and South, South and South

West, North, Scotland

Webinars: Office 365, DPIAs, Cyber breaches, Navigating to cloud …

What’s coming in 2018

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Be curious … “Every thought we think is creating our future”Louise Hay

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