Download - Class VI · Dashmesh Public School Summer [s Holiday Homework Class Vl Activity Based Task: 'JOURNEY OF ONLINE CLASSES'

  • Class VI


  • Holidays




    अभ्यास कायय कक्षा - छह

    विषय - हहिंदी

    पाठ् य - पसु्तक –िसिंत

    प्र 1 “वह चिड़िया जो” केदारनाथ अग्रवाल द्वारा रचित कववता पढ़कर आपके मन में चिड़िया का जो चित्र उभरता है उस चित्र को उत्तर

    पसु्ततका में बनाए । उदाहरण:- वह नील ेपखंो वाली सनु्दर चिड़िया है । उस ेआजादी बहुत पसदं है । आदद ।

    प्र 2 नीि ेपक्षियों क नाम ददए गए है । उनम ेयदद कोई पिी एक से अचिक रंग का है तो ललखो की उसके ककस दहतस ेका रंग कैसा है?

    जैस:े- तोत ेकी िोंि लाल है, शरीर हरा है ।

    पिी िोंि का रंग शरीर का रंग आँख गददन मनैा



    प्र 3 कृष्ण सोबती जी द्वारा ललखा बिपन पाठ आपने पढ़ा कक लेखखका को बिपन में क्या पसदं । इसी तरह आप अपने बिपन की

    मनमोहक घटना को याद करके ललखखए (80 -100 शब्दों में)

    प्र 4 नीली पखंो वाली ककन्ही दो चिड़ियों के नाम ललखो तथा चित्र चिपकाओ ।

    प्र 5 हमारे देश में तरह-तरह के भोजन, तरह-तरह की पोशाके प्रिललत है ककन्ही पांि प्रांतो की पोषक एव ंप्रलसद्ध भोजन ललख े।

    प्रान्त पोषक भोजन 1





  • प्र 6 ननम्न शब्दों से वाक्य बनाइये :-

    सतंोषी =

    बिपन =

    अन्न =

    नदी =

    प्र 7 ननम्न शब्दों के अथद ललखखए :-

    गरबीली =

    हृष्ट - पषु्ट =

    रूचि =

    कंठ =

    छुटपन =

    प्र 8 चित्र कक सहायता से चिड़िया पर अन्य कववता की पांि पसं्क्तया ँललखखए:-






  • Dashmesh Public School

    Summer’s Holiday Homework

    Class Vl

    Activity Based Task:


    INTRODUCTION: All of us now live in a quarantined world,in isolation, practising social distancing, in order to help prevent further spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. We keep our hopes alive with faith and vision. A proverb in the Old Testament says that where there is no vision and hope,people perish.

    The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion.

    children are out of the classroom.

    As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms.

  • Research suggests that online learning has been shown to increase retention of information, and take less time, meaning the changes coronavirus have caused might be here to stay.

    1. A declamation speech is the term used to describe the re-giving of an important or famous

    speech. It could be a political, graduation or commencement speech, a eulogy, or a sermon. The speaker re-interprets the original, reproducing its power afresh.

    On the basis of the information provided above, Record a declamation video on the topic" How

    online education bridges the learning gaps".

    2.An informal letter, also referred to as a friendly letter. It is a personal letter written to friends or relatives. An informal letter can be used for some reasons like conveying message, news,giving advice,congratulate recipient etc.

  • "Prevention is better than cure". This quote is very much appropriate in this time when

    the whole world is fighting against the deadly coronavirus. Write a letter to your friend

    telling him about the prevention measures and how to utilize this time. Hints:

    Social distancing Washing hands Put a mask Exercise Meditate Play games Grow plants

    3. An article is a piece of writing written for a large audience. The main motive behind writing an article is that it should be published in either newspapers or magazines or journals so as to make some difference to the world.

    The Format of Article Writing An article must be organized in a proper way so as to draw the attention of the readers. The

    basic outline for an article writing format is

    Heading / Title

    A line having the writer’s name

    Body (the main part of the article, 2 – 3 paragraphs) Conclusion (Ending paragraph of the article with the opinion or

    recommendation, anticipation or an appeal)

    Following the above mentioned format and example, Write an article on the

    measures which we have to adopt after this post lockdown. Write an article on the topic “Importance of quality time spent with family

    during lockdown” in 80-100 words.

    4. A story is basically a narrating of real or imaginary events, involving real or imaginary people. A story needs to be represented in words necessarily. Even images or moving pictures (movies) can narrate a story. A story is generally designed to entertain, and/or send a message across.

    Complete the following story in about 80 words.

    One day, I saw something in cluster, moving very fast in the air. When I reached near it, and asked who are you? , The cluster answered “ I am the great and mighty coronavirus………hahahahaha”………..


    boastful and proud corona’s conversation with you…

    What he thinks about himself…

    What did you say to the virus….

    Why is he so disastrous and a silent killer….

  • His energy comes from…

    His revealing of his killing secret…..

    How did you give your final answer to him…

    (Note** Write the story in the form of a dialogue and not in monologue)

    Coronavirus: Share your lockdown story

    Dear students,

    As the country is under lockdown for three weeks to combat the coronavirus, we would like to

    hear from you. How are you and your family coping with staying at home? How are you

    managing your work? What are the changes you notice in you notice in your society or


    Please document and send us your experience of the lockdown - whether it is a captioned

    photograph, write-ups (no more than 150 words)- at Make sure you

    include a short bio and your phone number with the message.We will publish a selection of

    responses online.


    Lesson -2

    In father’s presence


    R.K Narayan

    “ Holiday Homework is not just a piece of work, but it let you to think, imagine, write and understand things that are beyond the text…”

  • Q.1Decoding the words:

    1. “Swaminathan viewed this question as a gross breach of promise”

    Gross means, total or complete. Breach means break. So what does it mean? What was the question? What was the promise his father was breaking?

    2. “It was plain sailing after that”

    Plain means simple or ordinary; sailing is to go on a journey in a sailboat. So what does plain sailing means here? Did he go through the sum easily after that?

    3. “ The whole brood of Ramas and Krishnas with their endless transactions….were getting disgusting.”

    Brood means family or group; transactions means business deals; disgusting means sickening. So what does the line above mean? Why were Rama and Krishna and their deals with mangoes making Swami sick?

    Q.2 Think and Write:

    Swaminathan compares his friends with the people in the sun. What does that tell you about his two friends? Use the Boxes to write down your ideas:

    Name of FriendsN

    Name of Friends

    Compared With

    What it tells you about

    the friend?

  • Q.3 Your Findings of the novel and the novelist:

    a) The story is an extract from ________ b) The setting of the story is in the fictional town of _____________ in south India. c) R.K Narayan was one of the first Indian Writers to write___________ d) R. K Narayan was raised by his___________ e) The Full name of R.K Narayan is___________

    Q.4 Recall, Imagine and Write:

    Have you ever gone through the same situation like swami, where you are unable to solve some problem and was forced to do the same? What have you or your parents done then? Write your experience in your own words.

    Q.5Additional Learning (Know about the following facts):

    Narayan’s birthplace

    His life Before Writing

    Main themes of his books.

    Read another interesting story by him ( any of your choice) and write a brief summary of it.

    Apart from this, watch movies like: Robin hood : The Prince of thieves

    The jungle Book

    School of rock

    Finding Dory

    Karate kid

    Journey to the center of the earth etc.


    Ques1.Divide the given sentences into subjects and


    a.) Both my sisters sing very well. b.) The Earth revolves around the sun.

  • c.) Captain James sails out tomorrow. d.) We are all going on a summer holiday.

    Subject Predicate


    Ques2.Read the sentences below and state their

    kinds. a.) How did you reach here?

    b.) The Eiffel tower is in

    Paris. c.) Please get me

    a glass of water. d.)

    Open the door.

    e.) Are you sue you want to cancel

    the trip? f.) You should respect

    your elders.

    Ques3. Look at the images below and write imperitive sentences describing



  • b.)




  • Ques4. Rearrange the words to form sentences as given in the

    brackets. 1.) your/sheet/roll/number/on/of/top/write/the


    2.) the/died/roadside/alas/beggar/at/the [exclamation]

    3.) that/book/put/on/shelf/back/the [imperative]

    4.) amber/where/is/located/fort/? [interrogative]

    5.) good/had/farmer/harvest/a/the [declarative]

    Noun is a naming word. It is used to name people, places, things, ideas or feelings. For Example: Shruti is standing there.

    Agra is a beautiful place. Ques1.Point out the nouns in the sentences and classify them as proper,common,collective,abstract or concrete. a.) King Solomon was famous for his wisdom. b.) Rachael gave me a bunch of berries. c.) The group of boys spied a fleet of tankers in the sea. d.) Punjab is named after five rivers - Satluj, Beas, Ravi, Chenab and Jhelum. e.) Cleanliness is next to Godliness. f.) The pen is mighter than the sword. g.) Always speak the truth

    Ques2.Fill in the blank with appropriate collective nouns. a.) Yesterday when Akshay was coming back home,he saw a of crows. b.) Sue saw a of stars in the night sky.

  • c.) We presented a of flowers to our Principal. d.) Leela saw a of cattles in the open field. e.) The of musicians started playing as soon as the chief guest arrived. f.) The pirates capture the ship and the of sailors along with it.

    Ques3. Make abstract noun from the following words:-

    a.) Choose- c.) Captain- e.) Beautiful- b.) Judge- d.) Good- f.) Starve-

    Ques4.Underline the pronoun and write its type. a.) Whom did you teach French? b.) These are grapes. c.) The chair, which I bought yesterday ,is broken. d.) They blamed themselves for the mistake. e.) It is 6o'clock now.

    Ques5. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.

    a.)The boys hid . b.) is my pen; is yours. c.) This is the man stole my purse. d.) He is honest is loved by all. e.) are the resorts for rich.

    f.) The pudding is delicious. Would you like to have ? g.) of them can represent the school in the competition. h.) The watch is new. is a gift from mother.

  • Please stay healthy and safe! We look forward to hearing from you






    Rivers are an important part of human lives from ancient times. They were the

    main source of life at that time. They help in nourishment of people, they

    were the main source of irrigation.

    This is the reason why early

    humans also preferred to live near

  • rivers and depend on it for their

    life .But do we have prior

    information about the rivers which

    help us everywhere and in every

    sector. Lets enhance our

    knowledge about one of our most

    sacred river “RIVER GANGA” .


    We are going to prepare a project named “STORY OF GANGA” on River Ganga

    to know it better and understand its significance .Below mentioned are some

    questions based on the history ,origin, religious, values, etc of River Ganga. Try

    to make an effective project on the same. You can also take help of the

    references given below.


    Name the great king who brought river Ganga on Earth from heavens.

    Name the day which is celebrated as Ganga day in India. (Also

    paste related photos of the day if available).

    Write about the origin of Holy River Ganga.

    Where is Gangotri Glacier located?


    Name the two rivers which are shown in the above picture

    meeting at Devprayag in Uttrakhand.

    Which river is formed by the meeting of these two rivers.

    Also mention the famous name of this place.

    for your better understanding take the help of above given picture.


    In Hindu Mythology, river Ganga is considered sacred and is personified as

    the Goddess Ganga. At least one time every person wants to visit and take

    a dip in the holy river, as it has been believed that if a person takes a dip

    in the holy river, he/she will be sin free. The water of river Ganga is

    usually kept in everyone’s home .we all consider it as a holiest water.

    What is the significance of ritual bathing in river Ganga

    Paste the pictures of different religious rituals which are held

    in the banks of river Ganga.

    With taking help from the following links try to make a

    beautiful picture of Goddess Ganga. (any one)

    Identify the below given two important places according to the

    Hindu mythology related to Ganga.

    (HINT- Kumbh Mela is held at both these places.)



    The course of the river simply refers to the specific path that a river

    follows as it crosses the land . River Ganga also have a path through

    which it flows from our country.

    What is the length of River Ganga.

    Name the delta which is formed by the river.

    Name the states through which the river flows.

    Name the three important cities which lie on the banks of river Ganga.


    Tributary is a river or a stream flowing into a larger river or lake.

    Write down any four tributaries of Ganga.

    Name any two tributaries of Ganga from the north.

    Name the largest tributary of river Ganga and also mention the

    place where it meets Ganga.


    Government time to time launches different projects or programmes to

    save river Ganga. Many dams and bridges are also made in it.

    Write down the names of different awareness programmes

    launched by government to save Ganga.

    Name any two dams which are built on river Ganga.

    Name the longest bridge made on it and also paste picture.


    Covid-19 is effecting every person’s life everyday not only effecting only humans but also

    effecting our environment and rivers also.

    Above mentioned is the picture of river Ganga before and after lockdown due to Covid-19

    What changes do you notice in the above picture compare the both.

    Why do there is a massive change in the quality of river Ganga

    during lockdown due to Covid-19. Write any 3 points


    Mark the course of the river on a physical map of India.

    Mark the states through which this river flows on the political map of India.


    In your opinion, did this lockdown has made good results somewhere or not?

    Why/ why not? Do we need to follow this in future also. Give your

    vies in about 80-100 words.

    “COVID-19 is having a deep impact on Indian business, over the

    coming months jobs are at high risk, prices are rising there is limited

    trade and resources which stops the

    development and the progress of the country”. Discuss the effects

    of Covid-19 lockdown on Indian Economy.

  • 2)




    Dear students, As you all are already aware of the pandemic which is causing due to the

    COVID-19. It has changed our life a lot positively as well as negatively. To tackle with the situation our government took the best decision that is LOCKDOWN. This lockdown helped us to be self dependent and many more pleasing changes.


    1) CLIMATIC CHANGE- ‘Lockdown is HEALING the planet in a way never seen before in living history.’ BEFORE AFTER

    # Improving AIR QUALITY

  • QUESTION1. What do you mean by air quality? Differentiate between bad air quality and good air quality. QUESTION2. What do you mean by air pollution? How does it effects our health? QUESTION3. Our Chief Minister Mr. Arvind Kejriwal took a step to start odd-even rule in Delhi to control air pollution. What measures you think we can take after the lockdown to sustain the quality of air?


    # OZONE LAYER heals itself. QUESTION4. Are you also observing any climatic changes in the environment. Explain with the suitable example. QUESTION5. What do you mean by ozone layer. Where it is? What are the reasons for the depletion of it? QUESTION6. Observe the given picture of Earth and explain the difference between then and now using the information given by environmentalists.

    2) HEALTHY HABITS :- The situations bring us to the situation of being UNHEALTHY to HEALTHY. BEFORE AFTER


  • QUESTION1. What are the different eating habits you have changed due to COVID-19? QUESTION2. Search and find the different types of food we should eat to improve our immune system. QUESTION3. During this lockdown everyone tried to prepare different recipes. Which recipe you tried? What difference you have observed between homemade food and food prepared by the restaurants?


    # PRECAUTIONS leads to safety QUESTION4. What safety measures you are taking to stay safe from COVID-19? QUESTION5. SOCIAL DISTANCING is one of the best way to protect youself from COVID-19. Explain this by comparing India with any other country.

    3) ANIMALS GOT THEIR FREEDOM:- It is observed that animals in our surrounding are enjoying their freedom a lot. BEFORE AFTER

    # no more CAGE

    QUESTION1. What do you observe in the given picture? Explain in your own words.

  • QUESTION2. Staying at home helped us to be SELF DEPENDENT. How can you say that? QUESTION3. There are so many viral videos and images on internet showing how animals are enjoying in this lockdown. Share your views on any 1 video or image.


    #no more POACHING

    QUESTION4. What do you mean by poaching?

    QUESTION5. Name 2 wild animals that were seen roaming freely out of the forests

    during lockdown and in which country?

    QUESTION6. According to the survey poaching has reduced to zero.

    a. Search the data as given by the Ministry of Environment

    b. Explain the change in the life of animals.

  • Dashmesh Public School Summer Holiday Homework (2020-2021)

    Class :- VI, Subject :- Maths

    Dear students,

    As you all are already aware of the pandemic disease which is causing due

    to the covid-19. You have also experienced several changes which have

    occurred in your life before and during lockdown such as sleeping time,

    family time, studies etc.

    Activity based questions:-

    1. Collect the data representing day time distribution of 5 students before and during

    lockdown (till 20th May). (Hint : you have to divide 24 hours of your day into activities

    like sleeping, online/offline classes, self study, meal time, family time and others) This

    data you have to represent in two different graphs, one for before lockdown and other

    for during lockdown (till 20th May) and then find out the average of respective two


    After Evaluation, answer the following questions:

    a) On which activity, maximum number of hours spent by the students?

    b) What is the difference between study time before and during lockdown?

    c) If given an option, would you still like to be at home and study or come to school

    and study? Explain your answer.


  • Collect the data representing 'Air Quality Index' of 5 Different Cities of India, before

    and during lockdown(till 20th may).

    You can take the data of Metropolitan Cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore,

    Pune, etc.

    This data should be represented in two different graphs, one for before lockdown and

    other for during lockdown(till 20th may) and then find out the average of respective

    two graphs.

    Based on the data collected , answer the following questions

    (a) Which city shows the highest improvement in its Air Quality?

    (b) What is the difference between the Air Quality improvement showed by the city

    with highest improvement in air quality and the one with the lowest improvement in

    the air quality?

    (c) After the lockdown, What should be the measures to be followed to keep our air

    clean? Mention any 5.

    2. To verify that the multiplication of two whole numbers is

    commutative by paper cutting and pasting.

    3. Questions on Recapitulations

    a. What do you mean by whole numbers and natural numbers?

    b. If 5 friends each contributing ₹ 10 collects ₹ 50, then how much will 10 friends collect when each contributes ₹ 5.

    c. If a = 2 and b= 7 then what is the value of a + b and b+a ? Is a+b=b+a?

    d. If a=3 and b=4 then what is the value of ab and ba? Is ab= ba?

    e. What is the additive identity for the whole numbers?

    f. Find the sum and verify the commutative property for addition a) 432+125 b) 119+21

  • 4.

    a. Add the number to the number itself and then multiply by 4. Again divide the number by 8 and you will get the same number once more. Which is that


    b. You are given 3 positive numbers. You can add these numbers and multiply

    them together. The result you get will be the same. Which are the numbers?

    c. I am a three-digit number. My second digit is 4 times bigger than the third

    digit. My first digit is 3 less than my second digit. Who am I?

    d. Mom and dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother.

    How many people are in the family?

    e. How can you add eight 8's to get the number 1000? f. If there are 4 apples and you take away 3,how many do you have?

    Solve the following Puzzles:-

    5. 6.

  • 7. Fill in the puzzle so that every row across ,every column down and every 3 by3 box

    contains the numbers 1 to 9


  • 9.

    *Do all the questions in your maths notebook

    * Make a beautiful folder of solved puzzles and riddles on A 4 size sheets



    As you know all “ Shahidi dihara(diwas)” Guru Arjan Dev Ji

    is on 26 may 2020.

    Guru Arjan Dev Ji also called Shaheedan-De-Sartaj, was

    the first martyr of Sikh faith and the fifth of the ten Gurus

    of Sikhism, who compiled Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

    So, you all have to “l prepare a Colorful project file on

    the life on Guru Arjan Dev Ji and Martyrdom” also .

    You can take a help from these following video links .

    Do the following quiz


    Dhan Dhan Guru Arjan Dev Ji

    Q1. Guru Arjan Dev Ji is Sikh's ______ Guru?

    a. 2nd

    b. 3rd

    c. 4th

    d. 5th

  • Q2. Guru Arjan Dev Ji was the _______ martyr in Sikh tradition. a. First

    b. Second

    c. Fourth

    d. Fifth

    Q3. Which Sikh performed the service of writing "Adi Granth"

    under the guidance of Guru Arjan Dev Ji ? a. Bhai Gurdas

    b. Baba Buddha

    c. Baba Mohan

    d. Bhai Kalyana

    Q4. The composition of which Bhagats were not included in "Adi Granth" by Guru Arjan Dev Ji? a. Surdas and Beni

    b. Pipa and Dhanna

    c. Sadna and Sain

    d. Kanha and Pilo

    Q5. In which Raag is the Bani 'Sukhmani Sahib' composed by Guru Arjan Dev Ji? a. Gauri

    b. Majh

    c. Sorath

    d. Bilaval

    Q6. What have been referred to as 'Sukh Mani' (Psalm of Peace) in 'Sukhmani

    Sahib' ? a. Path of "Sukhmani"

    b. Saints

    c. Pilgrimages

  • d. The Name of God

    Q7. Guru Arjan Dev Ji designed the four doors in Gurudwara Golden Temple? a. True

    b. False

    Q8. Guru Arjan Dev Ji declared that all Sikhs should donate a tenth of their earnings to charity? a. True

    b. False

    Q9. On the complaint of the people, which Mughal Emperor met Guru Arjan Dev

    JI, heard few Shabads from Adi Granth and instead of objecting to it, appreciated

    it ? a. Babar

    b. Jahangir

    c. Hamayiin

    d. Akbar

    Q10. Which Mughal Emperor has ordered to torture Guru Arjan Dev Ji's to death? a. Babar

    b. Jahangir

    c. Hamayun

    d. Aurangzeb

  • दशमेश पब्लिक स्कूि ग्रीष्मकािीन अिकाश ग्रहकायय (२०२०-२१)

    कक्षा - छह विषय - हहिंदी (व्याकरण)

    भाषा िह साधन है ब्िसके द्िारा हम बोिकर, सनुकर, लिखकर अथिा पढ़कर अपने विचारो या भािो का आदान - प्रदान करत ेहै ।

    प्र.1 भाषा के दो रूप होत ेहै । भाषा के इन्ही दो रूपों को ललखत ेहुए इनके उदाहरण दीस्जये ।

    प्र. 2 वणद ककस ेकहत ेहै तथा इसके ककतने भेद होत ेहै ?

    प्र. 3 नीिे दी गई मजंूषा में से देशी भाषा व उसकी ललवप तथा ववदेशी भाषा व उसकी ललवप अलग - अलग करके ललखखए ।

    देशी विदेशी

    भाषा लिवप भाषा लिवप

    क) _____________ ______________ _____________ ______________

    ख) _____________ ______________ _____________ ______________

    ग) _____________ ______________ _____________ ______________

    िापानी असलमया रोमन तिेगु ू

    ओड़िया अिंग्रेिी स्पेननश असमी


  • प्र. 4 ननम्नललखखत िवननयो से दो-दो शब्द ललखखए । क) अनसु्िार _____________ ______________

    ख) अननुालसक _____________ ______________

    ग) विसगय _____________ ______________

    प्र. 5 हदए गए शलदों में से मिू शलद और उपसगय प्रत्यय अिग करके लिखखए ।

    क अपमान = ख अहहिंसा = ग िाचार =

    घ) हदखािा = ि) मनषु्यत्ि = च) चचल्िाहट =

    प्र. 6 ननम्नलिखखत शलदों के तद्भि रूप लिखखए ।

    क) अब्नन = ख) आम्र = ग) कायय = घ) गहृ = ि) नतृ्य = च) सप्त = छ) मयरू =

    प्र. 7 ननम्नलिखखत िणो को िोिकर शलद बनाये ।

    क) न ् + अ + ि ्+ अ + ि+् अ = ख) प ् + अ + थ ्+ इ+ क् + अ = ग) ि ् + इ + ह् + अ + ग+् अ = घ) ध ् + अ + र ्+ अ + त ्+ ई = ि) ि ्+ अ + क् + ष ्+ य ्+ अ =

    प्र. 8 कोरोना महामारी ने परेु विश्ि को अपनी चपेट में िे लिया हैं ! भारत मे भी कोरोना का सिंकट फ़ैि चुका हैं ! इस महामारी से बचने के लिए हमारी सरकार ने िॉकडाउन की घोषणा कर दी ! इस िॉकडाउन के दौरान भारत मे हुई विलभन्न गनतविचधयों को बतात ेहुए मखु्यमिंत्री िी को पत्र लिखखए ।

  • दशमेश पब्लिक स्कूि,

    वववेक ववहार, ददल्ली

    ग्रीष्मावकाश गहृ कायद

    मई - २०२०

    कक्षा - VI - VII

    " घर में ही छुट्टी बबताएंगे हम

    मीठे आम और लीिी खाएंगे हम"

    सामास्जक दरूी बनाकर रखेंगे


    घर से बाहर नहीं जाएंगे हम"

    वप्रय छात्रों

    आज परूा ववश्व कोववड - १९ नामक महामारी से जूझ रहा है।

  • और अभी हम यह भी नही ंजानत ेकक आखखर मानव जीवन कब तक इस महामारी के िंगुल में फंसा रहेगा।इस महामारी के कारण हमारी जलवाय ुऔर मानव जीवन पर अनेक सकारात्मक तथा नकारात्मक पररवतदन देखन ेको लमल रहे हैं। जलवाय ुमें सकारात्मक पररवतदन तवच्छ पयादवरण,प्रदषूण नदारद,गंगा नदी में बहता तवच्छ जल,दरू तथानों से दहमालय रेंज का ददखना,ओजोन परत का पनुः दरुुतत होना आदद आदद।

    प्रश्न 1- गंगा नदी की उत्पस्त्त देवप्रयाग से मानी गई है। ननम्न बबदंओंु के आिार पर "गंगा महानदी" पर एक आलेख तैयार कीस्जए -

    ● उदभव एवं ववकास ● देवप्रयाग का दृश्य ● प्रयागराज का महत्व ● गंगा नदी से उत्पन्न ककन्ही ंपांि नददयों की जानकारी प्रश्न 2- प्रयागराज में गंगा नदी तथा यमनुा नदी का संगम होता है। आज के संदभद में अपनी तवच्छता के ललए प्रसन्न होती हुई गंगा नदी व यमनुा नदी की बातिीत को दस संवादों में ललखखए।

    प्रश्न 3 - लॉकडाउन के िलते हमारी ददल्ली के पयादवरण का कायापलट हुआ है।इस ववषय में बतात ेहुए लसस्क्कम में रह रहे अपने मामाजी को पत्र ललखखए। (अनौपिाररक पत्र)

  • प्रश्न 4-प्रवासी मजदरूों की समतयाओं का संज्ञान लेते हुए आवश्यक कदम उठान ेहेत ुअपने स्जले के श्रम आयकु्त (लेबर कलमश्नर ) को पत्र ललखखए।(औपिाररक पत्र)


    मानव जीवन पर नकारात्मक प्रभाव

    कोववड - १९ महामारी के कारण जहा ंप्रकृनत फल फूल रही है वही ंमानव जानत को इस महामारी ने बरुी तरह झकझोर ददया है।परेू ववश्व की आचथदक स्तथनत डगमगा गई है। हमारे देश भारत में इस महामारी में श्रलमक वगद ने बहुत अचिक परेशाननयों का सामना ककया है।

    आज यह ववषय सबसे अचिक वविारणीय है कक यदद हमारा यह वगद लशक्षित होता तो हमें इतनी कदठनाइयों का सामना नही ंकरना पिता। इस महामारी से जागरूकता से ही लिा जा सकता है।

    प्रश्न - 1" लशिा की अननवायदता" को दशादत ेहुए तथा अपनी ऑनलाइन किाओं के महत्व की जानकारी देत ेहुए लगभग २०० शब्दों में डायरी लेखन कीस्जए।

    प्रश्न -2 कोववड - 19 महामारी के िलते चिककत्सकों तथा पलुलस कलमदयों की सरुिा के ललए सरकार द्वारा बनाए गए काननूी ननयमों की सराहना करत ेहुए दो लमत्रों के बीि हुई बातिीत को आठ से दस संवादों में ललखखए ।

    प्रश्न - 3 "उद्योग जगत के ललए अभी स्ततचथ सामान्य होने के कोई आसार नजर नहीं आ रहे हैं। कंतरक्शन,पयदटन और लघ ुउद्योगों को बहुत अचिक मार झलेनी पिगेी। लोगों को अपनी नौकररयों से भी हाथ िोना पि सकता है।" इस ववषय पर अपने वविार 80 से 100 शब्दों में व्यक्त कीस्जए।

  • प्रश्न -4 ददए गए शब्दों की सहायता से इस महामारी के लिण व उपिार सदहत एक सखुातं (happy ending) लघ ुकथा ललखखए -

    प्रश्न - 5 तवदेशी कंपनी द्वारा ननलमदत पीकॉक मातक बेिन ेहेतु एक ववज्ञापन बनाइए।( इसमें ३० प्रनतशत छूट,दो ग्लव्स मफु्त,मोबाइल नंबर,चित्र आदद दशादइए)

    प्यारे बच्िों हम बहुत अच्छी तरह समझ सकते हैं कक आप तकूल को बहुत लमस कर रहे होंगे। ढेर सारे प्यार व शभुकामनाओं सदहत।

  • दशमेश दहन्दी ववभाग

    "परुाने ददन कफर से आएंगे

    दौित ेभागत ेतकूल बस को पकिेंगे

    लमत्रों के साथ मतती करेंगे"

    गो कोरॉना , कॉरोना गो।





    Q1. Define the terms

    a) Stereotypes (b) Prejudice (c) Discrimination

    Q2. Fill in the blanks : -

    a) often forms the basis of stereotypes.

    b) Article of the Constitution prohibits discrimination on any ground.

    c) The constitution bans in all its forms.

    d) were demanding they to given an equal right to education as men.

    Q3. Identified whether the following statements are prejudice or stereotypes.

    a) Sahil has been advised by his parents not to eat with Rohit who belongs to a lower caste .

    b) People of northern India are bold and outgoing .

    c) Nobody talks to Krishna as he is dark .

    d) People of Hindi speaking regions are not very smart.

  • Q4. Match the following : -

    a) Prejudice (i) Poor people beg for living

    b) Stereotype (ii) disliking people for eating rice

    c) Gender Stereotype (iii) Poor people are treated badly

    d) Discrimination (iv) Upper and lower caste have equal status

    e) Equality (v) Girls play with dolls, boys play with guns

    Q5. Answer the question in one or few words

    a) Making use of and deriving benefits from a resource. b) Confidence of once on abilities. c) Disability of specific kind called. d) Lack of equality. e) Rights guaranteed by the Constitution to all the citizens of India.

    Q6. Answer the question in 6 – 7 sentence

    a) How did caste system brings in equality in our society ?

    b) List four provisions made our Constitution to fight all kind of discrimination ?

    Q7. Case Study

    DR. BHIMRAO AMBEDKAR Dr. Bhimrao Ambedker is considered the architect of the Indian constitution. He

    was a dalit lawyer and activist, who fought for the rights of his community throughout his life. Dr. Ambedkar was born into the economically backward Mahar caste, which was considered ‘untouchable’ at the time. He was the first person from his caste to finish his education. He even went to England to study law.

    He strived constantly to uplift from his community. He encouraged them to educate their children. He asked them to fight the caste system by taking up Government jobs. He also launched efforts to allow entry of dalits into temples and fought against ill-treatment of movements. Dr. Ambedkar urged people to work towards a society where all people were respected and treated with dignity.

    Answer the following question on the basis of the given passage


    1. Who asked Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar?

    2. Where did he go to study Law?

    3. What did he do to uplift people from his community?

    4. What did Dr. Ambedkar urged to the people ?




    We are facing a Pandemic threat that is spreading across the humanity beyond oceans

    and borders. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.

    Note: Holidays Homework carries marks, so submission of work is compulsory for all the

  • Transparent Translucent


    students .

    Holiday Homework must be done neat and should be presentable manner.


    Q1. Give one word for the following:

    a) Substances which do not allow electricity to pass through them.

    b) Materials which do not permit heat to pass through them.

    Q2. Give two examples for the following: a) Materials that have shine.

    b) Materials that cannot be compressed.

    Q3. Classify the following things into transparent, translucent and opaque materials. Write your

    answers under the respective categories.

    Wooden box, Lamination Sheet, Coloured Plastic bowl, Clear glass, Stone, Ceramic mug, Book,

    Air, Butter sheet, Pure water, Frosted glass, Frog, Cardboard sheet, Metal plate

    Q4. Find the odd one out from the following:

    a) Chair, Bed, Table, Cupboard, Baby

    b) Rose, Jasmine, Boat, Marigold, Lotus

    c) Sugar, Salt, Sand, Copper sulphate

    Q5. Why is a tumbler not made with a piece of

  • cloth? Q6. What are insulators ? Give one example.

    Q7. List five opaque and transparent materials.

    Q8. Find out whether the following materials mix with water:

    S.No. Liquid Mixes well/Does not mix

    1. Vinegar

    2. Lemon Juice

    3. Mustard Oil

    4. Coconut Oil

    5. Kerosene


    Q1. Define the following terms:

    a) Soluble substances

    b) Transparent materials

    c) Grouping objects

    Q2. Silver, Aluminium and copper look very different from one another but have a few similar

    properties. List two such properties.

    Q3. Differentiate between the following:

    a) Miscible and immiscible liquids

    b) Magnetic and non-magnetic substances

    c) Transparent, translucent and opaque

    Q4. Classify the given materials as hard or soft :

    Material Soft Hard







    Iron nails


  • Q5. Higher Order Thinking Skills:

    a) Why are the handles of cooking utensils made from Bakelite or wood.

    b) Why water is called universal solvent?

    c) Matter exists in three physical forms-solid, liquid & gas . In which state the force of attraction

    between the molecules is:

    i) Strongest ii) Weakest

    Q6. Identify the property of materials shown in the following pictures.

    Q7. Match the Columns:

    Column A Column B 1. Copper metal A. Carbon dioxide

    2. Aerated water B. Translucent

    3. Butter Paper C. Nonconductor of heat

    4. Bakelite D. Reddish brown

    5. Rubber E. Insulator

    a. b.




    1. Make a collage on the Topic Types of Software available in computers .




    SUB : S.U.P.W

    Prevent yourself and your loved ones from the infection.

    1. Make an activity of making mask at home .

    2. Make natural and organic hand sanitizer .